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污泥中含有大量的氮氧化物、重金属和病菌元,直接排放将给环境造成严重的污染。如果对污泥进行有效的处理,可以将污泥转化为有机肥,成为植物的养分。当前由于我国的城镇污水处理厂污泥处理技术不完善,大量污泥没有得到有效的处理,不仅降低了污水处理厂的除污能力,浪费了大量资源,而且对环境造成严重的破坏,提高城市污水处理厂的污泥处理技术至关重要。阐述了污泥类别、国内外污泥处理技术处理现状以及污泥分类处置和资源化再生利用技术。  相似文献   

我国污水处理厂每年都会产生大量的污泥,其复杂的成分及高含水率制约污泥的有效利用,如何降低污泥的含水率是其资源化利用的关键.首先调研了污泥产生及成分,从污泥干化的典型工艺及设备、干化过程的环境污染与控制、污泥干化过程的尾气处理和污泥干化经济性分析4个方面对污泥干化技术进行阐述,指出污泥余热干化是污泥实现节能、经济及环保的有效处置方式.  相似文献   

从生活污水处理工艺出发介绍污泥产生的环节,探究污泥传统处置方法和资源化处置方法,同时对污泥源头减量化方法做了详细论述,最后分析了污泥处置成本的影响因素,对污泥环保处置提供参考与帮助.  相似文献   

湿式除尘技术作为抑制我国以煤烟型为主大气污染的有效手段之一,已越来越多地得到应用。这类除尘设备具有除尘效率高、结构简单、价格低廉等特点,能处理非纤维性粉尘和高温、易燃、易爆气体,具有吸收有害气体作用。但由于存在管道、设备腐蚀严重,易积灰堵塞,污水和污泥排放造成二次污染、脱水效果差、阻力损失大、能耗大、运行费用高、占地面积大、脱硫效率低等问题限制了推广使用。  相似文献   

改进污泥处理过程减少污泥量JWPCF,57[2],116(1985).污水处理厂污泥的处理一般采用重力增稠和厌氧消化,以稳定污泥和除臭.消化后的污泥就地堆放后倾入海中.在纽约,为了减少污泥体积,研究了多种技术,包括消化污泥的循环、倾析、淘洗-再增稠和  相似文献   

用带式压滤机处理含油污泥   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李杰  赵永祥  周珍发 《化工环保》2002,22(3):176-179
对中油集团锦州石化分公司污水处理场的含油污泥装置进行了改造,介绍了带式压滤机处理含油污泥的机理,特点及工艺流程,从装置近10个 月的运行效果看,生产运行指标,达到了设计要求,同时,带式压滤机处理含油污泥仍具有一些不足之处。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市及计划单列市、新疆生产建设兵团发展改革委、住房城乡建设厅(建设局、建委)、生态环境厅:现将《污泥无害化处理和资源化利用实施方案》印发给你们,请认真贯彻落实。2022年9月22日污泥无害化处理和资源化利用实施方案附件1:实施污泥无害化处理,推进资源化利用,是深入打好污染防治攻坚战,实现减污降碳协同增效,建设美丽中国的重要举措。党的十八大以来,我国城镇生活污水收集处理取得显著成效,污泥无害化处理能力明显增强,但仍然存在“重水轻泥”问题,污泥处理设施建设总体滞后,无害化处理和资源化利用水平不高,甚至出现污泥违规处置和非法转移等违法行为。为深入贯彻习近平生态文明思想,认真落实经国务院同意的《关于推进污水资源化利用的指导意见》,提高污泥无害化处理和资源化利用水平,制定本方案。  相似文献   

1前言华能淮阴电厂一期工程装机容量为ZX200MW燃煤发电机组,两台机组分别于1993年11月和1994年8月相继投人运行。机组的冷却方式为直流冷却,部分辅机冷却水及其它用水均从循环水管中抽取,其中部分辅机冷却水直接人厂区雨水管网中排人废黄河,厂区工业废水和生活污水经水处理后直接排入雨水管网与辅机冷却水汇合后排人废黄河,冲灰渣水系统实行灰水闭路循环。在机组试运行期间,由于部分污水处理设施因设计和设备质量等问题造成处理后的工业污水和生活污水排放水质严重超标,整个雨水排放口出口水质达不到《污水综合排放标准》中的一级…  相似文献   

污水污泥的处理已成为令人关注的问题,传统的处理方法有许多不尽人意的地方.热解处理污泥是近年新发展的技术,其优点和可操作性受到许多研究者的关注.介绍了热解法的发展和需要解决的问题,特别介绍了国内研究较少的污泥热解的高温阶段.  相似文献   

超声波处理石化厂剩余活性污泥   总被引:21,自引:1,他引:21  
韩萍芳  殷绚  吕效平 《化工环保》2003,23(3):133-137
采用超声波处理石化污水处理厂的剩余活性污泥。介绍了超声波对污泥的作用机理,初步研究了超声波处理污泥的影响因素。大功率超声波可以降解生物污泥,释放出其中的有机物。小功率超声波能够改善污泥的膨胀特性、提高污泥沉淀特性和脱水能力、降低污泥的含水率,达到减量的目的。经超声波处理并简单过滤的污泥滤液,COD达到4200mg/L左右,污泥含水率由94%降至85%左右。  相似文献   

In Thailand, hazardous waste is becoming a major problem, especially toxic chemicals and heavy metal pollutants discharged from factories. The Industrial Works Department (IWD), which has full responsibility for the control of all factory pollution problems, has initiated a joint hazardous waste treatment programme for handling industrial liquid, sludge and solid hazardous wastes from all factories situated in and around Bangkok and the eastern seaboard region. Four industrial hazardous wastes treatment centres are planned. Secure landfills together with research and development centres will also be provided nearby for the ultimate disposal of the inert-salt sludges. The investment, operation and management of the centres is to be handled by private companies which can generate revenue by charging service fees directly to their customers. Since both governmental and private sectors have no experience in this field, a grant system for a pilot centre has been launched by the Government which has reduced the operating costs by providing land, treatment facilities, infrastructure and secured landfills. The first treatment centre which was officially planned in 1985 was put into operation in July 1988 at Samea Dam, Bangkhuntien District, a western suburb of Bangkok. The construction of all necessary facilities was paid for by the Government. The operation and management of the centre is handled by a private contractor, Siam Control Company (SCC) under a 5-year lease. The users will pay service fees directly to the contractor and the Government will receive a rental and royalty fee from the contractor.  相似文献   

Disposal of hazardous waste in the Cape Town area is designed to provide the maximum protection against environmental damage that can be achieved on a very limited budget. Wastes that are not expected to migrate from dry landfills, where the moisture content can be kept below 20%, are disposed of in trenches cut into filled domestic waste and resealed with clay. Other wastes, such as tetraethyl lead sludges, are blended into high strength concrete as part of road construction.  相似文献   

The second and third steps of wastewater treatment in the tanning industry generate sludges that are rich in salts, organic matter and suspended solids. Since these are formally catalogued as industrial wastes by environmental legislation, they cannot be disposed of directly but need a final treatment. One of the problems with these wastes is their high water content, which has to be reduced. In the particular case of the concentrated streams from the secondary and tertiary treatment steps, the sludges are first concentrated by evaporation, and the evaporated water is used in other parts of the plant. This study, which preceded evaporator design, analysed the evaporation process (laboratory scale) of a saline residue produced in the reverse osmosis step of the treatment of tanning wastewaters by the company Aquagest Levante, S.A. in Lorca (Murcia, Spain), to ascertain its behaviour in the evaporation process and the evolution of its physical properties. The study served to determine the exact mineralogy and ionic composition as well as the characteristics of the waste in question. This information was used in the last step of the design of the evaporation equipment.  相似文献   

Rice straw can be used as a renewable fuel for heat and power generation. It is a viable mean of replacing fossil fuels and preventing pollution caused by open burning, especially in the areas where this residual biomass is generated. Nevertheless, the thermal conversion of rice straw can cause some operating problems such as slag formation, which negatively affects thermal conversion systems. So, the main objective of this research is studying the combustion behavior of rice straw samples collected from various regions by applying thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) and differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). In addition, the thermal behavior of ashes from rice straw was also analyzed in order to detect their melting points, and ash sintering was detected at different temperatures within the range between 550 and 1000 °C. Since washing rice straw with water could reduce the content of undesirable inorganic compounds related to the ash fusibility, samples of washed rice straw were analyzed under combustion conditions to investigate its differences regarding the thermal behavior of rice straw. The results showed that rice straw washing led to a significant improvement in its thermal behavior, since it reduced the ash contents and sintering formation.  相似文献   

纳滤膜在工业废水和液体物料处理中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
吴麟华 《化工环保》1995,15(6):333-337
纳滤膜能截留低分子量有机溶质而让盐类组分部分或全部透过,能在较宽的pH范围内及高温下保持稳定,并能耐多种有机溶剂,可用于液体物料中有效成分的浓缩、工业废水的处理及循环利用,减少对环境的污染。  相似文献   

针对大量企业采用传统提钒法制备钒产品产生的工业含钒废水的处理问题,综述了工业含钒废水处理工艺的研究进展,分别详述了沉淀法、溶剂萃取法、离子交换法、电解法、吸附法和生物法的处理工艺,并对比分析了它们的优势与不足。指出:工业含钒废水的处理既是环保的要求,又可实现有价资源的回收利用;在实际应用时,可依据工业含钒废水的p H选择相应的处理工艺及处理试剂。  相似文献   

A Chilean leather tanning industry (tannery) was studied in terms of input/output (I/O) analysis of beamhouse, tanyard and retanning processes. The physical-chemical characterization of 19 streams were investigated. Streams from the beamhouse process and some streams from the retanning process were found to have high organic contents ranging from 2.5 to 18.1 g COD L(-1). The pH ranged between 3.45 and 12.28. Sulphur was found in most of the streams whereas chromium was detected in two wastewaters from the tanyard and in seven streams from the retanning process. Pollution prevention opportunities were evaluated and an appropriate treatment strategy was proposed. The main emphasis was on determining waste reduction measures that can be easily implemented and are not particularly expensive. Measures for reduction at source were proposed to reduce water and chemicals consumption and wastewater pollution. A so-called S(index) strategy was used to evaluate proposals on segregation and specific treatment of the main chromium- and sulphur-containing wastewaters. It was suggested that some streams may be re-used, but it is necessary to apply anaerobic or aerobic treatment first, depending on their organic load. Solid wastes were also evaluated and a proposal for their reduction and disposal was made.  相似文献   

The tanning of hides is a traditional and important sector of Italian industry. Recovery operations of raw materials and energy in this sector range from operations which have been tested through years of industrial practice to experimental initiatives with promising prospects. One of the most interesting forms is the recovery of chrome from exhausted tanning baths: this process allows cost saving of up to 50% and is about to be applied in a large centralized plant at S. Croce Valdarno in Tuscany. Another operation is the recovery of sodium sulphide from the lime pit bath, carried out by means of ultrafiltration. Energy can be recovered with the anaerobic digestion of chrome-free tanning sludges (mixed with pulverized shreds): the yield in biogas can be comparable with that obtained with domestic sludges. The composting technique can be applied to digested tanning sludge and shreds, in some cases mixed with pre-sorted domestic waste.All the processes described have the important effect of reducing the pollution load connected with liquid and solid wastes from the tanning industry, as well as the recovery of economical resources.  相似文献   

Combustion of two semi-dried sewage sludges in a 110 mm has been characterized in terms of particulate and gaseous emissions. Sludges differed in that they had been conditioned – at the flocculation stage of wastewater treatment – either with Ca-based inorganics or with polyelectrolytes. Combustion was efficient for both sewage sludges under all the operating conditions tested. Significant differences have instead been observed between the two types of sewage sludges as regards particulate and macro-pollutant gaseous emissions (SO2, NOx). NOx formation is significantly influenced by ash accumulation inside the bed only when sewage sludge conditioned with Ca-based inorganics is fired. The time-resolved profiles of NOx concentration and the mass flow rate of the elutriated fines have been worked out to evaluate the fuel nitrogen yield to NOx as a function of ash accumulated inside the bed divided by the air mass feed rate. Experimental results have been compared with data present in literature.  相似文献   

The absence of Potamogeton lucens L. in an area of Traunsee, Austria, which is heavily impacted by industrial sludges was related to these deposits. The hypothesis that P. lucens L. is affected by the industrial tailings was confirmed by growth experiments of the translocated plants in the field. At the unpolluted reference site of the lake, the plants grew better, they were longer and produced more leaves than at the emission site.  相似文献   

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