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Fe(EDTA)络合协同RDB去除NO废气效能及过程分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为进一步提高一氧化氮(NO)的去除效率,在新型生物转鼓反应器(rotating drum biofilter,RDB)中,以FeⅡ(EDTA)络合协同RDB生物转鼓的耦合技术强化难水溶性NO的气液传质速率,提高生物还原效能为目标进行了研究.结果表明,适量FeⅡ(EDTA)被添加到RDB底部营养液后,能迅速吸收气相中的NO并生成FeⅡ(EDTA)-NO络合物,进而可通过反硝化实现同步脱氮和络合剂再生.在转速0.5 r.min-1、空床停留时间(EBRT)57.7 s、温度30℃、pH 7~8的实验条件下,RDB的净化效能随络合剂的投加而显著改善;FeⅡ(EDTA)质量浓度从0增至500 mg.L-1后,NO去除率从61.1%提高到97.6%,去除负荷从16.2 g.(m3.h)-1上升到26.7 g.(m3.h)-1.分析了FeⅡ(EDTA)络合协同净化NO的反应过程,建立了NO净化效率与FeⅡ(EDTA)添加浓度的关联方程,可较好地拟合实验数据.  相似文献   

生物滴滤床降解有机废气净化效率的理论模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
将生物膜滴滤塔内的多孔填料简化为壁面覆盖有生物膜的平行平板通道,建立了一个净化低浓度有机废气的理论模型.该模型首先运用两相流理论获得了通道内液膜厚度,然后通过污染物在气相、液相的质量组分方程,结合生物膜内的传质与不考虑氧限制的生化反应动力学方程,获得了污染物在液相和生物膜中浓度分布的近似分析解,最终得到污染物在气相中沿塔高的浓度分布及废气净化效率.模型的理论预测值与生物膜滴滤塔净化低浓度甲苯废气的实验结果基本吻合.  相似文献   

Two identical bench-scale biotrickling filters (BTFs), BTF 1 and BTF 2, were evaluated for toluene removal at various gas empty bed contact times (EBCTs) and organic loadings. BTF 1 and BTF 2 were packed with structured and cubic synthetic polyurethane sponges, respectively. At a constant toluene loading of 16 g/(m3 hr), toluene removal efficiencies decreased from 98.8% to 64.3% for BTF 1 and from 98.4% to 74.1% for BTF 2 as gas EBCT decreased from 30 to 5 sec. When the toluene loading increased from 35 to 140 g/(m3 hr) at a gas EBCT of 30 sec, the removal efficiencies decreased from 99.1% to 77.4% for BTF 1 and from 99.0% to 81.5% for BTF 2. The pressure drop for both BTFs increased with increased air flow rate, and did not significantly vary while the toluene loading was increased under similar operation conditions. BTF 1 and BTF 2 could start up successfully within 19 and 27 days, respectively, when packed with fresh sponge media, and the performances could be restored in 3–7 days after biomass was removed and wasted from the media. BTF 2 displayed higher removal efficiency even under shorter EBCT or higher loading rate than BTF1 when other operation conditions were similar, while it showed lower pressure drop than BTF 1 during the whole period of operation. These results demonstrated that both BTFs could treat waste gas containing toluene effectively.  相似文献   

Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are widely involved in a variety of atmospheric chemical processes due to their high reactivity and species diversity. To date, however, research on BVOCs in agroecosystems, particularly fruit trees, remains scarce despite their large cultivation area and economic interest. BVOC emissions from different organs (leaf or fruit) of apple and peach trees were investigated throughout the stages of fruit development (FS, fruit swelling; FC, fruit coloration; FM, fruit maturity; and FP, fruit postharvest) using a proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometer. Results indicated that methanol was the most abundant compound emitted by the leaf (apple tree leaf 492.5 ± 47.9 ng/(g·hr), peach tree leaf 938.8 ±  154.5 ng/(g·hr)), followed by acetic acid and green leaf volatiles. Beside the above three compounds, acetaldehyde had an important contribution to the emissions from the fruit. Overall, the total BVOCs (sum of eight compounds studied in this paper) emitted by both leaf and fruit gradually decreased along the fruit development, although the effect was significant only for the leaf. The leaf (2020.8 ±  258.8 ng/(g·hr)) was a stronger BVOC emitter than the fruit (146.0 ± 45.7 ng/(g·hr)) (P = 0.006), and there were no significant differences in total BVOC emission rates between apple and peach trees. These findings contribute to our understanding on BVOC emissions from different plant organs and provide important insights into the variation of BVOC emissions across different fruit developmental stages.  相似文献   

为了系统阐述紫外预处理对生物过滤塔中微生物代谢特性的影响,比较分析了紫外-生物过滤联合工艺和单一生物过滤工艺中微生物代谢特性的变化规律.研究结果表明,联合工艺和单一工艺中微生物的平均代谢活性(AWCD)分别为0.023~0.038和0.024~0.045cm-1.h-1,联合工艺中微生物平均代谢活性高于单一工艺.不同工艺中微生物对碳源的代谢特性存在显著差异:联合工艺中微生物对胺类、醇类和糖类碳源的代谢能力优于单一工艺,对酯类、氨基酸类和羧酸类碳源的代谢能力与单一工艺相当,而对于聚合物类碳源的代谢能力则弱于单一工艺.  相似文献   

食品垃圾好氧降解过程中挥发性有机物(VOCs)排放特征   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
吴婷  王新明 《环境科学学报》2012,32(10):2575-2583
采用实验室模拟方法,研究了混合食品垃圾(FW)及以橙子、生菜、土豆和西红柿为代表的4种植物性易降解有机垃圾组分好氧降解过程中排放出来的117种挥发性有机物(VOCs)的排放量和组成特征.结果表明,混合食品垃圾好氧降解过程中VOCs总排放量为951.80mg·kg-1,主要为有机硫、含氧化合物和萜烯,分别占VOCs总排放量的43.1%、53.3%和2.1%.橙子、生菜、土豆和西红柿4种植物性易降解有机垃圾好氧降解过程中VOCs的总排放量分别为12736.72、118.67、57.40和228.08mg·kg-1,主要成分均为含氧化合物和萜烯;含氧化合物分别占橙子、生菜、土豆和西红柿4种植物性易降解有机垃圾VOCs总排放量的13.5%、80.9%、85.9%和79.5%,萜烯分别占4种植物性易降解有机垃圾VOCs总排放量的86.5%、16.6%、8.2%和15.6%.  相似文献   

生物过滤法处理挥发性有机物气体研究进展   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:11  
生物过滤法是一种高效、廉价的废气处理技术。介绍了近年来生物过滤法处理挥发性有机物(VOCs)气体的研究进展。重点讨论了生物过滤法处理VOCs气体的性能、影响因素和运行模拟等内容。  相似文献   

以南京市和北京市优势树种为研究对象,利用森林资源清查数据、小时气象观测资料和G95光温模型算法对中国南北典型城市南京和北京地区2015年森林天然源挥发性有机化合物(BVOCs)排放总量进行估算.研究发现,南京市总BVOCs排放主要来自湿地松、栎树类和杨树,北京市主要优势树种BVOCs排放量最高的是栎树类、杨树和油松.从...  相似文献   

Green leaf volatiles (GLVs) emitted by plants after stress or damage induction are a major part of biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs). Proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry (PTR-TOF-MS) is a high-resolution and sensitive technique for in situ GLV analyses, while its performance is dramatically influenced by humidity, electric field, etc. In this study the influence of gas humidity and the effect of reduced field (E/N) were examined in addition to measuring calibration curves for the GLVs. Calibration curves measured for seven of the GLVs in dry air were linear, with sensitivities ranging from 5 to 10 ncps/ppbv (normalized counts per second/parts per billion by volume). The sensitivities for most GLV analyses were found to increase by between 20% and 35% when the humidity of the sample gas was raised from 0% to 70% relative humidity (RH) at 21°C, with the exception of (E)-2-hexenol. Product ion branching ratios were also affected by humidity, with the relative abundance of the protonated molecular ions and higher mass fragment ions increasing with humidity. The effect of reduced field (E/N) on the fragmentation of GLVs was examined in the drift tube of the PTR-TOF-MS. The structurally similar GLVs are acutely susceptible to fragmentation following ionization and the fragmentation patterns are highly dependent on E/N. Overall the measured fragmentation patterns contain sufficient information to permit at least partial separation and identification of the isomeric GLVs by looking at differences in their fragmentation patterns at high and low E/N.  相似文献   

Green leaf volatiles(GLVs) emitted by plants after stress or damage induction are a major part of biogenic volatile organic compounds(BVOCs). Proton transfer reaction time-of-flight mass spectrometry(PTR-TOF-MS) is a high-resolution and sensitive technique for in situ GLV analyses, while its performance is dramatically influenced by humidity, electric field,etc. In this study the influence of gas humidity and the effect of reduced field(E/N) were examined in addition to measuring calibration curves for the GLVs. Calibration curves measured for seven of the GLVs in dry air were linear, with sensitivities ranging from 5 to10 ncps/ppbv(normalized counts per second/parts per billion by volume). The sensitivities for most GLV analyses were found to increase by between 20% and 35% when the humidity of the sample gas was raised from 0% to 70% relative humidity(RH) at 21°C, with the exception of(E)-2-hexenol. Product ion branching ratios were also affected by humidity,with the relative abundance of the protonated molecular ions and higher mass fragment ions increasing with humidity. The effect of reduced field(E/N) on the fragmentation of GLVs was examined in the drift tube of the PTR-TOF-MS. The structurally similar GLVs are acutely susceptible to fragmentation following ionization and the fragmentation patterns are highly dependent on E/N. Overall the measured fragmentation patterns contain sufficient information to permit at least partial separation and identification of the isomeric GLVs by looking at differences in their fragmentation patterns at high and low E/N.  相似文献   

丝状真菌生物过滤塔对挥发性有机物的去除性能   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
生物过滤塔工艺是控制挥发性有机物(VOCs)污染的一种重要工艺。其中,丝状真菌由于所产生的菌丝体易捕捉气相中的疏水性污染物,同时又具备耐受低pH值和适应干燥环境等特性,而日益成为VOCs生物过滤技术中新的研究热点。文章在对丝状真菌生物过滤塔的降解机理和特点进行分析的基础上,针对目前在生物过滤塔技术中研究较多的几种典型丝状真菌,较详细介绍了该类真菌生物过滤塔对VOCs的去除性能,并对该技术在VOCs控制方面的研究与应用中存在的问题和发展方向进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

This article compiles the actual knowledge of the biogenic volatile organic compound (BVOC) emissions estimated using model methods in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) region, one of the most developed regions in China. The developed history of BVOC emission models is presented briefly and three typical emission models are introduced and compared. The results from local studies related to BVOC emissions have been summarized. Based on this analysis, it is recommended that local researchers conduct BVOC emission studies systematically, from the assessment of model inputs, to compiling regional emission inventories to quantifying the uncertainties and evaluating the model results. Beyond that, more basic researches should be conducted in the future to close the gaps in knowledge on BVOC emission mechanisms, to develop the emission models and to refine the inventory results. This paper can provide a perspective on these aspects in the broad field of research associated with BVOC emissions in the PRD region.  相似文献   

中国室内挥发性有机物污染特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
近年来室内空气污染问题频发,已引起全社会的广泛关注.挥发性有机物(volatile organic compounds,VOCs)是室内空气的主要污染物之一,其成分复杂,来源广泛,严重威胁人体健康.本文综述了中国近十年来室内VOCs在来源、浓度水平、影响因素及健康评价方面的研究进展.研究表明,室内建筑装修材料、人类活动及室外污染等来源都会影响VOCs的室内浓度;中国住宅内甲醛、苯等VOCs污染普遍存在,家具市场是甲醛污染最高的公共场所;VOCs浓度受到温湿度、通风和装修时间等因素影响;中国室内部分VOCs对人体健康影响评估值超过美国环保署可接受水平.调查更全面的室内VOCs数据,探索对各类因素影响机制,提出更有效降低VOCs对人体健康影响的措施将是未来室内空气治理重点发展方向.  相似文献   

IntroductionThevolatileorganiccompounds (VOCs)isoneofthefivemajorprimarygasouspollutants(particulates,SOx ,NOx ,VOCs,CO) ,inwhich 31VOCspollutantsincludingbenzene,acroleinandaliphatic ,aromatichalogenatedhydrocarbonsarelistedinall 1 2 9prioritypollutantsbytheEnv…  相似文献   

利用在线气相色谱-质谱(GC-FID/MS)监测系统,对成都市城区秋季典型大气污染期间环境空气中的77种挥发性有机物(VOCs)进行连续监测,分析了污染前期、污染中期、污染后期VOCs的污染特征、日变化规律.结果表明,成都市城区典型污染前期VOCs体积分数为38.9×10-9;污染中期VOCs体积分数迅速增加,比污染前期高3.7倍,达到143.4×10-9,污染后期VOCs体积分数为35.7×10-9.污染前期VOCs日变化不明显,污染中期、后期VOCs日变化呈双峰性,分别出现在每天车流量高峰时段.此外,利用气溶胶生成系数(FAC)评估了不同污染阶段VOCs对二次有机气溶胶(SOA)的生成潜势,污染前期、污染中期、污染后期SOA浓度值分别为1.1,3.1,1.5 μg/m3,芳香烃是SOA的主要前体物.  相似文献   

运用大气挥发性有机物快速在线连续自动监测系统,于2013年和2014年的8月对南京市区大气中VOCs进行观测,结果表明,VOCs的浓度分别为51.73×10-9和77.47×10-9.利用OH消耗速率(LOH)有效评估VOCs的大气化学反应活性.烯烃和芳香烃是这2年夏季南京市大气VOCs中对LOH贡献最大的关键活性组分.用FAC法估算南京SOA生成潜势,得到2013和2014年夏季SOA浓度分别为1.95μg/m3和1.01μg/m3;烷烃和芳香烃对SOA的生成潜势分别占4.01%、94.8%和4.46%、94.57%.用PMF模型对南京VOCs进行来源解析,结果表明,2013年夏季南京大气VOCs的最大来源为燃料挥发(22.7%)、其次为天然气和液化石油气泄漏(19.5%)、石油化工业(13.5%)、汽车尾气排放(17.7%)、天然源排放(13.4%)和涂料/溶剂的使用(13.2%),而2014年夏季南京大气VOCs的最大来源为天然气和液化石油气泄漏(35.2%)、其次为石油化工业(20.6%)、不完全燃烧(20.5%)、燃料挥发(15.7%)和汽车尾气排放(8.1%).  相似文献   

紫外-生物过滤联合工艺中的紫外单元促进了后续生物过滤单元的氯苯去除性能.为了进一步揭示紫外光降解对生物过滤塔运行性能的影响机制,本研究系统分析了紫外光降解对生物过滤塔填料层pH、生物膜特性和填料层结构特性等方面的影响.结果表明,氯苯紫外光降解产物导致了生物过滤单元填料层pH的下降(从pH 6~8降至pH 4~7);另外,紫外单元产生的臭氧降低了生物过滤单元生物膜厚度和生物膜的EPS含量,改善了生物膜的特性,提高了氯苯和营养物质在生物膜内的传质效率.同时,臭氧可以有效控制生物量过量积累,增加了填料层的比表面积(从784 m2.m-3增加至880 m2.m-3),优化了填料层的结构特性,提高了污染物的反应速率.上述各方面的综合作用最终促进了生物过滤单元的氯苯去除性能.  相似文献   

选取漯河市26辆不同类型车辆开展尾气排放挥发性有机物(VOCs)源采样,分析VOCs源成分谱特征及其对环境和人体健康的影响。结果表明:轻型汽油车尾气排放以含氧挥发性有机物(OVOC)和烷烃为主,特征物种主要包括丙酮、异戊烷、乙醛、2,3-二甲基丁烷和乙烯;柴油车尾气排放以OVOC和烯烃为主,特征物种主要包括丙酮、乙烯、乙醛、苯甲醛和丙烯醛。随着累计行驶里程的增加,汽油车烷烃排放增加47.3%,芳香烃排放下降122.4%。轻型汽油车尾气排放的OVOC和柴油车尾气排放的烯烃对臭氧生成潜势的贡献较高,芳香烃对二次有机气溶胶生成潜势贡献最大;国Ⅳ、国Ⅵ轻柴车和国Ⅳ重柴车的源活性因子较高,均为应当优先控制的机动车类型。检车场工作人员VOCs暴露存在非致癌和致癌健康风险,应加强健康防护。  相似文献   

Integral to the urban ecosystem, greening trees provide many ecological benefits, but the active biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) they release contribute to the production of ozone and secondary organic aerosols, which harm ambient air quality. It is, therefore, necessary to understand the BVOC emission characteristics of dominant greening tree species and their relative contribution to secondary pollutants in various urban contexts. Consequently, this study utilized a dynamic enclosure system to collect BVOC samples of seven dominant greening tree species in urban Chengdu, Southwest China. Gas chromatography/mass spectrometry was used to analyze the BVOC components and standardized BVOC emission rates of each tree species were then calculated to assess their relative potential to form secondary pollutants. We found obvious differences in the composition of BVOCs emitted by each species. Ficus virens displayed a high isoprene emission rate at 31.472 μgC/(gdw (g dry weight)•hr), while Cinnamomum camphora emitted high volumes of D-Limonene at 93.574 μgC/(gdw•hr). In terms of the BVOC emission rates by leaf area, C. camphora had the highest emission rate of total BVOCs at 13,782.59 μgC/(m2•hr), followed by Cedrus deodara with 5466.86 μgC/(m2•hr). Ginkgo biloba and Osmanthus fragrans mainly emitted oxygenated VOCs with lower overall emission rates. The high BVOC emitters like F. virens, C. camphora, and Magnolia grandiflora have high potential for significantly contributing to environmental secondary pollutants, so should be cautiously considered for future planting. This study provides important implications for improving urban greening efforts for subtropical Chinese urban contexts, like Chengdu.  相似文献   

上海秋季大气挥发性有机物特征及污染物来源分析   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
综合分析了上海地区秋季典型月份挥发性有机物(VOCs)及其他痕量气体的污染水平及特征,VOCs平均小时浓度为63.64′10-9,非甲烷碳氢化合物(NMHCs)占挥发性有机物总量的67.43%;通过对VOCs物种浓度及特征比值分析发现研究区域大气老化现象明显;结合区域后向气流轨迹分析,考察了不同来源气流对区域污染特征的影响,发现陆地传输气流乙烷/乙炔(E/E)值较海上传输气流低,而两者的苯/甲苯(B/T)值没有明显差异.  相似文献   

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