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Many studies have focused on environmental estrogen-related diseases. However, no consistent gene markers or signatures for estrogenicity have been discovered in mammals. This study investigated the estrogenic effects of 17β-estradiol on the prostate in immature male mice. Consistent U-shaped responses were seen in bodyweight, ventral prostate epithelial morphology, and miRNA expression levels. Specifically, most estradiol regulated miRNAs were downregulated at low doses of estradiol (0.2 and 2 mg·kg–1), and whose expression returned to the control level at a larger dose (200 mg·kg–1). The function of these regulated miRNAs is related to the prostate cancer and PI3K-Akt signaling pathways, which is consistent with the function of estradiol. Furthermore, the miRNA-processing machinery, Drosha, in the prostate was also regulated in a similar pattern, which could be a part of the U-shaped miRNA expression mechanism. All of these data indicate that the prostate is a reliable organ for evaluating estrogenic activity and that the typical nonmonotonic dose-response relationship could be used as a novel biomarker for estrogenicity.

对富营养化水体常见浮游植物进行了分离和培养,测定了其磷脂脂肪酸(PLFA)。同时,检测了惠州西湖浮游植物的磷脂脂肪酸;结合惠州西湖浮游植物群落组成数据,分析了浮游植物磷脂脂肪酸特征及其与浮游植物群落结构的关系。结果表明:结合PLFA与细胞丰度和生物量的分析,α-亚麻酸(18:3ω3)的质量浓度与蓝藻(除湖丝藻外)呈正相关;二十碳四烯酸ARA(20:4ω6)和二十二碳六烯酸DHA(22:6ω3)的质量浓度与硅藻呈正相关;二十碳五烯酸EPA(20:5ω3)和16:3ω3的质量浓度与绿藻呈正相关等,其中16:3ω3为绿藻门独有的脂肪酸。这些均与室内实验得到的结果相符合。本研究表明,磷脂脂肪酸可以作为生物标志物来分析浮游植物组成,它将是一种可行的研究浮游植物群落结构的新方法。  相似文献   

A biocathode with microbial catalyst in place of a noble metal was successfully developed for hydrogen evolution in a microbial electrolysis cell (MEC). The strategy for fast biocathode cultivation was demonstrated. An exoelectrogenic reaction was initially extended with an H2-full atmosphere to enrich Ha-utilizing bacteria in a MEC bioanode. This bioanode was then inversely polarized with an applied voltage in a half-cell to enrich the hydrogen-evolving biocathode. The electrocatalytic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) kinetics of the biocathode MEC could be enhanced by increasing the bicarbonate buffer concentration from 0.05 mol·L-1 to 0.5 mol· L-1 and/or by decreasing the cathode potential from -0.9 V to - 1.3 V vs. a saturated calomel electrode (SCE). Within the tested potential region in this study, the HER rate of the biocathode MEC was primarily influenced by the microbial catalytic capability. In addition, increasing bicarbonate concentration enhances the electric migration rate of proton carriers. As a consequence, more mass H+ can be released to accelerate the biocathode-catalyzed HER rate. A hydrogen production rate of 8.44 m3. m 3. d1 with a current density of 951.6 A. m-3 was obtained using the biocathode MEC under a cathode potential of - 1.3 V vs. SCE and 0.4 mol· L-1 bicarbonate. This study provided information on the optimization of hydrogen production in biocathode MEC and expanded the practical applications thereof.  相似文献   

将马氏珠母贝(Pinctada martensi)暴露于不同质量浓度(1、4和8μg.L-1)苯并[a]芘B[a]P中,检测暴露后第3、7和10天后,马氏珠母贝鳃组织抗氧化酶(超氧化物歧化酶SOD、谷胱甘肽硫转移酶GST和过氧化氢酶CAT)对苯并[a]芘胁迫的生态毒理效应。结果表明:暴露时间为3、7 d时,SOD活性无明显变化,随着暴露时间的延长,SOD活性在第10天时被激活;在胁迫初期,GST活性被激活,随后表现出逐渐降低的趋势,在暴露后10 d,不同质量浓度组GST活性变化趋于稳定。当暴露质量浓度相同时,表现出明显的时—效关系;而CAT活性在第7天被激活,随着时间的延长,高质量浓度(4和8μg.L-1)组表现出先升高后下降的趋势,并表现出一定的时-效关系。SOD、GST和CAT均可作为B[a]P污染的生物标志物,活性变化相对于SOD,GST和CAT对B[a]P的胁迫更加敏感。  相似文献   

Process control parameters influencing microbial perchlorate reduction via a flow-through zero-valent iron (ZVI) column reactor were investigated in order to optimize perchlorate removal from water. Mixed perchlorate reducers were obtained from a wastewater treatment plant and inoculated into the reactor without further acclimation. Examined parameters included hydraulic residence time (HRT), pH, nutrients requirement, and perchlorate reduction kinetics. The minimum HRT for the system was concluded to be 8 hr. The removal efficiency of 10 mg. L-1 influent perchlorate concentration was reduced by 20%-80% without control to the neutral pH (HRT = 8 hr). Therefore pH was determined to be an important parameter for microbial perchlorate reduction. Furthermore, a viable alternative to pH buffer was discussed. The microbial perchlorate reduction followed the first order kinetics, with a rate constant (K) of 0.761 hr-1. The results from this study will contribute to the implementation of a safe, cost effective, and efficient system for perchlorate reduction to below regulated levels.  相似文献   

马川  董少锋  莫江明 《生态环境》2012,21(4):647-653
为了了解我国南方森林常见的人为干扰(凋落物收取)活动对生态系统养分循环的影响,研究了鼎湖山马尾松林3种主要树种凋落物分解及其养分释放对凋落物输入量变化的响应。这3种树种分别为马尾松(Pinus massoniana)、荷木(Schimasuperba)和锥栗(Castanopsis chinensis)。凋落物输入量变化分别为凋落物去除(L-)、加倍(L+)和对照(L)3种处理,每种处理25个重复。经过18个月的处理试验,凋落物分解速率及其养分释放随树种、分解阶段和凋落物处理不同而异。荷木、马尾松和锥栗分解物平均残留率分别为0.46±0.01、0.42±0.01、0.40±0.02,其中,荷木与锥栗、马尾松差异性显著。不同处理间的凋落物分解速率差异显著,加倍、对照和去除处理样地凋落物的平均残留率分别为0.51±0.08、0.53±0.09和0.55±0.08。凋落物加倍处理促进了凋落物分解过程中C的释放,而去除凋落物处理则抑制了N、P的释放。以上结果表明,凋落物收取活动不仅直接带走凋落物中的大量养分,而且抑制了凋落物分解及其养分释放。  相似文献   

采用快速溶剂萃取-凝胶净化-气相色谱质谱法(GC-MS)测定了浙江省台州市某典型电子废物集中处置场地及周边土壤中多溴联苯(polybrominatebiphenyls,PBBs)浓度,研究了10种PBBs(PBB-3、PBB-15、PBB-18、PBB-52、PBB-101、PBB-153、PBB-180、PBB-194、PBB~206和PBB-209)的浓度水平、组成特征和垂直分布规律。结果表明,处置场地及周边临近区域的PBBs污染程度相近,10种PBBs含量平均值分别为2.81×10^-3和2,50×10-1mg·kg-1,污染程度较轻,主要污染物为使用相对较多的PBB-153、PBB-194、PBB-206和PBB-209。PBBs含量的垂直分布规律表现为在〉40~60、0~20、〉20—40和〉60—80cm土层依次降低。PBB-209在10种PBBs中所占比例最高,在进行类似区域的PBBs监测时,可主要监测PBB-209含量,并用PBB-209含量乘以经验系数1.78来初步判断PBBs的污染状况。  相似文献   

病虫害综合防治(1PM)技术旨在结合生物、农学及物理防治方法,合理使用化学农药,降低农业生产成本,保护农业劳动者健康和生态环境.以联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、环境保护部对外合作中心和全国农业技术推广中心联合启动实施的“中国含滴滴涕三氯杀螨醇生产控制及IPM技术替代全额示范项目”为例,系统分析影响农户参与IPM培训积极性的主要因素.结果表明,农户种植规模对农户参与IPM培训的积极性影响显著,学员性别和年龄不是影响其参加培训积极性的显著因素;学员参加培训的次数越多,其对IPM技术的采纳率越高.农民田间学校应更多地吸收老人和妇女参加三氯杀螨醇替代技术及IPM培训  相似文献   

Self-made cation exchange resin supported nanoscale zero-valent iron (R-nZVI) was used to remove phosphorus in rainwater runoff. 80% of phosphorus in rainwater runoff from grassland was removed with an initial concentration of 0.72 mg. L-1 phosphorus when the dosage of R-nZVl is 8 g per liter rainwater, while only 26% of phosphorus was removed when using cation exchange resin without supported nanoscale zero-valent iron under the same condition. The adsorption capacity of R-nZVI increased up to 185 times of that of the cation exchange resin at a saturated equilibrium phosphorous concentration of 0.42 mg. L-1. Various techniques were implemented to characterize the R-nZVI and explore the mechanism of its removal of phosphate. Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) indicated that new crystal had been formed on the surface of R-nZVI. The result from inductive coupled plasma (ICP) indicated that 2.1% of nZVI was loaded on the support material. The specific surface area was increased after the load of nanoscale zero-valent iron (nZVI), according to the measurement of BET-N2 method. The result of specific surface area analysis also proved that phosphorus was removed mainly through chemical adsorption process. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis showed that the new product obtained from chemical reaction between phosphate and iron was ferrous phosphate.  相似文献   

焦化厂多环芳烃污染场地的环境评价实证研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过实地调查某焦化厂污染场地污染现状,结果表明:该场地土壤和地下水以多环芳烃(PAHs)有机类污染为主,土壤中苯并(仅)芘和多环芳烃污染以1.5m以内表层土污染为主,随着深度的增加浓度逐渐降低,弱透水层表现出良好的阻隔作用。沿着地下水流动方向,地下水中多环芳烃浓度逐渐降低,经过约400m的迁移,由17296μg/L降至111μg/L;苯并(α)芘经过200m的迁移,由18.3μg/L降至0,地下水流动导致污染物在包气带横向扩散。1号孔、3号孔和4号孔所在地表层土壤中苯并(α)芘的单个污染物的致癌风险分别为0.0278、0.0209和1.496,远远超出可接受水平,因此上述孔位所在地附近表层土壤需重点治理。  相似文献   

Separator between anode and cathode is an essential part of the microbial fuel cell (MFC) and its property could significantly influence the system perfor- mance. In this study we used polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) polymer membrane crosslinked with sulfosuccinic acid (SSA) as a new separator for the MFC. The highest power density of 7594-4 mW-m-2 was obtained when MFC using the PVA membrane crosslinked with 15% of SSA due to its desirable proton conductivity (5.16 x 10-2 S.cml). The power density significantly increased to 11064- 30 mW.m-2 with a separator-electrode-assembly config- uration, which was comparable with glass fiber (11704- 46 mW.m-2). The coulombic efficiencies of the MFCs with crosslinked PVA membranes ranged from 36.3% to 45.7% at a fix external resistance of lO00f2. The crosslinked PVA membrane could be a promising alter- native to separator materials for constructing practical MFC system.  相似文献   

利用随机扩增多态性DNA(RAPD)方法对威海荣成地区鹿角菜(Silvetiasiliquosa)野生种群共30个个体的遗传多样性水平及遗传结构进行研究。结果表明,利用21条随机引物共检测到112个多态性位点,多态性位点百分率为93.75%,Nei基因多样性指数为0.3515±0.1352,Shannon多样性指数为0.5046±0.1126。通过聚类分析而划为一类的3个亚种群间的遗传分化指数为0.1349~0.2189,基因流为1.7793。研究结果表明威海荣成地区的鹿角菜种群遗传多样性较高,种群内存在较为明显的遗传分化,种群遗传资源不受遗传漂变的影响。针对当地鹿角菜遗传资源的现状,应加强现存种群的就地保护,恢复种群规模;进行取样养殖保护时则需避免因近交而造成种群资源退化。  相似文献   

借助ArcGIS9.3和SPSS数据软件平台,根据甘肃省黄土高原区33个气象站1962-2010实测气象资料,利用综合气象干旱指数(CI)对甘肃省黄土高原区近50年的干旱特征进行了时空分析。首先计算了各站历年逐日的CI指数,统计近50年各站点出现的干旱过程、各时段的干旱事件,在此基础上分析了甘肃省黄土高原区历年各地区干旱发生的覆盖范围、频率和不同等级干旱发生的多年平均天数,揭示了甘肃省黄土高原区干旱发生的时空差异和动态格局。分析结果表明,(1)甘肃省黄土高原区有大范围干旱发生的年份,夏季和秋季较多分别有13、8a,冬季最少,只有3a。(2)从空间尺度来看,甘肃省黄土高原区中兰州一榆中一靖远一带和庆阳北部属于高值区,而岷县、渭源一带属于低值区;106°E以西“临洮.通渭.天水”一带和庆阳东南部是干旱变幅最大的地方。(3)从季节尺度来看,夏季干旱频率和持续日数最多,春季、秋季次之,冬季最少。  相似文献   

Combustion-generated hydrogen chloride (HCl) is considered to be a very hazardous acid gaseous pollutant. This paper presents a laboratory study on the dry adsorption of HCl. The experiments were conducted in a dual-layer granular bed filter, at gas temperatures of 500℃-700℃ and n(Ca)/n(Cl)molar ratios of 1.0-5.0 using the silver nitrate titration method by dry adsorbent powders Ca(OH)2. Mainly, the adsorption efficiency of HCI and utilization efficiency of Calcium were studied, by varying relevant factors including n(Ca)/n(Cl), tempera- ture, feeding method, water vapor and CO2. With a relatively higher HCl concentration of 1000ppm, the experimental results revealed that 600℃ may be the optimum temperature for HCl adsorption when optimum n (Ca)/n(Cl) was 2.5 in our tests. The results also demonstrated that the feeding at a constant pressure was more effective, and the HCl adsorption efficiency could rapidly reach over 90% with n(Ca)/n(Cl) = 2.5 at 600℃. Furthermore, the HCl adsorption efficiency was found to be slightly promoted by water vapor, while could be impeded by CO2, and the utilization efficiency of calcium could be up to 74.4% without CO2, while was only 36.8% with CO2 when n(Ca)/n(Cl) was 2.5 at 600℃.  相似文献   

条件价值评估法(CVM)是当前可用于确定环境物品非市场的和非使用价值的有效方法.在分析南昌市城市河湖生态环境问题的基础上,采用条件价值评估法,共回收194份单边界二分式CVM有效问卷,研究了南昌城市河湖生态系统服务改善的支付意愿及其经济价值.研究表明:1)南昌市城区河湖生态系统服务改善的平均支付意愿约为105.83元/...  相似文献   

Renewable algae biomass, Scenedesmus obliquus, was used as substrate for generating electricity in two chamber microbial fuel cells (MFCs). From polarization test, maximum power density with pretreated algal biomass was 102mW·m^2 (951mW·m^3) at current generation of 276mA·m^-2. The individual electrode potential as a function of current generation suggested that anodic oxidation process of algae substrate had limitation for high current generation in MFC. Total chemical oxygen demand (TCOD) reduction of 74% was obtained when initial TCOD concentration was 534mg · L^-1 for 150 h of operation. The main organic compounds of algae oriented biomass were lactate and acetate, which were mainly used for electricity generation. Other byproducts such as propionate and butyrate were formed at a negligible amount. Electrochemical Impedance Spectroscopy (EIS) analysis pinpointed the charge transfer resistance (112Ω ) of anode electrode, and the exchange current density of anode electrode was 1214 nA·cm^-2.  相似文献   

Lead (Pb) exposure is of particular concern because of the ongoing exposure of thousands of workers in industrial plants. Monitoring of Pb exposure among the at-risk workers is recommended and amongst various biomarkers, and it is well-established that blood lead (BPb) determination is utilized for biomonitoring. There are some previous reports on the BPb levels among several at-risk occupations in Thailand; however, there has been no comparison among these occupations with respect to metal levels in the blood. The aim of this study was to correlate at-risk occupations with Pb exposure and BPb levels. In order to compare between occupations, it was not possible to obtain a direct correlation as there are several confounding factors, especially for occupational conditions and lab measurement techniques. In this study, the exposure risk ratio from five previously available reports regarding BPb determination in at-risk occupations in Thailand is presented. Of interest, the high risk occupations are those in which individuals directly inhaled Pb in environmental ambient air. The cutoff median of exposure risk ratio was found to be 12.6 and this may be a useful value in determining whether exposed workers are at high risk in future studies.  相似文献   

The N2O production in two nitrogen removal processes treating domestic wastewater was investigated in laboratory-scale aerobic-anoxic sequencing batch reactors (SBRs). Results showed that N2O emission happened in the aerobic phase rather than in the anoxic phase. During the aerobic phase, the nitrogen conversion to N2O gas was 27.7% and 36.8% of NH+-N loss for conventional biologic N-removal process and short-cut biologic N-removal process. The dissolved N2O was reduced to N2 in the anoxic denitrification phase. The N2O production rate increased with the increasing of nitrite concentration and ceased when NH+-N oxidation was terminated. Higher nitrite accumulation resulted in higher NEO emission in the short-cut nitrogen removal process. Pulse-wise addition of 20 mg NO2 -N. L- 1 gave rise to 3-fold of N2O emission in the conventional N-removal process, while little change happened with 20 mg NOS-N L-1 was added to SBR1.  相似文献   

Wood charcoal production provides affordable energy in many developing countries and has substantially contributed to the economy through the provision of rural incomes. In several countries, charcoal production leads to overexploitation of forests due to inefficiencies in processing. This study was undertaken in central Laos to (1) examine and document traditional charcoal production systems; (2) investigate the production capacity, recovery efficiencies and economic gains of existing traditional charcoal production methods; (3) characterize the chemical properties of wood charcoal and investigate the potential for soil restoration and (4) investigate local charcoal producers' perception on forest degradation and their species preferences. Through a socio-economic survey, a cost-based method for economic valuation was undertaken on a range of charcoal production methods currently being used. Laboratory chemical analyses were performed on wood charcoal samples. Results indicated that the traditional mud charcoal mound was used by the majority (82%) of charcoal producers. Total charcoal production per production cycle varied between 400 (produced from 2.7 m3 of wood) and 1600 kg (produced from 18 m3 of wood), with a mean of 938 kg (±120) for traditional mud charcoal mounds. The volume of the traditional mud charcoal mounds correlated positively and significantly with total charcoal production (R 2 = 0.45, p?=?0.03), whereas correlated negatively and significantly with the recovery efficiency (R 2 = 0.58, p?=?0.01). On average, the local producers receive a total net benefit of 457,272 Lao kip (USD 57.2) in 17 days. We also identified a rice husk mound method of charcoal production, which may not encourage further deforestation while producing rice husk biochar that can be used for soil restoration. Furthermore, we found that there are significant differences (p < 0.05) between the sampled wood charcoals in chemical properties, indicating that the potential of using wood charcoal for the restoration of degraded soils varies from charcoal to charcoal.  相似文献   

During periods of travel or dispersive activities (e.g., foraging), group-living animals face the common challenge of maintaining a cohesive unit. At the basic level, this challenge is no different for vertebrates than it is for arthropods and is solved through communication. Gregarious larvae of the Australian sawfly, Perga affinis, communicate via vibrational signals. The most common signal, tapping, involves striking the substrate with the sclerotized tip of the abdomen. This study investigates the role of tapping as a mechanism of cohesion, specifically in situations between a separated larva and a group. As nomadic foragers that move daily to new feeding locations and readily coalesce with other colonies, the possibility of separation and potential re-aggregation arises regularly. Experiments demonstrated that tapping facilitates cohesion as groups responded to the tapping of lone larvae and did so preferentially over other larval behaviors. Additionally, separated larvae respond to tapping by the group through increased walking activity. It is also possible that they receive directional information from the group's vibratory signals, although visual cues may influence orientation as well. Tapping represents a cooperative signal and, as such, I investigated the level of investment of both parties in the communicative exchange. While individual larvae invested more in the exchange than the group, the exchange is analogous to the Raise-the-Stakes model of cooperation in that groups gradually increased their investment according to the cumulative time spent tapping by the lone larva. The mutual but asymmetrical benefits received through cooperation are discussed and compared with similar situations between parents and offspring. Not all larvae in the group participated equally, suggesting individual differences in signaling propensity or strategy.  相似文献   

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