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The present work proposes a siting process for the detection of a suitable site for wave energy exploitation. The choice of a suitable site is based on the good agreement between energy availability, environmental sustainability, and equipped facilities to exploit wave energy. The case study in the northern Latium coast is explicative because in this area there are several activities that affect marine ecosystems, and the introduction of renewable energies promote the reduction of anthropic pressures. The nearshore wave power is studied through the numerical wave model (CMS-Wave), and available wave buoys along the coast were used to compare numerical results. In correspondence with Civitavecchia harbour, the largest nearshore wave energy was found; the large depth in front of the breakwater allows to conserve a great part of offshore wave power, with an average dissipation rate of 10 % less than offshore, with mean annual available wave energy of 25.4 MWh/m and seasonal fluctuation of 5.4 MWh/m. This area appears to be an optimal site for nearshore and shoreline wave energy device tests and installations, for energy availability (intermediate level respect Mediterreanean Sea), low potential environmental impact, easier accessibility, and policy oriented towards a larger sustainability of harbour activities.  相似文献   

Spatial distributions of sand beach arthropods were studied at Zouara (Nefza), a beach dune system along the northwestern coast of Tunisia. Two transects with pitfall traps, perpendicular to the shoreline and placed from sea towards land, captured spontaneously crawling arthropods. The pitfalls were used to obtain data on horizontal zonations for 2 days during different seasons (April, October). In April, in order to assess local, long-shore distributions of surface-active beach invertebrates, ten transects with pitfall traps were placed every 100 m, for 2 days. Core samples were also taken in correspondence with each of the ten transects to obtain the distribution of burrowing individuals. Sand samples were taken for successive laboratory analyses (salinity, grain size and organic contents). Local climatic conditions were also recorded. One isopod (Tylos europaeus, subdivided into three different size classes), two amphipods (Talitrus saltator, Talorchestia brito and indistinguishable juveniles) and four coleopteran species (Eurynebria complanata, Scarites laevigatus, Phytosus nigriventris, Phaleria acuminata) were considered. Mean zonations perpendicular to the shoreline showed that crustaceans were found closer to the sea-line limits than coleopterans and that between seasons some species changed their mean zonation more than others. Local, long-shore distributions of active and burrowing individuals showed that most species were unevenly distributed along the shore. These discontinuous distributions differed according to the species and age class and were mainly related to specific microclimatic conditions and to nutrition.  相似文献   

In recent years, a number of studies have clearly pointed out the nutritional benefits of fish consumption. However, some concerns about potential health risks derived from contaminants found in fish have also been raised. Therefore, balancing adequately the risks and benefits of fish consumption is currently a health key issue. As tuna fish represents a large part of the traditional food in some countries, the possible impact of tuna fish consumption on public health was investigated. Hepatic damages following consumption of tuna fish white (ordinary) or red (dark) muscle were evaluated in rat. Under our experimental conditions, feeding the animals for 60?days with white or, more markedly, red tuna meat resulted in 1) an elevated uric acid level in blood, 2) an accumulation of lead in liver, 3) an atrophy of liver, 4) an increase in plasma aspartate aminotransferase and alanine aminotransferase activities, and 5) an oxidative stress in liver including an increased level of lipids peroxidation and enhanced activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase. In addition, liver histology revealed several abnormalities. These alterations could be attributed to both lead accumulation and high purine levels in tuna meat. We conclude that attention should be paid to a possible health impact of frequent and important consumption of tuna fish meat, especially the dark one.  相似文献   

Manganese oxides (MnOx) have been demonstrated to be effective materials to activate Oxone (i.e., PMS) to degrade various contaminants. However, the contribution of direct oxidation by MnOx to the total contaminant degradation under acidic conditions was often neglected in the published work, which has resulted in different and even conflicting interpretations of the reaction mechanisms. Here, the role of MnOx (as both oxidants and catalysts) in the activation of Oxone was briefly discussed. The findings offered new insights into the reaction mechanisms in PMS-MnOx and provided a more accurate approach to examine contaminant degradation for water/wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

Marine species tend to exhibit relatively less population structuring than terrestrial species owing to fewer barriers to gene flow and increased connectivity resulting from greater dispersal abilities. Thus, in many cases, life history plays a more important role in phylogeography of marine taxa than do oceanographic features. Littoral species are of particular phylogeographic interest because they possess life histories that have both marine and terrestrial characteristics. This study evaluates the synergistic impact of divergent ocean currents and a high larval dispersal potential on the phylogeography of the fiddler crab, Uca maracoani, distributed along the coast of Brazil. Patterns of genetic variation were assessed with sequence data for a portion of the mitochondrial COI gene and AFLPs. Geometric morphometric techniques were used to evaluate morphological variation. Results revealed a lack of discernible genetic subdivision. However, geometric morphometrics showed statistically significant morphological differentiation. The absence of a clear phylogeographic pattern appears to be determined primarily by life history characteristics permitting a high level of connectivity. One, or a combination of several factors, may explain the incongruity between genetic and morphologic signatures, including phenotypic plasticity, incomplete lineage sorting, or recent and ongoing genetic divergence.  相似文献   

A curious feature of the honeybee's waggle dance is the imprecision in the direction indication for nearby food sources. One hypothesis for the function of this imprecision is that it serves to spread recruits over a certain area and thus is an adaptation to the typical spatial configuration of the bees' food sources, i.e., flowers in sizable patches. We report an experiment that tests this tuned-error hypothesis. We measured the precision of direction indication in waggle dances advertising a nest site (typically a tree cavity, hence a target that is almost a point) and compared it with that of dances advertising a food source (typically a flower patch, hence a target that covers an area). The precision of dances for a nearby nest site was significantly higher than that of dances for an equidistant feeder. This was demonstrated four times with four colonies. Our evidence therefore supports the hypothesis that the level of precision in the direction indication for nearby food sources is tuned to its optimum without being at its maximum. Received: 9 December 1998 / Received in revised form: 24 February 1999 / Accepted 12 March 1999  相似文献   

Within a species, ontogenetic and genetic variation in defensive chemistry can provide the basis for natural selection from different predator types. The osmeterial chemistry of fifth (last) instar Papilio glaucus caterpillars is known to differ qualitatively from the composition of early instar caterpillars. However, the osmeterial chemistry of early instar caterpillars has not been thoroughly characterized and may change as the caterpillars undergo their first three molts. We have used GC/MS to identify a suite of about 50 different terpene compounds in the osmeterial secretions of P. glaucus caterpillars, and found the relative amounts of these compounds changed significantly with each molt. These quantitative changes preceded the more dramatic qualitative switch to the production of 2-methylbutyric and isobutyric acids after the molt to the fifth instar. We also examined the effects of diet and genetic background on the relative quantities of 15 terpenes present in the secretions of third instar caterpillars. Parentage was found to affect the percentages of many more of the individual components than did diet, although both exerted an effect. The ontogenetic and genetic variations in the composition of the osmeterial secretions appear to have an effect on would-be predators. In the laboratory, terpene secretion was found to discourage attack by ants, whereas the switch from terpene to acid production rendered the caterpillars less palatable to a larger predator, the green anole. In the field, the presence of functional osmeteria did not seem to dramatically increase survival in a field study, and only a small, non-significant advantage was seen. Similarly, field data was suggestive that parentage might affect the likelihood of survival in a natural setting, but the stage of the caterpillar and the field site significantly affected survivorship. Further studies with greater replicates will be needed to determine whether and to what extent chemical differences in osmeterial components as well as behavior contribute to differences in outcomes in the field.  相似文献   

Explaining the coexistence of species that basically depend on the same resources has been a brainteaser for generations of ecologists. Different mechanisms have been proposed to facilitate coexistence in plant communities, where space is an important resource. Using a stochastic cellular automaton simulation model we analyze - separately and in combination - the influence of different species traits and processes which alter local competition on the coexistence of plant species over a fixed time horizon. We show that different species traits operate on different time scales in competition. We therefore suggest the concept of weak versus strong traits according to short- or long-term exclusion of species differing in these traits. As a consequence, highly non-linear trade-offs between weak and strong traits can result in communities. Furthermore, we found that trade-offs based on physiological species traits such as plant lifetime, dispersal range and plant growth, did not support broad and long-term coexistence—further processes such as density-dependent mortality and light-dependent colonization were necessary. This suggests that coexistence in plant communities requires (stabilizing) local processes to support the (equalizing) trade-offs in species traits.  相似文献   

Dating the divergence between the two known living species of coelacanths has remained a difficult issue because of the very ancient origin of this lineage of fish, which is more closely related to tetrapods than to other fishes. We sequenced the complete mitochondrial genome of a recently captured individual of the Indonesian coelacanth in order to solve this issue. Using an approach based on loglinear models, we studied the molecular divergence between the two species of coelacanths and three other pairs of species, one that has diverged recently (Pan) and two that have diverged more distantly in the past. The loglinear models showed that the divergence between the two species of coelacanths is not significantly different from the two species of Pan. A detailed gene by gene analysis of the patterns of nucleotide and amino acid substitutions between these two pairs of species further supports the similarity of these divergences. On the other hand, a molecular dating analysis suggested a much older origin of the two coelacanth species (between 20 and 30 million years ago). We discuss the potential reasons for this discrepancy. The analysis of new individuals of the Indonesian coelacanth will certainly help to solve this issue.  相似文献   

Free crawling was an original life style, and the ability to build tubes and bore into shells evolved independently in various annelids and more than once within the family Spionidae. Absence of morphological differences between the shell-boring (SB) and tube-dwelling (TD) spionid worms and the innate ability of borers to build tubes raised a question whether the mode of life is fixed or flexible. Sequence data of three gene fragments of the mitochondrial 16S rDNA and nuclear 18S and 28S rDNA (in total 1,677 bp) have shown that SB and TD individuals of Dipolydora carunculata from the Sea of Japan were genetically identical, whereas those of Polydora triglanda from Taiwan were genetically distant and not conspecific. These data indicate that some species are constrained to a certain mode of life, while others are flexible and individuals can be either SB or TD depending on the place of settlement in the end of their larval development.  相似文献   

Deep black clayey sediments of the Dead Sea, previously covered with water at times of higher sea level, are being mined for therapeutic purposes and for the preparation of cosmetic products under the name Black Mud. It was claimed that the beneficial properties are due to the presence of bitumen (asphalt) as attested by the colour. Less commonly, the curative properties have been ascribed to humic acids or to organic matter derived from algae in the lake. Asphalt from the Dead Sea has been of major economic importance to the region and was used as a medication for 2000 years until the mid-20th century. Geochemical analysis of the Black Mud showed that it contains relatively little organic matter (ca. 0.6–0.8% organic carbon) and that the organic matter is mostly derived from the land masses surrounding the lake. Asphalt was totally absent and the concentration of humic acids very low. The black colour of the mud is rather due to the poorly crystallised iron sulphides. Based on this, the therapeutic properties of the mud are ascribed to its content of reduced sulphur species, its physical and chemical properties and possibly its brine content, but not to the presence of organic matter.  相似文献   

The incidence of cannibalism of larval Spodoptera frugiperda (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae) on maize under field conditions was investigated using field cages. Cannibalism was found to account for approximately 40% mortality when maize plants were infested with two or four fourth-instar larvae over a 3-day period. Field trials examined the effect of larval density on the prevalence of natural enemies of S. frugiperda. The abundance of predators (earwigs, staphylinids, other predatory beetles, and Chrysoperla spp.) was significantly greater on maize plants with higher levels of larval feeding damage, while the relationship between predator abundance and number of S. frugiperda larvae per plant was less clear. As larval damage is probably a more reliable indicator of previous larval density than numbers collected at an evaluation, this indicates that predation risk will be greater for larvae living in large groups. Parasitism accounted for 7.1% mortality of larvae in sorghum, and involved six species of Hymenoptera and Tachinidae. There was no effect of larval density or within-plant distribution on the probability of larval attack by parasitoids. The selective benefits of cannibalism, in relation to the risk of predation and parasitism, are discussed. Received: 23 March 2000 / Accepted: 24 June 2000  相似文献   

Growth dynamics of Saccharina latissima in a Danish embayment (56°03.793N, 10°16.148E) were investigated through an annual cycle (March 1999–March 2000) and related to patterns found in previous studies covering the distribution range of the species. The kelps exhibited meristematic growth as well as distal tissue loss all year around. Elongation rate peaked in spring (March–May, 0.75 cm day?1), whereas maximum biomass growth occurred in May–July at higher insolation. S. latissima accumulated nitrogen (N) in November–March, when ambient N levels were high and the fast growth in March–July was followed by a depletion of these reserves. Light regimes and seasonal fluctuations of nutrients were, thus, major factors explaining the seasonal growth pattern of S. latissima in this temperate bay. Differences in light and exposure along depth gradients affected the growth, loss and storage product dynamics. High losses of N and carbon (C) through summer abscission of distal tissue question the efficiency of translocation, especially at shallower depths, where losses are accelerated by, e.g., high temperature. A large-scale comparison further highlighted that warming advanced the timing, increased the level of peak growth and also seemed to expand the growth period. Growth rates of the studied Danish population fell in the low end of the range for similar latitudes and temperatures, probably due to sub-optimal salinities (avg. 23.3 psu) in combination with periodically high summer temperatures (max. 21.1 °C).  相似文献   

Mytilus trossulus Gould and M. edulis L. coexist in mixed populations in Atlantic Canadian waters. Although there is evidence that the two species hybridize in natural populations and that hybrids produce progeny through backcrosses, no study of the microgeographic distribution of the two forms and their hybrids has been made. Here we examine subtidal samples of mussels taken in July 1997 from two locations in eastern Newfoundland (Canada) and from wave-exposed and protected environments within each location. Shell lengths ranged from 15 to about 90 mm. Mussels were classified as pure forms or hybrids (F1, F2 and from backcrosses) based on four diagnostic markers, two allozyme loci (Mpi and Est-D) and two nuclear PCR-based DNA markers (ITS and Glu-5). In addition, a PCR-based mtDNA marker (COIII) was used to characterize the distribution of mtDNA mitotypes among pure and hybrid individuals. There were differences in the proportions of pure M. edulis and M. trossulus between sites and between environments at one location. M. trossulus was the predominant species at one of the two exposed sites. In all four samples, M. trossulus was also the predominant form among small individuals. The frequency of hybrids was 26% overall and did not differ among samples. Hybrids consisted mostly of backcrosses that were M. trossulus-biased among small mussels and M. edulis-biased among large ones. We conclude that both intrinsic genetic factors and extrinsic environmental factors influence the relative frequency of M. edulis, M. trossulus and their hybrids. Received: 29 June 1998 / Accepted: 4 November 1998  相似文献   

By sampling an upland settlement project (USP) village, this study examined why the project failed to achieve the planned objectives in some villages, and what livelihood strategies villagers (planters) have adopted to sustain their livelihoods. The paper uses data obtained by qualitative and quantitative methods. The USP was formulated with the objectives of settling 50 landless and marginal tribal families in a project village and introducing agroforestry and rubber plantations for short- and long-term socioeconomic development of planters, in a participatory manner. There are now only 15 planters in the project village and, although agroforestry has progressed well, only 30 to 40% of poor quality rubber trees remain. Planter participation in project activities was limited to wage labour, indicating that the USP failed to adequately achieve all its proposed objectives. In the face of project failure, planters have adopted diversified strategies to maintain their livelihoods. Several shortcomings caused failure of the project, such as the inability of project staff members to organize planters, failure to create awareness among planters about project benefits, lack of regular project money disbursement, sociocultural ignorance, and lack of social capital among planters. Recommendations are made for securing effective participation of local people to assure successful and sustainable project outcomes. Lessons learned will be helpful in formulating future development programmes in this country and elsewhere.  相似文献   

The role of Dufour's gland secretion as an egg discriminator pheromone was reevaluated by simultaneously exposing workers to two combs, one containing queen- or worker-laid eggs and the second containing treated or untreated worker-laid eggs. Treatments included extracts of Dufour's gland secretion as well as the synthetic esters that were identified in the secretion. Policing was clearly detected both in queenright and queenless colonies by the swift removal of worker, but not of queen eggs. However, neither the glandular secretion nor its synthetic ester constituents were able to protect worker-born eggs from policing. Treated worker eggs were removed significantly faster than queen eggs, and at the same rate as non-treated worker eggs. These results are not consistent with the hypothesis that the secretion serves as an egg-marking pheromone. Chemical analyses of the queen abdominal tips revealed the presence of Dufour's esters, indicating that the glandular secretion oozes out and spreads over the cuticle around the genital chamber. However, contamination while ovipositing may also explain the minute amounts of these esters that were detected on the egg surface. Dufour's gland caste-specific composition suggests that in queens it may constitute a signal that plays a role in queen-worker interactions. Attraction bioassays revealed that the queen secretion, but not that of workers, is very attractive to workers. When applied either on a glass slide or on another worker, a retinue formed around the "surrogate queen". We conclude that Dufour's gland secretion constitutes part of a complex queen signal that is the basis for the social integrity of the honeybee colony.  相似文献   

The contamination of Sperm Whale Physeter macrocephalus and bottle‐nosed dolphin Tursiops truncatus by lead is less than detection limit, insignificant by cadmium and nickel, not very high by copper and quite high by zinc. On the other hand, the concentration of mercury, very low for Sperm Whale, is very high for bottle‐nosed dolphin.

The pollution of Physeter macrocephalus is significantly lower than that of dolphin Stenella coeruleoalba and probably that of other species of cetaceans living near the coast; this might be due to its pelagic life and its diet.

The mercury pollution of Tursiops truncatus (especially that of one of the two subjects analyzed) is quite similar to that of Stenella coeruleoalba. This might be due to the fact that Tursiops truncatus can live in the open sea just as well as close to the seashore.  相似文献   

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