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Martins M  Ferreira AM  Vale C 《Chemosphere》2008,71(8):1599-1606
Depth concentration profiles of PAHs, organic carbon and dissolved oxygen in non-colonised sediments and sediments colonised by Sarcocornia fruticosa from Mitrena salt marsh (Sado, Portugal) were determined in November 2004 and April 2005. Belowground biomass and PAH levels in below and aboveground material were also determined. In both periods, colonised sediments were oxygenated until 15-cm, rich in organic carbon (max 4.4%) and presented much higher PAH concentrations (max. 7.1 microg g(-1)) than non-colonised sediments (max. 0.55 microg g(-1)). Rooting sediments contained the highest PAH concentrations. The five- and six-ring compounds accounted to 50-75% of the total PAHs in colonised sediments, while only to 30% in non-colonised sediments. The elevated concentrations of PAHs in colonised sediments may be attributed to the transfer of dissolved PAH compounds towards the roots as plant uptake water and subsequent sequestration onto organically rich particles. A phase-partitioning mechanism probably explains the higher retention of the heavier PAHs. In addition oxygenated conditions of the rooting sediments favour the degradation of the lighter PAHs and explain the elevated proportion of the heavier compounds. Below and aboveground materials presented lower PAH concentrations (0.18-0.38 microg g(-1)) than colonised sediments. Only 3- and 4-PAHs were quantified in aboveground material, reflecting either preferential translocation of lighter compounds from roots or atmospheric deposition.  相似文献   

Liu M  Yang Y  Xu S  Liu H  Hou L  Ou D  Liu Q  Cheng S 《Chemosphere》2006,62(3):440-448
HCHs and DDTs in salt marsh plants taken from intertidal flats in the Yangtze estuary and coastal area in April and July 2002 were determined by GC-ECD. A significant seasonal effect was observed for HCHs and DDTs in sources and concentration levels in different sample types including above-ground tissues and roots as well as the whole plants and rhizospheric sediments. The results indicated that the concentration of t-HCH was higher in the above-ground tissues than in their roots in April; however, the partitioning of DDTs between contaminated sediments and the roots showed the higher concentrations of t-DDT in their roots. HCHs and DDTs concentration levels were higher in above-ground tissues than in roots in July. BCFs of HCHs and DDTs exhibited lower values with higher levels of contaminants in sediments, and higher values with lower levels in sediments.  相似文献   

The fate and effects of selected heavy metals were examined in sediment from a restored salt marsh. Sediment cores densely covered with Spartina patens were collected and kept either un-amended or artificially amended with nickel (Ni) under standardized greenhouse conditions. Ni-amendment had no significant effect on the fate of other metals in sediments, however, it increased root uptake of the metals. Metal translocation into the shoots was small for all metals. Higher Ni concentrations in plants from amended cores were accompanied by seasonal reductions in plant biomass, photosynthetic capacity and transfer efficiency of open photosystem II reaction centers; these effects, however, were no longer significant at the end of the growing season. Root colonization by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) resembled that of natural salt marshes with up to 20% root length colonized. Although Ni-amendment increased AMF colonization, especially during vegetative growth, in general AMF were largely unaffected.  相似文献   

In September 2009, we investigated the residues, enantiomer fractions (EFs) and biological risks of organochlorine pesticides (OCPs), including dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) and hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs), in three different depth ranges (0–5 cm, 5–10 cm and 10–15 cm) of sediments from 15 sites in Hangzhou, China. The concentration (ng g?1 dry weight) ranges of HCHs and DDTs in surface sediments were 0.74–5.8 and 0.76–17, respectively. The vertical distribution of mean OCP concentrations was in the order of 10–15 cm > 5–10 cm > 0–5 cm and implied that the residues of HCHs and DDTs gradually decreased after they were banned. The residues of OCPs in the study area mainly originated from the historical OCP use. The isomer ratios of <alpha>-HCH (α-HCH)/<gamma>-HCH (γ-HCH) (0.10–7.6) implied that HCH residues were derived not only from historical technical HCH use but also from additional use of lindane in this area. The isomer ratios of o,p′-DDT/p,p′-DDT (51% of samples were in the range of 0.3–1.3) suggested that both dicofol-type DDT and technical DDT applications may be present in most study areas. The (+)-enantiomers of α-HCH and o,p′-DDT were more prevalent than (?)-enantiomer in most samples with the fractions contain different enantiomers greater than 0.5. DDTs, especially p,p′-DDE, are the main OCP species of more ecotoxicological concern in Hangzhou.  相似文献   



The capability of Halimione portulacoides, Spartina maritima, and Sarcocornia fruticosa (halophytes very commonly found in salt marshes from Mediterranean areas) for enhancing remediation of tributyltin (TBT) from estuarine sediments was investigated, using different experimental conditions.  相似文献   

Pools of Zn, Cu, Cd and Co in leaf, stem and root tissues of Sarcocornia fruticosa, Sarcocornia perennis, Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima were analyzed on a bimonthly basis, in a Tagus estuary salt marsh. All the major concentrations were found in the root tissues, being the concentrations in the aboveground organs neglectable for sediment budget proposes, as seen by the low root-aboveground translocation. Metal annual accumulation, root turnovers and cycling coefficients were also assessed. S. maritima showed the higher root turnovers and cycling coefficients for most of the analyzed metals, making this a phytostabilizer specie. By contrast the low root turnover, cycling coefficient and low root necromass generation makes S. perennis the most suitable specie for phytoremediation processes. Although the high amounts of metal return to the sediments, due to root senescence, salt marshes can still be considered sinks of heavy metals, cycling heavy metals mostly between sediment and root.  相似文献   

Total HCHs' and total DDTs' levels in surface sediments (SS) ranged from 0.5 to 17.5 ng g−1 and from 0.9 to 33.1 ng g−1, averaged 6.0 and 8.2 ng g−1, respectively. Total HCHs' and total DDTs' levels in suspended particulate matters (SPM) varied from 6.2 to 14.8 ng g−1 with a mean value of 12.3 ng g−1 and were from 3.4 to 25.7 ng g−1 with an average of 16.4 ng g−1, respectively. Lindane is the main HCHs' source and continuing use in the Yangtze Delta areas of ‘pure’ γ-HCH (lindane) rather than technical HCH (a mix of largely α- and some γ-HCH). DDTs in SS are mainly accumulated in history. However, high DDT fractions in SPM are indicators of new input of typical dicofol type DDT from 2002 to 2004. It can be seen that most samples from the Yangtze estuary were in ranges where adverse biological effects are expected, either occasionally or frequently.  相似文献   

We analysed concentrations of Cu, Cd and Pb in above and belowground tissues of the halophyte species Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima, as well as in sediments and pore water between the roots in a Tagus estuary salt marsh (Portugal). From these results we calculated the pools of metals in the compartments mentioned above. Relative percentages of accumulation in each pool were also determined. Our aim was to determine how the type of vegetation in the salt marsh affects overall metal retention capacity of the system. It was concluded that areas colonised by H. portulacoides are potential sources of Cu, Cd and Pb to the marsh ecosystem, whereas areas colonised by S. maritima are more effective sinks at least for Cu and Cd. Consequently, S. maritima seems to contribute more effectively to the stabilisation of metals in salt marsh sediments, reducing their availability to the estuarine system.  相似文献   

Using bio-disturbed sulphide to trace the mobility and transformation of Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn in the sediments of the Spartina alterniflora-dominated salt marsh in the Yangtze River Estuary, measurements were made of the seasonal variations of acid-volatile sulphide (AVS) and of the simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) in the rhizosphere sediments. Microcosm incubation experiments recreating flooding conditions were conducted to evaluate the effect of AVS and other metal binding phases upon the dynamics of Cu, Pb, Ni and Zn in the salt marsh sediments. The results demonstrate that the ratio values of SEM/AVS have a significant seasonal variation in the rhizosphere sediments and that the anoxic conditions in the sediments were likely enhanced by S. alterniflora during the summer and autumn compared with the anoxic conditions resulting from the native species Phragmites australis and Scirpus mariqueter. The incubation experiments suggest that Fe(III) and Mn(IV/III) (hydr)oxides provide important binding sites for heavy metals under oxic conditions, and sulphide provides important binding sites for the Cu and Pb under anoxic conditions. Our observations indicate that the mobility of heavy metals in the salt marsh sediments is strongly influenced by biogeochemical redox processes and that the invasive S. alterniflora may increase the seasonal fluctuation in heavy metal bioavailability in the salt marsh ecosystem.  相似文献   

Contamination by persistent organochlorines (OCs), such as DDTs, hexachlorocyclohexane isomers (HCHs), chlordane compounds (CHLs), hexachlorobenzene (HCB) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were examined in sediments, soils, fishes, crustaceans, birds, and aquaculture feed from Lake Tai, Hangzhou Bay, and in the vicinity of Shanghai city in China during 2000 and 2001. OCs were detected in all samples analyzed, and DDT and its metabolites were the predominant contaminants in most sediments, soils and biota. Concentrations of p,p'-DDT and ratio of p,p'-DDT to SigmaDDTs were significantly higher in marine fishes than those in freshwater fishes. While the use of DDTs has been officially banned in China since 1983, these results indicate a recent input of technical DDTs into the marine environment around Hangzhou Bay. Comparison of organochlorine concentrations in fishes collected from Lake Tai and Hangzhou Bay suggests the presence of local sources of HCHs, chlordanes and PCBs at Lake Tai. Higher proportions of penta- and hexa-PCB congeners in fishes at Lake Tai may suggest the use of highly chlorinated PCB product, such as PCB(5), around this lake. To our knowledge, this is a first comprehensive study to examine the present status of organochlorine contamination in various environmental media, such as sediments, soils and wildlife, in China.  相似文献   

Reboreda R  Caçador I 《Chemosphere》2007,69(10):1655-1661
Total concentrations and fractionation of Cu, Zn and Pb in seven operationally defined phases (exchangeable, carbonates, manganese oxides, organic complexes, amorphous iron oxides, crystalline iron oxides and residual) were determined in sediments colonised by the halophyte species Halimione portulacoides and Spartina maritima in a Tagus estuary salt marsh (Portugal). We aimed to determine whether the speciation of these metals was different in areas colonised by each halophyte. Higher concentrations of Cu, Zn and, in particular Pb, were found in the rhizosphere of S. maritima than in the root sediments of H. portulacoides. Geochemical fractionation of Cu, Zn and Pb in sediments of the salt marsh depended upon the metal, and for Zn and Pb clearly varied with depth and with the colonising species. The higher redox potential observed in sediments colonised by H. portulacoides may in part explain the observed differences in the speciation of Cu, Zn and Pb.  相似文献   

Yang H  Xue B  Jin L  Zhou S  Liu W 《Chemosphere》2011,83(2):137-143
The spatial distribution and source of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in 30 surface sediments of Yueqing Bay, Xiangshan Bay, and Sanmen Bay in Eastern China were analysed. Total concentrations of PCBs ranged from 9.33 to 19.60 ng g−1 dry weight for all the sampling stations. The observed PCB levels were lower than those in areas of high urbanisation or contamination in the bay. Low-chlorinated PCBs, dominated by tri-PCB, were identified as the prevalent contaminate of surface sediments, and the top three PCB congeners were lighter chlorinated congeners (PCB 8, PCB 18 and PCB 28). These results were in agreement with the fact that tri-PCB compounds are the dominant contaminants in China. The result of the principal component analysis revealed that all samples were similar in composition to Aroclor 1242, suggesting they might originate from electrical capacitors and transformers. The levels of PCBs were significantly correlated with the total organic carbon in the sediments.  相似文献   

Concentrations and profiles of 2,3,7,8-substituted polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins, polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) and dioxin-like polychlorinated biphenyls (dl-PCBs) were investigated in sediment and plants collected from a salt marsh in the Tejo estuary, Portugal. The highest PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations were detected in uncolonized sediments, averaging 325.25?±?57.55 pg g?1 dry weight (dw) and 8,146.33?±?2,142.14 pg g?1 dw, respectively. The plants Sarcocornia perennis and Halimione portulacoides growing in PCDD/F and dl-PCB contaminated sediments accumulated contaminants in roots, stems, and leaves. It was observed that PCDD/F and dl-PCB concentrations in roots were significantly lower in comparison with stems and leaves. In general, concentration of ΣPCDD/Fs and Σdl-PCBs in H. portulacoides tissues were found to be twofold higher than those in S. perennis, indicating a difference in the accumulation capability of both species. Furthermore, congener profiles changed between sediments and plant tissues, reflecting a selective accumulation of low chlorinated PCDD/Fs and non-ortho dl-PCBs in plants.  相似文献   

Marine culture is thriving in China and represents a major component of the regional economy in coastal zones, yet the environmental quality of many of those areas has never been studied. This paper attempts to investigate the quality status of Daya Bay, a key aquaculture area in China. The levels of 16 polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) were determined in water and sediment samples of the bay. The total concentrations of 16 PAHs varied from 4228 to 29325 ng l(-1) in water, and from 115 to 1134 ng g(-1) dry weight in sediments. In comparison to many other marine systems studied, the PAH levels in Daya Bay waters were relatively high, and at six sites they were sufficiently high (> 10 microg l (-1)) to cause acute toxicity. The PAH composition pattern in sediments suggest dominance by medium to high molecular weight compounds, and the ratio of certain related PAHs indicate important pyrolytic and petrogenic sources. Further analysis showed that the distribution coefficient (KD) increased with the particular organic carbon content of sediments, consistent with the PAH partition theory. The organic carbon normalised distribution coefficient (K(oc)) also increased with the compounds' octanol/water partition coefficient (K(ow)), confirming the potential applicability of the linear free energy relationships in the modelling and prediction of PAH behaviour in marine environments.  相似文献   

Residual levels and enantiomeric signatures of hexachlorocyclohexanes (HCHs) and dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethanes (DDTs) in surface sediments from Xiangshan Bay, East China Sea were investigated. The concentrations of ∑HCHs (sums of α-, β-, γ-, and δ-HCH) and ∑DDTs (sums of p, p'-DDT, p, p'-DDD,p, p'-DDE, o, p'-DDT, and o, p'-DDD) ranged from 0.14 to 0.67 ng g?1 and 0.61 to 22.38 ng g?1, respectively. A slight potential health risk to the organism was then indicated for the residual levels of DDTs according to the ERL/ERM guidelines. Moreover, the predominant β-HCH implied that the technical HCH contamination was mainly due to the historical usage. But the high ratio of DDT/∑DDTs depicted a cocktail input pattern of fresh and weathered DDTs. The enantiomeric fractions (EFs) of α-HCH, o, p'-DDT, and o, p'-DDD were also determined. The degradation of α-HCH was enantioselective in all sediments samples, resulting in an enrichment of (-)-enantiomers. However, the racemic residues of o, p'-DDT and o, p'-DDD were observed in all sediments samples.  相似文献   

Mercury contamination in Canada's Bay of Fundy is a priority concern because of elevated levels observed in fish, birds and wildlife. Salt marshes constitute an important part of the Bay's coastline and are potential stores of mercury for the region. We measured the amount of mercury accumulated over a 5-yr period from 1997 to 2002 in surface sediments of seven salt marshes along the New Brunswick coast of the Bay. The seven study sites extended from outer to inner Bay, spanning a gradient in tidal range (6-12 m) and sediment characteristics such as %LOI (4-29%) and sediment deposition rate (0.27-1.76 cm yr(-1)). In each study site, mercury was measured in low and high marsh areas. Sediment mercury concentrations ranged from 7 to 79 ng g(-1) and loading rates ranged from 0.1 to 1.1 mg m(-2). Total estimated 5-yr storage of mercury in salt marsh sediments of the Bay is 854+/-465 kg. We also compared sediment mercury loading to atmospheric inputs measured at a deposition monitoring station operating in New Brunswick from 1997 to 2002 and found that direct atmospheric deposition appears to be a minor input of mercury to these sediments. We are unaware of documentation of mercury loading in salt marshes on a bay-wide scale and over a constrained (5-yr) time period elsewhere.  相似文献   

The assessment of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) contamination in surface sediments from the Yangtze estuary which is a representative area affected by anthropogenic activity (rapid industrialization, high-population density, and construction of dams upstream) in the world was systematically conducted. Fifty-one samples were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). The ??PAHs in all sediments varied from 76.9 to 2,936.8?ng?g?1. Compared with other estuaries in the world, the PAH levels in the Yangtze estuary are low to moderate. Phenanthrene, acenaphthylene, fluoranthene, and pyrene were relatively abundant. The ??PAH levels and composition varied obviously in different estuarine zones due to different sources. The highest ??PAHs concentration was observed in the nearshore of Chongming Island. The PAH composition showed that four to six ring PAHs were mainly found in the nearshore areas, while two to three ring PAHs were in the farther shore zones. The PAHs in the Yangtze estuary were derived primarily from combustion sources. A mixture of petroleum combustion and biomass combustion mainly from coal combustion and vehicle emission was the main source of PAHs from the nearshore areas, while the spill, volatilization, or combustion of petroleum from shipping process and shoreside discharge were important for PAHs in the farther shore areas. The result of potential ecotoxicological risk assessment based on sediment quality guidelines indicated low PAH ecological risk in the Yangtze estuary. The study could provide foundation for the protection of water quality of the Yangtze estuary by inducing main sources input.  相似文献   

Removal of methyl chloroform in a coastal salt marsh of eastern China   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Wang J  Li R  Guo Y  Qin P  Sun S 《Chemosphere》2006,65(8):1371-1380
The atmospheric burden of methyl chloroform (CH(3)CCl(3)) is still considerable due to its long atmospheric lifetime, although CH(3)CCl(3) emissions have declined considerably since it was included into the Montreal Protocol. Moreover, CH(3)CCl(3) emissions are used to estimate hydroxyl radical (OH) levels, trends, and hemispheric distributions, and thus the mass balance of the trace gas in the atmosphere is critical for characterizing OH concentrations. Salt marshes may be a potential sink for CH(3)CCl(3) due to its anoxic environment and abundant organic matter in sediments. In this study, seasonal dynamics of CH(3)CCl(3) fluxes were measured using static flux chambers from April 2004 to January 2005, along an elevational gradient of a coastal salt marsh in eastern China. To estimate the contribution of higher plants to the gas flux, plant aboveground biomass was experimentally harvested and the flux difference between the treatment and the intact was examined. In addition, the flux was analyzed in relation to soil and weather conditions. Along the elevational gradient, the salt marsh generally acted as a net sink of CH(3)CCl(3) in the growing season (from April to October). The flux of CH(3)CCl(3) ranged between -3.38 and -32.03 nmol m(-2)d(-1) (positive for emission and negative for consumption), and the maximum negative rate occurred at the cordgrass marsh. However, the measurements made during inundation indicated that the mudflat was a net source of CH(3)CCl(3). In the non-growing season (from November to March), the vegetated marsh was a minor source of CH(3)CCl(3) when soil was frozen, the emission rate ranging from 3.43 to 7.77 nmol m(-2)d(-1). However, the mudflat was a minor sink of CH(3)CCl(3) whether it was frozen or not in the non-growing season. Overall, the coastal salt marsh in eastern China was a large sink for the gas, because the magnitude of consumption rate was lager than that of emission, and because the duration of the growing season was longer than that of the non-growing season. Plant aboveground biomass had a great effect on the flux. Comparative analysis showed that the direction and magnitude of the effect of higher plants on the flux of CH(3)CCl(3) depended on timing of sampling vegetation type. In the growing season the plant biomass decreased the gas flux and acted as a large sink of the gas, whereas it presented as a minor source in the non-growing season. However, the mechanism underlying plant uptake process is not clear. The CH(3)CCl(3) flux was positively related to the dissolved salt concentration and organic matter content in soil, as well as light intensity, but it was negatively related to soil temperature, sulfate concentrations, and initial ambient atmospheric concentrations of CH(3)CCl(3). Our observations have important implications for estimation of the tropospheric lifetime of CH(3)CCl(3) and global OH concentration from the global budget concentration of CH(3)CCl(3).  相似文献   

Elgethun K  Neumann C  Blake P 《Chemosphere》2000,41(7):953-964
Butyltin was measured in tissue, water and sediment samples collected throughout Coos Bay estuary between 1986 and 1997. Butyltin-induced shell deformation in commercial oysters prompted this assessment. Butyltins are released from tributyltin oxide (TBTO)-containing boat paint. Clams from three sites contained tributyltin (TBT) levels ranging from 168 to 457 microg/kg in 1992-1994. Consequently, Oregon Health Division (OHD) issued a shellfish consumption advisory in 1995; it was rescinded in 1997 after US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) revised the TBTO oral reference dose (RfD). The revised RfD changed the tissue screening level from 112 to 1120 microg TBT/kg. Fifty percent of sediment samples collected during 1991-1997 and analyzed for total butyltins (TotBT) exceeded the Puget Sound Dredge Disposal Analysis Screening Level (PSDDA SL) of 73 microg TBT/kg dw. TotBT at three shipyards selected for site assessment by EPA ranged from 24 to 68,613 microg/kg dw. Sediment and tissue butyltins have been decreasing in all but one area of the estuary.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, Pb, Ni, Cd and Co were determined in surface and core sediments collected from Manila Bay and in surface sediments from inflowing rivers. Core profiles revealed highly fluctuating and enriched Pb, Cd, Zn and Cu concentrations on the surface, suggestive of recent inputs coming from anthropogenic sources. Concentrations of Pb, Zn, and to a lesser extent Cu and Cd were higher in riverine sediments as compared with marine sediments, which may be attributed to the proximity of these riverine sites to pollutant sources. Comparison of metal concentration levels obtained with other areas in the world revealed elevated values for Pb and Cd, indicating a considerable amount of pollution in the area. Continuous monitoring and further studies of the area are recommended to ascertain long-term effects that may have not yet been reached.  相似文献   

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