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Monitoring nitrate N (NO3-N) leaching is important in order to judge the effect that agricultural practices have on the quality of ground water and surface water. Measuring drain discharge rates and NO3-N concentrations circumvents the problem of spatial variability encountered by other methods used to quantify NO3-N leaching in the field. A new flow-proportional drainage water sampling method for submerged drains has been developed to monitor NO3-N leaching. Both low and high discharge rates can be measured accurately, and are automatically compensated for fluctuations in ditch-water levels. The total amount of NO3-N leached was 10.6 kg N ha(-1) for a tile-drained silt-loam soil during the 114-d monitoring period. The NO3-N concentrations fluctuated between 5 mg L(-1) at deep ground water levels and 15 mg L(-1) at shallow levels, due to variations in water flow. A flow-proportional drainage water sampling method is required to measure NO3-N leaching accurately under these conditions. Errors of up to 43% may occur when NO3-N concentrations in the drainage water are only measured at intervals of 30 d and when the precipitation excess is used to estimate cumulative NO3-N leaching. Measurements of NO3-N concentrations in ground water cannot be used to accurately estimate NO3-N leaching in drained soils.  相似文献   

Increasing emphasis on phosphorus (P)-based nutrient management underscores the need to understand P behavior in soils amended with biosolids and manures. Laboratory and greenhouse column studies characterized P forms and leachability of eight biosolids products, chicken manure (CM), and commercial fertilizer (triple superphosphate, TSP). Bahiagrass (Paspalum notatum Flugge) was grown for 4 mo on two acid, P-deficient Florida sands, representing both moderate (Candler series: hyperthermic, uncoated Typic Quartzipsamments) and very low (Immokalee series: sandy, siliceous, hyperthermic Arenic Alaquods) P-sorbing capacities. Amendments were applied at 56 and 224 kg P(T) ha(-1), simulating P-based and N-based nutrient loadings, respectively. Column leachate P was dominantly inorganic and lower for biosolids P sources than TSP. For Candler soil, only TSP at the high P rate exhibited P leaching statistically greater (alpha = 0.05) than control (soil-only) columns. For the high P rate and low P-sorbing Immokalee soil, TSP and CM leached 21 and 3.0% of applied P, respectively. Leachate P for six biosolids was <1.0% of applied P and not statistically different from controls. Largo biosolids, generated from a biological P removal process, exhibited significantly greater leachate P in both cake and pelletized forms (11 and 2.5% of applied P, respectively) than other biosolids. Biosolids P leaching was correlated to the phosphorus saturation index (PSI = [Pox]/[Al(ox) + Fe(ox)]) based on oxalate extraction of the pre-applied biosolids. For hiosolids with PSI < or = approximately 1.1, no appreciable leaching occurred. Only Largo cake (PSI = 1.4) and pellets (PSI = 1.3) exhibited P leaching losses statistically greater than controls. The biosolids PSI appears useful for identifying biosolids with potential to enrich drainage P when applied to low P-sorbing soils.  相似文献   

Water-soluble anionic polyacrylamide (WSPAM), which is used to reduce erosion in furrow irrigated fields and other agriculture applications, contains less than 0.05% acrylamide monomer (AMD). Acrylamide monomer, a potent neurotoxicant and suspected carcinogen, is readily dissolved and transported in flowing water. The study quantified AMD leaching losses from a WSPAM-treated corn (Zea mays L.) field using continuous extraction-walled percolation samplers buried at 1.2 m depth. The samplers were placed 30 and 150 m from the inflow source along a 180-m-long corn field. The field was furrow irrigated using WSPAM at the rate of 10 mg L(-1) during furrow advance. Percolation water and furrow inflows were monitored for AMD during and after three furrow irrigations. The samples were analyzed for AMD using a gas chromatograph equipped with an electron-capture detector. Furrow inflows contained an average AMD concentration of 5.5 microg L(-1). The AMD in percolation water samples never exceeded the minimum detection limit and the de facto potable water standard of 0.5 microg L(-1). The risk that ground water beneath these WSPAM-treated furrow irrigated soils will be contaminated with AMD appears minimal.  相似文献   

The combination of synthetic thermoplastic polymers and wood is normally problematic because wood surfaces are hydrophilic while typical thermoplastic polymers are hydrophobic. A possible solution is to use block copolymer coupling agents. In this work we show the use of a potentially useful synthetic method of producing hydrophilic-hydrophobic block copolymers as hydrophobic coatings and coupling agents in polystyrene/wood flour composites. In particular, wood veneers are coated with water-based emulsions of hydrophilic-hydrophobic block copolymers from styrene and methacrylic acid. Dried coated surfaces are shown to become hydrophobic through dynamic contact angle measurements. When wood flour is coated with the hydrophilic-hydrophobic block copolymer based on styrene and acrylic acid, significant improvement in the ultimate tensile properties of composites formed from coated wood flour/polystyrene mixtures is realized. Since no volatile organic compounds (VOCs) are used in coating wood surfaces and subsequent composite production, improvement in mechanical properties of thermoplastic/wood flour composites are shown to occur in environmentally responsible formulations.  相似文献   

A semi-dynamic leaching test was carried out for metallurgical wastes and ore samples from the uranium and copper mining industry over a 142 day period using distilled water and 0.1N NaNO(3) as solvents. Laser fluorimetry was used as the analytical technique to determine the total uranium content in the leachates. The cumulative leach fraction (CLF) of uranium release from the samples was calculated to be 0.22, 0.22, 0.07 and 0.39% for rock, uranium tailings, copper kinker ash samples and copper tailings respectively using distilled water as solvent and 0.31, 0.27, 0.05 and 0.59% for the same matrices using 0.1N NaNO(3). The release of mobile uranium fraction was very slow, being faster in the initial stage and then attained a near steady state condition. The diffusion coefficient and bulk release of uranium from the samples have been calculated. The processes governing the release of uranium from these matrices have been identified to be surface wash-off and diffusion. Hence the use of weak solvents (leach out the mobile/exchangeable fraction of uranium) under semi-dynamic conditions aids the determination of leaching parameters and identification of the leaching mechanism for mobile uranium fraction from different matrices by slow leaching processes.  相似文献   

Leaching of nitrogen (N) after forest fertilization has the potential to pollute ground and surface water. The purpose of this study was to quantify N leaching through the primary rooting zone of N-limited Douglas-fir [Pseudotsuga menziesii (Mirb.) Franco] forests the year after fertilization (224 kg N ha(-1) as urea) and to calculate changes in the N pools of the overstory trees, understory vegetation, and soil. At six sites on production forests in the Hood Canal watershed, Washington, tension lysimeters and estimates of the soil water flux were used to quantify the mobilization and leaching of NO(3)-N, NH(4)-N, and dissolved organic nitrogen below the observed rooting depth. Soil and vegetation samples were collected before fertilization and 1 and 6 mo after fertilization. In the year after fertilization, the total leaching beyond the primary rooting zone in excess of control plots was 4.2 kg N ha(-1) (p = 0.03), which was equal to 2% of the total N applied. The peak NO(3)-N concentration that leached beyond the rooting zone of fertilized plots was 0.2 mg NO(3)-N L(-1). Six months after fertilization, 26% of the applied N was accounted for in the overstory, and 27% was accounted for in the O+A horizon of the soil. The results of this study indicate that forest fertilization can lead to small N leaching fluxes out of the primary rooting zone during the first year after urea application.  相似文献   

Phosphorus leaching from cow manure patches on soil columns   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The loss of P in overland flow or leachate from manure patches can impair surface water quality. We studied leaching of P from 10-cm-high lysimeters filled with intact grassland soil or with acid-washed sand. A manure patch was created on two grassland and two sand-filled lysimeters, and an additional two grass lysimeters served as blanks. Lysimeters were leached in the laboratory during 234 d with a diluted salt solution, and column effluent was passed through a 0.45-microm filter, analyzed for pH, dissolved reactive P (DRP), and total dissolved P (TDP). At the end of the experiment lysimeter soil was sampled and analyzed for pH, available P, and oxalate-extractable P, Fe, and Al. The concentration of TDP in the effluent from the sand column increased to 25 mg L-1 during the first weeks and remained above 10 mg L-1 during the rest of the percolation. In effluent from grass + patch lysimeters TDP gradually increased to 4 mg L-1. Both in the manure and in the effluent of the sand lysimeter P was found mainly in the form of DRP, but in the effluent from the grass lysimeters was found mainly as dissolved unreactive P (DUP=TDP-DRP). Earthworm activity was responsible for decomposition of the manure patch on the grass lysimeters. Manure patches and their remains were found to be a long-term source of high concentrations of P in leachates. Spreading of patches after a grazing period could reduce their possible negative impacts on the environment.  相似文献   

The leaching characteristics of selenium from several bituminous and subbituminous coal fly ashes under different pH conditions were investigated using batch methods. Results indicated that pH had a significant effect on selenium leaching from bituminous coal ash. The minimum selenium leaching occurred in the pH range between 3 and 4, while the maximum selenium leaching occurred at pH 12. The release of selenium from subbituminous coal ashes was very low for the entire experimental pH range, possibly due to the high content of calcium which can form hydration or precipitation products as a sink for selenium. The adsorption results for different selenium species indicated that Se(VI) was hardly adsorbable on either bituminous coal ashes or subbituminous coal ashes at any pH. However, Se(IV) was highly adsorbed by bituminous coal ashes under acidic pH conditions and was mostly removed by subbituminous coal ashes across the entire pH range. This result suggests that the majority of selenium released from the tested fly ashes was Se(IV). A speciation-based model was developed to simulate the adsorption of Se(IV) on bituminous coal fly ash, and the pH-independent adsorption constants of HSeO3* and SeO3 2* were determined. The modeling approach is useful for understanding and predicting the release process of selenium from fly ash.  相似文献   

Phosphorus exchangeability and leaching losses from two grassland soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Although phosphate phosphorus (P) is strongly sorbed in many soils, it may be quickly transported through the soil by preferential flow. Under flood irrigation, preferential flow is especially pronounced and associated solute losses may be important. Phosphorus losses induced by flood irrigation were investigated in a lysimeter study. Detailed soil chemical analyses revealed that P was very mobile in the topsoil, but the higher P-fixing capacity of the subsoil appeared to restrict P mobility. Application of a dye tracer enabled preferential flow pathways to be identified. Soil sampling according to dye staining patterns revealed that exchangeable P was significantly greater in preferential flow areas as compared with the unstained soil matrix. This could be partly attributed to the accumulation of organic carbon and P, together with enhanced leaching of Al- and Fe-oxides in the preferential flow areas, which resulted in reduced P sorption. The irrigation water caused a rapid hydrologic response by displacement of resident water from the subsoil. Despite the occurrence of preferential flow, most of the outflowing water was resident soil water and very low in P. In these soils the occurrence of preferential flow per se is not sufficient to cause large P losses even if the topsoil is rich in P. It appears that the P was retained in lower parts of the soil profile characterized by a very high P-fixing capacity. This study demonstrates the risks associated with assessing potential P losses on the basis of P mobility in the topsoil alone.  相似文献   

Extremely sandy soils and poorly distributed high annual rainfall in the state of Florida contribute to significant leaching losses of nutrients from routine fertilization practices. A leaching column experiment was conducted to evaluate the leaching losses of nutrients when using currently available N, P, K blend fertilizers for young citrus tree fertilization. Fertilizer blends included NH4NO3, Ca(NO3)2, IBDU, IBDU plus Escote, Nutralene, Osmocote, and Meister. Following leaching of 1000 ml of water through soil columns, which simulates leaching conditions with 26 cm of rainfall, the amount of NO3 and NH4 recovered in the leachate from soil columns amended with an NH4NO3 blend accounted for 37% and 88% of the respective nutrients contained in the quantity of blend per column. The corresponding values for soil columns amended with a Ca(NO3)2 blend were 48% and 100%. Leraching losses of both NO3 (<3%) and NH4 (<4%) were drastically decreased when using controlled-release fertilizers. The recoveries of P and K in 1000 ml of leachate were 1.3% and 8%, respectively, of the nutrients added as Osmocote, which contained coated P and K sources. In the case of the rest of fertilizer blends, the recoveries of P and K in 1000 ml of leachate were as high as 52%–100% and 28%–100%, respectively. Therefore, controlled-release technology offers an important capability for minimizing leaching losses of nutrients.  相似文献   

Manufacture of strand board made from construction scrap wood   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The objective of this research was to evaluate the physical and mechanical properties of strand board made from construction scrap wood. The strand board was manufactured using Sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don) and Douglas-fir (Pseudotsuga japonica) strands selected from construction scrap wood. The strands were oriented, and three-layer (face/core/face) strand board of three types was produced: one in which the strands of the face layer were oriented at a right angle to those of the core layer (R board), another in which the strands of the face layer were oriented parallel to those of the core layer (P board), and a third in which the strands of both layers were oriented at random (Ra board). The physical and mechanical properties of the boards were evaluated based on Japanese Industrial Standard (JIS). The main results obtained are as follows: the bending strength of the strand board with a density larger than 0.55 g/cm3 exceeded the standard value of type 18 particleboard of JIS A 5908. The bending strength of the strand board was affected by board density, strand orientation and resin content, and became larger with increased density as well as resin content. That of the parallel specimen of P board was the largest among the specimen-orientations and types. The internal bond strength of the strand board with a density larger than 0.55 g/cm3 exceeded the standard value of type 18 particleboard and type 24-10 particleboard of JIS A 5908. The internal bond strength was markedly affected by the resin content of the core layer, and became larger with increased density. The thickness swelling of the strand board decreased with increased resin content, and become larger with increased density.  相似文献   

B2O3 was recovered from waste samples such as borogypsum, reactor waste, boronic sludges, waste mud and concentrator waste by leaching processes using distilled water, sulfur dioxide- and carbon dioxide-saturated water. In the leaching processes, temperature, stirring time and solid-to-liquid ratio were taken as parameters. The amount of B2O3 leached increased with increasing temperature and stirring time and it also increased with decreasing solid-to-liquid ratio, but the increase was less than that recorded for the leaching temperature and the stirring time. SO2 saturated water is a more effective leaching solvent than CO2 saturated water for boronic wastes. By the end of the experiments, more than 90% of B2O3 recovery was found as boric acid. In the leaching of boric acid from boronic wastes in water saturated with sulfur dioxide, it was observed that the leaching rate increases with increasing temperature and leaching time. The overall average values of the kinetic parameters were: apparent activation energy (E) 33.2 kJ mol−1, pre-exponential factor (A) 8.2×109 min−1, reaction order (n) 0.97 and rate constant (k) 3.37×103 min−1 for the leaching processes of the boronic wastes.  相似文献   

A 3-yr field study quantified leaching and runoff losses of antibiotics from land application of liquid hog (chlortetracycline and tylosin) and solid beef (chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin) manures under chisel plowing and no-tillage systems. The study was conducted in southwestern Wisconsin, a karst area with steep, shallow, macroporous soils. Relative mass losses of chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin were <5% of the total amount applied with manure. Chlortetracycline was only detected in runoff, whereas monensin and tylosin were detected in leachate and runoff. Highest concentrations of monensin and tylosin in the leachate were 40.9 and 1.2 microg L(-1), respectively. Highest chlortetracycline, monensin, and tylosin concentrations in runoff were 0.5, 57.5, and 6.0 microg L(-1), respectively. For all three antibiotics, >90% of detections and 99% of losses occurred during the non-growing season due to fall manure application and slow degradation of antibiotics at cold temperatures. During years of high snowmelt, runoff accounted for nearly 100% of antibiotic losses, whereas during years of minimal snowmelt, runoff accounted for approximately 40% of antibiotic losses. Antibiotic losses were generally higher from the no-tillage compared with chisel plow treatment due to greater water percolation as a result of macroporosity and greater runoff due to lack of surface roughness in the no-tillage plots during the non-growing season. The results from this study suggest that small quantities of dissolved antibiotics could potentially reach surface and ground waters in the Upper Midwestern USA from manure-amended shallow macroporous soils underlain with fractured bedrock.  相似文献   

Phosphorus-immobilizing amendments can be useful in minimizing P leaching from high P soils that may be irrigated with wastewater. This study tested the P-binding ability of various amendment materials in a laboratory incubation experiment and then tested the best amendment in a field setup using drainage lysimeters. The laboratory experiment involved incubating 100-g samples of soil (72 mg kg(-1) water-extractable phosphorus, WEP) with various amendments at different rates for 63 d at field moisture capacity and 25 degrees C. The amendments tested were alum [Al2SO4)3.14H2O], ferric chloride (FeCl3), calcium carbonate (CaCO3), water treatment residual (WTR), and sugarbeet lime (SBL). Ferric chloride and alum at rates of 1.5 and 3.9 g kg(-1), respectively, were the most effective amendments that decreased WEP to 20 mg kg(-1), below which leaching has previously been shown to be low. Alum (1.3 kg m(-2)), which is less sensitive to redox conditions, was subsequently tested under field conditions, where it reduced WEP concentration in the 0- to 0.15-m layer from 119 mg kg(-1) on Day 0 to 36.1 mg kg(-1) (85% decrease) on Day 41. Lysimeter breakthrough tests using tertiary-treated potato-processing wastewater (mean total phosphorus [TP] = 3.4 mg L(-1)) showed that alum application reduced leachate TP and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) concentrations by 27 and 25%, respectively. These results indicate that alum application may be an effective strategy to immobilize P in high P coarse-textured soils. The relatively smaller decreases in TP and SRP in the leachate compared to WEP suggest some of the P may be coming from depths below 0.2 m. Thus, to achieve higher P sequestration, deeper incorporation of the alum may be necessary.  相似文献   

Various N fertilizer sources are available for lawn turf. Few field studies, however, have determined the losses of nitrate (NO(3)-N) from lawns receiving different formulations of N fertilizers. The objectives of this study were to determine the differences in NO(3)-N leaching losses among various N fertilizer sources and to ascertain when losses were most likely to occur. The field experiment was set out in a completely random design on a turf typical of the lawns in southern New England. Treatments consisted of four fertilizer sources with fast- and slow-release N formulations: (i) ammonium nitrate (AN), (ii) polymer-coated sulfur-coated urea (PCSCU), (iii) organic product, and (iv) a nonfertilized control. The experiment was conducted across three years and fertilized to supply a total of 147 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1). Percolate was collected with zero-tension lysimeters. Flow-weighted NO(3)-N concentrations were 4.6, 0.57, 0.31, and 0.18 mg L(-1) for AN, PCSCU, organic, and the control, respectively. After correcting for control losses, average annual NO(3)-N leaching losses as a percentage of N applied were 16.8% for AN, 1.7% for PCSCU, and 0.6% for organic. Results indicate that NO(3)-N leaching losses from lawn turf in southern New England occur primarily during the late fall through the early spring. To reduce the threat of NO(3)-N leaching losses, lawn turf fertilizers should be formulated with a larger percentage of slow-release N than soluble N.  相似文献   

Due to geochemical processes, peat soils often have elevated concentrations of trace elements, which are gradually released following drainage for agriculture. Our objectives were to use incubation temperatures to vary microbial activity in two metalliferous peats (M7 acidic peat and M3 neutral peat) from the Elba, New York region, and to use periodic leaching to assess the extent of trace element release from these soils. Dried soils were mixed with glass beads to maintain aeration, moistened, and incubated at 4, 16, 28, and 37 degrees C in 10-cm-diameter x 8-cm-tall columns. Five incubation-leaching cycles were performed, each consisting of 7.3 d of incubation (28 d for the final cycle) followed by 16 h of leaching with synthetic acid rain at 2.5 mm h(-1). Microbial activity was determined initially and after the final leaching by measuring C mineralization following glucose stimulation. Cumulative respiration results were ranked 28 > 16 > 4 > 37 degrees C, with M7 acidic peat respiration values greater than M3 neutral peat at each temperature. Initial leachate pH levels were between 2 and 4, with acidification less pronounced and shorter-lived for the M3 peat. Leachate S, dissolved organic carbon (DOC), NO3-N, and trace elements declined with successive leachings (rebounding slightly in the final M3 leachate), with concentrations typically greater in the M7 leachate. Elemental losses followed the same general ranking (28 > 16 > 4 > 37 degrees C); losses at 28 degrees C were 15 to 22% for As, Cd, Ni, and Zn from the M7 peat; losses from M3 were comparable only for Cu (1%) and Ni (19%). The correlation of respiration with S, DOC, and trace elements losses indicates that microbial processes mediated the release of trace elements in both peat soils. Neutral M3 peat pH levels limited losses of most analytes.  相似文献   

Acute K depletion in the rhizosphere can lead to increased root uptake of radiocesium. Two processes can govern this increase: the very low uptake of potassium and the weathering of Cs-fixing clay minerals. Their respective importance is, however, unknown. We investigated the effects of these processes on radiocesium mobilization by roots of willow (Salix viminalis L.) from three micas: muscovite, biotite, and phlogopite. Willows were grown in a mixed quartz-mica substrate with the three respective (134)Cs-contaminated micas as sole sources of potassium and radiocesium. After 7 wk of plant growth, the micas were partially weathered. The degree of mica weathering and the prevalent potassium concentration in the solution increased in the order muscovite (5-11 microM K) < biotite (25-32 microM K) < phlogopite (25-35 microM K). The mobilization and root uptake of radiocesium were negligible with muscovite but increased in the same order. These results show that mica weathering directly and chiefly governs the mobility of radiocesium in K-depleted rhizosphere soil. The low mobility of trace Cs in the muscovite rhizosphere is linked with the dioctahedral character of this mica, and hence to its very low alterability.  相似文献   

Potassium depletion in the soil solution around plant roots promotes the root uptake of radiocesium. However, it can also induce the transformation of mica through the release of interlayer K. In bulk soil, the formation of frayed edge sites (FES) with a high selectivity for Cs adsorption is usually related with mica weathering. We studied the effect of K level in the nutrient solution on the root-induced weathering of phlogopite as well as on the root uptake of radiocesium by willow (Salix viminalis L. var. Orm). The willows were grown for 7 wk in column lysimeters filled with a quartz-phlogopite mixed substrate continuously irrigated with nutrient solutions differing in K concentration (0-2 mM). From a potassium supply of 0.4 mM downward, we observed a decrease in root uptake of potassium as well as an increase in (i) potassium release from phlogopite, (ii) degree of transformation of phlogopite into vermiculite, and (iii) root uptake of radiocesium. Increasing K depletion had thus two effects: a decrease of the root uptake of potassium and an increase of phlogopite weathering in the rhizosphere, both of which promoted the root uptake of radiocesium.  相似文献   

Lumber used to construct raised garden beds is often treated with chromated copper arsenate (CCA). This project aimed to determine (i) how far As, Cu, and Cr had diffused away from CCA-treated wood surfaces in raised garden beds under realistic conditions, (ii) the uptake of these elements by crops, and (iii) the effect of CCA solution on soil bacteria. This study showed that As, Cu, and Cr diffuse into soil from CCA-treated wood used to construct raised garden beds. To determine crop uptake of these elements, contaminated soil 0 to 2 cm from the treated wood was obtained from two different beds (40-50 mg kg(-1) As); control soil was collected 1.5 m away from the treated wood (<3-10 mg kg(-1) As). Four replicates of carrot (Daucus carota var. sativus Hoffm. cv. Thumbelina), spinach (Spinacia oleracea L. cv. Indian Summer), bush bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L. cv. Provider), and buckwheat (Fagopyrum esculentum Moench cv. Common) were grown in pots containing these soils in a greenhouse. After harvest, plant materials were dried, ground, digested, and analyzed for As by inductively coupled plasma-hydride generation (ICP-HG). Concentrations of As in all crops grown in contaminated soils were higher than those from control soils. The levels of As in the crops remained well below the recommended limit for As set by the United States Public Health Service (2.6 mg kg(-1) fresh wt.). To determine if bacteria in soils 0 to 2 cm from the treated wood had higher resistance to Type C chromated copper arsenate (CCA-C) solution than those from reference soils, dilution plates were set up using quarter-strength tryptic soy agar (TSA) media and 0 to 22.94 g L(-1) (0-1.25% v/v) CCA-C working solution. The microorganisms from soils adjacent to treated wood had greater growth on the CCA-amended media than those from reference soils outside the bed.  相似文献   

Land application of manure is a common practice in the Upper Midwest of the United States. Recently, there have been concerns regarding the effect of this practice on water quality, especially when manure is applied during winter over frozen soils. A study undertaken on a Rozetta silt loam (fine-silty, mixed, superactive, mesic Typic Hapludalfs) at Lancaster, WI, evaluated the effects of tillage and timing of manure application on surface and subsurface water quality. The daily scrape and haul liquid dairy manure was applied either in the fall (before snow) or in winter (over snow with frozen soil underneath) to be compared with no manure under two tillage systems (no-till and chisel-plowing). In this paper, we report results on the effects of the above treatments on mineral N leaching. Percolation and mineral N leaching during the nongrowing season were, respectively, 72 and 78% of the annual losses, mainly because of the absence of plant water and N uptake. Percolation was generally higher from no-till compared with chisel-plow but there was no significant effect of tillage on mineral N concentration of the leachate or mineral N losses via leaching. Mineral N leaching was statistically higher from the manure-applied vs. no-manure treatment, but there was no difference between winter-applied manure and no-manure treatments. There were significant tillage by manure interactions with fall manure application followed by chisel-plowing resulting in highest N leaching losses. Averaged over the two years, N leaching rates were 52, 38, and 28 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1) from fall-applied, winter-applied, and no-manure treatments, respectively. These results show that there is substantial N leaching from these soils even when no fertilizer or manure is applied. Furthermore, fall-applied manure followed by fall tillage significantly increases N leaching due to enhanced mineralization of both soil and manure organic N.  相似文献   

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