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构建医患和谐关系探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
列举了当前医疗卫生行业不和谐的主要表现,构建和谐医患关系需政府各职能部门、医院、患者等多方面共同努力才能达到目的.  相似文献   

“肖志军事件”导致了两条生命的陨落,引发了人们对医患信问题的思考.医患之间的矛盾由来已久,信任的缺失、法律与人性的矛盾、市场经济条件下医疗制度的弊端等都是导致悲剧发生的关键原因.笔者拟对这一问题进行探讨.参5.  相似文献   

构建和谐社会是落实科学发展观的基本内容,创建和谐企业是构建和谐社会的重要支撑.本文论述了企业在科学发展观指导下,要努力建立企业与员工和谐的劳动关系,以及以科学发展观构建和谐企业的基本途径.参5.  相似文献   

我国要在下个世纪中叶基本实现现代化,其工作重点和难点是在农村和农业现代化。人多地少,12亿人口中有10亿农民,是我国最基本的国情。农业是国民经济的基础,在国民经济中占有极其重要的战略地位,只有农业现代化,才能实现国民经济的现代化。1农业现代化的内涵农业现代化包  相似文献   

<正>问题是时代的呼声。马克思在《就集权问题论德国和法国》中说:“一个时代的迫切问题,有着和任何在内容上有根据的因而也是合理的问题共同的命运:主要的困难不是答案,而是问题。因此,真正的批判要分析的不是答案,而是问题。世界史本身,除了用新问题来回答和解决老问题之外,没有别的方法。问题是公开的、无所顾忌的、支配一切个人的时代之声。问题是时代的格言,是表现时代自己内心状态的最实际的呼声。”习近平总书记指出:“只有立足于时代去解决特定的时代问题,才能推动这个时代的社会进步;只有立足于时代去倾听这些特定的时代声音,才能吹响促进社会和谐的时代号角”。  相似文献   

正如简介中所说,世界状况报告第21版再一次综合了全球范围内的进展和退步,这些变化都影响了环境和社会目标的实现.今年的关注点是消费主义:人们如何消费、为何消费以及他们的选择所带来的影响.消费群体规模已达到了17亿人口,占人口总数的四分之一.消费者胃口的不断增大不仅给环境造成威胁,也使得满足世界上贫困人口最基本的需要变得越来越困难.  相似文献   

许多环境问题具有广阔的范围——不管是它们的影响或是它们需要处理的方法——因此只有行动的一个协同措施才可能有效.诸如气候变化及生物多样性之类的全球问题是真正具有世界重要性问题的两个例子.当使用贸易限制来减轻环境影响,如废物的跨境倾倒时,又只有全球行动才能解决这一问题。 国际环境协定,有时也称作多边环境协议(MEA),由各国的国际社区开发建立,它负责处理我们环境宣言这一全球论题.我们经济及社会结构全球化程度的增加导致了环境保护的大量类似的全球手段,虽然这些手段中很少有在文字上仅仅用于采矿工业,但是其…  相似文献   

实施互动式化学教学,不应仅停留在授课过程中的互动式教学方法上,而应从源头备课做起,让学生参与到互动式化学教案的设计活动中来,使课堂互动内容是学生最感困惑和最为关注的问题.这样,才能调动学生的互动兴趣,变被动的参与为主动的知识构建;才能实现真正意义的互动式化学教学.参6.  相似文献   

为了实现甚至最广泛接受的环境保护原则,也需要适当的政府结构和工业结构.本文给出了与采矿工业有关的实例,尽管行为有所改善,但采矿工业需要继续采取进一步的步骤才能充分容纳可持续发展概念和这个三重底线,采矿工业对“做正确之事”的承诺是环境保护的最为重要的事,这在过去往往是一个促动因素 现在,做正确的事给采矿工业融入了一个三重目标,要在运动中实现环境保护,社会可接受性和经济效益.  相似文献   

经济地理学角度的区域生态补偿机制研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
李平星  孙威 《生态环境》2010,26(6):1507-1512
传统生态补偿以保护与改善生态环境、优化资源利用为目的,已不能体现其在生态保护、环境建设和区域发展方面的全部价值。新的区域发展形势对生态补偿机制提出了新的要求,生态补偿被认为是实现区域可持续发展和区域之间协调发展的重要手段。区域可持续发展和区域间协调发展是我国经济地理学的主要研究对象之一。如何从经济地理学的视角看待区域生态补偿,成为通过区域生态补偿机制的实施实现生态良好、经济发展和社会进步三位目标和谐发展的重要命题。从经济地理学的经典理论出发,在探讨区位论、产业结构演替理论、人地关系地域系统理论的基础上,分析了传统生态补偿的缺失和不足,并在现阶段我国以构建区域可持续和有序发展格局为目标的规划工作——主体功能区规划的基础上,就区域生态补偿的理论基础、目标导向和实施机制进行了探讨,将经济地理学的空间区位论、地域功能理论、区域发展空间均衡理论等充实到区域生态补偿的理论基础中,明确了以实现区域协调发展和基本公共服务均等化为目标导向,探索了政府主导、市场参与的区域生态补偿的实施模式,最后分析了实施难点、提出了相应的解决建议。  相似文献   

生态城市建设与城市超循环体系的构建   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
生态城市的设计、建设和评价,应从人、社会、自然3个层次和城市的结构、功能、协调和目标4个方面来进行定位,最终达到完善结构、提升功能、增进协调、城市优美和谐的目标。城市超循环体系是生态城市社会结构的重要组成部分,城市超循环体系的具有企业、产业、城市、区域4个基本层次,其循环体系、模式、功能和目标均各不相同。生态城市建设与城市超循环体系构建具有在理念上的一致性、结构和功能上的嵌套性、目标和发展机制上的同一性,在更深层次上表现为城市或国家整体中不同民族、不同宗教、多元文化的生态意识在生态理念方面的协调性。  相似文献   

Conservation decisions increasingly involve multiple environmental and social objectives, which result in complex decision contexts with high potential for trade‐offs. Improving social equity is one such objective that is often considered an enabler of successful outcomes and a virtuous ideal in itself. Despite its idealized importance in conservation policy, social equity is often highly simplified or ill‐defined and is applied uncritically. What constitutes equitable outcomes and processes is highly normative and subject to ethical deliberation. Different ethical frameworks may lead to different conceptions of equity through alternative perspectives of what is good or right. This can lead to different and potentially conflicting equity objectives in practice. We promote a more transparent, nuanced, and pluralistic conceptualization of equity in conservation decision making that particularly recognizes where multidimensional equity objectives may conflict. To help identify and mitigate ethical conflicts and avoid cases of good intentions producing bad outcomes, we encourage a more analytical incorporation of equity into conservation decision making particularly during mechanistic integration of equity objectives. We recommend that in conservation planning motivations and objectives for equity be made explicit within the problem context, methods used to incorporate equity objectives be applied with respect to stated objectives, and, should objectives dictate, evaluation of equity outcomes and adaptation of strategies be employed during policy implementation.  相似文献   

陕西省城市化与生态环境系统耦合关系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用层次分析法(AHP)和系统科学的理论构建了城市化与生态环境系统的评价指标体系和耦合模型,并将这个耦合系统的演化周期分为低级共生、协调发展等4个阶段,根据耦合度为45°时,耦合效果最佳的理论又可将协调发展阶段分为相对协调、最佳协调、低度协调3个状态.1990-2008年陕西省的城市化综合指数呈现直线上升的趋势,生态环...  相似文献   

金华生态建筑是自身良性循环的绿色建筑物,有3个特点,即屋顶覆土种植或养殖或设太阳能装置,地下设有以净化生活污水为主要目的沼气净化池,墙体垂直绿化,这三者缺不一可,但可单项利用,它有节土,节水,节能和经济,环境,社会产益协调统一这两大优点。  相似文献   

全球化视阈下的生态伦理学研究述论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
任重 《生态环境》2012,(6):1184-1188
作为人类文化的重要创新,生态伦理学研究推动了将道德延伸到自然界,通过协调各方利益,规范人类的环境态度和行为,重建人与自然的和谐关系,从而保证人类整体事业的繁荣。生态学所描述的仅仅自然界的自然生态,虽然其基本原理为生态伦理学所吸纳,但后者并非生态加伦理如此简单而已,它的研究对象更为广阔,也更为复杂。人始终是伦理学关怀的主体,其出发点是人,最终的对象也必然是包含人在内的整个自然。在伦理学层面上,人首先是社会性的,其次才是生物性的,在这一方面中国自古以来便形成了良好的生态文化传统。生态伦理的思想若要深深扎根当前所有人的心中,必须首先在全社会形成浓厚的生态文化,使环境保护的理念真正落到实处。以生态伦理为核心的生态文化必将成为人类社会生态文明建设的指南。21世纪继往开来的中国的生态伦理学应该具有清晰的价值定位,不仅需要超越生态学的全自然视角,突出人的社会性,而且需要体现社会主义的制度特征,构建自己的生态伦理话语体系。  相似文献   

Citizen science (CS) is gaining recognition as a valuable approach to meet data needs for environmental projects while fostering collaboration between scientists and members of the public. Despite increasing implementation of CS by natural resource entities, organizations’ motivations for engaging in CS remain poorly understood. We examined the utility of the theory of planned behavior (TPB) and social exchange theory (SET) in identifying factors influencing support of CS by scientific organizations. To test predictions of the TPB and SET theories, we surveyed (quantitative, web based) state wildlife agency staff in the United States on their perceptions of organizational engagement in CS. We divided questions that measured TPB items into individual and organizational components to address the influence of personal- and organization-level decision-making on staff perceptions and attitudes. We used structural equation modeling to identify key constructs that influence staff support of CS in state wildlife agencies. The survey yielded 627 responses across 44 states. Both TPB and SET constructs accurately predicted staff support of CS; however, measures from SET (e.g., public engagement benefits and costs of CS to scientific credibility) were most influential (i.e., TPB constructs had less impact). Our findings indicate that organizational support for CS is primarily influenced by assessment of trade-offs among perceived costs and benefits. Indicators of support for CS were further elucidated by including measures from the TPB model. Based on our results, we suggest that natural resource entities give careful consideration to CS project design, develop thorough communication and data management plans, and practice iterative evaluation of CS project productivity.  相似文献   

孙兆刚 《生态环境》2012,(3):590-594
生态经济是在生态系统承载能力范围内,运用系统工程方法和生态经济学原理改变生产和消费方式,挖掘资源的潜力,建设体制合理与社会和谐环境的经济形态。生态经济的以资源为基础,以政策与制度为导向,以技术创新为支撑,是制度、技术、资源等重要影响变量协同作用的结果,制度变迁、技术创新、资源利用三者共同作用于生态经济运行过程都呈现出了典型的非线性特征;将制度、技术、资源分别视为生态经济系统的高层、中层和低层子系统,以逻辑斯蒂(Logistic)曲线为基础,建构了生态经济发展的非线性动力学模型;最后以系统论的观点分析了制度、技术、资源与生态经济发展、科学发展观贯彻、和谐社会构建之间的互动关系。  相似文献   

Summary A view of parent-offspring relations is developed that stresses an increased role for mutualism and tolerance rather than conflict in evolutionary trends toward sociality. For example, in Aphelocoma jays, parental tolerance of offspring increases from asocial to social species, contrary to what parental manipulation or parent-offspring conflict models have suggested. A simple model is presented in which parents can leave more grand-offspring while having fewer offspring through a mutualistic relationship between parent and offspring. Consistent with the model are the following observations: (1) At the extreme of sociality, in Mexican jays, A. ultramarina, both sexes commonly inherit their natal territory, thus retaining productive territories largely under control of genotypes that tolerate persistence of young in the territory. Sons and daughters may breed on their natal territory in the presence of their mothers and presumed fathers. (2) Jays banded as nestlings in the study area achieved higher reproductive success when breeding on their natal territory than those that moved to other territories. It is hypothesized that plural breeding can evolve as an extension of the trend leading to singular breeding via a non-altruistic reduction in the number of offspring per parent. The concept of parental facilitation may prove to be important for many highly social types of animals, including insects, birds and mammals.  相似文献   

A key controversy in conservation is the framing of the relationship between people and nature. The extent to which the realms of nature and human culture are viewed as separate (dualistic view) or integrated is often discussed in the social sciences. To explore how this relationship is represented in the practice of conservation in Europe, we considered examples of cultural landscapes, wildlife (red deer, reindeer, horses), and protected area management. We found little support, for a dualistic worldview, where people and nature are regarded as separate in the traditional practice of conservation in Europe. The borders between nature and culture, wild and domestic, public land and private land, and between protected areas and the wider landscape were blurred and dynamic. The institutionalized (in practice and legislation) view is of an interactive mutualistic system in which humans and nature share the whole landscape. However, more dualistic ideals, such as wilderness and rewilding that are challenging established practices are expanding. In the context of modern day Europe, wilderness conservation and rewilding are not valid for the whole landscape, although it is possible to integrate some areas of low‐intervention management into a wider matrix. A precondition for success is to recognize and plan for a plurality of values concerning the most valid approaches to conservation and to plan for this plurality at the landscape scale.  相似文献   

完善我国流域生态补偿制度的思考——以东江流域为例   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
吴箐  汪金武 《生态环境》2010,19(3):751-756
上下游对流域生态资源保护做出的贡献与生态利益享有的不平等导致区域间社会经济差距的扩大,需要通过生态补偿制度的建立和完善来实现区域统筹和谐发展,但我国现行生态补偿制度由于行政区界限制、相关法规建设不完善、补偿方式较单一、补偿标准测算困难等原因面临不少问题和困境。以东江流域现行生态补偿措施为视点,分析了当前生态补偿研究实践中存在的问题;进而以此为基点根据流域生态系统的连贯性与人类政治结构分割性之间的矛盾进行反思,提出打破流域行政区界限制,统筹构建流域“生态共同体”的理念;并在此理念指导下,提出采取“政府主导、市场运作”策略。即在明确界定流域范围后,首先由“政府主导”开展全流域综合规划、建立和完善省内流域统管机制、跨省流域生态共享共建统筹协商机制;其次以水质水量、出售许可交易权方式测算“生态共同体”之间核算补偿资金,并结合“市场运作”实施多样化并进补偿方式;同时建立流域生态补偿奖惩制度并将其纳入“生态共同体”干部绩效考核体系,构建流域补偿的长效机制,完善我国流域生态补偿制度。  相似文献   

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