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Areas polluted by the persistent presence of metal(loid)s induce health problems, especially when recreational activities (on land or water) promote human exposure to the pollutants. This study focuses on one of the most encountered worldwide mining waste, i.e. those from the extraction of Pb–Zn–Ag. The representative Pb–Zn-rich tailing (about 64,100 m3) sampled is located near a soccer field and a famous river for fishing. The scientific interests is relative to: (1) mobility and bioaccessibility of metal(oid)s, (2) human risk assessments and (3) relationship between human risks and solid-bearing phases in the environment. Soccer field soils, tailings and sediments from the nearby river were sampled; moreover, metal(loid) speciation (from BCR experiments) and bioaccessibility were measured and solid speciation performed by X-ray diffraction and electron microscopy in order to highlight metal(loid) dispersion and impact. Results demonstrate that the soccer field is highly contaminated by Pb, Zn, As and Sb due primarily to waste runoff. In terms of risk assessment, Pb and As human bioaccessibility highlights the major health risk (48 and 22.5 % of human bioaccessibility, respectively). Since local populations are regularly in close contact with metal(loid)s, the health risk due to pollutant exposure needs to be reduced through sustainable waste disposal and the rehabilitation of polluted sites.  相似文献   

Mingot J  De Miguel E  Chacón E 《Chemosphere》2011,84(10):1386-1391
Three methodologies to assess As bioaccessibility were evaluated using playground soil collected from 16 playgrounds in Madrid, Spain: two (Simplified Bioaccessibility Extraction Test: SBET, and hydrochloric acid-extraction: HCl) assess gastric-only bioaccessibility and the third (Physiologically Based Extraction Test: PBET) evaluates mouth-gastric-intestinal bioaccessibility. Aqua regia-extractable (pseudo total) As contents, which are routinely employed in risk assessments, were used as the reference to establish the following percentages of bioaccessibility: SBET - 63.1; HCl - 51.8; PBET - 41.6, the highest values associated with the gastric-only extractions. For Madrid playground soils - characterised by a very uniform, weakly alkaline pH, and low Fe oxide and organic matter contents - the statistical analysis of the results indicates that, in contrast with other studies, the highest percentage of As in the samples was bound to carbonates and/or present as calcium arsenate. As opposed to the As bound to Fe oxides, this As is readily released in the gastric environment as the carbonate matrix is decomposed and calcium arsenate is dissolved, but some of it is subsequently sequestered in unavailable forms as the pH is raised to 5.5 to mimic intestinal conditions. The HCl extraction can be used as a simple and reliable (i.e. low residual standard error) proxy for the more expensive, time consuming, and error-prone PBET methodology. The HCl method would essentially halve the estimate of carcinogenic risk for children playing in Madrid playground soils, providing a more representative value of associated risk than the pseudo-total concentrations used at present.  相似文献   

台北市生活垃圾管理效果显著,人均生活垃圾日清运量年均减量7.3%、资源回收率年均增长28.3%并带动资源回收产业发展、居民负担仅为1998年的22.0%、社会成本较1998年减少30.7%。主要经验包括:明确的生活垃圾减量与资源回收目标;系统的管理模式设计,包括政府(环保局、地方清洁队、资源回收管理基金)、生产商、回收商、处理商、居民、垃圾焚烧厂和填埋场以及第三方等主要干系人。采取的主要政策手段包括强制源头分类、随袋征收垃圾处理费、建立资源回收管理基金、对资源回收行业的政策扶持以及信息公开与公众参与等。台北市先进的生活垃圾管理经验对中国大陆城市开展垃圾分类与资源化管理具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

The mobilisation of metals (Al, Fe, Cd, Cu, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn) from contaminated estuarine sediment has been examined using commercially available surfactants. Metal release by the anionic surfactant, sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS), increased with increasing amphiphile concentration up to and above its critical micelle concentration (CMC). Metal mobilisation by the bile acid salt, sodium taurocholate, and the nonionic surfactant, Triton X-100, however, did not vary with amphiphile concentration. SDS was the most efficient surfactant in mobilising metals from the sample, and Cd, Cu and Ni were released to the greatest extents (12-18% of total metal at [SDS] > CMC). Metal mobilisation appeared to proceed via complexation with anionic amphiphiles and denudation of hydrophobic host phases. Surfactants may play an important role in the solubilisation of metals in the digestive environment of deposit-feeding animals and, potentially, in the remediation of metal-contaminated soil and sediment.  相似文献   

There is an increasing interest in the end-of-life management of polymers present in waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE). This is mainly due to high recycling and recovery quotas set by the European WEEE directive, which can only be fulfilled by including the plastic fraction in recycling and recovery approaches. Previous studies identified a high material diversity and various contaminants in WEEE plastics, including heavy metals, polybrominated biphenyls (PBB), diphenyl ethers (PBDE), as well as polybrominated dibenzodioxins and dibenzofurans (PBDD/F). These substances are regulated by European directives that limit their levels in marketable products. Consequently, both material diversity and contaminants are strong arguments against material recycling and point to hazardous waste treatment. However, recent developments in the production of flame retardants and electrical and electronic goods aimed to reduce contaminants and material diversity. Thus, the present study summarises updated contaminant levels of plastic fractions of European WEEE, as well as data on materials in waste housing polymers. Material characterisation revealed housing fractions to be interesting sources for polymer recycling, which however has to implement potent material separation and/or bromine elimination techniques. With respect to contaminants, our data indicate an effective phase-out of PBB, but still high levels of PBDE and PBDD/F are found. Sources and implications for the material recycling and thermal recovery approaches are discussed in detail.  相似文献   

The focus of this paper and its companion (Part II) is to identify producer responsibility associated with the proposed Waste from Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Directive and the need for greater information about the environmental attributes of electrical and electronic equipment to facilitate end-of-life management of discarded products. Recently, a wide-ranging debate has started within the IT industry centred on the best way to define the exact nature of the information that needs to be supplied to recyclers by producers in order to comply with the proposed European Commission Directive. Using IT and office equipment as an indicative example, semi-structured telephone interviews were conducted with representatives of the UK electronics end-of-life management industry about the environmental attributes that are needed for compliance with the draft Directive. The results of this research indicate there is specific information about equipment that is required on a regular basis, the most important of which is centred on hazardous substances and materials contained in whole units, parts and components of that equipment. The content of an eco-declaration for end-of-life management of IT and office equipment derived from quantitative and qualitative interview data is presented.  相似文献   

A pollution source may release residuals to any of several environmental media, depending on the process design and control strategies. These residuals then are subject to transfer, transport, and transformation within the interconnected compartments of the environmental system. The exposure and susceptibility of people and other receptors to pollutants are different in these various media, and so that risks imposed will vary according to the fate of the pollutants in the system. Because of interactions between compartments in the system, a single-medium approach to environmental management that mitigates problems in one environmental medium at a time independently of risk through other media may not minimize the aggregate risk a receptor receives from all pathways. Alternatively, a multimedia approach advocates focusing on the full environmental system providing pathways for exposure and selecting risk management strategies based on minimization of the aggregate and cumulative risk from all pathways and all compounds. This study combines multimedia risk analysis and an optimization framework to examine a methodology for selecting waste treatment/disposal and pollution control measures, applies the methodology to a sludge management decision problem, and considers the implications for continued use of single-medium analyses.  相似文献   

基于瓦斯燃烧的余热利用,对煤矸石进行高频率的干湿/冷热交替处理,加速煤矸石结构风化粉化,提升风化产物的保墒-透气-蓄肥等土壤学性能。结果表明煤矸石在50 ℃下经30次干湿/冷热交替后粒径显著下降,粗砂 (5~10 mm) 比例下降43%,细砂 (<1 mm) 含量上升35%,持水率可达12.78%,达到砂土持水标准,持水率、微粒含量、毛管孔隙度与循环次数呈正比;颗粒粉化主要受矿物溶出产生溶蚀裂隙、矿物重构并干燥产生盐结晶强化裂隙涨裂,以及黏土矿物的不均匀性膨胀/收缩的影响;风化产物种植紫花苜蓿,发芽率在80%以上,发芽时间、茎长等优于低扰动样品。本研究结果可为瓦斯与煤矸石的能源化、资源化协同利用提供参考。  相似文献   

The effectiveness of phosphate treatment for Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn immobilization in mine waste soils was examined using batch conditions. Application of synthetic hydroxyapatite (HA) and natural phosphate rock (FAP) effectively reduced the heavy metal water solubility generally by about 84-99%. The results showed that HA was slightly superior to FAP for immobilizing heavy metals. The possible mechanisms for heavy metal immobilization in the soil involve both surface complexation of the metal ions on the phosphate grains and partial dissolution of the phosphate amendments and precipitation of heavy metal-containing phosphates. HA and FAP could significantly reduce Cd, Cu, Pb, and Zn availability in terms of water solubility in contaminated soils while minimizing soil acidification and potential risk of eutrophication associated with the application of highly soluble phosphate sources.  相似文献   

Biosolids and woody debris were applied with target C:N ratios of 8:1 to 50:1 to phytotoxic, acidic, high metal mine tailings to test the effect of amendment C:N ratio on native plant restoration. Total soil C decreased over time indicating an active microbial community. The 8:1 treatment initially had no growth, the highest plant cover for the final sampling (86.8+/-13.8%) and the lowest number of species (3.33+/-0.4). The greatest number of species was in the 30:1 treatment (5.44+/-0.45). Plant cover increased over time for all treatments from 44.7% in 2001 to 71% in 2005. This response was consistent across all except for the 30:1 treatment, which showed a slight decrease in the final year (65+/-11%). Volunteer species and evidence of animal grazing were observed in all amended plots. Results indicate that a C:N ratio>/=20:1 increased species diversity.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation is to evaluate the current status and to identify the problems of municipal solid waste (MSW) management in China to determine appropriate remedial strategies. This is the second of two papers proposed on this topic. Major problems or difficulties identified in MSW management in China include MSW land, air, and water pollution, commingled collection, poor administration, shortage of funds, lack of facilities, and problems of training and public awareness. In order to solve these problems and to improve MSW management in China, remedial strategies in three areas are recommended: institutional reform, technology development, and legislation and administrative improvement. The primary principle involved in institutional reform is unifying legislative responsibilities into one body and developing a market mechanism for handling MSW. Composting, landfills, and incineration should be equally developed in accordance with China's needs. The feasibility of developing technology to handle MSW in China is discussed. Also recommended is the establishment of sound regulatory systems, including a service fee system, a source separation system, and a training program. China is presently undergoing economic and institutional reform at the national and local levels. Results of this study will provide useful information on MSW management in China.  相似文献   

The concept of hormesis as a phenomenon is presented, in the context of its evolving definitions. Predominant types of hormetic effect and potential examples thereof are discussed, focusing on chemicals. The potential for hormesis to affect regulatory approaches and several basic processes used in formulating risk assessment parameters, such as study design, interpretation of dose-response information, and extrapolation of toxicity values, is examined. The potential ramifications for human health risk assessment and risk management are discussed.  相似文献   

The health risks of tobacco consumption are well established, but there is less awareness of the global environmental impacts of smoking. The by-products of the 6.3 trillion cigarettes smoked annually are filters (butts) that contain benzene, nicotine, cadmium, and dozens of other chemicals. It is estimated that between one- and two-thirds of all filters are discarded on roads, pavements, and green spaces. Butt litter as an environmental and public health hazard is a relatively new field of study, but recent research and findings have clear global implications. While this article focuses specifically on the situation in Australia, where cigarette butts are consistently the most littered item identified in national clean-up campaigns, the material reviewed has clear international environmental implications. The article first reviews existing literature on filter composition and toxicology, clean-up costs, regulatory response, and key policy actors. It then describes the scale of the butt litter problem in Australia using existing data, and analyses potential remedies at both the domestic and international levels.  相似文献   

Laikre L  Palm S  Ryman N 《Ambio》2005,34(2):111-119
The pattern for distribution of genetic variation within and between populations is referred to as the genetic population structure of the species. To avoid depletion of genetic resources sustainable management should be based on knowledge of this structure. We discuss key aspects of genetic population structure in the context of identifying biological units for fisheries management, suggesting three basic types of structuring: distinct populations; continuous change; and no differentiation. The type of structure determines how units for genetically sustainable management are to be identified. We also review what is currently known regarding the genetic population structure of fishes exploited in the Swedish part of the Baltic Sea, and conclude that sufficient genetic information is lacking for most of the species. This is a serious problem, particularly considering that populations of several commercially exploited fishes are declining and some exhibit recruitment problems. For six species, Atlantic herring, Atlantic salmon, brown trout, European eel, turbot, and pike, sufficient genetic data are available to provide at least basic information on genetic structure and genetic units for biologically sustainable use. Current management practices do not sufficiently consider these data.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Healthcare waste management is considered one of the biggest challenges that the world is going to face in the future. This threat is becoming reality...  相似文献   

Waste management plays a vital role in the reuse of industry wastes in to useful conversions. The treatment of effluents from the combined textile effluent treatment plant and hypo sludge from the paper industry results in sludge generation, which poses a huge challenge for its disposal. Therefore, an eco-friendly attempt is made to utilize them in the production of paver blocks. Paver blocks are construction units that have vast applications in street roads, walking paths, fuel stations, and so on. In this study, an innovative attempt has been made to manufacture paver blocks incorporating textile effluent treatment plant sludge and hypo sludge, to utilize them in suitable proportions. The effect of adding silica fume and polypropylene fibre in paver blocks has also been studied. Paver blocks containing sludge with different proportions were cast based on the recommendations in Indian Standards (IS) 15658, and the test results were compared with the nominal M20 grade and M30 grade paver blocks. The outcomes of the paver block combinations were studied and found to be an effective utilization of sludge with substantial cement replacement of up to 35%, resulting in effective waste management for specific industries.

Implications: Presently, paver blocks are construction units that have vast application in street roads and other constructions like walking paths, fuel stations, and so on. Also, paver blocks possess easy maintenance during breakages. Based on this application, an innovative attempt has been made to manufacture paver blocks incorporating textile effluent treatment plant sludge and hypo sludge to utilize them in suitable proportions.  相似文献   

危险废物事故排放的河流水环境健康风险评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了基于水体中污染物迁移转化方程的水质预测模型,并借鉴美国环保局推荐使用的健康风险评价模型,建立了一种危险废物事故排放时水环境对人体健康风险的评价方法。以电镀污泥为例验证了该方法的有效性。结果显示:该方法需要参数少且计算简单;电镀污泥中目标污染物(Cr、Cu、Ni、Zn)所引起的河流水环境非致癌风险(1.67)超过了美国标准中的可接受风险水平1.00,不可接受;致癌风险(0.88E-11)则小于美国标准中的可接受风险水平1.00E-06,风险不明显。  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Crushed waste rocks can be used as materials for backfilling goafs, so as to achieve the simultaneous goals of processing solid waste and controlling...  相似文献   

Quantitative health risk assessments have been performed for a number of proposed municipal waste combustor (MWC) facilities over the past several years. This article presents the results of a comparative analysis of a total of 21 risk assessments, focusing on seven of the most comprehensive methodologies. The analysis concentrates on stack emissions of noncriteria pollutants and is comparative rather than critical in nature. Overall, the risk assessment methodologies used were similar whereas the assumptions and input values used varied from study to study. Some of this variability results directly from differences in site-specific characteristics, but much of it is due to absence of data, lack of field validation, lack of specific guidelines from regulatory agencies, and reliance on professional judgment. The results indicate that carcinogenic risks are more significant than chronic non-carcinogenic risks. In most instances polychlorodibenzodioxins, polychlorodibenzofurans, and cadmium contribute more significantly to the total carcinogenic risk from MWC stack emissions than other contaminants. In addition, the contribution to total risk of all indirect routes of exposure (ingestion and dermal contact) exceeds that of the direct inhalation route for most studies reviewed.  相似文献   

In this study, an interval minimax regret programming (IMMRP) method is developed for the planning of municipal solid waste (MSW) management under uncertainty. It improves on the existing interval programming and minimax regret analysis methods by allowing uncertainties presented as both intervals and random variables to be effectively communicated into the optimization process. The IMMRP can account for economic consequences under all possible scenarios without any assumption on their probabilities. The developed method is applied to a case study of long-term MSW management planning under uncertainty. Multiple scenarios associated with different cost and risk levels are analyzed. Reasonable solutions are generated, demonstrating complex tradeoffs among system cost, regret level, and system-failure risk. The method can also facilitate examination of the difference between the cost incurred with identified strategy and the least cost under an ideal condition. The results can help determine desired plans and policies for waste management under a variety of uncertainties.  相似文献   

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