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以《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》为依据 ,对实施规划环境影响评价的意义进行了分析 ,并提出了规划环境影响评价应遵循的原则、方法和基本程序 相似文献
2003年开始实施的<中华人民共和国环境影响评价法>对跟踪评价提出了明确规定.对跟踪评价方法在规划环境影响评价中的运作程序进行了分析,包括判别规划是否需跟踪评价、现状调查、环境影响识别、回顾性评价、有效性分析、预测评价和战略调整7个步骤.并基于压力-状态-响应(PSR)模型建立了指标体系,采用指标体系法有效简化了跟踪评价工作的复杂性.并以<上海市某区国民经济和社会发展第十一个五年规划纲要>跟踪评价为例,进行了规划环境影响跟踪评价的案例研究.通过回顾性评价和预测评价,识别出了主要环境问题以及环境制约因素,并根据规划总目标、阶段目标和环境保护规划、环境功能区划,进一步提出环境保护对策和措施,且对规划目标进行了调整. 相似文献
Historically the procedures for human risk assessment and for risk assessment have developed separately with different terminologies and separate data bases. The identification that there are many common features and that sharing of certain types of data for risk assessment purposes would be beneficial is a driver towards a better integration of their procedures. Risk assessors are facing increasing challenges from governments, stimulated by public pressure for (i) human and environmental risk assessments of an ever growing number of products and processes, (ii) further restrictions of the use of animal tests and human studies on ethical grounds, (iii) the requirement to demonstrate that the assessments are independent, transparent and of high quality, (iv) reducing resources in particular a diminishing number of individuals with the scientific depth, breadth and independence act as risk assessors, (v) the need to incorporate new sciences continually and new discoveries into the risk assessment process. It is important for society that these challenges are met successfully. This requires changes in both risk assessment procedures and in the infrastructure needed to support them. Risk assessment is a science based process for establishing the likelihood of adverse effects to human health and to the environment from specific chemical, biological and physical agents. In the last few years there has been a renewed effort, by international bodies such as WHO, OECD and the EU, to achieve a more integrated and harmonised approach to risk assessment. Before examining the potential for a more integrated approach to risk assessment it is timely to consider the key factors which have led to the current position. 相似文献
为了解和掌握啤酒行业涉氨环境风险状况,分析了啤酒行业液氨在运输、贮存和使用过程中的环境风险单元和特征。以典型啤酒厂为例,对其环境风险进行评估,确定环境风险等级,并利用环境风险评价系统(RiskSystem)模型对其在不同风速条件下发生液氨泄漏的环境风险进行了预测分析,进而提出有针对性的环境风险防控对策。研究结果表明:啤酒行业在液氨贮存和运输环节存在较大的环境风险,阀门、法兰、接口等连接部位腐蚀和操作不当是氨泄漏的主要原因。根据典型案例环境风险评估和模拟预测结果,在受体敏感区域环境风险较大,风速对氨泄漏事故的影响范围有较大作用,需要严格预防和加强风险控制。建议国家和地方尽快出台相应的环境风险防范技术规范;涉氨单位应以预防为主,加强环境风险单元和重点环节的隐患排查力度,严格落实风险防控措施和要求。 相似文献
Shipping is an important source of pollution affecting both atmospheric and aquatic environments. To allow for efficient mitigation of environmental degradation, it is essential to know the extent of the impacts of shipping in relation to other sources of pollution. Here, we give a perspective on a holistic approach to studies of the environmental impacts of operational shipping through presentation of an assessment framework developed and applied on a case of shipping in the Baltic Sea. Through transfer of knowledge and concepts, previously used in assessments of air pollution, now applied to assessments of marine pollution and underwater noise, the horizon of understanding of shipping-related impacts is significantly improved. It identifies the main areas of environmental degradation caused by shipping and potential improvements through legislation and technological development. However, as the vast majority of contaminants discharged into the sea are not routinely monitored and assessed, the links between pressure of contaminants from shipping and environmental state and impacts will not be caught in the current environmental regulatory frameworks. 相似文献
Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Natural hazards and severe weather events are a matter of serious threat to humans, economic activities, and the environment. Flash floods are one of... 相似文献
环境标准是环境影响评价的准则.结合环境影响评价的实际,探讨中国主要环境标准在执行中存在的3大问题,即环境标准中控制的环境因子数远远小于企业实际生产中排放的污染因子数,简单引用《工业企业设计卫生标准》(TJ 36-79)不适合中国国情,部分因子的标准限值没有日均浓度等.针对这些问题,笔者提出利用美国环保局多介质环境模型,或根据《大气污染物综合排放标准》(GB 16297-1996)、TJ 36-79和《环境影响评价技术导则大气环境》(HJ/T 2.2-93)进行计算或推导的对策. 相似文献
AERMOD是美国环保局推出的新一代空气质量模式系统,它由AERMET(气象数据预处理器)、AERMAP(地形数据预处理器)和AERMOD(大气扩散模型)3部分组成.结合宁波市北仑区域大气环境影响评价,对该模式系统进行模式验证,并应用于实际预测评价.验证结果表明,在采用适当的模型参数时,该系统预测值与实际监测值具有很好的一致性,SO2、NO2日均最高浓度预测准确率分别达到64.3%和85.7%.最后结合实际预测评价工作,提出AERMOD模式系统在国内环境影响评价工作中的优势及不足. 相似文献
Ethylene oxide (EO) is mainly used as a chemical intermediate and as a fumigant and sterilizing agent. Through its manufacturing and intended uses, EO may be released into the environment. Therefore, an assessment of the environmental significance of those potential emissions was conducted. Data were collected describing pertinent physical properties, degradation and other loss mechanisms that control the fate of EO in the environment. Available aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicity data were assembled and used as the basis of calculating critical toxicity values to characterize hazard. Environmental compartment concentrations of EO were calculated using Level III fugacity-based modeling. Six scenarios were developed to account for different climatic conditions in various portions of the US. Finally, potential regional-scale risks to aquatic and terrestrial wildlife were determined. In the conceptual model that was developed in this assessment, EO diffuses into air, partitions between environmental compartments, is transported out of the different compartments via advection, and undergoes abiotic and biological degradation within each compartment. All known emissions within the continental USA were assumed to enter a modeled region roughly the size of the State of Ohio. Organisms (receptors) were assumed to dwell in both terrestrial and aquatic compartments. Receptors were assumed to include small mammals, soil invertebrates, water column (pelagic) organisms, and sediment benthos. The goal of this assessment was to characterize any potential adverse risks to terrestrial and aquatic wildlife populations. Hazard Quotients (HQ) were calculated by dividing predicted concentrations of EO in air, water, sediment, and soil by their critical toxicity values. Maximum calculated HQ values in air were 1.52x10(-7), in water were 1.17x10(-5), in sediment were 2.25x10(-4), and in soil were 1.37x10(-5). The results of this assessment suggest that EO as currently manufactured and used does not pose adverse risks to aquatic or terrestrial wildlife. In all cases, the HQ values were much less than the maximum desired HQ value of 1.0 (4,400-6,600,000 times), indicating that the potential for diffuse emissions of EO to pose adverse environmental risks is quite low. 相似文献
通过对不同形式公众参与优缺点的分析,提出今后有效开展公众参与的建议,旨在探讨《中华人民共和国环境影响评价法》实施后,中国应如何开展环境影响评价中的公众参与。 相似文献
Chiral pesticides comprise a new and important class of environmental pollutants nowadays. With the development of industry, more and more chiral pesticides will be introduced into the market. But their enantioselective ecotoxicology is not clear. Currently used synthetic pyrethroids, organophosphates, acylanilides, phenoxypropanoic acids and imidazolinones often behave enantioselectively in agriculture use and they always pose unpredictable enantioselective ecological risks on non-target organisms or human. It is necessary to explore the enantioselective toxicology and ecological fate of these chiral pesticides in environmental risk assessment. The enantioselective toxicology and the fate of these currently widely used pesticides have been discussed in this review article. 相似文献
以规划分析、生态环境质量现状调查为基础,以规划实施带来的生态环境影响为依据,采用多种方法建立生态补偿标准核算体系,确定补偿主体、客体及补偿方式,建立生态补偿保障体系,最后将生态补偿机制纳入规划文本,实施规划,并对生态补偿实施效果进行跟踪反馈,不断修正规划环境影响评价中的生态补偿机制.该机制的建立将有效降低规划实施带来的生态损失,实现从源头预防和控制生态影响,提高规划环境影响评价的有效性. 相似文献
以激光类打印耗材——TN350为例,应用生命周期评价方法,对全新TN350和再生TN350进行生命周期资源消耗与污染物排放清单分析,在此基础上进行生命周期环境影响评价。重点考虑6种环境影响类型:全球变暖、酸化、富营养化、光化学臭氧、固体废弃物、工业烟尘和粉尘。结果表明,相对于全新TN350,再生TN350的原油消耗量削... 相似文献
大气环境影响评价(简称环评)技术复核是指依据国家发布的标准与规范要求,针对重点项目环评报告书中有关环境影响预测与评价部分内容开展的技术复核工作,重点分析预测模型、基础数据与参数以及预测方法是否符合技术导则相关要求,并提出复核结论与建议。针对60多个重大环境敏感项目的技术复核报告进行统计分析,发现超过60%的被复核环评报告需返回修改或直接退回。复核案例及经验表明,污染源确定、模型应用规范化是大气环评中需要解决的关键技术。最后,结合典型案例说明大气环境影响预测技术复核的主要内容、过程和复核结论,提出了加强技术复核有效性、提高大气环境影响预测技术水平的结论与建议。 相似文献
随着环境问题的日趋恶化,企业面临越来越大的环境风险.由此承担巨大的环境负债责任.基于企业环境风险评价的基本原理与方法,从企业环境全过程管理角度出发,设计企业环境负债确认与评估程序,提出企业环境负债的事前预防法、全过程控制法、事后管理法相融合的预防和控制体系,从而为企业环境风险管理以及环境负债预防提供借鉴. 相似文献
通过环评实例,阐明了硫平衡图的绘制方法及其主要特点,及如何利用它来分析硫的迁移与去向,介绍了硫化物及其氧化物的环境影响和控制措施,指出硫平衡图对提高环评报告书总休质量和水平的重要作用,把握主要的污染工序,有针对性地提出防治对策与建议。 相似文献
建立水产养殖规划环境影响评价指标体系的实质就是建立其环境影响的具体评价内容.提出了水产养殖规划显著环境影响识别的必要性和方法,引入了关键控制点的概念和识别方法,提出了建立关键指标体系的方法.同时,根据水产养殖规划环境影响评价的要求,提出了规划层次的评价指标和水环境状态反应层次指标的两级指标结构层次. 相似文献
根据委托代理理论,分析了中国环境影响评价制度中存在的问题,立足于绿色招商的理念,理顺建设项目环评委托代理关系,明确了建设单位、环评单位、招商部门、环保部门等相互之间的关系和职责,以使中国的环境影响评价制度更适应新型工业化道路发展的要求。 相似文献
The concentrations and distribution of β-blockers, lipid regulators, and psychiatric and cancer drugs in the influent and effluent of the municipal wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) and the effluent of 16 hospitals that discharge into the wastewater treatment plant mentioned in this study at two sampling dates in summer and winter were examined. The pharmaceutical contribution of hospitals to municipal wastewater was determined. The removal of target pharmaceuticals was evaluated in a WWTP consisting of conventional biological treatment using activated sludge. Additionally, the potential environmental risk for the aquatic receiving environments (salt lake) was assessed. Beta-blockers and psychiatric drugs were detected in high concentrations in the wastewater samples. Atenolol (919 ng/L) from β-blockers and carbamazepine (7008 ng/L) from psychiatric pharmaceuticals were detected at the highest concentrations in hospital wastewater. The total pharmaceutical concentration determined at the WWTP influent and effluent was between 335 and 737 ng/L in summer and between 174 and 226 ng/L in winter. The concentrations detected in hospital effluents are higher than the concentrations detected in WWTP. The total pharmaceutical contributions from hospitals to the WWTP in summer and winter were determined to be 2% and 4%, respectively. Total pharmaceutical removal in the WWTP ranged from 23 to 54%. According to the risk ratios, atenolol could pose a high risk (risk quotient > 10) for fish in summer and winter. There are different reasons for the increase in pharmaceutical consumption in recent years. One of these reasons is the COVID-19 pandemic, which has been going on for 2 years. In particular, hospitals were operated at full capacity during the pandemic, and the occurrence and concentration of pharmaceuticals used for the therapy of COVID-19 patients has increased in hospital effluent. Pandemic conditions have increased the tendency of people to use psychiatric drugs. It is thought that beta-blocker consumption has increased due to cardiovascular diseases caused by COVID-19. Therefore, the environmental risk of pharmaceuticals for aquatic organisms in hospital effluent should be monitored and evaluated. 相似文献
ABSTRACTThe Cd, Cu, Pb and Zn contents in home-grown crops in a former mining district were determined in order to evaluate the non-carcinogenic long-term potential health risk related to crop consumption. The potential health risk was investigated by estimating the daily intake and the hazard quotients. For all crop categories, the daily intake and the target hazard quotient were below the threshold values for Cd, Cu, and Zn. The daily intake of Pb exceeded the oral reference dose, while the target hazard quotient for vegetables was above 1, indicating a potential health risk. The total target hazard quotient for the individual metals decreased in the following order: Pb>Cd>Cu>Zn. This study confirmed that the daily consumption of crops grown in contaminated soils could pose health risks to humans. 相似文献