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为进一步提高化工企业安全管理水平,防止因职工不安全行为导致生产安全事故的发生,日前,滨海县开展化工企业职工安全技能提升活动。活动分“三个”阶段进行:一是调查统计阶段。组织力量对各生产企业从业人员学历、从事化工生产年限、是否按规定经过安全培训、特种岗位是否取得上岗证书等情况进行统计汇总;二是技能培训阶段。根据统计汇总情况,  相似文献   

本文就家属协管安全生产工作的可行性和重要性及如何开展好职工家属协管安全生产工作的方式方法进行探讨,提出开展好职工家属协管安全生产工作对提高职工的安全意识和安全操作技术技能是非常重要的,对杜绝"三违"现象、克服麻痹侥幸思想来说是一付"特效药",是促进企业抓好安全生产工作的有效途径.  相似文献   

常言道,小心驶得万年船.安全似乎只能是经验、小心和缓慢的衍生物.可近年来,河南油田水电厂却在安全上大作"赛"文章,赛职工安全知识水平、赛职工安全生产技能,赛单位安全管理方法,最终赛出了安全生产的长周期.  相似文献   

<正>安全教育培训,是安全生产管理工作中的一项前瞻性、基础性工作,对于提高职工对安全生产重要性的认识、职工队伍的安全素质,掌握安全生产知识和技能,增强职工安全生产的责任感、遵守规章制度和劳动纪律的自觉性和主动性,强化安全生产"红线意识"和法制观念,都具有非常重要的作用。  相似文献   

华安 《劳动保护》2014,(6):77-77
本刊讯2014年4月28日,攀枝花市总工会举办了全市职工安全生产“知险、避险、应急救生”教育活动启动仪式。这标志着新一轮职工安全生产教育活动在攀枝花市全面铺开。为了使本次教育活动取得实效,攀枝花市总工会针对当前产业结构调整,新职工较多的实际,把强化职工“知险、避险、应急救生”技能作为教育重点,增强职工防范安全生产突发事件的综合能力。  相似文献   

常言道,小心驶得万年船。安全似乎只能是经验、小心和缓慢的衍生物。可近年来,河南油田水电厂却在安全上大作“赛”文章,赛职工安全知识水平、赛职工安全生产技能,赛单位安全管理方法,最终赛出了安全生产的长周期。  相似文献   

常言道,小心驶得万年船。安全似乎只能是经验、小心和缓慢的衍生物。可近年来,河南油田水电厂却在安全上大作"赛"文章,赛职工安全知识水平、赛职工安全生产技能,赛单位安全管理方法,最终赛出了安全生产的长周期。  相似文献   

当好宣传员要利用会议、标语、橱窗和板报等多种形式,向班组职工宣传安全生产法律法规,企业规章制度,企业对安全工作的具体部署和要求,宣传安全生产事故案例,以及安全生产工作的典型事迹和先进经验,统一班组职工的思想,不断提高班组职工的安全生产意识。当好辅导员安全员要发挥自身在安全生产技术方面能力强、技术精、经验丰富的优势,紧密结合班组生产实际,组织开展技术培训工作,定期组织班组职工学理论、学技术,向大家传授安全操作规程、安全技术要领和应急预案,不断提高班组职工的安全生产技能,做到会安全,能安全。当好指导员抓安全工作要…  相似文献   

从大量的事故统计结果表明:当前我国所发生的安全生产事故中,70%左右是由于企业职工违章作业造成的,这说明企业职工的安全生产意识淡薄,安全生产技能生疏,安全生产知识贫乏,这是造成我国安全生产事故多发的主要原因之一,也暴露了企业安全生产教育存在的问题 职工的安全生产教育是企业安全  相似文献   

走进四川攀钢钢企矿山工业公司科研选钛厂的生产现场,随处可以看到一个个职工身上佩带的深蓝色“安全卡”,上面赫然分类标示着每个职工的安全学习、违章、处罚情况。这是该厂为适应今年深化企业改革,强化安全生产管理的举措之一。 推广应用安全卡对提高职工安全意识、促进劳动岗位动态管理、增强职工安全技能和自救互保意识、保证安全生产具有重要意义。年初开始推行这一管理方  相似文献   

安全培训是企业安全生产的一项重要的基础性工作,为提高员工安全生产技能、强化安全防范意识、切实提高安全培训效果,围绕企业中的安全培训问题,以对安全培训现状的概述为基础,通过对新员工,接触新设备、新工艺、新技术的员工,从事特种作业的员工等3类特殊群体的安全培训问题深入分析,最后提出意见对策。  相似文献   

我国与欧洲钢铁企业安全管理的差异与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对我国和欧洲大型钢铁企业安全管理现状进行了分析,较全面地考察和讨论了欧洲大型钢铁企业先进的安全管理经验和安全理念,包括:企业的安全管理机构和管理模式、精干有效的安全管理人员配置、先进的安全管理理念和方法、安全指标与绩效、欧洲的行业安全管理等。在此基础上,从管理理念、发展科学技术、宣传教育、管理人员、责任和考核、消防和急救资源、外协管理、安全信息化等方面,提出提升我国企业安全管理水平的对策。  相似文献   

Introduction: Compared to other types of occupational training, safety training suffers from several unique challenges that potentially impair the engagement of learners and their subsequent application or “transfer” of knowledge and skills upon returning to the job. However, existing research on safety training tends to focus on specific factors in isolation, such as design features and social support. The aim of this research is to develop an overarching theoretical framework that integrates factors contributing to training engagement and transfer. Method: We conducted a comprehensive qualitative review of safety training research that was published between 2010 and 2020. We searched Web of Science, Scopus, and Google Scholar, yielding 147 articles, and 38 were included. We content analyzed article summaries to arrive at core themes and combined them with contemporary models of general occupational training to develop a rich model of safety training engagement and transfer. Results: We propose that training engagement is a combination of pre-training factors such as individual, organizational, and contextual factors, that interact with design and delivery factors. Safety training engagement is conceptualized as a three-component psychological state: affective, cognitive, and behavioral. Organizations should prioritize pre-training readiness modules to address existing attitudes and beliefs, optimize the safety training transfer climate, and critically reflect on their strategy to design and deliver safety training so that engagement is maximized. Conclusions: There are practical factors that organizations can use before training (e.g., tailoring training to employees’ characteristics), during training (e.g., ensuring trainer credibility and use of adult learning principles), and after training (e.g., integrating learned concepts into systems). Practical Applications: For safety training to ‘stick,’ workers should be affectively, cognitively, and behaviorally engaged in learning, which will result in new knowledge and skills, improvements in attitudes, and new safety behaviors in the workplace. To enable engagement, practitioners must apply adult learning principles, make the training relevant, and tailor the training to the job and individual needs. After training, ensure concepts are embedded and aligned with existing systems and routines to promote transfer.  相似文献   

PROBLEM: Supervisors are increasingly important to the functioning of manufacturing operations, in large part due to their role as leaders. While supervisors' relations and communication with their subordinates are known to be important in influencing subordinates' behavior, little is known about how these two factors will impact subordinates' safety. This study investigated how much each factor contributes to safety-related outcomes for blue-collar production employees. METHOD: Production employees at five Pennsylvania wood manufacturers completed a survey during their work shift. Five hundred and ninety eight employees provided data on leader-member exchange (LMX), safety communication, and safety-related events. Archival data on OSHA recordables were also obtained from the producers' human resources database. RESULTS: Analyses found that the influence of LMX was greater than that of safety communication in predicting safety-related events. Neither LMX nor safety communication was significantly related to OSHA recordables. Results also demonstrated that employee job satisfaction and demographic variables such as gender and age have safety implications. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Results from this study further emphasize the importance of production supervisors and illustrate the potential role of leader-member exchange in enhancing workplace safety. Specifically, organizations should foster positive social exchange between their employees and supervisors and enhance the leadership qualities of supervisors to help reduce workplace injuries.  相似文献   

兰伟兴  蒋建平  刘栩男 《安全》2022,43(1):53-58
为研究食品生产企业员工安全行为的影响因素,本文基于安全领导力、安全氛围、个体认知等方面对员工安全行为的重要影响作用,研究上述各维度对安全行为的影响,结果表明:可感知的安全领导力、良好的安全氛围及对安全的个体认知情况,均会促进员工主动安全行为的产生,且安全领导力对安全行为的影响作用最大,其次是个体认知,再次是安全氛围;安全氛围会抑制员工安全道德行为的产生,个体认知会抑制员工自律守纪行为的产生。  相似文献   

Introduction: The majority of construction companies are small businesses and small business often lack the resources needed to ensure that their supervisors have the safety leadership skills to build and maintain a strong jobsite safety climate. The Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) training program was designed to provide frontline leaders in all sized companies with safety leadership skills. This paper examines the impact of the FSL training by size of business. Methods: Leaders, defined as foremen or other frontline supervisors, from small, medium, and large construction companies were recruited to participate in a study to evaluate the degree to which the FSL changed their understanding and use of the leadership skills, safety practices and crew reporting of safety-related conditions. We used linear mixed modeling methods to analyze pre-post training survey data. Results: Prior to the training, leaders from small and medium sized companies reported using safety leadership skills less frequently than those from large ones. After the training, regardless of business size, we observed that the FSL training improved leaders understanding of safety leadership skills from immediately before to immediately after the training. Additionally, leaders reported greater use of safety leadership skills, safety practices, and crew reporting of safety-related conditions from before to two-weeks after the training. However, those from small and medium sized companies reported the greatest improvement in their use of safety leadership skills. Conclusions: The FSL training improves safety leadership outcomes regardless of the size company for which the leader worked. However, the FSL may be even more effective at improving the safety leadership skills of leaders working for smaller sized construction companies or those with lower baseline levels of safety leadership skills. Practical applications: The majority of construction companies employ a small number of employees and therefore may not have the resources to provide their frontline leaders with the leadership training they need to be effective leaders who can create a strong jobsite safety climate. The Foundations for Safety Leadership (FSL) training can help fill this gap.  相似文献   

随着经济体制改革的深化,传统的用工制度已经被打破,一线作业人员“三工”比例增加。本文分析了“三工”作业人员安全生产的薄弱之处,提出了强化“三工”人员安全教育工作主要对策。  相似文献   

基于SEM的建筑施工企业KPI安全绩效评价   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
鉴于建筑施工企业生产安全和服务质量管理以及企业员工综合素质和工作效率的重要性,探讨影响建筑施工企业安全生产的因素,并对建筑施工企业的安全绩效进行全面、客观的评价。采用关键绩效指标(KPI)建立基于人的因素、管理制度、施工设备和环境条件四维度的建筑施工企业安全绩效评价指标体系,研究将结构方程模型理论引入到评价体系中,构建安全绩效评价的结构方程模型(SEM)。总结评价的一般程序,并结合实例,从定量的角度对某建筑施工企业安全绩效进行评价。结果表明,KPI评价体系和SEM评价模型评估得出建筑企业安全绩效影响因素的程度是:人的因素>管理制度>环境条件>施工设备。  相似文献   

Introduction: This study identifies determinants of safety climate at agricultural cooperatives. Methods: An extensive survey was designed to build upon past research done in collaboration with DuPont (Risch et al., 2014). In 2014 and 2015, the survey was administered to 1930 employees at 14 different agricultural cooperatives with 154 locations. Injury incidence data were also collected from each location to better understand the overall health and safety environment in this sector. An ordered probit model is used to identify variables that are associated with better safety climates. Results: Safety system components such as discipline programs, inspection programs, modified duty programs, off-the-job safety training programs, and recognition programs are positively related to individual safety climate for both managerial employees and nonmanagerial employees. Variables representing an employee’s agricultural background, distance between their workplace and childhood home, and formal education are not associated with managerial safety climate. However, agricultural background and childhood home distance are associated with nonmanagerial safety climate. Conclusions: Improving occupational health and safety is a priority for many agricultural cooperatives. Lower safety climate emerges as nonmanagerial employees have more experience with production agriculture and work nearer to their home community. Practical applications: Employees of agricultural cooperatives face a host of health and safety challenges that are likely to persist into the future. The safety system components associated with safety climate indicate that continuous feedback is important for improving occupational health and safety. Occupational health and safety programming should also acknowledge that many employees have experiences that influence their attitudes and behaviors.  相似文献   

通过生产实践,论述了林业企业强化木材生产现场安全管理的五条措施。从而减少从业人员的人机伤害事故,确保安全生产。  相似文献   

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