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The Toxics Release Inventory (TRI) created by the 1986 Emergency Planning and Community Right-to-Know Act initially received limited attention. During the early years of its implementation, the TRI has become the basis for a national experiment in voluntaristic problem solving among citizens and industry, but that process of environmental democracy hinges on citizens' ability to actually acquire, understand, and apply the new data on industrial toxic emissions. A national study of TRI-using organizations in the public and private sectors reveals that effective citizen access depends in part on the efforts of intermediary public interest groups to bridge individual needs and right-to-know data. Although the TRI has had early success as a supplement to conventional command and control regulation, questions exist about the extent to which state and federal government should or must provide special efforts to make environmental information access work for citizens.  相似文献   

Expanding the opportunities for public participation in environmental planning is not always the best option. Starting from an institutional public choice analysis of public participation in terms of the collective action problem, this paper emphasises the roots of participatory activities in the incentive structures facing potential participants. It then goes on to consider the strategies that may be adopted for encouraging greater public involvement and looks particularly to the social capital literature for suggestions of how institutional redesign may alter these incentive structures. The paper concludes by distinguishing three different modes of environmental planning, in terms of the rationale for participation, the severity of the collective action problem and the associated participatory strategy that can be adopted.  相似文献   


Expanding the opportunities for public participation in environmental planning is not always the best option. Starting from an institutional public choice analysis of public participation in terms of the collective action problem, this paper emphasises the roots of participatory activities in the incentive structures facing potential participants. It then goes on to consider the strategies that may be adopted for encouraging greater public involvement and looks particularly to the social capital literature for suggestions of how institutional redesign may alter these incentive structures. The paper concludes by distinguishing three different modes of environmental planning, in terms of the rationale for participation, the severity of the collective action problem and the associated participatory strategy that can be adopted.  相似文献   

本文全面系统地分析了我国当前面临的环境形势,阐述了近2年来全国环境保护工作的进展,进一步明确了我国跨世纪的环保目标及具体措施。  相似文献   

本文从议程设定、议题综合度、参与度及机构设置等方面对三次联合国全球环境大会的绩效进行考察,认为1992年环境与发展大会绩效最高,1972年人类环境会议次之,2002年世界可持续发展峰会最低.这也折射出"后约翰内斯堡时代"环境治理的艰巨性,主要表现在国际条约执行难、某些国家政治意愿的缺失及国际社会的"绿色疲惫"等方面.  相似文献   

试论环境意识及其对环保工作的影响和促进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈振发 《四川环境》2006,25(3):123-126
从环境意识角度探讨环境问题及可持续发展。简略总结了西方进入工业社会后的人与自然观,及20世纪兴起的环境哲学概况。介绍中国在经济发展过程中对环境保护存在的认识误区。论述环境意识对环保工作的影响和促进及提高环境意识的途径。  相似文献   

排污费改革为环境税是环境保护领域的重大课题,环境税开征必须充分协调好与环境保护制度之间的关系。为协调与环境污染总量控制等环境行政管控制度的关系,应注重加强环境税的合作征管和联合执法,为行政管控提供较为顺畅的信息机制。为协调与排污权交易等环境经济制度的关系,应加强成本效益分析,妥善分配部门间权力与利益,并根据经济社会发展情况处理好地区发展和结构性配置等问题。  相似文献   

目前,我国总体环境形势可概括为:局部地区和行业的部分环境指标有所改善,环境恶化状况未得到根本遏制,环境形势依然十分严峻,未来的环境压力将继续加大。要想从根本上解决问题,就必须从实际出发,加强应对污染事故的机制建设,建立环境保护长效机制。其中,极为重要的一环是完善环境政策、法规、标准、制度体系。  相似文献   

环境民事责任是环境法律责任的一种形式,是解决和处理环境损害赔偿中重要的法律依据。  相似文献   

强化环境监测管理提高环境监测地位   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
总结和回顾了我国环境监测工作开展近三十年来所取得的非凡成绩,阐述了目前环境监测工作同整个环境保护事业相比较,同国外环境监测相比较存在的不足,并进一步提出了以"强化环境监测管理,提高环境监测地位"为核心的几点建议,旨在使我国的环境监测工作能更好地为环境保护和经济建设服务.  相似文献   

环境标准与环境法律责任之间的关系探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
廖建凯  黄琼 《环境技术》2005,23(2):37-39
环境标准是环境法运行的基础,环境法律责任是环境法实施的重要保障,理清二者之间的关系对环境法的顺利实施有着非常重要的意义。通过分析环境标准的正当性和阐述法律法规对人身财产权利的固有保护,可知环境标准是判断是否承担环境法律责任的充分但非必要条件。  相似文献   

博物馆与环境教育:影响城市公众   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
何方 《环境教育》2001,(5):26-28
导语:在普通人的印象中,我国的许多博物馆几十年如一日,一副老面孔,大多沉寂而缺乏生机。平日里只有几个零星的“顾客”,展品也大多是雕塑一般地静候着人们去光顾,少见解说员或专家在那里为大家讲解。人们似乎也不了解博物馆的工作人员每天真正在做什么,更多的也许是研究工作吧。实际上,博物馆不应只是“展柜”和“百宝箱”,更应成为活的“有机体”,吸引公众,发挥博物馆的知识力量,促进博物馆与公众的互动。他山之石可以攻玉,在这方面,我们可以借鉴美国三大博物馆之一的芝加哥菲尔德博物馆在公众环境教育方面卓有成效的经验,特别是博物馆如何在公众和学校环境教育方面发挥作用。  相似文献   

妇女与环境有着密切的关系,现代妇女越来越关注环境保护,但妇女整体的环保意识不强,提高妇女的环保意识,促使她们切实参与可持续发展战略,是当前环保工作的重要内容之一。  相似文献   

本文介绍了环境技术环境影响评价的程序、步骤和方法。  相似文献   

Environmental decision-making and policy-making at all levels refers necessarily to synthetic, approximate quantification of environmental properties such as vulnerability, conservation status, and ability to recover after perturbation. Knowledge of such properties is essential to informed decision-making, but their definition is controversial and their precise characterization requires investments in research, modeling, and data collection that are only possible in the most developed countries. Environmental agencies and governments worldwide have increasingly requested numerical quantification or semiquantitative ranking of such attributes at the ecosystem, landscape, and country level. We do not have a theory to guide their calculation, in general or specific contexts, particularly with the amount of resources usually available in such cases. As a result, these measures are often calculated with little scientific justification and high subjectivity, and such doubtful approximations are used for critical decision-making. This problem applies particularly to countries with weak economies, such as small island states, where the most precious environmental resources are often concentrated. This paper discusses frameworks for a “least disappointing,” approximate quantification of environmental vulnerability. After a review of recent research and recent attempts to quantify environmental vulnerability, we discuss models and theoretical frameworks for obtaining an approximate, standardizable vulnerability indicator of minimal subjectivity and maximum generality. We also discuss issues of empirical testing and comparability between indicators developed for different environments. To assess the state of the art, we describe an independent ongoing project developed in the South Pacific area and aimed to the comparative evaluation of the vulnerability of arbitrary countries.  相似文献   

叶成绪 《青海环境》2003,13(3):136-137
文章分析了计算机与环境保护的关系及计算机对环境保护的影响,并提出计算机界在环境保护方面应采取的措施。  相似文献   

The views expressed here are the author's and do not necessarily reflect an expression of opinion on the part of the United Nations. The objective of sustainable development is to integrate environmental concerns with mainstream socio-economic policies. Integrated policies need to be supported by integrated data. Environmental accounting achieves this integration by incorporating environmental costs and benefits into conventional national accounts. Modified accounting aggregates can thus be used in defining and measuring environmentally sound and sustainable economic growth. Further development objectives need to be assessed by more comprehensive, though necessarily less integrative, systems of environment statistics and indicators. Integrative frameworks for the different statistical systems in the fields of economy, environment and population would facilitate the provision of comparable data for the analysis of integrated development.  相似文献   

本文介绍了环境技术环境影响评价的程序、步骤和方法。  相似文献   

环境伦理--环境教育的终极目标   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
前言 自第二次世界大战以后,欧美工业生产速飞猛进。由于工业化而产生许多环境问题,例如:空气、水和土壤污染、放射性废物及其它毒性物质之泛滥。尤其是环境灾难的频繁发生,使世人深感环境危机日益严重。 为了解决环境危机,各国政府及国际环境组织最初均强调训练与再训练专家及技术人员,但是,各国逐渐发现环境问题涉及到社会大众、各层人士的行为,非环境专家所能解决,除非人人对环境有正确的认识和行为,方能有效解决环境问题。 教育的目的在改变人类思想和行为,因此,解决环境危机还得发展环境教育。联合国于1972年在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩召开人类环境会议,会中建议联合国应发展国际环境计划  相似文献   

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