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探讨了武汉某工业园电镀厂污泥酸浸、除杂提磷的工艺及条件。当H2SO4(浓度为72%)用量为4mL/g污泥,在液固比为5:1,常温搅拌浸出时间为1h,用碱液调节浸出液pH为4后沉淀1h,过滤,磷的浸出率为86%,铁的沉淀率达到94.2%,除铁后的浸出液进一步用NH4HCO3净化,并制取磷铵产品,总养分(N+P2O5)为52%。产品达到国家合格品的标准。  相似文献   

以水华藻种铜绿微囊藻为例,在实验室内模拟内陆电厂温排水中温升和游离余氯的联合作用,研究其对铜绿微囊藻生长与光合活性的影响.结果表明,在适宜铜绿微囊藻生长的温度范围内,一定程度的温升会促进其生长,且水域温度本底值较低时,温升更有利于铜绿微囊藻的生长.铜绿微囊藻对游离余氯非常敏感,在大于0.1mg/L情况下,光合活性会下降,抑制作用非常明显,联合作用下,温升对于0.1mg/L游离余氯作用下铜绿微囊藻光合活性的恢复具有一定的促进作用,对于0.2mg/L作用下则没有.电厂排水口铜绿微囊藻会受到很强烈的抑制作用,藻细胞受到严重破坏,当加氯方式为连续加氯时,0.1mg/L余氯作用下的水域,微囊藻生长也会受到抑制.  相似文献   

The concentrations of Fe, Mn, AI, Zn, Pb, Ni, Cr, and As were measured in soils and leaves from 21 plant species growing on hills near the Beijing Steel Factory(BSF) and 17 plant species in the Beijing Botanical Garden(BBG). The results showed that soils from BSF were Zn contaminated according to the threshold of natural background of China. There was a metal contamination of the soils by Ni,and Cr in BSF comparing with those in BBG. The comparison between concentrations of metals in leaves from both sites indicated that, in general, accumulation of metals in the leaves of the same species was significantly different between the two sites. Even within the same locality each species accumulation of metals was significantly variable. The study aimed to screen landscape plants for the capacity to clean-up toxic metals in soils, and developed an overall metal accumulation index(MAI) for leaves and then categorized the MAI that can be applied broadly in the selection of species in polluted areas. To do this, the spectrum of MAI values were divided into four classes: strongly accumulated(SA or grade I), moderately accumulated(MA or grade II), intermediately accumulated( IA or grade III), and weakly accumulated(WA or grade IV). The results showed that elemental association between Fe, AI, Ni, and As was generally highly correlated with each other in the sampling sites. This may suggest their common biochemical characteristics. Generally, those species containing strong and moderate accumulation in both sites are considered including Vitex negundo, Broussonetia papyrifera, Ulmus pumila, and Rubia cordifolia. At BSF and other industrial sites with a similar ecosystem, strong and moderate accumulation species include Sophora japonica, Ampelopsis aconitifolia var. glabra, Platycladus orientalis, Wikstroemia chamaedaphne, Cleistogenes squarrosa, Grewia biloba, and in BBG, in addition Setaria viddis, Cotinus coggygria, Lespedeza flodbunda, Rhamnus parvifolia, Lespedeza tomentosa.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on lessons learnt from Cleaner Production (CP) experiences in textile bleaching and dyeing (hosiery) clusters in India. The regional and industry contexts for CP are demonstrated by outlining the interaction and interdependency between the urban and rural environment, and an industry cluster centered on Tirupur City. A policy for fostering water use productivity in the industry cluster is discussed, which shows how that in order for resource productivity to be maintained, regional and industry CP strategies should be aligned. This is illustrated by a discussion on CP lessons in water and chemicals conservation. The paper also recommends future areas of CP investigations required in the industry to make it ecologically sustainable in the long-term.  相似文献   

In India coal combustion is the single largest source of emission of mercury which is a wide-spread persistent global toxicant, travelling across international borders through air and water. As a party to the Minamata convention, India aims to monitor and reduce Hg emissions and stricter norms are introduced for mercury emissions from power plants (30 μg/Nm3for flue gas in stack).This paper presents the results obtained during the experimental studies performed on mercury emissions at four coal-fired and one lignite-fired power plants in India. The mercury concentration in the feed coal varied between 0.12–0.27 mg/Kg. In the mercury mass balance, significant proportion of feed coal mercury has been found to be associated with fly ash, whereas bottom ash contained very low mercury. 80%–90% of mercury was released to air through stack gas. However, for circulating fluidised bed boiler burning lignite, about 64.8% of feed mercury was found to get captured in the fly ash and only 32.4% was released to air. The mercury emission factor was found to lie in the range of 4.7–15.7 mg/GJ.  相似文献   

近年来,生物可给性被用于评估场地土壤污染健康风险,然而不同场地类型重金属生物可给性差别巨大,生物可给态重金属的人体健康危害效应仍然鲜见报道.本研究以浙江温岭某电子拆解厂为研究区,分析比较了5个场地土壤(S1-S5)中Zn、Cu、Cd、Pb的生物可给性并探究生物可给态重金属对人小肠上皮细胞的毒性效应机制.结果表明,场地土壤Cd和Cu污染较为严重,含量分别为4.84,438.52mg/kg.4种重金属在胃阶段生物可给性范围分别为2.10%~48.28%、4.84%~33.73%、16.04%~42.81%、1.81%~15.71%,小肠阶段为2.05%~36.91%、13.17%~22.23%、10.19%~23.10%、0.60%~2.69%,可见胃阶段的生物可给性低于小肠阶段.对于肠相生物可给态重金属暴露人体肠道上皮细胞后,除样点S4外,细胞活力均显著性下降.此外,样点S3和S5土壤提取液对超氧化物歧化酶活力影响较小,但显著抑制过氧化氢酶活力,并且该样点对DNA产生损伤.通过研究电子拆解厂土壤生物可给性以及其毒性效应,以为我国场地土壤重金属健康风险评估提供科学依据.  相似文献   

Evolutionary and ecological transitions from carnivorous to omnivorous feeding may be constrained by the ability of the animal to cope with disparate types of foods, even if preadaptations for such behaviour exist. The omnivorous true bug, Dicyphus hesperus (Hemiptera: Miridae) requires both animals (small, soft-bodied insects) and plants in its diet and obtains the majority of its dietary and metabolic water from plant feeding. Serrations on the lateral margins of the mandibular stylets wear with age, and this wear is exacerbated when the insects feed on plants compared to those provided free water and no plants. D. hesperus that feed on plants attack fewer prey but consumed similar amounts of prey tissue compared to individuals that were provided free water. Although others have shown mandible wear for plant-chewing animals we show for the first time that plant feeding can impose similar wear on plant-piercing animals as well.  相似文献   

The activated carbon injection-circulating fluidized bed (ACI-CFB)-bag filter coupling technique was studied in an iron ore sintering plant. For comparison, the removal efficiencies under the conditions without or with ACI technology were both evaluated. It was found that the polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofuran (PCDD/F) removal efficiency for total international toxic equivalence quantity (I-TEQ) concentration was improved from 91.61% to 97.36% when ACI was employed, revealing that ACI was very conducive to further controlling the PCDD/F emissions. Detailed congener distributions of PCDD/Fs in the gas-phase and particle-phase of the Inlet and Outlet samples were determined. Additionally, the PCDD/F distribution for the Fly ash-with ACI sample of was also studied.  相似文献   

An acclimatized mixed microbial culture, predominantly Pseudomonas sp., was enriched from a sewage treatment plant, and its potential to simultaneously degrade mixtures of phenol and m-cresol was investigated during its growth in batch shake flasks. A 22 full factorial design with the two substrates at two di erent levels and di erent initial concentration ranges (low and high), was employed to carry out the biodegradation experiments. The substrates phenol and m-cresol were completely utilized within 21 h when present at low concentrations of 100 mg/L for each, and at high concentration of 600 mg/L for each, a maximum time of 187 h was observed for their removal. The biodegradation results also showed that the presence of phenol in low concentration range (100–300 mg/L) did not inhibit m-cresol biodegradation. Whereas the presence of m-cresol inhibited phenol biodegradation by the culture. Moreover, irrespective of the concentrations used, phenol was degraded preferentially and earlier than m-cresol. A sum kinetics model was used to describe the variation in the substrate specific degradation rates, which gave a high coe cient of determination value (R2 > 0.98) at the low concentration range of the substrates. From the estimated interaction parameter values obtained from this model, the inhibitory e ect of phenol on m-cresol degradation by the culture was found to be more pronounced compared to that of m-cresol on phenol. This study showed a good potential of the indigenous mixed culture in degrading mixed substrate of phenolics.  相似文献   

Waste gases from oil refining wastewater treatment plants are often characterized by the presence of multicomponent and various concentrations of compounds. An evaluation of the performance and feasibility of removing multicomponent volatile organic compounds (VOCs) in off-gases from oil refining wastewater treatment plants was conducted in a pilot-scale compost-based biofilter system. This system consists of two identical biofilters packed with compost and polyethylene (PE). This paper investigates the effects of various concentrations of nonmethane hydrocarbon (NMHC) and empty bed residence time (EBRT) on the removal efficiency of NMHC. Based on the experimental results and practical applications, an EBRT of 66 s was applied to the biofilter system. The removal efficiencies of NMHC were within the range of 47%–100%. At an EBRT of 66 s, the average removal efficiency of benzene, toluene, and xylene were more than 99%, 99%, and 100%, respectively. The results demonstrated that multicomponent VOCs in off-gases from the oil refining wastewater treatment plant could be successfully removed in the biofilter system, which may provide useful information concerning the design criteria and operation of full-scale biofilters.  相似文献   

Effect of an unknown plant substance on a shield bug   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

An acclimatized mixed microbial culture, predominantly Pseudomonas sp., was enriched from a sewage treatment plant, and its potential to simultaneously degrade mixtures of phenol and m-cresol was investigated during its growth in batch shake flasks. A 22 full factorial design with the two substrates at two different levels and different initial concentration ranges (low and high), was employed to carry out the biodegradation experiments. The substrates phenol and m-cresol were completely utilized within 21 h when present at low concentrations of 100 mg/L for each, and at high concentration of 600 mg/L for each, a maximum time of 187 h was observed for their removal. The biodegradation results also showed that the presence of phenol in low concentration range (100–300 mg/L) did not inhibit m-cresol biodegradation. Whereas the presence of m-cresol inhibited phenol biodegradation by the culture. Moreover, irrespective of the concentrations used, phenol was degraded preferentially and earlier than m-cresol. A sum kinetics model was used to describe the variation in the substrate specific degradation rates, which gave a high coefficient of determination value (R2 > 0.98) at the low concentration range of the substrates. From the estimated interaction parameter values obtained from this model, the inhibitory effect of phenol on m-cresol degradation by the culture was found to be more pronounced compared to that of m-cresol on phenol. This study showed a good potential of the indigenous mixed culture in degrading mixed substrate of phenolics.  相似文献   

污水处理厂排放是微塑料进入自然环境的重要途径之一,本研究对北京某下沉式三级污水处理厂八个工艺单元中微塑料的赋存特征和去除效能进行全流程分析.研究表明该厂赋存微塑料主要形态为纤维,主要成分为聚丙烯、聚酯和聚乙烯,尺寸≤500μm的微塑料影响最为显著.该厂对微塑料的整体去除率为91.7%,主要依靠沉淀和截留过滤去除.双层平...  相似文献   

1IntroductionTheprocesofaluminumelectrolysisisthemainsourceofenvironmentalpolutionofaluminumindustry.Withtheincreasingmarketd...  相似文献   

Increasing competition has been forcing the modern manufacturing organisations to adopt advanced manufacturing paradigms. Agile Manufacturing (AM) is an advanced manufacturing paradigm that enables an organisation to survive in the competitive business environment. Agility is the performance measure of AM practices. Simultaneously, modern business organisations are forced to evolve environmental friendly products. Sustainability is regarded as an important concept for survival by the modern organisations. In this context, agility and sustainability are regarded as performance measures for contemporary organisations. This paper reports a case study which has been carried out in an Indian rotary switches manufacturing organisation. The candidate product is the knob of rotary switch. Initially Computer Aided Design (CAD) has been used to digitalise the baseline model. Keeping the baseline model as reference, five new knob models have been evolved. Then the sustainability analysis has been carried out to determine the environmental impact of the knob models. The analysis results indicated that the proposed knob models possess minimal environmental impact. The conduct of case study has lead to an inference that there is a significant improvement of agility and sustainability in the design and development of knob of rotary switch.  相似文献   

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