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采用超滤方法将腐植酸(HA)分成5个不同分子量组分,利用平衡透析法研究HA中不同分子量组分与As(III)的络合特征和作用机理,计算络合过程的条件分配系数、表观稳定常数.结果表明,腐植酸组分的分子量对HA与As(III)的络合过程有显著的影响,当分子量小于10kDa时,HA与As(III)络合能力明显强于其他条件.其中羧基和酚羟基在HA与砷络合中起重要作用,为主要络合位点.采用Scatchard分析和双位点配体模型对络合结果进行拟合,发现HA中不同分子量组分和As(III)的络合过程中均存在强和弱2种络合位点.  相似文献   

腐植酸中不同分子量组分与As(Ⅲ)的络合性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用超滤方法将腐植酸(HA)分成5个不同分子量组分,利用平衡透析法研究HA中不同分子量组分与As(III)的络合特征和作用机理,计算络合过程的条件分配系数、表观稳定常数.结果表明,腐植酸组分的分子量对HA与As(III)的络合过程有显著的影响,当分子量小于10kDa时,HA与As(III)络合能力明显强于其他条件.其中羧基和酚羟基在HA与砷络合中起重要作用,为主要络合位点.采用Scatchard分析和双位点配体模型对络合结果进行拟合,发现HA中不同分子量组分和As(III)的络合过程中均存在强和弱2种络合位点.  相似文献   

本文通过对《立体构成》课程教学对象的分析,探讨了该课程在理论与实践教学环节教学方法的改进。实践证明,这些改进对于充分发掘学生潜力,激发学生的求知欲望,提高教师业务水平,促进《立体构成》课程教学改革具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Oxidation of Cr(III) by manganese oxides may pose a potential threat to environments due to the formation of toxic Cr(VI) species. At present, it was still unclear whether the extent of Cr(III) oxidation and fate of Cr(VI) would be changed when manganese oxides co-exist with other minerals, the case commonly occurring in soils. This study investigated the influence of goethite and kaolinite on Cr(III) oxidation by birnessite under acidic pH condition (pH 3.5) and background electrolyte of 0.01 mol/L NaCl. Goethite was found not to affect Cr(III) oxidation, which was interpreted as the result of overwhelming adsorption of cationic Cr(III) onto the negatively-charged birnessite (point of zero charge (PZC) < 3.0) rather than the positively-charged goethite (PZC = 8.8). However, more Cr(VI) would be retained by the surface with the increase in addition of goethite because of its strong ability on adsorption of Cr(VI) at low pH. Moreover, either Cr(III) oxidation or distribution of the generated Cr(VI) between the solid and solution phases was not affected by kaolinite (PZC < 3.0), indicating its low affinity for Cr species. Reactions occurring in the present mixed systems were suggested, which could be partly representative of those in the soils and further indicates that the mobility and risk of Cr(VI) would be decreased if goethite was present.  相似文献   

2-氯苯甲酸的生物降解性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
分别用UASB与完全混合反应器对2-氯苯甲酸(2-CBA)在厌氧、好氧条件下的降解进行了小试研究.结果表明,在好氧条件下,经过驯化的污泥对2-氯苯甲酸去除率达80%以上,在与葡萄糖共基质的条件下2-氯苯甲酸的降解受到抑制;而在厌氧条件下,2-氯苯甲酸很难降解,且投加不同浓度的葡萄糖对2-氯苯甲酸的生物可降解性没有明显改善,其去除率均在20%以下.  相似文献   

施氏矿物是天然的砷吸附剂,但其存在酸性条件下对As(III)吸附性能较弱且无法对As(III)氧化降毒的缺陷. 采用液相沉淀法成功制备出锰氧化物负载施氏矿物(MnOx@Sch),研究锰负载量、初始pH值和共存离子对MnOx@Sch去除As(III)的影响,并采用吸附动力学结合XPS、FTIR及TEM等表征探究该过程的机理. 结果表明:在初始pH=3、投加量为0.5 g·L-1、As(III)初始浓度为1 mg·L-1的条件下,As(III)与MnOx@Sch反应后的剩余浓度仅为2.42~3.38 μg·L-1.MnOx@Sch去除As(III)受初始pH影响较小,H2PO4-共存时As(III)去除存在明显的抑制作用. MnOx@Sch 去除As(III)的过程符合准二级动力学方程和颗粒内扩散方程. 液相化学组分和固相产物表征分析显示MnOx@Sch对As(III)的去除机理可概括为As(III)氧化、静电吸附和络合配位及配体交换. 研究结果可为施氏矿物及其改性材料应用于酸性矿山废水砷污染治理提供理论依据.  相似文献   

The highly e cient inorganic polymer flocculants (IPFs) of the ferric-silica system is a new and promising coagulant. Interactions between ferric species and silica play a large part in the coagulation of suspensions. These e ects are quite distinct from those associated with polymeric or colloid silica. However, although these species are key to coagulation e ciency, they have not been comprehensively discussed. A new type of coagulant, poly-silica-ferric-chloride (PFSC), was synthesized by co-polymerization and characterized by time complexation spectroscopy and photon correlation spectroscopy. Compared with traditional ferric salt, the results indicated that PFSC had a higher molecular weight, lesser positive charge, lower Feb and higher Fec. The higher the Si/Fe ratio, the higher the silica and lower the silicac found. The PFSC with appropriate polysilica acid not only obtained better coagulation/flocculation e ciency in turbidity removal, enhanced the flocculation index (FI) and provided less residual ferric, it also lowered water treatment costs compared to traditional ferric salt. Results showed that PFSC could remove colloid particles in water by charge neutralization and sweeping, adsorption bridging mechanism.  相似文献   

胡敏酸在土壤中的迁移   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了不同条件下胡敏酸在土壤中的迁移过程.结果表明,其迁移过程表现出较大的差异,在溶液pH值、胡敏酸浓度和溶液流速均较高时,胡敏酸迁移的阻滞因子和在土壤中的吸附系数均较低,有利于胡敏酸在土壤中的迁移;在溶液pH值、胡敏酸浓度和溶液流速均较低时,土壤对胡敏酸迁移的阻滞作用较大.胡敏酸的迁移还与土壤性质有关,土壤黏粒含量和阳离子交换量越高,胡敏酸在土壤中吸附的越多,越不利于迁移.在土壤中的吸附是胡敏酸迁移的主要控制因素,在预测胡敏酸在水土环境中迁移时,应该充分考虑不同条件下胡敏酸在不同性质土壤中的吸附.  相似文献   

We have measured the rate of oxidation of [1−14C]octanoate in cultured amniotic fluid (AF) cells at various passages and in AF cell lines with different clonal morphology. It is possible that both the passage number and the cell type may influence the outcome of prenatal diagnosis of fatty acid oxidation defects using this technique. We found that there was no significant difference between the three major AF cell types (epithelial, large epithelial, and fibroblast) when analysed at identical passage number but there was a significant reduction in octanoate oxidation in all cell types with increasing passage. For reliable prenatal diagnosis, cell lines of similar low passage number should be used.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of semi-empirical models in understanding the behavior of observations made on the acid deposition system. The analysis involves fitting a semi-empirical model to annually averaged values of concentrations of sulfur in rain. It is found that the model explains over 80% of the variance of the observations. The values of the parameters obtained by the fitting procedure provide insight into the processes governing the observations. For example, we find that the parameter used to represent the oxidant concentration assumes the value of an H2O2 equivalent concentration of 1 ppb. This suggests the importance of oxidant limitation in the wet deposition of S.  相似文献   

建立了用离子色谱法测定工业废气中异丁酸的新方法。废气中异丁酸经淋洗液吸收,0.45μm微孔滤膜过滤后离子色谱法分析,时间定性,峰高定量,其异丁酸回收率为93.5%~104.2%,消采样体积为20L的条件下,异丁酸最低检出质量浓度为0.02mg/m^3。  相似文献   

几种矿业废物的酸化潜力   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
利用净产酸(NAG)试验和净产酸潜力(NAPP)试验,研究了采自8个矿山共9种废物的49个样品的产酸潜力.结果表明,大部分的样品都具有产酸潜力,这是因为它们较高的含硫量或较低的酸中和能力.本研究也发现NAG试验要比NAPP试验更能准确地预测废物的产酸情况,供试的废物产酸与否的NAG-pH阈值是NAG-pH≥5,不产酸;NAG-pH≤2.5,中度或高度产酸;NAG-pH>2.5且<5,低度产酸.本研究结果可为矿业废物的环境管理提供科学依据.  相似文献   

堆肥腐熟前后胡敏酸与富里酸的还原容量比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采集腐熟前后的堆肥样品并提取和纯化出腐殖质(胡敏酸:HA;富里酸:FA),分别以柠檬酸铁(FeCit)和Fe(NO3)3作电子受体,测定了HA和FA的还原容量(RC).结果表明:以FeCit作为电子受体时,与未腐熟堆肥样品相比,腐熟后筛分样品HA的RC值增大,从22.85mmol e-/molC增大到26.84mmol e-/molC,而其对应FA的RC值减少,由37.67mmol e-/molC降低为33.68mmol e-/molC;对于两种不同形态的电子受体,以 FeCit为电子受体测定得到的RC值高于以Fe(NO3)3为电子受体测定得到的RC值;相对于本底还原容量,HA和FA经微生物还原后其RC值降低,降低幅度与微生物种类有关.结合紫外-可见光谱和三维荧光光谱分析发现,堆肥HA和FA的还原能力与其中类富里酸物质含量和醌基浓度成正相关,而与其本身的芳化度和分子量呈负相关.  相似文献   

以腐植酸(HA)代表天然有机质,采用平衡透析和超滤的方法研究铁离子(Fe (II)、Fe (III))对不同分子量HA与砷离子(As (V)、As (III))络合作用的影响,并利用红外光谱(FT-IR)表征其络合特征.结果发现,Fe (II)和Fe (III)均能增强HA络合As能力,且对As (V)络合能力的增强作用大于As (III);pH值显著影响HA络合As能力;溶解性有机碳(DOC)浓度由5mg/L增大到200mg/L,As络合百分比随之增加,此时HA-Fe (III)络合As (III)百分比最大,为24.55%;初始As浓度由10μg/L增加1000μg/L,As络合百分比随之降低,其中HA-Fe (III)络合As (III)百分比最低,为3.11%.相同环境条件下,分子量>100kDa络合As百分比最大,其中HA-Fe (II)络合As (III)的百分比最高为26.43%;分子量小于10kDa的HA络合As百分比明显高于其他分子量的HA.Fe的增强作用主要源于Fe与羧基形成桥梁再与As络合形成三元络合物.  相似文献   

Pure nano-Al13 and aggregates at various concentrations were prepared to examine the particle size e ect of coagulation with inorganic polymer flocculant. The property and stability of various species formed were characterized using Infrared, 27Al-NMR, photo correlation spectroscopy (PCS), and Ferron assay. Results showed that concentration and temperature exhibited di erent roles on the stability of Al13. The quantity of Alb species analyzed by ferron assay in the initial aging period corresponded well with that of Al13, which has been confirmed in a dimension range of 1–2 nm by PCS. Al13 solutions at high concentrations (0.5–2.11 mol/L) were observed to undergo further aggregation with aging. The aggregates with a wide particle size distribution would contribute to the disappeared/decreased Al13 basis on the 27Al-NMR spectrum, whereas a part of Al13 would still remain as Alb. At low concentrations, Al13 solution was quite stable at normal temperature, but lost its stability quickly when heating to 90°C.  相似文献   

The authors would like to thank Dr. A. Relier and B. Spring (University of Zürich) for providing the DSC analysis. This research was supported by the Swiss National Foundation, project no. 2.942-0.88 and by a grant of the Board of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology.  相似文献   

皮运正  王建龙 《环境科学学报》2005,25(11):1555-1559
对氯苯甲酸被用于臭氧氧化过程中羟基自由基的测量,为了检验对氯苯甲酸是否在测量过程中出现误差,进行了臭氧氧化对氯苯甲酸的间歇实验和半连续实验.结果表明,中性条件下间歇试验中,对氯苯甲酸可以强烈促进臭氧分解,它促进臭氧分解的能力比典型的促进剂甲酸和甲醇高10倍.半连续试验的结果进一步表明,臭氧氧化对氯苯甲酸时,可以形成中间产物过氧化氢,过氧化氢能和臭氧反应,形成大量的OH.,从而改变O3/OH.的链式反应,导致采用对氯苯甲酸测量OH.时出现误差.  相似文献   

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