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Terrorist attacks can occur in remote areas causing mass-casualty incidents MCIs far away from level-1 trauma centres. This study draws lessons from an MCI pertaining to the management of primary and secondary evacuation and the operational mode practiced. Data was collected from formal debriefings during and after the event, and the medical response, interactions and main outcomes analysed using Disastrous Incidents Systematic Analysis through Components, Interactions and Results (DISAST-CIR) methodology. A total of 112 people were evacuated from the scene-66 to the nearby level 3 Laniado hospital, including the eight critically and severely injured patients. Laniado hospital was instructed to act as an evacuation hospital but the flow of patients ended rapidly and it was decided to admit moderately injured victims. We introduce a novel concept of a 'semi-evacuation hospital'. This mode of operation should be selected for small-scale events in which the evacuation hospital has hospitalization capacity and is not geographically isolated. We suggest that level-3 hospitals in remote areas should be prepared and drilled to work in semi-evacuation mode during MCIs.  相似文献   

赵烨 《防灾博览》2006,(4):34-35
垃圾,这个一向为人们所不屑一顾的东西,如今却愈来愈迫使人类认真地正视它,对待它。不堪负荷的天文数字垃圾无处不在,无时不有,时刻混迹于人们的生活之中,那破布、碎瓶、  相似文献   

通过对一起利用油中溶解气体分析、调整运行方式、电气试验等手段综合诊断分析换流变压器(以下简称“换流变”)潜伏性过热故障过程分析,并经解体检查确认了故障原因,验证了本次通过油中溶解气体分析和调整运行方式诊断换流变压器潜伏性过热性故障的有效性和可行性,为后续换流变压器的类似潜伏性故障运维检修提供可借鉴的经验。  相似文献   

Carole Lalonde 《Disasters》2010,34(2):360-379
The objective of this paper is to highlight the dimensions characterising the socialisation process in a crisis context. Based on the definition of organisational socialisation advanced by Van Maanen and Schein (1979) and employed later by Jones (1986), a crisis is presented as a passage from a ‘normal’ situation to an ‘exceptional’ situation. A crisis represents a socialisation context in the sense that it is a novel state in which actors must develop a different way of mobilising their knowledge, utilising their skills, and practicing their trade or profession. The paper discusses certain findings that have emerged from the literature on organisational socialisation, as well as from the testimony of actors who participated in efforts to manage the Quebec ice‐storm crisis of early 1998. It is hoped that this exploratory study's data will give rise to fruitful interaction between the field of organisational socialisation and that of crisis management.  相似文献   

There is a paucity of research on the subjective stress‐related experiences of humanitarian aid workers. Most evaluations of stress among these individuals focus on trauma and related conditions or adopt a quantitative approach. This interview‐based study explored how 58 humanitarian aid workers employed by a United Nations‐aligned organisation perceived the transactional stress process. The thematic analysis revealed eight main topics of interest: an emergency culture was found where most employees felt compelled to offer an immediate response to humanitarian needs; employees identified strongly with humanitarian goals and reported a high level of engagement; the rewards of humanitarian work were perceived as motivating and meaningful; constant change and urgent demands resulted in work overload; and managing work–life boundaries and receiving positive support from colleagues and managers helped to buffer perceived stress, work overload, and negative health outcomes. The practical implications of the results are discussed and suggestions made in the light of current research and stress theory.  相似文献   

一次超级单体风暴中龙卷的天气过程分析及龙卷强度判定   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对2008年5月23日发生在哈尔滨中南部的一次超级单体风暴中龙卷天气过程的天气形势、卫星云图、雷达回波进行了综合分析.研究结果表明:此次灾害性强风暴是一次龙卷过程;龙卷的出现与高空风场的分布及大气稳定度密不可分;龙卷母云的形状及性质与冰雹云相近,其发生发展与低空急流密切相关;龙卷出现在超级单体风暴的"V"型缺口附近,多普勒速度场上伴有强中气旋.文中还利用多普勒雷达产品中气旋的最大流人流出速度计算了中气旋强度,并结合现场勘查及灾情信息,对龙卷强度等级进行了判定.  相似文献   

<正>初到奥地利,无论是城市还是乡村小镇,都能看到又大又醒目的路标:前方是学校、幼儿园或小孩经常出入和玩耍的地段,请各位格外小心。奥地利人口仅811.8万,机动车却有570万辆。车辆虽多,但奥地利的公路交通却秩序井然。然而,在20世纪90年代,奥地利的交通状况还  相似文献   

华北一次暴雨过程的螺旋度分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用ARPS数值模式对华北的一次暴雨过程进行了数值模拟,详细分析了该过程螺旋性结构的建立与发展过程。结果表明:螺旋度的高低空配置对诊断对流系统的发生发展和暴雨的落区有重要的指导意义;xy-螺旋度锋区内靠近正值区的一侧有利于暴雨的发生,但反映的降水落区范围较实际的要大;高层z-螺旋度负值区范围及数值的明显增大预示着对流系统的发展和降水率的增大;低层z-螺旋度在3.25 km高度处的正值中心区与降水落区对应较好;与xy-螺旋度相比,z-螺旋度给出了更为精准的降水位置,是一个能够综合反映系统维持、发展以及天气现象剧烈程度的参数。  相似文献   

Sørensen E  Dissler K 《Disasters》1988,12(3):274-281
From May to November 1985 most refugee camps in Eastern Sudan were affected by cholera. This article summarizes the experience from the refugee camp Wad Sherife with the emphasis on the practical aspects of management of cholera in a refugee context. Paramedical personnel from the refugee community were used to a great extent both in curative and preventive measures. The home visitors played an important role in the early detection of the cases and in trying to prevent the spread of cholera in the camp. A total of 1793 cases were admitted during a three month period. The results show a case fatality rate of 1.8%. A significantly higher number of women were affected in the age group 15–44. As seen in other refugee camps in Eastern Sudan, there was a relatively high intravenous fluid consumption with an average of about 6 litres in adults.  相似文献   

鲁实  郭冰  晓萍 《防灾博览》2007,(5):40-43
2007年是历史上的灾难年。由于受全球气候变暖影响,我国多个省市发生了各种自然灾害,如干旱、洪水、泥石流、滑坡、飓风等,尤其是洪涝灾害,经济损失惨重。另有朝鲜、缅甸以及南亚的印度、孟加拉国、尼泊尔也成了一片泽国;就连美国也未幸免于洪灾。现简述如下。  相似文献   

难舍的喜庆情结“爆竹声中一岁除,春风送暖入屠苏。千门万户瞳瞳日,总把新挑换旧符。”“不放鞭炮,怎么能叫过年呢?”“不放烟花爆竹,就没得年味!这是多少年留下的传统啊!”为了顺从民意,强化传统文化习俗  相似文献   

夏季是游泳的好季节。游泳既能锻炼身体又能带来快乐,是人们喜好的一种体育锻炼方式。但在游泳时应注意:  相似文献   

近年来,各地纷纷兴建大型火车站房,这类建筑中的楼盖大多为大跨、轻质和低阻尼结构,本文基于人体舒适度考虑,对这些大跨楼盖进行振动舒适度的分析.首先,建立某大型火车站房的整体有限元模型,研究这类建筑中大跨楼盖的振动特性;随后,对楼盖在各种不利工况人群荷载作用下的振动舒适度进行分析;最后,在已有研究的基础上,提出了大跨楼盖多...  相似文献   

The scientific literature regarding HEMS (Helicopter Emergency Medical Service) planning lacks a method for defining optimal sites for helipads that takes into account risk distribution and hospital location. Such a method could minimise overall rescue time in emergency situations. In this paper a method that supports the decisions taken by disaster planners and managers is developed, focusing on the quantification of necessary air resources for the management of some probable calamities. Given a region characterised by a natural and non-natural disaster risk map, along with a comprehensive transport system (also characterised by a risk map), a set of emergency destinations (hospitals), a set of heliports/helipads dislocated on the territory and a number of available HEMS rotorcraft, the aim of the paper is to assess the adequacy of the VTOL/FATO (Vertical Take-Off and Landing/Final Take-Off and Landing Area) system in order to deal with a set of possible emergencies.  相似文献   

Bollag U 《Disasters》1979,3(4):413-415
An epidemic outbreak of typhoid fever in the largest refugee camp of the besieged capital of Phom-Penh, Cambodia; the concomitant lack of personal and public hygiene and the availability of a locally manufactured Tetanus-Typhoid-Paratyphoid vaccine, prompted us to test the practicability of a mass immunization campaign by carrying out a trial in the smaller, well delineated refugee camp of Pochentong. Attendances by adults as well as children throughout the three or four inoculation rounds showed a steady decline with only 30 (20%) of the people completing the course. The general initial acceptance by the people on the other hand was good, due to a comprehensive service (information, health education and individual care of patients). It is concluded from these results that multi-injection immunization campaigns against typhoid-paratyphoid are a waste of money in a war-torn situation with an unstable population.  相似文献   

Projected increases in wildfire risk and impacts to human populations in the UK have prompted the installation of expanded management approaches such as early warning systems (EWSs). Newer iterations of wildfire EWSs help mitigate risk through rapid detection, often using high-resolution monitoring technology and instantaneous information collection. While existing research suggests that local social context plays an important role in the effective application of EWSs, little is known about factors that contribute to stakeholder support for these technocratic systems and their successful implementation in protected areas. This study examines support for an EWS in Northumberland National Park, UK, using focus groups with a broad range of local stakeholders. We found that diverse stakeholder understandings of wildfire, different perceptions of wildfire risk, and varied identification of values at risk collectively help explain mixed support for the EWS. Mixed support also was an outgrowth of distrust between several stakeholder groups, indicating a need for improved communication regarding wildfire risk management across stakeholder groups. Results suggest that EWSs adopted in multi-use protected areas shared by a range of stakeholder are most likely to be successful when stakeholders have shared understandings of the hazard and opportunities for collective planning to address its risks. We conclude that EWSs are a viable approach to wildfire risk reduction, but there needs to be a critical consideration of pre-existing stakeholder dynamics for effective EWS implementation.  相似文献   

《Environmental Hazards》2013,12(4):335-360

The main purpose of the article is to develop an optimisation pattern for the process of a preventive evacuation of people from flood-risk areas (at the first sign of a flood), aimed at mitigating the negative effects of the flood performed through the application of modern computer tools. It has been assumed that the use of both GIS tools and apps for vehicle traffic modelling (the research includes the use of a method developed by the authors) in emergency procedures implemented in response to a flood may increase the efficiency of the anti-flood campaign (here: the evacuation of residents from flooded areas), and thus, it may also minimise the negative effects of the flooding itself. The article distinguishes 14 stages of research, which were chiefly completed by means of the following methods: distance-based accessibility, cumulative accessibility, the Enhanced Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method (E2SFCA) and the Two-Step Floating Catchment Area Method (2SFCA), the vehicle routing method, algorithms by Dinitz, Edmonds-Karp, and Ford-Fulkerson, and a comparative method applied to draw a comparison between the actual state of affairs and the optimum condition determined by the aforementioned methods.  相似文献   

The disaster clearinghouse concept originates with the earthquake community as an effort to coordinate research and data collection activities. Though prior earthquake clearinghouses are small in comparison to what was needed in response to Hurricane Katrina, these seminal structures are germane to the establishment of our current model. On 3 September 2005, five days after Katrina wrought cataclysmic destruction along the Gulf Coast, FEMA and Louisiana State University personnel met to establish the LSU GIS Clearinghouse Cooperative (LGCC), a resource for centralization and dissemination of geospatial information related to Hurricane Katrina. Since its inception, the LGCC has developed into a working model for organization, dissemination, archiving and research regarding geospatial information in a disaster. This article outlines the formation of the LGCC, issues of data organization, and methods of data dissemination and archiving with an eye towards implementing the clearinghouse model as a standard resource for addressing geospatial data needs in disaster research and management.  相似文献   

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