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The effect of elevated pCO2/low pH on marine invertebrate benthic biodiversity, community structure and selected functional responses which underpin ecosystem services (such as community production and calcification) was tested in a medium-term (30 days) mesocosm experiment in June 2010. Standardised intertidal macrobenthic communities, collected (50.3567°N, 4.1277°W) using artificial substrate units (ASUs), were exposed to one of seven pH treatments (8.05, 7.8. 7.6, 7.4, 7.2, 6.8 and 6.0). Community net calcification/dissolution rates, as well as changes in biomass, community structure and diversity, were measured at the end of the experimental period. Communities showed significant changes in structure and reduced diversity in response to reduced pH: shifting from a community dominated by calcareous organisms to one dominated by non-calcareous organisms around either pH 7.2 (number of individuals and species) or pH 7.8 (biomass). These results were supported by a reduced total weight of CaCO3 structures in all major taxa at lowered pH and a switch from net calcification to net dissolution around pH 7.4 (Ωcalc = 0.78, Ωara = 0.5). Overall community soft tissue biomass did not change with pH and high mortality was observed only at pH 6.0, although molluscs and arthropods showed significant decreases in soft tissue. This study supports and refines previous findings on how elevated pCO2 can induce changes in marine biodiversity, underlined by differential vulnerability of different phyla. In addition, it shows significant elevated pCO2-/low pH-dependent changes in fundamental community functional responses underpinning changes in ecosystem services.  相似文献   

For marine macrobenthic communities, a shift from higher biomass dominance with increasing levels of disturbance can be determined by the abundance/biomass comparison (ABC) method. This response results from (i) a shift in the proportions of different phyla present in communities, some phyla having larger-bodied species than others, and (ii) a shift in the relative distributions of abundance and biomass among species within the Annelida (specifically Polychaeta) but not within any of the other major phyla (Mollusca, Crustacea, Echinodermata). The shift within polychaetes reflects the substitution of largerbodied by smaller-bodied species, and not a change in the average size of individuals within a species. In most instances the phyletic changes reinforce the trend in species substitutions within the polychaetes, to produce the overall ABC response, but in some cases they may work against each other. Indications of pollution or disturbance detected by this method should be viewed with caution if the species responsible for the polluted configurations are not polychaetes. These observations provide an aid to interpretation of the ABC plots, especially in some situations where they have been deemed to give a false impression of the disturbance status of a community.  相似文献   

Some of the modern criteria for assessing ecosystem health are compared with current understanding of ecosystem function in rivers. Owing to the predominance of catchment imports over autochthonous primary production, most rivers are naturally heterotrophic. This does not make them unhealthy but the pristine condition is that much harder to determine. The case is put for an index of ecosystem health and sustainability that takes into account the system's capacity for processing its resources, the species richness and its interdependence and its resilience to external forcing. Although these are not easily quantified, the qualitative indicators of healthy ecosystem function are easily checked. The sensitivity of organisms in suspension to fluvial flow may seem to counter the suitability of plankton as a reliable state indicator of river health. On the other hand, the rules governing the assembly of planktic communities in rivers are often strict and quantifiable: this makes them attractive candidates to act as indicators of the ecological condition of rivers.  相似文献   

An understanding of the causal mechanisms and processes that shape macroinvertebrate communities at a local scale has important implications for the management and conservation of freshwater biodiversity. Here we compare the performance of linear and non-linear statistics to explore diversity-environment relationships using data from 76 temporary and fluctuating ponds in two regions of southern England. We focus on aquatic beetle assemblages, which have been shown to be excellent surrogates of wider freshwater macroinvertebrate diversity. Ponds in the region contained a rich coleopteran fauna, totaling 68 species, which provided an excellent model system with which to compare the performance of two non-linear procedures (artificial neural networks—ANNs and generalised additive models—GAMs) and one more traditional linear approach (Multiple linear regression—MLR) to modelling diversity-environment relationships. Of all approaches employed, the best fit was obtained using an ANN model with only four input variables (conductivity, turbidity, magnesium concentration and depth). This model accounted for 82% of the observed variability in Shannon diversity index across ponds. In contrast, the best GAM and MLR models only explained 50% and 14% of this variation, respectively. Contribution profile analysis of conductivity, turbidity, magnesium concentration and depth, obtained from the best fit ANN through a hierarchical cluster analysis, allowed the identification of direct and proxy effects in relation to the environmental variables measured in this study. In each case, distinct clusters of ponds were identified in contribution profile analysis, suggesting that ponds across the two regions fall into a number of discrete groups, whose beetle faunas respond in subtly yet significantly different ways to key environmental variables. Aquatic coleopteran diversity in ponds in the two regions appears to be driven at a local scale by changes in relatively few physicochemical gradients, which are related to diversity in a clearly non-linear manner.  相似文献   

Side-scan sonar and underwater video camera records as well as dredging samples were used to map the bottom morphology and biocoenoses in the Taranto seas. A 1:20,000 scale chart has been produced with all the data recorded. Most of the study area consists of biocoenoses affected by the anthropogenic activities of the town of Taranto. Some native broadly tolerant species seem to benefit from these activities and become increasingly dominant. Environmental modifications also seem to favour the settlement of exotic species.  相似文献   

Side-scan sonar and underwater video camera records as well as dredging samples were used to map the bottom morphology and biocoenoses in the Taranto seas. A 1:20,000 scale chart has been produced with all the data recorded. Most of the study area consists of biocoenoses affected by the anthropogenic activities of the town of Taranto. Some native broadly tolerant species seem to benefit from these activities and become increasingly dominant. Environmental modifications also seem to favour the settlement of exotic species.  相似文献   

The primary objectives of this research were to estimate the prevalence of anaemia and low haematocrit among preschool children living in Karachi. Through a geographically stratified design, 349 children aged 36–60 months were selected, from five communities in and near Karachi. Blood samples were drawn from children and a questionnaire was administered to evaluate various demographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Chi-square test and multiple logistic regression procedures were used to compare the prevalence of anaemia and low haematocrit among various strata. The overall prevalence of anaemia and low haematocrit were 55.9 and 48.4%, respectively. Children living in the rural community had the highest prevalence of anaemia (78.7%) and low haematocrit (63.8%). Children aged 36–48 months had also higher prevalence of anaemia and low haematocrit. Children's nutritional status was significantly associated with both anaemia and low haematocrit. We recommend appropriate interventions to reduce the burden of these conditions in Pakistan.  相似文献   

The standing stock of benthic macroalgae, sediment-associated microalgae and eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) was sampled in conjunction with irradiance and water properties from June 1982 through March 1984 to examine the relationship between the dynamics of benthic primary producers and environmental factors in central Puget Sound, Washington, USA. Sediment-associated microalgal standing stock (measured by chlorophylla) peaked in April and August. The seaweed assemblage, dominated by bladed green algae (e.g.Ulva fenestrata) and eelgrass exhibited maximum standing stocks in August. Although water temperature correlated best with changes in standing stock of all vegetation types, solar irradiance appeared to trigger the onset of biomass buildup and autumn die-back by the plants. Seasonal variations in dissolved oxygen reflected the buildup and loss of plant standing-stock. Nutrient concentrations, with the exception of ammonia, exhibited seasonal trends. Most nutrients were in greatest concentration in winter and reached minimum concentration in late spring-summer. Regeneration of nutrients in autumn followed shortly after the autumn dieback of the benthic vegetation. We concluded that irradiance was the primary controlling factor in the system. Nutrient limitation (primarily nitrate) may control standing-stock accumulations from the period May–October when light is not limiting. In contrast to phytoplankton systems in deep portions of Puget Sound, shallow nearshore systems may be more susceptible to the effects of increased inorganic nutrient-loadings from anthropogenic sources.Contribution No. 808, School of Fisheries, University of Washington  相似文献   

Nitrogen pools and transformations and benthic communities at a Perna canaliculus farm and a nearby reference site without direct influence of marine farming in Kenepuru Sound, New Zealand, were compared on four dates between September 1982 and May 1983. The organic nitrogen pool in the top 12 cm sediment was 7.4 to 10.8 mol m-2 at the mussel farm and 6.1 to 8.9 mol m-2 at the reference site. The nitrate and nitrite pools were similar in both sediments, but the ammonium pool in the mussel farm sediment was about twice as high as in the reference sediment. In January, the sediment ammonium concentrations ranged from 418 nmol cm-3 (surface) to 149 nmol cm-3 (12 cm depth) at the mussel farm and from 86 to 112 nmol cm-3 at the reference site. The molar C:N ratio of the sediment organic matter was 6.2 to 7.2 at the mussel farm and 7.9 to 10.0 at the reference site. The molar N:P ratio of the sediment organic matter was 4.3 to 7.2 and 3.3 to 6.1 at mussel farm and reference site, respectively. The total nitrogen mineralisation rate in the top 12 cm sediment ranged from 21.7 to 37.1 mmol m-2 d-1 at the mussel farm and from 8.5 to 25.0 mmol m-2 d-1 at the reference site. Ammonium excretion by mussels was about 4.7% (January) and 7.4% (May) of the combined nitrogen mineralisation by mussels and sediment. The sediment-denitrification rate was 0.7 to 6.1 mmol m-2 d-1 at the mussel farm and 0.1 to 0.9 mmol m-2 d-1 at the reference site. In January, 76 and 93% of the nitrate reduced in the sediments were denitrified at the mussel farm and reference site, respectively. The denitrification rate on the mussel lines (determined on detritus-covered mussels) was twice the mussel farm sediment-denitrification rate and 10 times the reference sediment-denitrification rate. Total denitrification at the mussel farm was 21% higher than at the reference site. The loss of nitrogen through mussel harvest and denitrification was 68% higher at the mussel farm. The surface layers of both sediments contained about 75 mg m-2 chlorophyll a. Sediment phaeophytin levels were 52 mg m-2 at the reference site and 137 mg m-2 at the mussel farm. While the benthic infauna of the mussel-farm sediment consisted only of polychaete worms, the reference sediment contained also bivalve molluscs, brittle stars and crustaceans.  相似文献   

K. Ishikawa 《Marine Biology》1989,102(2):265-273
An investigation was conducted to examine the species composition, abundance and biomass of benthic macrofaunal invertebrates in Oppa Bay, Miyagi Prefecture, Japan, in August 1984. Among 212 species identified, nearly half (105) were Polychaetes. Usually five species, Ampharete sp. 1, Neosabellides sp. 1, Nephtys polybranchia, Chaetozone sp. 1, and Lumbrineris longifolia were numerically dominant. The faunal features of dominant species were clearly divided into two areas using two indicator species, Amphalete sp. 1 and Neosabellides sp. 1. The former species decreased in numbers in the area from the river to the bay mouth, while the latter increased. Sediments consisted of sand at the river mouth and in the northern bay; and of silt-clay in the central bay, bay mouth and southern part of the bay. Gradients of species diversity (H) were expressed as a function of distance by linear regression. The relationship was positive (r=0.812) from the river to the bay mouth accompanied by increasing depth; and negative (r=-0.906) from northern to southern parts of the bay in proportion to the increase of silt-clay in sediments.  相似文献   

To investigate which physical processes contribute most in moulding zooplankton community structure in the waters close to coral reefs, light traps moored in a grid pattern were used to collect zooplankton from the sea surface at 16 stations on the downstream side of Helix Reef during three time periods (2100-2200, 2400-0100, and 0300-0400 hours) over three consecutive nights covering the new moon period in January 1992. Two distinct zooplankton communities were present: a community composed primarily of reef-resident, demersal plankton immediately to the south of the reef in an area of reduced flushing, and a community containing coastal and shelf-seas taxa at the more exposed sites in the open flow field. The fauna composition at a number of exposed stations was as rich as that at sheltered stations both in terms of number of taxa and diversity indices but was almost an order of magnitude less abundant. The reef-resident, demersal plankton community was dominated by gammarid amphipods, mysids, and polychaetes, whereas only transient, meroplanktonic forms such as echinoderm and echinopluteus larvae and shelf-seas, holoplanktonic forms such as doliolids and larvaceans were significantly more abundant in the exposed community. Zooplankton associations were apparently formed by a combination of hydrodynamic processes, spatial and temporal distribution patterns of individual taxa, specific behaviours of certain taxa, and the interactions among taxa at different trophic levels.  相似文献   

Mussels (Mytilus californianus, M. galloprovincialis) and other organisms sloughed from offshore oil platforms provide a food subsidy to benthic consumers and alter underlying soft bottom habitat by creating hard substrate. The removal of overlying platforms eliminates this food subsidy, but large shell mounds remain. The distribution, abundance, and population characteristics of mobile macroinvertebrates differed among shell mounds beneath existing offshore oil platforms, shell mounds at the former sites of offshore oil platforms, and soft bottom. Predatory and omnivorous echinoderm and mollusk species were more abundant and generally larger on shell mounds under platforms than on shell mounds without platforms. Omnivorous and deposit feeding echinoderms were the most abundant macroinvertebrate taxa sampled on mound-only sites. The brown rock crab (Cancer antennarius), known to have a strong preference for hard substrate, was significantly more abundant on shell mounds, with or without platforms, than adjacent soft bottom sites. Results suggest that the effects of platform removal differed among benthic species according to trophic level, degree of mobility, and substrate preference. Although the shell mound habitat persists after removal of platform structures, species abundance and the composition of the associated benthic community is altered by removal of the platform structure.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

孙敏  唐莹  郝亚婷  季宏兵 《环境化学》2021,40(3):678-686
酸雨对露天粉煤灰堆积场的淋滤作用导致周围环境产生重金属污染是一种广泛现象.为研究酸雨对贵阳市水源地红枫湖周边一大型粉煤灰堆积场的重金属迁移影响,本文以这一粉煤灰堆积场为研究对象,通过静态淋溶实验探讨了粉煤灰中Cr、Ni、CU、Zn、AS、Cd、Pb等7种重金属元素的含量、存在形态、淋溶时间、堆积时间、粒度对重金属溶出规律的影响.结果表明,粉煤灰中Ni、Cu、Zn、Pb、As和Cd等6种重金属的含量随堆积时间增加而增大,Cr含量变化与上述反之;在淋溶实验中,堆积时间的增加使Cr、Ni、Cu和Zn重金属元素的可溶态减小;在淋溶第28—48天期间,Cr、Ni和Cu元素溶出浓度降低的粒度顺序为细粒度>中粒度和粗粒度、Cd元素溶出浓度降低的粒度顺序为中粒度>粗粒度>细粒度.本研究对红枫湖水源地和周边地下水的重金属防控提供一定的参考依据.  相似文献   

Water current in 4 species of ascidians (Ascidia mentula Müller, 1776; Phallusia mammillata Cuvier, 1815; Styela plicata (Lesueur, 1823) and Microcosmus sabatieri Roule, 1885) has been recorded for the first time in situ with hot film probes. The mathematical treatment of probe calibration has allowed the evaluation of the characteristics of currents (minimal, maximal and average velocities) and the calculation of pumping rates. The method utilized yields qualitative and quantitative results: Pumping is continuous, and no particular rhythm shows up in the curves obtained. The velocity of the current does not change in the course of a recording, but it can vary from one experiment to another in the same individual; these variations are related to the variability of the diameter of the cloacal siphon rather than to a change in the rhythm of the ciliary activity. The average velocities are 3.42 cm sec-1 for A. mentula, 3.92 for P. mammillata, 3.30 for S. plicata and 3.79 for M. sabatieri. The pumping rates are fairly constant for the same individual. The means, expressed as ml x h-1 x g-1 organ dry weight are 3422 for A. mentula, 2070 for P. mammillata, 4892 for S. plicata and 3084 for M. sabatieri.This work was supported by the C.N.R.S. (L.A. No. 117) and C.N.E.X.O. (Convention No. 76/1497).  相似文献   

Dong  Feilong  Li  Cong  Lin  Qiufeng  Duan  Haojie 《Environmental Chemistry Letters》2019,17(2):1039-1044
Environmental Chemistry Letters - Water research is usually done using simplified devices, e.g., beakers, in laboratory glassware, and thus may yield results that are not representative of real...  相似文献   

Riparian land use remains one of the most significant impacts on stream ecosystems. This study focuses on the relationship between stream ecosystems and riparian land use in headwater regions. Four riparian land types including forest, grassland, farmland, and residential land were examined to reveal the correlation between stream water and fish communities in headwater streams of the Taizi River in north-eastern China. Four land types along riparian of 3 km in length were evaluated at 25, 50, 100, 200 and 500 m widths, respectively. Generally, the results found a significant relationship between riparian land uses and stream water quality. Grassland was positively correlated with water quality parameters (conductivity and total dissolved solids) at scales from 100 to 500 m riparian width. Farmland and residential land was negatively correlated with water quality parameters at scales from 25 to 500 m and from 50 to 200 m riparian widths, respectively. Although the riparian forest is important for maintaining habitat diversity and fish communities, the results found that only fish communities were significantly correlated with the proportion of riparian farmland. Farmland had a positive correlation with individual fish abundance within a riparian corridor of 25 to 50 m, but a negative correlation with fish diversity metrics from 25 to 100 m. This study indicates that effective riparian management can improve water quality and fish communities in headwater streams.  相似文献   

Environmental Geochemistry and Health - In the area around the abandoned Seoseong mine, South Korea, coastal paddy fields undergo seawater intrusion and possible sulfate reduction. Here, channel...  相似文献   

Benthic macrofaunal populations through their feeding, bioturbation, burrow construction and sediment irrigation activities have profound influences on organic matter inputs to marine sediments (biodeposition) and on the vertical distribution of deposited organic matter within the sediment. These effects in turn influence the rates and pathways of organic matter mineralisation, and element cycles. Similarly, bioturbation, burrow construction and burrow irrigation are major determinants of sediment-water column fluxes of oxygen and nutrients.

In this review, I discuss the influences of the different benthic macrofaunal feeding (functional) groups on mineralisation processes and sediment-water column fluxes of particulate and dissolved nutrients. How these effects influence diagenic processes, the balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes, and the redox status of the surficial sediments. Finally, I discuss some of the limitations of the predominantly laboratory techniques which have been used to study “macrofaunal effects” and how this hinders the inclusion of the effects in quantitative sediment biogeochemical models.  相似文献   

Benthic macrofaunal populations through their feeding, bioturbation, burrow construction and sediment irrigation activities have profound influences on organic matter inputs to marine sediments (biodeposition) and on the vertical distribution of deposited organic matter within the sediment. These effects in turn influence the rates and pathways of organic matter mineralisation, and element cycles. Similarly, bioturbation, burrow construction and burrow irrigation are major determinants of sediment-water column fluxes of oxygen and nutrients.

In this review, I discuss the influences of the different benthic macrofaunal feeding (functional) groups on mineralisation processes and sediment-water column fluxes of particulate and dissolved nutrients. How these effects influence diagenic processes, the balance between aerobic and anaerobic processes, and the redox status of the surficial sediments. Finally, I discuss some of the limitations of the predominantly laboratory techniques which have been used to study “macrofaunal effects” and how this hinders the inclusion of the effects in quantitative sediment biogeochemical models.  相似文献   

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