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井场噪声的危害与防治   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
井场噪声一直是个困扰和危害石油钻井工人的老大难问题。工人长期工作于高强度噪声环境下,身心健康受到极大危害。本文分析了噪声来源,并对其进行了监测,发现井场噪声远远超过了国家标准。防治措施可以从设备改造,职工防护两方面进行,以达到高效、优质钻井,不断发展石油工业的目的。  相似文献   

西北地区土地资源相对充裕,但经济欠发达,尤其是中小城镇,城市建设呈现出大分散、小集中的特点。小城镇的工业布局也往往松散,有相当数量的工业企业厂界外是空旷地带,对这类工业企业厂界噪声的监测与管理,多年来存在一些不容忽视的问题。主要表现在:对工业噪声监测与管理一刀切,噪声功能区划分过于笼统,将厂界噪声监测值简单地套用所处区域环境噪声标准,超标即收费,没有具体分析噪声源周围环境的差异,机械地进行监测和管理,影响了欠发达地区的经济发展。《中华人民共和国环境噪声污染防治法》第二条对“环境噪声”和“环境噪声…  相似文献   

通过分析株洲市2004~2008年城区交通噪声污染现状、原因及变化趋势,提出了相应的污染控制及防治措施,为有效改善交通噪声污染提供科学依据。  相似文献   

为使增压站噪声降到国家允许标准,对其噪声进行了综合治理,设计了动力缸排气消声器和百叶窗式进风消声器等,经测试增压站内噪声由93dB(A)~101dB(A)降为81dB(A)~88dB(A)。单台增压机运行时冷却风机噪声由96dB(A)降为82.5dB(A)。排气消声器噪声由92dB(A)降为81dB(A)。值班室噪声由55dB(A)降为52.5dB(A),治理后达到了预期的效果。  相似文献   

变压器噪声控制技术及装备   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍并分析了某城市110kV变电站的变压器噪声源特点,在满足其运行工艺、设备性能、声学效果、经济、安全的条件下,设计开发了特殊的隔吸声结构、消声结构等变压器降噪装置,并成功应用于工程实践中,取得了理想效果。  相似文献   

张坤  余连英 《四川环境》2010,29(5):51-53
本文对噪声新标准颁布后噪声标准体系组成,以及相互关系进行分析,并对标准应用、监测中遇到的一些问题进行探讨。  相似文献   

随着城市建设的快速发展,现代化建筑机械设备的广泛应用,随之而来的建筑施工噪声污染日益严重。据不完全统计,我们洛宁县噪声污染案件占全县几年来污染总案件的50%以上,而建筑施工噪声污染案件占噪声污染案件的半数以上,并有增年趋势。由于客观和主观上的原因,建筑施工噪声的管理、排污收费、污染事故的处理等,不可避免地要出现争议,而且争议的主要焦点往往集中到监测结果上。所以,分析影响监测结果的原因,增强监测结果的代表性是噪声监测人员探索的重要问题。一、影响监测结果的代表性因素1、监测方法和监测仪器的选择与应用。…  相似文献   

微穿孔板─抗性组合式消声器是针对本厂3万t/a同轴式催化裂化装置再生器烟气排空噪声大,污染环境而进行研制的,具有阻损小、耐高温、耐油污、耐蒸汽和耐腐蚀等性能,而且消声效果好、重量轻、体积小,能在较宽的频率范围内消除气流噪声,还能在短暂火焰和高速气流的特殊条件下使用。该消声器自1988年1月在催化裂化装置上使用4年来,消声量大、消声器性能稳定可靠,经久耐用,对消除装置噪声及厂界噪声效果显著。  相似文献   

以大型复杂环境模拟试验系统为例,通过对系统各设备及控制间噪声数据的测量,详细分析了噪声的来源和特性,并从消声、吸声、隔声等方面采取了一些有效的措施。结果表明,取得了较好的效果,且对试验设备不造成任何负面影响,同时也为工程实际中的噪声治理提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

近年来,该厂对生产装置岗位噪声的防治,由原来对机泵设备加设消声罩,转换为在机泵房内增设隔声室。隔声室的效果主要与其结构有关。本文列举了设计合理的隔声室的特点,对炼厂生产装置岗位的噪声防治有指导价值。  相似文献   

浅谈噪声防治   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消开良 《四川环境》1997,16(1):61-63
本文主要论述噪声对环境的影响和对人体的危害,从而提出对噪声的防治方法。  相似文献   

Water quality trading (WQT) has the potential to be a low‐cost means for achieving water quality goals. WQT allows regulated wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) facing discharge limits the flexibility to either reduce their own discharge or purchase pollution control from other WWTPs or nonpoint sources (NPSs) such as agricultural producers. Under this limited scope, programs with NPSs have been largely unsuccessful at meeting water quality goals. The decision to participate in trading depends on many factors including the pollution control costs, uncertainty in pollution control, and discharge limits. Current research that focuses on making WQT work tends to identify how to increase participation by traditional traders such as WWTPs and agricultural producers. As an alternative, but complementary approach, we consider whether augmenting WQT markets with nontraditional participants would help increase the number of trades. Determining the economic incentives for these potential participants requires the development of novel benefit functions requiring not only economic considerations but also accounting for ecological and engineering processes. Existing literature on nontraditional participants in environmental markets tends to center on air quality and only increasing citizen participation as buyers. Here, we consider the issues for broadening participation (both buyers and sellers) in WQT and outline a multidisciplinary approach to begin evaluating feasibility.  相似文献   

A cooperative approach via transfer fee was developed to improve the cost‐effectiveness of water pollution control in interjurisdictional lake basin management in China. Different from the existing literature that studies water quality trading and pollution reduction at micro levels (i.e., focusing on enterprises and firms), this article explores cooperative pollution reduction strategies from a macro level, targeting multiple jurisdictional regions. The merits of this new approach include: (1) improving the cost‐effectiveness of pollution reduction by making use of the cost differentiation in pollution reduction between industries and municipal sewage plants, and between different administrative areas; (2) managing payments for ecosystem services by horizontal transfer payment; and (3) incorporating the concepts of game, cooperation, coordination, and watershed‐based management in implementation. For empirical demonstration, a bilevel optimization model was built and calibrated using the 2005 data of the Lake Tai basin to work out the optimal solutions for cooperative chemical oxygen demand (COD) reduction. Results show that policies based on this new approach can significantly reduce the overall COD abatement costs for the basin as well as the individual jurisdictional regions compared to the current practice.  相似文献   

废水资源化是解决水资源紧缺的有效途径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
姚建  王安  郑佩娜 《四川环境》2000,19(3):31-33
我国水资源人均占有量少,污染严重,综合利用程度低,水资源的短缺已成为制约区域经济社会发展重要因素。本文结合实例分析,提出了提高水资源的综合利用程度,推行废水资源化是解决这一问题的有效途径。  相似文献   

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