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本文介绍一种新型的表面处理剂,主要针对运行多年的电气设备外绝缘进行表面处理,提高其表面性能,以提高其防污闪能力。该表面处理剂能够在清洁表面污秽的同时,提高外绝缘表面的防污闪性能。对于瓷或玻璃绝缘子,本研究通过表面处理以提高其憎水性和自清洁能力。对于硅橡胶材料制品(复合绝缘子、防污闪涂层、硅橡胶套管等),特别是憎水性减弱或丧失的硅橡胶制品,本研究通过表面处理以提高其憎水性和自清洁能力,从而提高其防污闪能力。  相似文献   

提高中学生素质应重视环境保护教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
环境问题是当今人类面临的一个突出问题,解决环境问题的关键在于提高公众环保意识,而加强青少年环境教育则是提高公众环保意识的基础.越来越多的事实和经验证明,环境教育和提高学生素质密切相关,它决定着这一代青少年文明道德水平和价值取向,因此,提高中学生素质教育应重视环境教育.  相似文献   

研究高效除氮菌的加入对模拟潜流人工湿地除污效果的影响。结果表明,除氮菌提高了污水中COD、氨氮及总磷的去除率,对COD的去除率可以提高10%左右,总磷最高可提高20%,试验三天,对氨氮的去除率也提高20%-30%。  相似文献   

在当今社会,生活水平在提高,科学技术在提高,人类思想在提高,但环境在日益恶化,环保思想在日益退化,环保活动在日益减少。  相似文献   

吴四清 《环境教育》2013,(12):77-78
只有掌握了ISO14001这个武器,才能真正提高全社会的环境意识,树立科学的自然观和发展观,提高人民遵法、守法意识,促进组织提高自律机制,制定并实施以预防为主,从源头抓起,全过程控制的管理措施。  相似文献   

霾理邪说群霾到天庭,申报人类贡献大奖,上帝盛怒,亲自主持答辩。问霾何德何能?霾说:伦敦霾提高了英国人的环保意识、开展了环保运动;洛杉矾霾提高了美国人的环保意识、开展了环保运动;中国霾提高了13亿人认识霾这个冷僻的字。上帝说:什么时候提高了中国人的环保意识再报奖吧。  相似文献   

曹军旗 《环境技术》2008,26(4):38-39
在舰船通信系统的设计过程中,“可靠性”贯穿始终。通过持续提高通信系统可靠性设计能力,不断创新产品设计管理模式,规范系统设计程序,形成有效的系统设计的闭环机制,是提高产品性能的重要流程,并被实践证明有利于系统稳定性的提高。  相似文献   

自由演讲是英语教育中素质教育的一个重要方法,以提高学生的口语能力为目标,激发学生的学习兴趣,为之后的课本学习打下良好基础。具体形式有三种:自我表述式(起始阶段),重在引导学生积极发言,提高兴趣;表演问答式(发展阶段),进一步发展学生能力,提高层次;话题讨论式(提高阶段),发展学生自我表述能力,进程控制能力,达到融会贯通。  相似文献   

为提高巨峰葡萄的着色和风味,达到提升果品品质、提高葡萄种植经济效益的目的,在当地常规露天搭架栽培的基础上,对巨峰葡萄采取了喷施ABA 300mg/L溶液、铺设反光薄膜、塑料大棚栽培、果实套袋、转色期翻转果穗和喷施叶面肥等试验处理.研究结果表明,喷施300mg/L的ABA、葡萄架下铺设反光薄膜和果实套袋均能显著提高巨峰葡萄品质.其中,喷施ABA的效应主要是提高果皮花色苷含量,降低葡萄果实酸度;铺设反光薄膜的效应主要表现为提高果实可溶性固形物含量;果实套袋的作用表现为降低葡萄果实的酸度;其他处理措施对提高果实着色和风味品质方面未观察到显著的正效应.  相似文献   

为了更好地提高环评公众参与的有效性,文章重点从强化公众参与相关立法、提高信息透明度和可接近性、选择正确的公众参与介入时间、提高利益相关方的意识和责任、建立有效的交流体系和开发环保非政府组织的潜在影响力等六个方面进行了探讨,并对如何开展公众参与、提高公众参与有效性提出了强化与公众参与相关的立法等建议。  相似文献   

绿色矿山建设是矿业领域践行"绿水青山就是金山银山"的重要体现。本文从矿山生态修复的内涵到外延,从问题识别到任务措施,从单一治理修复目标到生态系统功能修复目标,从矿山生态修复系统到与经济社会发展系统相结合等多个方面,系统地梳理矿山生态修复的解决路径,围绕矿业绿色发展提出一系列建议。  相似文献   

One potentially significant, yet hardly investigated, criterion for postoccupancy evaluation is the legibility of a setting—the degree to which a building or group of buildings facilitate the ability of users to find their way around. Legibility is one of the foundation concepts of environmental psychology, yet it has not often been considered enough as a guiding principle in design. The purpose of this paper is to analyse spatial orientation and wayfinding problems encountered by newcomers (freshman students) at the King Saud University (KSU) campus, Saudi Arabia, and to test/relate this to Lynch's elements of the image of cities. The analysis draws on previous research findings, theories, and more general observations, as well as observations made of wayfinding performance and map sketching by 30 high-school students likely to soon enroll at the university. Many specific problems with orientation and the architectural legibility of the buildings are identified and discussed. Emphasis is placed upon physical-setting variables that are likely to affect the ease with which spatial orientation and wayfinding are accomplished. These include the following facets of the KSU built environment: degree of differentiation; degree of visual access; and complexity of spatial layout.Legible buildings within which people can effectively maintain their orientation and find their way, according to this research, are in no way simplistic, dull, or boring; on the contrary, settings must possess distinctive landmarks and regions which, along with understandable path networks, allow users to know where they are and how to make their way to desired destinations. Coherent and legible environments are important in the lives of the people who use them. The movement of people through buildings and the factors that influence whether or not they are able to find their way need to continue to be of significance to both researchers and practitioners.  相似文献   

石门台自然保护区具有调节气候、涵养水源、调节径流、保持水土、降低河流含沙量、净化大气和水质、保护野生生物物种等多种生态功能,但其生态系统也具有脆弱性.为了促进自然环境的良性循环,促进水资源的可持续利用和经济的可持续发展,提出以下建议:加强宣传教育,加强保护措施,改善管理技术水平,建立可持续发展的经济体系.  相似文献   

Adaptive Comanagement for Building Resilience in Social–Ecological Systems   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:15  
Ecosystems are complex adaptive systems that require flexible governance with the ability to respond to environmental feedback. We present, through examples from Sweden and Canada, the development of adaptive comanagement systems, showing how local groups self-organize, learn, and actively adapt to and shape change with social networks that connect institutions and organizations across levels and scales and that facilitate information flows. The development took place through a sequence of responses to environmental events that widened the scope of local management from a particular issue or resource to a broad set of issues related to ecosystem processes across scales and from individual actors, to group of actors to multiple-actor processes. The results suggest that the institutional and organizational landscapes should be approached as carefully as the ecological in order to clarify features that contribute to the resilience of social–ecological systems. These include the following: vision, leadership, and trust; enabling legislation that creates social space for ecosystem management; funds for responding to environmental change and for remedial action; capacity for monitoring and responding to environmental feedback; information flow through social networks; the combination of various sources of information and knowledge; and sense-making and arenas of collaborative learning for ecosystem management. We propose that the self-organizing process of adaptive comanagement development, facilitated by rules and incentives of higher levels, has the potential to expand desirable stability domains of a region and make social–ecological systems more robust to change.Published online  相似文献   

Brazil’s BR-319 Highway linked Manaus, in the state of Amazonas, to Porto Velho, Rondônia, until it became impassable in 1988. Now it is proposed for reconstruction and paving, which would facilitate migration from the “Arc of Deforestation” in the southern part of the Amazon region to new frontiers farther north. The purpose of the highway, which is to facilitate transport to São Paulo of products from factories in the Manaus Free Trade Zone, would be better served by sending the containers by ship to the port of Santos. The lack of a land connection to Manaus currently represents a significant barrier to migration to central and northern Amazonia. Discourse regarding the highway systematically overestimates the highway’s benefits and underestimates its impacts. A variety of changes would be needed prior to paving the highway if these potential impacts are to be attenuated. These include zoning, reserve creation, and increased governance in various forms, including deforestation licensing and control programs. More fundamental changes are also needed, especially the abandonment of the long-standing tradition in Brazil of granting squatters’ rights to those who invade public land. Organizing Amazonian occupation in such a way that road construction and improvement cease to lead to explosive and uncontrolled deforestation should be a prerequisite for approval of the BR-319 and other road projects for which major impacts are expected. These projects could provide the impetus that is needed to achieve the transition away from appropriation of public land by both small squatters and by grileiros (large-scale illegal claimants). A delay in reconstructing the highway is advisable until appropriate changes can be effected.  相似文献   


Local authorities in Sweden are responsible for the management of sewage treatment and municipal solid waste. Due to this, they handle large flows and stocks of materials and substances that may be harmful for the environment. However, knowledge about these flows is sometimes deficient. In addition, the capacity to influence the composition of these flows is mainly beyond the jurisdiction of the local authorities. Flow-oriented studies, such as substance flow analysis (SFA), have proven to be a useful tool in order to understand and quantify these flows. Furthermore, SFA is sometimes claimed to be beneficial to the process of decision making, since it generates comprehensive overviews of the substance in focus. However, quantification of stocks and flows of a certain substance does not necessarily provide sufficient information for environmental management on the local level. Hence, for SFA to further contribute to the environmental management process, there is also a need for development in the interpretation of the results. The main objective of this paper is to contribute to the discussion about (1) how to interpret the results from SFA and (2) how the results from an SFA can be used in environmental management by local authorities. A tentative framework for interpretation is discussed in the paper, focusing on five aspects: total material quantities, exposure to humans and the environment, resource economy, function and capacity to influence the substance flows. Furthermore, the paper discusses the suggested framework applied to results of a regional cadmium inventory.  相似文献   

Plastics have become an indispensable ingredient of human life. They are non-biodegradable polymers of mostly containing carbon, hydrogen, and few other elements such as chlorine, nitrogen etc. Rapid growth of the world population led to increased demand of commodity plastics. High density poly ethylene is one of the largest used commodity plastics due to its vast applications in many fields. Due to its non bio degradability and low life, HDPE contributes significantly to the problem of Municipal Waste Management. To avert environment pollution of HDPE wastes, they must be recycled and recovered. On the other hand, steady depletion of fossil fuel and increased energy demand, motivated the researchers and technologists to search and develop different energy sources. Waste to energy has been a significant way to utilize the waste sustainably, simultaneously add to meet the energy demand. Plastics being petrochemical origin have inherently high calorific value. Thus they can be converted back to useful energy. Many researches have been carried out to convert the waste plastics into liquid fuel by thermal and catalytic pyrolysis and this has led to establishment of a number of successful firms converting waste plastics to liquid fuels. This paper reviews the production and consumption HDPE, different methods of recycling of plastic with special reference to chemical degradation of HDPE to fuel. This also focuses on different factors that affect these degradations, the kinetics and mechanism of this reaction.  相似文献   

环境监测质量监督是保证环境监测工作质量的重要环节,文章剖析了影响质量监督工作质量的5个因素,提出应从质量监督员的选择、配置和培训、做好文件化规定、提高质量监督工作的计划性、规范质量监督记录、注重质量监督工作效果评价几个方面,强化监督工作的实施,提升质量监督的作用.  相似文献   

The idea of the ‘smart city’ is increasingly central to debates on urban development and sustainability, and a host of cities are now pursuing ‘smartness’ as a way to improve energy efficiency, transport, and public services. However, existing research does not provide a clear picture of how this smart city agenda actually contributes to sustainability. The social science literature has been critical toward urban smartness, with most of the empirical research focusing on the politics of data-driven and entrepreneurial urbanism. This article seeks to contribute to this debate by empirically examining the role that sustainability plays in the smart city discourse. Its distinctive approach is to investigate how urban smartness and sustainability are framed by an authoritative institution (the European Union) and then to trace these framings down to a particular city (Stavanger, Norway). The data show that the smartness approach is strongly tied to innovation, technology, and economic entrepreneurialism, and sustainability does not appear to be a very important motivating driver. Nevertheless, the ‘sustainability component’ of the smart city agenda becomes clearer the closer we come to the city level.  相似文献   

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