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The 2007 Bangladesh Demographic and Health Survey(BDHS)data are exploited to examine the effects of socioeconomic and demographic factors on age at first marriage linkage to reproductive behavior of Bangladeshi women.The mean age at first marriage of women is found to be 15.48 years.Multivariate logistic regression technique shows that place of residence,religion,region,wealth index,education,and occupation are significantly important factors for determining age at first marriage.The relationship between marriage and fertility suggests that women who marry at a younger age produce more children than women who marry late.Findings of this study show that if the age at first marriage of adolescents is increased by 1 year,the age at first birth is postponed by 0.728 years.With the increase in age at first marriage,the fecundability of women sharply rises,whereas the proportion of temporary sterility decreases.Although there is a positive association between age at first marriage and age-specific marital fertility rates,the total parity per woman at the end of the reproductive period is expected to reduce by 0.196 for each 1-year delayed marriage.  相似文献   

The Great East Japan Earthquake in March 2011 devastated the eastern region of Japan.Due to the resulting nuclear accident,Japanese Cabinet decided to revise its energy policies.The Energy and Environment Council in National Policy Unit published options on the nation’s scenarios for energy and economy in 2030.We estimated the economic impacts of the options to national economy and households in 2030.Finally,we clarified significant factors to establish a secure,affluent and low-carbon society based on the energy scenarios.  相似文献   

There are many uncertain factors,such as stochastic,fuzzy and gray information in the risk analysis on natural hazard.The set pair analysis(SPA)deals effectively with the various uncertain factors contributing to evaluation of the risk level of natural disasters.The evaluation indicators and standards of natural disasters risk are analyzed by identity-discrepancycontrary(IDC).The result,the connection numbers,still has uncertainty information.Thus,yielding the risk evaluation model of natural disasters based on connection function,which construct a set pair relation between the indicators of connection numbers and comprehensive evaluation standards,and describe uncertainty of the connection numbers by using connection function.The study showed that the proposed model takes into account only the uncertainty of risk evaluation indicator identification on natural disasters,also the uncertainty of result connection numbers.This approach gives full consideration to the uncertainty of systematic evaluation process along with the actual meaning of comprehensive evaluation functions.Therefore,this means it is able to reduce the uncertainty of final evaluation results and improve the accuracy and reasonability of evaluation results.This model is capable of reflecting actual situation of the risk evaluation on natural disaster affected by various uncertain factors and has a promotional value in the natural disaster risk assessment.  相似文献   

Few other policy zones are as complex as the issue of climate change.If the more pessimistic projections of climate change doom are correct,then the failure to address the issue is likely to be catastrophic and irreversible.The Inter-governmental Panel on Climate Change has predicted the potential extinction of many species and that the existence of small-island and other vulnerable countries will be threatened if business-as-usual greenhouse gas emissions continue.Climate change is a transboundary problem and requires unprecedented levels of cooperation between states and serious and sustained responses from major emitters.However,the growing demand and consumption of natural resources for continued energy security and cornucopian economic growth have undermined the outcomes of international climate change negotiations.It is argued here that there is a strong connection between the major emitters’positions at United Nations’climate talks,their possessions,dependence and consumption of natural resources,and the continued undermining of international climate change policy for unsustainable growth.This paper assesses the resource politics of the US,China,India,Canada,Russia,and Saudi Arabia and their positions at climate talks to show the link between lack of climate change policy progress and the positions of these main players.  相似文献   

运用地理信息系统(GIS)技术,分析了诸永高速公路温州段对楠溪江国家级风景区地貌与植被的影响。结果表明,对地貌的影响主要取决于自然地貌条件和主要工程的工程量,对植被的影响主要取决于沿线或附近地区的自然植被发育状况。在地形复杂、植被发育较好的中低山区的路段,桥梁的修建、路堑的开挖以及隧道弃渣的堆放对公路沿线和附近山谷的地貌影响较大,对乔木、灌木与竹林等植被破坏也较大。在地形相对平坦、植被发育较差的丘陵与河谷地区的路段,路基或互通与服务区的建设对地貌的影响较大,对自然植被的影响较小。基于这些分析,本文提出了减少高速公路对地貌与植被影响的对策建议。  相似文献   

我国可持续发展进程中企业扶贫状况及对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
自我国实施可持续发展战略以来,经济快速发展,社会全面进步,人民生活水平不断提高,但贫困问题依然存在。要彻底实现可持续发展,必须最大限度地消除贫困,这需要政府、企业、群众全社会动员,特别是营利性的企业,更应承担起扶贫济困、造福人民的社会责任。而与国外相比,目前我国企业的慈善捐赠水平不容乐观,政府应给予广泛的舆论宣传引导和相关的政策机制支持。企业进行捐赠回报社会,同时良好的企业形象和强大的社会影响力也给企业带来不可估量的经济效益。正确的企业价值观、良好的企业扶贫机制,使得企业和贫困地区互惠互利,共同发展,共享和谐,实现真正意义上的可持续发展。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study is to simulate the potential vegetation types on the basis of environmental parameters.The paper took Barkam County in a mountainous region of the Eastern Tibetan Plateau as the study area.The vegetation distribution was mapped in 1994 and 2007 based on TM remote sensing images by object-oriented interpretation method.We overlaid the two maps to find out the vegetation patches which have not changed,and took them as stable types.Fifty per cent of the stable patches were randomly sampled to operate the logistic regression with related environmental parameters;others were used as test data of simulated results.Seven environmental parameters were mapped,including elevation,slope,aspect,surface curvature,solar radiation,temperature and precipitation,based on DEM data and meteorological site data by GIS technology.The relationship between the spatial distribution of vegetation and environmental variables were quantified by logistic regression.The distribution probabilities of each vegetation type were calculated.Finally,the spatial distribution of potential vegetation was simulated.This research can provide a scientific basis for vegetation restoration and ecological construction in this area.  相似文献   

葡萄酒生态产业链的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
葡萄酒产业链是由葡萄种植者、葡萄酒生产者、消费者、资源回收者等一系列利益相关者组成的系统,该系统以产区生态为条件,以葡萄种植为基础,以葡萄酒生产及其副产物资源利用为保证,使产业链条中一个产品生产中产生的废物为别一个产品的生产原料,最大限度地减少废物排放,体现了生态的统一性和资源的耦合性,形成了高效生态产业链。本文阐述了葡萄酒产业所具有生态产业链的特征,系统分析了葡萄酒产业链条中资源投入、新资源产出及其循环利用情况,重点对葡萄酒皮渣酿制白兰地、榨取葡萄籽油、提取葡萄红色素,多酚类产品、酿醋、配置饮料和基肥等产业开发状况进行了分析,并展望其发展前景,以期转变葡萄酒产业发展模式,实现产业与社会、经济、环境的和谐发展。  相似文献   

论环境管理思想与环境科学的协同演进   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章首先分析了环境管理的思想渊源与环境科学的产生;然后分三个阶段对环境管理思想的演变和环境科学的发展进行回顾,进而从管理对象、主体和方法三个方面对环境管理思想与环境科学研究的协同演进关系进行反思;最后,文章指出,随着主流环境管理思想的演变,环境科学的发展将走向综合化、人文化、立体化和专业化。  相似文献   

渤海海洋资源价值量核算的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
探讨海洋资源核算的目的在于重新建立海洋资源价值观,科学评价、合理开发利用海洋资源,为实施有效的管理、保障区域海洋经济的可持续发展提供依据。以海洋资源分类为基础,构建了水产,港址、海洋石油、海盐、滨海景观、滩涂等海洋资源价值量评估的基本方法。以渤海为研究区域.以2004年为基准年.对上述海洋资源初步进行货币化的价值量核算。结果表明:环渤海地区主要海洋资源价值为8028亿元.相当于当年环渤海地区生产总值的24%;海洋资源价值以港址资源为主。占总价值的38.56%;海洋资源价值主要分布在山东地区。占总价值的47.4%;单位岸线海洋资源价值差异大,其中天津最高为7.84亿元/km;海洋资源开发雷同现象严重.环渤海各地区均以海洋渔业、港口运输业和滨海旅游业为主。  相似文献   

湖南省汨罗市再生资源产业集群升级研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
随着我国经济快速增长。生态建设和环境保护的形势日益严峻,再生资源产业作为根本解决资源枯竭、能源短缺、环境污染等问题的有效途径,对我国资源节约型、环境友好型社会建设具有重要战略意义。汨罗市再生资源产业历史悠久,已经初步建立起再生资源回收系统、再生资源加工利用系统和废弃物资无害化处置系统.呈现出产业集群发展雏形。针对目前汨罗市再生资源产业集群存在的产业链条短、产品加工度不高、附加值低等问题。必须通过再生资源产业价值链技术创新、链核延伸和链条辐射。实现汨罗市再生资源产业集群的动态升级。加速汨罗市再生资源产业集群区域品牌的形成。为其他地区和城市再生资源产业发展提供重要经验借鉴和发展启示。  相似文献   

Margalla Hills National Park(MHNP) is a declared natural reserve of Pakistan,and Saidpur village is located at its foothills.To sustain livelihood,Saidpur community relies on natural resources and has established an intriguing relationship with the surrounding ecosystem.Human intrusion and related impacts were investigated through self-structured questionnaire from village community to gather information about demography,life practices,natural resource use,and their perception about the environment.Quadrat analysis revealed that the overall plant density was<4 plants/m~2,whereas ordination biplot has indicated significant reduction in plant cover and sparse distribution of species in areas close to human settlement.Survey results show that more than 50%families rely on forest wood as fuel source.Logistic regression has identified education paucity(odds ratio,OR=2.6,95%confidence interval,CI=1.0-6.7),large family size(OR= 5.0,95%CI=1.5-16.6),and fuel type(OR=3.5,95%CI=1.2-9.9)as significant predictors of accelerated forest cutting in MHNP.Male members were mostly illiterate and in favor to promote construction activities which reflects their low concern and casual attitude toward resource conservation.In this study,lack of awareness and peoples’ dependency on natural resources emerged as priority challenges,and hence,we suggest provision of alternate fuel sources,better education and sustained income resources as incentives to bring behavioral change.It is pivotal to involve local community before the adoption of any conservation plan as intervention strategy to protect MHNP ecosystem.  相似文献   

济南市新农村建设规划编制技术规定的编写,依据分层控制、去繁从简、因地制宜的原则,以镇为基础组织单元,以村庄迁并整合、土地集约利用、建筑空间布局、设施配套完善、环境卫生整治等方面内容为工作重点,包括总则、村庄分级与用地标准、镇域村庄布点规划、村庄建设规划、主要规划成果等五部分内容。试点新农村建设规划实践针对规划镇村所处济南市南部山区资源丰富、生态敏感的特点和复杂性,突出南部山区保护与发展的关系,突出上下位规划的密切衔接,突出实用性和可操作性,突出对当地政府和村民意愿的尊重,突出因地制宜、分类指导、体现特色。  相似文献   

不可再生资源如煤和石油的使用不同于一般商品的消费,其存量的固定性特征导致其越来越少。这样就需要研究该种商品的最优代际分配问题,即研究其开采规律和定价模式。近些年中国的不可再生资源如煤的过度开采和使用已经是一个相当严重且亟待解决的问题。本文将证明在社会主义市场经济体制下,不完整的产权制度如承包制是导致不可再生资源滥采滥用的一个重要原因。即使是在完全竞争的市场结构下,如此的产权制度安排也不能使厂商内部化使用者成本,因此过低的价格引起资源的过快耗竭。  相似文献   

渤海区域生态补偿机制的研究   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
生态系统方法是保护和管理自然资源的新理念,得到世界各海洋大国的普遍关注和认可。生态系统方法要求运用生态补偿机制。构建海洋生态补偿机制的基本思路是:①根据海洋生态系统服务功能变化及其对利益相关者的影响界定补偿主体和补偿对象:②补偿途径以财政转移支付和环境资源税费为主;③遵循理论计算值与现有实践相结合的原则制定补偿标准。围绕影响渤海生态系统健康的关键是人类活动.提出了构建渤海区域生态补偿机制的初步设想。主要包括:改革现有“排污收费制度”。提高收费标准,增强制度的生态补偿效力。以减少陆源污染物排海;建立流域和海域之间的用水生态补偿机制。以增加入海淡水量;推广“退渔还湿”的生态补偿政策;加大资金投入.强化现有渔业生态补偿政策;以同区域内的土地价格为参照。对围海造地收取生态补偿金。  相似文献   

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