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Reproduction in the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii was examined in two types of habitats (“barrens”, i.e. habitats characterised by the high crustose coralline algal cover typical of urchin-barren grounds, and by the absence of macroalgae; and “fringe”, i.e. habitats characterised by a high macroalgal biomass and few C. rodgersii) at four locations in New South Wales. The four locations: the Solitary Islands, Sydney, Ulladulla and Eden, span the distribution of C.␣rodgersii from the subtropics at its northern limit to temperate waters near its southern limit. Histology and estimates of gonad retrieval rate (GRR) from January 1994 to October 1995 indicated that reproduction was synchronous at all locations. An increase in the tempo of gametogenesis in May and onset of spawning in June at all locations is consistent with entrainment in response to exogenous factors. Over the range studied, C. rodgersii experienced relatively similar daylength cycles and contrasting sea-temperature cycles. Short days and lunar conditions coinciding with the solstice appear likely proximate cues for the onset of spawning. The major difference in reproduction among locations was in the duration of spawning. In the southern parts of its range breeding occurred over a 5 to 6 mo period, whereas at the Solitary Islands it lasted ≃1 mo. At most locations the GRRs were significantly higher in the fringe habitat than in the barrens habitat. The lower reproductive output of urchins in the barrens habitat was attributed to the food-poor conditions typical of this habitat. The developing fishery for C. rodgersii is likely to be most effective from March to early May. Urchins from barrens areas may not provide sufficient yield to warrant harvesting. Received: 29 October 1997 / Accepted: 18 May 1998  相似文献   

Oceans are warming and becoming more acidic. While higher temperature and lower pH can have negative effects on fertilisation and development of marine invertebrates, warming may partially ameliorate the negative effect of lower pH. This study determined the effect of warming (3 °C) and decreased pH (0.3, 0.5, 1.1 units below ambient) on fertilisation and development in two populations of the sea urchin Centrostephanus rodgersii, one at its northern range limit (Coffs Harbour, New South Wales NSW, 30°27′S, 153°14′E) and the other one in New Zealand where the species may be a recent arrival (Mokohinau Islands, 35°56′S, 175°9′E). Both populations were sampled in August 2011. The two populations exhibited a differential response to temperature, while pH affected them similarly. Fertilisation was robust to pH levels forecast for 2100, and it was only slightly reduced at pH values forecast for 2300 (i.e. ≈5 and ≈8 % for the northern NSW and the New Zealand populations, respectively). Decreased pH (pH = 7.6) reduced the percentage of succeeding developmental stages. Progression through cleavage and hatching stages was faster at +3 °C in the New Zealand population but not in northern NSW urchins, while for the NSW population, there was a positive interaction between temperature and pH at hatching. Gastrulation was negatively affected by an extreme pH 7.0 treatment (60–80 % reduction) and least affected by increased temperature. The percentage of abnormal embryos at gastrulation increased significantly at +3 °C treatment in the northern NSW population. Predicted future increases in temperature may facilitate further expansion of the geographical range of C. rodgersii in New Zealand, with a minimal effect of concurrent reduced pH.  相似文献   

 The endemic New Zealand echinoid, Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes), was sampled approximately monthly from September 1990 to October 1994 at three sites in Tory Channel, Marlborough Sounds, New Zealand. These channel sites (outer, mid and inner) were up to 20 km from the open ocean and differed in their shore type, exposure to wave action and macrophyte abundance. E. chloroticus showed an annual reproductive cycle at each site, with gametogenesis commencing in the late austral winter and spawning in summer. Maximum gonad indices (reproductive potential) varied spatially, with the outer site generally having higher maximum gonad indices than the inner site, and temporally, with maximum gonad indices occurring earlier in 3 of the 4 seasons at the outer site than the inner site. The mid and inner sites showed much greater variation in maximum gonad indices (range 15.83 to 26.99% and 11.87 to 20.90%, respectively) than the outer site (range 19.31 to 22.95%). Reproductive output (weight of gametes released per gram echinoid) also varied, with the different sites showing significantly different outputs in the different years. A regression of maximum reproductive potential against reproductive output was significant ( p < 0.001), and had a positive slope with an r 2 of 0.79. While, the initiation of gametogenesis was relatively synchronous between sites and years, and is possibly cued by increasing daylength, it progressed at different rates among populations. Spawning did show spatial and temporal variability, occurring near the time of highest sea-surface temperatures (∼15 °C). The observed variations in reproductive cycle may be related to small-scale variability in diet and environmental conditions. Furthermore, asynchronous spawning, variable spawning duration, and variable reproductive output are likely to strongly influence annual recruitment variability in E. chloroticus, with different larval subpopulations contributing unequally in different years. The ecological consequences of this, both for the ability of E. chloroticus to propagate itself in space and time and for the management of the developing E. chloroticus fishery in New Zealand, are discussed. Received: 9 December 1998 / Accepted: 13 June 2000  相似文献   

Reproduction of two populations of Ophionereis schayeri (Müller and Troschel) in New South Wales was investigated from November 1991 through January 1993. The reproductive cycle was documented by histological examination of the gonads and by image analysis to determine the oocyte size-frequency distributions. Both populations of O. schayeri were mature in December and January and had a major summer spawning period between January and February. Thereafter, the condition of the gonads exhibited interindividual variability, with asynchronous low-intensity gamete release through August. O. schayeri has the potential to spawn for up to 8 mo of the year. This breeding pattern with synchronous spawning in summer and asynchronous gamete release through winter was similar in both populations. During autumn and winter, the gonads contained developing gametes and advanced gametes ready for spawning. The eggs spawned by O. schayeri during these seasons started their growth during the previous spring vitellogenic period, and continued to grow through summer. Upon reaching full size, they were stored for spawning outside the main breeding period. Spring is marked by increased spermatogenic and vitellogenic activity followed by maturation and spawning. Throughout their development, the oocytes of O. schayeri are surrounded by a follicle consisting of periodic acid-Schiff-positive (PAS+) haemal fluid and PAS+ yolk by the oocytes. In the testes, the haemal sinus projects into the centre of the spermatocyte columns, thus appearing to play a nutritive role in support of both oogenesis and spermatogenesis. Late vitellogenic oocytes of O. schayeri are firmly anchored to the germinal epithelium by an attachment complex consisting of specialised attachment cells and basophilic strands that radiate between the oolemma and the nucleus. Spawning is associated with rupture of the follicles, which remain as prominent, empty U-shaped profiles in the ovaries. O. schayeri produces copious numbers of 200 m-diam oocytes, suggesting that this species is a broadcast spawner and that it has a modified ophiopluteus or vitellaria larva.  相似文献   

This study documents the annual reproductive cycle of the Temnopleurid echinoid Holopneustes purpurascens near Sydney. H. purpurascens reached sexual maturity between 11 and 26 mm diameter and was gonochoristic. The sequence of oogenesis was similar to previously described echinoids. However, the proportion of eggs at each stage showed no temporal pattern in abundance, suggesting that vitellogenesis is continuous throughout the year. Spermatogenesis was also similar to other echinoids and showed a significant increase in the proportion of partially spawned testes in spring, followed by a similar increase in the proportion of partially spawned testes in late spring and summer. Gonad indices showed a peak in weight from late winter to mid-spring (9.10ǃ.47 for females; 6.28ǂ.43 for males; mean-SE), then a decline for both sexes. Although spawning was variable over time, there was a peak in the proportion of spawning from late winter to early summer that correlated with the observed peaks in gonad indices and gametogenic cycles. The demographic implications of this reproductive pattern are that new recruits can enter the population through synchronous spawning during the breeding period, and smaller haphazard spawning events at other times of the year.  相似文献   

A mass synchronous spawning of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus (Valenciennes) was observed in situ in Doubtful Sound, a large New Zealand fiord. Spawning occurred between 17:30 hrs and 18:30 hrs on 27 January 1994 and coincided with a full moon, spring tides and a period of decreasing sea temperatures. During spawning, the sea urchins formed a dense spawning aggregation of both sexes, with >90% of the urchins observed spawning at the time. Spawned gametes clouded the water column, and some were eaten by small labrid fish species. The spawning, which may have been as widespread as 40 km, marked a 42 to 50% decrease in gonad indices and resulted in a widespread, dense cohort of  E. chloroticus larvae within the fiord. Received: 25 September 1997 / Accepted: 6 March 1998  相似文献   

During the day, the diadematid sea urchin Centrostephanus coronatus occupies holes and crevices in shallow subtidal rocky substrata. Individuals emerge from these after sunset and forage on organisms attached to the surrounding rock surface. Each urchin travels <1 m from its shelter and returns to the same one before sunrise. The sheephead wrasse Pimelometopon pulchrum does not remove urchins from their shelters, but will attack and consume urchins placed in normal feeding locations during the daytime. The active periods of the sheephead and the urchin do not overlap; urchins begin foraging about 20 min after the diurnal sheephead retire in the evening and return to their shelters 1 to 2 h before sheephead resume feeding in the morning. We infer that the urchin's daytime crevice-dwelling and nocturnal foraging habits have evolved as a response to sheephead predation. Moreover, because shelters are limited in supply, shelter fidelity may have evolved to insure refuge from sheephead.  相似文献   

Reproduction ofHeliocidaris erythrogramma (Valenciennes) andH. tuberculata (Lamarck) was compared through examination of oogenesis, spermatogenesis and monthly measurement of the gonad index. These species occur sympatrically in the Sydney region. Their reproduction was examined at two sites near Botany Bay, New South Wales, Australia, from February 1989 through January 1990.H. erythrogramma produces buoyant, 450µm-diam eggs and the sperm have a head region 10µm in length. By contrast,H. tuberculata produces negatively-buoyant, 95µm-diam eggs and the sperm have a head region 4µm in length. Histochemical examination of the gonads revealed that periodic acid Schiff-positive (PAS +) material stored in the nutritive phagocytes appears to support vitellogenesis in both species. InH. tuberculata this material is utilized in the formation of PAS + yolk oligolecithal eggs, whereas inH. erythrogramma the PAS + material appears to be converted to lipid yolk in macrolecithal eggs.H. erythrogramma had a seasonal reproductive pattern with a 3 mo summer spawning period, whereas both populations ofH. tuberculata had a 9 mo breeding period characterized by the continual presence of nutrient reserves and vitellogenic oocytes which rapidly replaced spawned ova. Spawning ceased only for 3 mo over the summer. Due to the 9 mo spawning ofH. tuberculata it is not clear what factors serve to cue reproduction in this species.  相似文献   

J. Dafni  J. Erez 《Marine Biology》1987,95(2):275-287
A comprehensive study on skeletal calcification in the regular echinoid Tripneustes gratilla elatensis was carried out between 1979 and 1981 in the northern Gulf of Eilat (Red Sea), employing size measurement, allometry and radiotracer techniques. Uptake rates of the isotope 45Ca were used to estimate the calcification rate of whole tests. Calcification rates of the different skeletal parts and the 45Ca uptake along the sutural margins of individual plates were also measured. Whole-test calcification rates for juvenile individuals, 11 to 13 mm in diameter, relative to their skeletal Ca dry weight, calculated using the allometric relationship between skeletal dry weight and diameter, were 1.5 to 1.8% d-1 for 4 to 8 h of incubation, while calcification rates obtained from periodical size measurements and allometrical constants amounted to 2.75% d-1. The apparent discrepancy between these results is explained partly by the short duration of the incubations, during which the internal calcium pools, apparently in the coelom, were not fully saturated with the radioactive tracer. This discrepancy decreased when longer radioactive incubations were used, or when a post-incubational deposition of 45Ca from these pools was allowed. The size of these pools is roughly 10 mol Ca per 13-mm individual, and it resides probably in the coelom where Ca concentration is 3 times higher than in seawater. The calcification rates given as percentage of skeleton added per day, both for the radioactive and allometric methods, decreased with the urchins' size. The calcification patterns of various components of the skeleton generally fitted their allometrical trends — a relative decrease in the size of the spines, apical plates and lantern. The teeth calcify rapidly to compensate for the constant erosion of their tips. Calcification per plate decreased exponentially from the apex to the peristome. Plate-edge calcification patterns of both interambulacral and ambulacral plates fitted patterns derived from size increment measurements, using natural growth-lines. Typically, most plates grow more horizontally (latitudinally) than vertically. It is suggested that the vertical vs horizontal calcification ratio (v/h) determines the individual plate growth and affects the whole test morphology.  相似文献   

The morphometry of the sea urchin Evechinus chloroticus from habitats of contrasting algal abundance but of similar urchin density was examined at two localities in southern New Zealand during 1993. Populations from habitats of high algal abundance (Dusky Sound) had similar relationships of demipyramid (jaws) to test diameter, but individuals had significantly smaller jaws relative to their test diameter than those from a locality where algal abundance was low (Arapawa Island). The body wall mass (in relation to total wet weight) was similar for populations from both localities but, for Dusky Sound populations, individuals from exposed sites had greater relative body mass than those from sheltered sites. The ratios of gonad weight:total weight were similar between localities. However, E. chloroticus from Arapawa Island reached reproductive maturity at a smaller size than those from Dusky Sound. Growth rates of E. chloroticus varied among localities in Dusky Sound. Growth was modelled by the Tanaka function, which allows for rapid early growth until reproductive maturity is reached and declining growth rates thereafter. The results show that sea urchins respond to low resource availability by increasing the size of the food-gathering apparatus, maturing at a smaller size, and growing to a smaller size than individuals from food-rich habitats. Received: 3 December 1996 / Accepted: 29 January 1997  相似文献   

Sea urchin (Paracentrotus lividus) fishery is intensively practiced in several areas of the Mediterranean basin. In Sardinia, as well as other Mediterranean countries, sea urchin is a basic ingredient for several dishes due to the delicacy of its gonads (roe), and demand is constantly increasing. Restrictions have been implemented in order to minimise the risk of overexploitation, however, these measures might jeopardize economic convenience in sea urchin harvesting. This paper estimates economic convenience within the edible sea urchin fishery in Sardinia. It aims to determine whether both profitability and sustainability, in terms of the preservation of sea urchin stock, can be guaranteed by actual policy regulation. We found high variability in terms of captures and profitability among firms, and a considerable degree of this variability is the result of technological differences between fishing methods. Analysis also suggests that a slight increase in allowed captures should generate a more than proportional increase in profits. This evidence gives some useful suggestions for improving the efficacy of policies in affecting the economic and environmental sustainability of the Mediterranean sea urchin fishery.  相似文献   

Ocean acidification, as a result of increased atmospheric CO2, is predicted to lower the pH of seawater to between pH 7.6 and 7.8 over the next 100 years. The greatest changes are expected in polar waters. Our research aimed to examine how echinoid larvae are affected by lower pH, and if effects are more pronounced in polar species. We examined the effects of lowered pH on larvae from tropical (Tripneustes gratilla), temperate (Pseudechinus huttoni, Evechinus chloroticus), and a polar species (Sterechinus neumayeri) in a series of laboratory experiments. Larvae were reared in a range of lower pH seawater (pH 6.0, 6.5, 7.0, 7.5, 7.7, 7.8 and ambient), adjusted by bubbling CO2 gas. The effect of pH on somatic and skeletal growth, calcification index, development and survival were quantified, while SEM examination of the larval skeleton provided information on the effects of seawater pH on the fine-scale skeletal morphology. Lowering pH resulted in a decrease in survival in all species, but only below pH 7.0. The size of larvae were reduced at lowered pH, but the external morphology (shape) was unaffected. Calcification of the larval skeleton was significantly reduced (13.8–36.9% lower) under lowered pH, with the exception of the Antarctic species, which showed no significant difference. SEM examination revealed a degradation of the larval skeletons of Pseudechinus and Evechinus when grown in reduced pH. Sterechinus and Tripneustes showed no apparent difference in the skeletal fine structure under lowered pH. The study confirms the need to look beyond mortality as a single endpoint when considering the effects of ocean acidification that may occur through the 21st century, and instead, look for a suite of more subtle changes, which may indirectly affect the functioning of larval stages.  相似文献   

We studied the spatial variability in the size at first maturity and the reproductive cycle of Paracentrotus lividus in Galicia, contributing key information for the exploitation and management of this resource. The size at maturity varied between 20.4 (±1.2 SE) mm and 27.9 ± 1.2 mm and was smaller in areas of low population density where sea urchins do not form patches. Using a nonlinear model, we analysed the effect of depth, body size, sex and population density on the temporal pattern of the gonad index. The maximum and minimum indices were obtained at 4 m depth in the months before and after the spring spawning, respectively. The depth also affected the cycle phase, and the sea urchins at 4 m depth spawned 9.4 ± 3.0 days later than the sea urchins at 8 m depth and 20.5 ± 3.0 days later than those at 12 m depth. Moreover, the sea urchins living in patches showed a slight increase in gonad size as a consequence of the better-quality habitat. This shows that there is no intraspecific competition in this area despite the high population densities reached (18.5 kg m?2).  相似文献   

Reproduction of Diadema aff. antillarum was examined between 2002 and 2005 at subtidal rocky bottoms around the Canary Islands. Two contrasting habitats (urchin barrens and grazing fronts) characterized by different levels of food availability were chosen, and factors thought to influence reproductive periodicity were monitored, including temperature, photoperiod, phytoplankton abundance and benthic food availability. Histological analyses showed that D. aff. antillarum had an annual reproductive cycle that was relatively synchronous across the studied sites and habitats. Photoperiod was the most significant factor that correlated with gonad periodicity; benthic food availability of 2 month lag was also correlated. However, some differences were detected between males and females in the timing of the onset of gametogenesis. Spawning was synchronized between both sexes from June to August. Results suggest that the optimum time of year to harvest urchin gonads would be between May and June when gonads were maximal in size but not full of gametes. This species may not provide optimal conditions for an industrial scale fishery, as sea urchins occurring in high density had small gonads and those producing larger volume or more marketable gonad tissue occurred in low densities where harvesting costs would exceed profit.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate the toxicity of total ammonia towards sea urchin bioassays, in order to elucidate the role of ammonia as confounding factor in sediment quality assessment studies. New toxicity data, expressed as EC50, NOEC and LOEC are reported for Paracentrotus lividus based on experiments at differing pH values. Results confirmed that sperm cell toxicity test is not very sensitive to ammonia, while total ammonia embryotoxicity is strictly pH dependent. Accurate observations of embryotoxic effects at increasing total ammonia concentrations evidenced progressive shifts from malformed plutei to gastrula and blastula blockages. Toxicity data obtained for P. lividus are comparable with previous results with other echinoid species.  相似文献   

We studied the reproductive cycle of the sea urchin Arbacia lixula in a subtidal population from northeast Spain over four years using a gonadosomatic index (GSI) and gonad histology. Our results show that the GSI of A. lixula follows a seasonal cycle which peaks in May–July and attains its lowest values in October–November every year. The time course of the GSI matched closely the photoperiod cycle. We also found a remarkable inter-annual variability in the maximum value of GSI, which correlated with mean water temperature during the gonad growth period (winter and spring). Gonad histology was also in agreement with a single gametogenic cycle per year in this species. We explored the application of circular statistics to present and analyse gonadal development data, which allowed us to adequately handle the high intra-individual variability detected, with several developmental stages commonly found within the same gonad. The picture that emerged is one of a gametogenic timing driven by photoperiod, while the amount of reproductive output is determined by temperature. This is coherent with the tropical origin of the species and lends support to recent warnings about an increase in the abundance of this species in the Mediterranean as a result of global warming, with associated increased impact potential in sublittoral communities.  相似文献   

Cassidulus mitis Krau, 1954 is an endemic species from Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. To study the reproductive cycle of this species, samples were collected at Praia Vermelha, in Guanabara Bay, from October 1998 to April 2000. The sex ratio for C. mitis was 1:1, and reproduction occurred throughout the year. The gonadal index of males was greater than that of females. Five gametogenic stages were identified in males: early growth, premature, mature, partially spawned and early growth with a partially spawned stage. There were no spent or recovery stages such as those seen in females. Females had six gametogenic stages: recovery, early growth, premature, mature, partially spawned and spent stage; there was no early growth with a partially spawned stage as there was in males. The mean oocyte diameter was 382 m (SD=49 m), and the mean number of juveniles per female was 100 individuals (SD=108). The anterior gonads were frequently smaller than the posterior ones, and there were differences in the gametogenic stages between the anterior and posterior gonads. First sexual maturation occurred in individuals with a diameter of 17 mm. The intestinal wet weight was two- to threefold higher than the test wet weight. This may indicate that C. mitis uses its intestine as a weight belt to avoid displacement from the substratum.Communicated by P.W. Sammarco, Chauvin  相似文献   

We monitored the reproductive cycle of Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis (OF Müller) between April 1993 and August 1995 in kelp beds, barren grounds and grazing fronts at both a wave-exposed and a sheltered site along the Atlantic coast of Nova Scotia. Gonad index and histological analyses showed that S. droebachiensis has an annual reproductive cycle that is synchronous across sites and habitats, and between females and males. Spawning occurs in March/April of each year but a small proportion of sea urchins in the study populations also spawned in fall 1995. During most of the year, sea urchins in kelp beds and grazing fronts have a higher gonad index than those in barren grounds. Gonad indices also tended to be higher at the wave-exposed than the sheltered site. Interannual variability in peak gonad index was significant in the barren grounds at the wave-exposed site and in the grazing front at the sheltered site. The gametogenic cycle is characterized by six stages based on the abundance of nutritive and germinal/gametic cells. Nutritive phagocytes are abundant after spawning and replaced by increasing numbers of germinal and gametic cells as the gametogenic cycle progresses. The temporal patterns of abundance of each cell type were similar among habitats indicating that the gonads were qualitatively similar despite large differences in gonadal mass. The quantity of gut contents (ratio of food volume to body volume) was similar among habitats, but the quality (percentage of organic material) tended to be higher in kelp beds and grazing fronts than in barren grounds suggesting that differences in gonad index of S. droebachiensis in different habitats are related to differences in diet. The high density of sea urchins in grazing fronts combined with their high fecundity suggests that they make the greatest contribution, per unit area, to the overall larval pool. Received: 20 May 1997 / Accepted: 21 January 1998  相似文献   

A sample of 227Brissopsis lyrifera were collected in the Gulf of Lions in the Mediterranean Sea between 60 and 1000 m depth over a 21/2-yr period (June 1983 to November 1985). Males and females were sexually mature at the end of summer. After a period of gonadal inactivity during winter, gametogenesis resumed at the beginning of spiring. The cycle was synchronous over the entire bathymetric range studied. Variations in environmental conditions may be one factor inducing gametogenesis.  相似文献   

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