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通过对"污染预防"、"清洁生产"、"循环经济"等关系的阐述,可知减轻对自然资源和环境的压力,实现目的所采取提高资源利用率和控制污染措施的优先顺序一致,区别是采取措施的侧重点不同,由此产生了不同理念的提法,不同理念的内涵本质无差异.  相似文献   

旷为荣  旷新年 《绿叶》2010,(Z1):113-120
中国现代化的课还没补完,又已背负超克现代化的新使命。面对崛起中的中国,左派右派的想象力都显得贫乏,提不出新的远景和方案。20世纪中国以及东亚甚至整个亚洲的中心问题是建立一个现代"民族—国家",而21世纪的中心问题则是提升为一个"文明—国家"。新的文明不是像西方文明(海洋文明)一样把"异"与"不同"作为"恶"和"敌人",而是不同文明的和平共存,这是一种新的大陆文明。  相似文献   

天天 《绿色视野》2008,(5):45-46
他们都是热爱环保,提倡持续生活的"乐活族",他们的偏好却有不同。他们能挣会花,或休闲,或慈善,或旅游,或投资……演绎着不同的"乐活"生活。  相似文献   

城市“马路拉链“治理对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城市"马路拉链"现象不仅带来了经济和环境损失,还诱发更深层次的社会和谐损失.该现象的产生源于错误的政绩观、城市地下管网管理体制弊端及针对"马路拉链"问题的监督和约束机制之不健全.为此提出三个治理对策:其一,摆正城市公共服务主客体基本立场,树立正确的政绩观;其二,从提高城市道路规划水平入手,对城市地下管网实施系统治理;其三,建立健全"马路拉链"监督与约束机制.  相似文献   

"物质的量"是国际单位制中七个基本物理量之一,其概念抽象、理论性强,学生掌握难度较大.因此,用通俗易懂的类比法探讨了"物质的量"的概念,又用类比法推出了"物质的量"的单位--摩尔,指出了摩尔的适用范围,易于学生理解和掌握,提高了学生学习化学的兴趣,提高了教学质量.  相似文献   

刘芳 《绿叶》2012,(11):75-82
与租地农场不同,"分享收获"想要做不仅是为消费者提供健康安全的有机农产品,还包括有机耕作模式的恢复与推广借此来实现食品保障和经济、社会与自然环境的可持续性。在这样远期目标的影响下,"分享收获"将自己定义为社会企业,而在实践中,其所面临的各种现实难题都在考验"分享收获"对自身定位的实现。  相似文献   

我国出口贸易深受绿色壁垒影响.这一问题由环境标准引起,但实质还是经济利益问题.本文对我国出口贸易遭受"绿色壁垒"的原因进行了分析,并进一步提出相应战略对策,以期能促进我国突破绿色壁垒能力的逐步增强.  相似文献   

参加"走水"活动的队员,来自不同的行业、不同的年龄段,大多通过活动的组织单位之一"自然之友"的网站了解到这一活动,也有通过朋友介绍而来。"乐水行"的目的,是让大家以一种放松、快乐的方式,来认识、了解自己身边的污染。  相似文献   

面向细分市场开发特色旅游产品是克服目前国内"农家乐"发展普遍存在的产品初级化和同质化现象的有效途径.基于游客活动偏好,应用市场调查获取的第一手数据,采用聚类分析方法对西安市"农家乐"旅游市场进行细分研究.细分结果表明,西安市"农家乐"旅游市场可按照旅游者的活动偏好不同划分为回归田园型、静态休闲型、康乐健身型、娱乐参与型和阳光运动型5个类型.与全国其他城市一样,西安市"农家乐"旅游市场的主体是市区和郊区的市民,且市场职业分异不显著,自驾车旅游者和大学生是西安市"农家乐"旅游市场的两个重要组成部分.根据市场细分结果,提出面向不同细分市场,打造特色旅游产品和根据游游客出行特点,改善交通基础设施发展"农家乐"的建议.  相似文献   

本文就<传统本体论哲学的终结马克思哲学变革的实质>一文中所涉及的"传统本体论"和"现代存在论"的关系问题提出质疑,并发表自己的观点.  相似文献   

浅谈大学生诚信教育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
诚实守信是中华民族的传统美德,是做人的基本道德标准之一。然而,在市场经济的影响下,在社会处于转轨时期的历史条件下,大学生诚信却存在着不少不尽如人意的地方,其产生原因主要是社会环境、学校教育以及家庭教育之间存在着缺失。鉴于此,应从课堂、教师、校园、社会、法制等方面入手,制造诚信氛围,加强大学生的诚信教育。  相似文献   

如何发挥高校图书馆在大学生诚信教育中的作用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诚信缺失的造成有政府、社会、学校、家庭方面的客观原因,也有大学生自身的主观原因.加强大学生诚信教育是高等教育不可或缺的重要组成部分,具有教育职能的高校图书馆应充分发挥其教育职能作用.图书馆员要塑造良好的诚信形象,营造诚信氛围,开展诚信服务,聘请专家作诚信教育讲座,建立读者诚信档案等.  相似文献   

"诚信"是中华民族的道德规范,我国大学教育一直秉承诚信教育传统,为培养诚实守信的公民而不懈努力。但面对市场经济带来的思想、观念、制度冲击,传统诚信教育的弊端日益凸现,如何看待诚信、如何促进诚信教育的良性发展、如何保障诚信教育的切实践行等问题,应该成为高等教育者们不断思考的焦点,而重建传统诚信教育要通过建设校园诚信文化和构建校长负责制等措施来实现。  相似文献   

电子商务的发展,依赖于把技术优势和传统企业的经营优势相结合,依赖于诚信、道德和法律,只有从企业目前最迫切的需求做起,才能使电子商务得到真正的发展。  相似文献   

This essay contends that the ascendancy of Western liberalism after the Enlightenment worked catalytically on the development of both the Industrial Revolution and a modern agrarianism based on the widespread dispersal of small-scale property ownership. Due to power dynamics, however, as well as the liberal faith in inevitable progress, agrarian thought has remained a marginal concern in Western politics, economics, and education. Although the agrarian philosophical tradition in the United States was created by the same liberal rhetoric and argumentation that gave birth to industrialism, the two world views hinged on vastly different interpretations of the same concepts. One aim of this essay is to sort out these differences and examine their implications for a contemporary reconsideration of agrarian thought.  相似文献   

The belief that forests, minerals, fisheries, and other exhaustible assets are being depleted at excessive rates in a free enterprise society has led to recurrent demands for the regulation of resource exploitation. Many have believed that further regulations are necessary — for example, the conservation movement accepted as basic tenents that most resources were too cheap, were wastefully exploited, and would become exhausted soon. This paper surveys several interrelated issues in resource depletion from an economist's perspective, in particular, whether the articles of faith of the conservation movement are borne out by economic theory and available empirical evidence. Are resources too cheap? Are they wastefully exploited? Will resources become exhausted prematurely? Are we neglecting the needs of future generations?  相似文献   

A comprehensive paradigm of environmental ethics should encompass two things: (1) a particular way of life, and (2) a path to achieve that ideal. An effective paradigm must also be internally consistent, yet externally workable in the real world. On the whole, the modern environmental movement has failed to provide these essential components and qualities in its associated philosophies, most of which suffer from being too abstract or too utopian.This paper suggests that Islam, as a religion and as a body of knowledge, is capable of providing its followers with a comprehensive and practical system of environmental ethics. The basic principles and guidelines of the faith represent the conceptual ideal, while Islamic institutions and laws provide the operational components of an ethical system.  相似文献   

生态文学是在全球性环境危机的背景下,伴随着人类生态意识的觉醒和对现代文明的深刻反思而孕育、诞生的一种新型文学形态,同时也是生态学向文学、文学向生态学相互扩张渗透的产物。它以语言艺术构筑的形象抒写人与自然关系的现实,表达人类应有的对待自然的伦理信念、情感态度及行为规范,引领人们进入人与自然和谐共生的审美的理想境界。  相似文献   

This paper examines the nature of community concerns about a landfill in Hanoi, Vietnam and compares these concerns to those found in studies of North American landfills. Based on a survey of 174 households living near Hanoi's landfill, it was found that concerns were uniformly high within the study area. Although the community initially believed the proponent's claims that the landfill would not pollute the environment, their faith in those claims disappeared once the landfill opened and began to produce numerous negative impacts on the community. Residents called for a variety of technical, management and economic measures to mitigate these impacts.  相似文献   

This study examines managerial preferences for various policy mechanisms commonly used to address environmental problems using a sample of 653 Chinese managers from firms in Beijing, Dalian and Guangzhou. Overall, these managers appeared to favor regulatory instruments, placing somewhat less faith in market and communicative instruments. However, all measures appear to have ample support within each subgroup. In addition, the influence of two situational factors on these preferences was investigated--the immediacy of environmental impact and diffusion of responsibility. The results of the study indicate that these two factors interact in explaining managerial preferences, but only for the use of market mechanisms.  相似文献   

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