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The exchange of dissolved matter between a straight open channel and a series of shallow embayments present at one of its sides is investigated using large eddy simulation (LES). The direct link between the mechanism of mass exchange and the dynamics of coherent structures is demonstrated. It is shown that for the geometrical configuration considered in the present study, the mass exchange process is very non-uniform over the depth in the vicinity of the channel–embayment interface. Most of the contaminant is ejected from the embayments close to the free surface. The amount of contaminant re-entrained into the embayments situated downstream of the one in which contaminant was introduced is quantified. The mass exchange coefficient predicted by LES does not vary significantly with the embayment rank and is in very good agreement with the one predicted by the model proposed by Weitbrecht et al. (J Hydraul Eng 134(2):173–183, 2008) based on the value of a dimensionless morphometric groyne-field parameter. Field experiments were purposely performed in a natural stream with embayments whose length over width ratios were close to the ratio in the LES study. The concentration fields predicted by LES are compared with video-records of colored dye used to visualize the mass exchange in the field experiment. It is shown that, for both LES and the field experiment, the dominant passage frequency of the eddies inside the interfacial mixing layer is well predicted by the analytical model of Sukhodolov and Sukhodolova (in: Cowen et al (eds) Hydraulic measurements & experimental methods. Proceedings of international conference, Lake Placid, USA, pp 172–177, 2007). The model is then used to scale the time in the LES animations and field video-records showing the temporal evolution of the concentration field. The results of the comparison indicate several similarities in the mixing process, despite the differences in the bathymetry and the large difference in the Reynolds number between LES and the field experiment. This proves the usefulness of performing detailed LES and laboratory studies in well-controlled environments to understand mass-exchange processes around river groyne fields.  相似文献   

Germanium is considered to be a non-essential element; however, little is still known about its significance for living organisms. It exerts prophylactic and therapeutic effects in the treatment of serious diseases such as cancer, HIV infection, and others. Germanium does not exhibit acute toxicity, but, as it tends to accumulate in various organs and tissues, undesirable and even dangerous side effects have been reported after prolonged and/or high dosage application. In general, inorganic compounds of germanium are more toxic than its organic compounds. Further studies should be performed to elucidate the exact molecular mechanism of germanium action, to determine the safe and effective dose of germanium via curative/mineral waters, and to understand the applications and benefits of using germanium-enriched waters in balneotherapy. The geochemistry of curative (cold CO2-rich, thermal) waters from spas in the Sudetes (Poland) was clarified in terms of components and mineral phases which might govern germanium. Germanium and silicon in thermal (above 20 °C) waters presumably result from the solubility of silicates in crystalline (granites, gneisses) aquifer rocks and might be controlled by neo-formed quartz. The cold CO2-rich waters revealed a significant diversity of aqueous chemistry and relationships of germanium with iron, silicon, or arsenic. Locally, both in sedimentary (sandstones) and metamorphic (gneisses) aquifer rocks, primary (silicates) and/or secondary (oxides) iron-containing minerals likely release germanium into solution. In the CO2-rich waters of the western part of the K?odzko Region, germanium distinctly correlates with arsenic. It is hypothesized that both elements are co-sourced from crystalline basement and/or migration of substances of post-magmatic origin along deep-seated dislocations related to the seismically active Po?í?í-Hronov fault zone. This area was proposed as the most prospective one for finding waters rich in germanium in the Sudetes.  相似文献   

In this study, a three-dimensional model was used to numerically study the buoyant flow, along with its mixing characteristics, of heated water discharged from the surface and submerged side outfalls in shallow and deep water with a cross flow. Hydraulic experimental data were used to evaluate the applicability of the model. The simulation results agree well with the experimental results, particularly, the jet trajectories, the dimensions of the recirculating zone, and the distribution of the dimensionless excess temperature. The level of accuracy of the simulation results of the present study is nearly identical to that of the results conducted by McGuirk and Rodi (1978). If the heated water is discharged into shallow water where the momentum flux ratio and the discharge densimetric Froude number are high, the submerged discharge method is better than the surface discharge method in terms of the scale of the recirculating zone and the minimum dilution. In deep water, where the momentum flux ratio and discharge densimetric Froude number are low, however, the submerged discharge method had few advantages. In shallow water, the discharge jet is deflected by the ambient cross flow, while forcing the ambient flow to bend towards the far bank for the full depth. For a submerged discharge in shallow water, the recirculating zone is the largest in the lowest layer but becomes smaller in the upper layer. As the water depth increases, the ambient flow goes over the jet and diminishes the blocking effect, thereby decreasing the bending of the jet.  相似文献   

Rhithropanopeus harrisii (Gould) is an introduced species in the estuary of the Mondego River (Portugal): it was first recorded from the Iberian Peninsula in 1989. The larval development of this population was studied under laboratory conditions at different temperatures and salinities, and showed a larval development pattern very similar to that reported for American estuarine populations of this species. Larval development was negatively correlated with temperature. Time to megalopa varied between 7 and 35 d; the first crab (C1) was reached after a maximum of 11 to 43 d. Larval development was optimum at 25°C and 15S. Larval survival was maximum at 10, 15 and 20S at all three temperatures studied (20, 25 and 30°C). The percentage of abnormal megalopae increased with increasing salinity to a maximum (100%) at 30S; incidence of abnormality was not affected by temperature.  相似文献   

Aristolochic acids (AAs) are carcinogenic and nephrotoxic plant alkaloids present in Aristolochia species, used in traditional medicine. Recent biomolecular and environmental studies have incriminated these toxins as an etiological agent in Balkan endemic nephropathy (BEN), a severe kidney disease occurring in the Balkan Peninsula. The questions on how the susceptible populations are exposed to these toxins have not yet been clearly answered. Exposure to AAs through the food chain, and environmental pollution (soil/dust), could provide an explanation for the presence of BEN in the countries where no folkloric use of the plant has been documented (Bulgaria, Croatia). Additional exposure pathways are likely to occur, and we have shown previously that AAs can contaminate crop plants through absorption from soil, under controlled laboratory environment. Here, we attempt to provide additional support to this potential exposure pathway, by revealing the presence of AAI in soil and soil organic matter samples collected from BEN and non-BEN areas. The samples were processed in order to be analyzed by high-pressure liquid chromatography, and ion trap mass spectrometry. Our results showed the presence of AAI in small concentrations, both in BEN and non-BEN soils, especially where Aristolochia plants and seeds were present.  相似文献   

A comparative study of the solubilization of Fe, Zn, Cu and Mn from a river sediment by solutions of a residue from agricultural industry and a synthetic polymer (SP) is presented. The agricultural residue shows a higher mobilising effect than the SP. The presence of the latter causes in most cases an initial solubilization and a readsorption afterwards, with a tendency to an equilibrium for long reaction times. The effect of the agricultural residue is not uniform for all metals studied, with a significant formation of metal‐organic complexes for Cu and Zn. In the presence of the SP, the proportion of complexes formed is significant only for Zn.  相似文献   

Odontasteridae (Asteroidea: Echinodermata) (Verrill in Am J Sci, 1899) is placed within Valvatida, a derived assemblage of sea stars. Odontasterids are found in the Southern, Atlantic, and Pacific Oceans and are concentrated in high southern latitudes. To date, the phylogenetic and evolutionary history of Odontasteridae as a whole has not been rigorously examined. We conducted molecular and morphological phylogenetic analyses of Odontasteridae to assess the interrelationships among and within recognized genera. We used mitochondrial 16S and cytochrome c oxidase subunit I molecular markers and 29 external morphological characters in an attempt to reconstruct the evolutionary history of the group. Generally, our results indicate that traditionally used external skeletal characters are not representative of phylogenetic history of Odontasteridae. We can conclude that species present in high latitudes in the Southern Hemisphere (i.e., Southern Ocean) are the most derived taxa. Additionally, mtDNA data suggest unrecognized lineages of odontasterids are present in high southern latitudes. A new species Odontaster cynthiae sp. nov. is described from the Galapagos Islands.  相似文献   

Herein, we studied the occurrence and profiles of thirteen PBDE congeners in 30 river sediment samples from Shanghai, China. The concentrations of Σ13PBDEs ranged from 110 to 13,071 pg g ?1 dw, with an average value of 2,841 pg g ?1 dw. BDE-209 was the predominant congener accounting for more than 65 % of total PBDEs, demonstrating that the major source of PBDEs in sediment samples was associated with the prevalent use of technical deca-BDE products. Moreover, low brominated BDEs in sediments also came from the degradation of higher brominated BDEs. In addition, taking into consideration of dietary exposure, PBDEs in serum samples collected from the locals were also detected with range of 419–26,744 pg g?1 (average 5,561 pg g ?1), which suggested a relatively low burden of PBDEs contamination to human body compared with the condition in other place. And in serum, low brominated compounds constituted the majority of total PBDE congeners.  相似文献   

Despite the economic importance of oysters due to the high aquaculture production of several species, the current knowledge of oyster phylogeny and systematics is still fragmentary. In Europe, Ostrea edulis, the European flat oyster, and Ostreola stentina, the Provence oyster or dwarf oyster, are both present along the European and African, Atlantic and Mediterranean, coasts. In order to document the relationship not only between O. stentina and O. edulis, but also with the other Ostrea and Ostreola species, we performed a sequence analysis of the 16S mitochondrial fragment (16S rDNA: the large subunit rRNA-coding gene) and the COI fragment (COI: cytochrome oxidase subunit I). Oysters were sampled from populations in Portugal (two populations), Tunisia (two populations) and Morocco (one population), identified as O. stentina on the basis of shell morphological characters. Our data supported a high degree of differentiation between O. stentina and O. edulis and a close relationship between O. stentina and both Ostrea aupouria (from New Zealand) and Ostreola equestris (from Mexico Gulf/Atlantic). The status of this geographic disjunction between these closely related species is discussed. Furthermore, although identified in a separate genus Ostreola by Harry (Veliger 28:121–158, 1985), our molecular data on O. stentina, together with those available for the other two putative congeneric species, O. equestris and Ostreola conchaphila, would favour incorporation of Ostreola in Ostrea. Finally, a PCR-RFLP approach allowed the rapid identification of O. edulis and O. stentina.  相似文献   

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