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Nine individuals of shortfin mako, Isurus oxyrinchus, were tracked in the southeastern Pacific Ocean, off northern Chile, by means of pop-up satellite archival tags. No common pattern was observed in their trajectories, apart from a movement onshore of all the fish tracked during June–August. The average estimated rate of movement was of c. 27 km day−1. Data were collected and processed for a total of 341 days, including 33 days for one recaptured fish specimen, allowing high-resolution archived data to be downloaded. The fish spent most of their time in the mixed layer but undertook dives down to 888 m. Ambient temperatures ranged between 4.6 and 24.1°C, and the sea surface temperatures recorded ranged from 13.4 to 24.1°C during the study period. No clear diel pattern in depth behavior was observed, but mean vertical distribution was deeper during the daytime. Moreover, a foraging pattern, consisting of rapid descents below the thermocline followed by slower ascents, was generally observed during daylight hours. Dissolved oxygen concentration and water temperature seem to be the main factors affecting the vertical range of the species in the area. This is the first study on electronic tagging of the shortfin mako in the southeastern Pacific Ocean and covers the longest total tracking period reported so far for this species.  相似文献   

Six Pacific bluefin tuna were tracked with ultrasonic telemetry and two with pop-up satellite archival tags (PSATs) in the eastern Pacific Ocean in 1997, 1998, and 1999. Both pressure and temperature ultrasonic transmitters were used to examine the behavior of the 2- to 4-year-old bluefin tuna. The bluefin spent over 80% of their time in the top 40 m of the water column and made occasional dives into deeper, cooler water. The mean slow-oxidative muscle temperatures of three fish instrumented with pressure and temperature transmitters were 22.0–26.1 °C in water temperatures that averaged 15.7–17.5 °C. The thermal excesses in slow-oxidative muscle averaged 6.2–8.6 °C. Variation in the temperature of the slow-oxidative muscle in the bluefin was not correlated with water temperature or swimming speeds. For comparison with the acoustic tracking data we examined the depth and ambient temperature of two Pacific bluefin tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags for 24 and 52 days. The PSAT data sets show depth and temperature distributions of the bluefin tuna similar to the acoustic data set. Swimming speeds calculated from horizontal distances with the acoustic data indicate the fish mean speeds were 1.1–1.4 fork lengths/s (FL s−1). These Pacific bluefin spent the majority of their time in the top parts of the water column in the eastern Pacific Ocean in a pattern similar to that observed for yellowfin tuna. Received: 4 April 2000 / Accepted: 25 October 2000  相似文献   

The vertical movements of six adult male dolphinfish (Coryphaena hippurus) (95–120 cm estimated fork length), caught using standard sportfishing methods, were investigated using high-rate single-point pop-up satellite archival transmitters from 2005 to 2011 in the western central Atlantic. Data revealed a diel activity pattern within the mixed surface layer with dives below the thermocline suggesting temperature is not a barrier to vertical movements for short periods of time. Dolphinfish were tracked for periods of 4.96–30.24 day (Σ = 83.37 day), reaching depths >200 m, and in temperatures ranging from 16.20 to 30.87 °C. The six tags allowed comprehensive vertical movement analyses by time of day, duration at depth, and based on vertical movement patterns. The longest (>60 min), deepest (>30 m), and most extensive vertical movement patterns occurred during night rather than day, with the most time spent near the surface during the day. Dolphinfish spent 66 % of their time in the surface layer (0–9.9 m) and only one individual spent 8 % of the monitoring period diving >8 °C from the maximum surface temperatures recorded while tracked. Two tags were analyzed based on lunar phase and revealed contrasting relationships between vertical movements during new and full phases. Our results suggest dolphinfish vertically shift between surface and at-depth feeding strategies to exploit aggregating epipelagic and mesopelagic prey items leading to predictable diel vertical movements.  相似文献   

Pop-up satellite archival tags were implanted into 68 Atlantic bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus Linnaeus), ranging in size from 91 to 295 kg, in the southern Gulf of Maine (n=67) and off the coast of North Carolina (n=1) between July 2002 and January 2003. Individuals tagged in the Gulf of Maine left that area in late fall and overwintered in northern shelf waters, off the coasts of Virginia and North Carolina, or in offshore waters of the northwestern Atlantic Ocean. In spring, the fish moved either northwards towards the Gulf of Maine or offshore. None of the fish crossed the 45°W management line (separating eastern and western management units) and none traveled towards the Gulf of Mexico or the Straits of Florida (known western Atlantic spawning grounds). The greatest depth recorded was 672 m and the fish experienced temperatures ranging from 3.4 to 28.7°C. Swimming depth was significantly correlated with location, season, size class, time of day, and moon phase. There was also evidence of synchronous vertical behavior and changes in depth distribution in relation to oceanographic features.Communicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Three Greenland sharks (Somniosus microcephalus) were tagged with electronic tags, in Baie St. Pancrace, St. Lawrence Estuary, Quebec, Canada. One shark was tagged on 23 July 2004, with an acoustic telemetry tag. Two sharks were each tagged with a pop-up satellite archival tag (PSAT) on 27 August 2004. Two of the sharks remained in or close to the bay, one for 47 days and the other for at least 66 days. The third shark left the bay immediately after tagging on 27 August 2004. This shark entered the main channel of the St. Lawrence Estuary, and had moved 114.9 km upstream by 1 November 2004 when the tag reported to ARGOS satellites. The tags provided a total of 179 days of data on the movement and environmental preferences of Greenland sharks in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Sharks that reported depth and ambient water temperature data from the bay showed significant diel differences in depth preferences and corresponding ambient temperatures. The sharks remained near the bottom of the water column during the day and displayed increased vertical movements at night. The shark that resided in the main channel did not show this pattern, but generally remained at depths between 325 and 352 m. Sharks in the bay experienced water temperatures that ranged from −1.1 to 8.6°C at depths from 0 to 67 m. In the main channel the shark experienced temperatures that ranged from 1.0 to 5.4°C at depths from 132 to 352 m. This is the first report of numerous Greenland sharks inhabiting shallow near shore bays during summer and autumn.  相似文献   

Large Atlantic halibut (Hippoglossus hippoglossus) off the eastern coast of Canada were tagged with pop-up satellite archival transmission tags (N = 17) to track movements, determine ambient depth and temperature, and infer spawning activity. Many halibut showed seasonal movements from deepwater slope areas in fall and winter to shallower feeding grounds on the Scotian Shelf and Grand Banks in summer. Halibut depths ranged between 0 and 1,640 m. Mean temperature of occupation was 4.7 °C. Multiple short-term vertical ascents from a consistent baseline depth, characterized as spawning rises, were identified in seven of the tagged halibut south of the Grand Banks. All presumed spawning rises occurred in multiples of 2–6 events at 2- to 9-day intervals between October and January, spanning an average vertical extent of 50–100 m at depths of about 800–1,000 m. Given the direction and velocity of the slope water currents and the duration of the pelagic stage, the calculated 300–500 km drift of the eggs and larvae would take them onto the Scotian Shelf, as well as into the Gulf of St. Lawrence. Therefore, the location of the presumed spawning grounds is consistent with expectations based on migration compensation theory, the northeasterly migratory patterns of the juveniles, the relatively static distribution of the adults off southern Newfoundland, and the prevailing currents at depth.  相似文献   

Data were retrieved from 25 ocean sunfish (Mola mola) that were tagged with pop-up satellite archival tags in the southern Gulf of Maine (n = 6), off Nantucket Island (n = 17), and off the coast of Georgia (n = 2) between September 2005 and March 2008. Tags remained attached from 7 to 242 days, with a mean attachment period of (X ± SD) 107.2 ± 80.6 days. Ocean sunfish tagged in the Gulf of Maine and southern New England left those areas in the late summer and early autumn and moved south along the continental shelf break. Fish traveled as far south as the Bahamas and the Gulf of Mexico. By moving south, sunfish experienced similar mean sea surface temperatures throughout the tagging period. The maximum straight-line distance traveled by a tagged Mola mola was 2,520 km in 130 days. Two tagged ocean sunfish entered the Gulf of Mexico, one in the December and one in July. Movements were associated with frontal features created by the Gulf Stream and fish moved farther offshore in 2007 when the Gulf Stream was deflected from the shelf break.  相似文献   

Nine post-nesting loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) were tracked using sonic and radio telemetry. Tracking began immediately after the turtles left the beach and continued until contact was either lost or terminated. As sonic tags transmit continuously underwater, they were much more effective than the radio tags in determining the paths of the turtles. Radio tags transmit only at the surface and were useful in ascertaining submergence durations. For nine of the ten turtles tracked with sonic signals, the gross movement was away from the beach in a westerly direction. The tracking periods ranged from 3.35 to 8.25 h, while the straight-line movements ranged from 3.05 to 12.88 km, respectively. Sixty-seven percent of the submergence durations recorded were <3 min. This respiratory behavior suggests continuous swimming, and the paths of the turtles suggested directed movement offshore immediately after nesting. The gradual littoral slope and lack of nearshore structure in this part of the Gulf of Mexico could be contributing factors to the patterns of dispersal observed, as benthic structures provide resting and foraging habitat for loggerheads.  相似文献   

The post-release behaviour of eight black marlin (Makaira indica), caught by standard sportfishing techniques off the Great Barrier Reef, Australia, was investigated using ultrasonic telemetry. Five marlin between 100 and 420 kg were successfully tracked for periods of 8 to 27 h. Of the three others tagged, one was killed by a shark and two shed their tags, probably as the result of poor attachment. The black marlin spent most of their time within 10 m of the surface, both day and night. During the day, however, they also spent some time between 40 and 140 m depth. They rarely penetrated the thermocline, and then only briefly, remaining at temperatures no more than 8 C° below that of surface waters. The deepest dives were to 178 m. Four of the five marlin tracked, initially moved offshore before heading parallel to the shore, whereas the other marlin stayed close to the reef edge. The average mean swimming speeds over the ground for entire tracks ranged from 0.7 to 1.02 m s−1. Received: 17 January 1997 / Accepted: 16 June 1999  相似文献   

Partial migration is considered ubiquitous among vertebrates, but little is known about the movements of oceanodromous apex predators such as sharks, particularly at their range extents. PAT-Mk10 and SPOT5 electronic tags were used to investigate tiger shark (Galeocerdo cuvier) spatial dynamics, site fidelity and habitat use off eastern Australia between April 2007 and May 2013. Of the 18 tags deployed, 15 recorded information on depth and/or temperature, and horizontal movements. Tracking times ranged between four and 408 days, with two recovered pop-up archival tags allowing 63 days of high-resolution archived data to be analysed. Overall mean proportions of time-at-depth revealed that G. cuvier spent the majority of time-at-depths of <20 m, but undertook dives as deep as 920 m. Tagged sharks occupied ambient water temperatures from 29.5 °C at the surface to 5.9 °C at depth. Deep dives (>500 m) occurred mostly around dawn and dusk, but no definitive daily dive patterns were observed. Horizontal movements were characterised by combinations of resident and transient behaviour that coincided with seasonal changes in water temperature. While the majority of movement activity was focused around continental slope waters, large-scale migration was evident with one individual moving from offshore Sydney, Australia, to New Caledonia (c. 1,800 km) in 48 days. Periods of tiger shark residency outside of Australia’s fisheries management zones highlight the potential vulnerability of the species to unregulated fisheries and the importance of cross-jurisdictional arrangements for species’ management and conservation.  相似文献   

We measured the horizontal and vertical movements of five adult yellowfin tuna (Thunnus albacares, estimated body mass 64 to 93 kg) near the main Hawaiian Islands, while simultaneously gathering data on oceanographic conditions and currents. Fish movements were recorded by means of ultrasonic depth-sensitive transmitters. Depth–temperature and depth–oxygen profiles were measured with vertical conductivity–temperature–depth (CTD) casts, and the current-velocity field was surveyed using an acoustic Doppler current profiler (ADCP). Large adult yellowfin tuna spent ≃60 to 80% of their time in or immediately below the relatively uniform-temperature surface-layer (i.e. above 100 m), a behavior pattern similar to that previously reported for juvenile yellowfin tuna, blue marlin (Makaira nigricans), and striped marlin (Tetrapturus audax) tracked in the same area. In all three species, maximum swimming depths appear to be limited by water temperatures 8 C° colder than the surface-layer water temperature. Therefore, neither large body mass, nor the ability to maintain elevated swimming-muscle temperatures due to the presence of vascular counter-current heat exchangers in tunas, appears to permit greater vertical mobility or the ability to remain for extended periods below the thermocline. In those areas where the decrease in oxygen with depth is not limiting, the vertical movements of yellowfin tuna, blue marlin and striped marlin all appear to be restricted by the effects of water temperature on cardiac muscle function. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, but unlike blue marlin and striped marlin, adult yellowfin tuna remained within 18.5 km of the coast and became associated with floating objects, including anchored fish-aggregating devices (FADs) and the tracking vessel. Like juvenile yellowfin tuna, large adult yellowfin repeatedly re-visit the same FAD, and appear able to navigate precisely between FADs that are up to 18 km apart. The median speed over ground ranged from 72 to 154 cm s−1. Neither speed nor direction was strongly influenced by currents. Received: 27 March 1998 / Accepted: 13 November 1998  相似文献   

Swordfish (Xiphias gladius) were tagged with satellite "pop-off" tags that release from the fish after a preprogrammed time, float to the sea surface, and transmit present position and archived temperature data. Swordfish were tagged on the "Charleston Bump," a topographic feature on the Blake Plateau east of South Carolina and Georgia. This feature is an important swordfishing ground and may be a spawning and nursery area. Swordfish were tagged in spring of 2000 to determine movements in relation to the Charleston Bump, and tags were programmed to pop off the fish at 30 days (n=10 tags), 60 days (n=10), and 90 days (n=9). Although four swordfish were found in the vicinity of the Charleston Bump up to 90 days after tagging, most moved considerable distances to the east and northeast and were subsequently located in association with offshore seamounts, submarine canyons of the Middle Atlantic Bight, and with thermal fronts of the northern wall of the Gulf Stream. The longest minimum (i.e., straight-line) distance tracked was 2,497 km, and maximum speed inferred from tracking was 34 km/day. Seawater temperature data archived by the tags reflected diel vertical migrations in swordfish.  相似文献   

The dusky shark (Carcharhinus obscurus) is the largest member of the genus Carcharhinus and inhabits coastal and pelagic ecosystems circumglobally in temperate, subtropical and tropical marine waters. In the western North Atlantic Ocean (WNA), dusky sharks are overfished and considered vulnerable by the International Union for the Conservation of Nature. As a result, retention of dusky sharks in commercial and recreational fisheries off the east coast of the United States (US) and in the northern Gulf of Mexico is prohibited. Despite the concerns regarding the status of dusky sharks in the WNA, little is known about their habitat utilization. During the summers of 2008–2009, pop-up satellite archival tags were attached to ten dusky sharks (one male, nine females) at a location where they have been observed to aggregate in the north central Gulf of Mexico southwest of the Mississippi River Delta to examine their movement patterns and habitat utilization. All tags successfully transmitted data with deployment durations ranging from 6 to 124 days. Tag data revealed shark movements in excess of 200 km from initial tagging locations, with sharks primarily utilizing offshore waters associated with the continental shelf edge from Desoto Canyon to the Texas/Mexican border. While most sharks remained in US waters, one individual moved from the northern Gulf of Mexico into the Bay of Campeche off the coast of Mexico. Sharks spent 87 % of their time between 20 and 125 m and 83 % of their time in waters between 23 and 30 °C. Since dusky sharks are among the most vulnerable shark species to fishing mortality, there is a recovery plan in place for US waters; however, since they have been shown to make long-distance migrations, a multi-national management plan within the WNA may be needed to ensure the successful recovery of this population.  相似文献   

We examined movements of Atlantic blue marlin (Makaira nigricans) from the Gulf of Mexico based upon 42 pop-up archival transmitting (PAT) tags. Long deployments (including one 334-day track) revealed diverse movement patterns within the Gulf of Mexico. North–south seasonal changes in blue marlin distribution showed strong correspondence with established seasonal patterns of sea surface temperature and primary production. During the summer spawning season, blue marlin utilized outer shelf and shelf edge waters in the northern Gulf of Mexico, and longer duration tracks indicated overwintering habitats in the Bay of Campeche. Egress occurred throughout the year and was difficult to determine because some tracks ended in the Straits of Florida (n = 3) while other tracks recorded movement through it or the Yucatan Channel (n = 4). Our results indicate that Atlantic blue marlin have a more restricted geographic range of habitats than previously recognized and that the Gulf of Mexico provides spatially dynamic suitable habitat that is utilized year-round through seasonal movements.  相似文献   

Sixty-eight yellowfin tuna, Thunnus albacares, (60-135 cm fork length) were caught and released with implanted archival tags offshore off Baja California, Mexico, during October 2002 and October 2003. Thirty-six fish (53%) were recaptured and the data were downloaded from all 36 recovered tags. Time at liberty ranged from 9 to 1,161 days, and the data were analyzed for the 20 fish that were at liberty for 154 or more days. The accuracy in the position estimates, derived from light-level longitude data and sea-surface temperatures (SSTs) based latitude, is about 0.41° in longitude and 0.82° in latitude, in this region. The movement paths, derived from position estimates, for the 20 yellowfin indicated that 19 (95%) remained within 1,445 km of their release locations. The estimated mean velocity along movement paths was 77 km/day. The southern and northern seasonal movement paths observed for yellowfin off Baja California are influenced by the seasonal movements of the 18°C SST isotherm. Cyclical movements to and from suitable spawning habitat (≥24°C SST) was observed only for mature fish. For the 12 fish that demonstrated site fidelity, the mean 95 and 50% utilization distributions were 258,730 km2 and 41,260 km2, respectively. Evaluations of the timed depth records resulted in discrimination of four distinct behaviors. When exhibiting type-1 diving behavior (78.1% of all days at liberty) the fish remained at depths less than 50 m at night and did not dive to depths greater than about 100 m during the day. Type-2 diving behavior (21.2% of all days at liberty) was characterized by ten or more dives in excess of 150 m during the day. Type-2 diving behavior is apparently a foraging strategy for fish targeting prey organisms of the deep-scattering layer during the day, following nighttime foraging within the mixed layer on the same prey. Yellowfin tuna exhibited occasional deep-diving behavior, and some dives exceeded 1,000 m, where ambient temperatures were less than 5°C. Surface-oriented behavior, defined as the time fish remained at depths less than 10 m for more than 10 min, were evaluated. The mean number and duration of surface-oriented events per day for all fish was 14.3 and 28.5 min, respectively. Habitat utilization of yellowfin, presented as monthly composite horizontal and vertical distributions, indicates confined geographical distributions, apparently resulting from an affinity to an area of high prey availability. The vertical distributions indicate greater daytime depths in relation to a seasonally deeper mixed layer and a greater proportion of daytime at shallower depths in relation to a seasonally shallower mixed layer.  相似文献   

Fifteen yellow-bellied sea snakes,Pelamis platurus, fitted with pressure-sensitive ultrasonic transmitters, were tracked in the Gulf of Panamá during 1983–1985. Snakes spent up to 99.9% ( = 87%) of the tracking time under water and dived to 50 m. The maximum voluntary submergence time observed was 213 min, and of 202 complete dives logged, 19 exceeded 90 min. Dive durations of tracked snakes were typically longer than expected, based upon their estimated body-oxygen stores, and some were even longer than the reported survival times of forceably submerged snakes. Snakes, however, dived repeatedly and did not spend long periods at the surface between dives, suggesting that they did not develop an oxygen deficit during diving. Diving snakes may be able to avoid anaerobiosis by having a reduced metabolic rate, an enhanced rate of cutaneous oxygen uptake, or both. Surface conditions and subsurface temperatures influence the diving behavior ofP. platurus. Laboratory experiments in Panamá indicated that a larger number of snakes were submerged when surface water was turbulent. During February and March, the period of dry season upwelling in the Gulf of Panamá, sea snakes were found to avoid cooler, subsurface water and to make significantly shallower dives: mean maximum depth 6:8 m (n=76) in contrast to a mean maximum depth of 15.1 m (n=147) during the wet season. The dives during the dry season tended to be of shorter duration, with 44% lasting less than 15 min, compared to only 19% of the dives recorded during the wet season being completed in less than 15 min. General avoidance of subsurface temperatures cooler than 19°C was confirmed by laboratory experiments in the 10 m-deep tank at Scripps Institution of Oceanography.  相似文献   

The Dungeness crab, Cancer magister, inhabits areas that are frequently subject to periods of hypoxia. This species can employ physiological mechanisms that allow it to cope with acute hypoxic episodes. When crabs feed there is a general increase in physiological variables; these may pose an additional physiological burden on crabs already attempting to maintain adequate oxygen uptake in hypoxia. In Barkley Sound, British Columbia, the inshore habitats of C. magister ranged in dissolved oxygen from 28 kPa at the water surface to less than 1.0 kPa just above the sediment–water interface. During short-term hypoxic events, crabs reduced both the amount of food eaten and the amount of time spent feeding. Crabs tended to cease feeding below 3.2 kPa oxygen, but resumed feeding when the dissolved oxygen tensions were rapidly raised to 6 kPa. In a high (10.5–21 kPa) oxygen gradient, both unfed and fed crabs showed no preference for any area of the gradient. In a low (2.5–10.5 kPa) dissolved oxygen gradient, both unfed and fed crabs preferred the highest oxygen regime. In the laboratory, crabs were less likely to enter hypoxic waters (below 3.2 kPa oxygen) to obtain and consume food; those that did moved the food to a higher oxygen regime prior to feeding and settled in higher oxygen regimes for digestion. Crab behaviour was also monitored in the field. Fed and unfed crabs were fitted with ultrasonic telemetry tags and tracked during a tidal cycle. Unfed crabs remained mobile, travelling up to 1,370 m within 6 h, while postprandial crabs settled in areas of high oxygen and moved very little during the first 48 h after release. The present study suggests that C. magister exhibits behavioural responses in order to minimise the use of physiological mechanisms, and maximise foraging and digestive processes. Thus the nutritional state of the individual may be important in regulating both its behaviour and distribution in its natural environment.  相似文献   

The horizontal and vertical movements of bigeye (Thunnus obesus Lowe, 1839) and skipjack (Katsuwonus pelamis Linnaeus, 1758) tunas within large multi-species aggregations associated with moored buoys or a drifting vessel were investigated, using ultrasonic telemetry and archival tags, along with sonar imaging, in the equatorial eastern Pacific Ocean (at 2°S–95°W and 2°N–95°W). Four sets of observations, each consisting of the concurrent monitoring of pairs of skipjack and/or bigeye with implanted acoustic or archival tags, were conducted in May 2002 and 2003. Ultrasonic telemetry data were not collected until 24 h or more after the fish were tagged and released, to avoid any abnormal behavior as a consequence of tagging. The pairs of acoustically tagged bigeye and skipjack, and also the entire aggregations, were primarily upcurrent of the moored buoy and downcurrent of the drifting vessel during the day. At night the aggregations were observed to be more diffuse, and the fish were feeding on organisms of the deep scattering layer. The aggregations returned to positions upcurrent of the buoy or downcurrent of the drifting vessel at dawn, commonly breezing at the surface within cohesive monospecific schools. The bigeye and skipjack had concurrent changes in depth records, occupying significantly greater mean depths at night than during the day, in most cases. When associated with a moored buoy, bigeye depth distributions were deeper during the day and night than those of skipjack, but bigeye depth distributions were shallower during the day and night than those of skipjack when associated with the drifting vessel. Simultaneous depth records of a large and a small bigeye with archival tags associated with a moored buoy also indicated diel changes in depth. The mean depth at night was significantly less than during the day for the larger bigeye, but the mean depth during the day was significantly less than during the night for the smaller bigeye. The mean depths during the day and night were significantly greater for the larger bigeye than the smaller.Electronic Supplementary Material  Supplementary material is available in the online version of this article at http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s00227-004-1480-xCommunicated by J.P. Grassle, New Brunswick  相似文献   

Pop-up satellite archival tags were deployed onto four wahoo during 2006 in the western North Atlantic (~26.5°N, 79.3°W), providing movement, depth, and temperature data collected over a total of 198?days. Straight-line distances between tag deployment and pop-off positions ranged from 162.5 to 1,960.0?km. Wahoo spent >90?% of their time in water <200?m, and >90?% of their time in water between 17.5 and 27.5?°C. Three fish made regular trips to depths >200?m. All four fish had significantly different depth distributions between the dark and light periods (Kruskal–Wallace test, p?相似文献   

The diving behaviour of king penguins (Aptenodytes patagonicus) was studied on the Falkland Islands, where a small population (ca. 300 fledglings year–1) is located at the geographical limit of their breeding range. King penguins rearing newly hatched chicks were equipped with time-depth recorders before leaving for sea. In total, 20,175 dives >3 m were recorded from 12 birds during 15 foraging trips with a mean duration of 5.7±2.3 days. The majority of the trips was directed up to 500 km to the northeast of the breeding colony in slope waters of, and oceanic waters beyond, the Patagonian shelf. Mean time spent underwater accounted for 42±9% of the foraging trip. Mean dive depth achieved was 55±16 m; maximum dive depth recorded was 343 m. Mean dive duration was 159±25 s; maximum dive duration was 480 s. The mean vertical distance covered was 140±65 km trip–1; and on average birds covered 25 km day–1. Synchronous diving behaviour was observed in two birds for a period of about 24 h after leaving the colony. Dive depth correlated positively with: (1) light intensity, (2) dive duration and (3) vertical velocities, thus confirming previous findings obtained from conspecifics at other breeding sites and indicating comparable diving behaviour. However, separation of dives according to their profile—V-, U-, or W-shaped—revealed significant differences between certain dive parameters. For a given depth range, bottom time was longer and vertical velocities higher in W-dives than in U-dives. This, together with a higher number of W-dives at dawn and dusk, suggests that foraging is more effective during W-dives than U-dives, and during twilight. These findings imply that king penguins have to make more complex decisions, individually and socially, on the performance of the subsequent dive than previously thought.Communicated by O. Kinne, Oldendorf/Luhe  相似文献   

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