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核辐射的应用与防护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
我国没有发生过重大核辐射事故,大气、地表水、地下水的放射水平基本维持在天然范围内,核辐射安全状况总体良好。但随着核设施的发展,仍存在一些安全隐患,如放射源使用不当,以及因放射源丢失而造成的安全事故时有发生,国家对此给予了高度关注。  相似文献   

高云飞 《安全》2011,32(12):43-44
《国务院生产安全事故报告和调查处理条例》(国务院493号令,以下简称493号令)的出台是我国贯彻依法治安、重典治乱,建立规范的安全生产法制秩序的一个重大举措。同时,493号令提出了一个创新性的法律概念——事故发生单位。该条例中共有20次提到事故发生单位,然而,事故发生单位的概念在条例释义中未见有正式的词条解释。  相似文献   

通过统计2002年至2013年间43起典型涉氨事故,分析了死亡人数、季节分布、地域分布及发生场所四个方面的情况,并从事故类型与引发原因两方面对事故原因进行剖析。结果表明,涉氨事故易造成人员伤亡;第三季度相对容易发生事故;常住人口多的省份发生事故的概率较高;中毒是造成人员伤亡的主要原因;与管道相关的设备发生事故概率较高。最后,结合分析结果,提出相应的对策与建议。  相似文献   

朱美亚 《劳动保护》2010,(7):106-107
消防安全疏散隐患是导致公众聚场所群死群伤事故的主要原因之一。掌握正确的疏散方法,是避免群死群伤事故发生的关键。  相似文献   

今年以来,山西、河南、辽宁等省份连续发生多起恶意隐瞒矿山事故的事件,瞒报事故行为严重违反了有关法律法规,延误了事故抢救的最佳时机,给人民生命财产造成更大的损失;有的无视矿工生命,不及时组织救援,甚至封井破坏事故现场,性质极其恶劣,社会影响极坏.对此,国务院领导同志高度重视,要求迅速查明真相,依法严惩瞒报者,重申有关制度,坚决做到执法必严、违法必究,坚决维护人民群众的利益和法律的尊严.  相似文献   

刘洋 《劳动保护》2005,(11):80-81
现实中有这么一种情况,有些企业安全管理尽管工作做的还不错,但往往还是不能有效杜绝事故的发生;相反,有些企业安全管理一般,甚至隐患严重,问题较多,结果却没有发生事故。这种现象尽管不很普遍,但确实存在。从表面看,管理好的企业发生事故不可思议,管理不好的企业没发生事故可能只是运气好而已。但认真分析,前者说明,只要管理达不到100%的到位,就意味着有发生事故的可能;后者揭示了事故发生的内在机理,即尽管有时不安全因素较多,但只要这些因素不同时存在,不同时起作用,那么事故也就不会发生。所谓的管理好,也只是某些方面;所谓的运气好,也…  相似文献   

孙欣  聂百胜  余超  余金龙 《安全》2014,35(10):25-28
本文对国内近十年的重特大事故从其发生月份、时段、省份、行业四个方面进行了统计,并进行了深入的分析,得出国内重特大事故发生的一般性规律,即每年的3、10和11月份为重特大事故高发期;每天的下半天发生重特大事故的概率要大于上半天;重特大事故主要集中在山西、贵州、湖南、山东、河南、广西等省;每年发生较多的事故类型是高处坠落、机械伤害,多是由交通事故引起,在重特大事故中,发生最多的事故类型是瓦斯爆炸、透水;每年发生事故最多的行业集中在道路交通事故和火灾事故。  相似文献   

金属容器或其他制品在制造、焊接、加工过程中有时在其内部留下空洞、缝隙或其他疵点。在容器或制品使用时,这些疵点往往会导致重大事故。例如高压容器焊接不牢或有砂眼,可能会发生爆炸;大炮炮弹有空洞,有可能发射前就在炮筒中自爆。利用X射线、伽玛射线穿过物体后使照相胶  相似文献   

现在家庭中普遍使用杀虫剂杀灭蟑螂、苍蝇、蚊子等害虫,但是由于这些杀虫剂具有一定的毒性,如果人们不注意使用安全,就会造成中毒事故的发生。1996年6月13日晚,江苏省扬州市区郊区汤汪乡蒋巷村王某为让9岁的女儿睡个安稳觉,又免去驱除拍打帐内蚊虫之劳,随即拿起气雾杀虫剂对蚊帐喷雾。但未过多久便发觉女儿开始抽搐,随后又呈昏迷状态,知其已经中毒,慌忙将孩子送苏北人民医院急救,方才脱险。  相似文献   

高处坠落是建筑工程事故统计中发生频率最高的一类事故,会造成极大的人员伤害和经济损失。通过分析123例典型高处坠落事故调查报告,采用关键词检索抽取出19种导致该类事故发生的致因要素;针对一般事故和较大事故分别对致因要素发生频率进行了统计,得出一般事故中人的因素更关键,较大事故中物的因素更关键。采用ISM模型进一步分析致因要素间的作用关系,构建了7个层级的高处坠落致因要素解释结构模型;对不同层级要素进行分析,发现其与频率度量有良好的一致性,最后得出行政监管和违法承发包两个致因要素是事故发生的深层原因。  相似文献   

大型油罐火灾的热辐射危害特性   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
热辐射是油库储油罐燃烧的主要危害特性之一.本文对直径20m的柴油罐燃烧进行数值模拟,得出无风和有风情况下油罐燃烧热辐射的空间分布规律.在地面高度,随着距离L/D的增加,热辐射强度先增加后减少;在油罐火液面高度,热辐射强度随L/D的增加呈指数衰减规律.引入热辐射危害判据分析消防人员灭火的最小安全距离以及燃烧油罐对相邻油罐的热破坏.结果表明,在无风情况下,直径20 m油罐燃烧消防队员灭火不受二度烧伤的安全距离L约为64 m;有风情况下消防队员不受二度烧伤的灭火安全距离L约为80 m,不受死亡的灭火安全距离L约为62 m.数值模拟结果还与现有池火灾经验模型进行比较,表明在近油罐区(L<3D),两者的热辐射强度分布曲线吻合较好.  相似文献   

为了明确建筑施工高处坠落事故的原因分类及各类原因的发生频次概况,采用事故致因“2-4”模型分析了2000—2016年间的56起建筑施工高处坠落事故,并对各类原因进行了分类和统计分析。分析得出安全管理体系缺欠7类共62项,其中,无安全技术交底或技术交底不合格、安全组织机构不合格、无施工组织设计方案或方案不合格出现频次位于前三位;得出安全知识不足62项,安全意识不高58项,较管理者而言,一线操作者的安全知识不足和安全意识不高问题均占多数;得出不安全动作19类共296个,其中,安全培训缺失或不到位和劳动防护用品的缺乏和不正确使用2类不安全动作发生频率较高;得出不安全物态6类共54项,其中出现频率较高的是安全防护栏杆缺失或存在缺陷、脚手架或作业平台搭设不规范、安全网缺失或存在缺陷。  相似文献   

During the period from 1996 to 2002, 60,397 vehicles were involved in crashes with property damage and/or injury on a French motorway network of 2000 km. It was observed that 6.7% of these accidents involved tire blow-outs. In 87% of cases, only one vehicle was involved in the accident. Tire blow-outs occurred in 6.5% of cars that represented more than 80% of the vehicles involved in crashes. The occurrence of this phenomenon is very high for vans (22%), though it concerns trucks less (2.5%). The proportion of tire blow-outs decreased from 1997, when it was 8.0%, to 5.9% in 2002. However, two main facts require examination: (1) On inter-urban motorways, crashes involving blow-outs of rear tires occur four times more frequently than for blow-outs of front tires. (2) The frequency of tire blow-outs is especially high for vans, and almost always involves rear tires. This higher frequency for rear tires is the result of two phenomena, which are indistinguishable given the data available: firstly, a four-wheel vehicle is more difficult to control if a blow-out occurs on a rear tire (confirmed experimentally); secondly, rear tires may be in poor condition more often than front tires, and so more prone to blow-outs. Consequently, users are strongly recommended to install the best tires on rear wheels. In practice, if only the front tires are replaced, which often occurs because they tend to be worn out more quickly than the rear ones (especially for front wheel drive vehicles), it is necessary to move the rear tires to the front and fit the new ones on the rear wheels. Very interesting technological developments are in progress that should reduce the number of tire blow-outs. However, considering the time necessary to renew the number of cars on the roads, this very simple and inexpensive recommendation should apply to all cars and especially to vans.  相似文献   

Allometry is the knowledge concerning relations between the features of some beings, like animals, or cities. For example, the daily energy rate is proportional to a mass of mammals rise of 3/4. This way of thinking has spread quickly from biology to many areas of research concerned with sociotechnical systems. It was revealed that the number of innovations, patents or heavy crimes rises as social interaction increases in a bigger city, while other urban indexes such as suicides decrease with social interaction. Enterprise is also a sociotechnical system, where social interaction and accidents at work take place. Therefore, do these interactions increase the number of accidents at work or, on the contrary, are they reduction-driving components? This article tries to catch such links and assess the allometric exponent between the number of accidents at work and the number of employees in an enterprise.  相似文献   

煤矿事故发生的机理与控制对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
于殿宝  王春霞 《安全》2006,27(2):22-25
目前,我国煤炭行业的重大特大伤亡事故不断发生,已严重波及到国民经济的发展和社会的稳定.本文运用系统工程学理论,分析并找出了煤矿伤亡事故不断发生的原因,乃至恶性循环的机理,并提出了预防及控制对策.  相似文献   

李建林 《安全》2005,26(1):37-39
随着经济建设迅猛发展和社会现代化程度不断提高,"现代火灾"不断增多,危害日益严重.根据国务院<消防改革与发展纲要>精神,改革火灾事故调查体系,对于消防建设和促进社会经济发展的大局来说尤为重要,势在必行.  相似文献   

This paper describes five disastrous explosion accidents that occurred in recent years that had serious consequences for lives and property. The five explosions were: 1) The explosion at a TNT workshop of a chemical factory, Liaoning province, on February 9, 1991 in which 17 employees died and 107 were injured; 2) The nitro-amine explosive production workshop of a chemical factory in Hubei province on June 27, 1992, which led to the deaths of 22 employees and 13 injuries; 3) An explosion in storage warehouses containing dangerous goods in Shenzhen City on August 5, 1993, where 141 were injured; 4) A explosion of a truck loaded with 1.05 million detonators on October 23, 1994 causing 5 deaths and 95 injuries; and 5) An RDX explosive accident in Hunan province on January 31, 1996 in which 134 people died and 17 were injured. In this paper, the causes of these accidents are described and the lessons to be learned from these accidents are summarized.Great changes and significant achievements have taken place and the national economy has been developing at high speed since China reform and open policy. But as far as safety in production is concerned, catastrophic explosion accidents have occurred in recent times and some of them have been exceptionally serious. The author has participated in the investigation of many explosion accidents, which brought about heavy casualties and great economic losses. The bitter experiences have given us many beneficial lessons written in blood from which we must try to avoid such similar unnecessary accidents. In this paper, the causes of five disastrous explosion accidents are analyzed and lessons learned from these accidents are summarized. Proposals for safety production are also put forward.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The study evaluated the accident risk of certain driving circumstances and driving motives among novice drivers. METHODS: Self-reported exposure and accidents according to driving circumstances and driving motives were compared between young (n = 6,847) and middle-aged (n = 942) male and female novice drivers. For young drivers, self-reported accidents were further compared to fatal accidents (n = 645) in terms of the driving conditions in which they occurred. The survey was conducted in 2002 and the questions regarding the quantity and quality of driving exposure and accidents covered the first four years of the novice drivers' driving career after licensing. Data on fatal accidents related to the period of 1990 to 2000. RESULTS: Leisure-time driving, driving just for fun, and driving with passengers and during evenings and at night was more typical for young drivers than for middle-aged drivers. For middle-aged drivers, the most typical driving was driving to or from work. Driving on errands was more typical for females than males. Nighttime driving was overrepresented in young drivers' self-reported and fatal accidents, compared to the share of young drivers' driving at night. Slippery road conditions were over-represented in young male drivers' self-reported accidents, but not in their fatal accidents, whereas for young females slippery road conditions seemed to increase the propensity of fatal accidents. CONCLUSIONS: The study concluded that some driving conditions increase the risk of certain types of accidents among certain driver groups, but not among all drivers. For example, slippery road conditions were overrepresented in young male drivers' minor (self-reported) accidents, but not in their fatal accidents. For young female drivers slippery road conditions seem to increase the propensity of fatal accidents. Driving circumstances are different in minor (self-reported) and fatal accidents. When drawing conclusions regarding accident risk, it is important to determine the seriousness of the accidents which take place.  相似文献   

八木铁雄 《安全》2000,21(2):31-35
八本铁雄先生是日本国千叶县松户市消防局六室消防署救急科长,曾多次来中国进行友好访问。1997年加入中国消防协会,成为中国消防协会的一名外籍会员,现正在学习中文。编译者是199:1年在日本消防大学留学期间与八木先生相识的,1996年编译者随中国消防教育代表团访问日本时,代表团曾受到八木先生的热情接待。在两个月前,位于日本茨城县那珂郡东海村的核燃料厂铀加工设施发生了一起核辐射事故。事故发生后,八木先生每天都密切关注事态的发展,通过各种渠道和媒体广泛搜集事故现场的情况.随后参考了有关的专著文献和新闻报道资料,及时撰写了这篇论文,上周寄给了编译者本人。八木先生希望中国的核安全人员尽快了解这起核辐射事故的概况和消防救援情况,及时吸取经验教训,为中国今后有可能发生类似事故时的抢险救援献计献策。同时.八木先生也希望借此论文表达他对中国和中国人民的友好情谊,下面就是八木先生撰写的论文。为了适应国内读者对日本消防救援体制、铀加工工艺等内容的了解,在尊重八木先生论文主要观点的前提下,编译者对此论文进行了必要的增删。  相似文献   

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