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Atrazine, a broad-leaf herbicide, has been used widely to control weeds in corn and other crops for several decades and its extensive used has led to widespread contamination of soils and water bodies. Phytoremediation with switchgrass and other native prairie grasses is one strategy that has been suggested to lessen the impact of atrazine in the environment. The goal of this study is to characterize: (1) the uptake of atrazine into above-ground switchgrass biomass; and (2) the degradation and transformation of atrazine over time. A fate study was performed using mature switchgrass columns treated with an artificially-created agricultural runoff containing 16 ppm atrazine. Soil samples and above-ground biomass samples were taken from each column and analyzed for the presence of atrazine and its chlorinated metabolites. Levels of atrazine in both soil and plant material were detectable through the first 2 weeks of the experiment but were below the limit of detection by Day 21. Levels of deethylatrazine (DEA) and didealkylatrazine (DDA) were detected in soil and plant tissue intermittently over the course of the study, deisopropylatrazine (DIA) was not detected at any time point. A radiolabel study using [14C]atrazine was undertaken to observe uptake and degradation of atrazine with more sensitivity. Switchgrass columns were treated with a 4 ppm atrazine solution, and above-ground biomass samples were collected and analyzed using HPLC and liquid scintillation counting. Atrazine, DEA, and DIA were detected as soon as 1 d following treatment. Two other metabolites, DDA and cyanuric acid, were detected at later time points, while hydroxyatrazine was not detected at all. The percentage of atrazine was observed to decrease over the course of the study while the percentages of the metabolites increased. Switchgrass plants appeared to exhibit a threshold in regard to the amount of atrazine taken up by the plants; levels of atrazine in leaf material peaked between Days 3 and 4 in both studies.  相似文献   

A soil column adsorption–desorption study was performed on an agricultural calcareous soil to determine the impact of sewage sludge spreading on nickel mobility. Ni adsorption experiments were followed by desorption tests involving the following liquid extractants: water, calcium (100 mg/L), oxalic acid (525 mg/L equivalent to 100 mg carbon/L), and sludge extracts (0.5 and 2.5 g/L). Desorption tests were also conducted after sewage sludge spreading at three application rates (30, 75, and 150 t/ha). According to the breakthrough curve, Ni adsorption was irreversible and occurred mainly through interactions with calcite surface sites. Nickel desorption from the soil column was promoted in presence of significant dissolved organic carbon (DOC) concentration as observed with oxalic acid elution and sludge extract at 2.5 g/L. In sludge-amended soil columns, the maximum Ni levels occurred in first pore volumes, and they were positively correlated to the sludge application rate. The presence of DOC in leaching waters was the main factor controlling Ni desorption from the sludge-amended soil columns. This finding implies that DOC generated by sludge applied on calcareous soils might facilitate the leaching of Ni due to the formation of soluble Ni–organic complexes. Thus, sludge application can have potential environmental impacts in calcareous soils, since it promotes nickel transport by decreasing Ni retention by soil components.  相似文献   

Several methods were developed to detect the cyclic volatile methylsiloxanes (cVMSs) including octamethylcyclotetrasiloxane (D4), decamethylcyclopentasiloxane (D5), and dodecamethylcyclohexasiloxane (D6) in water, sediment, soil, biota, and biosolid samples. Analytical techniques employed to optimize measurement of this compound class in various matrices included membrane-assisted solvent extraction in water, liquid–solid extraction for sediment, soil, biota, and biosolid samples. A subsequent analysis of the extract was conducted by large-volume injection–gas chromatography−mass spectrometry (LVI−GC−MS). These methods employed no evaporative techniques to avoid potential losses and contamination of the volatile siloxanes. To compensate for the inability to improve detection limits by concentrating final sample extract volumes we used a LVI–GC–MS. Contamination during analysis was minimized by using a septumless GC configuration to avoid cVMS’s associated with septum bleed. These methods performed well achieving good linearity, low limits of detection, good precision, recovery, and a wide dynamic range. In addition, stability of cVMS in water and sediment was assessed under various storage conditions. D4 and D5 in Type-I (Milli-Q) water stored at 4 °C were stable within 29 d; however, significant depletion of D6 (60–70%) occurred only after 3 d. Whereas cVMS in sewage influent and effluent were stable at 4 °C within 21 d. cVMS in sediment sealed in amber glass jars at −20 °C and in pentane extracts in vials at −15 °C were stable during 1 month under both storage conditions.  相似文献   

Use of animal manure is a main source of veterinary pharmaceuticals (VPs) in soil and groundwater through a series of migration processes. The sorption–desorption and transport of four commonly used VPs including trimethoprim (TMP), sulfapyridine, sulfameter, and sulfadimethoxine were investigated in three soil layers taken from an agricultural field in Chongming Island China and two types of aqueous solution (0.01 M CaCl2 solution and wastewater treatment plant effluent). Results from sorption–desorption experiments showed that the sorption behavior of selected VPs conformed to the Freundlich isotherm equation. TMP exhibited higher distribution coefficients (K d?=?6.73–9.21) than other sulfonamides (K d?=?0.03–0.47), indicating a much stronger adsorption capacity of TMP. The percentage of desorption for TMP in a range of 8–12 % is not so high to be considered significant. Low pH (<pK a of tested VPs) and rich soil organic matter (e.g., 0–20 cm soil sample) had a positive impact on sorption of VPs. Slightly lower distribution coefficients were obtained for VPs in wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) effluent, which suggested that dissolved organic matter might affect their sorption behavior. Column studies indicated that the transport of VPs in the soil column was mainly influenced by sorption capacity. The weakly adsorbed sulfonamides had a high recovery rate (63.6–98.0 %) in the leachate, while the recovery rate of TMP was only 4.2–10.4 %. The sulfonamides and TMP exhibited stronger retaining capacity in 20–80 cm and 0–20 cm soil samples, respectively. The transport of VPs was slightly higher in the columns leached by WWTP effluent than by CaCl2 solution (0.01 M) due to their sorption interactions.  相似文献   

Gil C  Boluda R  Ramos J 《Chemosphere》2004,55(7):1027-1034
This study determines total levels of three (Cd, Pb and Ni) potentially toxic trace elements in western Almería (Spain) greenhouse surface soil horizons using microwave digestion; it establishes the geochemical baseline concentration, and it investigates possible relationships between soil properties and elemental concentrations. The results show that the soil concentration of these heavy metals is lower than mentioned in the European and Spanish normative, but they are higher than those reported by other authors working on agricultural soils. The obtained geochemical baseline concentrations (mg kg(-1)) were: Cd 0.4-0.8, Pb 2.5-89.9 and Ni 16.1-30.7. Using the upper baseline criterion, 88% of greenhouse soils have relatively higher content of heavy metals because of their Cd, Pb and Ni concentration. Moreover, soil properties are related to heavy metals contents suggesting that among Cd, Pb and Ni have a similar origin and those total metal concentrations are controlled primarily by soil compositions.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Microbe-assisted phytoremediation provides an eco-friendly and cost-effective approach to reclaim Cd- and Pb-contaminated soils. In this work,...  相似文献   

The remediation of copper-contaminated soils by aided phytostabilisation in 16 field plots at a wood preservation site was investigated. The mobility and bioavailability of four potentially toxic trace elements (PTTE), i.e., Cu, Zn, Cr, and As, were investigated in these soils 4 years after the incorporation of compost (OM, 5 % w/w) and dolomite limestone (DL, 0.2 % w/w), singly and in combination (OMDL), and the transplantation of mycorrhizal poplar and willows. Topsoil samples were collected in all field plots and potted in the laboratory. Total PTTE concentrations were determined in soil pore water (SPW) collected by Rhizon soil moisture samplers. Soil exposure intensity was assessed by Chelex100-DGT (diffusive gradient in thin films) probes. The PTTE phytoavailability was characterized by growing dwarf beans on potted soils and analyzing their foliar PTTE concentrations. OM and DL, singly and in combination (OMDL), were effective to decrease foliar Cu, Cr, Zn, and As concentrations of beans, the lowest values being numerically for the OM plants. The soil treatments did not reduce the Cu and Zn mineral masses of the bean primary leaves, but those of Cr and As decreased for the OM and DL plants. The Cu concentration in SPW was increased in the OM soil and remained unchanged in the DL and OMDL soils. The available Cu measured by DGT used to assess the soil exposure intensity correlated with the foliar Cu concentration. The Zn concentrations in SPW were reduced in the DL soil. All amendments increased As in the SPW. Based on DGT data, Cu availability was reduced in both OM and OMDL soils, while DL was the most effective to decrease soil Zn availability.  相似文献   

Valuable metal materials can be recovered from spent nickel–metal hydride (NiMH) batteries. However, little attention has been paid to the metal compositions of individual components of NiMH batteries, although this is important for the selection of the appropriate recycling process. In this study, NiMH batteries were manually disassembled to identify the components and to characterize the metals in each of these. A preliminary economic analysis was also conducted to evaluate the recovery of valuable metals from spent NiMH batteries using thermal melting versus simple mechanical separation. The results of this study show that metallic components account for more than 60% of battery weight. The contents of Ni, Fe, Co, and rare earth elements (REEs) (i.e., valuable metals of interest for recovery) in a single battery were 17.9%, 15.4%, 4.41%, and 17.3%, respectively. Most of the Fe was in the battery components of the steel cathode collector, cathode cap, and anode metal grid, while Ni (>90%) and Co (>90%) were mainly in the electrode active materials (anode and cathode metal powders). About 1.88 g of REEs (Ce, La, and Y) could be obtained from one spent NiMH battery. The estimated profits from recovering valuable metals from spent NiMH batteries by using thermal melting and mechanical processes are 2,329 and 2,531 USD/ton, respectively, when including a subsidy of 1,710 USD/ton. The findings of this study are very useful for further research related to technical and economic evaluations of the recovery of valuable metals from spent NiMH batteries. Implications: The spent nickel–metal hydride (NiMH) batteries were manually disassembled and their components were identified. The metals account for more than 60% of battery weight, when Ni, Fe, Co, and rare earth elements (REEs) were 17.9%, 15.4%, 4.41%, and 17.3%, respectively, in a single battery. The estimated profits of recovering valuable metals from NiMH batteries by using thermal melting and mechanical processing are 2,329 and 2,531 USD/ton, respectively, when including a subsidy of 1,710 USD/ton. These findings are very useful to develop or select the recovery methods of valuable metals from spent NiMH batteries.  相似文献   

The occurrence of triclosan (TCS), a general purpose antibacterial agent contained in numerous consumer and personal-care products, in the aquatic environment is well known. To a lesser degree, the formation of chlorinated and brominated derivatives of TCS during the chlorination of the antibacterial has also been reported. Presumably due to the lack of authentic standards, very few reports have been published on the levels of these halogenated TCSs in the environment. For this purpose, we have synthesized six selected halogenated derivatives of TCS, namely, 3-Cl-, 5-Cl-, 3,5-Cl2-, 3-Br-, 5-Br-, and 3,5-Br2- TCSs, with supporting 1H-NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and GC–MS (gas chromatography–mass spectrometry) data for their structural assignments. Using these model compounds together with sensitive analytical methods, we were able to identify and quantify the above compounds together with their precursor compound TCS in Canadian municipal wastewater and biosolid samples for the first time. While detected in all influent (range from 1.4 to 24.1 ng L?1) and biosolid (range from 7.7 to 274 ng g?1) samples, the concentrations of these chlorinated TCS were generally from 100- to 1,000-fold lower than TCS in the same sample. Even lower levels (<20 ng/g in 85 % of the results) of brominated TCS were found in biosolids, and they were mostly undetected in sewage.  相似文献   

Sorption–desorption of the insecticide imidacloprid 1-[(6-chloro-3-pyridinyl)-methyl]-N-nitro-2-imidazolidinimine onto a lacustrine sandy clay loam Egyptian soil and its clay and humic acid (HA) fractions was investigated in 24-h batch equilibrium experiments. Imidacloprid (IMDA) sorption–desorption isotherms onto the three sorbents were found to belong to a non-linear L-type and were best described by the Freundlich model. The value of the IMDA adsorption distribution coefficient, Kdads, varied according to its initial concentration and was ranged 40–84 for HA, 14–58 for clay and 1.85–4.15 for bulk soil. Freundlich sorption coefficient, Kfads, values were 63.0, 39.7 and 4.0 for HA, clay and bulk soil, respectively. The normalized soil Koc value for imidacloprid sorption was ~800 indicating its slight mobility in soils. Nonlinear sorption isotherms were indicated by 1/nads values <1 for all sorbents. Values of the hysteresis index (H) were <1, indicating the irreversibility of imidacloprid sorption process with all tested sorbents. Gibbs free energy (ΔG) values indicated a spontaneous and physicosorption process for IMDA and a more favorable sorption to HA than clay and soil. In conclusion, although the humic acid fraction showed the highest capacity and affinity for imidacloprid sorption, the clay fraction contributed to approximately 95% of soil-sorbed insecticide. Clay and humic acid fractions were found to be the major two factors controlling IMDA sorption in soils. The slight mobility of IMDA in soils and the hysteresis phenomenon associated with the irreversibility of its sorption onto, mainly, clay and organic matter of soils make its leachability unlikely to occur.  相似文献   


Studies were conducted to determine the metabolic fate of chloramphenicol (CAP) in White Leghorn using the l4C‐labelled compound. In one experiment birds were administered orally via intra‐crop, a single dose of 100 mg (equivalent to 66 mg kg‐1 body weight) of CAP containing 14 μCi 14C‐CAP, and its absorption, elimination and distribution in plasma were recorded. Orally dosed 14C‐compound was rapidly absorbed, efficiently distributed in plasma and eliminated in excreta (>70% in 5 hr). After 5 h, CAP equivalent residues in tissues were lower than 15 μg g‐1 for this treatment. In a second experiment birds were given intra‐crop dose of either 0.5 or 5 mg of CAP (each dose contained 2.5 μCi 14C‐CAP) daily for five consecutive days followed by a seven day withdrawal period and elimination of 14C in excreta and eggs was monitored. More than 95% of the administered 14C was eliminated within the first 24 h after dosing. Radiocarbon (14C) was deposited preferentially in yolks compared to albumen or other tissues. Residues declined when feeding was stopped. Various metabolites were isolated and identified by a combination of TLC, LC, and LC‐MS. The main metabolic route of CAP in laying hens appears to be the glucuronidation. Cleavage of the dichloroacetate moiety was only a minor route.  相似文献   

Phytoremediation which is a plant based remediation process is an emerging technology for treating inorganic (heavy metals) as well as organic pollutants. It may also be suitable for remediation of sites co-contaminated with heavy metals and organics which have become more prevalent. A glasshouse experiment was carried out to investigate the effect of 50 and 100 mg kg?1 of copper or 250 and 500 mg kg?1 of pyrene and the combined effect of copper and pyrene on the growth of Brassica juncea together with the uptake and accumulation of copper as well as dissipation of pyrene. Results showed a negative effect of copper–pyrene co-contamination on shoot and root dry matter and an inhibition of copper phytoextraction. Pyrene was significantly decreased in planted and non-planted soils accounting for 90–94% of initial extractable concentration in soil planted with B. juncea and 79–84% in non-planted soil which shows that the dissipation of pyrene was enhanced with planting. The occurrence of copper tended to increase the residual pyrene in planted soil, however in the presence of high concentration of Cu (100 mg kg?1), the residual pyrene concentration in soil were similar to those in unplanted soil. This may suggest that changes in the root physiology or rhizospheric microbial activity resulting from Cu stress could be an impediment to pyrene dissipation. The inhibition of Cu phytoextraction and degradation of pyrene by B. juncea under co-contamination may reduce the viability of phytoremediation in sites containing multiple pollutants.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study proposed an in situ soil experimental system to quantify concentration and accumulation rates of polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB) congeners...  相似文献   

Since we demonstrated the natural formation of chloroform in soil, the question arose to which extent this contributes to the chloroform present in the atmosphere. Concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air of different forests were measured. Chloroform concentration gradients indicating emission occur in forest soils and the atmosphere under the canopy, whereas this was not observed for other chlorinated solvents. Above the canopy all concentration gradients observed for chloroform and 1,1,1-trichloroethane indicate deposition. The emission flux was measured using enclosures and calculated from the observed concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air. Wood-degrading areas and soils with a humic layer were found to emit up to 1000 ng chloroform m−2 h−1 and seem to be larger chloroform sources than the other areas of study. Rather unexpectedly, some points of one sampling site appeared to emit 1,1,1-trichloroethane, tetrachloromethane and tetrachloroethene. A reasonable agreement was found between the fluxes using enclosures and those derived from the concentration gradients in soil air and atmospheric air.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The heavy metal contamination of soil and groundwater is a serious threat to environment worldwide. The survival of human being primarily relies upon...  相似文献   


A total of 47 passive air samples and 25 soil samples were collected to study the temporal trend, distribution, and air–soil exchange of polychlorinated naphthalenes (PCNs) in Shanghai, China. Atmospheric PCNs ranged from 3.44 to 44.1 pg/m3 (average of 21.9 pg/m3) in summer and 13.6 to 153 pg/m3 (average of 40.0 pg/m3) in winter. In the soil samples, PCN concentrations were 54.7–1382 pg/g dry weight (average of 319 pg/g). Tri-CNs and tetra-CNs were two dominant homolog groups in air samples, while di-CNs were also found at comparable proportions to tri-CNs and tetra-CNs in soil samples. Most air and soil samples from the industrial and urban areas showed higher PCN concentrations than those from suburban areas. However, some soil samples in urban centers presented higher PCN concentrations than industrial areas. Analysis of PCN sources indicated that both industrial thermal process and historical usage of commercial PCN mixtures contributed to the PCN burden in most areas. The fugacity fraction results indicated a strong tendency of volatilization for lighter PCNs (tri- to hexa-CNs) in both seasons, and air–soil deposition for octa-CNs. Moreover, air–soil exchange fluxes indicate that soil was an important source of atmospheric PCNs in some areas. The results of this study provide information for use in the evaluation of the potential impact and human health risk of PCNs around the study areas.



Pretreatment of a Drummer‐Catlin soil mixture with granular formulations of carbofuran or trimethacarb enhanced biodegradation of subsequent treatments with the technical formulations. Degradation of carbofuran was enhanced by pretreatments with trimethacarb, and degradation of trimethacarb was enhanced by pretreatments with carbofuran. Bendiocarb degradation was enhanced by pretreatments of soil with carbofuran or trimethacarb. In bioassays with southern corn rootworm larvae, biological activity of carbofuran, trimethacarb, and bendiocarb was rapidly lost in soils pretreated with granular formulations. Pretreatment of soil with granular terbufos did not enhance the biodegradation of subsequent applications of technical terbufos. Several microbial biomass assays showed an increase in specific carbofuran‐degrading bacteria in soils that were pretreated with carbofuran. Bacteria were isolated that could grow on carbofuran and apparently degrade it when present with another carbon source.  相似文献   

Sorption of lead in soil as a function of pH: a study case in México   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Reactions of lead sorption onto soil are largely affected by properties and composition of soil and its solution. In this study, the lead sorption onto regosol eutric soil from Francisco I. Madero, Zacatecas, Mexico is evaluated at different pH values. Soil samples were suspended in lead solutions of 10, 25, 50, 100, 150, 200, 300, and 400 mg/l (as Pb(NO3)2). The pH was adjusted at 2, 3, 4, and 5.5 with nitric acid for each of the lead solution concentrations. In all the cases the ionic strength was I=0.09 M with calcium nitrate. The solid-liquid-ratios were fixed in 1:100 and 1:200 g/ml. The results show that lead sorption increases when pH increases. Experimental isotherms were adjusted by both Langmuir and Freundlich models. The Langmuir affinity parameter, K, indicates that the lead sorption capacity of Francisco I. Madero soils is largely perceptible to pH changes.  相似文献   


A model ecosystem has been used to evaluate the impact of 14C‐lindane on rice‐fish agricultural system. The distribution of 14C‐residues among the constituents of the model ecosystem was studied over a period of 90 days. The insecticide was found to be readily absorbed by the roots and translocated to all parts of the rice plant. The peak level in the shoots (26 ppm) and roots (105 ppm) of plants was reached to within three weeks. Lindane was concentrated in fish and residues as high as 90 ppm could be detected after 30 days.

The major part of the residues present in the different constituents of the ecosystem could be extracted with hexane and proved to contain soley the parent compound. The data obtained show that lindane possesses a relatively low biodegradability in fish and in rice plant. The insecticide accumulates in fish and rice plant to considerable extent.  相似文献   

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