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Air distribution in the Borden aquifer during in situ air sparging   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A field experiment was conducted at Canadian Forces Base Borden (CFB Borden) to assess the air distribution from a single in situ air sparging injection point. This aquifer consists of fine to medium sand deposited in horizontal layers. The permeability at the study location varied from 10(-10) to 10(-14) m2 and distinct low permeability horizons were present at approximately 1.2, 2.0, and 2.9 m below the water table. Prior to air injection, a 15x15-m portion of the vadose zone was excavated to the water table (approximately 1 m below ground surface) in order to visually observe air release distribution at the water table. The water table was actively maintained 5 cm above the excavated surface. The sparging system operated for a period of 7 days with an injection flow rate of 200 m3/days (5 scfm). The resulting subsurface air distribution was assessed using a variety of techniques including neutron logging, borehole and surface ground penetrating radar, piezometric head measurements, surface visualization, and hydraulic testing. Through this combination of tests, it was demonstrated that variations in permeability and, hence, capillary pressure at the site were sufficient to cause the injected air to spread laterally, forming stratigraphically trapped air pockets beneath the low permeability horizons. The formation of these air pockets eventually resulted in a buildup of capillary pressure that exceeded the air entry pressure and allowed some air to migrate up through the lower permeability layers. Each of the assessment techniques employed generated information at different spatial scales that prevented a direct comparison of the results from the various techniques; however, the results from all techniques proved to be critical in the interpretation of the experimental data. As a consequence, the different assessment techniques should not be viewed as alternatives, but rather as complimentary techniques.  相似文献   

空气喷射 (airsparging)被认为是修复由可挥发性有机物污染的饱和土壤和地下水的一种有效新技术。介绍了空气喷射技术的现场应用与研究现状 ,讨论了空气喷射技术的原理和各种影响因素 ,说明了其对于饱和土壤中有氧生物降解的促进作用 ,分析了空气喷射技术的应用前景。  相似文献   

The one previous analytical solution to the steady sparging problem in a homogeneous soil was in the boundary-layer approximation that neglects the vertical capillary pressure gradient. The present study gives an analytical solution to the full air-flow equation, with the corresponding boundary-layer solution for comparison. The full solution predicts sparging below the air-injection point, whereas the boundary-layer solution does not. Solutions are expressed both in terms of the dimensionless Kirchhoff potential θ (increasing monotonically with capillary pressure and air saturation also) and the dimensionless Stokes stream function F (mapping the pattern of air flow). Both θ and F show the full solution predicting more effective sparging near the injection point than does the boundary-layer solution. The overall boundary-layer relative error, however, decreases as dimensionless air-injection depth below the undisturbed water-table increases.  相似文献   

鼠李糖脂促进地下水苯和氯苯污染的空气喷射修复   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过一维砂柱室内模拟实验,研究生物表面活性剂鼠李糖脂对空气喷射修复地下水中苯和氯苯污染的促进作用。实验研究了水中表面张力的变化对曝气过程中空气饱和度的影响,结果发现,在一定范围内,随着表面张力的下降,空气饱和度有大幅度的增加,当表面张力下降到37.75 mN/m以后,空气饱和度基本不再上升。曝气流量固定为300 mL/min,当地下水的表面张力由71.65 mN/m降到29.25 mN/m时,对应地下水中空气饱和度可由9.21%提高到20.1%。污染物去除实验的结果表明,添加低浓度的鼠李糖脂可以环保高效地提高苯和氯苯的去除量以及去除速率。因此,添加鼠李糖脂可以作为一种有效的强化方法来提高空气喷射法去除地下水中苯和氯苯污染的效率。  相似文献   

结合近年来国内外地下水曝气修复现场工程实践,对原位曝气的设计、操作和监测技术进行了全面的综述。对原位设计中的相关参数进行了整理分析,给出了合理取值范围,并探讨了不同场地条件下的应对方法。发展新的监测技术(如示踪技术、新型传感器等)能使曝气系统的工作性能得到更有效的监测,对于曝气修复工程现场监测新技术进行了系统的归纳和总结。此外,对现场曝气修复效果影响因素如污染物类型、曝气方式、曝气井数量、最大生物降解速率、土体孔隙率和含水层有机碳含量等进行了分析,以利于实际操作工艺的优化。最后对未来地下水曝气修复现场试验研究需开展的工作进行了展望。  相似文献   

Urum K  Pekdemir T  Ross D  Grigson S 《Chemosphere》2005,60(3):334-343
This study investigated the removal of crude oil from soil using air sparging assisted stirred tank reactors. Two surfactants (rhamnolipid and sodium dodecyl sulfate, SDS) were tested and the effects of different parameters (i.e. temperature, surfactant concentrations, washing time, volume/mass ratio) were investigated under varying washing modes namely, stirring only, air sparging only and the combination of stirring and air sparging. The results showed that SDS removed more than 80% crude oil from non-weathered soil samples, whilst rhamnolipid showed similar oil removal at the third and fourth levels of the parameters tested. The oil removal ability of the seawater prepared solutions were better than those of the distilled water solutions at the first and second levels of temperature and concentration of surfactant solutions. This approach of soil washing was noted to be effective in reducing the amount of oil in soil. Therefore we suggested that a field scale test be conducted to assess the efficiency of these surfactants.  相似文献   

A new type of gaseous tracer utilizing nontoxic aliphatic alcohols for the determination of water content and air-water interfacial area is tested on unsaturated sands of low water content. Alcohol vapors are generated at room temperature and passed through the experimental sand column. Breakthrough curves (BTCs) of these vapors are obtained by monitoring their effluent concentrations using GC-FID. The retardation factor with respect to each vapor transport process is obtained by optimizing BTCs data using the CXTFIT program in the reverse problem mode. The water content and the interfacial area are subsequently calculated from their retardation factors by both equilibrium and nonequilibrium transport models. Experimental results indicate that the pentanol tracer is feasible in the determination of water content at conditions when the degree of water saturation is low. In the determination of air-water interfacial area, decanol is selected due to its interfacial adsorption characteristics. By comparing to interfacial areas from theoretical predictions as well as other conventional tarcer methods, the ones determined from the decanol tracer tests are found to be close to the true interfacial areas when the water content is low.  相似文献   

A sand column leaching system with well-controlled suction and flow rate was built to investigate the effects on bacterial transport of air-water interface effects (AWI) correlated to water content, particle size, and column length. Adsorption of Escherichia coli strain D to silica sands was measured in batch tests. The average % adsorption for coarse and fine sands was 45.9+/-7.8% and 96.9+/-3.2%, respectively. However, results from static batch adsorption experiments have limited applicability to dynamic bacterial transport in columns. The early breakthrough of E. coli relative to bromide was clear for all columns, namely c. 0.15 to 0.3 pore volume earlier. Column length had no significant effects on the E. coli peak concentration or on total recovery in leachate, indicating retention in the top layer of sands. Tailing of breakthrough curves was more prominent for all fine sand columns than their coarse sand counterparts. Bacterial recovery in leachate from coarse and saturated sand columns was significantly higher than from fine and unsaturated columns. Observed data were fitted by the convection-dispersion model, amended for one-site and two-site adsorption to particles, and for air-water interface (AWI) adsorption. Among all models, the two-site+AWI model achieved consistently high model efficiency for all experiments. Thus it is evident from experimental and modeling results that AWI adsorption plays an important role in E. coli transport in sand columns.  相似文献   

Large amounts of 137Cs have been accidentally released to the subsurface from the Hanford nuclear site in the state of Washington, USA. The cesium-containing liquids varied in ionic strengths, and often had high electrolyte contents, mainly in the form of NaNO3 and NaOH, reaching concentrations up to several moles per liter. In this study, we investigated the effect of ionic strengths on Cs migration through two types of porous media: silica sand and Hanford sediments. Cesium sorption and transport was studied in 1, 10, 100, and 1000 mM NaCl electrolyte solutions at pH 10. Sorption isotherms were constructed from batch equilibrium experiments and the batch-derived sorption parameters were compared with column breakthrough curves. Column transport experiments were analyzed with a two-site equilibrium-nonequilibrium model. Cesium sorption to the silica sand in batch experiments showed a linear sorption isotherm for all ionic strengths, which matched well with the results from the column experiments at 100 and 1000 mM ionic strength; however, the column experiments at 1 and 10 mM ionic strength indicated a nonlinear sorption behavior of Cs to the silica sand. Transport through silica sand occurred under one-site sorption and equilibrium conditions. Cesium sorption to Hanford sediments in both batch and column experiments was best described with a nonlinear Freundlich isotherm. The column experiments indicated that Cs transport in Hanford sediments occurred under two-site equilibrium and nonequilibrium sorption. The effect of ionic strength on Cs transport was much more pronounced in Hanford sediments than in silica sands. Effective retardation factors of Cs during transport through Hanford sediments were reduced by a factor of 10 when the ionic strength increased from 100 to 1000 mM; for silica sand, the effective retardation was reduced by a factor of 10 when ionic strength increased from 1 to 1000 mM. A two order of magnitude change in ionic strength was needed in the silica sand to observe the same change in Cs retardation as in Hanford sediments.  相似文献   

W. Fan  Y.S. Yang  Y. Lu  X.Q. Du  G.X. Zhang 《Chemosphere》2013,90(4):1419-1426
Air sparging (AS) was explored for remediation of a petroleum contaminated semi-confined groundwater system in NE China. Physical, hydro-chemical and hydraulic behaviors in subsurface environment during AS were investigated with support of modeling to understand the hydrogeo-chemical impacts of AS on the aquifer. The responses of groundwater, dissolved oxygen and temperature indicated that the radius of influence of AS was up to 8–9 m, and a 3D boundary of the zone of influence (ZOI) was accordingly obtained with volume of 362 m3. Water mounding unlike normal observations was featured by continuous up-lift and blocked dissipation. AS induced water displacement was calculated showing no obvious spreading of contaminant plume under this AS condition. Slug tests were employed before and after AS to reveal that the physical perturbation led to sharp increase in permeability and porosity. Modeling indicated that the regional groundwater flow field was not affected by AS except the physical perturbation in ZOI. Hydro-chemically increase of pH and Eh, and reduction of TDS, electrical conductivity and bicarbonate were observed in ZOI during AS. PHREEQC modeling inferred that these chemical phenomena were induced by the inorganic carbon transfer during air mixing.  相似文献   

Controlled emplacement of polyelectrolyte-modified nanoscale zerovalent iron (NZVI) particles at high particle concentration (1-10 g/L) is needed for effective in situ subsurface remediation using NZVI. Deep bed filtration theory cannot be used to estimate the transport and deposition of concentrated polyelectrolyte-modified NZVI dispersions (>0.03 g/L) because particles agglomerate during transport which violates a fundamental assumption of the theory. Here we develop two empirical correlations for estimating the deposition and transport of concentrated polyelectrolyte-modified NZVI dispersions in saturated porous media when NZVI agglomeration in porous media is assumed to reach steady state quickly. The first correlation determines the apparent stable agglomerate size formed during NZVI transport in porous media for a fixed hydrogeochemical condition. The second correlation estimates the attachment efficiency (sticking coefficient) of the stable agglomerates. Both correlations are described using dimensionless numbers derived from parameters affecting deposition and agglomeration in porous media. The exponents for the dimensionless numbers are determined from statistical analysis of breakthrough data for polyelectrolyte-modified NZVI dispersions collected in laboratory scale column experiments for a range of ionic strength (1, 10, and 50mM Na(+) and 0.25, 1, and 1.25 mM Ca(2+)), approach velocity (0.8 to 55 × 10(-4)m/s), average collector sizes (d(50)=99 μm, 300 μm, and 880 μm), and polyelectrolyte surface modifier properties. Attachment efficiency depended on approach velocity and was inversely related to collector size, which is contrary to that predicted from classic filtration models. High ionic strength, the presence of divalent cations, lower extended adsorbed polyelectrolyte layer thickness, decreased approach velocity, and a larger collector size promoted NZVI agglomeration and deposition and thus limited its mobility in porous media. These effects are captured quantitatively in the two correlations developed. The application and limitations of using the correlations for preliminary design of in situ NZVI emplacement strategies is discussed.  相似文献   

The relationship between suspended particulate matter (SPM) and fungal spore was investigated in Seosan, a rural county along the west coast of Korea, in the spring of 2000. SPM concentrations in the air were 199.8 μg m−3 in the first Asian dust period (23–24 March), 249.4 μg m−3 in the second Asian dust period (7–9 April) and 98.9 μg m−3 in the non-Asian dust period (12–16 May), respectively. The majority of the total SPM were composed of coarse particles sized about 5 μm during the two Asian dust periods. Four molds genera grown from airborne fungal spores were identified in colonies grown from SPM samples taken during the Asian dust periods. All the genera found, Fusarium, Aspergillus, Penicillium and Basipetospora, are hyphomycetes in the division Deuteromycota. Morphologically, more diversified mycelia of hyphomycetes were grown on the sample captured from 1.1 to 2.1 μm sized SPM than on the other sized samples gathered in the dust periods. On the other hand, no mold was observed on the sample of 1.1–2.1 μm sized SPM in the non-Asian dust period. From these results, it seems evident that several sorts of fine sized fungal spores were suspended in the atmospheric environment of this study area during Asian dust periods.  相似文献   

重庆主城区秋冬季逆温对空气质量影响的观测分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2013年9—11月利用RPG-HATPRO地基多通道微波辐射计对重庆主城区大气进行连续探测,统计了大气逆温情况,并对典型重污染天气下大气逆温与空气质量状况进行综合分析。结果表明,逆温出现的频率为63.3%,基本为接地逆温类型,逆温层厚度为953 m,逆温强度为0.3℃/hm;逆温的存在为气溶胶的积聚和凝聚创造了有利条件。  相似文献   

We have observed a wide area of air pollutant impact downwind of a freeway during pre-sunrise hours in both winter and summer seasons. In contrast, previous studies have shown much sharper air pollutant gradients downwind of freeways, with levels above background concentrations extending only 300 m downwind of roadways during the day and up to 500 m at night. In this study, real-time air pollutant concentrations were measured along a 3600 m transect normal to an elevated freeway 1–2 h before sunrise using an electric vehicle mobile platform equipped with fast-response instruments. In winter pre-sunrise hours, the peak ultrafine particle (UFP) concentration (~95 000 cm?3) occurred immediately downwind of the freeway. However, downwind UFP concentrations as high as ~40 000 cm?3 extended at least 1200 m from the freeway, and did not reach background levels (~15 000 cm?3) until a distance of about 2600 m. UFP concentrations were also elevated over background levels up to 600 m upwind of the freeway. Other pollutants, such as NO and particle-bound polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, exhibited similar long-distance downwind concentration gradients. In contrast, air pollutant concentrations measured on the same route after sunrise, in the morning and afternoon, exhibited the typical daytime downwind decrease to background levels within ~300 m as found in earlier studies. Although pre-sunrise traffic volumes on the freeway were much lower than daytime congestion peaks, downwind UFP concentrations were significantly higher during pre-sunrise hours than during the daytime. UFP and NO concentrations were also strongly correlated with traffic counts on the freeway. We associate these elevated pre-sunrise concentrations over a wide area with a nocturnal surface temperature inversion, low wind speeds, and high relative humidity. Observation of such wide air pollutant impact area downwind of a major roadway prior to sunrise has important exposure assessment implications since it demonstrates extensive roadway impacts on residential areas during pre-sunrise hours, when most people are at home.  相似文献   

Light extinction, which is the extent of attenuation of light signal for every distance traveled by light in the absence of special weather conditions (e.g., fog and rain), can be expressed as the sum of scattering and absorption effects of aerosols. In this paper, diurnal and seasonal variations of the extinction coefficient are investigated for the urban areas of Tehran from 2007 to 2009. Cases of visibility impairment that were concurrent with reports of fog, mist, precipitation, or relative humidity above 90 % are filtered. The mean value and standard deviation of daily extinction are 0.49 and 0.39 km?1, respectively. The average is much higher than that in many other large cities in the world, indicating the rather poor air quality over Tehran. The extinction coefficient shows obvious diurnal variations in each season, with a peak in the morning that is more pronounced in the wintertime. Also, there is a very slight increasing trend in the annual variations of atmospheric extinction coefficient, which suggests that air quality has regressed since 2007. The horizontal extinction coefficient decreased from January to July in each year and then increased between July and December, with the maximum value in the winter. Diurnal variation of extinction is often associated with small values for low relative humidity (RH), but increases significantly at higher RH. Annual correlation analysis shows that there is a positive correlation between the extinction coefficient and RH, CO, PM10, SO2, and NO2 concentration, while negative correlation exists between the extinction and T, WS, and O3, implying their unfavorable impact on extinction variation. The extinction budget was derived from multiple regression equations using the regression coefficients. On average, 44 % of the extinction is from suspended particles, 3 % is from air molecules, about 5 % is from NO2 absorption, 0.35 % is from RH, and approximately 48 % is unaccounted for, which may represent errors in the data as well as contribution of other atmospheric constituents omitted from the analysis. Stronger regression equation is achieved in the summer, meaning that the extinction is more predictable in this season using pollutant concentrations.  相似文献   

压力溶气气浮工艺中溶气效率测定方法述评   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
气浮工艺中溶气效率高低直接影响到回流水量的大小 ,即决定着运行费用的高低。对气浮工艺设计者和运营者来讲 ,达到并维持较高溶气效率是优先考虑的问题 ,而对新型气浮设备研发者而言 ,了解并确定其在不同工况下的溶气效率也是至关重要的。就已有溶气效率的测定方法进行了分类介绍与评价。  相似文献   

The main objective of this study was to evaluate the combined effects of grain size and pore water velocity on the transport in water saturated porous media of three waterborne fecal indicator organisms (Escherichia coli, MS2, and ΦX174) in laboratory-scale columns packed with clean quartz sand. Three different grain sizes and three pore water velocities were examined and the attachment behavior of Escherichia coli, MS2, and ΦX174 onto quartz sand was evaluated. The mass recoveries of the biocolloids examined were shown to be highest for Escherichia coli and lowest for MS2. However, no obvious relationships between mass recoveries and water velocity or grain size could be established from the experimental results. The observed mean dispersivity values for each sand grain size were smaller for bacteria than coliphages, but higher for MS2 than ΦX174. The single collector removal and collision efficiencies were quantified using the classical colloid filtration theory. Furthermore, theoretical collision efficiencies were estimated only for E. coli by the Interaction-Force-Boundary-Layer, and Maxwell approximations. Better agreement between the experimental and Maxwell theoretical collision efficiencies were observed.  相似文献   

The transport of bacteriophage PRD1, a model virus, was studied in columns containing sediment mixtures of quartz sand with goethite-coated sand and using various solutions consisting of monovalent and divalent salts and humic acid (HA). Without HA and in the absence of sand, the inactivation rate of PRD1 was found to be as low as 0.014 day(-1) (at 5+/-3 degrees C), but in the presence of HA it was much lower (0.0009 day(-1)), indicating that HA helps PRD1 to survive. When the fraction of goethite in the sediment was increased, the removal of PRD1 also increased. However, in the presence of HA, C/C0 values of PRD1 increased by as much as 5 log units, thereby almost completely eliminating the effect of addition of goethite. The sticking efficiency was not linearly dependent on the amount of goethite added to the quartz sand; this is apparently due to surface charge heterogeneity of PRD1. Our results imply that, in the presence of dissolved organic matter (DOM), viruses can be transported for long distances thanks to two effects: attachment is poor because DOM has occupied favourable sites for attachment and inactivation of virus may have decreased. This conclusion justifies making conservative assumptions about the attachment of viruses when calculating protection zones for groundwater wells.  相似文献   

Changes in lipids and sterols during composting   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Pyrolysis-gas (Py-GC) chromatography was used to characterize organic [(diethyl ether (DEE) and chloroform (CHCl3)] extracts of raw and composted duck excreta enriched wood shavings from two finishing cycles (C1 and C2). Materials were collected on days 0, 8 and 23. C1 contained 1.7 % total N while C2 contained 0.9 % total N. Py-GC-MS (mass spectrometry) showed that the extracts contained n-alkanes (C12 to C32), alkenes (C12:1 to C33:1), n-fatty acids (C12 to C28), unsaturated fatty acids (C18:1 and C18:2), and sterols (cholestene, cholestadiene, stigmastene, stigmastadiene, stigmastatriene, cholesterol, stigmastanol, stigmastanone, stigmastadienone, 17-methyl dialkylsulfanyl decahydro-1H-cyclopenta [a] phenanthrene, 17-methyl dialkylsulfanyl dodecahydro-1H-cyclopenta [a] phenanthrene, and 17-methyl-17-dialkylsulfanyl decahydro-1H-cyclopenta [a] phenanthrene). Other components identified were prystene, squalene (precursor of cholesterol), phthalic acid, diphenylpropane, diphenylbut-2-ene and 1,3,6 triphenyl hex-4-ene. Our data showed significant changes in the lipid composition of duck excreta enriched wood shavings during composting, which appeared to be related to the total N content of the system.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of a numerical investigation of soil vapor extraction (SVE) systems at the laboratory scale. The SVE technique is used to remove volatile chlorinated hydrocarbons (VCHC) from the water-unsaturated soil zone. The developed numerical model solves equations of flow, transport and interfacial mass transfer regarding an isothermal n-component and three-phase system. The mathematical model is based on a simple pore network and phase distribution model and designed to be scaled by a characteristic length. All mathematical expressions are structured into VCHC specific and VCHC non-specific parameters. Furthermore, indicators are introduced that help to separate thermodynamic equilibrium from thermodynamic non-equilibrium domains and to determine the controlling physical parameters. For numerical solution, the system of partial differential equations is discretized by a finite volume method and an implicit Euler time stepping scheme. Computational effort is reduced notably through techniques that enable spatial and temporal adaptivity, through a standard multigrid method as well as through a problem-oriented sparse-matrix storage concept. Computations are carried out in two dimensions regarding the laboratory experiment of Fischer et al. [Water Resour. Res. 32 (12) 1996 3413]. By varying the characteristic length scale of the pore network and phase distribution model, it is shown that the experimental gas phase concentrations cannot be explained only by the volatility and diffusivity of the VCHC. The computational results suggest a sorption process whose significance grows with the aqueous activity of the less or non-polar organic compounds.  相似文献   

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