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In group-level recognition, discriminators use sensory information to distinguish group members and non-members. For example, entrance guards in eusocial insect colonies discriminate nestmates from intruders by comparing their odour with a template of the colony odour. Despite being a species-rich group of eusocial bees closely related to the honey bees, stingless bee nestmate recognition is a relatively little-studied area. We studied Frieseomelitta varia, a common Brazilian species of stingless bee known as marmelada. By measuring the rejection rates of nestmate and non-nestmate worker bees by guards, we were able to show that guards became significantly less accepting (from 91 to 46%) of nestmates that had acquired odour cues from non-nestmate workers; however, guards did not become significantly more accepting (from 31 to 42%) of non-nestmates that had acquired equivalent amounts of odour cues from the guard’s nestmates. These data strongly suggest that guards use an “undesirable–absent” system in recognition, whereby incoming conspecific workers are only accepted if undesirable cues are absent, despite the presence of desirable cues. We suggest that an undesirable–absent system is adaptive because robbing by conspecifics may be an important selective factor in F. varia, which would lead to selection for a non-permissive acceptance strategy by guards.  相似文献   

Recent research has shown that entrance guards of the stingless bee Tetragonisca angustula make less errors in distinguishing nestmates from non-nestmates than all other bee species studied to date, but how they achieve this is unknown. We performed four experiments to investigate nestmate recognition by entrance guards in T. angustula. We first investigated the effect of colony odours on acceptance. Nestmates that acquired odour from non-nestmate workers were 63% more likely to be rejected while the acceptance rate of non-nestmates treated with nestmate odour increased by only 7%. We further hypothesised that guards standing on the wax entrance tube might use the tube as an odour referent. However, our findings showed that there was no difference in the acceptance of non-nestmates by guards standing on their own colony’s entrance tube versus the non-nestmate’s entrance tube. Moreover, treatment of bees with nestmate and non-nestmate resin or wax had a negative effect on acceptance rates of up to 65%, regardless of the origin of the wax or resin. The role of resin as a source of recognition cues was further investigated by unidirectionally transferring resin stores between colonies. Acceptance rates of nestmates declined by 37% for hives that donated resin, contrasting with resin donor hives where acceptance of non-nestmates increased by 21%. Overall, our results confirm the accuracy of nestmate recognition in T. angustula and reject the hypothesis that this high level of accuracy is due to the use of the wax entrance tubes as a referent for colony odour. Our findings also suggest that odours directly acquired from resin serve no primary function as nestmate recognition cues. The lack of consistency among colonies plus the complex results of the third and fourth experiments highlight the need for further research on the role of nest materials and cuticular profiles in understanding nestmate recognition in T. angustula.  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate degrees of relatedness may be expected to evolve if it allows unreciprocated altruism to be preferentially directed towards kin (Hamilton in J Theor Biol 7:1–16, 1964). We explored the possibility of kin recognition in the primitively eusocial halictid bee Lasioglossum malachurum by investigating the reliability of worker odour cues that can be perceived by workers to act as indicators of either nest membership or kinship. Cuticular and Dufour’s gland compounds varied significantly among colonies of L. malachurum, providing the potential for nestmate discrimination. A significant, though weak, negative correlation between chemical distance and genetic relatedness (r = −0.055, p < 0.001) suggests a genetic component to variation in cuticular bouquet, but odour cues were not informative enough to discriminate between different degrees of relatedness within nests. This pattern of variation was similar for Dufour’s gland bouquets. The presence of unrelated individuals within nests that are not chemically different from their nestmates suggests that the discrimination system of L. malachurum is prone to acceptance errors. Compounds produced by colony members are likely combined to generate a gestalt colony chemical signature such that all nestmates have a similar smell. The correlation between odour cues and nest membership was greater for perceived compounds than for non-perceived compounds, suggesting that variability in perceived compounds is a result of positive selection for nestmate recognition despite potentially stabilising selection to reduce variability in odour differences and thereby to reduce costs derived from excessive intracolony nepotistic behaviour.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is a necessary capacity for the occurrence of discrimination between nestmate and non-nestmate individuals. In one-piece nesting termites, which nest and forage in a single piece of wood, nestmate recognition is poorly studied mainly because the probability of encountering exogenous individuals is low in comparison with separate-piece nesting termites. Previous work described that production of soldiers of Neotermes chilensis, a one-piece nesting termite, increased when the risk of invasion of their colony increased, for example when neighboring colonies were present in the same nesting substrate and members of different colonies met when digging galleries. If soldiers are to fulfill their defensive role under these circumstances, they should show nestmate recognition ability; moreover, based on work on other social insects, such nestmate recognition should be based on cuticular compounds (CC). Bioassays were performed in which a soldier of N. chilensis was confronted with a nestmate or non-nestmate primary reproductive, pseudergate or another soldier, and in which a soldier was confronted with untreated and with CC-deprived dead primary reproductives. The results showed that soldiers were indeed more aggressive toward non-nestmates than nestmates for all castes, and that this discrimination was mediated mainly by qualitative (simple matching coefficient) and quantitative (Renkonen index) differences in CC.  相似文献   

Chemical communication is crucial for the organization of social insect colonies. However, with the heavy use of one communication modality, problems may arise such as the interference of different types of information. This study investigated how information about fertility and colony membership is integrated in the ant Camponotus floridanus. We introduced into mature, queenright colonies (a) the nestmate queen, (b) a nestmate worker, (c) a foreign, high-fertility queen, (d) a foreign, low-fertility queen, and (e) a foreign worker. As expected, workers did not attack their nestmate queen or a nestmate worker but responded aggressively to foreign workers and foreign, low-fertility queens. Surprisingly, workers did not attack foreign, high-fertility queens. Chemical analysis demonstrated that the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of C. floridanus encodes information about fertility status in queens and workers and colony membership in workers. We suggest that ants respond to this information in the cuticular hydrocarbon profile: individuals with strong fertility signals are accepted regardless of their colony membership, but individuals without strong fertility signals are tolerated only if their cuticular hydrocarbon profile matches that of colony members. Learning how social insects respond to multiple types of information presented together is critical to our understanding of the recognition systems that permit the complex organization of social insect colonies.  相似文献   

Monogyne fire ant, Solenopsis invicta, colony workers are territorial and are aggressive toward members of other fire ant colonies. In contrast, polygyne colony workers are not aggressive toward non-nestmates, presumably due to broader exposure to heritable and environmentally derived nestmate recognition cues (broad template). Workers from both monogyne and polygyne fire ant colonies execute newly mated queens after mating flights. We discovered that monogyne and polygyne queens have a remarkable effect on conspecific recognition. After removal of their colony queen, monogyne worker aggression toward non-nestmate conspecifics quickly drops to merely investigative levels; however, heterospecific recognition/aggression remains high. Queenless monogyne or polygyne worker groups were also not aggressive toward newly mated queens. Queenless worker groups of both forms that adopted a monogyne-derived newly mated queen became aggressive toward non-nestmate workers and newly mated queens. We propose that the powerful effect of fire ant queens on conspecific nestmate recognition is caused by a queen-produced recognition primer pheromone that increases the sensitivity of workers to subtle quantitative differences in nestmate recognition cues. This primer pheromone prevents the adoption of newly mated queens (regulation of reproductive competition) in S. invicta and when absent allows queenless workers to adopt a new queen readily. This extraordinary discovery has broad implications regarding monogyne and polygyne colony and population dynamics.  相似文献   

The benefits of cooperation are essential in driving group formation. However, an individual can gain significant benefits by acting selfishly at a substantial cost to others in the group. Thus, group members must find a balance between accepting and rejecting potential new members. Here, I explore the factors that mediate acceptance of non-related individuals during the period of group establishment in the primitively eusocial wasp Mischocyttarus mexicanus. In this species, group composition changes during establishment, with non-related females (non-nestmates) sometimes accepted into a foreign colony. By experimentally introducing non-nestmates to newly established colonies, I test the hypothesis that acceptance threshold of nestmates towards non-nestmates shifts depending on the ecological context, as predicted by the Optimal Acceptance Threshold Model. I explored how non-nestmate age (young vs. old), stage of colony establishment (early vs. late), initial behavior of the non-nestmates (non-aggressive vs. aggressive), and the behavioral response by nestmates (non-aggressive vs. aggressive) affected the rates of acceptance. My results show an effect of both non-nestmate age and stage of colony development on non-nestmate acceptance. Young non-nestmates were more frequently accepted in early than in late colonies. Late colonies more frequently rejected both young and old non-nestmates, suggesting a cost of accepting potential usurpers into late colonies. Surprisingly, non-nestmate aggressive behavior did not have a direct effect on their acceptance, but it triggered an aggressive response from nestmates. These findings reveal a shift in the acceptance threshold, suggesting an effect of the social context and the specific needs of a colony on non-nestmate acceptance.  相似文献   

In most social insect species, individuals recognize and behave aggressively towards non-nestmate conspecifics to maintain colony integrity. However, introduced populations of the invasive Argentine ant, Linepithema humile, exhibit pronounced variation in intraspecific aggression denoting diversity in nestmate recognition behavior, which possibly shapes their social structure and the varying levels of unicoloniality observed among these populations. One approach to better understand differential aggression behaviors towards conspecifics and recognition cue perception and response in L. humile is to examine variation in nestmate discrimination capability among genetically distinct colonies under different social contexts. Consequently, we investigated the dynamics of queen and worker recognition in southeastern US L. humile queenless and queenright colonies by measuring rates of non-nestmate worker and queen adoption and intercolony genetic similarity. Aggression levels between colony pairs differed and were associated with non-nestmate worker, but not queen adoption. Adoption of queens and workers was a function of host colony origin, while colony queen number affected adoption of queens, but not workers, with queens more readily accepted by queenless hosts. Fecundity of adopted non-nestmate queens was comparable to that of rejected non-nestmate and host colony queens, suggesting that queen fecundity did not affect adoption decisions. Genetic similarity between colonies ranged from 30 to 77% alleles shared, with more genetically similar colonies showing lower levels of intraspecific aggression. Non-nestmate queens and workers that were more genetically similar to host colony workers were more likely to be adopted. We provide the first evidence for the role of L. humile colony queen number on queen discrimination and suggest an effect of resident queens on worker conspecific acceptance thresholds. Our findings indicate a role for genetically based cues in L. humile nestmate recognition. However, subtle discrimination capability seems to be influenced by the social context, as demonstrated by more frequent recognition errors in queenless colonies.  相似文献   

Colony integrity is fundamental to social insects and is threatened by the reproduction of non-nestmates. Therefore, discrimination between eggs derived from nestmates and non-nestmates would constitute an adaptation to prevent exploitation of the entire cooperative group by unrelated individuals. The removal of nestmate and non-nestmate queen and worker-laid eggs was evaluated in honeybees using colonies of Apis mellifera capensis to test female and of A. m. scutellata to test male eggs. The data show that honeybees can distinguish between nestmate and non-nestmate eggs of both sexes. Moreover, non-nestmate female queen-laid eggs were removed significantly faster than nestmate female worker-laid eggs in A. m. capensis, indicating that nestmate recognition cues can override caste-specific ones. While the experimental manipulation accounts for 37.2% (A. m. scutellata) or 1.6% (A. m. capensis) of variance in relation to egg removal, nestmate recognition explains 33.3% for male eggs (A. m. scutellata) and 60.6% for female eggs (A. m. capensis), which is almost twice as high as the impact of caste (16.7% A. m. scutellata; 25% A. m. capensis). Our data show a stronger effect of nestmate recognition on egg removal in the honeybee, suggesting that cues other than caste-specific ones (viability/kin) can dominate egg removal behavior. In light of intraspecific social parasitism, preventing the reproduction of unrelated individuals (group selection) rather than preferring queens’ eggs (kin selection) appears to be the driving force behind the evolution of egg removal behavior in honeybees.  相似文献   

Summary A combination of behavioral and chemical analyses was used to investigate the nature of nestmate recognition cues and the effects of worker age and social experience on these cues in the ant Camponotus floridanus. Five categories of workers were tested: foragers, 5-day old and 0-day old callows, 5-day old and 0-day old naive callows. Bioassays consisted of introductions of dead workers from these categories into their own colonies or into an alien colony after the following treatments: 1) killed by freezing, 2) solvent-washed, 3) solvent-washed and coated with a nestmate soak, 4) solvent-washed and coated with a non-nestmate soak. Soaks were obtained from individual ants immersed in hexane and were applied individually to washed workers from the same category. Soaks were analyzed by gas chromatography (GC) and compared by multivariate analyses. Freeze-killed workers from each category elicited more aggressive behavior in the alien colony than in its own. By comparing GC profiles, a worker from any category can be assigned to its colony of origin. Thus all studied worker categories are colony-specific. Solvent-washed ants did not induce more aggressive behaviors in the alien colony than in their own, but they induced significantly less aggressivity in an alien colony than non-treated dead ants from the same category. Washed ants indced more aggressive behaviors when coated with a soak from a different colony as opposed to a soak from the colony in which they were introduced. The combination of behavioral and chemical results lead to the following conclusions: 1) Information contained in soak derived from workers was sufficient to allow nestmate recognition. 2) Nestmate recognition cues, and consequently the recognition response displayed to their bearer, change with age. 3) Social experience is necessary to develop or acquire a colony-specific label. The role of age and social experience on nestmate recognition in social Hymenoptera is discussed.  相似文献   

In social insects, queens are likely to “honestly” inform their nestmates of their presence and fertility status through pheromonal communication. Cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) have been reported to be effective nestmate discriminators and strongly suspected to act as fertility signals, at least in some species. The use of the same chemical bouquet (i.e., the CHC profile) to convey two fundamentally different information seems puzzling. However, a recent threshold model proposes a hierarchy in the discriminating processes, i.e., fertility signals can only be perceived if nestmate recognition has been reached (Le Conte and Hefetz, Annu Rev Entomol 53:523–542, 2008). Here, we developed a simple behavioral bioassay based on chemical recruitment toward a queen placed outside the nest in two dolichoderine ants (Linepithema humile and Tapinoma erraticum), which allowed us to investigate the interplay between fertility signaling and colonial recognition. Using queen corpses of various origins (nestmates or aliens) and physiological states (fertile or infertile; mated or unmated), we demonstrated that nestmate recognition cues clearly override fertility signals under our experimental conditions. Indeed, while nestmate infertile queens were largely ignored by the workers, nestmate fertile queens (mated or not) induced worker recruitment, whereas alien fertile queens did not and were aggressed by the workers.  相似文献   

Ant colonies may have a single or several reproductive queens (monogyny and polygyny, respectively). In polygynous colonies, colony reproduction may occur by budding, forming multinest, polydomous colonies. In most cases, budding leads to strong genetic structuring within populations, and positive relatedness among nestmates. However, in a few cases, polydomous populations may be unicolonial, with no structuring and intra-nest relatedness approaching zero. We investigated the spatial organisation and genetic structure of a polygynous, polydomous population of Formica truncorum in Finland. F. truncorum shifts nest sites between hibernation and the reproductive season, which raises the following question: are colonies maintained as genetic entities throughout the seasons, or is the population unicolonial throughout the season? Using nest-specific marking and five microsatellite loci, we found a high degree of mixing between individuals of the population, and no evidence for a biologically significant genetic structuring. The nestmate relatedness was also indistinguishable from zero. Taken together, the results show that the population is unicolonial. In addition, we found that the population has undergone a recent bottleneck, suggesting that the entire population may have been founded by a very limited number of females. The precise causes for unicoloniality in this species remain open, but we discuss the potential influence of intra-specific competition, disintegration of recognition cues and the particular hibernation habits of this species.  相似文献   

Summary Individual nests of the facultatively polygynous and polydomous ant, Leptothorax curvispinosus, were mapped at two sites, collected, and maintained under uniform laboratory conditions. Tests of worker acceptability between nests were conducted 2–4 weeks and 13–17 weeks after collection. Nests collected near to one another (0.09–1.87 m) were sometimes nonaggressive, and were significantly less aggressive than those from different sites (7 km apart); and there was no significant difference in aggressiveness between tests for these distance categories. However, aggression between nests collected farther away from one another at the same site (1.52–4.65 m) decreased significantly between tests: initially, the level of aggressiveness was equivalent to that between nests from different sites but later it was reduced to that between near nests. These results indicate that polydomous colonies of this species occur within multicolonial populations; and that colony segregation within local populations is largely maintained by transient environmentally-based nestmate recognition cues. More stable cues of genetic or environmental origin (or both) are also present and contribute to discrimination even after extended periods of culture under uniform conditions. These results suggest that the maintenance of colony autonomy within genetically highly interrelated populations may be the prime function of environmentally-based nestmate recognition cues. Colony autonomy under such circumstances may be important to maintain a relatively small but optimal colony size, or because the mechanisms which regulate colony growth, development, etc., require a limited colony size.  相似文献   

Summary We observed in the field how resident females of the social wasp, Polistes fuscatus, treated female nestmates, non-nestmate first cousins, and unrelated non-nestmates. Behavioral observations were made 1, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8, and 11 weeks after the emergence of a colony's first workers. Resident females were highly tolerant of female nestmates but highly intolerant of unrelated non-nestmates throughout the post-worker-emergence phase of the colony cycle. First cousins were treated either highly tolerantly or highly intolerantly, although most cousins ( 63%) were treated highly intolerantly. The treatment of cousins suggests that they are treated either tolerantly (like nestmates) or intolerantly (like unrelated non-nestmates) depending on whether they fall above or below an acceptance threshold, respectively. Resident females did not significantly change their tolerance nestmates, first cousins, and unrelated females between different observation periods. However, all conspecifics were generally treated the most intolerantly 11 weeks post-worker-emergence, a time in the colony cycle when combs no longer contain brood. This decreased tolerance and its associated variance patterns late in the colony cycle are consistent with a more restrictive acceptance threshold. The optimal level of the acceptance threshold appears to be a compromise between the fitness consequences of accepting unrelated non-nestmates and rejecting one's nestmates. In a laboratory study, resident females were equally tolerant of female nestmates on and off the comb but significantly less tolerant of unrelated females on the comb than off the comb. Thus, females can modify their tolerance rapidly in different recognition contexts. In a second laboratory study, resident females were equally intolerant of unrelated females, regardless of whether they were from colonies 50 m or 50 km distant.Offprint requests to: G.J. Gamboa  相似文献   

Summary Recent studies have shown that differences in patterns of task specialization among nestmate honeybee workers (Apis mellifera) can be explained, in part, as a consequence of genotypic variability. Here, we present evidence supporting the hypothesis that an individual's pattern of task specialization is affected not only by her own genotype, but, indirectly, by the genotypes of her nestmates. Workers from two strains of honey bees, one selected for high pollen hoarding, the other for low pollen hoarding, were observed in colonies of their respective parent strains and in colonies of the other strain. Worker genotype and host-colony type affected foraging activity. Workers from the high strain fostered in low-strain colonies returned with pollen on 75.6% of total foraging trips, while workers from the high strain fostered in high-strain colonies returned with pollen on 53.5% of total trips. Workers from the low strain fostered in low-strain colonies returned with pollen on 34.8% of total foraging trips while workers from the low strain fostered in high-strain colonies returned with pollen on 2.6% of total trips. Similar results were obtained in a second experiment. We suggest that workers influence the behavior of their nestmates indirectly through their effects on the shared colony environment. The asymmetry seen in the response of workers from these strains to the two types of colony environments also suggests that these genotypes exhibit different norms of reaction. Offprint requests to: N.W. Calderone  相似文献   

The genetic organization of colonies of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes flavipes in two subpopulations in Massachusetts was explored using five polymorphic allozymes and double-strand conformation polymorphism (DSCP) analysis of the mitochondrial control region. Empirically obtained estimates of worker relatedness and F-statistics were compared with values generated by computer simulations of breeding schemes to make inferences about colony organization. In one study site (G), worker genotypes indicated the presence of a mixture of colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives and colonies headed by inbreeding neotenic reproductives, both colony types having limited spatial ranges. A second site (S) was dominated by several large colonies with low relatedness among nestmates. Mixed DSCP haplotypes in three colonies indicated that nestmates had descended from two or three unrelated female reproductives. Computer simulations of breeding schemes suggested that positive colony inbreeding coefficients at site S resulted from either commingling of workers from different nests or different colonies. Such an exchange of workers between nests corresponds to the multiple-site nesting lifetype of many subterranean termites and resembles colony structure in polycalic Formica ants. Our study demonstrates considerable variation in R. flavipes colony structure over a small spatial scale, including colonies headed by monogamous outbred primary reproductives, colonies containing multiple inbred neotenic reproductives and large polydomous colonies containing the progeny of two or more unrelated queens, and suggests that the number of reproductives and nestmate relatedness change with colony age and size.  相似文献   

The capacity to recognise a conspecific intruder was investigated in Parischnogaster jacobsoni, Liostenogaster flavolineata and L. vechti, three species of primitively social wasps of the subfamily Stenogastrinae. Results of behavioural experiments carried out in the field showed that females of all three species react pacifically if presented with female nestmates, but aggressively reject an intruder from a conspecific colony. As L. flavolineata and L. vechti both build large clusters of nests, often very close to each other, the recognition capacity among females from different nests, but in the same conspecific cluster, was also investigated. Females of both species were more aggressive towards females from a different colony in the same cluster than towards their female nestmates. Additional experiments on L. flavolineata showed that there was no difference in reaction towards females from colonies nearer or further from the tested colony but within the same cluster, nor towards females from a different cluster. The capacity to recognise an alien conspecific nest containing immature brood was investigated in P. jacobsoni. Adult females of this species, invited to land on an alien nest which had experimentally been exchanged for their own, accepted the new nest and partially destroyed the immature brood. The behaviour of the females when they land on an alien nest, however, suggests that they do recognise the nest as foreign. Acceptance of foreign nests coupled with low immature brood destruction is probably due to the high energetic costs of egg-deposition and larval rearing in stenogastrine wasps. These results suggest that nestmate recognition in these wasps is very efficient, even though they belong to the most primitive subfamily of social wasps. Received: 16 April 1996/Accepted after revision: 9 August 1996  相似文献   

The ability to discriminate against competitors shapes cooperation and conflicts in all forms of social life. In insect societies, workers may detect and destroy eggs laid by other workers or by foreign queens, which can contribute to regulate reproductive conflicts among workers and queens. Variation in colony kin structure affects the magnitude of these conflicts and the diversity of cues used for discrimination, but the impact of the number of queens per colony on the ability of workers to discriminate between eggs of diverse origin has so far not been investigated. Here, we examined whether workers from the socially polymorphic ant Formica selysi distinguished eggs laid by nestmate workers from eggs laid by nestmate queens, as well as eggs laid by foreign queens from eggs laid by nestmate queens. Workers from single- and multiple-queen colonies discriminated worker-laid from queen-laid eggs, and eliminated the former. This suggests that workers collectively police each other in order to limit the colony-level costs of worker reproduction and not because of relatedness differences towards queens’ and workers’ sons. Workers from single-queen colonies discriminated eggs laid by foreign queens of the same social structure from eggs laid by nestmate queens. In contrast, workers from multiple-queen colonies did not make this distinction, possibly because cues on workers or eggs are more diverse. Overall, these data indicate that the ability of F. selysi workers to discriminate eggs is sufficient to restrain worker reproduction but does not permit discrimination between matrilines in multiple-queen colonies.  相似文献   

Nestmate recognition is a ubiquitous phenomenon in social insects as a means to prevent entry of undesired individuals aiming at exploiting the rich nest resources. The recognition cues in ants were shown in a few cases to be cuticular hydrocarbons, although there are a quite number of correlated associations. In the present study we modified the cuticular profiles of workers Camponotus fellah hydrocarbons with cuticular washes from a closely related, yet undescribed species, Camponotus sp. Although these sympatric species are morphologically indistinguishable, cuticular washes of C. sp. contain 9,13-dimethylpentacosane and 11,15-dimethylheptacosane that are either absent or occur as traces in C. fellah. In addition, C. sp. contains significantly greater amounts of 3-methylpentacosane than C. fellah workers. The cuticle modification was done solventless in a manner that minimized disruption to the cuticular structure of the ant being modified. Judging from the 3 focal compounds, such treatment added between 20 and 30% of the original amounts present in C. sp. to the treated C. fellah workers. This addition changed consistently the cuticular hydrocarbon profile of the treated ant. Dyadic assays between C. fellah and their nestmates treated with C. sp. cuticular rinses revealed a significantly higher level of aggression compared to non-treated nestmates. There was no aggression between nestmates of C. sp. These results demonstrate that in heterospecific interactions between the two Camponotus species there is a correlation between cuticular hydrocarbons and a nestmate recognition response, albeit not as high as the response of C. fellah to of C. sp. workers. This is consistent with the hypothesis that cuticular hydrocarbons may play a role in nestmate recognition.  相似文献   

Summary The phenotypic cues that provide for rejection of non-nestmates by workers of the ant genus Camponotus could derive from any or all of four sources: (1) environmental odors; (2) the individual's own genetically-determined recognition pheromones or discriminators; (3) a gestalt or mixture of transferable discriminators, produced by each nestmate and absorbed by all; and/or (4) the discriminators of the queen applied to all nestmates. To test these hypotheses, four series of small experimental colonies were created: inter- and intraspecific mixed colonies containing queens, queenless worker groups, and pairs of worker groups between which a single queen was repeatedly switched. Intraspecific mixed colonies and queenless groups were further divided into groups receiving different diets. Aggression of workers in 165 experimental colonies was assayed in a total of 4064 neutral arena tests. Workers adopted into inter- and intraspecific mixed colonies with queens were highly aggressive to unfamiliar kin from pure colonies, independent of diet and of the proportion of different kin groups in the colony. However, queenless workers exhibited less aggression to unfamiliar kin than to non-kin, demonstrating the existence of worker discriminators. Diet differences slightly enhanced aggression among unfamiliar queenless kin. Non-kin sharing a switched queen were as unaggressive to one another as were sisters. The ability to adopt queenless workers between colonies gradually declined over 1–2 wks following their emergence from pupae. We propose a hierarchy of importance of cue sources in determining nestmate discrimination in small Camponotus colonies: Queen discriminators> worker discriminators>environmental cues. A flow-diagram model of social insect kin recognition, based on the phenotype matching concept of Holmes and Sherman (1983), is discussed.  相似文献   

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