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Spatial closures like marine protected areas (MPAs) are prominent tools for ecosystem-based management in fisheries. However, the adaptive behavior of fishermen, the apex predator in the ecosystem, to MPAs may upset the balance of fishing impacts across species. While ecosystem-based management (EBM) emphasizes the protection of all species in the environment, the weakest stock often dominates management attention. We use data before and after the implementation of large spatial closures in a North Pacific trawl fishery to show how closures designed for red king crab protection spurred dramatic increases in Pacific halibut bycatch due to both direct displacement effects and indirect effects from adaptations in fishermen's targeting behavior. We identify aspects of the ecological and economic context of the fishery that contributed to these surprising behaviors, noting that many multispecies fisheries are likely to share these features. Our results highlight the need either to anticipate the behavioral adaptations of fishermen across multiple species in reserve design, a form of implementation error, or to design management systems that are robust to these adaptations. Failure to do so may yield patterns of fishing effort and mortality that undermine the broader objectives of multispecies management and potentially alter ecosystems in profound ways.  相似文献   

The streamside salamander, Ambystoma barbouri, exhibits ineffective antipredator behavior (high emergence rate from refuge, and high activity while out of refuge) and thus suffers heavy predation in stream pools with sunfish. A. barbouri evolved relatively recently from an ancestor that closely resembled a sister species, A. texanum, which breeds in fishless, ephemeral ponds. Sunfish thus represent a relatively new selection pressure for A. barbouri. Phylogenetic inertia predicts that (1) A. texanum should be very poor at coping with fish and (2) because it has only recently been exposed to fish, A. barbouri should still be poor at avoiding fish, but due to its recent exposure to fish, A. barbouri should be better than A. texanum at coping with sunfish. Experimental results provided mixed support for these predictions. As predicted, A. texanum suffered heavy sunfish predation. Compared to A. texanum, A. barbouri showed a greater tendency to initiate alarm moves that enhanced escape success from fish. However, in both the presence and absence of fish, A. barbouri showed higher emergence rates from refuge and higher movement while out of refuge than A. texanum. These behaviors tend to increase exposure to sunfish, i.e., for these key behaviors, A. barbouri apparently evolved in the wrong direction as far as fish predation is concerned. Due to these offsetting effects (increased exposure to fish, increased escape success), A. barbouri is no better at surviving with sunfish than A. texanum. A possible explanation for the high activity of A. barbouri is its use of highly ephemeral habitats (relative to A. texanum) that favor the evolution of higher activity, feeding, and developmental rates for A. barbouri relative to A. texanum. Received: 15 May 2000 / Revised: 3 August 2000 / Accepted: 18 August 2000  相似文献   

Bushcricket males of Poecilimon zimmeri transfer large and protein-rich spermatophores during mating, which females directly ingest. There is correlational evidence that heavier males transfer larger nuptial gifts. In no-choice mating trials, females mated randomly with respect to male’s body weight. In contrast, in two-choice mating trials, female bushcrickets exhibit clear choice for the heavier male. This heavier male advantage was also found in pre-mating choice during phonotaxis. With manipulated mute males, females mated at random with regard to body weight of the competitors. The number of physical encounters between a female and males was low in all tests with a single male (no choice) and greater in choice-tests with two competing males. The latencies to mate also differed significantly between treatments. The time mating pairs spent in precopula was short in experiments where the males could hear rivals and significantly longer in all other tests using either a single male or mute males. Thus, acoustic signalling in male bushcrickets seems to signal male body weight. A preference for heavier males may reflect a female’s preference for a larger spermatophore and therefore a greater direct benefit.  相似文献   

Use of Biotic Community Structure as a Measure of Ecological Degradation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The benthic macroinvertebrate communities of two lotic aquatic habitats,namely,the Churni River(C-R)and the Jalangi River(J-R)were compared in this study.One lotic aquatic system(C-R)was polluted by organic pollutants due to discharge of unprocessed sewage water,while the other(J-R)was not affected by such pollution.Evaluations of various physico-chemical properties of water,sediment and different macroinvertebrate communities of the two tropical lotic systems were done in a period from January,2002 to December,2003.A long term temporal change in the macroinvertebrate communities was recorded due to increase in sediment rH value.Sediment redox potential affected by the anthropogenic activities was found to be an important factor for alteration of macroinvertebrate communities in these aquatic ecosystems.A positive correlation has been established between rH and Margalef index in this study.Potassium and the total count of coliform bacteria in water showed significantly higher values for the polluted Churni River than those for the Jalangi River.Fig 3,Tab 4,Ref 34  相似文献   

It is of great significance for in-situ bioremediation to clarify the migration behavior and biodegradation laws of chlorinated hydrocarbon solvents (CHS) in the vadose zone. We systematically summarized the phase distribution of CHS, the interaction between different phases, and the migration characteristics and clarified the evolution rules of CHS under different phases in the polluted vadose zone. CHS exists in the vadose zone as the NAPL, dissolved phase, adsorbed phase, gas phase, and other phases, where there are three decay evolution stages: early, middle, and late stages. Phase change and diffusion matrix size are important indicators at different stages; at the same time, gas, solid, liquid and NAPL phase CHS have a variety of interactive relationships in the vadose zone. Subsequently, the characteristics of the three main biological metabolic pathways of CHS in the vadose zone–aerobic co-metabolism, direct oxidation and anaerobic reduction, and dechlorination–and their influencing factors were summarized. Generally speaking, the anaerobic dechlorination capacity decreases with a decrease in the number of chlorine atoms, whereas the aerobic degradation capacity increases with a decrease in the number of chlorine atoms. The current status of in-situ remediation of CHS in the vadose zone was summarized using biostimulation and bioaugmentation methods, indicating that adding nutrient substances and injecting anaerobic dechlorination strains of Dehalococcoides are effective means of remediation. Simultaneously, the factors influencing the biodegradation of CHS in the vadose zone were elaborated to acquire a systematic insight into the significance of redox characteristics (oxygen) on the degradation of CHS. Finally, research on the biodegradation of CHS in the vadose zone is prospected, and it is necessary to carry out research on the interactive relationship between different phases of CHS, the data monitoring of CHS, the structure of the functional bacterial community, and research and development of active strains to provide theoretical guidance for the in-situ remediation of CHS in the vadose zone. © 2022 Science Press. All rights reserved.  相似文献   

We studied variability in foraging behavior of Noctilio albiventris (Chiroptera: Noctilionidae) in Costa Rica and Panamá and related it to properties of its echolocation behavior. N. albiventris searches for prey in high (>20 cm) or low (<20 cm) search flight, mostly over water. It captures insects in mid-air (aerial captures) and from the water surface (pointed dip). We once observed an individual dragging its feet through the water (directed random rake). In search flight, N. albiventris emits groups of echolocation signals (duration 10–11 ms) containing mixed signals with constant-frequency (CF) and frequency-modulated (FM) components, or pure CF signals. Sometimes, mostly over land, it produces long FM signals (duration 15–21 ms). When N. albiventris approaches prey in a pointed dip or in aerial captures, pulse duration and pulse interval are reduced, the CF component is eliminated, and a terminal phase with short FM signals (duration 2 ms) at high repetition rates (150–170 Hz) is emitted. Except for the last pulses in the terminal phase N. albiventris avoids overlap between emitted signals and echoes returning from prey. During rakes, echolocation behavior is similar to that in high search flight. We compare N. albiventris with its larger congener, N. leporinus, and discuss behavioral and morphological specializations that can be interpreted as preadaptations favoring the evolution of piscivory as seen in N. leporinus. Prominent among these specializations are the CF components of the echolocation signals which allow detection and evaluation of fluttering prey amidst clutter-echoes, high variability in foraging strategy and the associated echolocation behavior, as well as morphological specializations such as enlarged feet for capturing prey from the water surface. Received: 21 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 12 January 1998  相似文献   

Theory states that an optimal forager should exploit a patch so long as its harvest rate of resources from the patch exceeds its energetic, predation, and missed opportunity costs for foraging. However, for many foragers, predation is not the only source of danger they face while foraging. Foragers also face the risk of injuring themselves. To test whether risk of injury gives rise to a foraging cost, we offered red foxes pairs of depletable resource patches in which they experienced diminishing returns. The resource patches were identical in all respects, save for the risk of injury. In response, the foxes exploited the safe patches more intensively. They foraged for a longer time and also removed more food (i.e., had lower giving up densities) in the safe patches compared to the risky patches. Although they never sustained injury, video footage revealed that the foxes used greater care while foraging from the risky patches and removed food at a slower rate. Furthermore, an increase in their hunger state led foxes to allocate more time to foraging from the risky patches, thereby exposing themselves to higher risks. Our results suggest that foxes treat risk of injury as a foraging cost and use time allocation and daring—the willingness to risk injury—as tools for managing their risk of injury while foraging. This is the first study, to our knowledge, which explicitly tests and shows that risk of injury is indeed a foraging cost. While nearly all foragers may face an injury cost of foraging, we suggest that this cost will be largest and most important for predators.  相似文献   

The distinction between amphibole asbestos fibers and non-asbestos amphibole particles has important implications for assessing potential cancer risks associated with exposure to amphibole asbestos or amphibole-containing products. Exposure to amphibole asbestos fibers can pose a cancer risk due to its ability to reside for long periods of time in the deep lung (i.e., biopersistence). In contrast, non-asbestos amphibole particles are usually cleared rapidly from the lung and do not pose similar respiratory risks even at high doses. Most regulatory and public health agencies, as well as scientific bodies, agree that non-asbestos amphiboles possess reduced biological (e.g., carcinogenic) activity. Although non-asbestos amphibole minerals have been excluded historically from Federal regulations, non-asbestos structures may be counted as asbestos fibers on the basis of dimensional criteria specified in analytical protocols. Given the potential to mischaracterize a non-asbestos structure as a “true” asbestos fiber, our objective was to assess whether exposure to non-asbestos amphiboles that may meet the dimensional criteria for counting as a fiber pose a cancer risk similar to amphibole asbestos. We reviewed analytical methods as well as the mineralogical, epidemiological, and toxicological literature for non-asbestos amphiboles. No evidence of demonstrable cancer effects from exposure to non-asbestos amphiboles that may be counted as fibers, under certain assessment protocols, was found. Data gaps (industrial hygiene data for amphibole-exposed cohorts), inconsistencies (analytical laboratory methods/protocols used to count fibers), and sources of potential bias from misclassification of exposure were identified.  相似文献   

《Ecological modelling》2003,165(1):79-89
Reduction and synthesis has always been Science’s way to learn about complex systems. The problem is, of course, that after studying the behavior of the system components, the reconstruction of system behavior cannot be any simple summation of the behavior of the individual components. How should we go about with the reconstruction is an umbrella question addressed in the paper. In particular, one should ask what is the contribution of each component to the system, and what kind and quantitative relations do the connections among the components signify in the total system? Answering these questions is necessary to understand the internal mechanism of a life system, the regularity of its dynamics, and the nature of the control mechanisms.The general approach of the paper is based on the assumption that the life energy transmission structure of the system is the fundamental principle of reduction and synthesis.The paper generalizes the energy transmission in terms of two basic types, based upon the mode of linkage in energy activities, such as sequential or parallel. The basic mathematical concept is an eigenparameter analysis in a model called Life Energy System Model (LESM). Simple examples illustrate the models application. It is true that the energy transmission structure of a natural life system is usually very complex, in which case the analysis has to incorporate more details than shown in the paper. Yet, the analysis still follows the same fundamental principle as outlined.  相似文献   

Partecke J  Gwinner E 《Ecology》2007,88(4):882-890
Urbanization changes local environmental conditions and may lead to altered selection regimes for life history traits of organisms thriving in cities. Previous studies have reported changes in breeding phenology and even trends toward increased sedentariness in migratory bird species colonizing urban areas. However, does the change in migratory propensity simply represent a phenotypic adjustment to local urban environment, or is it genetically based and hence the result of local adaptation? To test this, we hand-raised European Blackbirds (Turdus merula) from urban and forest populations, quantified their nocturnal activity and fat deposition covering two complete migratory cycles and examined the consequences of a reduced migratory propensity for the timing of gonadal development (a physiological measure of the seasonal timing of reproduction). Although nocturnal activities differed strikingly between fall and spring seasons, with low activities during the fall and high activities during the spring seasons, our data confirm, even in birds kept from early life under common-garden conditions, a change toward reduced migratoriness in urban blackbirds. The first score of a principal component analysis including amount of nocturnal activity and fat deposition, defined as migratory disposition, was lower in urban than in forest males particularly during their first year, whereas females did not differ. The results suggest that the intrinsic but male-biased difference is genetically determined, although early developmental effects cannot be excluded. Moreover, individuals with low migratory disposition developed their gonads earlier, resulting in longer reproductive seasons. Since urban conditions facilitate earlier breeding, intrinsic shifts to sedentariness thus seem to be adaptive in urban habitats. These results corroborate the idea that urbanization has evolutionary consequences for life history traits such as migratory behavior.  相似文献   

Analysis of the isotope composition of calcareous structures of marine organisms has proved useful in providing biological data. The present study constitutes the first detailed work undertaken on the isotope composition of coleoid cephalopods. We analysed the carbon- and oxygen-isotope composition [δ13C (CO2− 3) and δ18O (CO2− 3), respectively] of the cuttlebone aragonite of wild and cultivated specimens of Sepia officinalis Linnaeus, 1758. δ13C (CO2− 3) ranged from −2.94 to 1.00‰, δ18O (CO2− 3) from −0.18 to 2.08‰. The carbon-isotope composition is not in equilibrium with the carbon species of the ambient seawater, and does not reflect the deposition of CaCO3 in seawater. The potential influence of environmental factors and biological processes on the carbon-isotope composition of the cuttlebone is discussed. In contrast to δ13C, the oxygen-isotope composition of cuttlebone aragonite appears to be in isotopic equilibrium with the ambient seawater. Seasonal changes in isotopic temperature revealed by our analyses agreed with changes in the temperature of the ambient seawater. CaCO3 was deposited all year round. A maximum life span of 2 yr, a year-round spawning season, and variable growth rates among and within individuals have been inferred from the isotopic temperatures. Received: 14 April 1998 / Accepted: 26 November 1998  相似文献   

The oxygen isotope (δ18O) stable water tracer can be a promising new tool for identifying trace metals in volcanoes and their sources. In the present study, the origin of vanadium in water from a spring at the base of Mt. Fuji is examined using δ18O, a dormant stratovolcano consisting of lava and basalt rock located on the North Pacific Coast of Japan. A comparison of water from the main springs at the foot of the Mt. Fuji volcano indicates that only V, Cr, Mn and Co enrichment could be related to volcanic events, whereas Ni, Cu, Cd and Pb originate from the dissolution of particles of anthropogenic origin from the industrial areas of Fuji and Fujinomiya. The average V concentrations at the mountain sites ranged from 50 to 110 µg L?1 and from 18 to 47 µg L?1 in the coastal areas. The δ18O became depleted at higher elevations and increased in coastal areas as well as in some NO3?-contaminated water. Therefore, variations in the dissolved V/δ18O ratio in springs of the study area occur due to the elevations of their catchments and the increased concentrations of δ18O from NO3? as a contaminant.  相似文献   

We examined the hypothesis that a main benefit of group-living in the semifossorial rodent, Octodon degus (Rodentia: Octodontidae), is to decrease individual cost of burrow construction. We contrasted the digging behavior of groups of three same-sex, adult-sized individuals with that of solitary degus. The behavior of singles and trios was recorded inside a large terrarium partially filled with natural soil and under controlled conditions of food, light, and temperature. The observation that degus in groups do not decrease their burrowing time or frequency of digging compared with solitary diggers does not support the hypothesis that communal burrowing is a primary cause of degu sociality. On the other hand, the observation that degus in groups removed significantly more soil per capita than solitary digging degus, and that grouped individuals coordinated their digging – group members burrowed mostly in the same sites and formed digging chains –, suggests that social burrowing may potentially reduce the cost of burrow construction in the long term. We suggest that such long-term benefits will be a consequence rather than a cause of degu group-living. Received: 9 December 1999 / Received in revised form: 2 January 2000 / Accepted: 8 February 2000  相似文献   

Multiple mating is common in many socially monogamous birds and mammals, but why is still unclear. Fertility insurance is one the posited genetic benefits. However, this mechanism fails if females cannot detect male infertility before mating, and infertile sperm are equally capable of fertilizing eggs (e.g., fertilization occurs but is followed by early developmental arrest): multiple mating simply exchanges whole brood loss for partial brood loss with no difference in the overall proportion of failed offspring. However, I note here that these two options will rarely result in equivalent reproductive success: partial brood loss will generally result in more surviving offspring than whole brood loss vs. whole brood survival due to increasing per capita survival of offspring in smaller broods. A partial fertility strategy can yield benefits even in the extreme case where fertility is cryptic and defective sperm are capable of fertilizing eggs. Moreover, partial fertility will yield an added benefit to fertility insurance when the precedence of fertile over infertile sperm is incomplete.  相似文献   

We used both field and flight cage observations to investigate the echolocation and foraging behavior of the seldom studied, small, aerial insectivorous bat Myotis nigricans (Vespertilionidae) in Panama. In contrast to its temperate congeners, M. nigricans foraged extensively in open space and showed an echolocation behavior well adapted to this foraging habitat. It broadcast narrowband echolocation signals of 7 ms duration that enhance the chance of prey detection in open space. Because of rhythmical alternations of signal amplitude from signal to signal in our sound recordings of search signals in open space, we conclude that the bats scanned their environment with head movements, thereby enlarging their search volume. In edge-and-gap situations, and in the flight cage, M. nigricans introduced an initial broadband component to its search calls. In the field and in the flight cage, M. nigricans hawked for prey in aerial catches; gleaning was never observed. M. nigricans demonstrates call structures, such as narrow bandwidth and rather long signals adapted to foraging predominantly in open space. Moreover, call structure is highly plastic, allowing M. nigricans to forage in edge-and-gap situations also. These adaptations in call structure and plasticity have evolved convergently at least twice within the genus Myotis. Finally, M. nigricans echolocation and foraging behavior parallels that of the small, aerial, insectivorous pipistrelle bats (Vespertilionidae), which are not closely related to M. nigricans but forage in similar habitats.  相似文献   

Under the hymenopteran single-locus complementary sex-determination system, production of diploid males results from homozygosity at the sex-determiner locus. This arises when both parents transmit identical alleles at the locus to the offspring. In species reproducing asexually through thelytokous parthenogenesis, production of diploid males may also occur when the sex locus undergoes recombination and becomes homozygous in the offspring. Diploid males represent a substantial genetic load in hymenopteran populations because they often produce unviable sperm or sire sterile triploid female offspring. In the Mediterranean ant Cataglyphis cursor, the queen and workers can produce female offspring through automictic thelytokous parthenogenesis with central fusion, a mode of parthenogenesis that increases homozygosity. We report, for the first time, the presence of about 39 % of colonies producing adult diploid males (seven colonies out of 18). Overall, 8 % of adult males were diploid (12 diploid males out of the 146 males genotyped). Genotyping workers from the seven colonies producing diploid males showed that three diploid males were sons of queens and produced by thelytoky, six were probably sons of workers also produced by thelytoky and three were non-natal. Furthermore, the mating of a diploid male with two virgin queens in the laboratory led to the production of sterile triploid workers, which shows that diploid males in C. cursor are fertile, mate successfully and produce viable and functional but probably sterile female offspring. Because diploid males originate from thelytokous reproduction, they are only produced during sexual production and hence do not impair colony growth, which could explain why they are not removed at early brood stages.  相似文献   

Landfills constitute potential sources of different pollutants that could generate human health and environmental problems. While some landfills currently work under the protection of a bottom liner with leachate collection, it was demonstrated that migration could take place even yet with these cautions. The purpose of this paper is to assess the pollution caused by a leachate plume from a municipal landfill that is affecting both groundwater and surface waters. The research was carried out at Pacará Pintado landfill in northwestern Argentina. Analysis of water samples indicates that leachate is affecting groundwater under the landfill area and an abandoned river channel hydraulically connected. In the center of the landfill area, the plume is anoxic and sulfate, nitrate, iron and manganese reduction zones were identified. Leachate plume presented high concentration of organic matter, Fe, Mn, NH4 +, Cl? and Cr reaching an extension of 900 m. The presence of a leachate plume in a landfill site with a single liner system implies that the use of this groundwater pollution control method alone is not enough especially if permeable sediments are present below.  相似文献   

Inadvertent selection is an important genetic process that frequently occurs during laboratory culture. The mass-reared strain of the sweet potato weevil Cylas formicarius exhibits stronger inbreeding depression than the wild strain does. When inbreeding depression occurs in a population, mating with a close relative is often considered maladaptive; however, in some contexts, the inclusive fitness benefits of inbreeding may outweigh the costs, favoring individuals that tolerate a low level of inbreeding depression. Theory predicts that mass-reared strain weevils will avoid inbreeding while wild strain weevils will tolerate inbreeding. To examine this prediction, we compared the effect of relatedness on the mating and insemination successes in mass-reared and wild strains of C. formicarius. While close relative pairs of the wild strain copulated less frequently than non-kin pairs, almost all mass-reared strain pairs copulated irrespective of relatedness. The results showed that the strain with weak inbreeding depression (wild strain) avoided inbreeding, whereas the strain with strong inbreeding depression (mass-reared strain) tolerated inbreeding. The contradiction between the theoretical prediction and our results is discussed from the perspective of laboratory adaptation, mating systems, and life history of C. formicarius.  相似文献   

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