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文化对机组资源管理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对国内民航机组资源管理(CRM)及训练中忽视文化的作用和影响的现状,在调研和分析国外CRM与文化影响的基础上,笔者结合国内民航的运行特点,总结、分析了民族文化、组织文化,以及职业文化对机组协作与配合,CRM训练等方面的积极与消极影响,提出中国民航应根据自身的文化特点调整CRM训练的内容和实施方式,并应从3个层面采取措施来提高CRM及其训练的效果,即航空公司CRM训练的设计、实施与评估;飞机制造商在进行驾驶舱人-机界面设计,以及政府部门在对航空器进行适航审定时,应充分识别不同文化的差异、在强化各种文化类型积极影响的同时,努力降低或消除其消极影响。  相似文献   

机组资源管理与飞行不安全行为关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对89起机组为主要原因的运输飞行事故征候进行分析,以卡方分析探讨CRM失效与飞行机组的不安全行为之间具有很强的关联性,即飞行机组沟通不当、情景意识削弱或丧失、不当决策与决策差错之间,机组沟通不当与违规之间显著关联;而且,这几方面的CRM失效正确预测对应飞行不安全行为的比例介于9.4%~43.8%之间,达到显著水平。研究以定量化的方式揭示出机组资源管理技能与飞行不安全行为之间的内部关系模式。也就是说,机组沟通不当、情景意识下降或丧失、决策过程不当与其决策错误显著关联,沟通不当与机组违规显著关联。研究结果对于CRM训练设计与制订飞行不安全行为干预策略具有应用价值。  相似文献   

提高安全培训效果方法探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
搞好安全生产技术培训必须加强安全生产培训工作,整合培训资源,完善培训网络,加大培训力度,提高培训质量。如何保证安全培训质量?如何提高安全培训的效果?这些问题是安全培训部门做好安全培训工作的重点。笔者认为提高安全培训效果应做好以下几项工作。  相似文献   

PROBLEM: The rapid growth of teleworking has raised several social and legal issues regarding an employer's responsibility for the safety of an employee's home office. In this paper, researchers discuss the need for safety training for teleworkers and the effectiveness of a home office ergonomics training program. METHOD: Study participants (N = 50) were randomly assigned into a treatment or control group. The treatment group completed the ergonomics training and a pre- and posttest. The control group completed the pre- and posttests without training. RESULTS: The study demonstrated the need for teleworker ergonomics training. More than 85% of participants had not received teleworker training before, and 44% had experienced pain or discomfort while teleworking. Participants who completed the training significantly improved their scores on knowledge, attitude, and practices subtests. In a follow-up survey, participants indicated that they had made ergonomic changes to their offices based on the training. Several participants indicated that the pain or discomfort that they had been experiencing was eliminated or reduced as a result of the training.  相似文献   

Workplace accidents cost organizations and the economy billions of dollars annually, disabling and injuring millions of employees. Employee attitudes toward safety have been shown to relate to safe workplace behavior. In an effort to determine what contributes to stronger employee attitudes toward safety, we examined the relationships between safety attitudes and a wide array of individual differences reflecting preferences and tendencies toward risk and control. Using a sample of 190 engineering and occupational safety students from two universities, we found that agreeableness, conscientiousness, prevention regulatory focus, and fatalism related significantly to all six safety attitudes examined. Regression analyses demonstrated that agreeableness, prevention focus, and fatalism significantly related to safety attitudes when controlling for the other individual differences. This study illustrates the utility of examining individual differences when predicting safety-related attitudes.  相似文献   

HSE管理体系的基层安全教育培训探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
安全教育培训是石油行业一项非常重要的安全基础性工作,扎实开展基层员工安全培训,提高安全综合素质,增强事故防范能力,防止发生不安全行为,才能真正达到预防事故的目的。本文从七个方面介绍基层安全教育培训的一些方法与实践,针对性强、实用性好,并已在基层单位取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

This paper is concerned with whether long-term unemployment (6-24 months) affects people's attitudes to employment once they have found a new job. One hundred and forty men aged 25-40 were asked whether they felt various aspects of employment (e.g. job security, pay) are more important to them as a result of being unemployed. The effects of mental well-being when unemployed on attitudes to employment are explored. Unemployment is reported to have made most aspects of employment more important to people. Those whose mental health was worst when unemployed report that job security is most important to them.  相似文献   

鸡西矿业集团正阳煤矿1958年建矿,是一个年产百万吨的矿井。现有员工5080人,其中初中及以下文化程度的有3433人,30岁以上年龄的有2508人。针对我矿职工普遍存在的文化程度低、年龄偏高的特点,我们在安全培训工作上也摸索出一套与之相适应的办法。一、坚持“安全教育15法”在全矿开展安全培训教育,各部门分工明确各司其职。1.矿领导每月5日前后,到井区分3班讲一次安全课。2.矿工会每月15日前后举办一次安全宣传教育活动。3.家属科每月25日前后组织一次到“三违”员工家中进行帮教活动。14.矿、井醒目的地方必须有一条安全警示性的标语,并做到…  相似文献   

In understanding the safety climate or culture of a workplace, the perceptions and attitudes of the workforce are important factors in assessing safety needs. Safety solutions may fail if they do not take into account these prevailing attitudes and perceptions. Also, changes in attitudes and perceptions about safety are often likely outcomes of safety interventions. The aim of this study was to develop a measure of perception and attitudes about safety as an indicator of safety culture for use with working populations. After reviewing the structure and content of a number of older, related measures of safety attitudes, a 67-item questionnaire was developed. The questionnaire was distributed in a self-administered form to 1560 workers in a wide variety of types of jobs and 660 questionnaires were returned from 7 workplaces with a response rate of 42%. Items were evaluated by Cronbach alpha which showed that the item set shared considerable common variance. Scale development was approached in two ways. First items which were highly skewed were removed, resulting in removal of around half of the items, with very little loss in alpha. The remaining items were then subjected to factor analysis which revealed five factors; personal motivation for safe behaviour, positive safety practice, risk justification, fatalism and optimism. This factor structure showed acceptable psychometric properties. Second, in an effort to produce a unidimensional scale with a small, but representative set of items, additional items were removed which had high correlation with other items. This resulted in loss of around half of the remaining items. The short scale contained 17 items with again overall acceptable psychometric properties. The most striking finding in the development of this questionnaire was that there was little variation between respondents on a very large proportion of the questions originally selected. Clearly there are well-known beliefs about safety in the working community which need to be understood in order to progress the concept of safety culture.  相似文献   

It is indeed an honour to be invited to contribute the inaugural Trevor Kletz & Sam Mannan Guest Perspective on Process Safety. Unfortunately I did not ever meet Trevor, though I worked at a plant he was a design consultant on, but I worked with Sam for several years, together focused on how we could improve process safety outcomes.For this paper I want to write about a key area in process safety that I believe underpins everything we do. If we get it really wrong, we can't come back from the brink. If we get it a little wrong, we can usually recover, with a lot of work and effort. If we get it right, things just work. So, what am I talking about, is it design, maintenance, operations? No, I am talking about leadership. This underpins everything else we do in process safety yet is an oft neglected aspect. I think this is a fitting start to this series, because both Trevor and Sam believed in effective communication, which is a key element of leadership. I hope it will set the scene for future articles to incorporate aspects of leadership when others will delve into more detailed topics.  相似文献   

为提高航空公司飞行安全风险控制和预测水平,利用QAR数据作为支撑,结合集 对分析和马尔科夫理论建立飞行安全态势评估模型。该模型以QAR超限事件为评估指标 ,采用集对分析中的联系度来描述安全风险等级;运用马尔科夫理论确定安全状态的转 移概率矩阵,以预测飞行安全动态变化趋势。最后以某公司A320机队6个月发生频率最 高的7类超限事件对模型进行验证。结果表明:该公司2月、6月和预测月份的安全状态 为一般风险,其他月份为低风险;总体安全状态也为一般风险,并有增加趋势。  相似文献   

基于模糊数学的飞行学员安全状态综合评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨飞行学员在训练过程中的安全状态,既可以减少飞行训练事故,保证飞行训练安全,又可以为飞行训练提供参考依据。通过对飞行学员飞行训练调查研究和分析,结合各方面专家在人为因素上的研究成果,建立了飞行学员安全状态综合评价体系,并用层次分析法(AHP)确定各评价指标权重,构建了飞行学员安全状态的模糊综合评价模型,并对飞行学员安全状态进行了综合评价,得出了安全状态综合评价等级。  相似文献   

为完善民航安全绩效体系建设,提高企业风险防范能力,促进其健康发展,参考“空客飞行品质监控项目”和企业QAR监控项目,结合指标重要性分析和一线人员、专家的有关建议,构建飞行安全绩效评估指标体系。基于混合型中心点三角白化权函数和TAN模型设计运输航空飞行安全绩效模糊动态评估模型。研究结果表明:该模型具有良好的实用性和可操作性,能够满足航空公司对安全绩效评估的需求。  相似文献   

基于支持向量机的飞行安全隐患危险性评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了基于支持向量机的飞行安全隐患危险性评价方法,建立了支持向量机模型。并以飞行安全隐患危险性评价的基本要素为输入节点,以评价结果作为输出节点,对空军某部的飞行安全状况进行了评价。结果表明:对于飞行安全隐患危险性评价问题,支持向量机方法较传统神经网络方法精度更高,速度更快,实际应用中也更易于实现。  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Some research suggests that conducting safety observations of another's safety performance may serve as an effective tool in increasing the safety performance of the observer. The primary purpose of the present study was to assess the effects of conducting safety observations on the postural safety performance of observers engaging in an assembly task for short time periods. The secondary objectives of the study were: (a) to measure productivity, and (b) to measure the accuracy of participant safety observations. METHOD: An ABC (A: baseline, B: information, C: observation) multiple-baseline design counterbalanced across postural behaviors (back, shoulder, and feet position) was implemented with six participants. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Substantial improvements in postural safety occurred after participants conducted safety observations, and these improvements did not appear to negatively affect productivity. Results also suggest that there is no relation between the accuracy of an observer's safety observation and their subsequent safety performance. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: This research provides evidence that a safety observation process can function to increase safe postural behavior of observers. Thus, the implementation of such a process may contribute to the prevention of musculoskeletal disorders and related costs in the workplace.  相似文献   

Introduction: Safety outcomes in the workplace require individual employees to perform (behave) safely in everyday duties. While the literature suggests that emotional management capabilities or traits can be positively related to individual performance in certain conditions, it is not clear how they can influence safety-related performance in high-risk work contexts. Drawing upon trait activation theory, this paper aims to examine when emotional intelligence (EI) benefits employees’ safety performance. We propose that when employees receive inadequate safety training, EI is more likely to trigger their situational awareness and consequently promote their safety performance. Method: We collected time-lagged data from 133 full-time airplane pilots working in commercial aviation industry. Hierarchical moderated regression analysis was conducted to test the moderating effect of safety training inadequacy on the EI–situational awareness relationship. The moderated mediation model, which involves conditional indirect effects of EI on safety performance via situational awareness across different levels of safety training inadequacy, was tested using the PROCESS-based bootstrap confidence interval. Results: Safety training inadequacy negatively moderated the relationship between EI and situational awareness, such that EI was significantly related to situational awareness only when safety training inadequacy was more salient. The more inadequate safety training was, the greater the indirect effect of EI on safety performance via situational awareness was. Conclusions: Inadequate safety training, as a negative situational cue, can activate individuals’ EI to drive their safety-related cognitions (e.g., situational awareness) and behaviors. Effective safety training may be able to complement employees’ low EI in shaping their situational awareness and safety behaviors. Practical Applications: Aviation managers should monitor the adequacy and effectiveness of safety training; this could make pilots’ situational awareness and safety performance depend less on personal attributes (e.g., EI), which organizations are less able to control. When training capacity is temporarily limited, priority might be given to those with low EI.  相似文献   

在国务院学位委员会与教育部把安全科学与工程学科上升为一级学科,国家大力开展"卓越工程师"人才培养,国家安全生产监督管理总局对安全技术的人才培养提升到了一个更高的高度背景下,对安全工程师的人才培养模式和实践教学体系以及教学方式、教学内容进行了改革和实践应用。系统设计了"安全工程师角色扮演"的培养模式,构建了以"设计制作为主线"的实践教学体系,并在安全工程专业中进行了实践,在提高学生的工程意识和实践创新能力、实现人才培养目标方面,取得一定成效。  相似文献   

安全教育培训是安全生产领域一项重要的基础性工作,是贯彻"安全第一,预防为主,综合治理"方针的具体体现。为了使培训工作实现程序化控制、规范化操作、科学化管理,本文在分析了安全培训机构及培训过程管理现状的基础上,介绍了安全培训工作者的素质要求,根据ISO10015国际培训标准、现代安全培训管理工作的实践,提出了培训流程管理遵循的原则并建立了"派班-交验"螺旋式上升的循环培训管理流程。根据安全培训管理工作者应该具备的素质,结合胜任能力模型确定了培训管理工作者的考核和评价机制。采用"派班-交验"的方式对培训工作者进行管理,并得到有效运用。  相似文献   

Transformational leadership theory was examined in 89 schools in Singapore using a split sample technique (N = 846 teachers). The study sought to examine the influence of transformational leader behavior by school principals as it related to organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, teacher satisfaction with leader, and student academic performance. Attitudinal and behavioral data were collected from both teachers and principals; student academic performance was collected from school records. School level analyses showed that transformational leadership had significant add-on effects to transactional leadership in the prediction of organizational commitment, organizational citizenship behavior, and teacher satisfaction. Moreover, transformational leadership was found to have indirect effects on student academic achievement. Finally, it was found that transactional leadership had little add-on effect on transformational leadership in predicting outcomes. Implications and directions for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

根据生物节律的起源、定义及本质,将生物节律从人体三节律和频度两个角度分类,概述其参数变化规律,并阐明矿井生产环境中导致生物节律偏移的因素。简述生物节律的计算方法,提出运用现代计算机技术,即excel表格的编程功能建立节律预测表,对职工进行安全评价。通过对矿井伤亡事故实例的计算与分析,探求生物节律和矿井生产事故之间的关联度。在充分考虑生物节律的基础下,提出现实可行的安全策略,降低矿井安全事故的发生率  相似文献   

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