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化石燃料燃烧产生的温室气体与大气污染物具有同根同源性,但具体治理中减污降碳的协同效果尚不明确。以浙江省11个设区市为研究样本,对环境空气质量和二氧化碳(CO2)排放数据进行分析研究,结果显示:2016—2020年浙江省环境空气质量持续改善,但CO2排放总量仍处于增长阶段。11个设区城市PM2.5年均浓度降幅在26%~41%之间,二氧化氮(NO2)年均浓度下降趋势不明显,大部分城市呈现碳排放增加、NO2浓度下降的特征,只有杭州和温州两市呈现碳排放总量和NO2、PM2.5浓度协同下降的趋势。因子相关性分析结果表明,各设区市呈现NO2浓度与碳排放相关性较大、协同性强,PM2.5浓度与碳排放相关性较小的特点。进一步通过减污降碳协同定量评价分析表明,浙江地区在环境空气质量改善和温室气体减排已表现出一定成效,但各设区市因产业结构、环境基础条件、协同程度等不同导致减污降碳综合绩效有明显差异。从源头减排实现...  相似文献   

为掌握超低排放改造后烟气处理装置对汞分布的影响,选择6台有代表性的超低排放火电机组进行现场测试。通过对火电机组入炉煤、炉渣、飞灰、脱硫石膏、末端烟气等样品的测试,得出不同燃烧产物中汞的分布:底渣和湿除出水的汞含量极微;电除尘底灰中的汞所占比重相对较大,平均汞含量占燃烧产物中总汞的比例可达57.97%。依据质量平衡原理,计算出不同超低排放改造工艺路线对汞的协同脱除效率为87.26%~95.60%,并分析了不同污染控制设备对汞排放的影响。  相似文献   

安徽省能源消费与碳排放分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据联合国政府气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)2006年版碳排放指南中的计算公式和碳排放系数缺省值,计算了安徽省1995~2009年能源消费和碳排放情况。结果表明:安徽省能源消费由1995的4217.82万t标准煤增长到2009年的8895.90万t标准煤,平均年增长率为5.48%,其中第二产业部门能源消费量均占能源消费总量的79%以上;能源消费产生的二氧化碳由1995年的3507.36万t增长到2009年的8536.12万t,其中在各种能源消费碳排放量中原煤的碳排放量最大,占总碳排放量的78%~82%;碳排放强度总体上呈现下降的趋势,低于全国平均碳排放强度,但高于全球和美国;碳排放的因素分析得出碳排放量与人口、人均GDP、能源强度呈现高度相关性。  相似文献   

河北省火电企业吨煤烟气排放量测定及污染动态预测   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
火电企业大气污染动态预测是大气污染控制的基础。采用现场实测法,对河北省36家火电企业101台机组锅炉进行现场监测,经统计分析给出不同装机容量吨煤烟气排放量,并与其他方法进行了比较,发现实测结果更为合理。在此基础上,建立吨煤SO2、NOx,烟尘排放量和烟气浓度的关系,为火电企业大气污染动态预测提供新的公式,对定量测定火电企业污染物排放提供参考。  相似文献   

北京市废弃物处理温室气体排放特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于《2006年IPCC国家温室气体清单指南》推荐的方法,结合《省级温室气体清单编制指南(试行)》和《城市温室气体核算工具指南》的部分数据与核算范围,针对固体废弃物填埋、焚烧和废水处理等过程,核算了北京市2005-2014年废弃物处理过程中温室气体总排放量。结果表明:2005-2014年北京市废弃物处理过程温室气体总排放量呈逐渐上升趋势,2014年温室气体总排放量比2005年增长98%。10年间,固体废弃物填埋过程一直是最主要的温室气体排放源,到2014年排放量达到最大,为416.3×104t二氧化碳当量(CO2e)。废弃物填埋、废水处理和废弃物焚烧过程占总排放量的比例分别为78.5%(CO2e质量分数,下同)、13.5%和8%。结合已有研究,系统优化国内7个典型城市废弃物处理温室气体排放因子,核算7个城市排放情况,并对比分析了北京市排放情况。  相似文献   

南通市温室气体排放估算   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王平 《中国环境监测》2013,29(4):147-151
以2009年南通市主要领域碳排放情况为基数,采用IPCC指南中的计算方法,选取IPCC 指南明确的领域中对南通市而言具有代表性的部分内容,对2009年南通市全市碳排放量进行估算。估算结果表明,能源活动(化石燃料燃烧)为南通市主要温室气体排放源,其比例占据了主导地位。在能源活动中,原煤燃烧排放的CO2远高于其他化石燃料燃烧的排放量。因此,南通市可在产业结构和能源结构调整、提高能源利用效率及加强能源管理等方面进行努力,以减少南通市温室气体排放量。  相似文献   

对江苏省9家燃煤电厂入炉煤中ω(汞)及烟气中ρ(汞)进行了测试,结果表明,9家燃煤电厂入炉煤中ω(汞)为54.5~297 ng/g,平均值为139 ng/g,低于我国煤中ω(汞)的平均值(220 ng/g)。燃煤电厂排放烟气中ρ(汞)为0.08~16.97μg/m^3,远低于《火电厂大气污染物排放标准》(GB 13223-2011)汞及其化合物标准限值(30μg/m^3)。通过对燃煤电厂入炉煤中ω(汞)与最终排放的烟气中ρ(汞)进行分析,两者之间有一定的相关性。  相似文献   

广东省煤电行业大气铅污染现状分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用基于多排放系数的煤电行业大气铅排放量计算方法,计算2011—2013年广东省铅排放量,并分析铅污染的地区分布和排放特征。结果表明:全省煤电行业每年向大气中排放铅污染物80.6 t,占燃煤中含铅总量的3.72%;燃煤铅排放系数呈逐年下降趋势,平均值为6.33 kg/万t;燃煤机组大气铅排放量由高到低分别为珠三角粤东粤西粤北,东莞、广州和江门3市铅排放量最高;铅集中排放强度高的城市大多为沿海城市,大气污染扩散条件较好;山区城市中梅州铅集中排放强度较高,其余城市较低;珠三角出海口主要大气铅排放点源分布密集,易形成区域污染,存在一定风险。  相似文献   

通过现场监测和调研数据,分析燃用蔗髓锅炉的硫平衡及SO 2排放情况。结果显示,烟气排放的SO 2主要来源于鲜蔗和回用洗布水中含有的硫。8个锅炉硫排放在线监测均值与手工监测均值相对偏差为3.76%~14.9%,表明结果一致性较好。蔗髓硫质量分数为0.01%~0.04%,蔗髓含硫折算后的SO 2值和在线监测SO 2值分别为22.1 mg/m 3~49.9 mg/m 3和43.9 mg/m 3~114.5 mg/m 3,说明鲜蔗和制糖工艺流程的共同影响使得燃用蔗髓锅炉排放烟气SO 2值偏高。  相似文献   

基于洛阳市不同类型氨排放源的活动水平数据,主要采取排放因子法构建了2017年洛阳市大气氨排放清单,并以GIS技术为基础进行2 km分辨率的空间网格分配。通过研究得出,2017年洛阳市的大气氨排放量为63.2 kt,排放强度达到4 t/km~2以上,全市主要的氨排放源为畜禽养殖和农田生态系统,排放量分别为43.7 kt和10.4 kt,分别占氨排放总量的69.2%和16.5%。在畜禽养殖源中,肉牛是最大的贡献源,贡献率为30.4%;在农田生态系统中,氮肥施用是最大的贡献源,贡献率为87.7%。各区县中,宜阳县和伊川县排放量最大,共占氨排放总量的32.0%;偃师市、伊川县为排放强度最高;空间分布特征上呈现北部氨排放量大、南部排放量少、在城市区周边氨排放量较突出的现象。  相似文献   

This study aims to estimate the emissions of carbon dioxide (CO2), sulfur dioxide (SO2), and nitric oxide (NO) for coal combustion in thermal power plants in India using plant-specific emission factors during the period of 2001/02 to 2009/10. The mass emission factors have been theoretically calculated using the basic principles of combustion under representative prevailing operating conditions in the plants and fuel composition. The results show that from 2001/02 to 2009/10 period, total CO2 emissions have increased from 324 to 499 Mt/year; SO2 emissions have increased from 2,519 to 3,840 kt/year; and NO emissions have increased from 948 to 1,539 kt/year from the Indian coal-fired power plants. National average emissions per unit of electricity from the power plants do not show a noticeable improvement during this period. Emission efficiencies for new plants that use improved technology are found to be better than those of old plants. As per these estimates, the national average of CO2 emissions per unit of electricity varies between 0.91 and 0.95 kg/kWh while SO2 and NO emissions vary in the range of 6.9 to 7.3 and 2.8 to 2.9 g/kWh, respectively. Yamunagar plant in Haryana state showed the highest emission efficiencies with CO2 emissions as 0.58 kg/kWh, SO2 emissions as 3.87 g/kWh, and NO emissions as 1.78 g/kWh, while the Faridabad plant has the lowest emission efficiencies with CO2 emissions as 1.5 kg/kWh, SO2 emissions as 10.56 g/kWh, and NO emissions as 4.85 g/kWh. Emission values at other plants vary between the values of these two plants.  相似文献   

利用连续自动监测仪器,获得CO2源区上海城区2010年夏季高时间分辨率的CO2连续监测数据.监测期间CO2平均浓度为414±16ppm,高于同期全球本底观测站约6%,与中国其他城市化地区的浓度水平基本相当或略低.CO2浓度日变化呈显著早晚双峰特征;周变化呈显著的波浪形,高值集中出现在工作日.除O3外,与其他污染物呈显著...  相似文献   

The overall measurement of farm level greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in dairy production is not feasible, from either an engineering or administrative point of view. Instead, computational model systems are used to generate emission inventories, demanding a validation by measurement data. This paper tests the GHG calculation of the dairy farm-level optimization model DAIRYDYN, including methane (CH4) from enteric fermentation and managed manure. The model involves four emission calculation procedures (indicators), differing in the aggregation level of relevant input variables. The corresponding emission factors used by the indicators range from default per cow (activity level) emissions up to emission factors based on feed intake, manure amount, and milk production intensity. For validation of the CH4 accounting of the model, 1-year CH4 measurements of an experimental free-stall dairy farm in Germany are compared to model simulation results. An advantage of this interdisciplinary study is given by the correspondence of the model parameterization and simulation horizon with the experimental farm’s characteristics and measurement period. The results clarify that modeled emission inventories (2,898, 4,637, 4,247, and 3,600 kg CO2-eq. cow?1 year?1) lead to more or less good approximations of online measurements (average 3,845 kg CO2-eq. cow?1 year?1 (±275 owing to manure management)) depending on the indicator utilized. The more farm-specific characteristics are used by the GHG indicator; the lower is the bias of the modeled emissions. Results underline that an accurate emission calculation procedure should capture differences in energy intake, owing to milk production intensity as well as manure storage time. Despite the differences between indicator estimates, the deviation of modeled GHGs using detailed indicators in DAIRYDYN from on-farm measurements is relatively low (between ?6.4 % and 10.5 %), compared with findings from the literature.  相似文献   

2011—2021年,熟料产量呈波动上升趋势。水泥行业整体生产运行水平不断提高,熟料单条生产线平均规模由43.8万t/条提升至115.3万t/条,熟料单位产品综合能耗下降14.4%,熟料单位产品CO2排放强度下降6.3%,但CO2排放总量增加了13.8%,与氮氧化物减排趋势形成较大反差,碳污治理水平差距明显。熟料生产中石灰石分解和煤炭燃烧过程的CO2排放合计占比为92.9%~93.8%,是CO2排放的主要来源。由于熟料系数偏高、非碳酸盐原料替代不足、综合能耗仍然较高等原因,安徽等7个熟料产量大的省份的CO2排放强度高于全国。建议实行碳酸盐熟料产量总量控制,逐步降低熟料应用比例,加快建材市场熟料产品和非碳酸盐原料替代,降低高标号水泥使用比例。应大力推广水泥行业节能降耗增效技术,加快熟料落后产能淘汰。对熟料产量大、碳排放强度高的地区,应结合当地碳排放特点,实行差别化降碳策略。各大气污染防治重点区域应因地施策推进水泥行业减污降碳工作。  相似文献   

Most research regarding the relationship between cities and transportation carbon emission is focused on intra-city travel, and it has been found that compact patterns tend to emit less carbon. Yet, little is known about the impact of national-level spatial distribution of cities and inter-city transportation on transportation CO2 emissions. Further, most studies regarding the impact of urbanization on CO2 emission directly examine the relationship between urbanization rate and CO2 emission with little consideration of the national spatial pattern of urbanization. This study hypothesizes that the national-level spatial distribution of cities – in a dispersed or polarized pattern – affects national transport CO2 emissions due to the varying intensity of inter-city transportation. This study uses the Gridded Population of the World v3 and v4 from Socioeconomic Data and Applications Center (SEDAC) of NASA to examine the national-level spatial distribution of urban agglomerations. It applies the Stochastic Impacts by Regression on Population, Affluence, and Technology (STIRPAT) model. The analysis shows that, among 60–90% of urbanized countries, spatially dispersed urbanized countries (e.g., countries with many medium-sized cities scattered over the territory) show a lower national transportation CO2 emission than spatially polarized urbanized countries (e.g., there are only a few large cities). The urban system elasticity of transportation CO2 emissions is 0.4 or 0.6. That is, if the degree of polarization decreases by 1%, national transportation CO2 emissions decrease by approximately 0.4–0.6%. This effect is similar to the effect of GDP per capita of around 0.5%. Because it is particularly difficult to disperse people and economic activities across a country once spatial polarization is set, this study's findings have the most significant implications for urbanizing countries. If urbanizing countries adopt national urban policy and territorial plans to form dispersed cities, it could reduce transportation carbon emissions and promote sustainable development. For already urbanized countries, national urban policy development is recommended to promote spatially dispersed rather than polarized national urban systems.  相似文献   

This study developed a reliable procedure to assess the carbon dioxide (CO2) uptake of concrete by carbonation during the service life of a structure and by the recycling of concrete after demolition. To generalize the amount of absorbable CO2 per unit volume of concrete, the molar concentration of carbonatable constituents in hardened cement paste was simplified as a function of the unit content of cement, and the degree of hydration of the cement paste was formulated as a function of the water-to-cement ratio. The contribution of the relative humidity, type of finishing material for the concrete surface, and the substitution level of supplementary cementitious materials to the CO2 diffusion coefficient in concrete was reflected using various correction factors. The following parameters varying with the recycling scenario were also considered: the carbonatable surface area of concrete crusher-runs and underground phenomena of the decreased CO2 diffusion coefficient and increased CO2 concentration. Based on the developed procedure, a case study was conducted for an apartment building with a principal wall system and an office building with a Rahmen system, with the aim of examining the CO2 uptake of each structural element under different exposure environments during the service life and recycling of the building. As input data necessary for the case study, data collected from actual surveys conducted in 2012 in South Korea were used, which included data on the surrounding environments, lifecycle inventory database, life expectancy of structures, and recycling activity scenario. Ultimately, the CO2 uptake of concrete during a 100-year lifecycle (life expectancy of 40 years and recycling span of 60 years) was estimated to be 15.5%–17% of the CO2 emissions from concrete production, which roughly corresponds to 18%–21% of the CO2 emissions from the production of ordinary Portland cement.  相似文献   

Atmospheric samples collected during rice straw burning at four different locations in Viet-Nam during the dry (March 1992, February 1993) and wet season (August 1992) were analysed for CO2, CO, and CH4. The emission ratios relative to CO2 for CO and CH4 for rice straw burning during the dry season were comparable to those observed on samples collected during burning of savanna in Africa or forest in the USA. During the wet season, however the emission ratios for CO and CH4 relative to CO2 were 3 to 10 times higher. With these emission ratios and estimates of rice production from Southeastern Asia, we estimated that burning of rice straw emits annually about 2.2 Tmol of CO (26 TgC) and 0.2 Tmol of CH4 (2.4 TgC) to the atmosphere. Taking into account these new results, CO and CH4 fluxes from biomass burning could be reevaluated by 5–21% and 5–24%, respectively, in respect with previous estimates of these gas emissions from all biomass burning activities.  相似文献   

This study evaluates the effect of emission reductions at two coal-fired power plants in northwestern Colorado on a nearby wilderness area. Control equipment was installed at both plants during 1999–2004 to reduce SO2 and NOx emissions. One challenge was separating the effects of local from regional emissions, which also declined during the study period. The long-term datasets examined confirm that emission reductions had a beneficial effect on air and water quality in the wilderness. Despite a 75 % reduction in SO2 emissions, sulfate aerosols measured in the wilderness decreased by only 20 %. Because the site is relatively close to the power plants (<75 km), the slow rate of conversion of SO2 to sulfate, particularly under conditions of low relative humidity, might account for this less than one-to-one response. On the clearest days, emissions controls appeared to improve visibility by about 1 deciview, which is a small but perceptible improvement. On the haziest days, however, there was little improvement perhaps reflecting the dominance of regional haze and other components of visibility degradation particularly organic carbon and dust. Sulfate and acidity in atmospheric deposition decreased by 50 % near the southern end of the wilderness of which 60 % was attributed to power plant controls and the remainder to reductions in regional sources. Lake water sulfate responded rapidly to trends in deposition declining at 28 lakes monitored in and near the wilderness. Although no change in the acid–base status was observed, few of the lakes appear to be at risk from chronic or episodic acidification.  相似文献   

燃煤锅炉湿法脱硫烟气中颗粒物排放特征   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
选择北京市典型燃煤锅炉进行研究,结果表明:烟气中可凝结颗粒物在总颗粒物中占有较高比例,供热燃煤锅炉总颗粒物排放水平明显高于电厂燃煤锅炉;颗粒物中水溶性离子含量较高,供热燃煤锅炉硫酸根比例尤其显著;烟气总颗粒物中存在大量不稳定的易被氧化的组分;同为燃煤源,不同的烟气净化工艺排放的PM2.5组分特征差异明显;现有标准和技术规范存在不足,无法满足全面、准确监测污染源排放总颗粒物的实际需要。建议建立总颗粒物、可凝结颗粒物的监测技术规范,全面测算燃煤锅炉硫、氮化合物排放情况,科学评估脱硫及脱硝效率。  相似文献   

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