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Elevated levels of selenium have been found in water and aquatic biota downstream from two open-pit coal mines in the Rocky Mountain foothills of Alberta. Birds are particularly sensitive to excessive dietary selenium. However, there is relatively little information on selenium accumulation in birds' eggs on fast-flowing mountain streams. We determined levels of selenium in water samples, caddisfly larvae and eggs of American dippers (Cinclus mexicanus) nesting on the Gregg River, downstream from the mines, and on reference streams in the same general vicinity. Selenium levels (mean, 95% confidence limits) in water samples and caddisflies collected from sites near dipper nests on the Gregg River (water: 4.26, 1.90–9.56 μg L−1; caddisflies: 8.43, 7.51–9.46 μg g dry wt−1) were greater than those collected from sites near nests on reference rivers (water: 0.38, 0.21–0.71 μg L−1; caddisflies: 4.65, 4.35–4.97 μg g dry wt−1). The mean (± 1SE) selenium level in dipper eggs from the Gregg River (6.3 ± 0.2 μg g−1 dry wt) was significantly higher than it was in eggs from reference streams (4.9 ± 0.2 μg g−1 dry wt). Concentrations of selenium in eggs were significantly correlated with those in water samples (r = 0.45). The maximum selenium level in eggs from the Gregg River (9.0 μg g−1) may have been high enough to warrant concern from an ecotoxicological perspective. The American dipper can serve as a useful bioindicator of selenium contamination in mountainous, lotic ecosystems.  相似文献   

In 1991 and 1992 we determined the levels of metals, arsenic, boron, and selenium in the Neosho River drainage in southeastern Kansas, the primary habitat for the threatened Neosho madtom (Noturus placidus). We evaluated concentrations in sediments, mussels (Quadrula pustulosa and Q. metanevra), and fish(Percina phoxocephala, Cyprinus carpio,and Ictiobus bubalus) from three sites on theNeosho River and one site on the Cottonwood River. We also evaluated contaminant concentrations in C. carpio composite samples collected by theKansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE)at two additional locations on the Neosho River in1990–92. Sediments were contaminated by lead. Concentrations of selenium, boron, and most metalsin mussels were low to normal for biota. Arseniclevels in mussels and fish suggest low-levelcontamination of biota. Aluminum, barium, manganeseand strontium concentrations were much higher inmussels than in fish. Five fish composite sampleshad cadmium concentrations that indicate chronicdeleterious effects on biota. Lead concentrationsin six fish samples were elevated. Mercuryconcentrations in most large fish compositesexceeded concentration for protection of animalsthat might consume them. We believe that reductionsin cadmium, lead, and mercury contamination, inparticular, would benefit aquatic life in theriver.  相似文献   

Dry (NH4)2SO4 (1,800 eq-1 ha-1 yr-1) has been applied to the western of two contiguous 10 ha catchments at the Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM) since November, 1989. The initial rapid and significant response in both S and N in West Bear, compared to the reference East Bear, slowed after three years. Annual S retention of the total experimental treatment decreased from 86 to 34%, with a seven year cumulative retention of 59%. Hydrology influences the export flux of S; S is retained more in dry seasons and dry years. The annual retention of N has decreased from 96 to 81%, with a cumulative retention of 82%. The export of N from the reference watershed has declined from 178 to 23 eq-1 ha-1 yr-1 during the treatment period. The treatment N (as NH4) initially stimulated nitrification, and caused pre-existing N to be lost in runoff, rather than the treatment N. Retention of the treatment N has decreased to approximately 80%. The majority of the retained N is stored in the soil, but the reasons for the decreased flux from the reference watershed are not known.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Hg and Se were determined for a total of 125Common Loon (Gavia immer) eggs collected from lakes in Alberta, Saskatchewan, Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick and NovaScotia, Canada between 1972 and 1997. Resulting data were compared to Hg and/or Se concentrations known or suspected tocause reproductive impairment in birds. Organic (methyl) Hg analyses were also performed on a subset of 24 loon eggs. Thirty-nine of 125 eggs had total Hg levels exceeding those (0.6 g g-1 ww, or 2.5 g g-1 dw)previously reported to be associated with reproductive impairment in common loons (Barr, 1986), and 9 of 125 eggshad Hg concentrations higher than the level associated withreproductive impairment in birds generally 1 g g-1 ww; (Thompson, 1996). Selenium concentrations in loon egg samples were less than levels known to cause reproductiveimpairment in birds. A weak but significant positive correlation was observed between egg-Hg and -Se concentrations(r = 0.511, p < 0.05). On average, methylmercury accounted for about 87% of total Hg in 24 eggs analysed for both total and organic Hg. In this subset of eggs, the relationship between organic (methyl) Hg and Se was significant (r = 0.538, p = 0.007) while that found between inorganic Hg and Se in the same eggs was not significant (r = 0.353, p = 0.091). This relationship was unexpected and was contrary to relationships established for organic and inorganic Hg vs. Se in adult loon liver and kidney tissue (Scheuhammer et al., 1998b).  相似文献   

环境介质中硒的检测方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合国内外的研究进展,综述了环境介质中硒的各种检测方法。其中重点介绍了比较常用的测定方法,如原子吸收光谱法(AAS)、原子荧光光谱法(AFS)和电感耦合等离子体原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)等,并展望了硒在检测方法上的发展趋势。  相似文献   

We determined concentrations of selected trace elements inlivers, kidneys and blood samples from common eiders (Somateria mollissima borealis) from the eastern Canadianarctic during 1997 and 1998. Concentrations of totalmercury and organic mercury were generally low in the liversof these birds (less than 6 and 4 g g–1 dry wt,respectively). Selenium ranged between 11–47 g g–1 inlivers. Renal cadmium concentrations were among the highestever published for this species (range: 47–281 g g–1). The regressions of log-transformed concentrations ofthese trace elements in blood samples on those in liver orkidney were significant (all P-values < 0.05) andpositive. However, except for organic mercury (RM 2 = 0.83), the co-efficients of determination were low tomoderate (range of R 2: 0.26–0.52), suggesting poorto moderate predictive capability. Furthermore, therelationships between total mercury in blood and liverchanged between 1997 and 1998, suggesting that it would notbe possible to predict consistently, concentrations ofmercury in blood from those in liver based on samples takenin one year. Blood samples can be used to determineconcentrations of these trace elements in common eiders (andprobably other sea duck species as well). The use of bloodsamples is especially warranted when it is undesirable tokill the animal such as when working with rare or endangeredsea duck species or when the objective is to relate traceelement exposure to annual survival rates. However, thepredictive equations developed here should not be used topredict expected concentrations in one type of tissue fromthose in the other.  相似文献   

于2021年10月对辽宁省生态清洁小流域抗生素的赋存浓度、分布特征进行了调查。采用风险商值法对小流域的抗生素生态风险进行评价。结果表明,辽宁省生态清洁小流域中8种抗生素均有不同程度检出,检出总质量浓度范围为0013~0.313 μg/L,平均值为0.072 μg/L;小流域中抗生素质量浓度均低于我国大部分河流和流域。不同类型抗生素空间分布规律差异明显,检测出的抗生素中,质量浓度最高的是罗红霉素(ROX),检出率最高的是磺胺甲噁唑(SMX);各监测点位抗生素组分的占比排序为:SMX>ROX>替米考星(TIC)>氟苯尼考(FFC);抗生素主要来源是畜禽养殖和生活污水。生态风险评价结果显示,ROX、脱水红霉素(ERY-H2O)、诺氟沙星(NOR)和SMX存在高风险,其余种类呈现中、低风险。生态清洁小流域水体中暴露出的抗生素生态风险不容忽视,亟待进一步探究环境风险并采取有效的防治措施。  相似文献   

系统研究了黄河、海河和辽河中3种常用除草剂 MCPA、2,4-D 和 Bentazone 的分布特征及其来源。结果表明,3种除草剂除 Bentazone在黄河水体中未检出外,其余均有检出。季节和空间分析表明,大部分目标物丰水期质量浓度高于枯水期,可能与夏季农作物除草剂使用量较大有关;从上游到下游化合物质量浓度逐渐升高,可能是河岸面源污染引起。水生态风险初步分析显示,3种除草剂对研究水体中的水生生物均为低风险。  相似文献   

Fish were collected in late 1995 from 34 National Contaminant Biomonitoring Program (NCBP) stations and 12 National Water Quality Assessment Program (NAWQA) stations in the Mississippi River basin (MRB), and in late 1996 from a reference site in West Virginia. The NCBP sites represented key points (dams, tributaries, etc.) in the largest rivers of the MRB. The NAWQA sites were typically on smaller rivers and were selected to represent dominant land uses in their watersheds. The West Virginia site, which is in an Eastern U.S. watershed adjacent to the MRB, was selected to document elemental concentrations in fish used for other aspects of a larger study and to provide additional contemporaneous data on background elemental concentrations. At each site four samples, each comprising (nominally) 10 adult common carp (Cyprinus carpio, 'carp') or black bass (Micropterus spp., 'bass') of the same sex, were collected. The whole fish were composited by station, species, and gender for analysis of arsenic (As), lead (Pb), and selenium (Se) by atomic absorption spectroscopy and for cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu), and zinc (Zn) by inductively-coupled plasma emission spectroscopy. Concentrations of most of the elements examined were lower in both carp and bass from the reference site, a small impoundment located in a rural area, than from the NCBP and NAWQA sites on rivers and larger impoundments. In contrast, there were few overall differences between NCBP sites NAWQA sites. The 1995 results generally confirmed the continued weathering and re-distribution of these elemental contaminants in the MRB; concentrations declined or were unchanged from 1984-1986 to 1995 at most NCBP sites, thus continuing two-decade trends. Exceptions were Se at Station 77 (Arkansas R. at John Martin Reservoir, CO), where concentrations have been elevated historically and increased slightly (to 3.8-4.7 microg g-(1) in bass and carp); and Pb, Cd, and Zn at Station 67 (Allegheny R. at Natrona, PA), where levels of these metals were high in the past and increased from 1986 to 1995.  相似文献   

源头区溪流是河流生态系统最脆弱的部分,也是淡水底栖大型无脊椎动物(简称底栖动物)集中分布的热点区域,在流域物种库的形成和生态系统的多样性维持过程中具有不可忽视的作用。然而,目前国内对源头区溪流底栖动物多样性的系统调查研究较少。笔者对位于浙江省丽水市瓯江源头区的龙泉溪进行了底栖动物多样性调查研究,分别于2021年丰水期和平水期在覆盖龙泉溪主要山溪河流的18个样点采样,共采集获得底栖动物标本3 700余号。通过联合使用传统形态分类和DNA条形码技术,共鉴定出底栖动物165种,隶属5门、9纲、19目、68科、124属。联合使用DNA条形码可使底栖动物科、种水平的分辨力提升28.3%和34.1%。调查研究表明:龙泉溪底栖动物多样性丰富,物种组成以节肢动物为主(占比高达87.9%,145种),其中水生昆虫占绝大多数(共计8目、48科、140种,占84.8%),主要优势种为鞘翅目的狭溪泥甲属1种Stenelmis sp.1、毛翅目的纹石蛾属Hydorpsyche和短脉纹石蛾属Cheumatopsyche各1种;底栖动物群落多样性丰富,且在丰水期和平水期均维持在较高的水平;海拔和底质类型等微生境条件对底栖动物多样性分布的影响分析显示,底质类型对底栖动物分布密度的影响显著。对水生态状况的生物评估结果显示:Biotic Index污染生物指数更适合龙泉溪流域的水质健康状况评估,龙泉溪流域整体的水生态状况健康,水质属清洁或极清洁。该研究使用传统形态学和DNA条形码技术相结合的鉴定方式,提高了底栖动物物种鉴定的精度,所获得的多样性调查和水质评价结果为瓯江源头区溪流乃至整个流域的生态保护和长期监测提供了本底基础资料。  相似文献   

广西贝江大型底栖动物群落结构时空分布特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了解贝江大型底栖动物群落结构特征并对其水质进行生物学评价,于2015年1、8月对贝江流域17个采样点进行了调查,共采集大型底栖动物146个分类单元,隶属于8纲20目52科,其中昆虫纲所占比例最高(86.99%),软体动物次之(6.16%)。贝江底栖动物群落结构存在季节性差异,群落数量特征和结构复杂性均表现为冬季>夏季。无度量多维标定排序和ANOSIM分析发现,贝江流域冬季和夏季底栖动物群落组成存在显著差异(r=0.26,P<0.001)。群落相似性分析表明,贝江底栖动物存在显著的空间差异,整个流域可以分为2组,组1基本分布在自然河段,组2主要包括电站采样点和贝江下游采样点,各组间差异显著(P<0.01)。底栖动物功能摄食类群以集食者(55%)和撕食者为主(16%),其次为滤食者(14%)和捕食者(11%),刮食者(4%)所占比例较小。水质评价结果显示,Shannon-Wiener生物多样性指数(H′)评价贝江水质为轻污-清洁。Hilsenhoff生物指数(BI)评价贝江流域水质属于清洁,与实际水质情况最接近。总体上,贝江流域自然河段底栖动物群落结构复杂多样,整体水质清洁。  相似文献   

The Second Songhua River was subjected to a large amount of raw or primary effluent from chemical industries in Jilin city in 1960s to 1970s, resulting in serious mercury pollution. However, an understanding of other trace metal pollution has remained unclear. The objective of this study was to investigate trace metal contamination in the sediment of the river. Bottom sediment samples were taken in the river between Jilin city and Haerbin city in 2005. An uncontaminated sediment profile was taken in the Nen River at the same time. Total concentrations of Al, Fe, Mg, Ca, K, Na, Ti, Mn, V, Sc, Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in the sediment samples were measured by ICP-MS or ICP-OES, following digestion with various acids. Concentrations of Co, Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn in the surface sediments were 5.1–14.7, 18.5–78.9, 2.4–75.4, 7.2–29.0, 13.5–124.4, and 21.8–403.1 mg/kg, respectively, generally decreasing along the course of the river from Jilin city to Haerbin city. Background concentrations of trace metals were reconstructed by geochemical normalization to a conservative element scandium. Results showed that concentrations of Co, Cr, and Ni in the sediment were generally only slightly higher than or equal to their background values, while concentrations of Cu, Pb, and Zn in the some sediment samples were significantly higher than their background values. In detail, the sediment at Jilin city was moderately contaminated by Cu, and the sediment of the Second Songhua River was moderately contaminated by Pb and Zn. The top layer (0–10 cm depth) and bottom layers (30–46 cm depth) of one sediment profile at Wukeshu town were generally moderately polluted by Pb and Zn. Synthetically, the surface sediment in the studied river section was classified as natural sediment without ecological risk by the sediment pollution index (SPI) of Cu, Cr, Ni, Pb and Zn. Only the 30–45 cm depth of the sediment profile at Wukeshu town was classified as low polluted sediment by the SPI of these metals, recording a historical contamination of the river in the 1960s to 1970s. This buried contamination of trace metals might pose a potential risk to water column under disturbance of sediment. Foundation item: The National Basic Research Priorities Program of China (2004CB418502)  相似文献   

This paper examines the attitudes and perceptions of local people about ecological resources, environmental hazards, and future land use of the Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). Such monitoring of attitudes is an important aspect of environmental assessment. We interviewed 262 people who attended the 42nd Annual Free Fishermen's Breakfast at St. Anthony, Idaho, on 23 March 1997. We tested the null hypotheses that there were no differences in perceptions about ecological resources, hazards and future land use of INEEL as a function of gender, age, education, and place of residence. Dumping trash in the ocean and cutting rainforests rated as the environmental problems of highest concern, and ozone, radon and high voltage lines rated the lowest; cleaning up Department of Energy sites rated intermediate. Respondents were most willing to expend government funds to make drinking water clean. Three significant differences were found: 1) women rated environmental problems as more severe than did men, and women were more willing to expend federal funds to solve these problems, 2) respondents under 30 years of age rated environmental problems as more severe than older people, and they were more willing to spend money to solve them, and, 3) respondents who had not finished high school were more concerned with environmental problems and were more willing to spend money to solve them than respondents with a high school education. Maintaining INEEL as a National Environmental Research Park (NERP) rated as the most preferred future land use, followed by continued reprocessing of nuclear materials and hunting. Using INEEL for housing and additional nuclear waste storage rated the lowest. Men rated grazing livestock and additional nuclear waste storage higher than did women. In general, respondents from 30 – 49 rated several economic uses (hunting, grazing livestock, growing crops) higher than did people in other age groups. Respondents with some college rated these economic uses higher than did respondents who had not graduated from high school. These results indicate that respondents living around INEEL believe that INEEL should continue with a reprocessing and NERP mission, but that other peripheral uses, such as hunting, hiking and grazing, should be allowed on some of the land. These views should aid in environmental assessment of the site, and in developing further management plans for INEEL.  相似文献   

There is concern that elevated levels of selenium found in the source water of a newly formed wetland park in Las Vegas, Nevada, may have detrimental effects on local wildlife. In this study, we collected and analyzed water samples monthly for a three year period from the inflow and outflow of the system. We also gathered dominant aquatic plants and selected terrestrial plants and analyzed the water and plant tissues (root, shoot, leaf and flower) for selenium by high resolution Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer. Except for storm events and the introduction of an alternative low selenium content source water during summer low-flow conditions, selenium in the water was relatively stable. The concentration in the outflow tended to be slightly lower than the inflow. Concentrations of selenium in the dominant plant taxa in this wetlands were typical of ecosystems in the western United States and varied by taxa, tissue type, localized conditions (e.g., contact with selenium-laden water), and to a lesser extent, seasons. Selenium in the aquatic plant spiny naiad (Najas marina) was relatively high and may pose an ecological risk to wildlife during the late spring and summer. Additional work is underway investigating aquatic food chain accumulations of selenium as well as mass balance of selenium in the system.  相似文献   

The Las VegasWash, which drains the Las Vegas valley watershed and provides the second largest inflow to Lake Mead, is being dramatically altered with erosion control structures and wetland restoration efforts. The impact of these changes on the cycling and distribution of Hg and Se is of particular interest because of their tendency to bioaccumulate and because of a lack of information on these contaminants in the Wash. In this study, we determined concentrations of Hg and Se in surface water (monthly), groundwater (once) and sediments (quarterly) from strategic locations within and along theWash during 2002 and 2003. The data was used to characterize Se sources and loading into theWash. Samples containing resurfacing groundwater and urban runoff (LW10.75 and Duck Creek) had significantly higher yearly means (13.7 ± 4.4 and 23.8 ± 4.1μg/L, respectively) compared with mainstream samples containing primarily treated wastewater (2.8 ± 0.8μg/L). Investigation of Se in tributaries, street runoff and rain suggest that the source of the elevated Se is likely groundwater seeps located within a relatively narrow geographic band on the southeast side of the valley. Se content of sediments was similar, except for LW10.75 which was rich in organic matter. Hg concentrations in the water and sediments were low, averaging 4±5 ng/L and 34±20 ng/g, dw, respectively. Overall, this study suggests that water quality remains relatively stable despite changes in theWash and managers of developing wetlands should not use tributary water as source water.  相似文献   

The long-term (40 yr) observation results of phosphates–phosphorus concentration and its runoff in the Lithuanian fourth largest river Nevezis are analysed. Amounts and peculiarities of background runoff, agricultural runoff, andpoint source pollution from towns were studied for various periods. It has been determined that phosphates enter into the river Nevezis mainly from towns (76.5%), from agricultureonly up to 16%, and the background runoff for 7.5%.Considerable agricultural influence was observed in 1979–1991,when the phosphate runoff increased to 22 kg P km-2 a-1 and formed in 1984 33% of the entire runoff. A relation of the phosphates runoff from agriculture, for the entire study period, was obtained with the number of animals in the river's basin. Since 1990, when the number of animals started to decrease, the runoff of phosphates decreased too. Now the phosphatesrunoff from agriculture formed only 2% of the entire runoff. Water in the river Nevezis is heavily polluted with phosphate,according to the EU general classification of the water quality of rivers, although the Lithuanian pollution norms for effluentsdischarging to surface water are not exceeded. Norms for effluents discharging in the rivers from point-sources pollution should be made stricter and the highest permitted ratiobetween the phosphorus load in the river and its waterdischarge should be established.  相似文献   

Acidic deposition leads to the acidification of waters and accelerated leaching and depletion of soil base cations. The Bear Brook Watershed in Maine has used whole-watershed chemical manipulations to study the effects of elevated N and S on forest ecosystem function on a decadal time scale. The objectives of this study were to define the chemical and physical characteristics of soils in both the reference and treated watersheds after 17 years of treatment and assess evidence of change in soil chemistry by comparing soil studies in 1998 and 2006. Results from 1998 confirmed depletion of soil base cation pools and decreased pH due to elevated N and S within the treated watershed. However, between 1998 and 2006, during a period of declining SO $_{4}^{\,\,2-}$ deposition and continued whole-watershed experimental acidification on the treated watershed, there was little evidence of continued soil exchangeable base cation concentration depletion or recovery. The addition of a pulse of litterfall and accelerating mineralization from a severe ice storm in 1998 may have had significant effects on forest floor nutrient pools and cycling between 1998 and 2006. Our findings suggest that mineralization of additional litter inputs from the ice storm may have obscured temporal trends in soil chemistry. The physical data presented also demonstrate the importance of coarse fragments in the architecture of these soils. This study underscores the importance of long-term, quantitative soil monitoring in determining the trajectories of change in forest soils and ecosystem processes over time.  相似文献   

In this study, dry season radon flux densities and radon fluxes have been determined at the rehabilitated Nabarlek uranium mine in northern Australia using conventional charcoal canisters. Environmental background levels amounted to 31± 15 milli Becquerel per m2 per second (mBq m−2 s−1). Radon flux densities within the fenced rehabilitated mine area showed large variations with a maximum of 6500 mBq m−2 s−1 at an area south of the former pit characterised by a disequilibrium between 226Ra and 238U. Radon flux densities were also high above the areas of the former pit (mean 971 mBq m−2 s−1) and waste rock dump (mean 335 mBq m−2 s−1). The lower limit for the total pre-mining radon flux from the fenced area (140 ha) was estimated to 214 kBq s−1, post-mining radon flux amounted to 174 kBq s−1.Our study highlights that the results of radon flux studies are vitally dependant on the selection of individual survey points. We suggest the use of a randomised system for both the selection of survey points and the placement of charcoal canisters at each survey point, to avoid over estimation of radon flux densities. It is also important to emphasize the significance of having reliable pre-mining radiological data available to assess the success of rehabilitation of a uranium mine site.2006 Springer. The Australian Government's right to retain a non-exclusive, royalty free licence in and to any copyright is acknowledged.  相似文献   

研究以成都市域内河流为研究对象,通过采样分析得到水质、生境状况、浮游藻类、底栖动物等相关指标,利用综合指标体系法,评价成都市域内河流生态系统健康状况,并结合成都市人口、土地利用、地区生产总值等因素分析人类活动与河流生态健康的关系。结果表明:成都市河流浮游藻类以硅藻和绿藻为主,部分中下游采样点出现以蓝藻为主的情况;底栖动物以指示有机污染的颤蚓科出现的频率最高,约48%的采样点以颤蚓科为优势种;约74%的河流生态健康状况为"差"或"很差",河流生态健康状况整体呈现中上游优于下游、城市周边优于市区的特征;人口密度、人类活动用地比例与河流中氨氮呈显著正相关,人类活动会显著影响河流生态系统健康。  相似文献   

Despite decades of research about episodic acidification in many regions of the world, the understanding of what controls the transient changes in stream water chemistry occurring during rain and snow melt events is still limited. Here, we use 20 years of hydrological and stream chemical data from the paired watershed study at Bear Brook Watershed in Maine (BBWM), USA to improve the understanding of the effects of acid deposition on the causes, drivers, and evolution of episodic acidification. The long-term experimental study at BBWM includes 18 years of chemical treatment of the West Bear Brook (WB) watershed with (NH4)2SO4. East Bear Brook (EB) serves as reference. The treatment started in 1989 following a 2-year pretreatment period. We analyzed 212 hydrological episodes using an episode model that can separate and quantify individual drivers of the transient change in acid-neutralizing capacity (ANC) during hydrological events. The results suggest that 18 years of N and S addition have not affected the natural drivers of episodic acidification of base-cation dilution, marine sea salt episodes, or organic acidity during rain and snow melt events. The contribution of SO $_{4}^{2-}$ to the ANC decline in WB has been increasing linearly since the beginning of watershed treatment, while the role of NO $_{3}^{-}$ has remained relatively constant after an initial increase. This is contradictory to many previous shorter-term studies and illustrates the need for a more mechanistic understanding of the causes and drivers of episodic acidification during rain- and snow melt-driven hydrological events.  相似文献   

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