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Colonial photosynthetic marine organisms often exhibit morphological phenotypic plasticity. Where such plasticity leads to an improved balance between rates of photosynthesis and maintenance costs, it is likely to have adaptive significance. To explore whether such phenotypic plasticity leads to more favourable within-colony irradiance for reef-building branching corals, this relationship was investigated for two coral species Acropora humilis and Stylophora pistillata, along a depth gradient representing light habitats ranging from 500 to 25 μmol photons m−2 s−1, during 2006 at Heron Island, Great Barrier Reef (23.44°S, 151.91°E). In the present study changes in flow-modulated mass transfer co-varied with light as a function of depth. In low-light (deep) habitats, branch spacing (colony openness) in A. humilis and S. pistillata was 40–50% greater than for conspecifics in high-light environments. Also, branches of A. humilis in deep water were 40–60% shorter than in shallow water. Phenotypic changes in these two variables lead to steeper within-colony light attenuation resulting in 38% higher mean internal irradiance (at the tissue surface) in deep colonies compared to shallow colonies. The pattern of branch spacing was similar for S. pistillata, but this species displayed an alternate strategy with respect to branch length: shade adapted deep and cave colonies developed longer and thinner branches, allowing access to higher mass transfer and irradiance. Corals in cave habitats allowed 20% more irradiance compared to colonies found in the deep, and had a 47% greater proportion of irradiance compared to colonies in the shallow high-light environment. Such phenotypic regulation of internal light levels on branch surfaces partly explains the broad light niches of many branching coral species. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

To evaluate the hypothesis that a general correlation exists between species range size and dispersal ability, we surveyed mitochondrial cytochrome b sequence variation in three surgeonfish species with vastly different ranges: Ctenochaetus strigosus, Hawaiian endemic, N = 531; Zebrasoma flavescens, North Pacific, N = 560; Acanthurus nigrofuscus, Indo-Pacific, N = 305. Collections were made throughout the 2,500 km expanse of the Hawaiian Archipelago and adjacent Johnston Atoll. Analyses of molecular variance demonstrate that all three species are capable of maintaining population connectivity on a scale of thousands of km (all species global ΦST = NS). However, rank order comparison of pairwise ΦST results and Exact test P-values revealed modest but significantly different patterns of gene flow among the three species surveyed, with the degree of genetic structure increasing as range size decreases (P = 0.001). These results are consistent with mtDNA surveys of four additional Hawaiian reef fauna in which a wide-spread Indo-Pacific species exhibited genetic homogeneity across the archipelago, while three endemics had significant population subdivision over the same range. Taken together, these seven cases invoke the hypothesis that Hawaii’s endemic reef fishes evolved from species with reduced dispersal ability that, after initial colonization, could not maintain contact with parent populations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The horned sea star (Protoreaster nodosus) is relatively common in the Indo-Pacific region, but there is little information about its biology. This study of the population biology of P. nodosus was carried out in Davao Gulf, The Philippines (7°5′N, 125°45′E) between September 2006 and May 2008. Protoreaster nodosus was found in sand and seagrass dominated habitats at a mean density of 29 specimens per 100 m2 and a mean biomass of 7.4 kg per 100 m2, whereas a significantly lower density and biomass was found in coral and rock dominated habitats. Adult specimens (mean radius R = 10.0 cm) were found at depths of 0–37 m, whereas juveniles (R < 8 cm) were only found in shallow sandy habitats with abundant seagrass (water depth ≤2 m). Increased gonad weights were found from March to May (spawning period), which coincided with an increasing water temperature and a decreasing salinity. Density and biomass did not change significantly during reproduction, but sea stars avoided intertidal habitats. All specimens with R > 8 cm had well developed gonads and their sex ratio was 1:1. Protoreaster nodosus grew relatively slowly in an enclosure as described by the exponential function G = 7.433 e−0.257 × R . Maturing specimens (R = 6–8 cm) were estimated to have an age of 2–3 years. Specimens with a radius of 10 cm (population mean) were calculated to have an age of 5–6 years, while the maximum age (R = 14 cm) was estimated as 17 years. Potential effects of ornamental collection on the sea star populations are discussed. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sea spiders are conspicuous, and often abundant, members of the Antarctic benthic community. Nymphonidae (Pycnogonida) in Southern Ocean waters comprise over 240 species which are often difficult to assign due to their intraspecific ‘highly variable’ morphology. In particular, Nymphon australe, the numerically dominant species in Antarctic waters is known to have a high level of phenotypic variation in external morphology and is also reported to have a circumpolar distribution. Circumpolarity seems contradictory to the pycnogonid’s brooding lifestyle and presumably limited dispersal. Here we examine the genetic diversity of several Nymphon species collected in the Antarctic Peninsular region. Concomitantly, we assess the genetic structure of N. australe to gain insight into Nymphon dispersal capacity. Cytochrome c oxidase subunit I (COI) and 16S ribosomal gene data suggest a recent common history and/or recent gene-flow of N. australe populations across nearly 800 km of the Antarctic Peninsula. Furthermore, these data support that the Antarctic Peninsula region may hold two previously unrecognized species of Nymphon. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Carbon isotope differences (Δ13C) between bioapatite and diet, collagen and diet, and bioapatite and collagen were calculated for four species of sirenians, Dugong dugon (Müller), Trichechus manatus (Linnaeus), Trichechus inunguis (Natterer), and the extinct Hydrodamalis gigas (Zimmerman). Bone and tooth samples were taken from archived materials collected from populations during the mid eighteenth century (H. gigas), between 1978 and 1984 (T. manatus, T. inunguis), and between 1997 and 1999 (D. dugon). Mean Δ13C values were compared with those for terrestrial ungulates, carnivores, and six species of carnivorous marine mammals (cetaceans = 1; pinnipeds = 4; mustelids = 1). Significant differences in mean δ13C values among species for all tissue types were detected that separated species or populations foraging on freshwater plants or attached marine macroalgae (δ13C values < −6‰; Δ13Cbioapatite–diet ∼14‰) from those feeding on marine seagrasses (δ13C values > −4‰; Δ13Cbioapatite–diet ∼11‰). Likewise, Δ13Cbioapatite–collagen values for freshwater and algal-foraging species (∼7‰) were greater than those for seagrass-foraging species (∼5‰). Variation in Δ13C values calculated between tissues and between tissues and diet among species may relate to the nutritional composition of a species’ diet and the extent and type of microbial fermentation that occurs during digestion of different types of plants. These results highlight the complications that can arise when making dietary interpretations without having first determined species-specific Δ13Ctissue–diet values. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Close to 50 species of marine Calanoid copepods have been reported to produce diapause eggs (Engel and Hirche in J Plankton Res 26:1083–1093, 2004); eggs that are viable but require a refractory phase before they hatch, sometimes after months. Diapause eggs are often described as morphologically different with respect to egg membrane ultrastructure and having a thicker egg shell with surface ornamentation as opposed to the smooth shell found in subitaneous eggs that hatch within days (Belmonte in J Mar Syst 15:35–39, 1998; Chen and Marcus in Mar Biol 127:587–597, 1997; Castro-Longoria in Crustaceana 74:225–236, 2001). Egg production rates, egg surface ornamentation, and hatching success were monitored in large aquaculture fish enclosures during winter with close to zero water temperatures (N57°). Surprisingly, all female copepods (Acartia spp.—presumably A. tonsa, and Centropages hamatus) produced eggs all through the winter with no obvious pattern with respect to light, temperature and food availability, and no diapause eggs were observed. However, individual females produced several categories of eggs with or without surface spines even within the same egg batch as evidenced by scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Four egg categories were distinguishable: ‘no spines’, smooth eggs; ‘short spines’, 5–15 μm long; ‘truncated spines’, with the spine tips cut-off <10 μm long; and ‘long spines’, up to 30 μm long. All egg categories remained unchanged with respect to surface structures from when we took them out of the incubation bottles until they hatched. In general, the frequency of ‘no spines’ was 10–40%, and most eggs were ornamented with ‘short-’ or ‘long spines’. Further, a given egg can be ornamented with all types of surface spines simultaneously, which might even be a fifth egg category. The different egg categories were all able to hatch within days when exposed to normoxic conditions suggesting that they were subitaneous.  相似文献   

Delimiting communities in marine habitats is difficult because co-occurring species often have different life histories and the life stages experience the environment at different spatial scales. The habitat of a particular community is embedded within a larger habitat or ecosystem with many species shared between the focal community and the larger system. Pen shells (Atrina rigida) are large bivalves that, once the mollusk dies, provide shelter for motile species and hard substrate for settling larval invertebrates and egg-laying fishes. In St. Joseph’s Bay, Florida (29°45′N, 85°15′W), pen shells are the most abundant source of hard substrate, especially inside sea grass (Thalassia testudinum) beds, where they reach densities of 0.1–4.0 m−2. This study, which was conducted from May to August 2005, measured the overlap in species densities between dead pen shells and the surrounding sea grass communities at eight sites to determine the discreteness of the pen shell communities. Of the 70-epibenthic taxa recorded, 66% were found on the pen shells but not in the surrounding sea grass habitat. Community structure, which varied among shells within sites and among the eight sites, could be related to sea grass characteristics such as blade density and length either directly (e.g., inhabitants of pen shells directly benefit from the surrounding sea grass) or indirectly (e.g., pen shells and sea grass both benefit from similar factors such as current and nutrients). Pen shells were randomly distributed at several spatial scales within the 15 × 15 m sites as were many motile species. Two exceptions were the shrimp, Palaemon floridanus and the amphipod, Dulichella appendiculata, whose distributions were clumped. Most of the sessile species had clumped distributions, tending to be very abundant when they were present. These pen shell communities provide an opportunity for experimental studies of factors affecting species diversity on small, discrete, naturally occurring habitats. Electronic supplementary material The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

This study investigated the utility of microsatellite markers for providing information on levels of population connectivity for a low dispersing reef fish in New South Wales (NSW), Australia, at scales ≤400 km. It was hypothesized that the temperate damselfish Parma microlepis, which produces benthic eggs and has limited post-settlement dispersal, would exhibit spatial genetic structure and a significant pattern of isolation-by-distance (IBD). A fully nested hierarchical sampling design incorporating three spatial scales (sites, location and regions, separated by 1–2, 10–50 and 70–80 km respectively) was used to determine genetic variability at seven microsatellite loci. Broad-scale genetic homogeneity and lack of IBD was well supported by single and multi-locus analyses. The proportion of the total genetic variation attributable to differences among regions, locations or sites was effectively zero (Φ/R-statistics ≤0.007). The geographic distribution of genetic diversity and levels of polymorphism (H E 0.21–0.95) indicate high mutation rates, large effective population sizes, and high rates of gene flow. Significant gene flow may be driven by factors influencing pre-settlement dispersal, including the East Australian Current (EAC) and habitat continuity. Genetic connectivity may not reflect demographically important connectivity, but does imply that P. microlepis populations are well connected from an evolutionary perspective. Total observed genetic diversity was accounted for within 1–2 km of reef and could be represented within small Marine Protected Areas. Reef fishes in NSW which have life histories similar to P. microlepis (e.g. pre-settlement durations ≥2 weeks) are also likely to exhibit genetic homogeneity. Genetic markers are, therefore, most likely to provide information on demographically relevant connectivity for species with lower dispersal capabilities, small population sizes, short life spans, and whose habitats are rare, or patchily distributed along-shore. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

The diversity of ecological communities has been the focus of many studies. Because biodiversity provides several indicators used in an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries (EAF) to track changes in fish communities, we investigated the spatial and temporal patterns in the diversity of some demersal fish communities subjected to varying fishing pressure. Depth and catch rate were the most important predictors in explaining changes in diversity followed by longitude and survey year. Diversity, as measured by the various indices except for taxonomic distinctness (∆*), initially declined with increasing depth to about a depth of 80 m, then increased to about 150 m after which it declined. Taxonomic distinctness index (∆*) showed an increase in the taxonomic heterogeneity of the demersal community below the 300-m isobath. Diversity remained relatively constant with increase in longitude to around 24°E (which has the lowest diversity) after which it increased. The assessment of the temporal trend in diversity indicates that survey year has a significant effect on all diversity indices except for ∆*. Diversity increased and dominance declined with time. This may be result of a decline in the abundance of dominant species or an increase in the abundance less dominant species, or a combination of both effects. Multivariate analysis of the set of diversity indices showed three groups of indices: those reflecting species richness (S, Margalef’s d), those measuring mainly taxonomic relatedness (∆*), and those balancing the richness and evenness components of diversity (J′, H′, λ, ∆, Hill’s N1, and Hill’s N2). The relationship between evenness, catch rate, and size was also investigated. Size classes with highest evenness were found to have lowest catch rate and vice versa. This highlights the need to consider the size and trophic level of species when linking diversity to the functioning of ecosystems.  相似文献   

Herbivory is widely acknowledged as a key process determining the benthic community structure and resilience of coral reefs. Despite numerous studies that have examined herbivory across reef gradients in the Caribbean, few studies have directly quantified this process on Pacific reefs. Bioassays of two species of erect macroalgae (Sargassum swartzii and S. cristaefolium) were used to quantify variation in grazing intensity across seven habitats of varying depth and wave exposure on a mid-shelf reef in the northern Great Barrier Reef. Removal rates of Sargassum varied significantly among habitats, with both species displaying broadly similar patterns. The shallow habitats on the exposed aspect of the reef (i.e. reef crest, flat and back reef) experienced the highest reductions in mass (81.4–91.6% day−1) for both S. swartzii and S. cristaefolium, while the deeper exposed habitats (reef slope and base) displayed the lowest reductions (3.8–13.4% day−1) over a 24 h period. In contrast, the grazing intensity varied between the two species in the three habitats on the leeward aspect of the reef. Reductions in mass remained relatively high for S. swartzii on the patch reef and sheltered reef base and flat (62.7–76.5% day−1) but were considerably lower for S. cristaefolium (37.9–63.5% day−1) across the same habitats. Surprisingly, the rates of removal of Sargassum displayed no relationship with the density or biomass of roving herbivorous fishes or those species known to consume erect macroalgae, either collectively or independently. These results suggest that the relationship between browsing rates and herbivorous fish biomass is complex and may be driven by species that are underestimated in visual surveys. Direct quantification of browsing intensity using assays revealed a different pattern to inferences based on herbivore densities and highlights the potential difficulties of evaluating ecosystem processes based on visual census data alone.  相似文献   

The central California coast is a highly productive, biodiverse region that is frequently affected by the toxin-producing dinoflagellate Alexandrium catenella. Despite the consistent presence of A. catenella along our coast, very little is known about the movement of its toxins through local marine food webs. In the present study, we investigated 13 species of commercial finfish and rock crabs harvested in Monterey Bay, California for the presence of paralytic shellfish toxins (PSTs) and compared them to the presence of A. catenella and PSTs in sentinel shellfish over a 3-year period. Between 2003 and 2005, A. catenella was noted in 55% of surface water samples (n = 307) and reached a maximum concentration of 17,387 cells L−1 at our nearshore site in Monterey Bay. Peak cell densities occurred in the month of July and were associated with elevated shellfish toxicity in the summers of 2004 and 2005. When A. catenella was present, particulate PSTs were detected 71% of the time and reached a maximum concentration of 962 ng STXeq L−1. Of the 13 species tested, we frequently detected PSTs in Pacific sardines (Sardinops sagax; maximum 250 μg STXeq 100 g−1), northern anchovies (Engraulis mordax; maximum 23.2 μg STXeq 100 g−1), brown rock crabs (Cancer antennarius; maximum 49.3 μg STXeq 100 g−1) and red rock crabs (C. productus; 23.8 μg STXeq 100 g−1). PSTs were also present in one sample of Pacific herring (Clupea pallas; 13.3 μg STXeq 100 g−1) and one sample of English sole (Pleuronectes vetulus; 4.5 μg STXeq 100 g−1), and not detected in seven other species of flatfish tested. The presence of PSTs in several of these organisms reveals that toxins produced by A. catenella are more prevalent in California food webs than previously thought and also indicates potential routes of toxin transfer to higher trophic levels. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Polychaetes constitute most of the benthic macroinvertebrates in estuarine and coastal environments. We investigated the utilization of organic matter in two polychaete species, Capitella sp. I and Perinereis nuntia brevicirris, living in different coastal habitats. The protease activity of Capitella sp. I (89.7 μg mg−1) was about 10 times that of P. nuntia brevicirris (8.0 μg mg−1). High cellulase (endo-β-1,4-glucanase) activity was detected in P. nuntia brevicirris (3.2 μg mg−1), whereas scarcely any was detected in Capitella sp. I. We isolated cDNA clones of protease mRNA from Capitella sp. I and of cellulase mRNA from P. nuntia brevicirris. The high protease activity of Capitella sp. I enabled it to survive in the sediment under a fish farm, where it degrades organic matter. In contrast, the high cellulase activity of the estuary-dwelling P. nuntia brevicirris allowed it to degrade organic matter originating from terrestrial areas.  相似文献   

Heterospecific matings are generally assumed to be unconditionally disadvantageous due to reduced viability or fertility of hybrid offspring. For female collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) mated to male pied flycatchers (Ficedula hypoleuca), the cost of heterospecific pair formation is reduced due to high levels of conspecific extra-pair paternity and a male-biased offspring sex ratio. In order to investigate whether these cost-reducing mechanisms are the result of female mating strategies, rather than being a by-product of species incompatibilities, we manipulated the plumage of male collared flycatchers before pair formation to make them resemble male pied flycatchers. Since species incompatibilities are absent in this design, any systematic effect of manipulation on sex ratio or paternity would indicate a role of female mating strategy. Paternity was determined by means of a likelihood approach that controls the errors made in assigning a chick to be ‘within-pair’ or ‘extra-pair’. Neither the sex ratio nor the male share of paternity was affected by the manipulation in a systematic manner. We therefore conclude that our experimental data provide no support for the suggestion that female behavioural strategies are markedly adjusted in response to formation of mixed-species pairs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Sound pressure levels and the spectral structure of the advertisement calls of five species of frogs from the South American temperate austral forest were analyzed. Males of Eupsophus emiliopugini, Batrachyla antartandica and B. leptopus call from the ground in bogs, while males of Hylorina sylvatica and Pleurodema thaul call from the water surface in marshes. Calling males of the species from bogs and marshes spaced at average distances that were shorter and longer than 2 m, respectively. The properties of these habitats for sound propagation were evaluated by broadcasting pure tones, broadband noise and tape-recorded advertisement calls of the three species from bogs and of H. sylvatica. Excess attenuation and spectral degradation were higher for calls broadcast in bogs than in the marsh. The calls of B.␣antartandica and B. leptopus, with dominant frequencies of about 2 kHz, were more affected than those of E.␣emiliopugini and H. sylvatica, with dominant frequencies below 1.5 kHz. These results show the lack of an optimal relationship between properties of habitats for sound transmission and the spectral structure of these anuran calls. Body size imposes an important constraint on call spectra and propagation, which frogs counteract by distribution patterns and auditory capabilities. Received: 18 April 1997 / Accepted after revision: 15 February 1998  相似文献   

Many breeding seabird species are central-place foragers and constrained to find productive prey patches within their foraging ranges. We assessed how different populations of a pelagic seabird species, the Cory’s shearwater Calonectris diomedea, breeding in oceanic and neritic conditions, cope with these constraints in the North Atlantic, during both incubation and chick-rearing periods. We analysed 237 foraging trips to study the movements and oceanographic characteristics of foraging habitats of seven different populations of Cory’s shearwaters. Generally, oceanic populations exhibited higher foraging effort, by travelling more time and to more distant areas, and larger home ranges and feeding areas, than the neritic population (i.e. breeding on an island within the Portuguese continental platform). On their short trips (i.e. ≤4 days), birds from the different populations fed mostly in shallower waters around the colony. During long trips (i.e. ≥5 days), feeding areas of both oceanic and neritic populations were characterized by high concentration values of chlorophyll-a, low sea-surface temperature and shallower habitats, with oceanic populations of the Azores exploiting areas north of the islands over known seamounts and frontal regions. Birds from other oceanic population (Selvagens) also exploited the African continental shelf system on their long trips. The home ranges of the different populations overlapped widely, but there was a general spatial segregation in terms of the core feeding areas at the population level. Core feeding areas and areas of foraging overlap between different populations should be important to inform conservation management measures, such as the definition of Marine Important Bird Areas for seabirds over the North Atlantic.  相似文献   

The 17-year time-series study at Station M in the NE Pacific has provided one of the longest datasets on deep-sea ophiuroids to date. Station M is an abyssal site characterized by low topographical relief and seasonal and interannual variation in surface-derived food inputs. From 1989 to 2005, over 31,000 ophiuroid specimens were collected. Size–frequency distributions of the four dominant species, Ophiura bathybia, Amphilepis patens, Amphiura carchara and Ophiacantha cosmica, were examined for recruitment and the role of surface-derived food supplies on body size distributions. Juveniles were collected in sediment traps and used to investigate settlement patterns and seasonality. Trawl samples showed no indication of seasonal changes in recruitment to larger size classes; however, there was evidence of seasonal settling of juveniles. Interannual differences in median disk diameters and size distributions of trawl-collected adults are greater than those at the seasonal scale. Three of the four species, O. bathybia, A. patens and O. cosmica, had co-varying monthly median disk diameters, suggesting they may have a similar factor(s) controlling their growth and abundance. Interannual differences in monthly size distributions were generally greater than those between seasons. Cross-correlations between the particulate organic carbon (POC) flux (food supply) and size distribution indices for O. bathybia, A. patens and O. cosmica all were significant indicating that increases in food supply were followed by increases in the proportion of smaller size classes after approximately 17–22 months. These findings suggest that food inputs are indeed an important factor influencing deep-sea ophiuroid populations on interannual time scales, more generally supporting the long-hypothesized connection between food availability and population size structure in the deep sea. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

We investigated the constraints on sulfide uptake by bacterial ectosymbionts on the marine peritrich ciliate Zoothamnium niveum by a combination of experimental and numerical methods. Protists with symbionts were collected on large blocks of mangrove-peat. The blocks were placed in a flow cell with flow adjusted to in situ velocity. The water motion around the colonies was then characterized by particle tracking velocimetry. This shows that the feather-shaped colony of Z. niveum generates a unidirectional flow of seawater through the colony with no recirculation. The source of the feeding current was the free-flowing water although the size of the colonies suggests that they live partly submerged in the diffusive boundary layer. We showed that the filtered volume allows Z. niveum to assimilate sufficient sulfide to sustain the symbiosis at a few micromoles per liter in ambient concentration. Numerical modeling shows that sulfide oxidizing bacteria on the surfaces of Z. niveum can sustain 100-times higher sulfide uptake than bacteria on flat surfaces, such as microbial mats. The study demonstrates that the filter feeding zooids of Z. niveum are preadapted to be prime habitats for sulfide oxidizing bacteria due to Z. niveum’s habitat preference and due to the feeding current. Z. niveum is capable of exploiting low concentrations of sulfide in near norm-oxic seawater. This links its otherwise dissimilar habitats and makes it functionally similar to invertebrates with thiotrophic symbionts in filtering organs. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity in the microbial communities of posterior gut sections of three temperate marine herbivorous fish species from New Zealand was characterised using Amplified Ribosomal DNA Restriction Analysis, and 16S rRNA gene amplification and sequencing methods. The fish were collected in 1999–2000 in the Hauraki Gulf, New Zealand (35°54’–36°24’S, 174°48’–175°25’E). The gastrointestinal bacterial communities of Kyphosus sydneyanus (Günther, 1886) (F. Kyphosidae), Odax pullus (Forster in Bloch and Schneider, 1801) (F. Labridae) and Aplodactylus arctidens Richardson, 1839 (F. Aplodactylidae) were dominated by five clades of bacteria, four of which belong to recognized clostridial clusters. The clone libraries of K. sydneyanus and O. pullus contained sequences from most of these clades, but were dominated by members of clostridial clusters XI and XIVa, respectively. The clone library of A. arctidens was dominated by members of clostridial cluster XIVb and an unassigned cluster containing Eubacterium desmolans and Papillibacter cinnaminovorans. The finding that strains of Firmicutes dominated the gastrointestinal microbial communities of all three fish species is consistent with the results of similar studies on terrestrial vertebrate herbivores. This work thus contributes to the view that gastrointestinal symbionts in some marine herbivorous fishes may play a similar role to those in terrestrial vertebrate herbivores studied to date.  相似文献   

Coral communities were examined from highly turbid near-shore marginal reefs of Abrolhos (Brazil) to test a paradigm previously developed from observations in clear water reefs; specifically, that coral photobiological properties follow a highly conserved linear relationship with optical depth (ζ) via preferential ‘non-photochemical’ over ‘photochemical’ dissipation of absorbed light energy. PAM flourometry in situ was used to examine the photobiology of the most dominant coral species throughout the platform surfaces and bases of Abrolhos’ characteristic ‘chapeir?es’ reef framework; however, none of the species consistently adhered to the ‘clear water paradigm’. PAM measurements further demonstrated that species conformed to two different strategies of non-photochemical energy dissipation: transient but relatively rapid for the two closely related endemic species (Mussismilia braziliensis and Mussismilia harttii) as opposed to more persistent for Montastrea cavernosa, Porites astreoides and Siderastrea stellata. Further experiments demonstrated that tolerance to anomalous stress amongst species did not correspond with the non-photochemical energy dissipation strategy present but was consistent with the relative dominance of species within the chapeir?es coral communities.  相似文献   

Life history and reproductive strategies influence population dynamics at the inter- and intra-specific level. Environmental conditions suitable for gonad development and spawning, the reproductive range, may be a smaller portion of the broader species distribution. The only known breeding population of veined rapa whelks (Rapana venosa) in North America is in Chesapeake Bay, USA. There is considerable interest in the potential reproductive range of this non-indigenous species given the rapa whelk’s negative impacts on commercial shellfish species in both its native and introduced ranges. Weight-specific reproductive output is described for wild caught Chesapeake Bay rapa whelks maintained in flow-through mesocosms for 2 years. Measured reproductive output within and between egg capsule deposition seasons (years) in relation to water temperature, salinity, daylength, and female size is used to describe the rapa whelk’s reproductive range. Egg capsule production is influenced by seasonal and absolute water temperatures as well as seasonal daylength cycles. Egg capsule deposition by Chesapeake Bay rapa whelks begins at water temperatures of approximately 18°C and continues for 11–15 weeks. Forty to 70% of female whelks deposited egg capsules in most weeks during this season, producing 150–200 egg capsules female−1 week−1. Water temperatures >28°C caused reduced egg capsule production relative to temperatures of 20–25°C. Egg capsule production was positively related to seasonal changes in daylength, and two peaks of egg capsule deposition were observed in the 2001 and 2002 deposition seasons. The combination of declining daylength and higher water temperatures in late summer was associated with the cessation of egg capsule deposition. A lower average weight specific reproductive output in 130–145 mm SL rapa whelks (average 12 ± 1%) than in 90–106 mm SL rapa whelks (average 22 ± 1% of body weight) may reflect a life history that balances the physiological costs of maintaining a large body mass with the production of many planktonic larvae from multiple clutches of egg capsules per breeding season over a 10–15-year lifespan. Estimates of the cumulative day-degree requirements corresponding to the annual initiation of egg capsule deposition were 238 and 236 for 2001 and 2002, respectively. Reproductive output and day-degree requirements for Chesapeake Bay rapa whelks were similar to values calculated from previous studies of native muricids (Eupleura caudata and Urosalpinx cinerea). A latitudinal range of 30–41° (N and S) is predicted as the realized reproductive range for rapa whelk populations on the basis of the day-degree requirements for native whelks and reproductively active invasive rapa whelk populations. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

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