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新乡市蔬菜大棚土壤重金属含量测定及评价   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据新乡市蔬菜大棚的分布状况,以北环地区蔬菜大棚0—20cm土壤为样品,利用电感耦合等离子体光谱发射法对样品中的重金属铜、锌含量进行测定,并对其含量进行评价分析。结果表明,蔬菜大棚土壤中Cu含量在2—11年内增长缓慢,大于11年的增长幅度大大增加;Zn含量在3—5年内累积增长幅度相对较大,而5—7年相对平缓,7—11年稍增大,大于11年的大大增加。从整体来看,新乡市蔬菜大棚土壤重金属含量处于安全范围之内。  相似文献   

以温室大棚为代表的设施农业,打破传统农业按季节生产惯例,提高了土地的总产出率,是人类以人工措施下预气候、创造非常态下作物生长条件的有益发明。但是,随着大棚使用年限的增加,生产环境劣化问题酲益凸显。土壤盐渍化、酸化,有机质匮乏;病害泛滥,农药残留、地下水污染;从业者频发“大棚病”等,这些问题形成的主要原因在于化肥投施超量、连作生产和封闭的生产环境。治理失灵的根源是农民高产高效的愿望;大市场、大流通与小农经济的矛盾;病菌空气传播的不可控性;农家肥源严重不足,等等。以环境健康理念,因地制宜,改良温室内土壤;改进温室建设工艺;实行清洁生产,是解决设施农业环境问题的根本出路。  相似文献   

于秋冬两季,利用法国生产的自动监测仪对重庆市城区7条交通主干道的近地面空气质量进行了监测。结果表明:在监测期间,各个监测点PM1o是首要污染物,并且秋季比冬季污染严重,7条道路的日平均浓度为0.419mg/m^3,最大浓度为0.687mg/m^3,最大超标率为3.58倍;而NO2和SO2在冬季比秋季污染严重,NO2最高浓度是0.126mg/m^3,平均浓度是0.089mg/m^3,S02最高浓度是0.333mg/m^3,平均浓度是0.216mg/m^3,表明交通干道空气污染严重。  相似文献   

对58m^2烧结机混料系统原除尘状况进行了详细分析,对新建52m^2烧结机混料系统通风除尘设备选型、设计方案及效果进行了详尽的阐述。  相似文献   

本文结合青藏铁路中小站区生活污水的特点,提出在自然条件恶劣的青藏高原采用生态大棚污水处理系统,利用青藏高原丰富的太阳辐射热作为热源,建立适宜于常规污水生物处理的半封闭人工小环境,为生活污水的处理提供必须的动态热平衡和O2-CO2平衡。通过前期实验室对2种生物处理工艺进行必选,确定采用4级生物转盘-土地处理相结合的工艺进行青藏铁路中小站区生活污水处理的现场实验。现场实验表明,污水经过该系统处理后,水质达到国家一级排放标准。该系统解决了高原污水处理和蔬菜种植两大难题。  相似文献   

某工程采用微电解、上流式厌氧污泥床(UASB)、高效接触反应器(HCR)处理中药废水,处理规模2500m^3/d。运行结果表明:采用该工艺COD去除率达97.9%,BOD去除率达97。4%,色度去除率达98.2%,出水完全达到《污水综合排放标准》(GB8978-96)中的一级排放标准,且工程投资和运行费用较低。  相似文献   

王波 《新疆环境保护》2004,26(Z1):116-120
伊犁地区林牧区生态系统的保水功能受到畜牧业生产活动的影响已明显下降,尤其是山地天然林资源的生态总体质量和生态功能都同步处于下降趋势。伊犁地区的生态建设重点应放在山地天然林分布区。保护和大力发展山地天然林资源是伊犁地区生态产业发展的核心内容。大力营造山地人工林,是目前条件下保护和发展山地森林资源的最有效手段。每年营造山地人工林不少于0 3×104hm2,才能够基本保持山地森林生态系统在资源总量和生态效能上的稳定,才能够基本维持伊犁地区以往良好的生态形象。建议自治区人民政府继续启动实施天山、阿尔泰山百万亩山林再造工程。  相似文献   

由三河市环发锅炉有限公司开发的吊胆折流积热消烟除尘锅炉,品种齐全,有60个品种,供暖面积可由100m^2到1.8万m^2,适用于农村、小城镇、山区、平原、学校、机关、部队、铁路及中小企业平房、楼房的供暖、开水、淋浴之用。  相似文献   

山地旅游资源特点及其开发利用原则──以广东省为例   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
山地是陆地地貌的一种类型,我国多山.山地面积占全国土地总面积的卫门以上,蕴藏着十分丰富的旅游资源。广东省是我国多山的省份,山地面积约占全省陆地总面积的ZI%,因此研究山地旅游资源的特点及其开发利用具有十分重要的意义。l山地旅游资源的特点1.1自然特性强这里所指的自然特性是指山地旅游资源较好地保持了原始自然风貌,与平原地区相比,受人类活动影响小。山地因地势崎岖、交通不便、开发难度较大而保存较完整,尤其是南方山地的湿度大、瘴气多,人类早期更未涉足。随着生产力的发展,人类与自然界斗争能力的增强,其足迹在山…  相似文献   

又是一个春暖花开的季节。绿色的田野,麦浪滚滚,大棚一个接一个,大棚内,金灿灿的黄菊花,优雅的水仙,火红的玫瑰……白的、红的、粉的,争奇斗艳,一阵风吹过,  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Assessment and control of nutrient losses from paddy fields is important to protect water quality of lakes and streams in Korea. A four‐year field study was carried out to investigate water management practices and losses of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) in rice paddy irrigation fields in southern Korea. The amount and water quality of rainfall, irrigation, surface drainage, and infiltration were measured and analyzed to estimate inputs and losses of N and P. The observed irrigation amount surpassed consumptive use, and approximately 52 to 69 percent of inflow (precipitation plus irrigation) was lost to surface drainage. Field data showed that significant amounts of irrigation water and rainfall were not effectively used for rice paddy culture. Water quality data indicated that drainage from paddy fields could degrade the recipient water environment. The nutrient balance indicated that significant amounts of nutrients (29.5 percent of total N and 8.6 percent of total P compared to input) were lost through surface drainage. Furthermore, up to half the nutrient losses occurred during nonstorm periods. The study results indicate that inadequate water management influences N and P losses during both storm and nonstorm periods. Proper water management is required to reduce nutrient losses through surface drainage from paddy fields; this includes such measures as minimum irrigation, effective use of rainfall, adoption of proper drainage outlet structures, and minimized forced surface drainage.  相似文献   

Increasing demand for global food production is leading to greater use of irrigation to supplement rainfall and enable more intensive use of land. Minimizing adverse impacts of this intensification on surface water and groundwater resources is of critical importance for the achievement of sustainable land use. In this paper we examine the linkages between irrigation runoff and resulting changes in quality of receiving surface waters and groundwaters in Australia and New Zealand. Case studies are used to illustrate impacts under different irrigation techniques (notably flood and sprinkler systems) and land uses, particularly where irrigation has led to intensification of land use. For flood irrigation, changes in surface water contaminant concentrations are directly influenced by the amount of runoff, and the intensity and kind of land use. Mitigation for flood irrigation is best achieved by optimizing irrigation efficiency. For sprinkler irrigation, leaching to groundwater is the main transport path for contaminants, notably nitrate. Mitigation measures for sprinkler irrigation should take into account irrigation efficiency and the proximity of intensive land uses to sensitive waters. Relating contaminant concentrations in receiving groundwaters to their dominant causes is often complicated by uncertainty about the subsurface flow paths and the possible pollutant sources, viz. drainage from irrigated land. This highlights the need for identification of the patterns and dynamics of surface and subsurface waters to identify such sources of contaminants and minimize their impacts on the receiving environments.  相似文献   

We apply predictive weather metrics and land model sensitivities to improve the Colorado State University Water Irrigation Scheduler for Efficient Application (WISE). WISE is an irrigation decision aid that integrates environmental and user information for optimizing water use. Rainfall forecasts and verification performance metrics are used to estimate predictive rainfall probabilities that are used as input data within the irrigation decision aid. These input data errors are also used within a land model sensitivity study to diagnose important prognostic water movement behaviors for irrigation tool development purposes simultaneously performing the analysis in space and time. Thus, important questions such as “how long can a crop water application be delayed while maintaining crop yield production?” are addressed by evaluating crop growth stage interactions as a function of soil depth (i.e., space), rainfall events (i.e., time), and their probabilistic uncertainties. Editor’s note : This paper is part of the featured series on Optimizing Ogallala Aquifer Water Use to Sustain Food Systems. See the February 2019 issue for the introduction and background to the series.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT In humid areas appreciable amounts of rainfall complicate irrigation scheduling. This rainfall tends to give supplemental water application a low priority. As a result irrigation may be delayed until there is not enough time to cover the crop area before some drought damage occurs. To improve the management of irrigation systems, a scheduling model has been developed. The model's water application decisions incorporate climatological records, soil-plant data, current pan evaporation and rainfall, the number of fields to be irrigated, and 5-day weather forecasts. The model updates the soil moisture conditions, predicts impending water depletion, and if supplemental water is needed both the field priority and amount to be applied is indicated for each of the next 5 days. Errors introduced through the use of forecasts and long-term pan evaporation records have been slight because of the tri-weekly updating. Also natural rains which restore the root zone to maximum water holding capacity prevent long-term bias.  相似文献   

Improvements in water productivity (WP) are often suggested as one of the alternative strategies for overcoming growing water scarcity in India. This paper explores the potential improvements in WP of food grains at district level, which currently varies between 0.11 and 1.01 kilogram per cubic metre (kg/m3), in the 403 districts that account for 98% of the total production of food grains. The paper first finds the maximum yield function conditional on consumptive water use (CWU) and then explores the potential improvements in WP by: (a) bridging the gap between actual and maximum yield while keeping CWU constant; and (b) changing the maximum yield by adjusting the CWU using supplementary or deficit irrigation. Deficit irrigation in some areas may decrease yield but can increase production if land availability is not a constraint. A large potential exists for bridging the yield gap in irrigated areas with CWU between 300 and 475 mm. Of the 222 districts that fall under this category, a 50% reduction in yield gap alone could increase production by 100 million tonnes (Mt) without increasing CWU. Supplementary irrigation can increase yield and WP in rain‐fed and irrigated areas of 266 and 16 districts with CWU is below 300 mm. Deficit irrigation in irrigated areas of 185 districts with CWU above 475 mm could increase yield, WP and production. Decreasing CWU in irrigated areas with CWU between 425 and 475 mm reduces yield slightly, but if availability of land is not a constraint then the benefits due to water saving and production increases could exceed the cost.  相似文献   

The flow records of the Rivers Bure, Nar and Wensum in eastern England have been examined with the aim of identifying long-term changes in flow behaviour relating to variations in rainfall amount, land use, land drainage intensity and water resources use. In the study area, and since 1931, there is no evidence of long-term change in rainfall amount or distribution, on either an annual or seasonal basis. Despite changes in water resources use and catchment characteristics since the beginning of the century, such as the ending of water milling and increased land drainage and arable farming, rainfall-runoff modelling over the period 1964-1992 showed that the relationship between rainfall and runoff has remained essentially unchanged in the three study rivers. A catchment resource model used to 'naturalise' the historic flow records for the period 1971-1992 to account for the net effect of water supply abstractions and discharges revealed that mean river flows have been altered by surface water and groundwater abstractions, although the average losses to mean weekly flows due to net abstractions for all water uses was no greater than 3%. Greater losses occurred during drought periods as a result of increased consumptive use of water for spray irrigation and amounted to a maximum loss of 24% in the Nar catchment. In lowland areas such as eastern England that are prone to summer dry weather and periodic drought conditions, an integrated approach to river basin management, as advocated by the EU Framework Directive, is recommended for future management of surface and groundwater resources for public water supplies, river regulation purposes and industrial and agricultural demands.  相似文献   

Water reuse and pollutant removal efficiency analysis of the on-farm irrigation tanks (OFTs) was carried out in rice paddy field region of Zhanghe Irrigation District, Southern China through field experiments during the rice growing season of 2009–2011. Water flow measurements indicate that 20.6–68.9% of drainage water captured by OFTs was reused for supplemental irrigation. Rainfall was the most important factor that determines the water reuse efficiency (WRR) of OFTs, since higher rainfall resulted in higher surplus irrigation water draining out of OFTs without reuse, and thus decreased WRR. Fully using the storage capacity for storing return flow, and releasing totally for supplemental irrigation also enhanced WRR of OFTs. Water quality analysis shows that OFTs removed 47.2% of total phosphorous (TP) and 60.8% of total nitrogen (TN) of inflow and have a great effect on increasing sedimentation for return flow as the mean of removal efficiency of pollutant load (REL) for suspended solids (SS) amounted to 68.4%. For water treatment effectiveness of OFTs, high hydraulic retention time (HRT) is most beneficial to increase REL of TN whereas REL of TP is not sensitive to HRT. These results confirm that OFTs can effectively increase agricultural return flow reuse and remove pollutants. As the cascade OFTs irrigation system recycle return flow for several times, the irrigation water demand from outside of region was reduced significantly for rice production. Coupling with the effect of cyclic irrigation on the nutrients recycling by paddy fields, OFTs irrigation system also considerably mitigate the N and P off-site emission. Therefore, it is advisable to integrate the role of OFTs on water reuse and treatment for water saving irrigation and ecological management of paddy fields landscape.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Control of runoff (reducing infiltration) and erosion at shallow land burials is necessary in order to assure environmentally safe disposal of low-level radioactive-waste and other waste products. This study evaluated the runoff and erosion response of two perennial grass species on simulated waste burial covers at Idaho National Engineering and Environmental Laboratory (INEEL). Rainfall simulations were applied to three plots covered by crested wheatgrass [Agropyron desertorum(Fischer ex Link) Shultes], three plots covered by streambank wheatgrass [Elymus lanceolatus(Scribner and Smith) Gould spp. lanceolaus], and one bare plot. Average total runoff for rainfall simulations in 1987, 1989, and 1990 was 42 percent greater on streambank wheatgrass plots than on crested wheatgrass plots. Average total soil loss for rainfall simulations in 1987 and 1990 was 105 percent greater on streambank wheatgrass plots than on crested wheatgrass plots. Total runoff and soil loss from natural rainfall and snowmelt events during 1987 were 25 and 105 percent greater, respectively, on streambank wheatgrass plots than on crested wheatgrass plots. Thus, crested wheatgrass appears to be better suited in revegetation of waste burial covers at INEEL than streambank wheatgrass due to its much lower erosion rate and only slightly higher infiltration rate (lower runoff rate).  相似文献   

The widespread presence of trees in paddy fields is a unique feature of Northeast Thailand’s agricultural landscape. A survey of spatial variability in the density of trees in paddy fields in the Northeast Region was conducted utilizing high resolution satellite images and found that the mean density in the whole region was 12.1 trees/ha (varying from a high of 44.6 trees/ha to a low of 0.8 trees/ha). In general, tree densities are higher in the southeastern part of the region and much lower in the northern central part. Tree density was influenced by multiple factors including: (1) the history of land development, with more recently developed paddy fields having higher densities, (2) topography, with fields located at higher topographical positions having a higher mean density of trees, (3) access to natural forest resources, with fields in areas located close to natural forests having higher densities, (4) amount of annual rainfall, with fields in areas with higher average annual rainfall having higher tree densities, and (5) landholding size, with fields in areas with larger-sized landholdings having more trees. However, there is a considerable extent of co-variation among these factors. Although trees remain an important element of the paddy field landscape in the Northeast, it appears that their density has been declining in recent years. If this trend continues, then the vast “invisible forest” represented by trees in paddy fields may truly disappear, with negative consequences for the villagers’ livelihoods, biodiversity conservation, and carbon sequestration in the rural ecosystem.  相似文献   

Contamination by bacteria is a leading cause of impairment in U.S. waters, particularly in areas of livestock agriculture. We evaluated the effectiveness of several practices in reducing Escherichia coli levels in runoff from fields receiving liquid dairy (Bos taurus) manure. Runoff trials were conducted on replicated hay and silage corn (Zea mays L.) plots using simulated rainfall. Levels of E. coli in runoff were approximately 10(4) to 10(6) organisms per 100 mL, representing a significant pollution potential. Practices tested were: manure storage, delay between manure application and rainfall, manure incorporation by tillage, and increased hayland vegetation height. Storage of manure for 30 d or more consistently and dramatically lowered E. coli counts in our experiments, with longer storage providing greater reductions. Manure E. coli declined by > 99% after approximately 90 d of storage. On average, levels of E. coli in runoff were 97% lower from plots receiving 30-d-old and > 99% lower from plots receiving 90-d-old manure than from plots where fresh manure was applied. Runoff from hayland and cornland plots where manure was applied 3 d before rainfall contained approximately 50% fewer E. coli than did runoff from plots that received manure 1 d before rainfall. Hayland vegetation height alone did not significantly affect E. coli levels in runoff, but interactions with rainfall delay and manure age were observed. Manure incorporation alone did not significantly affect E. coli levels in cornland plot runoff, but incorporation could reduce bacteria export by reducing field runoff and interaction with rainfall delay was observed. Extended storage that avoids additions of fresh manure, combined with application several days before runoff, incorporation on tilled land, and higher vegetation on hayland at application could substantially reduce microorganism loading from agricultural land.  相似文献   

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