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Soil chemical constituents influence soil structure and erosion potential. We investigated manure and inorganic fertilizer applications on soil chemistry (carbon [C] quality and exchangeable cations), aggregation, and phosphorus (P) loss in overland flow. Surface samples (0-5 cm) of a Hagerstown (fine, mixed, semiactive, mesic Typic Hapludalf) soil, to which either dairy or poultry manure or triple superphosphate had been applied (0-200 kg P ha(-1) yr(-1) for 5 yr), were packed in boxes (1 m long, 0.15 m wide, and 0.10 m deep) to field bulk density (1.2 g cm(-3)). Rainfall was applied (65 mm h(-1)), overland flow collected, and sediment and P loss determined. All amendments increased Mehlich 3-extractable P (19-177 mg kg(-1)) and exchangeable Ca (4.2-11.5 cmol kg(-1)) compared with untreated soil. For all treatments, sediment transport was inversely related to the degree of soil aggregation (determined as ratio of dispersed and undispersed clay; r = 0.51), exchangeable Ca (r = 0.59), and hydrolyzable carbohydrate (r = 0.62). The loss of particulate P and total P in overland flow from soil treated with up to 50 kg P ha(-1) dairy manure (9.9 mg particulate phosphorus [PPI, 15.1 mg total phosphorus [TP]) was lower than untreated soil (13.3 mg PP, 18.1 mg TP), due to increased aggregation and decreased surface soil slaking attributed to added C in manure. Manure application at low rates (<50 kg P ha(-1)) imparts physical benefits to surface soil, which decrease P loss potential. However, at greater application rates, P transport is appreciably greater (26.9 mg PP, 29.5 mg TP) than from untreated soil (13.3 mg PP, 18.1 mg TP).  相似文献   

Many models of phosphorus (P) transfer at the catchment scale rely on input from generic databases including, amongst others, soil and land use maps. Spatially detailed geochemical data sets have the potential to improve the accuracy of the input parameters of catchment-scale nutrient transfer models. Furthermore, they enable the assessment of the utility of available, generic spatial data sets for the modeling and prediction of soil nutrient status and nutrient transfer at the catchment scale. This study aims to quantify the unique and joint contribution of soil and sediment properties, land cover, and point-source emissions to the spatial variation of P concentrations in soil, streambed sediments, and stream water at the scale of a medium-sized catchment. Soil parent material and soil chemical properties were identified as major factors controlling the catchment-scale spatial variation in soil total P and Olsen P concentrations. Soil type and land cover as derived from the generic spatial database explain 33.7% of the variation in soil total P concentrations and 17.4% of the variation in Olsen P concentrations. Streambed P concentrations are principally related to the major element concentrations in streambed sediment and P delivery from the hillslopes due to sediment erosion. During base flow conditions, the total phosphorus (<0.45 microm) concentrations in stream water are mainly controlled by the concentrations of P and the major elements in the streambed sediment.  相似文献   

Internal cycling of nutrients from the sediment and water column can be an important contribution to the total nutrient load of an aquatic ecosystem. Our objective was to estimate the internal nutrient loading of the Lower St. Johns River (LSJR). Dissolved reactive phosphorus (DRP) and ammonium (NH(4)-N) flux from sediments were measured under aerobic and anaerobic water column conditions using intact cores, to estimate the overall contribution of the sediments to P and N loading to the LSJR. The DRP flux under aerobic water column conditions averaged 0.13 mg m(-2) d(-1), approximately 37 times lower than that under anaerobic conditions (4.77 mg m(-2) d(-1)). The average NH(4)-N released from the anaerobic cores (18.03 mg m(-2) d(-1)) was also significantly greater than in the aerobic cores for all sites and seasons, indicating the strong relationship between nutrient fluxes and oxygen availability in the water column. The mean annual internal DRP load was estimated to be 330 metric tons (Mg) yr(-1), 21% of the total P load to the river, while the mean annual internal load of NH(4)-N was determined to be 2066 Mg yr(-1), 28% of the total N load to the LSJR estuary. As water resource managers reduce external loading to the LSJR the frequency of anaerobic events should decline, thereby reducing nutrient fluxes from the sediment to the water column, reducing the internal loading of DRP and NH(4)-N. Results from this study demonstrate that the internal flux of nutrients from sediments may be a significant portion of the total load and should be accounted for in the total nutrient budget of the river for successful restoration.  相似文献   

Attenuation of rainfall within the solum may help to move contaminants and nutrients into the soil to be better sequestered or utilized by crops. Surface application of phosphorus (P) amendments to grasslands may lead to elevated concentrations of P in surface runoff and eutrophication of surface waters. Aeration of grasslands has been proposed as a treatment to reduce losses of applied P. Here, results from two small-plot aeration studies and two field-scale, paired-watershed studies are supplemented with previously unpublished soil P data and synthesized. The overall objective of these studies was to determine the impact of aeration on soil P, runoff volume, and runoff P losses from mixed tall fescue [Lolium arundinaceum (Schreb.) Darbysh.]-bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) grasslands fertilized with P. Small-scale rainfall simulations were conducted on two soil taxa using three types of aeration implements: spikes, disks, and cores. The-field scale study was conducted on four soil taxa with slit and knife aeration. Small-plot studies showed that core aeration reduced loads of total P and dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff from plots fertilized with broiler litter and that aeration was effective in reducing P export when it increased soil P in the upper 5 cm. In the field-scale study, slit aeration reduced DRP losses by 35% in fields with well-drained soils but not in poorly drained soils. Flow-weighted concentrations of DRP in aerated fields were related to water-soluble P applied in amendments and soil test P in the upper 5 cm. These studies show that the overall effectiveness of mechanical soil aeration on runoff volume and P losses is controlled by the interaction of soil characteristics such as internal drainage and compaction, soil P, type of surface-applied manure, and type of aeration implement.  相似文献   

Conditions affecting the release of phosphorus from surface lake sediments   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Laboratory studies were conducted to determine the effect of pH and redox conditions, as well as the effect of Fe, Mn, Ca, Al, and organic matter, on the release of ortho-phosphates in lake sediments taken from Lakes Koronia and Volvi (Northern Greece). Results were evaluated in combination with experiments to determine P fractionation in the sediment. The study revealed the major effect of redox potential and pH on the release of P from lake sediments. Both lakes showed increased release rates under reductive conditions and high pH values. The fractionation experiments revealed increased mobility of the reductive P fraction as well as of the NaOH-P fraction, indicating participation of both fractions in the overall release of sediment-bound P, depending on the prevailing environmental conditions. The results were assessed in combination with the release patterns of Fe, Mn, Ca, Al, and organic matter, enabling the identification of more specific processes of P release for each lake. The basic release patterns included the redox induced reductive dissolution of P-bearing metal oxides and the competitive exchange of phosphate anions with OH- at high pH values. The formation of an oxidized surface microlayer under oxic conditions acted as a protective film, preventing further P release from the sediments of Lake Volvi, while sediments from Lake Koronia exhibited a continuous and increased tendency to release P under various physicochemical conditions, acting as a constant source of internal P loading.  相似文献   

Maintaining pasture ground cover is important in preventing environmental degradation of grasslands and associated riparian areas. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of ground cover on sediment and P export from pastured riparian areas under simulated rainfall events. Plots were established on two sites in the North Carolina Piedmont: a 10% slope with Appling sandy loam soils (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults) and a 20% slope with Wedowee sandy loam soils (fine, kaolinitic, thermic Typic Kanhapludults), both with mixed tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea Schreb.)-dallisgrass (Paspalum dilatatum Poir.) vegetation. Existing forage stands were modified to represent a range of ground cover levels: 0, 45, 70, and 95% (bare ground, low, medium, and high cover, respectively), and amended with beef steer (Bos taurus) feces and urine (about 10 kg P ha(-1)). Mean runoff volume from bare ground was generally twice that observed from low, medium, and high levels of cover, which were similar. For all rainfall events combined, export of dissolved reactive P was greatest (P < 0.1) at bare ground and was reduced 31% at low cover, which did not differ from medium or high cover. Mean total Kjeldahl P export was greater (P < 0.001) from bare ground than from other cover levels. Results indicate that riparian bare areas can contribute substantial sediment (>215 kg ha(-1)) and P (0.7 kg P ha(-1)) to surface waters during heavy rainfall, whereas export may be reduced equally well by low cover (45%) as by high cover.  相似文献   

External loading of phosphorus (P) from agricultural surface discharge (tailwater) is the main cause of excessive algae growth and the eutrophication of the Salton Sea, California. Continuous polyacrylamide (PAM) applications to agricultural irrigation water inflows were evaluated as a means of reducing sediment and P in tailwater. Zero (control) and 1 mg L(-1) PAM (PAM1) treatments were compared at 17 Imperial Valley field sites. Five and 10 mg L(-1) PAM treatments (PAM5, PAM10) were conducted at one site. The particulate phosphorus (Pp) fraction was determined as the difference between total phosphorus (Pt) and the soluble phosphorus (Ps) fraction. We observed 73, 82, and 98% turbidity reduction with PAM1, PAM5, and PAM10 treatments. Although eight field sites had control tailwater sediment concentrations above the New River total maximum daily loads (TMDL), all but one were made compliant during their paired PAM1 treatments. While PAM1 and PAM10 reduced tail water Pp by 31 and 78%, none of the treatments tested reduced Ps. This may have been caused by high irrigation water Na concentrations which would reduce Ca adsorption and Ca-phosphate bridging on the PAM. The PAM1 treatments resulted in <0.5 mg L(-1) drain water polyacrylamide concentrations 1.6 km downstream of PAM addition, while PAM5 and PAM10 treatments produced > 2 mg L(-1) drain water polyacrylamide concentrations. We concluded that, although PAM practically eliminates Imperial Valley tailwater sediment loads, it does not effectively reduce tailwater Ps, the P fraction most responsible for the eutrophication of the Salton Sea.  相似文献   

In this paper we employ a stated preference environmental valuation technique, namely the choice experiment method, to estimate local public’s willingness to pay (WTP) for improvements in the capacity and technology of a sewage treatment plant (STP) in Chandernagore municipality, located on the banks of the River Ganga in India. A pilot choice experiment study is administered to 150 randomly selected Chandernagore residents and the data are analysed using the conditional logit model with interactions. The results reveal that residents of this municipality are willing to pay significant amounts in terms of higher monthly municipality taxes to ensure the full capacity of the STP is used for primary treatment and the technology is upgraded to enable secondary treatment. Overall, the results reported in this paper support increased investments to improve the capacity and technology of STPs to reduce water pollution, and hence environmental and health risks that are currently threatening the sustainability of the economic, cultural and religious values this sacred river generates.  相似文献   

Spring flooding of the Red River of the North (RR) is common, but little information exits on how these flood events affect water and overbank sediment quality within an urban area. With the threat of the spring 2009 flood in the RR predicted to be the largest in recorded history and the concerns about the flooding of farmsteads, outbuildings, garages, and basements, the objectives of this study, which focused on Fargo, ND, and Moorhead, MN, were to assess floodwater quality and to determine the quantity and quality of overbank sediment deposited after floodwaters recede and the quality of soil underlying sediment deposits. 17β-Estradiol was detected in 9 of 24 water samples, with an average concentration of 0.61 ng L. Diesel-range organics were detected in 8 of 24 samples, with an average concentration of 80.0 μg L. The deposition of sediment across locations and transects ranged from 2 to 10 kg m, and the greatest mass deposition of chemicals was closest to the river channel. No gasoline-range organics were detected, but diesel-range organics were detected in 26 of the 27 overbank sediment samples (maximum concentration, 49.2 mg kg). All trace elements detected in the overbank sediments were within ranges for noncontaminated sites. Although flooding has economic, social, and environmental impacts, based on the results of this study, it does not appear that flooding in the RR in F-M led to decreased quality of water, sediment, or soil compared with normal river flows or resident soil.  相似文献   

Sediments can be both a source and a sink of dissolved phosphorus (P) in surface water and shallow groundwater. Using laboratory mesocosms, we studied the influence of flooding with deionized water and simulated river water on P release to solution using sediment columns taken from a riparian wetland. The mesocosm incubation results showed that rather than retaining nutrients, sediments in the riparian zone may be a significant source of P. Concentrations of dissolved P in porewater reached more than 3 mg L(-1) and in surface water over 0.8 mg L(-1) within a month of sediment inundation. The reductive dissolution of P-bearing iron (Fe) oxides was the likely mechanism responsible for P release. Dissolved P to Fe molar ratios in anaerobic samples were approximately 0.45 when columns were flooded with water that simulated the chemistry of the adjacent river. This suggests there was insufficient Fe in the anaerobic samples to precipitate all P if the solutions were oxygenated or transported to an aerobic environment. If the anaerobic wetland solutions were delivered to oxygenated rivers and streams adjacent to the riparian zone, the equilibrium concentration of P in these systems could rise. The timing of P release was inversely related to the nitrate (NO3-) concentration in floodwater. This indicates that in riparian zones receiving low nitrate loads, or where NO3- loads are being progressively reduced, the risk of dissolved P release may increase. These findings present particular challenges for restoration and management in riparian areas.  相似文献   

Managing manure in no-till systems is a water quality concern because surface application of manure can enrich runoff with dissolved phosphorus (P), and incorporation by tillage increases particulate P loss. This study compared runoff from well-drained and somewhat poorly drained soils under corn (Zea mays, L.) production that had been in no-till for more than 10 yr. Dairy cattle (Bos taurus L.) manure was broadcast into a fall planted cover crop before no-till corn planting or incorporated by chisel/disk tillage in the absence of a cover crop. Rainfall simulations (60 mm h(-1)) were performed after planting, mid-season, and post-harvest in 2007 and 2008. In both years and on both soils, no-till yielded significantly less sediment than did chisel/disking. Relative effects of tillage on runoff and P loss differed with soil. On the well-drained soil, runoff depths from no-till were much lower than with chisel/disking, producing significantly lower total P loads (22-50% less). On the somewhat poorly drained soil, there was little to no reduction in runoff depth with no-till, and total P loads were significantly greater than with chisel/disking (40-47% greater). Particulate P losses outweighed dissolved P losses as the major concern on the well-drained soil, whereas dissolved P from surface applied manure was more important on the somewhat poorly drained soil. This study confirms the benefit of no-till to erosion and total P runoff control on well-drained soils but highlights trade-offs in no-till management on somewhat poorly drained soils where the absence of manure incorporation can exacerbate total P losses.  相似文献   

An inventory survey conducted to determine pesticide usage in a sub-catchment of the Nzoia sugarcane belt found a variety of pesticides used in the sub-catchment, which are reported in this paper. Analysis of soil samples from seven fallow experimental field plots left uncultivated for various periods from 3 to 96?months after cultivation with pesticide application indicated persistence of high concentrations of pesticide residues in the soil, with estimated soil half-lives (in years) ranging from 0.72 to 57.75 for organochlorines and from 1.13 to 8.25 for herbicides. The mean water concentrations (in ??g/L) of the pesticide residues in River Kuywa, which flows through the Nzoia Nucleus Estate sugarcane farms, ranged from 0.12 (lindane) to 1.36 (p,p??-DDT) for organochlorines and from 0.14 (atrazine) to 1.75 (diuron) for herbicides during the heavy rains period in August 2008 while the mean sediment concentrations (in ??g/g) ranged from 0.28 (lindane) to 1.87 (endrin) for organochlorines and 0.39 (hexazinone) to 4.61 (alachlor) for herbicides. The mean concentrations of residues in water during the light rain period in December 2008 ranged from 0.17 (p,p??-DDT) to 0.71 (aldrin) for organochlorines and 0.01 (atrazine) to 1.74 (alachlor) for herbicides while the sediment concentrations ranged from 0.38 (p,p??-DDT) to 1.145 (aldrin) for organochlorines and 0.74 (atrazine) to 1.98 (alachlor) for herbicides. Although DDT, aldrin, dieldrin, and endrin were not reported in the survey, their presence in the fallow experimental field plot soils and in River Kuywa water and sediment could indicate previous application, lack of recorded data or illegal usage since 1997 when they were banned. Notably, the concentrations of alachlor, diuron, cypermethrin, and hexazinone in the water column were substantial indicating their extensive usage and residual persistence in the sub-catchment, with subsequent wash-off and leaching into River Kuywa. The concentration levels of some of the individual pesticides exceeded the EU limit requirements for drinking water and indicated potential risk to humans and cattle if the water is used without treatment.  相似文献   

Erosion and runoff from pastures may lead to degradation of surface water. A 2-yr grazing study was conducted to quantify the effects of grazing management on sediment, phosphorus (P), and pathogen loading of streams in cool-season grass pastures. Six adjoining 12.1-ha pastures bisected by a stream in central Iowa were divided into three treatments: continuous stocking with unrestricted stream access (CSU), continuous stocking with restricted stream access (CSR), and rotational stocking (RS). Rainfall simulations on stream banks resulted in greater ( < 0.10) proportions of applied precipitation and amounts of sediment and P transported in runoff from bare sites than from vegetated sites across grazing treatments. Similar differences were observed comparing vegetated sites in CSU and RS pastures with vegetated sites in CSR pastures. Bovine enterovirus was shed by an average of 24.3% of cows during the study period and was collected in the runoff of 8.3 and 16.7% of runoff simulations on bare sites in CSU pastures in June and October of 2008, respectively, and from 8.3% of runoff simulations on vegetated sites in CSU pastures in April 2009. Fecal pathogens (bovine coronavirus [BCV], bovine rotavirus group A, and O157:H7) shed or detected in runoff were almost nonexistent; only BCV was detected in feces of one cow in August of 2008. Erosion of cut-banks was the greatest contributor of sediment and P loading to the stream; contributions from surface runoff and grazing animals were considerably less and were minimized by grazing management practices that reduced congregation of cattle by pasture streams.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) leaching losses from manure applications may be of concern when artificial drainage systems allow for hydrologic short-cuts to surface waters. This study quantified P leaching losses from liquid manure applications on two soil textural extremes, a clay loam and loamy sand soil, as affected by cropping system and timing of application. For each soil type, manure was applied at an annual rate of 93 800 L ha(-1) on replicated drained plots under maize (Zea mays L.) in early fall, late fall, early spring, and as a split application in early and late spring. Manure was applied on orchardgrass (Dactylis glomerata L.) in split applications in early fall and late spring, and early and late spring. Drain water was sampled at least weekly when lines were flowing, and outflow rate and total P content were determined. High P leaching losses were measured in the clay loam as soon as drain lines initiated flow after manure application. Flow-weighted mean P leaching losses on clay loam plots averaged 39 times higher (0.504 mg L(-1)) than those on loamy sand plots (0.013 mg L(-1)), and were above the USEPA level of concern of 0.1 mg L(-1). Phosphorus losses varied among application seasons on the clay loam soil, with highest losses generally measured for early fall applications. Phosphorus leaching patterns in clay loam showed short-term spikes and high losses were associated with high drain outflow rates, suggesting preferential flow as the main transport mechanism. Phosphorus leaching from manure applications on loamy sand soils does not pose environmental concerns as long as soil P levels remain below the saturation level.  相似文献   

Land application of animal manures and fertilizers has resulted in an increased potential for excessive P losses in runoff to nutrient-sensitive surface waters. The purpose of this research was to measure P losses in runoff from a bare Piedmont soil in the southeastern United States receiving broiler litter or inorganic P fertilizer either incorporated or surface-applied at varying P application rates (inorganic P, 0-110 kg P ha(-1); broiler litter, 0-82 kg P ha(-1)). Rainfall simulation was applied at a rate of 76 mm h(-1). Runoff samples were collected at 5-min intervals for 30 min and analyzed for reactive phosphorus (RP), algal-available phosphorus (AAP), and total phosphorus (TP). Incorporation of both P sources resulted in P losses not significantly different than the unfertilized control at all application rates. Incorporation of broiler litter decreased flow-weighted concentration of RP in runoff by 97% and mass loss of TP in runoff by 88% compared with surface application. Surface application of broiler litter resulted in runoff containing between 2.3 and 21.8 mg RP L(-1) for application rates of 8 to 82 kg P ha(-1), respectively. Mass loss of TP in runoff from surface-applied broiler litter ranged from 1.3 to 8.5 kg P ha(-1) over the same application rates. Flow-weighted concentrations of RP and mass losses of TP in runoff were not related to application rate when inorganic P fertilizer was applied to the soil surface. Results for this study can be used by P loss assessment tools to fine-tune P source, application rate, and application method site factors, and to estimate extreme-case P loss from cropland receiving broiler litter and inorganic P fertilizers.  相似文献   

Received for publication December 22, 2004. Research was initiated to study the interaction between soil amendments (lime, gypsum, and ferrous sulfate) and dissolved molybdate reactive phosphorus [RP(<0.45)] losses from manure applications from concentrated runoff flow through a sod surface. Four run-over boxes (2.2-m2 surface area) were prepared for each treatment with a bermudagrass [Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.] sod surface (using sod blocks) and composted dairy manure was surface-applied at rates of 0, 4.5, 9, or 13.5 Mg ha-1. The three soil amendments were then applied to the boxes. Two 30-min runoff events were conducted and runoff water was collected at 10-min intervals and analyzed for RP(<0.45). Results indicated that the addition of ferrous sulfate was very effective at reducing the level of RP(<0.45). in runoff water, reducing RP(<0.45) from 1.3 mg L(-1) for the highest compost rate with no amendment to 0.2 mg L(-1) for the ferrous sulfate in the first 10 min of runoff. Lime and gypsum showed a small impact on reducing RP(<0.45), with a reduction in the first 10 min to 0.9 and 0.8 mg L(-1), respectively. The ferrous sulfate reduced the RP(<0.45) in the tank at the end of the first runoff event by 66.3% compared with no amendment. In the second runoff event, the ferrous sulfate was very effective at reducing RP(<0.45) in runoff, with no significant differences in RP(<0.45) with application of 13.5 Mg ha(-1) compost compared with no manure application. The results indicate that the addition of ferrous sulfate may greatly reduce RP(<0.45) losses in runoff and has considerable potential to be used on pasture, turfgrass, and filter strips to reduce the initial RP(<0.45) losses from manure application to the environment.  相似文献   

Manure application can lead to excessive soil test P levels in surface soil, which can contribute to increased P concentration in runoff. However, manure application often results in reduced runoff and sediment loss. Research was conducted to determine the residual effects of previously applied compost, plowing of soil with excessive soil test P, and application of additional compost after plowing on volume of runoff and loss of sediment and P in runoff. The research was conducted in 2004 and 2005 under natural rainfall events with plots of 11-m length where low-P and high-P compost had been applied during April 1998 to January 2001. During this initial application period, Bray-P1 in the surface 5-cm of depth was increased from 14 to 553 mg kg(-1) for the high-P compost. Inversion plowing in the spring of 2004 greatly decreased P levels in the surface soil and over the following year reduced runoff by 35% and total P losses by 51% compared with the unplowed compost treatments. Sediment loss was increased with plowing compared with the unplowed compost applied treatments but less than with the no-compost treatment. The application of additional compost after plowing increased surface soil P and dissolved reactive P (DRP) in runoff but did not increase particulate P in runoff. Unplowed compost-amended soil continued to reduce sediment loss but exhibited increased DRP loss even 5 yr after the last application. Plowing to invert excessively high-P surface soil was effective in reducing runoff and DRP loss.  相似文献   

In the present communication habitat ecology, species diversity; distribution and different indices of fish biodiversity management were studied in a Central India river (River Betwa, a tributary of River Ganga basin approved under India’s first river linking plan). Correlation between fish species richness with the hydrological attributes showed good relationship and water depth, dissolved oxygen and pH were found the most important variables in shaping fish assemblage. Altogether, sixty-three fish species belonging to 20 families and 45 genera were collected from five sampling stations spread along the upstream, mid stream and lower streams. Cyprinids were the most dominated group represented by 26 species belonging to 15 genera, followed by Bagridae (6 species from 3 genera), and Schilbeidae (4 species from 4 genera). The distribution of fish showed interesting pattern and about 10% species were common to all the sites showing long migration range. Shannon-Weiner diversity index showed considerable variation and ranged from 1.89 to 3.51. Out of 63 species status of 10 species were not known due to data deficit, 29 categorized as lower risk, 14 as vulnerable, 8 as endangered, while the remaining two species were introduced. Our study shows that the River supports considerable diversity of the fishes and is important for conservation and about 34% fish fauna is threatened being either vulnerable or endangered. We assessed that the river supports considerable percentage of food fish (89.47), ornamental fish (49.12%) and sport fish (5.26%). Among the eight major types of fish habitats identified along the entire stretch of river, open river, shallow water and deep pools were habitats contributing maximum diversity. Fish species richness (FSR) were significantly different (P < 0.05) in all the habitats except channel confluence and scour pool. Trophic niche model may be useful for assessing altered as well as less altered fish habitat of the tropical rivers. Since this river will be interlinked in near future, this study would be useful for conservation planning and management and also for future assessment after interlinking. Issues related to various threats to aquatic environment and conservation management strategies have been discussed.  相似文献   

Summary The water qualities of the River Ganga (The Ganges) over a short stretch from Swarupganj to Barrackpore (in West Bengal) have been determined and are compared with the values reported by the National Environmental Engineering Research Institute of India for the periods 1972–74 and 1979–80. The water quality is generally bad, but not at such alarming levels as previously determined by other agencies. Biochemical and chemical oxygen demand (BOD and COD) levels are high but within tolerable limits. Dissolved oxygen (DO) levels are are fairly high, indicating a reasonable self-purifying capability for the River Ganga. However, nutrient loads containing N and P have increased enormously in recent years.  相似文献   

This paper presents a process for estimating pollutant loads from water quality data, to improve catchment-scale modelling in the region for resource management purposes. It describes a program to estimate suspended sediment, total and dissolved nitrogen and phosphorus loads to the Tuross estuary from the Tuross River catchment (1810 km(2)) of coastal southeast Australia. Event-based water quality sampling results obtained during storm events in 2005 are presented. Event 1, during July 2005 was the largest storm event in terms of peak flow for 3.5 years. Other events monitored were also in July, November and December 2005. The early July 2005 event had a flow-weighted mean suspended sediment (SS) concentration during the first 4 days of 63 mg L(-1). Of the events monitored, this was unusual as it was preceded by drought and had the largest SS concentrations (peaking at 180 mg L(-1)) during the rising-stage. In contrast, the November event had a much lower flow-weighted SS mean (28 mg L(-1)), even though peak flow magnitudes were similar. The July and November 2005 events had peak flows of 12,360 and 11,330 ML day(-1). Low-cost rising-stage siphon samplers were used to collect samples during the rapidly rising phase of these events. The use of such samplers and consideration of time-lead/lag flow adjustments, quantified using cross-correlation analysis to account for hysteresis effects, were incorporated into the load estimation techniques. The technique is a potentially useful approach for understanding relationships between water quality concentrations and flow for modelling catchment source strengths and transport processes.  相似文献   

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