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正钢铁有色工业是规模庞大的基础性产业,同时也是高耗水行业。多年来,为适应我国严重缺水的国情,通过干法除尘、多级串级供水等诸多节水技术及策略,取得了显著的节水效果。但是,作为高耗水和长产业链的行业,在诸多工序仍存在着耗水多、回用不足的突出问题,在工艺节水、水替代、废水处理等方面还存在着关键技术难题,阻碍着行业耗水的进一步降低,与我国严重缺水的国情用水要求之间的矛盾还很突出。  相似文献   

李明玉  曹俊萍 《青海环境》2010,20(3):149-150
文章就在湟源县推广农村抗旱节水技术的意义、存在问题、主要内容和方法进行了探讨,建议在湟源县不断增强农民群众的抗旱节水意识,增加投入改善抗旱节水设施,大力推广抗旱节水技术,提高抗旱节水能力。  相似文献   

食物生产不仅依赖水资源,同时产生大量二氧化碳排放,这种资源环境影响存在于食物系统整个产业链。为促进食物系统节水降碳,本文构建了包含5大类共23种具体食物部门的混合生命周期评价模型,对各类食物系统的完全水资源消耗和二氧化碳排放进行了核算与比较。结果表明:①不同食物的水资源消耗和二氧化碳排放差异明显,动物性食物的平均水资源消耗和二氧化碳排放强度分别为植物性食物的1.9 ~ 15.0倍和1.9 ~ 2.7倍;②食物系统直接和间接水资源消耗占比较为接近,但二氧化碳排放主要源自上游产业链的间接排放,占比高达80.9%;③食物系统间接水资源消耗主要来自农业部门,而间接碳排放主要来自电力生产和供应业、基础化工原料制造业、非金属矿产品行业和交通运输业;④从营养元素供给看,动物性食物提供蛋白质和脂肪的资源环境影响高于植物性食物,蔬菜和主食分别在提供维生素C和碳水化合物上具有最小的环境成本。基于本文结果,食物系统节水应主要提高生产环节用水效率,而降碳则主要依靠上游产业减排,特别是发电和化肥生产等行业的协同节水减碳潜力。同时,本文结果也可为未来基于环境影响制定膳食指南提供数据支撑。  相似文献   

综述了2011年我国袋式除尘行业的发展概况;介绍了袋式除尘行业的生产经营状况、技术进展情况以及主要企业的经营和发展情况;详细分析了袋式除尘技术在各行业的应用前景;对袋式除尘行业在发展中存在的主要问题提出了对策和建议,并对行业的发展进行了展望。  相似文献   

番茄酱加工业用水存在的问题及节水措施分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
番茄酱加工业是用水量较大的行业,平均每生产1t番茄酱需要18m3~40m3新鲜水,同时存在一些用水浪费的问题,节水潜力较大,在该行业实施一系列的节水措施可以显著提高水资源利用率,减少新鲜水用量,减轻对受水资源制约的新疆脆弱的生态环境的影响,为新疆的可持续发展做出积极的贡献。  相似文献   

做好节水和水资源综合利用工作实现公司的可持续性发展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
近年来,我国一些地方发生水荒和水资源污染问题,我国可利用的水资源日益紧缺,因此造成了日渐严重的沙漠化和水土流失问题,水已经成为制约国民经济发展和影响人民群众生活的重要问题。因此党和国家把水作为国家安全的重要战略资源。水越来越成为全民关注的焦点。 前不久,国家经贸委等六部委联合下发了在工业企业开展节水工作的通知。最近,国家经贸委专门召开了全国节水和节油工作会议,对全国工业企业开展节水工作进行了部署,对各工业企业提出了具体的耗水限额指标,明确了今后的节水目标。中国石油天然气股份有限公司化工与销售分公…  相似文献   

西北干旱区发展节水农业保障体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
水资源短缺已成为西北干旱区严重的制约因素之一.实施节水型农业模式,成为促进西北干旱区农业持续发展、生态环境保护乃至整个社会经济发展的必要选择.结合西北干旱区水资源开发利用的现状和节水农业发展中存在的主要问题,构建了西北干旱区节水型农业发展的保障体系:加强宣传培训,提高节水农业意识;制定科学规划,促进农业持续发展;构建完整体系,支持节水农业发展;健全法律制度,保障节水农业发展.  相似文献   

污泥处理处置业是环保产业的一个重要组成部分。文章阐述了广东省污泥处理处置业的发展现状及主要进展,分析了该行业发展的制约因素和污泥处理处置各主要技术应用的优缺点,提出了促进该行业发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

为改善流域水环境质量,在加强工业污染末端治理的同时,必须推行清洁生产,注重污染预防,从源头和全过程减少工业污染物的产生。课题针对辽河流域石化行业清洁生产水平制约流域水污染控制成效的现状,提出流域石化行业工业集聚区水污染源头减量与过程控制的技术思路和整体方案;通过石化行业工业集聚区清洁生产的发展模式和技术集成研究与示范,突破石化行业流域节水减排和水循环利用清洁生产关键技术,构建流域石化行业清洁生产技术支撑体系,有效促进辽河流域水体污染控制目标的实现。  相似文献   

为了解工业总产值与污染物排放量的关系,明确各工业行业的发展质量,以2005~2014年各行业工业总产值和SO_2排放量为数据源,首次提出污染物排放强度指数IEII,运用数理统计方法进行排放强度的横向SO_2排放强度分析和纵向各行业SO_2排放趋势及高排放行业组成分析。结果表明:表明高SO_2排放强度行业具有高经济总量、高污染物排放总量,高污染物排放强度的特点;工业各行业排放强度趋势分为下降、先降后升和波动三种类型的趋势;高排放强度行业组成较为稳定,主要集中在造纸业、电力热力行业、非金属矿物业等3个行业。SO_2排放强度因各工业行业而异,实施分区域、分行业差别化总量控制要求更为客观有效。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Increasing costs and competition for water have resulted in pressure to manage urban water demand through conservation programs. Metering, pricing, devices, restrictions, building code changes, and horticultural practices have all been effective in reducing average residential water use. Some conservation means are specifically aimed at reducing peak demands but these usually reduce average usage as well. Combined programs of conservation can be expected to reduce urban demand by as much as 25–30 percent over the long term. Restrictions can reduce water usage on the short term even further. The success of conservation programs is as dependent on the effectiveness of public education and information dissemination as on the conservation practices themselves.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: In addition to offsetting water supply shortages, water conservation is recognized as serving many purposes, ranging from reduced energy consumption to lower capital costs. Since the discussion of these benefits has been a recent development and has generally excluded local water supply managers, a question arises as to whether supply managers are implementing conservation programs to exploit these benefits. A survey of the managers at 35 Maryland water utilities provides insight into the prevailing attitude toward conservation in a water rich eastern state. The results indicate that most managers continue to view conservation only as a short term response to temporary supply shortages. Only 12 Maryland utilities have undertaken any form of water conservation activity and just two systems have ongoing, comprehensive conservation programs. Institutional, perceptual, economic, political, and time constraints all contribute to the managers’attitudes and general inaction. If water conservation is to be widely practiced, these issues must be addressed and the benefits attributed to conservation must be better documented and articulated to supply managers.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Growers in California used several energy and water conservation strategies in response to the drought conditions of 1976 and 1977. The strategies included an increased use of ground water, in creased irrigation efficiencies, and shifts in cropping patterns. Drought-related losses to irrigated agriculture were minimized as a result of these modifications. Some future problems may have been created, however, by obtaining the needed water supplies for 1976–77. These problems include the effects of extensive water pumping on ground water reservoirs and ground subsidence. In addition, reduced water application by less frequent irrigation and changes in irrigation methods may affect the total salt balance for future years. Several conservation strategies that have some potential application in California were identified as: maintaining and augmenting surface water supply, increasing power use efficiencies, and improving irrigation efficiencies. Electricity savings associated with water conservation have been estimated as high as 25 percent. Specific near term actions suggested for facilitating conservation included: an expanded irrigation management system, efficient water deliveries, and a continued effort on the part of the individual growers to use resources during periods of normal rainfall as they were used under drought conditions.  相似文献   

自水保法颁布实施以来,秦皇岛市的水土保持工作取得了巨大成效;全市共出台县级以上水土保持规范性文件15个;工程建设力度不断加大,综合治理水土流失面积1 619 km2;宣传教育活动深入开展,人们的水保意识普遍增强。然而,在新形势下还存在着宣传不到位、投入不足、治理思路老化、重治理轻预防、执法队伍素质低等诸多问题。因此,针对我市目前水土保持工作存在的问题,提出六项保证措施,推进水土保持工作健康发展。  相似文献   

浅谈开发建设项目水土保持方案的编制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
依据有关水土保持法律法规和技术规范,简明阐述了开发建设项目水土保持方案编制的有关规定和水土保持方案的主要工作内容,旨在宣传水保法规、推动我区水土保持,尤其是开发建设项目水土保持方案工作,为提高社会各界水土保持意识提供信息  相似文献   

本文应用多层次、二型Fuzzy综台评判方法,对祁连山水源涵养林区的青海云杉林、祁连圆柏林、灌木林和牧坡草地4个不同植被类型进行了森林水文效应的多因子综合评判。结果表明:青海云杉林是该林区涵养水源效应最佳的林型,祁连圆柏林和灌木林次之,牧坡草地不仅蓄水能力差,且有水土流失发生;并提出了各植被类型合理经营的对策,为祁连山水源涵养林的保护、发展和综合利用提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Water pollution through loss of topsoil from farmland continues to be a major problem, despite nearly 50 years of providing farmers technical and financial assistance for soil and water conservation. The technology for controlling erosion and water pollution is available, but farmers have been slow in implementing control practices. Past research has shown that farmers tend to be unaware of the seriousness of the erosion problem on their own operations. Using a random sample of farmers from central Iowa, the relationship is examined between awareness of a soil erosion problem and the use of conservation tillage. Results indicate that awareness of a soil erosion problem effects the use of conservation tillage, and that awareness can be enhanced by experiential educational strategies such as the development and implementation of a soil and water conservation plan.  相似文献   

Xu XZ  Li MJ  Liu B  Kuang SF  Xu SG 《Environmental management》2012,49(5):1092-1101
A large number of soil and water conservation programs have been implemented on the Loess Plateau of China since the 1950s. To comprehensively assess the merits and demerits of the conservation practices is of great importance in further supervising the conservation strategy for the Loess Plateau. This study calculates the impact factors of conservation practices on soil, water, and nutrients during the period 1954–2004 in the Nanxiaohegou Catchment, a representative catchment in the Loess Mesa Ravine Region of the Loess Plateau, China. Brief conclusions could be drawn as follows: (1) Soil erosion and nutrient loss had been greatly mitigated through various conservation practices. About half of the total transported water and 94.8 % of the total transported soil and nutrients, had been locally retained in the selected catchment. The soil retained from small watersheds do not only form large-scale fertile farmland but also safeguard the Yellow River against overflow. (2) Check dam was the most appropriate conservation practice on the Loess Plateau. In the selected catchment, more than 90 % of the retained soil and water were accomplished by the dam farmland, although the dam farmland occupied only 2.3 % of the total area of all conservation measures. Retention abilities of the characteristic conservation practices were in the following order: dam farmland > terrace farmland > forest land and grassland. (3) The conservation practices were more powerful in retaining sediment than in reducing runoff from the Loess Plateau, and the negative effects of the conservation practices on reducing water to the Yellow River were relatively slight.  相似文献   

沱江流域综合整治规划   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
施为光 《四川环境》1996,15(3):67-71
本文首先在描述了沱江流域的水质问题,沱江干流的几个主要水质指标与10年前相比呈继续恶化的趋势,于流的水污染仍未得到控制,工业点源污染和流域非点源是造成流域水污染的主要原因,沱江流域水环境潜在问题陆生生态恶化和水资源贫乏两大难题,文章提出了工业污染源控制,修建城市污水厂,增加枯水流量和提高森林覆盖率等综合防治措施。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Water providers nationwide are implementing nonprice conservation measures such as education, public information, appliance retrofit and ordinances, with the expectation that these programs will reduce residential water demand. However, little empirical information exists on the effectiveness of nonprice conservation programs in reducing water demand. Previous econometric studies indicate these programs have had minimal impact. We examine the types and number of major nonprice conservation programs that have been implemented during an 11-year period in seven cities in the southwestern United States. A cross sectional, monthly time series residential water demand model, with parameters to control for variation in prices, temperature, precipitation and other factors, was used to empirically investigate the effectiveness of nonprice conservation programs in reducing water demand. We found significant reductions in use ranging between 1.1 percent and 4.0 percent per program. Because of the lack of information, we were unable to distinguish the effectiveness of individual or specific types of programs. Beyond finding that nonprice programs can be effective in reducing demand, questions regarding the efficiency and benefits to be achieved by conservation remain. As a step towards separating and evaluating the effects of individual programs, program benefits and efficiency, we recommend that utilities maintain more detailed and consistent information regarding the implementation of their nonprice programs.  相似文献   

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