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本文围绕以手机为主的电子类生活垃圾回收环节,基于EPR电子生活垃圾回收实验及目前电子类生活垃圾的回收激励政策和效果,运用典型相关分析方法确定激励政策及政策效果的主要影响变量,研究以手机为主的电子类生活垃圾回收的激励政策与政策效果之间的关系,强化电子类生活垃圾回收的政策措施,扩大政策效果,促进资源的回收及再利用。本文设定的回收激励政策包括政府对废旧手机回收率的最低要求、优惠力度以及获得高优惠的最低回收率要求,政策效果包括废旧手机实际回收率、销售市场营业额以及生产者补贴总额等方面。研究结果表明,电子类生活垃圾回收激励政策与政策效果之间存在着显著的相关关系,其中,获得高优惠的最低回收率对废旧手机实际回收率有显著抑制作用,废旧手机回收率的最低要求对销售市场营业额有显著抑制作用。本文在此基础上给出了政策建议。  相似文献   

美国的一个智囊团——世界动向研究所最近发表了关于世界再生利用现状的总结报告。根据这个报告,在废旧纸张的回收利用方面,日本占世界第一位,旧纸回收率达45%,荷兰居第二位,回收率为43%,也就是说:这两个国家现在所使用的纸,约有将近一半是回收再生纸。日本对废旧纸张的大力回收使垃圾抛弃量减少了40%。可见,废旧纸张的回收再生一方面大大减少了垃圾的清运、处理费用,另一方面又可节省大量的造纸原料,从而减少  相似文献   

堆积如山的废旧手机随着手机逐渐成为一个时髦的玩意儿,加上技术的更新和进步越来越快,手机的更新换代不断加速,而旧手机的报废速度也越来越迅速。据估计,欧洲每年报废的旧手机超过一个亿,旧手机的回收和再利用令手机制造商们感到压力很大。消费者亦更倾向于购买更加环保的手机产品。  相似文献   

随着产品更新换代的加快,废弃电子信息产品携带的有毒有害金属,造成了越来越突出的环境问题。调查显示,废旧电视机显像管和计算机显示器是易爆炸性的废弃物;彩管玻璃、印刷电路板上的焊锡以及塑料等都含有有毒物质;计算机含有700多种化学原料,其中50%对人体有害。此外,废旧家电、手机、废旧电池等正在污染着环境、危害着人们的健康,而且新的生产又在消耗着有限的资源。为此,我国将建立电子废弃物回收再利用产业试验基地。  相似文献   

人类社会发展到今天,创造了前所未有的文明,同时也带来了一系列环境问题。诸如废电脑、废家电、废通讯工具等废弃“电子垃圾”以及制造这砦电器过程中产生的各类废弃物占用着大量资源,对这蝼废旧电子器件和电子材料的不合理处置和回收会给环境造成极大污染。因此,广泛开展有关废旧电器和各类废旧电子材料回收利用方面的研究,使这些宝贵的二次资源得到科学合理的资源化和无害化处置,对保证人类所需生产和生活资源的永续利用,促进人类的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章结合废旧电器回收利用进行了探讨。  相似文献   

废旧轮胎再利用在废旧高分子材料中,除数量上占首位的废旧塑料外,其次就是废橡胶制品,而废旧轮胎就占居废橡胶制品的60%以上。这些轮胎几乎2年―3年即报废,每年报废轮胎近2亿条。值得注意的是,它们的产量逐年递增,废弃物也一年比一年多,如不能及时回收利用,废旧轮胎的数量将是相当庞大的。若不行之有效地解决这类“黑色污染”,迟早会出现“黑色恐怖”。如何搞好废旧轮胎的回收再利用,一直是世界各国科学家关注的研究课题,我国政府已将废弃物综合利用列入《当前国家重点发展的产业目录》,曾多次对废旧轮胎的综合利用提出攻…  相似文献   

选取新疆经济发展最快的乌昌地区为靶区,以现场调查资料为基础,根据国内外废旧轮胎回收利用发展变化特点,对该区域的废旧轮胎现状进行了统计分析,并对乌昌地区废旧轮胎的产生量进行了预测。通过对乌昌地区废旧轮胎回收市场特点的调查研究,指出了乌昌地区废旧轮胎回收市场目前存在的问题,提出了相应的建议和措施。  相似文献   

加强废旧家电回收利用与污染防范   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文论述了废旧家电回收利用与污染防范的重要性,并提出了建议。  相似文献   

本文在分析废线路板产生现状及成分组成的基础上,介绍了我国目前废线路板的主要处置工艺和回收利用现状,特别针对目前废旧线路板资源回收过程中对非金属材料重视不够的问题,提出了非金属材料回收利用的工艺设想,并对废线路板中非金属材料的利用前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

本文分析了废旧手机污染严重,但难以回收的现状,提出用押金制度解决这一难题,并着重就手机押金制度的实施环节、实施范围及押金数额等问题进行了探讨,提出了一些可推进和保障押金制度顺利实施的建议.  相似文献   

作为“城市矿产”的典型代表,废弃手机因其废弃数量大、稀贵金属品位高等特性而备受关注,但在推进废弃手机回收过程中存在诸多问题。本文以推动产业发展为立足点,梳理了影响废弃手机回收的两级制衡要素,通过构建GREY-DEMATEL模型,定量评估各要素对废弃手机回收的影响程度并确定优先等级。其中,完善废弃手机回收的管理制度及相应的经济扶持政策成为短期内应着力解决的核心问题,从长期发展来看,废弃手机的前端收集应成为产业关注的重点。基于此,本文立足于废弃手机回收的短期目标及长远发展,分别提出相应的管理策略,为再生资源产业的良性发展提供对策建议。  相似文献   

The amount of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has been rapidly growing in recent years. Estimation close to reality of the future amounts of WEEE as a function of time is critical to effective their management. Wastes from mobile phones and computers are one of the several subgroups of WEEE. The objective of this study was to estimate past and future trends in the generation of obsolete computers and mobile phones in Iran. For this purpose a combination of two models were used. At the beginning, time-series multiple lifespan model was used to estimate outflows end-of-life obsolete equipment. Then, using the simplified logistic function model by Excel software, the values of obsolete computers and mobile phones in the future were estimated. The study found that the amount of E-waste generation in the country was 20 million wasted computers until 2016 and 39 million wasted mobile phones until 2014. Results of the time series model analysis showed a total amount of 2.8 million waste computers would be reused by 2016 and 4.2 million mobile phones would be reused by 2014. The results of the logistic equation indicate that by the year 2040 there will be 50 million units of obsolete computers. According to the same model 90 million mobile phones will be obsolete by 2035. Increase in the number of computers and mobile phones was fitted into the logistic model and the results showed that the saturation level of generation of obsolete computers and mobile phones are 24 and 21 years respectively following the base year 2016 and 2014.  相似文献   

In Korea due to rapid economical growth followed by urbanisation, breakage of large traditional families into small nuclear families, continuous changes in equipment features and capabilities causes tremendous increase in sale of new electrical and electronic equipment (EEE) and decrease in sale of used EEE. Subsequently, the ever-increasing quantity of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) has become a serious social problem and threat to the environment. Therefore, the gradual increase in the generation of WEEE intensifies the interest for recycling to conserve the resources and protect the environment. In view of the above, a review has been made related to the present status of the recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment in Korea. This paper describes the present status of generation and recycling of waste electrical and electronic equipment, namely TVs, refrigerators, washing machines, air conditioners, personal computers and mobile phones in Korea. The commercial processes and the status of developing new technologies for the recycling of metallic values from waste printed circuit boards (PCBs) is also described briefly. Since 1998, three recycling centers are in full operation to recycle WEEE such as refrigerators, washing machines and air conditioners, having the total capacity of 880,000 units/year. All waste TVs are recently recycled on commission basis by several private recycling plants. The recycling of waste personal computers and mobile phones is insignificant in comparison with the amount of estimated obsolete those. Korea has adopted and enforced the extended producer responsibility (EPR) system. Korea is making consistent efforts to improve the recycling rate to the standards indicated in the EU directives for WEEE. Especially environmentally friendly and energy-saving technologies are being developed to recycle metal values from PCBs of WEEE.  相似文献   

Moving up the waste hierarchy is a key priority for UK waste policy. Waste prevention requires policy interventions to promote reuse. The term ‘reuse exchange’ has been adopted by UK policy makers to describe a variety of second-hand trading outlets including car boot sales, charity shops and online exchange sites. As waste policy is based on tonnage diverted from disposal (or landfill), policy interventions to promote reuse exchange will be based on the weight of goods estimated to be flowing through these sites. This paper uses a combination of field survey data and scale-up estimation to quantify and characterise the weight of goods exchanged at car boot sales in England in 2012. This is estimated at 50–60 000 tonnes per annum. The paper emphasises that movement up the waste hierarchy brings waste policy into closer contact with household consumption practices. It draws on qualitative research to show that, for participants, car boot sales are not associated with waste prevention. Instead, car boot sales rely on stocks of surplus household goods and exemplify the culture of thrift, which enables more, not less, consumption. The paper shows the collision between the social values that inform thrift and the environmental values that underpin reuse; and it argues that the policy goal of enhanced recovery for reuse might best be achieved by working with consumer culture. Two ways of achieving this are suggested: interventions that make it easier for consumers to do the right thing, through promoting opportunities for the circulation of stocks of surplus goods, for example, through increasing the frequency of car boot sales; and interventions which recognise that car boot sales also generate waste, which could be recovered for reuse.  相似文献   

废旧荧光灯的回收利用及处理处置   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
介绍了废旧荧光灯管可能造成的环境污染以及国内外回收利用和处理处置的管理和技术现状,对我国在该领域发展中应关注的问题和处理技术的研发提出了建议。  相似文献   

Waste management activities contribute to global greenhouse gas emissions approximately by 4%. In particular the disposal of waste in landfills generates methane that has high global warming potential. Effective mitigation of greenhouse gas emissions is important and could provide environmental benefits and sustainable development, as well as reduce adverse impacts on public health. The European and UK waste policy force sustainable waste management and especially diversion from landfill, through reduction, reuse, recycling and composting, and recovery of value from waste. Energy from waste is a waste management option that could provide diversion from landfill and at the same time save a significant amount of greenhouse gas emissions, since it recovers energy from waste which usually replaces an equivalent amount of energy generated from fossil fuels. Energy from waste is a wide definition and includes technologies such as incineration of waste with energy recovery, or combustion of waste-derived fuels for energy production or advanced thermal treatment of waste with technologies such as gasification and pyrolysis, with energy recovery. The present study assessed the greenhouse gas emission impacts of three technologies that could be used for the treatment of Municipal Solid Waste in order to recover energy from it. These technologies are Mass Burn Incineration with energy recovery, Mechanical Biological Treatment via bio-drying and Mechanical Heat Treatment, which is a relatively new and uninvestigated method, compared to the other two. Mechanical Biological Treatment and Mechanical Heat Treatment can turn Municipal Solid Waste into Solid Recovered Fuel that could be combusted for energy production or replace other fuels in various industrial processes. The analysis showed that performance of these two technologies depends strongly on the final use of the produced fuel and they could produce GHG emissions savings only when there is end market for the fuel. On the other hand Mass Burn Incineration generates greenhouse gas emission savings when it recovers electricity and heat. Moreover the study found that the expected increase on the amount of Municipal Solid Waste treated for energy recovery in England by 2020 could save greenhouse gas emission, if certain Energy from Waste technologies would be applied, under certain conditions.  相似文献   

随着我国油气田勘探开发力度加大和新环保法的实施,油田开采过程中耗水量大和污水处理问题是我国油气田企业面临的共同难题。从污水余热回收、污水回注、压裂液重复利用、钻井废水再利用四个方面,介绍了国内油田产出水再利用技术研究进展与应用现状,指出目前存在的污水余热再利用应用范围不广、回注污水利用不合理、化工原料未回收利用等主要问题。并通过文献调研,展望了油田污水再利用技术的发展方向,指出需从污染源头防控入手,研发更加经济环保的液体配方,并深入研究从污水中取热、取水及取化工原料的循环再利用技术,因地制宜制定相应的水质及污水配伍性实验评价标准,实现从源头至末端治理相结合的油田污水清洁生产。  相似文献   

This study attempts to apply choice experiments with regard to the residential waste disposal system (RWDS) in Korea by considering various attributes that are related to RWDS. Using data from a survey conducted on 492 households, the empirical analysis yields estimates of the willingness to pay for a clean food-waste collection facility, the collection of small items (such as obsolete mobile phones and add-ons for personal computers), and a more convenient large waste disposal system. The estimation results of multinomial logit models are quite similar to those of nested logit models. The results reveal that residents have preferences for the cleanliness of facilities and the collection of small items. In Korea, residents are required to purchase and attach stickers for the disposal of large items; they want to be able to obtain stickers at not only village offices but also supermarkets. On the other hand, the frequency of waste collection is not a significant factor in the choice of the improved waste management program.
Seung-Hoon YooEmail:

不合理地片面强调钻井废水的回用,是造成废水处理质量不高的重要原因之一。现在根据钻井生产的特点,分析讨论了钻井废水回用率合理控制的必要性,同时提出分阶段控制回用率的方法。现场实践证明,在这个方法实施的基础上,再加上一些有效的辅助措施,能有效地提高钻井废水达标率并减轻其对环境的污染。  相似文献   

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