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Structural and functional responses of a benthic macroinvertebrate assemblage to pulses of the insecticide imidacloprid were assessed in outdoor stream mesocosms. Imidacloprid pulses reduced invertebrate abundance and community diversity in imidacloprid-dosed streams compared to control streams. These results correlated well with effects of imidacloprid on leaf litter decomposition and feeding rates of Pteronarcys comstocki, a stonefly, in artificial streams. Reductions in oxygen consumption of stoneflies exposed to imidacloprid were also observed in laboratory experiments. Our findings suggest that leaf litter degradation and single species responses can be sensitive ecotoxicological endpoints that can be used as early warning indicators and biomonitoring tools for pesticide contamination. The data generated illustrates the value of mesocosm experiments in environmental assessment and how the consideration of functional and structural endpoints of natural communities together with in situ single species bioassays can improve the evaluation and prediction of pesticide effects on stream ecosystems.  相似文献   

在探讨目前国内外水生态系统评价方法的基础上,采用B-IBI法评价鄱阳湖水生态系统健康性,分析认为,底栖生物参数差异性与水体理化环境相关性不明显,提出将GIS与B-IBI法耦合使用进一步提高评价结果的精度,并以鄱阳湖为研究对象验证此法的精度,结果表明:GIS与B-IBI法耦合使用评价结果较好,误差在±10%范围内;鄱阳湖水生态系统总体处于亚健康-健康状态;长江口段及周溪镇段水生态系统较差,处于病态-亚健康状态,说明开展水生态修复工程迫在眉睫。评价结论对鄱阳湖管理部门制定水生态修复方案具有一定参考意义。  相似文献   

The drainage of abandoned mines leads to several ecological problems, particularly the acidification of surface freshwater systems and heavy metal contamination. In order to study the possibility of using the behavioural early warning responses of Portuguese indigenous benthic invertebrates to detect an acute short-term pulse of Acid Mine Drainage (AMD), experiments with the Multispecies Freshwater Biomonitor MFB™ were performed and locomotion and ventilation were measured as endpoints. AMD was collected from the “São Domingos” mine (Southeast Portugal) and the following species were selected: Echinogammarus meridionalis (Pinkster, 1973), Hydropsyche pellucidula (Curtis, 1834) and Choroterpes picteti (Eaton, 1870). For simulating the pulsed exposure, AMD was added to river water where invertebrates were collected and pH was lowered until reaching 3.5. The effects of H+ and heavy metals were discriminated using HCl positive controls. In addition to behaviour, mortality was registered. E. meridionalis was the most sensitive species in terms of mortality and behavioural endpoints, followed by C. picteti and H. pellucidula. E. meridionalis early warning responses consisted of increased locomotion with subsequent increase in ventilation, whereas for C. picteti only an increase in locomotion was observed. H. pellucidula showed no early warning responses. This work demonstrates the suitableness of using benthic invertebrates' behavioural early warning responses for detecting spikes of pollutants like AMD.  相似文献   

The behaviour and effects of atorvastatin (ATO), carbamazepine (CBZ), and 17α-ethinylestradiol (EE2) were investigated in spiked lake sediments, at concentrations up to 56.5 mg kg−1 dry weight (dw), with the benthic invertebrates Chironomus dilutus and Hyalella azteca. Desorption constants were calculated in the presence and absence of animals, using linear isotherms, yielding Kd values of 28.2, 189.0 and 125.1 L kg−1 (ATO), 73.7, 201.7 and 263.2 L kg−1 (CBZ), and 114.9, 114.2 and 519.2 L kg−1 (EE2) for C. dilutus, H. azteca, and without animals, respectively. For ATO and CBZ, Kd values were smaller in the presence of C. dilutus, indicating greater desorption to the overlying water from bioturbation, which is consistent with the predominantly benthic occurrence of C. dilutus compared to H. azteca. In contrast, due to its greater hydrophobicity, bioturbation did not significantly affect desorption of EE2. No significant toxicity was observed, indicating decreased bioavailability of the chemicals sorbed to sediments compared with water-only toxicity assays.  相似文献   

2013年9月份龙江流域设20个采样点,综合采用硅藻多样指数法、硅藻指数法、硅藻生态类群评价法以及理化指标验证法,结合GIS技术对龙江水质进行评价,并提出了基于硅藻指数的水质比较评价的DIR法。结果表明,9月份,龙江流域水质总体处于中偏好水质标准;河流水体上游水质好于下游,支流好于干流;其中,下板六水电站、环江水文站、刘三姐乡、下江坝村、安马乡水质很好,而三岔镇、拉浪乡和大湾村水体水质很差。发现多样性指数法不适合龙江水质的评价,各种评价方法各有特点,为了研究的科学性和实用性,各种水质评价方法的联合采用是必要的。  相似文献   

Effects of chronic application of a mixture of the herbicide atrazine and the insecticide lindane were studied in indoor freshwater plankton-dominated microcosms. The macroinvertebrate community was seriously affected at all but the lowest treatment levels, the zooplankton community at the three highest treatment levels, with crustaceans, caddisflies and dipterans being the most sensitive groups. Increased abundance of the phytoplankton taxa Cyclotella sp. was found at the highest treatment level. Threshold levels for lindane, both at population and community level, corresponded well with those reported in the literature. Atrazine produced fewer effects than expected, probably due to decreased grazer stress on the algae as a result of the lindane application. The safety factors set by the Uniform Principles for individual compounds were also found to ensure protection against chronic exposure to a mixture of a herbicide and insecticide at community level, though not always at the population level.  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of buried polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) added to specific depths in sediment (2.0-2.5, 5.0-5.5 and 10.0-10.5 cm) was studied in two infaunal species with similar feeding habits (surface deposit-feeders) but different bioturbation modes. The deep-burrowing polychaetes Marenzelleria spp. (Mz) displayed up to 36 times higher tissue concentrations of buried (spiked) contaminants than the surface-dwelling biodiffusing amphipod Monoporeia affinis. The differences in bioaccumulation were most pronounced for less hydrophobic contaminants due to the bioirrigating activity of Mz. Contaminants buried at shallow depths displayed higher accumulation than more deeply buried contaminants. In contrast, the bioaccumulation of unspiked (native) contaminants with a uniform vertical distribution in the sediment was similar between the species. For Mz, the BSAFs increased with increased KOW for the uniformly distributed contaminants, but decreased for the buried contaminants, which indicates that the dominant uptake routes of the buried contaminants can differ from the uniformly distributed contaminants. The surface sediment concentration of buried contaminants increased in Mz treatments, showing that Mz bioturbation can remobilize historically buried contaminants to the biologically active surface layer and increase the exposure for surface-dwelling species.  相似文献   

Verma V  Yu QJ  Connell DW 《Chemosphere》2012,89(9):1026-1033
Traditionally in toxicological studies time is not studied as quantifiable variable but as a fixed endpoint. The Reduced Life Expectancy (RLE) model which relates exposure time and exposure concentration with lethal toxic effects was tested previously using fish data. In this current paper the effects of exposure time on aquatic toxicity with zooplanktons and various toxicants were evaluated using the RLE model based on ambient exposure concentration. The model was evaluated by plotting ln LT50 against LC50 using toxicity data with zooplanktons from the literature for metal, metalloid and organic compounds. Most of the experimental data sets can be satisfactorily correlated by use of the RLE model, but deviations occurred for some data sets. Those data sets were satisfactorily fitted by a two stage RLE model. This model was based on two phases: one in the peripheral system and other in the central system. Both the single and two stage RLE model support the hypothesis that toxicity is time dependent and decreases in a systematic way with increasing exposure time. A calculated normal life expectancy (NLT) can be obtained from the single stage model and is in accord with reported NLT but those obtained from the two stage RLE model are in excellent agreement.  相似文献   

A rapid protocol was developed to measure 10 different enzymic activities from a large number of 1-cm-sliced freshly collected lake sediments. Layers heavily polluted by organic halogens (4900 mg Cl kg(-1)) revealed severe depression of phosphatase, sulfatase, leucine-aminopeptidase, chitinase, acetate esterase and butyrate esterase activities as compared to layers above and below the most polluted zone. alpha-Glucosidase, beta-glucosidase, beta-xylosidase and palmitate esterase were less affected. Methane oxidation potential was dramatically depressed in the polluted strata whereas tetrachloromethane dehalogenating activity was observed in the polluted sediment only. The sediment layers formed after the chlorine discharges into the lake had diminished to 1/10, and showed restoration of the activities close to those observed in non-recipient sediment, in spite of the persisting presence of >1000 mg of organic chlorine (kg dry wt)(-1). We conclude that certain enzymic activities involved in breakdown or oxidation of organic matter in the sediments are useful probes for assessing the degree of ecological damage and its potential for restoration in recipient lakes of industrial discharges.  相似文献   

This study investigated changes in diversity of shrub-tree layer, leaf decomposition rates, nutrient release and soil NO fluxes of a Brazilian savanna (cerrado sensu stricto) under N, P and N plus P additions. Simultaneous addition of N and P affected density, dominance, richness and diversity patterns more significantly than addition of N or P separately. Leaf litter decomposition rates increased in P and NP plots but did not differ in N plots in comparison to control plots. N addition increased N mass loss, while the combined addition of N and P resulted in an immobilization of N in leaf litter. Soil NO emissions were also higher when N was applied without P. The results indicate that if the availability of P is not increased proportionally to the availability of N, the losses of N are intensified.  相似文献   

组合型生态浮床对水体修复及植物氮磷吸收能力研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
在天鹅湖水体中构建以水生植物和陆生喜水植物为实验植物,浮法控制器、水循环增氧系统和造浪-输送系统相集合的组合型生态浮床。在中试研究中,研究了其对天鹅湖上覆水和沉积物中营养物质的修复动态。结果表明,经过4个多月的组合型生态浮床生态修复,天鹅湖上覆水中TN、NH4+-N和TP的去除率分别达到61.92%、63.09%和80.0%,沉积物中TN和NH4+-N含量的去除率分别达到23.79%和37.04%,TP含量升高了43.71%;组合型生态浮床的5种浮床植物的氮磷累积量差异显著,再力花和美人蕉对氮磷的吸收速率显著高于菖蒲、薄荷和水稻,再力花和美人蕉对氮的吸收速率达到12.19 g/(m2.d)和7.90 g/(m2.d),对磷吸收分别达到0.81 g/(m2.d)和0.99 g/(m2.d)。美人蕉和再力花对氮磷的吸收量均是茎叶>根系,其中美人蕉茎叶氮、磷吸收量分别为根系的2.73倍和1.93倍,再力花分别为1.83倍和1.19倍,通过浮床系统植物水上部分的收割可以去除水体中的氮磷。  相似文献   

The present paper aims at presenting a kinetic model that is supposed to result in the decomposition of methylparaben in completely mixed batch reactor (CMBR) using the UV/H2O2 process. The proposed model incorporates photochemical, chemical reactions and their constant rates to formulate the overall kinetic rate expressions which are integrated into MATLAB. Thus, the changes in pH values during the process of oxidation are taken into consideration. In addition, the effects of hydrogen peroxide (HP) dosage, as well as the concentration of hydroxyl radicals, are examined. Accordingly, the pseudo-first-order rate constant, its variation as functions of HP concentration, incident UV-light intensity and the limitations of the adopted approach are discussed. In line with that, the authors provided evidence of the validity of the kinetic model through the exposure of previous experimental studies as reported in the literature review then through the evidence of the present experimental data.  相似文献   

由于城市水资源严重紧缺,再生水作为补给城市河湖景观水体的重要水源,用量逐年加大,随之带来的水环境问题也引起关注,往往需要采用适宜的技术和工程改善水质。然而对于现有的生态修复技术和工程,缺少相应的评价方法和指标体系对其修复效果和工程技术进行综合有效的评估。通过大量的文献及实地调研,结合再生水补给型城市河湖的特点,构建了包含环境效益、技术管理与维护及社会经济功能3个系统、7个准则和19个指标的再生水补给型城市河湖水生态修复技术评价指标体系,采用群组决策的层次分析法(AHP)确定各指标的权重,重要性排序前5位的指标依次是:藻类多样性、水生植物覆盖度、DO、TLI、PI(COD)。以北京市陶然亭湖水生态修复工程为例进行综合评价,研究结果表明,现阶段陶然亭湖水生态修复工程综合评分为3.35分,评价结果属于良。陶然亭湖经过水体生态修复后,水生态系统结构较好恢复;所选工程技术适宜;人员及经济投入适中;对周边环境产生较大正面影响;工程可优后进行推广  相似文献   

Sarıkaya R  Selvi M  Erkoç F 《Chemosphere》2012,88(8):974-979
In this study, different concentrations of five food dyes (amaranth, patent blue, carminic acid, indigotine and erythrosine) have been evaluated for genotoxicity in the Somatic Mutation and Recombination Test (SMART) of Drosophila melanogaster. Standard cross was used in the experiment. Larvae including two linked recessive wing hair mutations were chronically fed at different concentrations of the test compounds in standard Drosophila Instant Medium. Feeding ended with pupation of the surviving larvae. Wings of the emerging adult flies were scored for the presence of spots of mutant cells which can result from either somatic mutation or somatic recombination. For the evaluation of genotoxic effects, the frequencies of spots per wing in the treated series were compared to the control group, which was distilled water. The present study shows that carminic acid and indigotine demonstrated negative results while erythrosine demonstrated inconclusive results. In addition 25 mg mL−1 concentration of patent blue and 12.5, 25 and 50 mg mL−1 concentrations of amaranth demonstrated positive results in the SMART.  相似文献   

Stable nitrogen and oxygen isotope ratios of nitrate (δ15N-NO3 and δ18O-NO3) have recently been used to identify nitrogen sources in water environments. However, there have been no investigations designed to determine nitrate isotopes in non-point sources in urban areas for evaluating the impact of surface deposits on nitrogen in surface runoff. In this study, we collected rainwater, surface runoff and surface deposits (road dust, roof dust and soil) to evaluate the nitrogen sources in surface runoff using nitrate isotopes. There were no large differences in δ15N-NO3 among rainwater (−0.3‰ to 1.5‰), surface runoff (−2.7‰ to 0.4‰), leachates from road dust (−5.8‰ to 6.2‰) and soil (−11.5‰ to 0.6‰). In contrast, the δ18O-NO3 in surface runoff (28.5-47.9‰) was lower than that in rainwater (62.7-78.6‰), and higher than that in leachates from road dust (6.1-27.6‰) and soil (−1.1‰ to 6.6‰). δ18O-NO3 is a useful indicator for evaluating the NO3-N sources in surface runoff. Using this indicator, NO3-N from road dust was estimated to account for more than half of the NO3-N in surface runoff. This is consistent with a result based on a comparison of their loads per unit surface between rainwater and surface runoff, which also showed that most of the nitrogen in surface runoff was derived from surface deposits.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND, AIM, AND SCOPE: The presence of a variety of pollutants in the aquatic environment that can potentially interfere with the production of sex steroid hormones in wildlife and humans has been of increasing concern. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effects of extracts from Hong Kong marine waters, and influents and effluents from wastewater treatment plants on steroidogenesis using the H295R cell bioassay. After exposing H295R cells to extracts of water, the expression of four steroidogenic genes and the production of three steroid hormones were measured. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Water samples were collected during the summer of 2005 from 24 coastal marine areas and from the influents and effluents of two major waste water treatment plants (WWTPs) in Hong Kong, China. Samples were extracted by solid phase extraction (SPE). H295R cells were exposed for 48 h to dilutions of these extracts. Modulations of the expression of the steroidogenic genes CYP19, CYP17, 3betaHSD2, and CYP11beta2 were determined by measuring mRNA concentrations by real-time polymerase chain reaction (Q-RT-PCR). Production of the hormones progesterone (P), estradiol (E2), and testosterone (T) was quantified using enzyme linked immunosorbent assays (ELISA). RESULTS: Extracts from samples collected in two fish culture areas inhibited growth and proliferation of H295R cells at concentrations greater or equal to 10(5) L equivalents. The cells were exposed to the equivalent concentration of active substances in 10,000 L of water. Thus, to observe the same level of effect as observed in vitro on aquatic organisms would require a bioaccumulation factor of this same magnitude. None of the other 22 marine samples affected growth of the cells at any dilution tested. Twelve of the marine water samples completely inhibited the expression of CYP19 without affecting E2 production; inhibition of CYP17 expression was observed only in one of the samples while expression of CYP11beta2 was induced as much as five- and ninefold after exposure of cells to extracts from two locations. The expression of the progesterone gene 3betaHSD2 was not affected by any of the samples; only one sample induced approximately fourfold the production of E2. Although more than twofold inductions were observed for P and T production, none of these values were statistically significant to conclude effects on the production of these two hormones. While influents from WWTPs did not affect gene expression, an approximately 30% inhibition in the production of E2 and a 40% increase in P occurred for the exposure with influents from the Sha Tin and Stonecutters WWTPs, respectively. Effluents from WWTPs did not affect the production of any of the studied hormones, but a decrement in the expression of the aldosterone gene CYP11beta2 was observed for the Sha Tin WWTP exposure. No direct correlation could be established between gene expression and hormone production. DISCUSSION: Observed cytotoxicity in the two samples from fish culture areas suggest the presence of toxic compounds; chemical analysis is required for their full identification. Although effluents from WWTPs did not affect hormone production, other types of endocrine activity such as receptor-mediated effects cannot be ruled out. Interactions due to the complexity of the samples and alternative steroidogenic pathways might explain the lack of correlation between gene expression and hormone production results. CONCLUSIONS: Changes observed in gene expression and hormone production suggest the presence in Hong Kong coastal waters of pollutants with endocrine disruption potential and others of significant toxic effects. The aromatase and aldosterone genes seem to be the most affected by the exposures, while E2 and P are the hormones with more significant changes observed. Results also suggest effectiveness in the removing of compounds with endocrine activity by the WWTPs studied, as effluent samples did not significantly affect hormone production. The H295R cell showed to be a valuable toll in the battery required for the analysis of endocrine disrupting activities of complex environmental samples. RECOMMENDATIONS AND PERSPECTIVES: Due to the intrinsic complexity of environmental samples, a combination of analytical tools is required to realistically assess environmental conditions, especially in aquatic systems. In the evaluation of endocrine disrupting activities, the H295R cell bioassay should be used in combination with other genomic, biological, chemical, and hydrological tests to establish viable modes for endocrine disruption and identify compounds responsible for the observed effects.  相似文献   

Supercritical fluid extraction (SFE) was evaluated to be applied for residue analysis of 22 gas chromatography/electron capture detector-nitrogen phosphorus detector (GC/ECD-NPD) amenable pesticides in rice, wild rice and wheat. Samples were extracted with supercritical carbon dioxide at 200 atm pressure and 50°C temperature, using methanol as a static modifier. Mean recoveries obtained with the proposed SFE method at two spiking levels with four replicates per level are compared with those obtained with an ethyl acetate-based solvent extraction/gel permeation chromatography (GPC) clean up method. Both methods gave consistent high recoveries for almost all the pesticides from all the commodities with overall mean recoveries higher than 70% with relative standard deviations lower than 20%. Remarkable exceptions were captafol and dimethoate, for which low and/or non-reproducible recoveries were obtained with the SFE method. Residue levels determined with both methods in nine different incurred samples of wheat, containing some of the studied pesticides, were very similar, but, in all cases, slightly higher levels were determined with the SFE method.  相似文献   

Li X  Li Y  Zhang Q  Wang P  Yang H  Jiang G  Wei F 《Chemosphere》2011,84(7):957-963
The concern about emissions of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins and dibenzofurans (PCDD/Fs) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), and polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) from steel industrial parks has increased in the past decades. In this study, polyurethane foam (PUF)-disk based passive air samples were collected in and around a big steel industrial park of Anshan, Northeast China from June 2008 to March 2009. The levels, seasonal variations and potential sources of PCDD/Fs, PCBs and PBDEs in the atmosphere around the steel industrial complex were investigated, and potential contribution of these three groups of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) from iron and steel production was also assessed. The air concentrations of ∑17PCDD/Fs (summer: 0.02-2.77 pg m−3; winter: 0.20-9.79 pg m−3), ∑19PCBs (summer: 23.5-155.8 pg m−3; winter: 14.6-81.3 pg m−3) and ∑13PBDEs (summer: 2.91-10.7 pg m−3; winter: 1.10-3.89 pg m−3) in this targeted industrial park were relatively low in comparison to other studies, which implied that the industrial activities of iron and steel had not resulted in serious contamination to the ambient air in this area. On the whole, the air concentrations of PCDD/Fs in winter were higher than those of summer, whereas the concentrations of PCBs and PBDEs showed opposite trends. The result from principal component analysis indicated that coal combustion might be the main contributor of PCDD/F sources in this area.  相似文献   

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