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The demand for accident cost information has increased in recent times as safety professionals seek to compare accident costs with other societal problems. Addressing one component of accident costs, this study proposes a procedure for estimating the cost of lost wages due to accidents with separate estimates generated for motor vehicle, work, home, and public accidents, as well as the overall total. Estimates were developed from data that can be updated annually so that cost estimates can be kept current. Deaths, permanent disabilities, and temporary disabilities of workers were included as part of the framework. In addition, the value of homemaker services lost due to accidents was estimated. The procedure utilized the ‘human capital’ approach, whereby the discounted present value of lost future earnings is taken as the appropriate measure of the productivity loss to society due to accidents. Other cost estimating approaches were discussed. Using this procedure, it was estimated that accidental injuries resulted in $31.1 billion in wage losses in 1985, about 1.6% of all wages and salaries paid in that year.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2007,45(8):864-874
Despite significant reductions in mining fatalities, the number of these accidents remains high. Based on the number of fatalities per year, a persistent area of concern in mine safety continues to be equipment-related. The study was undertaken in order to more thoroughly characterize equipment-related mining fatalities and to perform an analysis of those that occurred over the last 11-years, from 1995 through 2005. Equipment-related fatalities obtained from the Mine Safety and Health Administration (MSHA) reports are used in this study. Results show that the proportion of total mine fatalities attributable to the equipment ranged from 37% to 88% per year. Among the MSHA equipment subcategories, the greatest proportion of fatalities is related to haul trucks (22.3%), belt conveyors (9.3%), front-end loaders (8.5%), and miscellaneous equipment (36.6%). The relationship between number of equipment-related fatalities and mining experience of the workforce was also examined. Study shows that workers with less than five years of appropriate mining experience constitute 44% of all fatalities that occurred during the period of 1995–2005.  相似文献   

基于类推原理对美国通用航空飞行事故的统计数据进行分析研究,探求事故和趋势的内在规律.收集整理美国通用航空1990—2009年的历年飞行事故统计数据和1999—2005年8个飞行阶段的事故统计数据,运用二次指数平滑法分别对两组数据进行分析,建立事故预测的时序外推分析模型,采用经验试算和递推分割法确定平滑指数值,使用代替法和历史数据加权平均法确定预测初始值,提高预测精度.结果表明:模型对历年飞行事故的预测相对误差小,精度高,并与历年实际观察值的趋势相一致;虽然对各飞行阶段的预测在爬升、盘旋两个阶段出现了波动,但预测趋势符合实际趋势.最后分析美国通用航空飞行事故趋势下降的首要原因为美国联邦航空局一直在小型机场推进“小飞机运输系统”,同时要求制造商生产出配备自动驾驶仪表的全天候飞行飞机.而部分驾驶人员飞行操作技能不熟练和飞行计划准备不当是近年美国通用航空事故发生的次要原因.  相似文献   

Incidents at U.S. onshore hazardous liquid pipeline systems were analyzed with an emphasis on natural hazards. Incidents triggered by natural hazards (natechs) were identified by keyword-based data mining and expert review supplemented by various data sources. The analysis covered about 7000 incidents in 1986–2012, 3800 of which were regarded as significant based on their consequences. 5.5% of all and 6.2% of the significant incidents were found to be natechs that resulted in a total hazardous substance release of 317,700 bbl. Although there is no trend in the long-term yearly occurrence of significant natechs, importance is found to be increasing due to the overall decreasing trend of the incidents. Meteorological hazards triggered 36% of the significant natechs, followed by geological and climatic hazards with 26% and 24%. While they occurred less frequently, hydrological hazards caused the highest amount of release which is about 102,000 bbl. The total economic cost of significant natechs was 597 million USD, corresponding to about 18% of all incident costs in the same period. More than 50% of this cost was due to meteorological hazards, mainly tropical cyclones. Natech vulnerabilities of the system parts vary notably with respect to natural hazard types. For some natural hazards damage is limited possibly due to implemented protection measures. The geographical distribution of the natechs indicated that they occurred more in some states, such as Texas, Oklahoma, and Louisiana. About 50% of the releases was to the ground, followed by water bodies with 28%. Significant consequences to human health were not observed although more than 20% of the incidents resulted in fires. In general, the study indicated that natural hazards are a non-negligible threat to the onshore hazardous liquid pipeline network in the U.S. It also highlighted problems such as underreporting of natural hazards as incident causes, data completeness, and explicit data limitations.  相似文献   

矿山重大事故应急预案编制结构与问题分析   总被引:2,自引:4,他引:2  
通过分析我国矿山的基本情况和典型事故灾难引发的严重后果,借鉴、总结城市应急救援预案编制技术和事故现场应急救援的实践经验,笔者提出编制矿山重大事故应急救援预案的基本结构,即应急准备、应急响应和预案管理,指出目前矿山重大事故应急救援预案编制过程中存在的问题,为矿山企业编制重大事故应急救援预案提供参考。  相似文献   

中国煤矿水灾事故不安全动作原因对比研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国是世界上煤矿水灾事故频发的国家之一,重特大水灾事故时有发生.为了分析事故发生原因并从安全管理方面予以预防,采用事故统计、案例分析和分组对比相结合的方法,以1990-2009年发生的142起煤矿水灾事故为例,对煤矿水灾不安全动作等原因进行了研究,得出了不安全动作类型、不安全动作构成比例及不安全动作的发出者在水灾事故中的特点.结果表明:1)1990-2009年,违章放炮等23小类不安全动作一直存在,16小类不安全动作消失,19小类不安全动作新增;2)1990-1999年占比最大的直接不安全动作是违章指挥,但在2000-2009年,违章放炮却成为新的占比最大的直接不安全动作;3)未采取有效探放水措施和未通过安全审批私自生产在2000-2009年分别处于所有不安全动作占比的第一、二位,且比例逐渐增加;4)高层管理人员发出的不安全动作占比最大,一线员工和班组长发出的直接不安全动作占比大于各自发出的所有不安全动作比例.  相似文献   

5月 2 2日 ,国家安全生产监督管理局、国家煤矿安全监察局召开全国煤矿安全电话会议 ,国家安全生产监督管理局、国家煤矿安全监察局局长张宝明在会上作了重要讲话。会议分析了今年以来煤矿安全生产形势 ,通报了近期发生的几起特大事故 ,针对目前煤矿安全生产上存在的突出问题 ,提出下一步安全生产工作的要求。  今年以来 ,煤矿安全生产基本稳定 ,但进入 4月份以后 ,重特大事故多发。据统计 ,1季度全国煤矿共发生一次死亡 3人以上重大事故 77起、死亡 5 73人 ,但是从 4月 1日~ 5月 16日的一个半月时间 ,全国煤矿就发生一次死亡 3人以上重…  相似文献   

背景:一场大地震美国社区救灾反应队的概念是由洛杉矶市消防局在1985年提出并付诸实施的。在1987年得到了全社会的重视。1987年加利福尼亚威蒂尔峡谷发生了一次大地震,此次地震证明,一场大型灾难发生后,由于受难者的人数众多、通讯联络中断和道路阻塞等原因使救灾工作变得困难,人们不得不依赖互相帮助以满足救灾的瞬时需要。这样的例子在墨西哥市的一次大地震中也能找到很好的佐证。在墨西哥的这场大地震中,没有受过训练的自发自愿者挽救了800人的生命,可是也有100人在救难中丧生。这个代价太高,经过训练完全可以避免如此高的代价。美国人开始认识到在灾难尚未来临前政府所应扮演的重要角色。首先,政府应告知  相似文献   

美国注册安全师机制   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
概述专业人士一般熟悉具有90多年历史的美国安全工程师学会但也许不了解美国实际上并没有安全工程师这一称谓安全工程师学会实乐上是一个职业安全从业人员的会员制学会和一般的专业学会职能基本相同在美国安全工程师“实际上称为注册安全师。注册安全师不仅是安全工程专家他们在企业安全管理保险公司损失控制等方面也有很深的造诣这也许就是用安全师而不用安全工程师名  相似文献   

雷凌 《中国安防》2006,(1):111-115
概述 1967年,美国第一个警察专责特别行动小组(SWAT)在美国的洛杉矶诞生.从此以后,全美国的警察力量都日益军事化了.包括乡村的警察局在内的各警察局,都纷纷建立了属于自己的警察专责特别行动小组.它们在60年代和70年代的国内骚乱中起了一番作用.80年代,反毒品战愈演愈烈,这种准军事化警察部队在很多城市都被用于打击毒品贩子.目前,许多可以由普通警官来处理的事情,都动用了这些特种部队;大约20%的警局都说,他们的特种部队是用来在社区进行巡逻的.  相似文献   

王蒙 《中国安防》2003,(3):33-34
随着企事业管理现代化方向意识不断增强,基于卡出入口控制系统的管理模式已日趋普及.在应用过程中,系统商及用户越来越意识到产品的稳定性、功能的全面性成为品牌选择的关键. 美国西屋门禁系统一直以来以其卓越的稳定性得到用户的高度认可并成为大系统的首选品牌.  相似文献   

40多年来,美国能源部(DOE)一直扶持一项技术开发计划来支持保护核武器设施的警卫和安全政策.基本安全系统工程概念仍然有效,但设施系统的具体构成必须不断更新来应对恐怖分子的威胁和能力、更换老化部件和系统的需要.技术开发计划(TDP)的使命必须是多样性的,是为了保护各种各样的重要财产,如核武器、各种形式的特殊核材料、机密核武器设计信息、核设施、国家实验室、计算机系统和美国能源基础设施.考虑到核武器联合体包括位于美国各地区的数十家设施,而且没有两家设施是一样的,TDP是在执行一项颇具挑战性的任务.  相似文献   

澳大利亚,矿山救护车将开赴现场澳大利亚1991年~2001年矿山死亡人数及伤害次数如下表:(澳大利亚财政年度由每年4月至下一年3 澳大利亚昆士兰州政府为加强矿山安全,已开始进行矿山救护车的研究。研究该车的目的是改善井下矿工的自救能力。该项工作将由位于Redbank的矿山试验研究站与昆士兰州矿山救护服务中心与澳大利亚煤矿协会联合进行。该救护车应能在特  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: This article examines five major road-safety risk factors: exceeding posted speed limits, not using safety belts, driving while intoxicated, nighttime driving, and young drivers. METHOD: The importance of each of these factors is documented, known effective countermeasures (both policy and technology based) are discussed, and impediments to the implementation of these countermeasures in the United States are examined. RESULTS: Based on current understanding of the five major risk factors, and of the available countermeasures, there appear to be a variety of opportunities to make substantial gains in road safety using existing knowledge. The limited implementation of a variety of known countermeasures therefore appears to be inconsistent with high-level, strategic goals to improve road safety. Consequently, a recommendation is made to comprehensively re-examine the balance between the countermeasures discussed in this article and economic, mobility, and privacy concerns. IMPACT ON PUBLIC SAFETY: Such a re-examination is likely to result in broad support for these countermeasures, with a consequent major improvement in road safety.  相似文献   

R/S分析方法是一种检验时间序列服从独立随机分布假设或非线性特征的有效工具.本文应用R/S分析方法实测了几类全国安全生产事故Hurst指数,表明几类全国安全生产事故发生具有持续性的特点,研究成果对于指导政府、企业认识安全生产规律,科学决策具有参考意义.  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze booster and rear vehicle seat dimensions to identify the most frequent compatibility problems.

Methods: Measurements were collected from 40 high-back and backless boosters and 95 left rear and center rear row seating positions in 50 modern vehicles. Dimensions were compared for 3,800 booster/vehicle seat combinations. For validation and estimation of tolerance and correction factors, 72 booster installations were physically completed and compared with measurement-based compatibility predictions. Dimensions were also compared to the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) volumetric envelopes of forward-facing child restraints and boosters.

Results: Seat belt buckles in outboard positions accommodated the width of boosters better than center positions (success rates of 85.4 and 34.7%, respectively). Adequate head restraint clearance occurred in 71.9 to 77.2% of combinations, depending on the booster's head support setting. Booster recline angles aligned properly with vehicle seat cushion angles in 71.5% of combinations. In cases of poor angle alignment, booster angles were more obtuse than the vehicle seat angles 97.7% of the time. Head restraint interference exacerbated angle alignment issues. Data indicate success rates above 90% for boosters being fully supported by the length of the seat cushion and for adequate height clearance with the vehicle roofline. Comparison to ISO envelopes indicates that most boosters on the U.S. market are taller and angled more obtusely than ISO target envelopes.

Conclusions: This study quantifies some of the common interferences between boosters and vehicles that may complicate booster usage. Data are useful for design and to prioritize specific problem areas.  相似文献   

本文主要介绍了美国海军现用的工作服装种类、服装构成及穿着场合,并与我国海军07式作训服进行了对比分析。  相似文献   

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