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Introduction: The main objective of this research is to investigate the effect of traffic barrier geometric characteristics on crashes that occurred on non-interstate roads. Method: For this purpose, height, side-slope rate, post-spacing, and lateral offset of about 137 miles of traffic barriers were collected on non-interstate (state, federal aid primary, federal aid secondary, and federal aid urban) highways in Wyoming. In addition, crash reports recorded between 2008 and 2017 were added to the traffic barrier dataset. The safety performance of traffic barriers with regards to their geometric features was analyzed in terms of crash frequency and crash severity using random-parameters negative binomial, and random-parameters ordered logit models, respectively. Results: From the results, box beam barriers with a height of 27–29 inches were less likely to be associated with injury and fatal injury crashes compared to other barrier types. On the other hand, the likelihood of a severe injury crash was found to be higher for box beam barriers with a height taller than 31 inches. Both W-beam and box beam barriers with a post-spacing between 6.1 and 6.3 inches reduced the probability of severe injury crashes. In terms of the crash frequency, flare traffic barriers had a lower crash frequency compared to parallel traffic barriers. Non-interstate roads without longitudinal rumble strips were associated with a higher rate of traffic barrier crashes.  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION: Compared to younger age groups, older people are more likely to be seriously injured or to die as a result of a traffic crash. METHOD: The aim of the study is to examine the impact of environmental, vehicle, crash, and driver characteristics on injury severity in older drivers involved in traffic crashes by using recently linked police crash records and hospitalization data from New South Wales, Australia. The severity of injury resulting from traffic crashes was measured using the International Classification of Diseases, 10th revision (ICD-10) Injury Severity Score (ICISS). RESULTS: Multivariate analysis identified rurality, presence of complex intersections, road speed limit, driver error, speeding, and seat belt use as independent predictors of injury severity in older people. The type of intersection configuration explained over half of the observed variations in injury severity. IMPACT ON INDUSTRY: Environmental modification such as intersection treatments might contribute to a decrease in the severity of injury in older people involved in road crashes.  相似文献   

Introduction: With the rapid development of transportation infrastructures in precipitous areas, the mileage of freeway tunnels in China has been mounting during the past decade. Provided the semi-constrained space and the monotonous driving environment of freeway tunnels, safety concerns still remain. This study aims to investigate the uniqueness of the relationships between crash severity in freeway tunnels and various contributory factors. Method: The information of 10,081 crashes in the entire freeway network of Guizhou Province, China in 2018 is adopted, from which a subset of 591 crashes in tunnels is extracted. To address spatial variations across various road segments, a two-level binary logistic approach is applied to model crash severity in freeway tunnels. A similar model is also established for crash severity on general freeways as a benchmark. Results: The uniqueness of crash severity in tunnels mainly includes three aspects: (a) the road-segment-level effects are quantifiable with the environmental factors for crash severity in tunnels, but only exist in the random effects for general freeways; (b) tunnel has a significantly higher propensity to cause severe injury in a crash than other locations of a freeway; and (c) different influential factors and levels of contributions are found to crash severity in tunnels compared with on general freeways. Factors including speed limit, tunnel length, truck involvement, rear-end crash, rainy and foggy weather and sequential crash have positive contributions to crash severity in freeway tunnels. Practical applications: Policy implications for traffic control and management are advised to improve traffic safety level in freeway tunnels.  相似文献   

Two-lane, two-way roads constitute a major portion of the rural roads in most countries of the world. This study identifies the factors influencing crash injury severity on these roads in Iran. Classification and regression trees (CART), which is one of the most common methods of data mining, was employed to analyze the traffic crash data of the main two-lane, two-way rural roads of Iran over a 3-year period (2006–2008). In the analysis procedure, the problem of three-class prediction was decomposed into a set of binary prediction models, which resulted in a higher overall accuracy of the predictions of the model. In addition, the prediction accuracy of the fatality class, which was nearly 0% in some of the previous studies, increased significantly. The results indicated that improper overtaking and not using a seatbelt are the most important factors affecting the severity of injuries.  相似文献   

Many traffic crashes are side impact collisions resulting in significant death and injury. A review was conducted of the evidence of driver, road, and vehicle characteristics affecting either the risk of occurrence or the severity of injury in such crashes for papers published from 1996 to early 2003. For drivers, evidence was found of increased crash risk or injury severity only for age and age-related medical conditions (e.g., dementia). Traffic roundabouts and other traffic control devices--stop signs, traffic lights, and so on--had mixed results; traffic controls were better than no controls, but their effectiveness varied with circumstance. Most vehicle characteristics have had little or no effect on crash occurrence. Antilock braking systems (ABS) in the striking vehicle had been anticipated to reduce the risk of crashes, but so far have demonstrated little effect. The primary emphasis in vehicle design has been on protective devices to reduce the severity of injury. Disparity in the size of the two vehicles, especially when the struck vehicle is smaller and lighter, is almost a consistent risk factor for occupant injury. The occupants of light trucks, however, when struck by passengers cars on the opposite side, were at higher risk of injury. Wearing seat belts had a consistently protective effect; airbags did not, but there were few studies, and no field studies, of lateral airbags found. Of all the characteristics examined, vehicle design, including occupant restraints, is the most easily modified in the short term, although road design, traffic control, and the monitoring of older drivers may also prove effective in reducing side impact crashes in the longer term.  相似文献   

下穿施工引起既有地铁结构发生沉降变形及内力变化,同时导致地铁变形缝处产生沉降差(错台)及张开,从而影响地铁结构安全及行车安全。针对不同穿越位置,采用打靶法对微分方程进行数值求解,从地铁结构变形程度、内力变化规律、变形缝沉降差(错台)及张开量的变化趋势这四个方面进行了计算、分析。结果显示:中心位置穿越时,地铁结构的最大沉降值低于其它穿越位置,同时变形缝沉降差较小,基本未张开。从结构安全和行车安全两个方面综合判断,中心穿越是最优的穿越位置。  相似文献   

Introduction: In mid-2007 the State of New South Wales (NSW) in Australia introduced modifications to the existing graduated driver licensing system, lengthening the mandatory number of supervised hours for learner drivers aged under 25 years from 50 to 120 and extending the minimum learner period from 6 to 12 months. Additional driving restrictions were also introduced for young drivers in the two provisional licensed periods, P1, P2. This paper aims to evaluate this change by comparing the crash and offense experiences of young learner drivers before and after it occurred. Method: From driver licensing files supplied by the NSW transport authority two cohorts of persons obtaining their initial learner's permits in the year prior to the changes and in the subsequent year were constructed with demographic data, dates of transition to the driving phases, dates of crashes, and dates and types of traffic offenses. Both cohorts comprised around 100,000 individuals. Crash rates per 100 years of person-time under observation post P1 with their standard errors were calculated. Using a survival-analytic approach the proportion of crashes of all types were graphed in three month periods post P1. Sexes were treated separately as were initial learner ages of 16, 17, 18–21, and 22–24 years. The distribution of traffic offense types during P1 and P2 phases were also compared. With such large numbers formal statistical testing was avoided. Results: No meaningful differences in the crash or offense experiences of the two cohorts in either sex or at any age were observed. Delaying progress to unsupervised driving has road safety benefits. Conclusions: At least in conditions similar to those in NSW, requiring more than 50 h of supervised driving seems to have few road safety benefits. Practical applications: Licensing authorities should be cautious in extending the mandated number of supervised driving hours beyond 50.  相似文献   

Objective: Motorcycles and mopeds, often referred to as powered 2-wheelers (PTWs), play an important role in personal mobility worldwide. Despite their advantages, including low cost, space occupancy, and fuel efficiency, the risk of sustaining serious or fatal injuries is higher than that for occupants of passenger cars. The development of safety systems specific for PTWs represents a potential way to reduce casualties among riders. With the proliferation of new active and passive safety technologies, the question as to which might offer the most value is important. In this context, a prioritization process was applied to a set of PTW active safety systems to evaluate their applicability to crash scenarios alone and in combination. The systems included in the study were antilock braking (ABS), autonomous emergency braking (AEB), collision warning, curve warning, and curve assist.

Methods: With the functional performance of the 5 safety systems established, the relevance of each system to specific crash configurations and vehicle movements defined by a standardized accident classification system used in Victoria, Australia, was rated by 2 independent reviewers, with a third reviewer acting as a moderator where disagreements occurred. Ratings ranged from 1 (definitely not applicable) to 4 (definitely applicable). Using population-based crash data, the number and percentage of crashes that each safety system could potentially influence, or be relevant for, was defined. Applying accepted injury costs permitted the derivation of the societal economic cost of PTW crashes and the potential reductions associated with each safety system given a theoretical crash avoidance effectiveness of 100%.

Results: In the 12-year period 2000–2011, 23,955 PTW riders and 1292 pillion passengers were reported to have been involved in a road crash, with over 500 killed and more than 10,000 seriously injured; only 3.5% of riders/pillion passengers were uninjured. The total economic cost associated with these injured riders and pillion passengers was estimated to be AU$11.1 billion (US$7.70 billion; €6.67 billion). The 5 safety systems, as single solutions or in combination, were relevant to 57% of all crashes and to 74% of riders killed. Antilock braking was found to be relevant to the highest number of crashes, with incremental increases in coverage when combined with other safety systems.

Conclusions: The findings demonstrate that ABS, alone and in combination with other safety systems, has the potential to mitigate or possibly prevent a high percentage of PTW crashes in the considered setting. Other safety systems can influence different crash scenarios and are also recommended. Given the high cost of motorcycle crashes and the increasing number of PTW safety technologies, the proposed approach can be used to inform the process of selection of the most suitable interventions to improve PTW safety.  相似文献   

Introduction: The state of Wyoming, like other western United States, is characterized by mountainous terrain. Such terrain is well noted for its severe downgrades and difficult geometry. Given the specific challenges of driving in such difficult terrain, crashes with severe injuries are bound to occur. The literature is replete with research about factors that influence crash injury severity under different conditions. Differences in geometric characteristics of downgrades and mechanics of vehicle operations on such sections mean different factors may be at play in impacting crash severity in contrast to straight, level roadway sections. However, the impact of downgrades on injury severity has not been fully explored in the literature. This study is thus an attempt to fill this research gap. In this paper, an investigation was carried out to determine the influencing factors of crash injury severities of downgrade crashes. Method: Due to the ordered nature of the response variable, the ordered logit model was chosen to investigate the influencing factors of crash injury severities of downgrade crashes. The model was calibrated separately for single and multiple-vehicle crashes to ensure the different factors influencing both types of crashes were captured. Results: The parameter estimates were as expected and mostly had signs consistent with engineering intuition. The results of the ordered model for single-vehicle crashes indicated that alcohol, gender, road condition, vehicle type, point of impact, vehicle maneuver, safety equipment use, driver action, and annual average daily traffic (AADT) per lane all impacted the injury severity of downgrade crashes. Safety equipment use, lighting conditions, posted speed limit, and lane width were also found to be significant factors influencing multiple-vehicle downgrade crashes. Injury severity probability plots were included as part of the study to provide a pictorial representation of how some of the variables change in response to each level of crash injury severity. Conclusion: Overall, this study provides insights into contributory factors of downgrade crashes. The literature review indicated that there are substantial differences between single- and multiple vehicle crashes. This was confirmed by the analysis which showed that mostly, separate factors impacted the crash injury severity of the two crash types. Practical applications: The results of this study could be used by policy makers, in other locations, to reduce downgrade crashes in mountainous areas.  相似文献   

Objectives: Each year, pedestrian injuries constitute over 40% of all road casualty deaths and up to 60% of all urban road casualty deaths in Ghana. This is as a result of the overwhelming dependence on walking as a mode of transport in an environment where there are high vehicular speeds and inadequate pedestrian facilities. The objectives of this research were to establish the (1) impact of traffic calming measures on vehicle speeds and (2) association between traffic calming measures and pedestrian injury severity in built-up areas in Ghana.

Method: Vehicle speeds were unobtrusively measured in 38 selected settlements, including 19 with traffic calming schemes and 19 without. The study design used in this research was a matched case–control. A regression analysis compared case and control casualties using a conditional logistic regression.

Results: Generally, the mean vehicle speeds and the proportion of vehicles exceeding the 50?km/h speed limit were significantly lower in settlements that have traffic calming measures compared to towns without any traffic calming measures. Additionally, the proportion of motorists who exceeded the speed limit was 30% or less in settlements that have traffic calming devices and the proportion who exceeded the speed limit was 60% or more in towns without any traffic calming measures. The odds of pedestrian fatality was significantly higher in settlements that have no traffic calming devices compared to those that have (odds ratio [OR]?=?1.98; 95% confidence interval, 1.09–4.43). The protective effects of a traffic calming scheme that has a speed table was notably higher than those where there were no speed tables.

Conclusion: It was clearly evident that traffic calming devices reduce vehicular speeds and, thus, the incidence and severity of pedestrian injuries in built-up areas in Ghana. However, the fact that they are deployed on arterial roads is increasingly becoming a road safety concern. Given the emerging safety challenges associated with speed calming measures, we recommend that their use be restricted to residential streets but not on arterial roads. Long-term solutions for improving pedestrian safety proposed herein include bypassing settlements along the highways to reduce pedestrians’ exposure to traffic collisions and adopting a modern way of enforcement such as evidence-based laser monitoring in conjunction with a punishment regime that utilizes the demerit points system.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To study the present situation, characteristics, and main problems of the traffic safety in the mountain areas of Southwest China. METHODS: A study was done on the traffic status of Wulong County, Chongqing Municipality, by means of document review, field investigation, and inquiry. RESULTS: The traffic crashes and deaths in Wulong County were increasing since 1999. From 1997 to 2001, there occurred 126 severe and very severe traffic crashes resulting in 175 deaths and 411 serious injuries, which accounted for 9.4% of total crashes, 96.1% of total deaths, and 48.4% of total serious injuries, respectively. The severe and very severe traffic crashes were highest in 2000. One part for 83 km in length accounting for 3.0% of No. 319 National Highway was responsible for 54.5% of very severe traffic crashes, which closely related to conditions of the road itself and its environment and defective execution of traffic laws. CONCLUSIONS: Wulong County, one of the mountain counties in Southwest China, is now facing a complex and serious road traffic situation and serious traffic safety, with a high incidence of severe and very severe road traffic crashes. The crashes closely relate to imperfect road design, defective execution of traffic laws, imperfect management, and environmental factors.  相似文献   

IntroductionDespite the numerous safety studies done on traffic barriers’ performance assessment, the effect of variables such as traffic barrier’s height has not been identified considering a comprehensive actual crash data analysis. This study seeks to identify the impact of geometric variables (i.e., height, post-spacing, sideslope ratio, and lateral offset) on median traffic barriers’ performance in crashes on interstate roads.MethodGeometric dimensions of over 110 miles median traffic barriers on interstate Wyoming roads were inventoried in a field survey between 2016 and 2018. Then, the traffic barrier data collected was combined with historical crash records, traffic volume data, road geometric characteristics, and weather condition data to provide a comprehensive dataset for the analysis. Finally, an ordered logit model with random-parameters was developed for the severity of traffic barrier crashes. Based on the results, traffic barrier’s height was found to impact crash severity.ResultsCrashes involving cable barriers with a height between 30″ and 42″ were less severe than other traffic barrier types, while concrete barriers with a height shorter than 32″ were more likely involved with severe injury crashes. As another important finding, the post-spacing of 6.1–6.3 ft. was identified as the least severe range in W-beam barriers.Practical applicationsThe results show that using flare barriers should reduce the number of crashes compared to parallel barriers.  相似文献   

《Safety Science》2003,41(1):1-14
Increasing amount of road traffic in 1990s has drawn much attention in Korea due to its influence on safety problems. Various types of data analyses are done in order to analyze the relationship between the severity of road traffic accident and driving environmental factors based on traffic accident records. Accurate results of such accident data analysis can provide crucial information for road accident prevention policy. In this paper, we use various algorithms to improve the accuracy of individual classifiers for two categories of severity of road traffic accident. Individual classifiers used are neural network and decision tree. Mainly three different approaches are applied: classifier fusion based on the Dempster–Shafer algorithm, the Bayesian procedure and logistic model; data ensemble fusion based on arcing and bagging; and clustering based on the k-means algorithm. Our empirical study results indicate that a clustering based classification algorithm works best for road traffic accident classification in Korea.  相似文献   

Introduction: This study aimed to assess the physical, psychological, and economic burden shouldered by severely injured two-wheel users in three European countries as well as the cost resulting from their hospitalization. Methods: A total of seven public hospitals were involved in three countries: Greece, Italy, and Germany. Participants enrolled during a 12-month period starting in April 2013. Eligibility criteria included an injury sustained at Road Traffic Crashes (RTC) irrespective of the type of vehicle, hospitalization 1 day in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU) or sub-ICU, and age 18 years or over. Patients were interviewed at 1, 6, and 12 months upon admission. The study used widely recommended classifications for injury severity (Abbreviated Injury Severity [AIS]; Maximum Abbreviated Injury Severity [MAIS]) and standardized measures such as the Disability Assessment Schedule II (WHODAS 2.0), “Impact of Event Scale” (IES-R), Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D Scale). Health Care Expenditure was assessed through the Monash University Accident Research Centre (MUARC's) framework, which included measures of ‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’ costs. Diagnosis-related groups (DRGs) were used to estimate hospitalization costs. Results: A total of 54 two-wheel users enrolled in the study in all the countries and 32 completed all follow-up questionnaires. Physical disability increased over 12 months following the injury. Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) symptoms of avoidance remained at high levels over the study period. PTSD symptoms of intrusion improved significantly during the second half of the year under investigation. The total annual cost of injury for the two-wheel users who were hospitalized in the selected ICU of all the partner countries for severe injury in 2013/2014, was estimated at €714,491 made up of €123,457 direct and €591,034 indirect costs. Men, aged 50–64 years and those who sustained slight injuries primarily at the lower extremities presented higher indirect costs per person. A total of €1032.092 was spent on hospitalization payments. Women, aged 65 + and those who sustained severe injuries at the central body region presented higher direct costs per person. Women, aged 50–64 years, those with severe injuries and a major injury at the central body and the upper body region presented the highest hospitalization costs per person. Conclusions: There is a need for effective strategies to early detect and treat groups at risk of being confronted with prolonged psychosocial and economic consequences. Practical implications: A holistic understanding of the impact of injury on individuals is important in order to achieve effective treatment of psychological co-morbidities in a timely manner.  相似文献   

基于PLC和组态王的交通信号灯监控系统的设计   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了有效地提高交通信号灯的控制效率,克服以往信号灯出现故障不能及时发现和返修的现象,利用PLC强大的逻辑控制功能,基于King View 6.0设计了1套交通信号灯监控系统.该系统用户界面友好,实际运行效果良好.  相似文献   

为研究夜间交通事故严重程度致因,基于深圳市3年3 244起交通事故数据,获取昼夜交通事故分布的时空特征;进一步选取交通事故集聚的南山区、福田区、罗湖区的1 798起交通事故,以交通事故严重程度为因变量,以事故原因、日期、事故形态等10个因素为候选自变量,构建广义有序Logit回归模型,对比分析昼夜不同严重程度交通事故的影响因素。结果表明:路口路段类型、疲劳驾驶、事故日期在夜间模型参数估计值分别为0.493,-0.363,-0.309,而在日间模型表现为不显著,道路路面材料在日间模型参数估计值为-0.232,而在夜间表现为不显著;事故原因、道路横断面渠化方式等因素在日间和夜间所引起交通事故的严重等级均存在较大差异。  相似文献   

Objective: The objective of this study was to describe self-reported high alcohol use at each of the 3 licensing stages of graduated driver licensing and its relationship to drink-driving behaviors, intentional risky driving, aggressive driving, alcohol traffic offenses, non-alcohol traffic offenses, and traffic crashes.

Methods: The New Zealand Drivers Study (NZDS) is a multistage, prospective cohort study of newly licensed drivers interviewed at all 3 stages of the graduated driver licensing system: learner (baseline), restricted (intermediate), and full license. At each stage, alcohol use was self-reported using the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (AUDIT-C), with high alcohol use defined as a score of ≥4 for males and ≥3 for females. Sociodemographic and personality data were obtained at the baseline interview. Alcohol-related, intentional risky, and aggressive driving behaviors were self-reported following each license stage. Traffic crashes and offenses were identified from police records. Crashes were also self-reported.

Results: Twenty-six percent (n = 397) reported no high alcohol use, 22% at one license stage, 30% at 2 stages, and 22% at 3 stages. Poisson regression results (unadjusted and adjusted) showed that the number of stages where high alcohol use was reported was significantly associated with each of the outcomes. For most outcomes, and especially the alcohol-involved outcomes, the relative risk increased with the number of stages of high alcohol use.

Conclusions: We found that high alcohol use was common among young newly licensed drivers and those who repeatedly reported high alcohol use were at a significantly higher risk of unsafe driving behaviors. Recently introduced zero blood alcohol concentration (BAC) should help to address this problem, but other strategies are required to target persistent offenders.  相似文献   

Facility Siting is an important phase of project development. A critical stage is plot plan optimisation, where significant potential hazards are eliminated due to equipment spacing. In addition to ensuring appropriate compliance with minimum spacing requirements, occupied building studies to achieve compliance with the requirements of API 752 and API 753 could also be undertaken to optimise safety outcomes. The studies are done in three stages, where the first stage is hazard identification, second stage is consequence assessment and the third stage is risk assessment. Third stage assessments are only carried, if the consequence based siting recommendations are not practical to implement.This paper presents the challenges in estimating risk due to process hazards with a focus on selecting right event likelihood data. A comparison is presented on the variation in predicted risk levels based on equipment failure rates and leak frequencies.Case study of a plot plan optimisation study is undertaken with DNVGL Phast Risk and the variation in risk levels up to two orders of magnitude are recorded. Challenges such as adaption of data for local conditions, consistent definitions of failure, sample size of data, applicability of data play a significant role in identifying and correctly quantifying the risk levels. Such challenges and its impact on risk quantification are presented in this paper as well as its impact on facility siting.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The current study aims to evaluate the influence of age-related stature on the frequency of body region injury and overall injury severity in children involved in pedestrian versus motor vehicle collisions (PMVCs). METHODS: A trauma registry including the coded injuries sustained by 1,590 1- to 15-year-old pedestrian casualties treated at a level-one trauma center was categorized by stature-related age (1-3, 4-6, 7-9, 10-12, and 13-15 years) and body region (head and face, neck, thorax, abdomen and pelvic content, thoracic and lumbar spine, upper extremities, pelvis, and lower extremities). The lower extremity category was further divided into three sub-structures (thigh, leg, and knee). For each age group and body region/sub-structure the proportion of casualties with at least one injury was then determined at given Abbreviated Injury Scale (AIS) severity levels. In addition, the average and distribution of the Maximum Abbreviated Injury Score (MAIS) and the average Injury Severity Score (ISS) were determined for each age group. The calculated proportions, averages, and distributions were then compared between age groups using appropriate significance tests. RESULTS: The overall outcome showed relatively minor variation between age groups, with the average +/- SD MAIS and ISS ranging from 2.3 +/- 0.9 to 2.5 +/- 1.0 and 8.2 +/- 7.2 to 9.4 +/- 8.9, respectively. The subjects in the 1- to 3-year-old age group were more likely to sustain injury to the head, face, and torso regions than the older subjects. The frequency of AIS 2+ lower extremity injury was approximately 20% in the 1- to 3-year-old group, but was twice as high in the 4- to 12-years age range and 2.5 times as high in the oldest age group. The frequency of femur fracture increased from 10% in the youngest group to 26% in the 4- to 6-year-old group and then declined to 14% in the 10- to 15-years age range. The frequency of tibia/fibula fracture increased monotonically with group age from 8% in the 1- to 3-year-old group to 31% in the 13- to 15-year-old group. CONCLUSIONS: While the overall outcome of child pedestrian casualties appears to be relatively constant across the pediatric stature range considered ( approximately 74-170 cm), subject height seems to affect the frequency of injury to individual body regions, including the thorax and lower extremities. This suggests that vehicle safety designers need not only account for the difference in injury patterns between adult and pediatric pedestrian casualties, but also for the variation within the pediatric group.  相似文献   

Objective: Road safety is an important public health issue worldwide. However, few studies have analyzed the association between criminalizing drunk driving and years of life lost (YLL) due to road traffic deaths (RTDs). Our study can provide useful information about this policy.

Methods: We used interrupted time-series analysis to find the changes in monthly YLL and RTD before and after law enforcement began using RTD data from 2008 to 2014 in Tianjin.

Results: After adjustment for seasonality, months, holidays, and the number of people in each district, criminalizing drunk driving was followed by a 11.1% (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.1–21.1%) reduction in risk of RTDs and a corresponding 778.1-year (95% CI, 200–1,355.1) reduction in monthly YLL. The reduction in YLL was especially significant among males, those aged 16–64 years old, and suburban residents.

Conclusions: This study highlights that the law can lead to a reduction in YLL due to RTDs in Tianjin, China. Large immediate public health benefits resulted from the new road traffic law in China. YLL provides a complementary measure for examining the effect of criminalization on drunk driving RTDs.  相似文献   

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