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The stability of uranium-bearing minerals in natural environments is of interest to evaluate the feasibility of radioactive waste repositories. The uraninite bodies, UO2(s), in the Oklo district (Gabon) are the result of a natural fission process, which took place 1970 Ma ago. These deposits can be regarded as natural analogues for spent fuel. One of the uraninite bodies, the Okélobondo deposit, is located at a depth of 300 m. Groundwater samples from boreholes located at shallow depths (100-200 m) show neutral to basic pH, anoxic conditions (Eh = 0.10 to -0.05 V) and are saturated with respect to uraninite. In contrast, deeper samples collected in the vicinity of the ore body are oxidising (Eh = 0.32-0.47 V), slightly basic (pH = 7.0-8.5) and undersaturated with respect to uraninite. These oxidising conditions at depth, if present under repository conditions, may affect the stability of uranium oxide. In order to improve our understanding of the observed site geochemistry, the available information on the lithology and groundwater flow was integrated in a reactive transport model. The chemical composition and the pH-Eh values of the water sampled above and in the western side of the Okélobondo deposit can be explained by the interaction of meteoric recharge with pelites, dolomites and sandstones. The dissolution of Fe(II)-silicates and the oxidation of the Fe(II)-aqueous species maintained the pH-Eh distribution along the Fe(2+)-Fe(OH)3(am) equilibrium, with the result that uraninite does not dissolve. This may explain the lower uranium content in the water samples from pelites and dolomites above the Okélobondo deposit. The high Mn/Fe ratio and the high pH-Eh values of the water sampled at depth, close to the Okélobondo deposit, suggest a control by the Mn(2+)-MnOOH(s) equilibrium. This control is attributed to the dissolution of a large rhodochrosite, MnCO3(s), and manganite, MnOOH(s) deposit in the recharge area on the eastern side.  相似文献   

The monitoring of a spring and seven piezometers in the 3km(2) Brévilles agricultural catchment (France) over five and a half years revealed considerable spatial and temporal variability in the concentrations of atrazine and its metabolite deethylatrazine (both systematically quantified at the outlet spring): maximum 0.97 and 2.72microgL(-1), mean 0.19 and 0.59microgL(-1), respectively. Isoproturon, the pesticide applied in the greatest amount, was detected in only 10 of the 133 samples. These observations can only partly be explained by land use and intrinsic pesticide properties. Geochemical measurements and tritium dating showed the importance of the stratification of the sandy saturated zone and the buffer function of the unsaturated limestone. Principal component analysis on 39 monthly data series of atrazine, deethylatrazine, nitrate, chloride and piezometric levels revealed a temporal structuring of the data possibly reflecting the existence within the aquifer of two different reservoirs with time-variable contributions.  相似文献   

Concentrations of Cd, Cr, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb and Zn in the soft tissue of Crassostrea iridescens and the associated surface sediments (bulk and bioavailable metal concentrations) from an area influenced by a sewage outfall in Mazatlán Bay (southeast Gulf of California), were determined by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Significant spatial differences in metal concentrations in both the bulk and bioavailable forms in the sediments were identified. An enrichment of Cu, Ni, Pb and Zn in sites located on a south-north transect was detected indicating a dominant influence of the sewage outfall toward the north. C. iridescens accumulated more Zn, Cu, Ni, Fe, Cd; and less Mn, Cr and Pb than were bioavailable in the sediments, as measured using conventional extraction analysis. The degree of enrichment and the bioavailable metal concentrations in the sediments of the south portion of Mazatlán Bay is discussed. The potential ability of C. iridescens as a biomonitor of metallic pollutants is postulated.  相似文献   

Uğur A  Ozden B  Filizok I 《Chemosphere》2011,83(8):1102-1107
In this study, the activity concentrations of 210Po and 210Pb were determined in mussel samples (Mytilus galloprovincialis) collected from the Turkish coast of the Aegean Sea. The samples were collected seasonally for a period of two years (2004-2006) at six coastal stations (Çanakkale, Dikili, Foça, Çe?me, Didim, Bodrum). Mussels were separated into several groups according to their size (1-4, 4-6, >6 cm). The results showed that 210Po concentrations in mussels varied between 53 ± 4 and 1960 ± 60 Bq kg−1 dw. The highest activity 210Po concentrations were determined in winter samples of mussels with a shell length of 4-6 cm from Didim. In general, it was observed that the 210Pb concentration levels in mussels were lower than 210Po concentrations. The 210Po/210Pb activity concentration ratios exceeded unity for all mussel samples and averaged 26.0. The inter-site differences seen in 210Po concentrations can be due to both the natural background levels of sites and industrial activities.  相似文献   

Water and sediment samples were collected in the lower Paraná delta at four sites with different levels of exposure to pollution to evaluate the anthropogenic impact through chemical analyses and mortality bioassays. Individual polychlorinated biphenyls, chlorinated pesticides, aliphatic hydrocarbons, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, and heavy metals were measured in waters, porewaters and sediments. The same three phases were also subjected to toxicity assays with straight-hinged juveniles of Corbicula fluminea. Concentrations of several pollutants were above levels recommended for the protection of aquatic life: in waters, Zn, Cu and Cr were 1.6-4.9 times higher, whereas in the sediments Cr was 1.8-3.6, and benzo(a)pyrene was 2.8-5.6 times higher. Pollutant concentrations followed a clear geographic pattern with highest values in the densely populated area of the Reconquista and Luján rivers, lower levels in the San Antonio, and lowest loadings in the remote Paraná de las Palmas. This gradient was adequately matched by the pattern of mortality rates of C. fluminea early juveniles, which were highest in the Reconquista-Luján (40-93%) and lowest (and not significantly different from the control) in the Paraná (3.3-23%). Mortality rates also increased from surface waters (3.3-53%), to porewaters (12-73%), to sediments (23-93%). Although toxicity was probably mainly due to dissolved contaminants, agreement between chemical and biological evidence of pollution was best for the sediment compartment, whereas porewater and surface water showed a higher degree of variability.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Previous studies indicate that pesticide use may play an important role in the occurrence and development of rheumatoid arthritis (RA); however,...  相似文献   

The first attempt to systematically investigate the atmospheric mercury (Hg) in the MBL of the Augusta basin (SE Sicily, Italy) has been undertaken. In the past the basin was the receptor for Hg from an intense industrial activity which contaminated the bottom sediments of the Bay, making this area a potential source of pollution for the surrounding Mediterranean. Three oceanographic cruises have been thus performed in the basin during the winter and summer 2011/2012, where we estimated averaged Hgatm concentrations of about 1.5 ± 0.4 (range 0.9–3.1) and 2.1 ± 0.98 (range 1.1–3.1) ng m−3 for the two seasons, respectively. These data are somewhat higher than the background Hgatm value measured over the land (range 1.1 ± 0.3 ng m−3) at downtown Augusta, while are similar to those detected in other polluted regions elsewhere. Hg evasion fluxes estimated at the sea/air interface over the Bay range from 3.6 ± 0.3 (unpolluted site) to 72 ± 0.1 (polluted site of the basin) ng m−2 h−1. By extending these measurements to the entire area of the Augusta basin (∼23.5 km2), we calculated a total sea–air Hg evasion flux of about 9.7 ± 0.1 g d−1 (∼0.004 t yr−1), accounting for ∼0.0002% of the global Hg oceanic evasion (2000 t yr−1). The new proposed data set offers a unique and original study on the potential outflow of Hg from the sea–air interface at the basin, and it represents an important step for a better comprehension of the processes occurring in the marine biogeochemical cycle of this element.  相似文献   

Laboratory-reared grey garden slugs, Deroceras reticulatum, were exposed to soil and food treated with solutions of three metal salts (CdCl2, ZnCl2, PbCl2) in three environmentally relevant concentrations, each for 21 days. Metal concentrations were determined in the soil, food and slugs by atomic absorption spectrophotometry (AAS). Zinc was localized ultrastructurally in the hepatopancreatic cells by means of energy-filtering transmission electron microscopy (EFTEM). Zinc, and also high amounts of copper, could be detected by electron spectroscopical imaging (ESI) and electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) in spherites of the basophilic cells. Ultrastructural responses to metal impact were investigated in two cell types of the hepatopancreas (digestive and basophilic cells) and the cellular responses were found to be dose- and metal-dependent. In order to evaluate the toxicity of the respective metal concentrations to the slugs, the ultrastructural reactions were semi-quantified and summarized as complex reaction patterns of numerous organelles. This novel approach provides a basis for the use of data from standardized tests as a background for risk assessment studies in the field.  相似文献   

In the shallow environment, the nutrient and carbon exchanges at the sediment–water interface contribute significantly to determine the trophic status of the whole water column. The intensity of the allochthonous input in a coastal environment subjected to strong anthropogenic pressures determines an increase in the benthic oxygen demand leading to depressed oxygen levels in the bottom waters. Anoxic conditions resulting from organic enrichment can enhance the exchange of nutrients between sediments and the overlying water. In the present study, carbon and nutrient fluxes at the sediment–water interface were measured at two experimental sites, one highly and one moderately contaminated, as reference point. In situ benthic flux measurements of dissolved species (O2, DIC, DOC, N-NO3 ?, N-NO2 ?, N-NH4 +, P-PO4 3?, Si-Si(OH)4, H2S) were conducted using benthic chambers. Furthermore, undisturbed sediment cores were collected for analyses of total and organic C, total N, and biopolymeric carbon (carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids) as well as of dissolved species in porewaters and supernatant in order to calculate the diffusive fluxes. The sediments were characterized by suboxic to anoxic conditions with redox values more negative in the highly contaminated site, which was also characterized by higher biopolymeric carbon content (most of all lipids), lower C/N ratios and generally higher diffusive fluxes, which could result in a higher release of contaminants. A great difference was observed between diffusive and in situ benthic fluxes suggesting the enhancing of fluxes by bioturbation and the occurrence of biogeochemically important processes at the sediment–water interface. The multi-contamination of both inorganic and organic pollutants, in the sediments of the Mar Piccolo of Taranto (declared SIN in 1998), potentially transferable to the water column and to the aquatic trophic chain, is of serious concern for its ecological relevance, also considering the widespread fishing and mussel farming activities in the area.  相似文献   

The Marennes-Oléron Bay, hosting the largest oyster production in France, is influenced by the historic polymetallic pollution of the Gironde Estuary. Despite management efforts and decreasing emissions in the Gironde watershed, cadmium levels in oysters from the bay are close to the consumption limit (5 μg g−1 dw, EC). From mid April to mid July 2009, we investigated the role of tidal resuspension and regional hydrodynamics on Cd speciation (seawater, SPM, phytoplankton, sediment, microphytobenthos) and bioaccumulation in 18 month-old oysters (gills, digestive glands, rests of tissues) reared under natural conditions (i) at ∼60 cm above the sediment and (ii) on the sediment surface. Dissolved and particulate Cd concentrations in surface and bottom waters were similar and constant over tidal cycle suggesting the absence of Cd release during sediment resuspension. Temporal dissolved and particulate Cd concentrations were closely related to Gironde Estuary water discharges, showing increasing concentrations during flood situations and decreasing concentrations afterwards. Cd depletion in the water column was associated with increasing Cd in the [20-100 μm] plankton fraction, suggesting Cd bioaccumulation. After 3 months, enrichment factors of Cd in tissues of oysters exposed in the water column and directly on the sediment were respectively 3.0 and 2.2 in gills, 4.7 and 3.2 in digestive glands and 4.9 and 3.4 in remaining tissues. Increasing Cd bioaccumulation in gills, digestive glands and remaining tissues can be related to elevated dissolved Cd in the bay, suggesting gill contamination via the direct pathway and subsequent internal redistribution of Cd to other organs and tissues. Elevated Cd contents in oysters reared on tables could be attributed to different trophic Cd transfer (phytoplankton versus microphytobenthos) or to different oyster metabolisms between the rearing conditions as suggested by metallothionein concentrations.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - This study examines the relationship between uncertainty-fear toward COVID-19, green supply chain management (GSCM), and perceived service quality...  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - Dissolved organic matter (DOM) and microbes are key in the planetary carbon cycle, and research on them can lead to a better understanding of the...  相似文献   

Today, urban runoff is considered as an important source of environmental pollution. Roofing materials, in particular, the metallic ones, are considered as a major source of urban runoff metal contaminations. In the context of the European Water Directive (2000/60 CE), an accurate evaluation of contaminant flows from roofs is thus required on the city scale, and therefore the development of assessment tools is needed. However, on this scale, there is an important diversity of roofing materials. In addition, given the size of a city, a complete census of the materials of the different roofing elements represents a difficult task. Information relating roofing materials and their surfaces on an urban district do not currently exist in urban databases. The objective of this paper is to develop a new method of evaluating annual contaminant flow emissions from the different roofing material elements (e.g., gutter, rooftop) on the city scale. This method is based on using and adapting existing urban databases combined with a statistical approach. Different rules for identifying the materials of the different roofing elements on the city scale have been defined. The methodology is explained through its application to the evaluation of zinc emissions on the scale of the city of Créteil.  相似文献   

The understanding of the global environmental multiphase distribution of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) as a result of the physico-chemical properties of the respective compounds is well established. We have analysed the results of a vertical transport of POPs from surface water to deepwater in terms of the contamination of the biota living in the respective environmental compartments. Samples were taken from the North and the South Atlantic and from the uprising water region of the continental shelf of California (Marine Sanctuary Monterey Bay and its Canyon). The contents of persistent organochlorine pesticides (DDTs, chlordanes, toxaphenes, HCHs, and HCB) in surface-living fish are compared to those in deepwater fish of the same geographic area. The deepwater biota show significantly higher burdens as compared to surface-living species of the same region. There are also indications for recycling processes of POPs of the class of organochlorine pesticides in the biophase of the abyss as well. It can be concluded that the bio- and geophase of the deep-sea may act as an ultimate global sink for persistent semivolatile contaminants in the marine environment like the soil on the continents.  相似文献   

Environmental Science and Pollution Research - The aim of this study was to analyze the occurrence of sulfonamide resistance genes (sul1–3) and other genetic elements as antiseptic resistance...  相似文献   

The bioaccumulation of six metals (Fe, Mn, Zn, Cd, Pb and Cu) was studied as part of the monitoring of the Aznalcóllar mining spill (April 1998) on the Guadalquivir estuary and in other estuaries located in the Gulf of Cádiz. Fish, clams and oysters were collected during different seasonal periods along the years 2000 and 2001 in the Guadalquivir estuary to determine the bioaccumulation of the metals originated by the mining spill. Results were compared to the bioaccumulation of the same metals in fish and clams exposed in the laboratory to sediments collected in the same areas during autumn 2001. The bioaccumulation of these metals was compared to the concentration of metals measured in tissues of same taxas collected in the areas of the ria of Huelva and the Bay of Cádiz. Results show that the bioaccumulation of Zn and Cd in the organisms sampled in the Guadalquivir estuary was associated with the enrichment of these metals in the estuary from the mining spill and decreased along the time reaching the lowest values in autumn 2001. The metal Cu show different trends that are associated with other sources of contamination than the spill and related to the transport of this metal from Huelva to Guadalquivir estuary and/or to the use of this metal as plaguicide in the rice fields located in the area. The comparison between bioaccumulation results under field and laboratory conditions obtained in the different areas of study shows that these data can be used to discriminate between acute and chronic impacts associated with mining activities.  相似文献   

Part II presents a comprehensive evaluation of CMAQ for August of 2002 on twenty-one sensitivity simulations (detailed in Part I) in MM5 to investigate the model performance for O3 SIPs (State Implementation Plans) in the complex terrain. CMAQ performance was quite consistent with the results of MM5, meaning that accurate meteorological fields predicted in MM5 as an input resulted in good model performance of CMAQ. In this study, PBL scheme plays a more important role than its land surface models (LSMs) for the model performance of CMAQ. Our results have shown that the outputs of CMAQ on eighteen sensitivity simulations using two different nudging coefficients for winds (2.5 and 4.5 × 10?4 s?1, respectively) tend to under predict daily maximum 8-h ozone concentrations at valley areas except the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations (ETA M-Y PBL scheme with Noah LSMs and 5-layer soil model and Gayno-Seaman PBL) using 6.0 × 10?4 s?1 with positive MB (Mean Bias). At mountain areas, none of the sensitivity simulations has presented over predictions for 8-h O3, due to relatively poor meteorological model performance. When comparing 12-km and 4-km grid resolutions for the PX simulation in CMAQ statistics analysis, the CMAQ results at 12-km grid resolution consistently show under predictions of 8-h O3 at both of valley and mountain areas and particularly, it shows relatively poor model performance with a 15.1% of NMB (Normalized Mean Bias). Based on our sensitivity simulations, the TKE PBL sensitivity simulations using a maximum value (6 × 10?4) among other sensitivity simulations yielded better model performance of CMAQ at all areas in the complex terrain. As a result, the sensitivity of RRFs to the PBL scheme may be considerably significant with about 1–3 ppb in difference in determining whether the attainment test is passed or failed. Furthermore, we found that the result of CMAQ model performance depending on meteorological variations is affected on estimating RRFs for attainment demonstration, indicating that it is necessary to improve model performance. Overall, G_c (Gayo-Seaman PBL scheme) using the coefficient for winds, 6 × 10?4 s?1, sensitivity simulation predicts daily maximum 8-h ozone concentration closer to observations during a typical summer period from May to September and provides generally low future design values (DVFs) at valley and mountain areas compared to other simulations.  相似文献   

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