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The present article, based on a study of five village ecosystems, assesses the energy efficiency of rain-fed agriculture in a dry tropical environment and the impact of agricultural activity on the surrounding natural ecosystems. Agronomic yield is insufficient to meet the food requirement of the human population, hence 11.5%–49.7% of the required amount of food grains are imported from the market. Energy requirements of five studied agroecosystems are subsidized considerably by the surrounding forest in the form of fodder and firewood. Natural ecosystems supply about 80%–95% of fodder needs and 81%–100% of fuelwood needs. The output-input ratio of agriculture indicated that, on average, 4.1 units of energy are expended to obtain one unit of agronomic energy. Of this, 3.9 units are supplied by the natural ecosystem. In addition, 38% of the extracted firewood is marketed. The illegal felling and lopping of trees result in ever-increasing concentric circles of forest destruction around the villages and together with excessive grazing results in savannization. The forests can be conserved by encouraging fuelwood plantations (0.7 ha/ha cultivated land) and developing village pastures (1.6 ha/ha cultivated land) and reducing the livestock numbers. Agricultural production in the region can be stabilized by introducing improved dry farming techniques such as intercropping, planned rainwater management, and adequate use of fertilizers.  相似文献   

The study focuses on understorey-overstorey plant community dynamics in a dry tropical forest to facilitate appropriate management decisions. We compare community composition and species diversity of the understorey vegetation among five dry tropical forest sites in northern India. A total of 1500 quadrats distributed over 15 one-ha permanent plots in five sites differing in the degree of disturbance, were used to enumerate the understorey tree species and the results were compared with overstorey tree layer. The non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMS) ordination revealed that human disturbance intensity, as well as the overall disturbance regimes, and soil water holding capacity controlled the organisation of dry tropical forest understorey composition through effects on soil organic matter. The alpha-diversity and its components decreased with increasing human disturbance intensity, reflecting utilisation pressure and decreased soil fertility, as also revealed by the analysis of overstorey tree layer. There was a significant positive relationship between overstorey and understorey diversity. Results suggest that in the future, the existing understorey tree communities may replace the current dry tropical forest communities under prevailing environmental conditions. The study also asserts that the rate of species accumulation will be greater in more disturbed sites as well as at small spatial scale within each disturbance level.  相似文献   

The results of an investigation characterizing the nutrients and suspended solids contained in stormwater from Kranji Catchment in Singapore are reported in this paper. Stormwater samples were collected from 4 locations and analyzed for the following eleven analytes: TOC, DOC, TN, TDN, NH4+, NO2 + NO3 (NOx), TP, TDP, OP, SiO2 and TSS. Stormwater was sampled from catchments with various proportions of rural and urban land use, including forested areas, grassed areas, agricultural and residential and commercial areas. The event mean concentrations (EMCs) of nutrients and TSS from sampling stations which have agricultural land use activities upstream were found to be higher. Comparison of site EMCs (SMCs) with published data showed that the SMCs of the nutrients and TSS are generally higher than SMCs reported for forested areas but lower than published SMCs for urban areas. Positive correlations (p < 5%) were found between loading and peak flow at locations most impacted by ubanisation or agricultural activities. Correlation between loading and rainfall variables was less distinct. EMC was found to correlate less with rainfall and flow variables compared to pollutant loading. Unlike loading, no consistent pattern exists linking EMC to any particular storm or flow variable in any of the catchments. Lastly, positive correlations were obtained between the particulate forms of nitrogen and phosphorus and TSS.  相似文献   

The objective of this work is to analyze and interpret the components or hydrogeological, physical, and chemical variables of the San Diego aquifer to describe it and explain its influence on the sustainable use of groundwater for the providing of this locality. The San Diego municipality covers most of the area of the aquifer and is an area of high urban development that currently needs the contribution of groundwater due to the deficit presented by the main supply from the Central Regional System. Said aquifer is a set of geological strata located within the limits of the San Diego River basin, in the state of Carabobo, which are capable of storing groundwater and transmitting it. Data on lithology, porosity, and pumping level were investigated, which allows calculating an estimate of the volume of water available in the aquifer. Regarding the quality of the water, the data on hardness, chlorides, sulfates, nitrates, conductivity, calcium, magnesium, and pH, show that the water towards the center and north of the aquifer is of good quality, being able to classify it as type 1A, while toward the southern end—this is of lower quality, where the mineral parameters are higher, which is related to the probable intrusion of brackish water from Lake Valencia. It is concluded by establishing that the volume of groundwater, its availability, extraction feasibility, and its quality, make it suitable for urban supply and that said extraction is sustainable. But a better-integrated type of management must be designed, considering the contribution of the Regional System of the Center and the adequacy of the distribution networks.  相似文献   

Forest growth models are useful tools for investigating the long-term impacts of logging. In this paper, the results of the rain forest growth model FORMIND were assessed by a multicriteria decision analysis. The main processes covered by FORMIND include tree growth, mortality, regeneration and competition. Tree growth is calculated based on a carbon balance approach. Trees compete for light and space; dying large trees fall down and create gaps in the forest. Sixty-four different logging scenarios for an initially undisturbed forest stand at Deramakot (Malaysia) were simulated. The scenarios differ regarding the logging cycle, logging method, cutting limit and logging intensity. We characterise the impacts with four criteria describing the yield, canopy opening and changes in species composition. Multicriteria decision analysis was used for the first time to evaluate the scenarios and identify the efficient ones. Our results plainly show that reduced-impact logging scenarios are more 'efficient' than the others, since in these scenarios forest damage is minimised without significantly reducing yield. Nevertheless, there is a trade-off between yield and achieving a desired ecological state of logged forest; the ecological state of the logged forests can only be improved by reducing yields and enlarging the logging cycles. Our study also demonstrates that high cutting limits or low logging intensities cannot compensate for the high level of damage caused by conventional logging techniques.  相似文献   

Practically no information exists on the impact of human trampling on tropical rain forest vegetation. We studied three trails with varying periods of use and recovery in a tropical rain forest in Costa Rica. Human impact on trailside plants was curvilinearly related to use, as found by other workers in temperate zone vegetation. Recovery in a period of two years and eight months had been rapid, and herbs and seedlings were more abundant along the recovering trail than in undisturbed forest. The results imply that a shifting mosaic of trails, analogous to the mosaic created by light gaps, may be the best management technique to minimize the impact of human visitors in tropical rain forests.  相似文献   

Herb layer contributes substantially to the species diversity of forests and responds relatively quickly to changes in the environment. The objectives of the present study were to understand the relationships among tree canopy cover, soil moisture, light intensity, herbaceous diversity and biomass in a dry tropical forest of India. For this, 20 locations equally distributed in four sites were selected. Four quadrats, each 1?×?1?m in size, were randomly placed for sampling at each location. For each quadrat, tree canopy cover, incident light, soil moisture, herbaceous diversity, and biomass were determined. Results indicated that the selected locations differed in terms of tree canopy cover, soil moisture, light intensity, herbaceous diversity, and biomass. Principal component analysis (PCA), using importance value indices of the component species yielded four groups corresponding to the four communities. PCA axes were related to the tree canopy cover, light intensity, and soil moisture and suggested that these variables had a profound effect on the organization and determination of herbaceous floristic composition and diversity. Positive relationships of tree canopy cover with soil moisture, herbaceous diversity and biomass, and those of soil moisture with herbaceous diversity and biomass suggested that the tree canopies facilitated the herbaceous communities by modifying environmental conditions that ultimately improved the diversity and production. Further, the study showed a linear relationship of herbaceous diversity with biomass, indicating the importance of species diversity for generating primary production in forest herbs.  相似文献   

Maize (Zea mays L.) production in the smallholder farming areas of Zimbabwe is based on both organic and mineral nutrient sources. A study was conducted to determine the effect of composted cattle manure, mineral N fertilizer, and their combinations on NO3 concentrations in leachate leaving the root zone and to establish N fertilization rates that minimize leaching. Maize was grown for three seasons (1996-1997, 1997-1998, and 1998-1999) in field lysimeters repacked with a coarse-grained sandy soil (Typic Kandiustalf). Leachate volumes ranged from 480 to 509 mm yr(-1) (1395 mm rainfall) in 1996-1997, 296 to 335 mm yr(-1) (840 mm rainfall) in 1997-1998, and 606 to 635 mm yr(-1) (1387 mm rainfall) in 1998-1999. Mineral N fertilizer, especially the high rate (120 kg N ha(-1)), and manure plus mineral N fertilizer combinations resulted in high NO3 leachate concentrations (up to 34 mg N L(-1)) and NO3 losses (up to 56 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)) in 1996-1997, which represent both environmental and economic concerns. Although the leaching losses were relatively small in the other seasons, they are still of great significance in African smallholder farming where fertilizer is unaffordable for most farmers. Nitrate leaching from sole manure treatments was relatively low (average of less than 20 kg N ha(-1) yr(-1)), whereas the crop uptake efficiency of mineral N fertilizer was enhanced by up to 26% when manure and mineral N fertilizer were applied in combination. The low manure (12.5 Mg ha(-1)) plus 60 kg N ha(-1) fertilizer treatment was best in terms of maintaining dry matter yield and minimizing N leaching losses.  相似文献   

Associations were examined between riparian canopy cover, presence of cattle near streams, and month of year with the concentration of Enterococcus (Most Probable Number (MPN)/100 ml) in surface water at Waipā watershed on the North Side of the Hawaiian island Kaua'i. Each one percent decrease in riparian canopy cover was associated with a 3.6 MPN/100 ml increase of waterborne Enterococcus. Presence of cattle near monitoring sites was associated with an increase of 99.3 MPN/100 ml of Enterococcus in individual grab samples. Lastly, summer samples (July) were substantially higher in concentration of Enterococcus than winter collected samples (February) in Enterococcus in sampled streams. These results suggest that reducing canopy cover and introduction of cattle into riparian zones may contribute to increases of Enterococcus concentrations in stream water.  相似文献   

研究低碳钢和中碳钢在新加坡陆地与海上浮筏的大气腐蚀,浮筏上低碳钢的腐蚀比在陆地上快,含碳量高的钢腐蚀慢,此文试图将温度,湿度,润湿时间,降雨量,太阳辐射与干喷砂低碳钢在陆地试验点的腐蚀率联系起来,提出了冬季暴露几个月的样品失重的腐蚀深度表达式0.1078+0.000596xum,扫描电镜检查显示在陆地曝露的样品氧化膜呈斑状,而浮筏上的样品有连续的氧化膜且氧化膜上裂纹也是连续的,能谱分析表明,浮筏上样品的氧化膜含有大量的氯化物和原子吸附,研究认为氧化膜是由FeOOH构成的,在陆地暴露2年的试样腐蚀率为0.016mm/year,浮筏上海洋大气曝露0.6年的腐蚀率为0.659mm/year。  相似文献   

It has been frequently demonstrated that mercury (Hg) concentrations in fish rise in newly constructed hydroelectric reservoirs in the Northern Hemisphere. In the present work, we studied whether similar effects take place also in a tropical upland reservoir during impoundment and discuss possible causes and implications. Total Hg concentrations in fish and several soil and water parameters were determined before and after flooding at Rio Manso hydroelectric power plant in western Brazil. The Hg concentrations in soil and sediment were within the background levels in the region (22-35 ng g(-1) dry weight). There was a strong positive correlation between Hg and carbon and sulphur in sediment. Predatory fish had total Hg concentrations ranging between 70 and 210 ng g(-1) f.w. 7 years before flooding and between 72 and 755 ng g(-1) f.w. during flooding, but increased to between 216 and 938 ng g(-1) f.w. in the piscivorous and carnivorous species Pseudoplatystoma fasciatum, cachara, and Salminus brasiliensis, dourado, 3 years after flooding. At the same time, concentrations of organic carbon in the water increased and oxygen concentrations decreased, indicating increased decomposition and anoxia as contributing to the increased Hg concentrations in fish. The present fish Hg concentrations in commonly consumed piscivorous species are a threat to the health of the population dependent on fishing in the dam and downstream river for sustenance. Mercury exposure can be reduced by following fish consumption recommendations until fish Hg concentrations decrease to a safe level.  相似文献   

The focus on climate change adaptation, rather than mitigation, has become more prominent since the turn of the century. Given this, it is important to consider what has been achieved so far, particularly community-based approaches which have become the resolve for practitioners and donor agencies working in the sector. This review of 128 publications on community-based climate change adaptation, identified through a systematic database search, follows the development of this body of work in the academic literature. Commencing in the early 2000s, the literature detailed the emergence of community-based adaptation (CBA), driven by a number of factors: recognition of the human dimensions of changes; appreciation of the role of local knowledge for strengthening adaptive capacity; and a push to focus on the scale at which impacts are felt and link this action with pro-poor development outcomes. A more substantial body of work emerged in the literature from 2010 onwards, defining a series of key enablers for effective CBA, which included: use participatory approaches; recognise that adaptation is a social process; and support CBA at multiple scales. More recently, there has been a growing emphasis in the literature to re-conceptualise CBA, which will require focusing on innovation, learning and multi-sectoral approaches.  相似文献   

The Siak is a typical, nutrient-poor, well-mixed, black water river in central Sumatra, Indonesia, which owes its brown color to dissolved organic matter (DOM) leached from surrounding, heavily disturbed peat soils. We measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC) and oxygen concentrations along the river, carried out a 36-h experiment in the province capital Pekanbaru and quantified organic matter and nutrient inputs from urban wastewater channels into the Siak. In order to consider the complex dynamic of oxygen in rivers, a box-diffusion model was used to interpret the measured data. The results suggest that the decomposition of soil derived DOM was the main factor influencing the oxygen concentration in the Siak which varied between ~100 and 140 μmol l?1. Additional DOM input caused by wastewater discharges appeared to reduce the oxygen concentrations by ~20 μmol l?1 during the peak-time in household water use in the early morning and in the early evening. Associated enhanced nutrient inputs appear to reduce the impact of the anthropogenic DOM by favoring the photosynthetic production of oxygen in the morning. A reduction of 20 μmol l?1, which although perhaps not of great significance in Pekanbaru, has strong implications for wastewater management in the fast developing areas downstream Pekanbaru where oxygen concentrations rarely exceed 20 μmol l?1.  相似文献   

The capability of a tropical coastal clay to immobilize lead (Pb) and cadmium (Cd) was investigated in laboratory batch sorption tests conducted under acidic, neutral, and slightly alkaline conditions. The contact time was extended to 65 d. The distribution of Pb and Cd among various sorbed phases was examined using a sequential extraction technique. The sorbed phases were fractionated into the exchangeable, carbonate, reducible, organic, and residual fractions. There were only small changes in the total Pb and Cd sorption beyond a 1-d sorption period. The metal fractionation results show that the amount of Pb and Cd in various fractions changed with sorption time, and the changes were pH-dependent. These changes could be attributed to mineral dissolution and transformation or redistribution of the sorbed phases. Transformation of the sorbed phases resulted in increasing Pb and Cd retention in the more persistent fractions with time, at the expense of reductions in the loosely bound fractions. Nevertheless, Pb and Cd fractionation in the solid phase appeared to reach equilibrium within the 65-d sorption period. These Pb and Cd fractionation results reflect the effect of contamination time on the heavy metal lability and bioavailability in the subsurface environment.  相似文献   

Laboratory radioassays were made to study mercury (Hg) methylation together with bacterial production in the periphyton of two aquatic macrophytes, the submerged Myriophyllum spicatum, from a constructed wetland in Sweden and the floating Eichhornia crassipes, from a eutrophied tropical lake in Brazil. Time course incubations were made by addition of (203)HgCl(2) and the methylmercury formed was extracted at pre-defined time intervals. Bacterial production ((14)C-leucine incorporation) was measured at the same time intervals, with plants removed from parallel incubations made with and without addition of cold HgCl(2). For E. crassipes, higher methylmercury production was observed at elevated bacterial production, whereas for M. spicatum, the bacterial production was significantly lower, and Hg methylation was below the detection limit. The combined results confirm the importance of microbial processes for Hg methylation, although other factors are known to influence this process in complex ways. The addition of Hg did not significantly influence bacterial production, while the incubation temperatures used (25 and 35 degrees C) resulted in different methylation rates. Radiotracer techniques for measurements of bacterial production such as (14)C-leucine uptake can provide useful insights into the Hg cycle in aquatic environments, and our data suggest that they may be used as a proxy of mercury methylation potentials.  相似文献   

This paper presents an understanding of groundwater salinity by identification of effective factors using chemometric methods (cluster analysis and multiple linear regressions) in Manukan Island, Sabah. Local groundwater and environmental properties were used to explore the effective factors of groundwater salinity. Cluster analysis showed salinity and chloride illustrated the highest similarities. Electrical conductivity and total dissolved solids were also grouped in the same cluster. Seawater is the only chloride source in groundwater of Manukan Island demonstrated an indication of seawater mixing in freshwater. It is an effect of upward movement of the seawater by pumping activities. Precipitation and evapotranspiration (environmental condition) with hydraulic heads were clustered together to show that they also influence salinity concentration in groundwater. Multiple linear regressions showed descending order of the factors from chloride (the largest contribution) to evapotranspiration (the smallest contribution) and illustrated the contribution to groundwater salinity in Manukan Island. The integrated results using chemometric methods have provided a way to identify the effective factors on groundwater salinity. This similar approach and resulting equation can be applied in other small tropical islands with alike hydrogeological condition and limited information available for a better understanding of its groundwater salinity.  相似文献   

Beach protection has become a major issue in reducing coastal risks (erosion and flooding). It is thus advisable to study residents’ preferences for mitigation strategies. Willingness-to-pay (WTP) by permanent and secondary residents for flood protection provided to properties by Languedoc-Roussillon beaches (French Mediterranean coast) is investigated by a contingent valuation study. Results show that WTP is more influenced by risk perception variables than by socio-economic ones. The WTP is then extrapolated on the basis of different adaptation strategies (laissez-faire, managed retreat, denial etc.) which provided information about expected damage associated with sea level rise at the 2100 time horizon.  相似文献   

Climate change is a global phenomenon that it is experienced and understood in places. This research examined the ways in which community members understand, perceive, and experience climate change in the context of Thunder Bay Ontario; a mid-size and remote city located in Northern Ontario, using semi-structured walking interviews (N?=?18). Themes that emerged from the interview data are presented and discussed in relation to the literature. Results emphasise that participants conceptualise climate change as a complex ethical issue that is caused by greenhouse gas emissions and a range of underlying social, economic, and political factors. Participants identified numerous changes in weather, seasonality, and extreme events and anticipate future impacts on local and regional food, water, and forests primarily. Emotional impacts of climate change, ranging from worry to feeling hopeful, emerged as an important theme. The data illustrate that the observed, experienced, and anticipated impacts of climate change are shaped by experiences on the land and water within the community of Thunder Bay and the region of Northern Ontario. Finally, the interview data illustrate that participants believe that transformative action, by a range of actors, is called for to address the problem of climate change. This study highlights the importance of place-based and context-specific climate change research and the utility of walking interviews.  相似文献   

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