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In recent years, the significant improvement in point source depuration technologies has highlighted problems regarding, in particular, phosphorus and nitrogen pollution of surface and groundwater caused by agricultural non-point (diffuse) sources (NPS). Therefore, there is an urgent need to determine the relationship between agriculture and chemical and ecological water quality.This is a worldwide problem, but it is particularly relevant in countries, such as Hungary, that have recently become members of the European Community. The Italian Foreign Ministry has financed the PECO (Eastern Europe Countries Project) projects, amongst which is the project that led to the present paper, aimed at agricultural sustainability in Hungary, from the point of view of NPS. Specifically, the aim of the present work has been to study nitrates in Hungary's main aquifer. This study compares a model showing aquifer intrinsic vulnerability to pollution (using the DRASTIC parameter method; Aller et al. [Aller, L., Truman, B., Leher, J.H., Petty, R.J., 1986. DRASTIC: A Standardized System for Evaluating Ground Water Pollution Potential Using Hydrogeologic Settings. US NTIS, Springfield, VA.]) with a field-scale model (GLEAMS; Knisel [Knisel, W.G. (Ed.), 1993. GLEAMS—Groudwater Leaching Effects of Agricultural Management Systems, Version 3.10. University of Georgia, Coastal Plain Experimental Station, Tifton, GA.]) developed to evaluate the effects of agricultural management systems within and through the plant root zone. Specifically, GLEAMS calculates nitrate nitrogen lost by runoff, sediment and leachate.Groundwater monitoring probes were constructed for the project to measure: (i) nitrate content in monitored wells; (ii) tritium (3H) hydrogen radioisotope, as a tool to estimate the recharge conditions of the shallow groundwater; (iii) nitrogen isotope ratio δ15N, since nitrogen of organic and inorganic origin can easily be distinguished.The results obtained are satisfactory, above all regarding the DRASTIC evaluation method, which is shown to satisfactorily explain both low and high aquifer vulnerability, and furthermore proves to be a good tool for zoning hydrogeological regions in terms of natural system susceptibility to pollution. The GLEAMS model, however, proves not to be immediately usable for predictions, above all due to the difficulty in finding sufficient data for the input parameters. It remains a good tool, but only after an accurate validation, for decision support systems, in the specific case to integrate intrinsic vulnerability, from DRASTIC (or similar methods), with land use nitrate loads from GLEAMS, or similar methods.The PECO project has proved a positive experience to highlight the fundamental points of a decision support system, aimed to mitigate the nitrate risk for groundwater coming from Hungarian agricultural areas.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: Recharge is an important parameter for models that simulate water and contaminant transport in unconfined aquifers. Unfortunately, measurements of actual recharge are not usually available causing recharge to be estimated or possibly added to the calibration procedure. In this study, differences between observed water-table elevations and water-table elevations simulated with a model based on the one-dimensional Boussinesq equation were used to identify both the timing and quantity of recharge to an alluvial valley aquifer. Observed water table elevations and river stage data were recorded during a five-year period from 1991 to 1995 at the Ohio Management Systems Evaluation Area located in south-central Ohio. Direct recharge attributed to overbank flow during and shortly after flood conditions accounted for 65 percent of the total recharge computed during the five-year study period. Recharge of excess infiltration to the aquifer was intermittent and occurred soon after large rainfall events and high river stage. Specification of constant recharge with time values in ground-water simulation models seems inappropriate for stream-aquifer systems given the strong influence of the river on water table elevations in these systems.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A common problem encountered during regional planning and development of ground water dependent communities is the difficulty in deciding which areas should be preserved for aquifer recharge purposes. This paper describes the development and application of a digital overlay technique for objective evaluation and ranking of potential infiltration and potential recharge areas. Equations are developed which relate the hydrologic parameters pertaining to infiltration and recharge in a surface aquifer-confined aquifer system. These equations make use of discrete data, yet by application in a digital overlay technique results are obtained in the form of spatial distributions in order for regional trends and conditions to be examined. An application of this procedure to the 551,000 acre region of central Florida, known as the Green Swamp, is discussed. The results are presented in the form of computer generated maps which identify and rank areas of potential recharge to the aquifer system.  相似文献   

Groundwater is an important source of water, especially in arid and semi-arid regions where surface water is scarce. Groundwater pollution in these regions is consequently a major concern, especially as pollution control and removal in these resources are not only expensive but at times impossible. It is, therefore, essential to prevent their contamination in the first place by properly identifying vulnerable zones. One method most commonly used for evaluating groundwater pollution is the DRASTIC method, in which the Boolean logic is used to rank and classify the parameters involved. Problems arise, however, in the application of the Boolean logic. In this paper, the fuzzy logic has been used to avoid the problems. For this purpose, three critical cases of minimum, maximum, and mean values have been considered for the net recharge parameter. The process has been performed on the Zayandehrood river basin aquifers. The fuzzy-DRASTIC vulnerability map thus obtained indicates that the western areas of the basin generally have the maximum pollution potential followed by the areas located in the east. The central parts of the study area are found to have a low pollution potential. Finally, two sensitivity analyses are performed to show the significance of each value of the net recharge parameter in the calculation of vulnerability index.  相似文献   

This study presents new data‐driven, annual estimates of the division of precipitation into the recharge, quick‐flow runoff, and evapotranspiration (ET) water budget components for 2000‐2013 for the contiguous United States (CONUS). The algorithms used to produce these maps ensure water budget consistency over this broad spatial scale, with contributions from precipitation influx attributed to each component at 800 m resolution. The quick‐flow runoff estimates for the contribution to the rapidly varying portion of the hydrograph are produced using data from 1,434 gaged watersheds, and depend on precipitation, soil saturated hydraulic conductivity, and surficial geology type. Evapotranspiration estimates are produced from a regression using water balance data from 679 gaged watersheds and depend on land cover, temperature, and precipitation. The quick‐flow and ET estimates are combined to calculate recharge as the remainder of precipitation. The ET and recharge estimates are checked against independent field data, and the results show good agreement. Comparisons of recharge estimates with groundwater extraction data show that in 15% of the country, groundwater is being extracted at rates higher than the local recharge. These maps of the internally consistent water budget components of recharge, quick‐flow runoff, and ET, being derived from and tested against data, are expected to provide reliable first‐order estimates of these quantities across the CONUS, even where field measurements are sparse.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the efficiency of soil in removing natural organic matter from humic ground waters using artificial recharge. The study site, in western Denmark, was a 10,000 ml football field of which 2,000 m2 served as an infiltration field. The impact of the artificial recharge was studied by monitoring the water level and the quality of the underlying shallow aquifer. The humic ground water contained mainly humic adds with an organic carbon (OC) concentration of 100 to 200 mg C L(-1). A total of 5,000 mS of humic ground water were sprinkled onto the infiltration field at an average rate of 4.25 mm h(-1). This resulted in a rise in the water table of the shallow aquifer. The organic matter concentration of the water in the shallow aquifer, however, remained below 2.7 mg C L(-1). The organic matter concentration of the pore water in the unsaturated zone was measured at the end of the experiment. The organic matter concentration of the pore water decreased from 105 mg C L(-1) at 0.5 m to 20 mg C L(-1) at 2.5 m under the infiltration field indicating that the soil removed the organic matter from the humic ground water. From these results we conclude that artificial recharge is a possible method for humic ground water treatment.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was prepared and distributed among professionals from various fields, in an effort to gather public perception regarding recharge of groundwater using treated municipal wastewater. This was done as part of a study to assess the feasibility of implementing Soil Aquifer Treatment (SAT) using treated municipal wastewater in parts of central India. This paper presents the perception of people toward artificial recharge and determines the primary concerns among members of the public, so that these can be addressed while carrying out pilot studies. This is the first such public survey that has been carried out in India.The questionnaire was sent to approximately 500 people through e-mail and was uploaded on a popular online portal that deals with water and sanitation issues. 194 correctly filled questionnaires were collected, the results of which are presented in this paper. 87 (45%) questionnaires were filled by environmental professionals including members of the research community, teachers and public health and municipal corporation officials. The rest were filled by members of the general public, including 15 students and 48 non-environmental professionals. Out of 194 respondents, 64.4% were in favor of using treated municipal wastewater for artificial recharge of groundwater, 28.4% opposed and 7.2% remained indifferent.This survey revealed that the primary concern among respondents was the effectiveness of wastewater treatment in India, and not the recharge technique itself. More than 50% of those who support SAT expressed uncertainty as to whether secondary effluent from wastewater treatment plants is being treated to a quality suitable for injecting into the aquifer.  相似文献   

Soil samples from column studies using five soil types and from a field site were analyzed to assess the ability of soil aquifer treatment to sustain removal of organic carbon. The soil types used in the column studies were chosen to represent a wide range of soil properties that might be used for soil aquifer treatment. Soil samples were analyzed for total organic matter, and a subset of samples was sequentially extracted to determine the effects of soil aquifer treatment. For both column studies and the field site, no accumulation of organic matter was observed below a depth of 8 cm. Near the surface, biological activity at the soil-water interface resulted in an accumulation of biomass and associated organic matter. For the column studies, the accumulation of organic matter in the top 8 cm of soil was <20% of the total organic matter applied to the columns. Soils at depths greater than 8 cm had total organic matter levels less than the original soils before soil aquifer treatment. Significant changes in extractable iron and manganese oxides were observed at the field site, which had been in operation for >10 yr with extended periods of low redox conditions. However, these changes had no apparent effect on the removal of organic carbon in the system. This study provides evidence that soil aquifer treatment can remove organic carbon without accumulation from adsorption that might eventually lead to breakthrough.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: As part of a larger model to identify lands suitable for acquisition, a water supply protection model was developed using the Southwest Florida Water Management District's GIS. Several hydrologic and hydrogeologic data layers were overlaid to develop maps showing ground-water supply suitability, protection areas for surface-water supply, protection areas for major public supply wells, susceptibility to ground-water contamination, and recharge to the Floridan aquifer. These intermediate layers were combined into a final map to prioritize protection areas for water supply.  相似文献   

Gaza coastal aquifer (GCA) is the major source of fresh water for the 1.5 million residents of Gaza Strip, Palestine. The aquifer is under deteriorating quality conditions mainly due to the excessive application of fertilizers. The intrinsic vulnerability of GCA to contamination was assessed using the well-known DRASTIC method. Detailed analysis of the intrinsic vulnerability map of GCA was carried out and did consider different relationships between the vulnerability indices and the on-ground nitrogen loadings and land use classes. In addition, correlation between vulnerability values and the nitrate concentrations in GCA was studied. Based on the vulnerability analysis, it was found that 10% and 13% of Gaza Strip area is under low and high vulnerability of groundwater contamination, respectively, while more than 77% of the area of Gaza Strip can be designated as an area of moderate vulnerability of groundwater contamination. It was found that the density of groundwater sampling wells for nitrate concentration is high for the moderate and high vulnerability zones. The highest first quartile, median, mean, and third quartile of nitrate concentrations are reported in the high vulnerability zones. Results of sensitivity analysis show a high sensitivity of the high vulnerability index to the depth to water table.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Dakota aquifer, composed of the Dakota Sandstone and stratigraphically equivalent sandstone units of Cretaceous age, is the upper-most regional aquifer underlying the extensively developed High Plains aquifer of the midwestern United States. The concentration of dissolved solids in ground water of the Dakota aquifer ranges from less than 500 milligrams per liter in calcium bicarbonate type water in the eastern outcrop area to more than 100,000 milligrams per liter in sodium chloride type oilfield brine in the Denver Basin to the west. Preliminary maps showing the distribution of dissolved solids confirm the complex nature of the Dakota aquifer as inferred from stratigraphic and hydraulic evidence. Extensive vertical leakage through confining layers, local recharge at the truncated eastern boundary, and a barrier to recharge along the western edge of the Denver Basin are consistent with the distribution of hydraulic head and dissolved solids.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The response of stream-unconfined aquifer systems to localized recharge is investigated by means of a two-dimensional finite element model. A variational approach is used in conjunction with the finite element method to solve the ground water flow equation. Linear approximated triangular elements are used to calculate the hydraulic head distribution in the flow region. The Crank-Nicholson centered scheme of numerical integration is employed to approximate the time derivative in the flow equation. A computer program is developed to calculate the hydraulic head distribution in the flow region. Solutions provided by the finite element model should prove useful in the evaluation of quantitative and qualitative changes in aquifer systems due to natural or artificial recharge. In addition, they should prove useful in the study of irrigation and drainage problems.  相似文献   

The objective of the Parafield Aquifer Storage Transfer and Recovery research project in South Australia is to determine whether stormwater from an urban catchment that is treated in a constructed wetland and stored in an initially brackish aquifer before recovery can meet potable water standards. The water produced by the stormwater harvesting system, which included a constructed wetland, was found to be near potable quality. Parameters exceeding the drinking water guidelines before recharge included small numbers of fecal indicator bacteria and elevated iron concentrations and associated color. This is the first reported study of a managed aquifer recharge (MAR) scheme to be assessed following the Australian guidelines for MAR. A comprehensive staged approach to assess the risks to human health and the environment of this project has been undertaken, with 12 hazards being assessed. A quantitative microbial risk assessment undertaken on the water recovered from the aquifer indicated that the residual risks posed by the pathogenic hazards were acceptable if further supplementary treatment was included. Residual risks from organic chemicals were also assessed to be low based on an intensive monitoring program. Elevated iron concentrations in the recovered water exceeded the potable water guidelines. Iron concentrations increased after underground storage but would be acceptable after postrecovery aeration treatment. Arsenic concentrations in the recovered water continuously met the guideline concentrations acceptable for potable water supplies. However, the elevated concentration of arsenic in native groundwater and its presence in aquifer minerals suggest that the continuing acceptable residual risk from arsenic requires further evaluation.  相似文献   

Boggs, Kevin G., Robert W. Van Kirk, Gary S. Johnson, Jerry P. Fairley, and P. Steve Porter, 2010. Analytical Solutions to the Linearized Boussinesq Equation for Assessing the Effects of Recharge on Aquifer Discharge. Journal of the American Water Resources Association (JAWRA) 46(6):1116–1132. DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-1688.2010.00479.x Abstract: There is a need to develop a general understanding of how variations in aquifer recharge are reflected in discharge. Analytical solutions to the linearized Boussinesq equation governing flow in an unconfined aquifer provide a unified mathematical framework to quantify relationships among lag time, attenuation and distance between aquifer recharge and discharge and the effect of an up-gradient no-flow boundary. We applied this framework to three types of recharge: (1) instantaneous, (2) periodic, and (3) constant rate for a finite duration. When the temporal scale of recharge exceeds the diffusive aquifer time scale, recharge will be reflected in discharge quickly and with little attenuation. When aquifer time scale is large, most recharge events are shorter in scale than that of the aquifer, resulting in large attenuation. Attenuation is more sensitive to boundary effects than lag time, and boundary effects increase as recharge time scale increases. Boundary effects can often be ignored when the recharge source is farther than 1/3 of the domain length away from the no-flow boundary. We illustrate analytical results with application to the economically critical Eastern Snake River Plain Aquifer in Idaho. In this aquifer, detectable annual and decadal cycles in discharge can result from recharge no farther than 20 and 60 km away from the discharge point, respectively. The effects of more distant, long-term recharge can be detected only after a time lag of several decades.  相似文献   

The traditional concept of Aquifer Storage and Recovery (ASR) has been emphasized and extensively applied for water resources conservation in arid and semi-arid regions using groundwater systems as introduced in Pyne's book titled Groundwater Recharge and Wells. This paper extends the ASR concept to an integrated level in which either treated or untreated surface water or reclaimed wastewater is stored in a suitable aquifer through a system of spreading basins, infiltration galleries and recharge wells; and part or all of the stored water is recovered through production wells, dual function recharge wells, or by streams receiving increased discharge from the surrounding recharged aquifer as needed. In this paper, the author uses the El Paso Water Utilities (EPWU) ASR system for injection of reclaimed wastewater into the Hueco Bolson aquifer as an example to address challenges and resolutions faced during the design and operation of an ASR system under a new ASR system definition. This new ASR system concept consists of four subsystems: source water, storage space-aquifer, recharge facilities and recovery facilities. Even though facing challenges, this system has successfully recharged approximately 74.7 million cubic meters (19.7 billion gallons) of reclaimed wastewater into the Hueco Bolson aquifer through 10 recharge wells in the last 18 years. This ASR system has served dual purposes: reuse of reclaimed wastewater to preserve native groundwater, and restoration of groundwater by artificial recharge of reclaimed wastewater into the Hueco Bolson aquifer.  相似文献   

The coal mining industries influence hydro-geological parameters, which affect the aquifer recharge in the coal mining areas. This research aimed to evaluate the impact of various hydro-geological parameters on fluctuation of groundwater level in the study area. The various hydro-geological parameters such as soil, geology, drainage pattern, elevation and slope have been considered to accomplish the objective. A comparative analysis was performed by comparing the groundwater level fluctuation (WLF) map with the GIS-based various hydro-geological parameter maps to assess the combined influence of different hydro-geological parameters on groundwater level fluctuation. A total of eighty-six (86) dug-wells were chosen to monitor the level of the groundwater for around ten blocks of Singrauli coalfield, and these wells were examined during the months of dry and wet seasons for 2016. Based on the comparative analysis between the WLF map and thematic maps of various hydro-geological parameters, it has been found that WLF in the south-western and some portions of the north-eastern showed moderate to a higher value. This may be because most of the non-hilly areas come under gentle to moderate slope category, with lower elevation in the area forming the suitable hydro-geological condition for recharging groundwater. It was observed that the northwest, south-east and central part of the study area showed lower WLF, which may be due to the presence of overburden dump, presence of higher elevation and steep slope. Thus, the combined effect of slope, elevation, geology, drainage and mining activities on the WLF in the study region is moderate.  相似文献   

Abstract: Conserving the watershed can help to preserve ground water recharge. Preventing overuse of available water through pricing reforms can also substantially increase the value of an aquifer. Inasmuch as users are accustomed to low prices, efficiency pricing may be politically infeasible, and watershed conservation may be considered as an alternative. We estimate and compare welfare gains from pricing reform and watershed conservation for a water management district in Oahu that obtains its water supply from the Pearl Harbor aquifer. We find that pricing reform is welfare superior to watershed conservation unless the latter is able to prevent very large recharge losses. Watershed conservation that yields net gains in combination with pricing reform may cause net losses without the pricing reform. If adoption of watershed conservation delays the implementation of pricing reform, the benefits of the latter are significantly reduced.  相似文献   

Abstract: The population of Collier and Lee Counties in southwestern Florida has increased 11‐fold from 1960 to 2004 with a concomitant increase in freshwater demand. Water levels and salinity within the water table aquifer over the past two to three decades have generally been stable, with more monitoring wells showing statistically significant temporal increases in water level than decreases. Residential development has had a neutral impact on the water table aquifer because the total annual evapotranspiration of residential communities is comparable to that of native vegetation and less than that of most agricultural land uses. Public water supply systems and private wells also result in net recharge to the water table aquifer with water produced from deeper aquifers. Confined freshwater aquifers have overall trends of decreasing water levels. However, with the exception of the mid‐Hawthorn aquifer, water levels in most areas recover to near background levels each summer wet season. Freshwater resources in humid subtropical areas, such as southwestern Florida, are relatively robust because of the great aquifer recharge potential from the excess of rainfall over ET during the wet season. Proper management can result in sustainable water resources.  相似文献   

Artificial groundwater recharge plays a vital role in sustainable management of groundwater resources. The present study was carried out to identify the artificial groundwater recharge zones in Bist Doab basin of Indian Punjab using remote sensing and geographical information system (GIS) for augmenting groundwater resources. The study area has been facing severe water scarcity due to intensive agriculture for the past few years. The thematic layers considered in the present study are: geomorphology (2004), geology (2004), land use/land cover (2008), drainage density, slope, soil texture (2000), aquifer transmissivity, and specific yield. Different themes and related features were assigned proper weights based on their relative contribution to groundwater recharge. Normalized weights were computed using the Saaty’s analytic hierarchy process. Thematic layers were integrated in ArcGIS for delineation of artificial groundwater recharge zones. The recharge map thus obtained was divided into four zones (poor, moderate, good, and very good) based on their influence to groundwater recharge. Results indicate that 15, 18, 37, and 30 % of the study area falls under “poor,” “moderate,” “good,” and “very good” groundwater recharge zones, respectively. The highest recharge potential area is located towards western and parts of middle region because of high infiltration rates caused due to the distribution of flood plains, alluvial plain, and agricultural land. The least effective recharge potential is in the eastern and middle parts of the study area due to low infiltration rate. The results of the study can be used to formulate an efficient groundwater management plan for sustainable utilization of limited groundwater resources.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The Floridan Aquifer is the primary source of water in the coastal area of Santa Rosa County, Florida. In order to optimize well field design and analyze aquifer stress problems, the USGS MODFLOW code (McDonald and Harbaugh, 1988) is applied to develop a numerical computer model of the aquifer. The Geographical Information System (GIS) is the primary tool used in the development of the model grid, performance of the modeling procedure, and model analysis. The GIS is used in generating multiple grids in which to simulate both regional scale and local scale flow. The grid topology is recorded in geographic coordinates which facilitates geo-referencing and orientation of the grid to base maps and data coyerages. The GIS allows data transfer from various coverages to the nodes of the block centered grid where hydrogeologic information is stored as attributes to the grid coverage. From this grid coverage, pertinent information is queried within the GIS environment and used to generate the input files for the MODFLOW simulation. After MODFLOW execution, simulated heads and drawdown are imported into the grid coverage where residual error and recharge rates can be calculated. Contoured surfaces are then created for selected data sets including simulated heads, drawdown, residual error, and recharge rates. Model calibration is conducted utilizing the GIS to generate and process data sets associated with model simulations.  相似文献   

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