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Intention, Goal, Scope, Background Aquatic plants have a great potential to function as in situ, on-site biosinks and biofilters of pollutants. They are used for phytoremediation and phytotoxicity studies. Pesticide uptake studies are very important to predict contaminant accumulation, translocation, and transformation. There are a lot of models which have been developed for emergent plants, but there are not any existing models for submerged aquatic plants for assessing pesticide uptake. Objective In this study, uptake of selected pesticides in parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum) were studied and the results were modeled with the aid of Log Kow and the concentration of pesticides. At the end, the developed model was compared to other existing models. Methods The test was conducted with parrotfeather as a model plant. The bioassay and cultivation of this plant were examined. Pesticide uptake by roots and shoots was determined using 14C-radiolabeled materials. Results and Discussion The results were fitted with an equation that showed a relationship between uptake and lipophilicity of pesticides. The model was compared with other pesticide uptake models developed for other plants. Atrazine and cycloxidim were taken up more by roots than by shoots in comparison to other pesticides used. The total uptake, both in shoots and roots, was lower than for terbutryn and trifluralin. The best appropriate model was developed from the results against the other models seen in the literature. The concentration factors (Root Concentration Factor (RCF) and Submerged Shoot Concentration Factor (SSCF)) increased with a higher Kow of the substances. The Submerged Shoot Concentration Factor (SSCF) revealed a better relationship of the chemicals than did the Root Concentration Factor (RCF). Conclusions In this study, an uptake model was developed for rooted, submerged aquatic plants. Further studies are necessary to develop and compare models with different plants and pesticides. Recommendation and Outlook Such studies as this one may be extended to other environmental pollutants in the aquatic ecosystem and may be employed to evaluate the possibility of using different plants in phytoremediation studies.  相似文献   

Background For their high photoreactivity, Fe(III)-carboxylate complexes are important sources of H2O2 for some atmospheric and surface waters. Citrate is one kind of carboxylate, which can form complexes with Fe(III). In our previous study, we have applied Fe(III)-citrate complexes to degrade and decolorize dyes in aqueous solutions both under UV light and sunlight. Results have shown that carboxylic acids can promote the photodegradation efficiency. It is indicated that the photolysis of Fe(III)-citrate complexes may cause the formation of some reactive species (e. g. H2O2 and ·OH). This work is attempted to quantify hydroxyl radicals generated in the aqueous solution containing Fe(III)-citrate complexes and to interpret the photoreactivity of Fe(III)-citrate complexes for degrading organic compounds. Methods By using benzene as the scavenger to produce phenol, the photogeneration of ·OH in the aqueous solution containing Fe (III)-citrate complexes was determined by HPLC. Results and Discussion In the aqueous solution containing 60.0/30.0 mM Fe(III)/citrate and 7.0 mM benzene at pH 3.0, 96.66 mM ·OH was produced after irradiation by a 250W metal halide light (l ≥ 313 nm) for 160 minutes. Effects of initial pH value and concentrations of Fe(III) and citrate on ·OH radical generation were all examined. The results show that the greatest photoproduction of ·OH in the aqueous solution (pH ranged from 3.0 to 7.0) was at pH 3.0. The photoproduction of ·OH increased with increasing Fe(III) or citrate concentrations. Conclusion In the aqueous solutions containing Fe(III)-citrate complexes, ·OH radicals were produced after irradiation by a 250W metal halide light. It can be concluded that Fe(III)-citrate complexes are important sources of ·OH radicals for some atmospheric and surface waters. Recommendations and Outlook It is believed that the photolysis of Fe(III)-citrate complexes in the presence of oxygen play an important role in producing ·OH both in atmospheric waters and surface water where high concentrations of ferric ions and citrate ions exist. The photoproduction of ·OH has a high oxidizing potential for the degradation of a wide variety of natural and anthropogenic organic and inorganic substances. We can use this method for toxic organic pollutants such as organic dyes and pesticides.  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope The article is focused on dioxin, furan, PCB and organochlorine pesticide monitoring in the surface waters of the Central European, protected natural reserve Krivoklatsko, under the UNESCO programme Man and Biosphere. Persistent compounds are presently transported via different means throughout the entire world. This contamination varies significantly between sites. This raises the question of what constitutes the naturally occurring background levels of POPs in natural, unpolluted areas, but which are close to industrialised regions. Information of real background POP contamination can be of high value for risk assessment management of those sites evidently polluted and for the defining of de-contamination limits. Preserved areas should not be seen as isolated regions in which the impacts of human activities and natural factors are either unexpected or overlooked. Every ambient region, even those protected by a law or other means, are still closely connected to neighbouring human developed and impacted areas, and are therefore subject to this anthropogenic contamination. These areas adjacent to natural reserves are sources of diverse substances, via entry of air, water, soil and/or biota. After an extended period of industrial activities, organochlorine pollutants, even those emitted in trace concentrations have reached detectable levels. For future research and for the assessment of environmental changes, present levels of contamination would be of high importance. This work publishes data of the contamination with organochlorine pollutants of this natural region, where biodiversity and ecological functions are of the highest order. Materials and Methods: Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) were utilised as the sampling system. SPMDs were deployed in two small creeks and one water reservoir selected in the central part of the Krivoklatsko Natural Reserve, where it could be expected that any possible contamination by POPs would be lowest. The exposed SPMDs were analysed both for chemical contents of POPs and for toxicity properties. The chemical analyses of dibenzo-dioxins, dibenzo-furans, PCBs and OCPs were analysed by GC/MS/MS on GCQ or PolarisQ (Thermoquest). Toxicity bioassays were performed on the alga Desmodesmus subspicatus, bacteria Vibrio fischeri and crustacean Daphnia magna. All toxicity data were expressed as the effective volume Vtox. Vtox is a toxicity parameter, the determination of which is independent of SPMD deployment time and pre-treatment dilution (unlike, for example, the EC50 of the SPMD extract). Results: The following chemical parameters were monitored: 1) tetra, penta, hexa and hepta dibenzo-p-dioxins and furans; 2) all those detectable from tri- through deca-polychloriated biphenyls (PCBs) and 3) a group of organochlorine pesticides: hexachlorobenzene and isomers of hexachlorocyclohexane, DDE, DDD and DDT. The concentrations of dioxins and furans on the assessed sites varied from under detection levels up to 7 pg.l-1; PCBs were detected in a sum concentration up to 2.8 ng.l-1; and organochlorine pesticides up to 346 pg.l-1. The responses of bioassays used were very low, with the values obtained for Vtox being under 0.03 l/d. Discussion: Toxicity testing showed no toxicity responses, demonstrating that the system used is in coherence with the ecological status of the assessed sites. Values of Vtox were under the critical value – showing no toxicity. The PCA of chemical analysis data and toxicity responses resulted in no correlations between these two groups of parameters. This demonstrated that the present level of contamination has had no direct adverse effects on the biota. Conclusions: The concentration values of six EPA-listed, toxic dioxins and sums of tetra-hepta dioxins; nine EPA toxic dibenzofurans and the sums of tetra-hepta bibenzofurans are presented together with all tri-deka PCBs and organochlorine pesticides (alfa-, beta-, gama-, delta-HCH, HCB, opDDE, ppDDE, opDDD, ppDDD, opDDT, ppDDT). These values represent possible current regional natural background values of these substances monitored within the Central European region, with no recorded adverse effects on the freshwater ecosystem (up until the present time). Recommendations and Perspectives: Assessment of dioxins, furans and other organochlorine compounds within natural reserves can be important for the monitoring of human-induced impacts on preserved areas. No systematic monitoring of these substances in areas not directly affected by industry has generally been realised. There is a paucity of data of the presence of any of these substances within natural regions. Further monitoring of contamination of both soil and biota by dioxins and furans in preserve regions is needed and can be used for future monitoring of man-made activities and/or accidents. Semipermeable membrane devices proved to be a very good sampling system for the monitoring of trace concentrations of ambient organochlorine compounds. Toxicity evaluation using the Vtox concept demonstrated that those localities assessed expressed no toxicity.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to analyze the residue of commonly used pesticides viz. methyl parathion, chloropyrifos, endosulfan, cypermethrin, fenvalerate, carbendazim, imidacloprid and carbaryl in mango, Dashehari variety, integrated pest management (IPM) and non-IPM samples were collected from the IPM and non-IPM orchards, Lucknow, India. We also present a method for the simultaneous determination of these pesticides in mango samples. Residues of methyl parathion, chloropyriphos, endosulfan, cypermethrin, fenvalerate were extracted from the samples with acetone: cyclohexane: ethyl acetate in the ratio 2:1:1 followed by cleanup using neutral alumina. Analysis was performed by gas chromatography-electron capture detector (GC-ECD) with a megabore column (OV-1). Residues of carbendazim, imidacloprid and carbaryl were extracted with acetone and after cleanup, analysis was performed by high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) using photo diode array (PDA) detector. Recoveries of all the pesticides ranged between 72.7 – 110.6%, at 0.1 and 1.0 μg g? 1 level of fortification. The residues detected in non-IPM samples of mango were found to be below the prescribed limits of maximum residue limit (MRL) while IPM samples were free from pesticide residues.  相似文献   

Background Frequent application of Bordeaux mixture, which includes copper, as a fungicide in fruit and grape orchards may lead to copper accumulation in the soil, especially when orchard age and application times increase. The objectives of this study were: (i) to investigate the copper content and its spatial distribution in orchard soils; (ii) to identify the copper fractionation in soil and its relationship with plant uptake; (iii) to understand the characteristics of copper contamination in orchard soils. Materials and Methods Soil profile samples were taken in apple orchards with ages of 0, 5, 10, 20, 30 years and pot experiments were also carried out to study the effects of external copper input on copper fractionation. All soil samples were air-dried, ground and extracted with 0.43 mol L–1 HNO3 for the total absorbed copper. Fractionation determination was conducted following Tessier and Shuman sequential extraction methods, and copper was measured with AAS. Plant samples were first dry ashed, dissolved with 6 mol L–1 HCl and then copper and other elements were measured with ICP-MS.Results and Discussion Soil total Cu was higher in the apple orchards than that in non-orchard fields and was seen to have increased with orchard age. Soil Cu increased substantially with the average annual copper increase, ranging from 2.5 to 9 mg Cu kg–1. The distribution of copper in the soil profile was uneven, decreasing from surface to deeper layers, and the differences were significant, but the contents in every layer were also significantly correlated with those in the next layers. For all copper fractions, the organically bound, crystalline Mn oxide bound, and amorphous Fe bound fractions extracted with the Shuman method were much higher than the exchangeable and residual fractions. Using the Tessier method, organically bound, carbonate bound and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions were much higher. With an increase in external copper input, the organically bound, crystalline Mn oxide bound and amorphous Fe bound fractions in the Shuman method and organically bound, carbonate bound and Fe-Mn oxide bound fractions in the Tessier method all increased significantly, while the changes in other fractions were not significant. Soil total copper and copper fractions were found to have good correlations with apple tree uptake. Copper in fruit flesh had significant correlations with soil total content in the 0–10 cm layer, all the copper fractions in the 0–5 cm layer, and some fractions in the deeper layers. Conclusion Copper content in orchard soils increased significantly with intensive application of Bordeaux mixtures and orchard age. Copper content decreased sharply from the topsoil to deeper soil layers. The copper contents in different layers also significantly correlated with those in the next layers. Dominant fractions of the copper in soil were mainly associated with organic matter, iron and manganese oxides and carbonates. A close relationship was found between the copper content in soils and in apple tree organs (which contained 8.9 to 66mg kg–1 Cu). Recommendation and Perspective Though most copper in the soil was specifically adsorbed or immobilized, and copper was mainly distributed in topsoil, which was essentially devoid of roots, the copper concentration of fruit still had significantly positive correlations with soil copper and most copper fractions. Therefore, measures must be taken to control copper accumulation in orchard soils and to make the apple fruit production sustainable.  相似文献   

The purpose of the study was to assess the impact of short-term exposure to selected toxicants as well as metal accumulation upon acetylcholinesterase (AChE) in the blue mussel, Mytilus trossulus L., in laboratory in vivo experiments. Mussels were exposed for up to 48 hours to a mixture of copper (Cu2 +, 400 μ g L?1) and cadmium (Cd2 +, 200 μ g L?1), to dichlorvos (DDVP, 100 μ g L?1), and to carbaryl (100 μ g L?1) at two temperatures: 5°C and 20°C. Samples were collected after 0, 6, 12, 24, and 48 hours of exposure, and AChE activity and metal concentration (where applicable) were analysed in gills, digestive gland, mantle+muscles, and the whole soft tissue. Very strong AChE inhibition was observed in response to the dichlorvos treatment, mainly in gills. Carbaryl and the metals caused a short-term inhibition effect. Considerable differences in AChE activity between the two temperatures were noticed. In particular, the metals were accumulated much faster at 20°C than at 5°C, especially in gills. No correlation between AChE activity and metal concentration was found. Gills turned out to be the optimal tissue for AChE activity analysis in short-term studies.  相似文献   

Background Phytoremediation is a promising technology for the cleanup of polluted environments. The technology has so far been used mainly to remove toxic heavy metals from contaminated soil, but there is a growing interest in broadening its applications to remove/degrade organic pollutants in the environment. Both plants and soil microorganisms have certain limitations with respect to their individual abilities to remove/breakdown organic compounds. A synergistic action by both rhizosphere microorganisms that leads to increased availability of hydrophobic compounds, and plants that leads to their removal and/or degradation, may overcome many of the limitations, and thus provide a useful basis for enhancing remediation of contaminated environments.Main Features The review of literature presented in this article provides an insight to the nature of plant-microbial interactions in the rhizosphere, with a focus on those processes that are relevant to the breakdown and/or removal of organic pollutants. Due consideration has been given to identify opportunities for utilising the plant-microbial synergy in the rhizosphere to enhance remediation of contaminated environments.Results and Discussion The literature review has highlighted the existence of a synergistic interaction between plants and microbial communities in the rhizosphere. This interaction benefits both microorganisms through provision of nutrients by root exudates, and plants through enhanced nutrient uptake and reduced toxicity of soil contaminants. The ability of the plant-microbial interaction to tackle some of the most recalcitrant organic chemicals is of particular interest with regard to enhancing and extending the scope of remediation technologies.Conclusions Plant-microbial interactions in the rhizosphere offer very useful means for remediating environments contaminated with recalcitrant organic compounds.Outlook A better knowledge of plant-microbial interactions will provide a basis for improving the efficacy of biological remediations. Further research is, however, needed to investigate different feedback mechanisms that select and regulate microbial activity in the rhizosphere.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Triggered by the requirement of Water Framework Directive for a good ecological status for European river systems till 2015 and by still existing lacks in tools for cause identification of insufficient ecological status MODELKEY (http:// www.modelkey.org), an Integrated Project with 26 partners from 14 European countries, was started in 2005. MODELKEY is the acronym for 'Models for assessing and forecasting the impact of environmental key pollutants on freshwater and marine ecosystems and biodiversity'. The project is funded by the European Commission within the Sixth Framework Programme. OBJECTIVES: MODELKEY comprises a multidisciplinary approach aiming at developing interlinked tools for an enhanced understanding of cause-effect-relationships between insufficient ecological status and environmental pollution as causative factor and for the assessment and forecasting of the risks of key pollutants on fresh water and marine ecosystems at a river basin and adjacent marine environment scale. New modelling tools for risk assessment including generic exposure assessment models, mechanistic models of toxic effects in simplified food chains, integrated diagnostic effect models based on community patterns, predictive component effect models applying artificial neural networks and GIS-based analysis of integrated risk indexes will be developed and linked to a user-friendly decision support system for the prioritisation of risks, contamination sources and contaminated sites. APPROACH: Modelling will be closely interlinked with extensive laboratory and field investigations. Early warning strategies on the basis of sub-lethal effects in vitro and in vivo are provided and combined with fractionation and analytical tools for effect-directed analysis of key toxicants. Integrated assessment of exposure and effects on biofilms, invertebrate and fish communities linking chemical analysis in water, sediment and biota with in vitro, in vivo and community level effect analysis is designed to provide data and conceptual understanding for risk arising from key toxicants in aquatic ecosystems and will be used for verification of various modelling approaches. CONCLUSION AND PERSPECTIVE: The developed tools will be verified in case studies representing European key areas including Mediterranean, Western and Central European river basins. An end-user-directed decision support system will be provided for cost-effective tool selection and appropriate risk and site prioritisation.  相似文献   

Despite the extensive maritime transportation of Hazardous and Noxious Substances (HNS), there is a current lack of knowledge on the effects posed by HNS spills on the marine biota. Among the HNS identified as priority, acrylonitrile was selected to conduct ecotoxicological assays. We assessed the acute and subletal effects of acrylonitrile in seabass, followed by a recovery phase to simulate the conditions of a spill incident. The work aimed at testing a broad range of biological responses induced by acrylonitrile. Sublethal exposure to the highest two doses increased the fish mortality rate (8.3% and 25% mortality in 0.75 and 2 mg L−1 acrylonitrile concentrations), whereas no mortality were observed in control and 0.15 mg L−1 treatments. Additionally, important alterations at sub-individual level were observed. Acrylonitrile significantly induced the activities of Catalase– CAT and Glutathione S-Transferase – GST; and the levels of DNA damage were significantly increased. Conversely, Superoxide Dismutase– SOD – activity was found to be significantly inhibited and no effects were found on Lipid Peroxidation– LPO and ethoxyresorufin O-deethylase – EROD – activity. Following a 7 d recovery period, the levels of CAT, GST and EROD fell to levels at or below those in the control. In the 2 mg L−1 group, SOD remained at the levels found during exposure phase. This study has gathered essential information on the acute and subletal toxicity of acrylonitrile to seabass. It also demonstrated that 7 d recovery allowed a return of most endpoints to background levels. These data will be useful to assist relevant bodies in preparedness and response to HNS spills.  相似文献   

Background, Aims and Scope The Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) is a US Army facility located northeast of Denver, Colorado that has been listed on the National Priorities List (NPL). It is currently being re-mediated under the authority of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act of 1980 (CERCLA) and the Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA). As part of the remediation activities at RMA, indications were found that a source of polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxins (PCDDs) and polychlorinated dibenzofurans (PCDFs) had existed on the RMA. As a result, investigations were undertaken to assess the possible nature and extent of any potential sources of PCDDs and PCDFs on the RMA site. In addition, other studies were conducted that examined PCDD/PCDF contamination in the Denver area. The goal of these studies was to examine nature and extent of PCDD/PCDF contamination both on the RMA as well as in the surrounding Denver area. The intent of this study was to characterize sources of dioxins (PCDDs) and dibenzofurans (PCDFs) at low environmental concentrations which might have originated from diffuse sources in the Denver Colorado area and in particular, the Rocky Mountain Arsenal (RMA) using Principal Component Analysis (PCA). Methods Over 200 soil samples were collected from the RMA and the Denver area. From the RMA, soil was collected as part of three studies that included a (1) random site-wide sampling of the RMA, (2) soils from the Western Tier Parcel (WTP), and (3) soils from Historic Use areas. Denver area soil samples were collected from five different land use categories: Residential, Agricultural, Open Space, Commercial, and Industrial. PCA was conducted on concentrations of 17 2,3,7,8-substuituted PCDD and PCDF congeners in 220 soil samples collected from the RMA and the Denver Front Range region. Results and Discussion PCA demonstrated the presence of possible minor sources of dioxins on the RMA. Current remediation efforts on RMA will result in the removal of these sources. Samples from the RMA were identified by the presence of a congener profile containing higher chlorinated PCDFs while the Denver Front Range areas were characterized by the presence of higher chlorinated PCDD congeners. The presence of a PCDF signature for the RMA samples does not necessarily indicate a major source of these contaminants on-site. Indeed, the relatively diffuse nature of the sample clusters would argue strongly against the presence of a single large source. Instead, the predominance of the PCDF congeners probably indicates the mixed industrial activities that took place on and near the site. Conclusion PCA results indicate that PCDD/PCDF profiles in soils collected from the RMA differed from those collected from the outlying Denver areas but that a major source of these contaminants was not present. Rather, the diffuse nature of sample clusters from the PCA indicated that the congener profile of RMA samples was most likely a result of the mixed industrial activities that historically have taken place on and near the site. PCA also indicated that many of the 'open area' (peripheral site-wide) RMA soils samples did not differ from Denver are reference congener profiles. This finding was also true for samples collected from the WTP that were essentially indistinguishable from Off-RMA reference samples. In addition, total TEQ concentrations in soils collected from WTP were similar to those measured in soils collected from the Denver Front Range areas indicating that lack of a major source of PCDD/PCDF within the WTP zones of the RMA. Recommendation and Outlook Analytical as well as statistical results of the soil congener data indicate that the WTP soils are indistinguishable from soils collected from non-industrial areas in the Denver area. This finding would support the recent 'de-listing' of the WTP from the other RMA areas and its' transfer to other authorities in the Denver area.  相似文献   

Goals, Scope and Background Fish populations, especially those of the grayling (Thymallus thymallus), have declined over the last two decades in the upper Danube River between Sigmaringen and Ulm, despite intensive and continuous stocking and improvement of water quality since the 1970s. Similar problems have been reported for other rivers, e.g. in Switzerland, Great Britain, the United States and Canada. In order to assess if ecotoxicological effects might be related to the decline in fish catch at the upper Danube River, sediment, suspended matter and waste water samples from sewage treatment plants were collected at selected locations and analyzed in a bioanalytical approach using a battery of bioassays. The results of this pilot study will be used to decide if a comprehensive weight-of-evidence study is needed. Methods Freeze-dried sediments and suspended particulate matters were extracted with acetone in a Soxhlet apparatus. Organic pollutants from sewage water were concentrated using XAD-resins. In order to investigate the ecotoxicological burden, the following bioassays were used: (1) neutral red assay with RTL-W1 cells (cytotoxicity), (2) comet assay with RTLW1 cells (genotoxicity), (3) Arthrobacter globiformis dehydrogenase assay (toxicity to bacteria), (4) yeast estrogen screen assay (endocrine disruption), (5) fish egg assay with the zebrafish (Danio rerio; embryo toxicity) and (6) Ames test with TA98 (mutagenicity). Results and Discussion The results of the in vitro tests elucidated a considerable genotoxic, cytotoxic, mutagenic, bacteriotoxic, embryotoxic and estrogenic burden in the upper Danube River, although with a very inhomogeneous distribution of effects. The samples taken from Riedlingen, for example, induced low embryo toxicity, but the second highest 17β-estradiol equivalent concentration (1.8 ng/L). Using the fish egg assay with native sediments, a broad range of embryotoxic effects could be elucidated, with clear-cut dose-response relationships for the embryotoxic effects of contaminated sediments. With native sediments, embryotoxicity was clearly higher than with corresponding pore waters, thus corroborating the view that – at least for fish eggs – the bioavailability of particle-bound lipophilic substances in native sediments is higher than generally assumed. The effect observed most frequently in the fish egg assay was a developmental delay. A comparison of our own results with locations along the rivers Rhine and Neckar demonstrated similar or even higher ranges of ecotoxicological burdens in the Danube River. Conclusions The complex pattern of ecotoxicological effects caused by environmental samples from the Danube River, when assessed in an in vitro biotest battery using both acute and more specific endpoints, showed that integration of different endpoints is essential for appropriate hazard assessment. Overall, the ecotoxicological hazard potential shown has indeed to be considered as one potential reason for the decline in fish catches at the upper Danube River. However, based on the results of this pilot study, it is not possible to elucidate that chemically induced alterations are responsible for the fish decline. Recommendations and Perspective . In order to confirm the ecological relevance of the in vitro results for the situation in the field and especially for the decline of the grayling and other fishes, further integrated investigations are required. For linking the weight of evidence obtained by in vitro assays and fish population investigations, the application of additional, more specific biomarkers (e.g. vitellogenin induction, EROD and micronucleus assay) has been initiated in fish taken from the field as well as in situ investigations.  相似文献   

Background Since the 1970s, at least 200 hectares (ha) of farmland has been polluted by the heavy metal cadmium (Cd).Consequently, the Cd pollution has led to contaminate the rice production and caused acute social panic. According to the recent investigation results performed by the Taiwan Environmental Protection Administration (TEPA), it is indicated that most of the Cd pollution incidents in Taiwan resulted from the wastewater discharge of stearate Cd factories. To prevent the Cd pollution incidents from spreading, the TEPA has either forced these factories to close down or assisted them in improving their production processes since the 1980s. Unfortunately, accidental incidents of Cd pollution still emerge in an endless stream, despite the strict governmental controls placed on these questionable factories. Whether this pollution has resulted from undetected or hidden pollution sources stemming from two decades ago or comes from some new source, will be an outstanding issue. Therefore, this study attempts to identify the pollution sources of Cd in soil in Taiwan as well as to find the solution to the above-mentioned, outstanding issue by way of a methodology termed Material Flow Analysis (MFA). Method logy. The MFA has proved to be a useful tool on providing quantitative information of the flow of substances through an economic to an environmental system. Based upon the supply-and-demand theory of MFA, researchers have successfully conducted an overview of the use of materials in many industries, the construction industry being one of these. Therefore, this study tries to establish a set of analytical processes by way of MFA for identifying the pollution source of Cd in soil in Taiwan. In addition, the spirit of Life Cycle Analysis (LCA) technique was also employed to identify the materials, and products should be ignored as a crucial pollution source in this study. Results and Discussion According to the MFA methodology applied in this study and on the basis of related studies performed by Taiwanese governmental authorities, we arrive at the following analysis results: (1) the total amount of Cd from the economic perspective of material and product flow was approximately 441.2 tons; (2) the wastewater directly discharged into irrigation water can be concluded to be the major pollution route of Cd in farmland soil in Taiwan; (3) material plastic stabilizer (cadmium oxide, CdO), Zn-Pd compounds and Cu compounds should be the crucial pollution sources to contaminate environment through the route of wastewater in Cd flow analysis; (4) the crucial pollution sources to contaminate environment through the route of wastewater in Cd flow analysis were five factories, Coin, Jili, Taiwan Dye, Guangzheng and Mingguan, and they were all categorized as stearate Cd industries; (5) the typical source of the Cd pollution in soil in Changhua County through the pollution route of wastewater should be the metal surfacing process industries. Conclusions This study proved that MFA can be a good tool for identifying Cd flow as well as for recognizing the crux of the problem concerning incidents of Cd pollution. This study led to the conclusion that the causal relationship between farmland pollution caused by Cd and stearate Cd factories in Taiwan seemed quite close by way of MFA methodology. In addition, this study also found that the wastewater discharged from a single metal surfacing process factory will not cause remarkable farmland pollution. However, the wastewater simultaneously discharged from a group of pollution factories can result in a significant pollution incident. Recommendations and Outlook This case study is only a small contribution to the understanding of the toxic material flow related to Cd in the environment. This study recommends that Taiwanese governmental authorities should not deal with problems on an ad hoc basis, but should instead deal with Cd pollution problems overall employing control measures. Finally, the more accurate information or data we can collect, the more reliable results we can identify. Therefore, the quality and quantity of related data used in this MFA model should be closely scrutinized in order to ensure the most correct and comprehensive investigation on the toxic material flow.  相似文献   

在滇池水域选择3个实验点,分别是外草海、老干鱼塘和龙门村,构建围栏控制性种养凤眼莲,用于吸收富集水体氮磷。于凤眼莲旺盛生长期内(2010年8月),每隔3小时监测种养区与对照区水体理化指标,包括气温、水温、pH、溶解氧(DO)、总氮(TN)、氨氮(NH4+-N)、硝氮(NO3--N)、总磷(TP)和磷酸根(PO43--P),分析24 h内水体理化指标的变化规律。结果显示,(1)昼夜变化使得3个实验点水体pH和DO白天高于夜晚。由于气泡浮力机制影响,龙门村水体Chl-a浓度在中午12:00达到最高,在日落后21:00又出现一个高值;(2)外草海种养区NO3--N浓度与TN浓度呈显著的正相关关系,与NH4+-N浓度呈显著的负相关关系,推测是因为凤眼莲可以促进富营养化水体的硝化、反硝化、硝化-反硝化反应的耦合过程。老干鱼塘水体由于pH过高,使得水体NH4+-N浓度明显高于NO3--N浓度;(3)昼夜变化对水体氮、磷浓度并未表现出显著的影响。在野外大水面种养相对小面积的凤眼莲,种养水域内部的氮磷浓度均高于相对较远的对照水域;规模化种养凤眼莲方可有效降低整个水体的氮磷浓度。  相似文献   

- DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1065/espr2006.04.299 Goal, Scope and Background This paper describes a statistical modelling approach, suggested as a policy tool in the Athens area for the assessment of the emissions reduction level required to meet the air quality standards for two criteria air pollutants, namely CO and NO2. Methods. More than ten years of hourly CO and NOx-NO2 concentration data measured by the monitoring network of the Hellenic Ministry for the Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works were analyzed and the original dataset has been reduced using a data evaluation procedure. Results and Discussion Seasonal pollutant concentration trends suggested that the reduction of CO and NOx concentrations observed in the beginning of the '90s is almost entirely attributed to the increase of the catalyst-equipped cars during this period. The numerical parameters of an empirical model relating EU standard exceedances with mean annual concentrations were defined and the model was validated using datasets from years that were not used for the estimation of these parameters. This model was used in conjunction with a roll-back equation as a policy tool for the assessment of the effect of different CO and NOx emissions reduction scenarios on air quality standard compliance for CO and NO2. Results predicted with this empirical modelling approach were assessed with monitored data averaged over a 3-year period, giving satisfactory results. Conclusion A methodology suggested for assessing the effects of different emissions reduction scenarios on air quality standard attainment was successfully applied for CO and NO2 in the Athens area. Recommendation and Perspective The proposed methodology can provide a useful tool for the evaluation of policies already in progress as well as the development of future policies for emissions reduction in urban areas with similar characteristics, aiming at air quality standard compliance on a timely manner. Such a methodology could be applied in other urban areas of Greece characterized by dense traffic, therefore assisting the development of national policies in relation to air pollutants for which standard exceedances occur.  相似文献   

持久性和移动性有机污染物 (persistent and mobile organic contaminants, PMOCs) 在环境中降解缓慢,并且可以通过水体循环进行迁移。由于缺乏水体中PMOCs的高效富集和准确测定方法,导致关于PMOCs在水体中存在水平的可靠监测数据较少。通过优化固相萃取条件和高效液相色谱-串联质谱参数,建立了同时检测水中17种PMOCs的分析方法。采用HLB固相萃取柱对水样中的PMOCs进行富集,乙腈和含10 mmol·L−1乙酸铵的水溶液作为流动相进行梯度洗脱,PMOCs检出限为0.04~0.35 ng·L−1,定量限为0.13~1.16 ng·L−1,回收率为65.01%~98.65%。在北京潮白河、广东北江和河北滹沱河进行布点采样,并测定其PMOCs的质量浓度。实验结果表明:17种PMOCs在潮白河、北江和滹沱河中均有检出,其ƩPMOCs平均质量浓度分别为604.69、740.45和505.11 ng·L−1。潮白河地表水中安赛蜜、金刚烷胺和己内酰胺的质量浓度相对较高,分别高达261.75、143.84和153.71 ng·L−1。北江中安赛蜜、磷酸三 (2-氯丙基) 酯和己内酰胺的质量浓度相对较高,分别高达433.14、444.46和108.76 ng·L−1。滹沱河中金刚烷胺、己内酰胺和磷酸三 (2-氯丙基) 酯的质量浓度较高,分别高达218.10、101.14和222.60 ng·L−1。本研究结果可为地表水和地下水水体中PMOCs的检测评价提供参考。  相似文献   

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