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噬菌体MS2生物学特性研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
本文分析了噬菌体MS2在水质监测中作为水中肠道病毒指示生物的可行性与优势,并通过试验测定了噬菌体MS2的热稳定性、pH值稳定性、最佳感染复数和一步生长曲线等生物学参数,结果表明:噬菌体MS2的热稳定性较弱,在70℃时5 min内即会全部失活;在pH值4~10的范围内噬菌体MS2均可稳定存在;噬菌体MS2感染其宿主大肠杆... 相似文献
Adrien Brié Isabelle Bertrand Marie Meo Nicolas Boudaud Christophe Gantzer 《Food and environmental virology》2016,8(4):251-261
The differences in physicochemical characteristics between infectious and non-infectious viral particles are poorly known. Even for heat, which is known as one of the most efficient treatments to inactivate enteric viruses, the global inactivation mechanisms have not been described yet. Such knowledge would help distinguish between both types of particles and therefore clarify the interpretation of the presence of viral genomes in food after heat treatment. In this study, we examined in particular the differences in electrostatic charge and hydrophobicity between the two particle types. MS2 phage, a common surrogate for enteric viruses, was used as a model virus. The heat-induced inactivation process of the infectious phages caused hydrophobic domains to be transiently exposed and their charge to become less negative. The particles also became progressively permeable to small molecules such as SYPRO Orange dye. The presence of non-infectious phage particles in which the genome was not accessible to RNases has been clearly demonstrated. These observations were done for MS2 phages exposed to a temperature of 60 °C. When exposed to a temperature higher than their critical temperature (72 °C), the particles were disrupted and the genome became available for RNases. At lower temperatures, 60 °C in this study, the transient expression of hydrophobic domains of remaining infectious phages appeared as an interesting parameter for improving their specific detection. 相似文献
M. Yavarmanesh M. Abbaszadegan A. Alum A. Mortazavi M. B. Habibi Najafi M. R. Bassami M. R. Nassiri 《Food and environmental virology》2013,5(2):103-109
Noroviruses are responsible for approximately 44 % of outbreaks involving dairy products for which causative agents are reported. Recovery of viruses from milk and dairy products is a difficult task. The role of different components of milk in the recovery of viral RNA was evaluated in this study. Four model milk formulations (A–D) were prepared by mixing different combinations of lactose, whey protein, casein, and fat in water. Each model formulation was spiked with five concentrations of bacteriophage MS2. The phenol-guanidine thiocyanate-chloroform protocol was used for extracting viral RNA from the model milk formulations and then extracted RNA was measured by a nanodrop spectrophotometer in ng/μl. The results showed that casein and whey protein had the highest negative impact on RNA yield, especially when the number of MS2 was less than 1.3 pfu/ml. The highest RNA recovery was obtained from the model milk formulation containing all four components; lactose, whey protein, casein, and fat. The amount of extracted RNA was closely correlated with the dry matter content of each formulation and the spiked concentration of coliphage using response surface modeling (R2:0.93). It was determined that milk fat is the most effective component in facilitating RNA extraction and the highest RNA yield can be achieved via elimination of whey protein and casein from milk by centrifugation at 40,000×g for 60 min. To achieve the highest viral RNA recovery efficiency by the proposed method, milk fat must be recombined with the supernatant of the centrifuged sample and then homogenized before performing the extraction protocol. 相似文献
脉冲强光杀菌技术是近年来开发的一种新型冷杀菌技术,利用强烈的白光闪照进行杀菌。以枯草杆菌为目标微生物,对比研究脉冲强光与紫外线对微生物的灭活效果。并通过改变脉冲强光装置的输入电压和闪照次数,研究了影响脉冲强光杀菌的影响因素。 相似文献
Timothy R. Julian John M. Trumble Kellogg J. Schwab 《Food and environmental virology》2014,6(2):145-155
Surface disinfection, as part of environmental hygiene practices, is an efficient barrier to gastroenteritis transmission. However, surface disinfectants may be difficult to obtain in remote, resource-limited, or disaster relief settings. Electrochemical oxidants (ECO) are chlorine-based disinfectants that can be generated using battery power to electrolyze brine (NaCl) solutions. Electrolysis generates a mixed-oxidant solution that contains both chlorine (HOCl, OCl?) and reactive oxygen species (e.g., ·OH, O3, H2O2, and ·O2?) capable of inactivating pathogens. One onsite generator of ECO is the Smart Electrochlorinator 200 (SE-200, Cascade Designs, Inc.). In a laboratory study, we assessed ECO surface disinfection efficacy for two gastrointestinal virus surrogates: bacteriophage MS2 and murine norovirus MNV-1. We quantified both infectivity and nucleic acid inactivation using culture-dependent and independent assays. At free available chlorine concentrations of 2,500 ppm and a contact time of 30 s, ECO inactivation of infective MS2 bacteriophage exceeded 7 log10 compared to MNV-1 disinfection of approximately 2 log10. Genomic RNA inactivation was less than infective virus inactivation: MS2 RNA inactivation was approximately 5 log10 compared to MNV-1 RNA inactivation of approximately 1.5 log10. The results are similar to inactivation efficacy of household bleach when used at similar free available chlorine concentrations. Our work demonstrates the potential of ECO solutions, generated onsite, to be used for surface disinfection. 相似文献
张良哲 《安全.健康和环境》2017,17(1)
以易燃液体罐区为例,列举分析化工企业易燃液体罐区常见安全隐患,并结合国家相关法律法规、标准规范、实践经验提出了合理化对策措施,以降低化工企业罐区发生火灾爆炸事故的风险。 相似文献
微量元素对白腐真菌的生长影响和抑制酵母菌效果的研究 总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6
采用振荡培养方式研究了微量元素对白腐真菌生长以及在非灭菌环境下对液体培养基抑制酵母菌的影响,结果表明,在灭菌环境培养方式下投加含有铁元素的微量元素液体培养基培养的菌丝球大小和数量均优于不含铁但含有其它微量元素液体培养基,而不含铁的液体培养基又优于不投加任何微量元素液体培养基;如果采用灭菌环境培养后在非灭菌环境降解染料方式,则不含微量元素和含其它微量元素但不含铁的液体培养基培养的白腐真菌在非灭菌环境对染料的脱色效果与灭菌环境得到的结果基本相当,而铁浓度为3.5 mg/L液体培养基培养的白腐真菌的脱色效果不如灭菌环境得到的结果,并且镜检发现铁浓度为3.5 mg/L液体培养基中感染的酵母菌的量要多于不含铁元素液体培养基和不投加任何微量元素培养体系.微量元素铁在抑制酵母菌生长方面具有很重要的作用,同时铁元素又是白腐真菌生长所必需的,只要在不影响白腐真菌生长的前提下,合理调控培养基中的铁浓度,就有可能达到抑制酵母菌的目的. 相似文献
pH值对白腐真菌液体培养基抑制杂菌效果的影响研究 总被引:13,自引:4,他引:13
应用摇瓶试验研究了不同初始pH值对白腐真菌Phanerochaete chrysosporium液体培养基在非灭菌环境抑制杂菌效果的影响.结果表明,当采用Phanerochaete chrysosporium孢子作为种子在非灭菌环境进行培养时,初始pH值为3.6和4.4的液体培养基在培养第1d仅感染酵母菌,而初始pH值为5.6的液体培养基不仅感染了酵母菌而且还感染了细菌;正是由于非灭菌环境培养体系感染杂菌,使得后续Phanerochaete chrysosporium对活性艳红K-2BP的脱色能力大大降低甚至丧失;而采用灭菌环境培养Phanerochaete chrysosporium,非灭菌环境脱色活性艳红K-2BP的方法却获得了较好的脱色效果,3种初始pH值的氮限制液体培养基培养出的Phanerochaete chrysosporium对活性艳红K-2BP 45h的脱色率均在70%以上,接近或超过灭菌环境的结果,其中初始pH值为4.4的液体培养基培养的Phanerochaete chrysosporium在非灭菌环境对活性艳红K-2BP的脱色效果最好,其24h的脱色率达到80%以上.尽管3种pH液体培养基在脱色过程中也同样感染了杂菌,但与非灭菌环境培养体系相比含量很少,没有影响脱色效果.因此,可以得出低pH值(pH=3.6,pH=4.4)氮限制培养基虽然在一定程度上可以抑制细菌,但是却不能抑制酵母菌;当在非灭菌环境使用Phanerochaete chrysosporium脱色活性染料时,Phanerochaete chrysosporium只有在灭菌环境培养至菌丝体形成并在整个系统占优势,才能获得较高的脱色效果. 相似文献
基于2005—2010年SO2排放量和经济发展数据,对该时段的SO2排放环境负荷变化进行分析并以此数据构建了新疆三大地区万元产值SO2排放量随人均GDP变化的环境学习曲线;以所建立的环境学习曲线为依据,分析2005—2010年万元产值SO,的减排潜力,并对新疆“十二五”期间不同地区万元SO2的节能减排潜力进行了预测。结果表明:经济发展水平越高的地区,万元产值SO2排放环境负荷越小,减排潜力越小;经济发展水平越低的地区,万元产值SO2排放环境负荷越大,减排潜力也越大。研究结果将为“十二五”自治区SO2排放总量控制及减排指标提供科学依据。 相似文献
汶川地震孕震机理的研究及其对地震预报的启示 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
朱守彪 《防灾科技学院学报》2009,11(1)
2008年5月12日汶川8.0级大地震突发在现今并不活动的龙门山断裂带上,引起社会及学术界的巨大反响,该地震的孕震机理及如何预报问题更引起广泛关注.本文试图从纵横两个侧面来研究汶川地震发生的机理,即:先利用GPS资料研究地表的变形场,然后运用数值方法对横跨龙门山断裂带的一个剖面进行模拟.文中的计算结果显示:①汶川地震前龙门山断裂带及附近地区地表的主应变率的方位与该区域的地应力方位基本一致,但形变量值很小,表明断层处于闭锁之中;②对地震发生过程进行有限元模拟的结果,显示等效应力及变形能量密度在空间分布由分散状态逐步向龙门山地区集聚,龙门山断裂带上地震复发周期约为3 163年.因此,根据前人的研究结果及本文的研究认为汶川大地震的动力成因可能为:随着印度洋板块对欧亚大陆的不断挤压碰撞,青藏高原隆升后形成的物质东流在向东运动过程中由于受到稳定的四川盆地的阻挡,一部分东流物质在川西地区囤积,造成龙门山隆升;高角度、铲状的龙门山断层面上的正应力随着川西高原的向东运动而不断增大,再加上断层附近介质刚性大,这就导致该断层的闭锁程度增高;但另一方面随着高原东流物质的不断向东运动,龙门山下部地壳囤积的东流物质不断地向斜上方推挤龙门山断层上盘,这样会导致龙门山断裂带上的剪应力越来越大;当剪应力超过摩擦强度时,断层解锁发生地震.最后,针对这种发震机理的新型地震,提出了今后关于地震预报的几点思考. 相似文献
Christina Jarke Anja Petereit Karsten Fehlhaber Peggy G. Braun Uwe Truyen Thiemo Albert 《Food and environmental virology》2013,5(3):135-143
Until now, little is known about the influence of food additives on heat inactivation of noroviruses. Only a few studies have shown a protective or inhibiting effect on virus infectivity caused by the food matrix. Therefore, the aim of this study was to examine the influence of sodium chloride, sucrose and milk on heat stability of the surrogates murine norovirus (MNV) and MS2 phage at 60 °C for 1–5 min in PBS for MNV and for 5–120 min in suspension medium buffer for MS2 phage. Different concentrations of sodium chloride (5, 10 %) and sucrose (5, 50 %) were added to the respective buffers. In addition, commercially available milk with different fat concentrations (0.3, 1.5, 3.5 %) was investigated in this study. In general, a linear titre reduction for MNV and MS2 phage could be observed, except for the heat treatment of MNV in PBS with 50 % sucrose. A protective effect of PBS with 50 % sucrose and of the matrix milk on MNV could be concluded. All other tested conditions did not show any influence on virus inactivation. However, MS2 phage did show a higher heat resistance throughout the experiments compared to MNV. In future investigations, it should be tested, whether the achieved data may be considered in risk assessments of heat-treated food products with high concentrations of sugar. Furthermore, it should be clarified, whether these results can also be referred to complex food matrices. 相似文献
为了解张家港市区的光环境现状,对市区的光环境进行了调查测量,包括夜间的光环境照度、广告标识数量的统计、昼间外墙立面的情况和反射率,还对居民的光环境意识进行了问卷调查。对调查结果进行总结分析,市区存在一些光环境问题:部分支路照度偏高、树木遮挡光线现象严重、部分道路灯具选择不合理、霓虹灯较多、居住区照度偏低等,并提出解决问题的建议:尽快编制照明和广告管控规划、路灯管理部门应加大与其他部门之间的沟通合作、引进专业人才、推广绿色照明等。 相似文献
Potential effects of climate change and rising CO2 on ecosystem processes in northeastern U.S. forests 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
S. V. Ollinger C. L. Goodale K. Hayhoe J. P. Jenkins 《Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change》2008,13(5-6):467-485
Forest ecosystems represent the dominant form of land cover in the northeastern United States and are heavily relied upon by the region’s residents as a source of fuel, fiber, structural materials, clean water, economic vitality, and recreational opportunities. Although predicted changes in climate have important implications for a number of ecosystem processes, our present understanding of their long-term effects is poor. In this study, we used the PnET-CN model of forest carbon (C), nitrogen (N) and water cycling to evaluate the effects of predicted changes in climate and atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) on forest growth, C exchange, water runoff, and nitrate ( $ {\text{NO}}^{ - }_{3} $ ) leaching at five forest research sites across the northeastern U.S. We used four sets of statistically downscaled climate predictions from two general circulation models (the Hadley Centre Coupled Model, version 3 and the Parallel Climate Model) and two scenarios of future CO2 concentrations. A series of model experiments was conducted to examine the effects of future temperature, precipitation, CO2, and various assumptions regarding the physiological response of forests to these changes. Results indicate a wide range of predicted future growth rates. Increased growth was predicted across deciduous sites under most future conditions, while growth declines were predicted for spruce forests under the warmest scenarios and in some deciduous forests when CO2 fertilization effects were absent. Both climate and rising CO2 contributed to predicted changes, but their relative importance shifted from CO2-dominated to climate-dominated from the first to second half of the twenty-first century. Predicted runoff ranged from no change to a slight decrease, depending on future precipitation and assumptions about stomatal response to CO2. Nitrate leaching exhibited variable responses, but was highest under conditions that imposed plant stress with no physiological effects of CO2. Although there are considerable uncertainties surrounding predicted responses to climate change, these results provide a range of possible outcomes and highlight interactions among processes that are likely to be important. Such information can be useful to scientists and land managers as they plan on means of examining and responding to the effects of climate change. 相似文献
由于部门间管理协调不到位,未能完全按照审批程序新上炉灶,致使未经审批的小炉灶出现在一些中小城市的角落。小炉灶管理和治理难度大,其中环保执法不严是造成中小城市烟尘污染的原因之一。在深入分析中小城市烟尘污染现状的基础上,提出了相应的整改措施和建议。 相似文献
采集渤海海河河口水,在实验室受控条件下,研究了营养盐和光照条件对邻苯二甲酸二丁酯(DBP)生物降解的影响。实验结果表明:DBP在海河河口水中的生物降解符合一级动力学,微生物降解占总去除率的99%左右,微生物降解是DBP降解的主要途径。高营养水平时,DBP在光照、光暗条件下的生物降解速率常数分别为0.32d-1和0.41d-1;低营养水平时,DBP在光照、光暗条件下的生物降解速率常数分别为0.17d-1和0.20d-1。高营养条件下较高的微生物总量使DBP的生物降解速率明显大于相对低营养条件下的降解速率;在相同的营养条件下,光照能够改变水体中藻、菌的微生态结构,从而延迟DBP的降解。 相似文献