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As one of the largest human activities, World Expo is an important source of anthropogenic Greenhouse Gas emission (GHG), and the GHG emission and other environmental impacts of the Expo Shanghai 2010, where around 59,397 tons of waste was generated during 184 Expo running days, were assessed by life cycle assessment (LCA). Two scenarios, i.e., the actual and expected figures of the waste sector, were assessed and compared, and 124.01 kg CO2-equivalent (CO2-eq.), 4.43 kg SO2-eq., 4.88 kg NO3-eq., and 3509 m3 water per ton tourist waste were found to be released in terms of global warming (GW), acidification (AC), nutrient enrichment (NE) and spoiled groundwater resources (SGWR), respectively. The total GHG emission was around 3499 ton CO2-eq. from the waste sector in Expo Park, among which 86.47% was generated during the waste landfilling at the rate of 107.24 kg CO2-eq., and CH4, CO and other hydrocarbons (HC) were the main contributors. If the waste sorting process had been implemented according to the plan scenario, around 497 ton CO2-eq. savings could have been attained. Unlike municipal solid waste, with more organic matter content, an incineration plant is more suitable for tourist waste disposal due to its high heating value, from the GHG reduction perspective.  相似文献   

李立峰  胡静  邵丹 《中国环境科学》2012,32(6):1141-1147
为研究2007年以来上海轨道交通建设提速带来的温室气体减排效益,对上海市内出行结构与碳排放量历年变化进行了分析,并进一步采用情景分析法,对实际情景(轨道交通加速发展)与基准情景(轨道交通常速发展)下市内出行碳排放进行了对比.结果表明,2007年以来轨道交通吸收了全市客运增长量的50%,不仅缓解了个体机动车迅速增长带来的拥堵和污染等问题,也使得整个上海市内客运交通在客运量迅速攀升的同时,碳排放总量增长速度却有了明显放缓.与基准情景相比,2007年1月初至2010年10月底世博会结束这段时期内,实际情景下上海轨道交通的快速发展使市内出行碳排放总量相对减排了78.9万tCO2当量.  相似文献   

广东省人为源氨排放清单及减排潜力研究   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:13  
根据各类氨排放源活动水平数据,采用排放因子法,建立了2010年广东省人为源氨排放清单,在分析其排放特征的基础上探讨了氨的减排潜力.结果表明:2010年广东省人为源氨排放量为582.9 kt,畜禽和氮肥施用是排放贡献最大的人为源,分别占总排放量的44.2%和40.4%;茂名、湛江和肇庆依次是排放量最大的3个城市,共占广东省总排放量33.0%;在畜禽源中,肉猪排放量最大,占畜禽源排放总量44.4%,其次是肉鸡、母猪和黄牛,分别占16.0%、15.2%和6.5%;畜禽在畜舍、储存管理、农田施肥和放牧4个养殖阶段的氨排放量不同;控制农业源对NH3的减排起关键性作用,茂名、湛江和肇庆是广东省重点控制的3个城市,肉猪、母猪、肉鸡、黄牛和氮肥施用则为重点控制源,主要控制措施包括低氮饲料喂养、畜舍改造、粪便密封、粪肥注施、延长放牧时间和使用尿素替代物.  相似文献   




Petrochemical enterprises have become a major source of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Yet, due to the unavailability of basic data, there is still a lack of case studies to quantify GHG emissions and provide petrochemical enterprises with guidelines for implementing energy conservation and emission reduction strategies. Therefore, this study conducted a life cycle assessment (LCA) analysis to estimate the GHG emissions of four typical petrochemical enterprises in China, using first-hand data, to determine possible emission reduction measures. The analytical data revealed that Dushanzi Petrochemical (DSP) has the highest GHG emission intensity (1.17 tons CO2e/ton), followed by Urumqi Petrochemical (UP) (1.08 tons CO2e/ton), Dalian Petrochemical (DLP) (average 0.58 tons CO2e/ton) and Karamay Petrochemical (KP) (average 0.50 tons CO2e/ton) over the whole life cycle. At the same time, GHG emissions during fossil fuel combustion were the largest contributor to the whole life cycle, accounting for about 77.31%–94.27% of the total emissions. In the fossil-fuel combustion phase, DSP had the highest unit GHG emissions (1.20 tons CO2e), followed by UP (0.89 tons CO2e). In the industrial production phase, DLP had the highest unit GHG emissions (average 0.13 tons CO2e/ton), followed by UP (0.10 tons CO2e/ton). During the torch burning phase, torch burning under accident conditions was the main source of GHG emissions. It is worth noting that the CO2 recovery stage has "negative value," indicating that it will bring some environmental benefits. Further scenario analysis shows that effective policies and advanced technologies can further reduce GHG emissions.  相似文献   

堆肥是处理农业废弃物最适宜的技术之一,但堆肥产生的有害和温室气体排放导致环境污染问题.本研究以生猪养殖发酵床废弃垫料及菌渣为原料,利用强制通风静态堆肥技术研究垫料和菌渣不同配比及添加EM菌剂对堆肥过程温室气体排放和微生物区系的影响.结果表明,不同堆肥处理温室气体排放通量以堆肥前20 d较大,堆肥中后期降低;微生物总量和种类在不同堆肥处理间没有发生显著性变化;CO_2和N_2O排放速率与细菌、真菌和甲烷氧化菌间具有显著的正相关关系.整个堆肥期间,以菌渣为主料并添加EM菌剂的堆肥处理温室气体减排效果最佳,相对其他3个处理温室气体减排0.7%~10.2%.由此认为,以菌渣为主料和通过添加EM菌剂的堆肥方式可以作为降低菌渣-发酵床废弃垫料堆肥过程温室气体排放的策略.  相似文献   

本文对碳五树脂生产装置污水站产生的废气提出了针对性的组合处理工艺,并在浙江某树脂生产企业成功应用,取得了较好的效果。  相似文献   

The main purpose of industrial ecology is to evaluate and minimize impacts from economic activities of human society. Tourism as one economic activity, results in a full range of environmental impacts, but few applications of industrial ecology to tourism management have previously been discussed. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is used in this research to explore environmental impacts of island tourism, and then the environmental loads per tourist per trip can be found. Penghu Island in Taiwan is taken as an example to examine this new approach. Various environmental loads in transportation, accommodation, and recreation activity sector are all inventoried and calculated here. In summary, per tourist per trip uses 1606 MJ of energy, 607 L of water, and emits 109,034 g of CO2, 2660 g of CO, 597 g of HC, 70 g of NOx. In addition, per tourist per trip also discharges 416 L of wastewater, 83.1 g of BOD, and 1.95 g of solid waste. In terms of energy use, the transportation consumes the largest energy (67%); in particular, the airplane sector. Moreover, per Penghu tourist results in more environmental loads than local people; for example, the amount of solid waste discharge per tourist is 1.95 kg per day, while that of per local people is 1.18 kg. Finally, the advantages and limitations of such LCA approach are also discussed.  相似文献   

生活垃圾处置单元是重要的温室气体(GHG)排放源,明确其排放变化趋势及特征,是制定生活垃圾单元GHG减排的前提.采用IPCC清单模型,对中国2010~2020年城市生活垃圾(MSW)处置单元的GHG排放进行了估算.结果表明,GHG排放量(以CO2-eq计,下同)从2010年的42.5 Mt增长至2019年的75.3 Mt,2020年降低到72.1 Mt;生活垃圾填埋场是GHG排放的主要来源,随着生活垃圾焚烧比例的增加,焚烧GHG排放占比从2010年的16.5%快速增加到2020年的60.1%;在区域分布上,华东和华南地区是排放量最高的区域,广东、山东、江苏和浙江是最主要的排放省.实行生活垃圾分类,转变生活垃圾处置方式(垃圾填埋向焚烧的转变),提高填埋场填埋气体(LFG)收集效率,利用生物覆盖功能材料强化覆盖层甲烷(CH4)氧化效率,是实现固废处置单元GHG减排的主要措施.  相似文献   

韩楠  罗新宇 《自然资源学报》2022,37(5):1277-1288
京津冀地区是中国核心经济区的重要组成部分,也是碳排放重点区域,其碳排放早日达峰对实现国家达峰目标尤为关键。通过分析碳排放及影响因素的关系,构建碳排放系统动力学模型,并设置六种情景方案,模拟预测其对北京、天津和河北碳达峰时间、峰值及减排潜力的影响。结果显示:(1)基准情景下,北京已经实现碳达峰,天津预计2023年碳达峰,而河北则难在2035年前达峰。(2)协调发展情景即综合调控政策,较单一措施情景,各地区碳减排效果最优;其中,北京2020—2030年碳排放较基准情景下降13.52%,天津碳达峰可提前至2021年,河北则可在2030年达到峰值。(3)单一措施情景下,环保情景对北京碳减排作用最显著,而节能减排情景则是实现天津与河北碳达峰的最佳发展模式。  相似文献   

珠江三角洲地区重点VOC排放行业的排放清单   总被引:37,自引:5,他引:37       下载免费PDF全文
根据收集的珠江三角洲(珠三角)重点挥发性有机物(VOC)排放行业的活动水平数据,采用近年来VOC估算方面的研究成果及估算方法,建立了该地区2006年重点挥发性有机物排放行业和分城市的VOC排放清单.结果表明:珠江三角洲地区2006年重点挥发性有机物排放行业VOC排放总量为416.9kt,其不确定性(95%置信区间)为302.5~689.6kt(-31%~58%);家具制造业、建筑涂料使用、制鞋业是珠江三角洲重点VOC排放行业的主要来源,分别占总排放量的23.3%,21.2%和17.5%;东莞是珠江三角洲地区2006年重点挥发性有机物排放行业VOC排放量贡献最大的城市,其次是深圳,两者排放量分别占总排放量的23.6%和21.9%,主要的排放亦来源于家具制造业、建筑涂料使用与制鞋业.缺乏本地排放因子和良好的活动水平数据是本研究VOC排放量估算中主要的不确定性来源.  相似文献   

根据2008年长三角地区江苏、安徽、浙江3省各地级市及上海市水稻、小麦、玉米、油菜4种农作物的年产量,结合谷草比、秸秆焚烧比例及排放因子建立了长三角地区秸秆焚烧大气污染物排放清单.结果表明:长三角地区秸秆焚烧产生的PM10、PM2.5、SO2、NOx、CO、EC、OC分别为36.8×104、14.4×104、1.5×104、9.2×104、20.8×104、2.6×104、12.2×104t.秸秆焚烧污染物排放量较大的区域主要集中在江苏中北部和安徽北部.在区域大气环境模拟系统RegAEMS中考虑秸秆焚烧源的影响,针对2008年10月底江苏一次重霾污染天气事件进行模拟,发现考虑秸秆焚烧源后模拟结果有较大的改善.秸秆焚烧可以导致区域PM10、CO浓度上升30%以上,黑碳和有机物的消光贡献明显增强.区域输送研究表明,苏中地区、外省秸秆焚烧排放源对此次重霾污染的贡献分别达到32.4%、33.3%.  相似文献   

The regional air quality modeling system RAMS (Regional Atmospheric Modeling System)-CMAQ (Community Multi-scale Air Quality modeling system) is applied to analyze temporal and spatial variations in surface ozone concentration over Beijing and its surrounding region from July to October 2008. Comparison of simulated and observed meteorological elements and concentration of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and ozone at one urban site and three rural sites during Olympic Games show that model can generally reproduce the main observed feature of wind, temperature and ozone, but NOx concentration is overestimated. Although ozone concentration decreased during Olympics, high ozone episodes occurred on 24 July and 24 August with concentration of 360 and 245 μg/m3 at Aoyuncun site, respectively. The analysis of sensitive test, with and without emission controls, shows that emission controls could reduce ozone concentration in the afternoon when ozone concentration was highest but increase it at night and in the morning. The evolution of the weather system during the ozone episodes (24 July and 24 August) indicates that hot and dry air and a stable weak pressure field intensified the production of ozone and allowed it to accumulate. Process analysis at the urban site and rural site shows that under favorable weather condition on 24 August, horizontal transport was the main contributor of the rural place and the pollution from the higher layer would be transported to the surface layer. On 24 July, as the wind velocity was smaller, the impact of transport on the rural place was not obvious.  相似文献   

亚热带稻田生态系统CO2排放及影响因素   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11       下载免费PDF全文
采用静态箱法对亚热带稻田生态系统CO2排放进行了定位观测.结果表明,水稻生长条件下的稻田CO2总排放通量(Rt)随晚稻生育期进程波动幅度较大,平均值为926.2mg/(m2·h);土壤CO2排放通量(Rs)则波动较小,平均值为285.4mg/(m2·h).二者与气温、不同土层(0,5,10,15cm)土壤温度均呈极显著的指数相关关系,温度系数(Q10)分别为2.33和1.70.稻田生态系统CO2累积排放量与水稻生物量间存在极显著的对数关系.在晚稻整个生育期,稻田生态系统从大气中净固定碳量为3.85t/hm2.  相似文献   




The reduction of carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions may be quite expensive and it is necessary to consider reduction measures for other anthropogenic greenhouse gases, such as methane (CH4) and nitrous oxide (N2O) as well. Their contribution to the total GHG emission from Finland is about 15–20%. In Finland most of the CH4 emissions are due to waste management, agriculture and burning processes. N2O emissions originate from burning processes, agriculture, industry and atmospheric deposition of nitrogen. The cost-effective reduction of the Finnish GHG emissions has been studied with the EFOM-ENV model, which is a quasi-dynamic linear energy system optimisation model. The target function to be minimised is the total discounted cost for the modelled system. In this study the model has been expanded to cover all well-known anthropogenic CO2, CH4 and N2O sources and reduction measures. The results indicate it is economic to reduce the emissions of CO2, CH4 and N2O in Finland. It is profitable to exploit the economic reduction potential of CH4 and N2O, because then the abatement of CO2 emissions does not need to be as extensive as when the reduction is aimed only at CO2 emissions. The inclusion of CH4 and N2O decreases the annual reduction costs about 20% in the year 2010.  相似文献   

以我国南方某生活垃圾焚烧厂掺烧10%市政污泥的生活垃圾为研究对象,对前/后口废气、飞灰、炉渣及用于掺烧的污泥中17种二(口恶)英的含量进行了测定,并分析了其指纹分布特征.结合焚烧工况及处理设施,从生成机理角度探讨了二(口恶)英的排放特征、毒性当量浓度主成分特征及主要单体的排放因子线性关系.结果表明:掺烧10%的市政污泥后,废气中二(口恶)英的去除率为99.4%,低于国家排放标准;固体废物中二(口恶)英含量为飞灰 > 炉渣 > 污泥.这说明采用高温焚烧和"活性炭喷射+布袋除尘"装置不会影响掺烧10%污泥的达标排放.指纹分布特征表明,前口废气以1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF和OCDD为主,后口废气以OCDD和OCDF为主;飞灰、炉渣及污泥中的主要单体为OCDD、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDD、OCDF、1,2,3,4,6,7,8-HpCDF.主成分分析显示,前口废气和飞灰中的二(口恶)英毒性分布特征相似;炉渣和污泥的毒性分布特征相似;后口废气有自身的特征.这说明在相同工况条件下,经同一设施处理的废物中二(口恶)英排放特征相似.排放因子分析表明,2,3,4,7,8-PeCDF和1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDF、1,2,3,6,7,8-HxCDD和1,2,3,7,8,9-HxCDD与总毒性排放因子具有较强的线性关系,且呋喃类(PCDFs)强于二(口恶)英类(PCDDs).  相似文献   

提出了“Fe^2 螯合剂吸收.铁粉还原.酸吸收”回收法脱除烟气中NOx的新工艺.通过对脱氮后气、液相组成的分析,重点研究了脱氮的反应机理.结果表明,处理后气体中没有产生N2O,脱氮液中也没有NO2^-和NO3^-形成,脱氮过程中NO全部被铁粉还原成了氨;在无氧的条件下,脱氮量与铁粉消耗量的比值(摩尔比)为2/1,在有氧的条件下,脱氮量与铁粉消耗量的比值为1/2,在此基础上提出了脱氮的化学反应.同时还确定了本实验的在反应条件下脱氮液中氨的平衡浓度。  相似文献   

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