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While analyzing overall planning and coordinated development of urban-rural areas, this paper shows that overall planning for the development of urban-rural areas is a requirement for the best use of productive forces. It means the setting up of a policy mechanism for coordinated growth. Recognizing this, the government should set up a way to lead and manage a unified program to increase service and decrease controlling administration power, while safeguarding and fulfilling the farmers' ownership to the means of production.  相似文献   

The overall regional development planning pattern has been considered to be a new and effective pattern as for development of provincial economy. The article analyzed the current conditions of the west of Shandong Province and tried to find the generation mechanisms of current non-balanced economic development of Shandong Province. And then approaches to regional development were put forward according to the theory of regional development pattern as a whole.  相似文献   

The overall regional development planning pattern has been considered to be a new and effective pattern as for development of provincial economy. The article analyzed the current conditions of the west of Shandong Province and tried to find the generation mechanisms of current non-balanced economic devel- opment of Shandong Province. And then approaches to regional development were put forward according to the theory of regional development pattern as a whole.  相似文献   

区域人口集聚是主体功能区优化布局的要求和重要指标。人口发展功能区规划是国家主体功能区规划的基础依据。本文以哈尔滨市人口功能区规划为例,根据国家人口发展功能分区指标体系,采用模糊综合评价方法测算了哈尔滨市人口功能分区,并提出了相关政策性建议。研究结果对于发挥哈尔滨市中心城市带动作用,引导城市化进程中人口有序流动,推进国家及省人口发展功能区规划工作具有借鉴作用。  相似文献   

区域可持续发展战略规划的理论与方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实施区域可持续发展战略规划是落实科学发展观的需要。结合广东省江门市可持续战略规划的实践,对可持续发展规划的概念、内涵、基本框架以及技术流程进行探讨。基本结论是:区域可持续发展战略规划应以“环境社会系统”全新的视角,回答一个区域该如何化解“三大供需矛盾”,消除“三大危机”,提高区域可持续发展能力的问题;对区域环境社会系统这类开放型复杂巨系统进行可持续发展战略决策,需采用专家经验与计算机建模相结合、反复试错、多元互动的综合集成方法。  相似文献   

城镇化与生态环境之间存在着客观的动态耦合关系,以江苏沿海三市(南通、盐城、连云港)2000-2009年统计数据为基础,分别从人口、经济、空间、社会城镇化和生态环境压力、状态、响应等层面构建了城镇化与生态环境协调发展的综合评价指标体系,利用协调发展模型对其演化趋势进行了量化分析。结果表明:①城镇化指数逐步提高,呈线性增长趋势,进入城镇化快速发展时期;②生态环境指数具有不同的变化特征,表现为波动上升趋势,生态环境质量不断得到改善;③城镇化与生态环境协调发展度指数表现出多样化的等级类型,当城镇化水平发展到一定阶段,生态环境压力也随之增大,同时人们的环境保护意识与逐步增强,两者之间的交互作用逐步走向适应与协调。  相似文献   

本文系统地阐述了理论界对人的发展评价指标体系的不同观点,并基于现有包容性增长观的理论基础,根据经济增长对人的包容的评价维度,综合考虑了人的经济发展环境、人的社会发展环境、人的生态环境、人口素质和人的生活质量五大要素来构建指标体系。通过上述5个方面30个指标,基于因子分析法建立人的全面发展综合评价模型,对我国2004-2009年的人的全面发展情况进行评价。研究结果表明:我国2004-2009年人的全面发展状况呈现逐年上升的趋势,且增幅也逐年递增,这表明随着人的全面发展的速度加快,人的全面发展状况越来越好。结合主成分分析解析获得人的全面发展的两个主因子,分别为外部因子(25个指标)与内部因子(5个指标),两个子因子的累积方差贡献率达到87.890%,其中外部因子的贡献率为76.202%,内部因子的贡献率为11.688%。这说明,在决定人的全面发展水平的诸多因素中,外部要素和内部要素是两大主要因素,且前者的影响力大于后者。分析外部因子与内部因子的年际变化规律可知外部要素是正面因素,起着积极的作用,而内部因素则不然。说明我国人的发展存在以外延发展为主,内涵发展不足的现象。综上,文章针对内涵发展不足提出政策建议,以期通过关注人的生活质量、发展潜能和幸福指数,最终来实现人的全面发展。  相似文献   

Several ecologically valuable objects identified on the basis of complex assessment and differentiation of the region are proposed for establishing a regional network of specially protected areas. To identify these objects, characteristics of the plant cover, soils, faunistic and hydrobiological associations, and landscapes have been analyzed using a 1 : 1000000 vegetation map. Five classes of ecologically valuable areas are distinguished according to the need for integrated protection of landscapes and their components or botanical and zoological objects. The concept has been realized using an example of the Khanty–Mansi Autonomous Area, Western Siberia.  相似文献   

我国区域城乡互动与关联发展综合评价   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
城乡互动与美联发展是协调城乡关系,促进城乡共同发展的有效途径。但我国区域城乡发展水平还存在较大差异,如何正确衡量和反映这种差异是进一步优化不同区域城乡发展的决策依据。综合应用多种评价方法对我国31十省(直辖市)的城乡互动与关联裳展进行综合评价和排序,并采用Kerndalls W协和系数对结果序到作一致性检验,将综合多种方法的结果作为最后评价值,较好地反映了我国区域城乡互动与关联发展的发展水平。  相似文献   

我国农业与农村可持续发展的核心问题是农民收入问题。只有切实提高农民的收入水平。才能有效地增加农民购买力,从而增加农业生产资料的投入。进而保证粮食增产。我国农业与农村可持续发展存在的两个矛盾是小农经济与市场经济社会化的矛盾以及小农经济与科技化之间的矛盾。面临的两个分离是家庭经济与集体经济的分离以及传统供销合作社与农民利益的分离。增加农民收入的规模经济论与乡镇企业论的确有成功的典范.但是。对我国更多的农村地区来讲.不具有普遍意义。我国农业和农村可持续发展的关键有两个.一是符合区域特色的区域农业专业化.二是通过专业合作社的制度创新.将分散的家庭组织起来.以解决家庭小生产与大市场之间的巨大矛盾。  相似文献   


Strategic Environmental Assessment is a frontier subject in the field of Environmental Impact Assessment. In the past two decades, especially in recent years, much more importance has been attached to Strategic Environmental Assessment. The Environmental Impact Assessment Law of the P.R. China which was promulgated provides a great opportunity for the development of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment and brings great challenges for the development of traditional Project Environmental Impact Assessment and Planning Environmental Impact Assessment at the same time. In order to promote the implementation of “The EIA Law”, the inherent limitations of Project Environmental Impact Assessment must be identified sufficiently and the theory research and practice of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment should be strengthened as well. Measures should be taken currently to enforce the operation system. The authors wish to offer a few references to the progress and implementation of Planning Environmental Impact Assessment in China.  相似文献   

Vegetation development and changes in the characteristics of the substrate in technogenically disturbed sites in the Usinskoe oil field were monitored for ten years (1992–2002). It has been demonstrated that 86 species of vascular plants and 12 species of bryophytes constitute the vegetation formed on fill-up soils during the first stages of recovery succession. A succession of dominant species was observed in the tenth year of monitoring. Differences in plant composition on the ground surface of different technological zones of plots located in different landscapes are described.__________Translated from Ekologiya, No. 4, 2005, pp. 269–274.Original Russian Text Copyright © 2005 by Zheleznova, Kuznetsova, Evdokimova, Turubanova.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) is a useful and effective instrument for sustainable development. Most countries require instruction projects to carry out EIA. EIA of our country began at the end of the 1970s; Chinais one of the earliest countries that carried out Project EIA. Through the fulfillment of more than 20 years, this system has been improved gradually and is playing a significant role in facilitating the enterprise reasonable layout and optimal addres…  相似文献   

在当下全球经济萧条和发展中国家日益增长的巨大需求背景下,中国西部需要绿色发展,国际经验可以起到前车之鉴和抛砖引玉的作用.以OECI国家为主,基于实地考察调研和座谈、以及文献资料分析,总结了其绿色发展相关政策建议以及典型案例区实践活动在推进区域绿色发展中的作用和经验,涉及政策框架和路线图制定、绩效监测评估、经济建设和环境保护同步发展、生态补偿、绿色就业和扶贫等.重点分析了OECD国家以往推进绿色经济发展的结构调整与改革的经验,如澳大利亚水资源管理、矿产业开发和生物库的例子;加拿大采用经济手段保护生物多样性的案例;瑞士农业旅游和西班牙绿色工业发展的案例;以及澳大利亚实施“清洁可持续技能培训计划”的经验等.尽管各个国家由于制度、经济体制、发展水平的差异,在推进绿色发展的具体战略措施和行动方案等方面存在差异,但一些共同认可的经验和成功案例对中国西部绿色发展起步实施具有一定的借鉴和指导作用.根据这些国际经验分析,本文提出了对中国西部绿色发展的五点启示,主要包括:①制定绿色发展的制度安排和路线图;②开展动态的绩效监测评估与考核,建立切合实际的可量化的考核体系;③建立生态产权或自然资源产权交易市场化的激励机制,并选择典型区先行先试,建立长期稳定有效的生态补偿机制;④利益相关者积极主动参与到绿色发展的进程之中;⑤提供绿色就业机会,提高劳动力技能和素质.  相似文献   


The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationships among rural-urban migration, rural household income and sustainable development in rural areas of China. The typical case study is done and 288 questionnaires are collected from five villages in Hebei and Guangxi provinces, China. The migration and remittance status, household income and sustainable development of rural areas are analyzed on the basis of questionnaires. Rural-urban migration is becoming a part of routine life in rural areas. And remittance is an important component in rural household income. Rural-urban migration increases the arable land area per labor, which releases the tight human-land relationship in villages. In total, the migration increases the rural household income and accelerates the sustainable development of rural areas.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to investigate the relationships among rural-urban migration, rural household income and sustainable development in rural areas of China. The typical case study is done and 288 questionnaires are collected from five villages in Hebei and Guangxi provinces, China. The migration and remittance status, household income and sustainable development of rural areas are analyzed on the basis of questionnaires. Rural-urban migration is becoming a part of routine life in rural areas. And remittance is an important component in rural household income. Rural-urban migration increases the arable land area per labor, which releases the tight human-land relationship in villages. In total, the migration increases the rural household income and accelerates the sustainable development of rural areas.  相似文献   


On the basis of applying quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as GIS technology, this paper established an index system to make a comprehensive evaluation on socioeconomic development of minority areas in China. The result showed that socio-economic development in minority area presents a series of characteristics that the north is high and the south is low, center-margin pattern is obvious and the areas with middle and lower development indices are distributed centrally and continuously. However, the causes of the socioeconomic characteristics mainly include natural conditions, economic development basic, population cultural quality, regional combination and development conditions of mineral and energy resources, informal institutional factors and distribution of major traffic lines.  相似文献   

On the basis of applying quantitative and qualitative approaches as well as GIS technology, this paper established an index system to make a comprehensive evaluation on socioeconomic development of minority areas in China. The result showed that socio-economic development in minority area presents a series of characteristics that the north is high and the south is low, center-margin pattern is obvious and the areas with middle and lower development indices are distributed centrally and continuously. However, the causes of the socioeconomic characteristics mainly include natural conditions, economic development basic, population cultural quality, regional combination and development conditions of mineral and energy resources, informal institutional factors and distribution of major traffic lines.  相似文献   

在中国,城乡统筹作为整体发展的一个基本机制,一方面反映了社会主义共同富裕的道义原则,另一方面也是由城市和农村的各自状况及其相互关系所规定的必然要求。与此相一致.新型城市形态既是一个发展理念.也是一个具体的建设内容和文明形态.它所表明的就是城市本身在城乡统筹的具体实施中逐步生成的整体形态特征。作为自觉的发展理念和建设实践.新型城市形态至少需要针对几个主要的要素关系进行相应的政策、制度、甚至法律创制。对此。本文指出并说明了以下主要几个方面:①同一辖区内不同行政级别之间的政府职能及行为关系:②本地(或常驻)居民与外来(或流动)农村人员的关系;③不同社会群体与发展取向的关系;④城市内部在形象塑造中的精抻面貌、生活方式、消费导向、开放态度,以及行政划分和政策连接等方面的城乡关系。  相似文献   

中国城市群形成发育的政策保障机制与对策建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国城市群是我国未来经济发展格局中最具活力和潜力的核心地区,是我国主体功能区划中的重点开发区和优化开发区,也是未来中国城市发展的重要方向,在全国生产力布局格局中起着战略支撑点、增长极点和核心节点的作用.本文针对中国城市群形成发育中呈现出的新特点和存在的新问题,从权力、财力、法力和能力四方面构建了城市群可持续发展的组织协调保障机制、公共财政保障机制、法律法规保障机制和资源环境保障机制等四大保障机制,提出了加快城市群健康发展的若干对策措施.包括:明确国家归口管理机关,组建国家级城市群协调发展管理委员会和跨城市的行业协调组织;建立城市群公共财政机制和公共财政储备制度;推进城市群一体化发展的立法工作,制定城市群合作公约,修订《城乡规划法》,增补城市群规划的内容;出台《城市群规划编制审批办法》、《城市群规划实施管理条例》和城市群规划技术导则,建立城市群规划执业制度,引导城市群科学规划,加强城市群资源环境保障能力和可持续发展能力建设;依托快速国土轴,加快建设国家高速公路的7918网、国家高速铁路网和空中快线系统,完善城市群快速交通系统;规范统计标准数据,编制并出版中国城市群统计年鉴.  相似文献   

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