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蓝楠 《绿色视野》2010,(6):37-41
<正>【案情】随着全球人口和经济规模不断增长,能源使用带来的环境问题越发严重。而近百年来,大气中二氧化碳(CO2)浓度的不断升高,导致全球正在经历一场以地球变暖为特征的显著气候变化。这一变化对人类生  相似文献   

一定的、必要的环境是人类创造历史所依赖的重要物质条件。人类的实践活动是一个无限发展的系列,但人类实践范围的环境却是有限的,因而产生了全球环境问题,特别是温室效应、对臭氧层的威胁、生物种类灭绝以及海洋污染,这些问题不是每个国家孤立进行防治所能解决的。譬如说,不合理的工业政策会引起全球气候变暖;人口增长与食物的过度需求会使  相似文献   

可持续发展与石油开采区环境保护   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前环境问题主要表现为:一是人类大量排放有毒有害物质,严重污染自然环境,导致生态失去平衡、环境恶化,直接威胁人类的生存和健康(1996年夏天安徽蚌埠市严重的水荒就是一例);二是人类对自然资源的过度消耗及不合理开采,致使水土流失、森林减少、土地沙化、资源枯竭、生态环境严重破坏。面对这些环境问题,近几年人们开始觉悟,环境意识逐渐增强,目前正步人持续发展的新时代。持续发展是新近提出的作为经济发展规划指导原则的概念,  相似文献   

2月2日,联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)在法国巴黎向全世界领导人发出了最严厉的警告:人类活动,尤其对化石能源的无节制使用,正是气候变化的最主要元凶,全球升温威胁就在眼前。这份报告认为,在过去50年中,“很可能”是人类活动导致了全球气候变暖。在IPCC的用词中,“很可能”表示可能性至少在90‰以上,这是IPCC成立以来,首次使用这样严重的措辞形容人类活动与气候变暖之间的关联。IPCC在2001年发布的上一次全球气候变化评估报告中使用的词语是“可能”,表示60%的可能性。  相似文献   

本文从气候的变十匕开始引入内容,了解全球气候变化的特点,让学生在课堂上学习分析近一两百年以来全球气候变暖的原因,利用资料分析全球气候变暖对地理环境和人类活动可能带来的影响并找出适应性的对策,培养学生的环境意识和各方面行为能力。  相似文献   

日前,加拿大民间环保组织大卫铃木基金会针对民众对全球变暖的理解组织了一次焦点小组调查,调查结果显示:加拿大绝大多数人对全球变暖这一问题并不了解,虽然他们已经感受到全球变暖是一个很严重的问题,并且一直在关注,但是对于是什么造成了全球变暖却所知甚少。“这是一个非常严重的问题。因为,人们不了解它就不会在意它,政治家和CE O们也不会在意它。”大卫铃木基金会主席大卫·铃木教授说,“我可以理解在五六年前,人们不了解什么是全球变暖,但是自2006年春天以来,全球变暖问题不断地在日报、杂志甚至是戏剧中频繁地出现,公众应该注意到…  相似文献   

工业革命以来,由于工业的发展和人口的增加,人类对环境的破坏日益严重,环境呈现不断恶化的趋势,如污染物排放总量不断增加,草原沙化、全球变暖、臭氧层空洞、干旱、洪涝泛滥等,所有这些环境问题不仅阻碍了经济的发展,威胁人民群众的健康和安全,也对档案保护提出了新的挑战。 一、环境恶化给档案保护工作带来的威胁   目前,环境恶化对档案保护所带来的威胁是极大的,也是前所未有的,特别是空气环境的恶化,对档案的破坏已经越来越明显。主要表现在:   1、空气污染物总量的增加,使档案保管状况有所下降。   空气主要污染物…  相似文献   

全球变暖影响人体健康全球气候总的趋势在变瞬,这已成为大家都有同感的事实。1994年夏季,热浪席卷北半球大多数地方;11月份,英伦三岛出现了300年来最高的气温;中国新疆的许多地方出现罕见的暖冬;大半个中国有“冬至”冬不至的感觉,北方地区已连续6年出现...  相似文献   

80年代以来,日趋恶化的地球环境对人类的生存和发展造成了严重的威胁,日益引起全世界的关注。因此,人类已将更多的注意力从依然存在的战争危险转向和平发展中的全球问题,其中包括生态环境问题。生态系统是没有国界的,因此真正社会生态系统的动态平衡必须维护人类所居住的整个世界的完整性。所以70年代以来环境方面先后制定的国际公约、条约和议定书已达100多项,超过了以往所有国际环境立法总和。同时,为鼓励科学界对全球问题的研究,素有科学家最高荣誉之称的诺贝尔奖金从1992年开始增设一项地球奖,以表彰在核。人口、资源、环境以…  相似文献   

6月3日至14日,巴西首都里约热内卢举行了一次环境问题国际首脑会议——联合国环境与发展大会。不言而喻,保护环境是一个关于全人类生存的问题,是与人的生命同时俱在的责任。地球,人类生存的摇篮,曾经是那么的郁郁葱葱,生机盎然,在几百万年里源源再生。可人类的活动却在不断加速毁灭它。臭氧层的破坏将使地球表面受太阳紫外线辐射增多;二氧化碳等气体引起的全球变暖将使海平面升高;酸雨导致了陆地生态和水生生态的严重破  相似文献   

本文从“温室效应”的实质,温室气体的“变暖潜能”入手,分析了人类活动与气候变暧互助响应的“蝶形效应”,提出了人类共同控制金球变暖的行动方略。  相似文献   

It is generally acknowledged that global warming is occurring, yet estimates of future climate change vary widely. Given this uncertainty, when asked about climate change, it is likely that people’s judgments may be affected by heuristics and accessible schemas. Three studies evaluated this proposition. Study 1 revealed a significant positive correlation between the outdoor temperature and beliefs in global warming. Study 2 showed that people were more likely to believe in global warming when they had first been primed with heat-related cognitions. Study 3 demonstrated that people were more likely to believe in global warming and more willing to pay to reduce global warming when they had first been exposed to a high vs. a low anchor for future increases in temperature. Together, results reveal that beliefs about global warming (and willingness to take actions to reduce global warming) are influenced by heuristics and accessible schemas. Several practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This paper explores the impact of the frame in which people interpret global warming. In 1999, 637 respondents completed a mail survey in five counties in central Pennsylvania. Half of the sample received questionnaires that framed global warming in terms of the local impacts of mitigation policies, whereas the other half received questionnaires that framed global warming in terms of the national impacts of mitigation policies. The results show a statistically significant but small difference between the local and national frames in the respondents' willingness to support government policies, as well as to take voluntary actions to mitigate climate change.  相似文献   


This paper explores the impact of the frame in which people interpret global warming. In 1999, 637 respondents completed a mail survey in five counties in central Pennsylvania. Half of the sample received questionnaires that framed global warming in terms of the local impacts of mitigation policies, whereas the other half received questionnaires that framed global warming in terms of the national impacts of mitigation policies. The results show a statistically significant but small difference between the local and national frames in the respondents' willingness to support government policies, as well as to take voluntary actions to mitigate climate change.  相似文献   

Measures for vehicle exhaust emissions aimed at reducing either air pollution or global warming could have counterproductive effects on one another. Increasing diesel passenger vehicles, which generally have lower CO2 emissions than gasoline counterparts, leads to increasing particulate matter (PM) emissions, while gasoline has lower PM emissions than diesel. It is said that stringent limits on PM emission factors discourages improved CO2 emission factors. Without including both effects in a risk evaluation, one cannot evaluate whether the total risk is reduced or not. Hence, we evaluated representative exhaust emission measures based on risk evaluation for both air pollution and global warming. Considering consumer choice between diesel and gasoline passenger vehicles and emissions standards adopted in Japan from 1995 to 2005, we built five cases for vehicle policy evaluation. For each case, we estimated disability-adjusted life years (DALY) as an index of human health risk caused by lung cancer linked to inhalation exposure of elemental carbon in PM as well as due to global warming linked to CO2. The results of our risk evaluation reveal that the case adopting the 2005 new long-term Japanese emission standard reduces the human health risk caused by lung cancer due to air pollution by 0.6 × 103 DALY, but would increase the risk due to global warming by 31.9 × 103 DALY compared with the case of adopting EURO 4, for the same conditions of passenger vehicle choice from 1995. These results suggest that the characteristics of Japanese emissions standards are mainly designed to reduce air pollution.  相似文献   

The present research examines whether collective guilt for an ingroup's collective greenhouse gas emissions mediates the effects of beliefs about the causes and effects of global warming on willingness to engage in mitigation behavior. In Study 1, we manipulate the causes and effects of global warming and then measure collective guilt. Results demonstrate that collective guilt for Americans' greenhouse gas emissions is stronger when participants believe that global warming is caused by humans and will have minor effects. Study 2 employs the same manipulations and then measures collective guilt and collective anxiety, as well as willingness to conserve energy and pay green taxes. This study replicates the effect from Study 1 and rules out collective anxiety as a plausible alternative mediator. Collective guilt for Americans' greenhouse emissions was the only reliable mediator of the effect of beliefs about global warming on willingness to engage in mitigation behaviors. The importance of collective guilt as a tool for promoting global warming mitigation is discussed.  相似文献   

A review of the difficulties associated with the definition of coastal flood frequencies and magnitudes leads to a recognition that there is considerable doubt in many parts of the world as to the precise nature of this particular hazard. Similarly, a review of the sea-level measurements that have been used to indicate a response to global warming shows that there is uncertainty about the amount of other controlling influences. What is clear, however, are that past management decisions about human endeavours in the coastal zone (including flood defences, occupance of flood-prone lands, extraction of ground water and natural gas) have had an impact on relative land and sea levels and have done more to increase the risk of coastal flooding than can be assigned so far to global warming. In addition, these changes induced by human activity may render inappropriate calculations of coastal-flood frequencies based on historical records since the latter relate to a period of time when the controls on flooding may have been very different.  相似文献   

Studies have revealed that heuristics and accessible schemas may affect people's judgments about global warming. In two studies, participants were asked to report on beliefs regarding global warming while seated in a room in which a small tree or several trees had been placed. In one experimental condition, the tree possessed its foliage whereas in the other, the branches were bare. It was found that participants were more likely to believe in global warming in presence of the tree without foliage (Study 1), that this belief increased in presence of three rather than one tree without foliage (Study 2), and that other beliefs not related to global warming were not affected by the experimental conditions. These results reveal that surrounding physical cues do affect beliefs about global warming. The spreading activation theory is used to explain these results.  相似文献   

In this paper, the dynamic relationship between global surface temperature (global warming) and global carbon dioxide emission (CO2) is modelled and analyzed by causality and spectral analysis in the time domain and frequency domain, respectively. Historical data of global CO2emission and global surface temperature anomalies over 129 years from 1860–1988 are used in this study. The causal relationship between the two phenomena is first examined using the Sim and Granger causality test in the time domain after the data series are filtered by ARIMA models. The Granger causal relationship is further scrutinized and confirmed by cross-spectral and multichannel spectral analysis in the frequency domain. The evidence found from both analyses proves that there is a positive causal relationship between the two variables. The time domain analysis suggests that Granger causality exists between global surface temperature and global CO2emission. Further, CO2emission causes the change in temperature. The conclusions are further confirmed by the frequency domain analysis, which indicates that the increase in CO2emission causes climate warming because a high coherence exists between the two variables. Furthermore, it is proved that climate changes happen after an increase in CO2emission, which confirms that the increase in CO2emission does cause global warming.  相似文献   

Excessive emissions of certain trace gases such as carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, carbon monoxide and chlorofluorocarbons are likely to result in global warming due to increased concentration of these greenhouse gases (GHGs). Therefore, measures to control GHG emissions are essential and the current international debate is on how to arrive at optimal GHG limitation strategies. To set emission targets or to distribute the burden of costs of various control measures, it is necessary to identify the major emitters. The World Resources Institute has assessed countrywide contributions to global GHG emissions for 1987. This paper disagrees with the basic approach adopted by WRI because it fails to apportion sinks on a logical basis by keeping in mind equity considerations; it does not account for the residence time of different GHGs; and it uses unreliable and outdated data for estimating the emissions. Using recent and reliable data for India and Brazil as well as the IPCC global warming potential for various GHGs, the shares in global emissions have been recalculated. The paper concludes that if only current emissions are considered there is considerable bias against those countries which are latecomers to the process of industrialization.  相似文献   

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