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氰化提金所产生的氰化尾渣会带来环境污染隐患,而氰化尾渣的无害化处理是黄金冶炼行业节能减排及可持续发展面临的关键问题.采用一步矿浆电解技术对氰化尾渣进行无害化处理,研究了电解氯氧化处理过程中NaCl添加量、外加电压、极板间距和电解时间等因素对电解氧化效果的影响,并采用高精度矿物解离分析系统对氰化尾渣进行了分析表征.研究结...  相似文献   

固体废弃物资源化利用评价体系及研究方法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
从经济、社会政策和环境影响三个角度,运用层次分析法、模糊决策理论和多目标分析3种评价方法以及矩阵、德尔斐法和混合优序图等数学工具,分别对上海市固体废弃物资源化利用所采用的不同方案进行全面综合评价,不同评价方法的研究结果具有一致性,均表明环境影响是相对最重要的影响因素,固体废弃物双向分离系统的建立是最优化的固体废弃物资源化利用方案,也是今后上海固体废弃物资源化利用研究的重点以及努力发展的方向.  相似文献   

肖伟  闫培生 《环境工程学报》2014,8(11):4984-4990
海带渣是海带加工过程中主要固体废弃物.本实验利用海带渣对生防菌株JGA2(-5)27-2进行固体发酵.实验对不同发酵条件下发酵产物对植物病原真菌寄生曲霉的抑制活性与对发酵产植物激素6-糠氨基嘌呤的能力进行测定.通过单因素实验和响应面实验优化了发酵条件:蔗糖为最优的碳源;硝酸盐为最优的氮源;蔗糖浓度、KNO3浓度、最佳的培养时间、含水量、培养温度、接种量和pH值分别为2.091%、0.507%、8.24 d、60%、35℃、4%和自然pH值.在发酵过程中以添加KNO3的形式向发酵菌肥中加入K+离子.实验证明,利用生防菌株JGA2(-5)27-2进行海带渣的固体发酵生产多功能微生物肥料具有可行性,并为海带渣的资源化在农业领域的利用提供一定参考.  相似文献   

针对某大型铁路建设过程中产生大量弃渣以及建设过程中建材短缺的问题,以其典型段为例,对沿线弃渣的数量、性态等方面进行了分析,并进行了针对性规划,给出了具体的隧道弃渣利用方向和调配规划。结果表明,该段隧道产生的弃渣绝大部分都可符合相关工程的利用要求,在对典型段隧道所产生的弃渣经过合理规划后,该段弃渣的利用率理论上可达100.00%。在国内目前常规的隧道弃渣利用方式基础上,针对铁路工程,基于工程建筑材料、地方产业对隧道弃渣资源化利用进行统筹分析,提出了以隧道利用为主、其他工程利用为辅,兼顾地方产业利用的多层级隧道弃渣利用模式。本研究可为保障该大型铁路绿色环保工程提供参考。  相似文献   

硫铁矿烧渣湿法制备铁系产品的原理和途径分析   总被引:21,自引:0,他引:21  
本文叙述了硫铁矿烧渣的化学成分和物相 ,以及酸浸还原烧渣提取铁的基本原理。论述了硫铁矿烧渣湿法制备铁盐 ,铁氧化物颜料 ,铁基磁粉以及铁粉等铁系产品的原理 ,并对铁系产品的途径进行了分析。  相似文献   

依据层次分析法原理,用经济、环境和资源化3个影响因素建立磷石膏资源化途径优选的递阶层次结构模型。以山东某化工厂生产磷酸产生的磷石膏为研究案例,从磷石膏组成成分与含量分析的角度出发,结合磷石膏各资源化途径的独特要求,探讨磷石膏资源化特性与资源化途径的密切关系,拟合出磷石膏的各种资源化特性,作为结构模型中的资源化因子。然后分别对模型中的3个影响因素进行定性和半定量化处理,最终实现磷石膏资源化途径优选的决策评价,为政府部门和环境管理者提供决策参考。  相似文献   

利用MgSO4·7H2O和Na2HPO4·12H2O作为试验药剂,通过正交试验和单因素优化试验,对化学沉淀法处理甲胺生产废水中氨氮的工艺条件进行优化.结果表明,在pH=9.4、反应时间15 min、搅拌速度150 r/min、Mg:N(摩尔比值)=1.1、P:N(摩尔比值)=1.0时,化学沉淀法处理300 mL甲胺生产废水,氨氮去除率维持在92%以上,COD去除率可达37%以上.同时为验证工艺条件适应性和沉淀物(MgNH4PO4)作为农作物肥料使用的价值性,对最优条件下得到的沉淀物进行研究.与MgNH4PO4纯度为100%相比,沉淀物MgNH4PO4纯度达到86%以上.因此,化学沉淀法处理氨氮不仅具有良好的效果,而且得到的MgNH4PO4含有较高N、P,可以用作农作物肥料.  相似文献   

以贝壳为研究对象,运用生命周期评价(LCA)法对贝壳的常规处理方法和3种资源化利用方法的环境影响进行比较。结果表明,处理1kg贝壳,方案0(填埋)的环境影响值为1.04×10-14;方案1(代替水泥生产中使用的石灰石)的环境影响值为-3.78×10-12;方案2(代替浸没式生物滤柱中的陶粒填料)的环境影响值为-1.85×10-14;方案3(代替砂作为建筑材料)的环境影响值为3.62×10-14。方案1与其他3种方案相比环境效益最大。方案0中填埋过程的环境影响贡献最大,贡献率为56.60%;方案1、方案2、方案3中环境影响最大的环节是贝壳粉碎过程,贡献率分别为85.72%、93.55%、98.48%;3种资源化利用方案主要避免原材料开采过程的环境影响。  相似文献   

对粉煤灰和电石渣为催化剂的聚丙烯裂解进行模型研究.通过模型计算了裂解反应的表观活化能、频率因子、反应级数等.模型计算表明随着反应温度的升高反应速率增加,达到相同转化率所需反应时间减少.当剂塑比从0增加到30%时,聚丙烯裂解的活化能呈现降低的趋势,特别当剂塑比为30%时,其活化能降低约50%.说明粉煤灰和电石渣对聚丙烯裂解具有一定的催化效果.  相似文献   

Metabolism of cyanide by Chinese vegetation   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Yu X  Trapp S  Zhou P  Wang C  Zhou X 《Chemosphere》2004,56(2):121-126
Cyanide is a high-volume production chemical and the most commonly used leaching reagent for gold and silver extraction. Its environmental behavior and fate is of significant concern because it is a highly toxic compound. Vascular plants possess an enzyme system that detoxifies cyanide by converting it to the amino acid asparagine. This paper presents an investigation of the potential of Chinese vegetation to degrade cyanide. Detached leaves (1.5 g fresh weight) from 28 species of 23 families were kept in glass vessel with 100 ml of aqueous solution spiked with potassium cyanide at 23.5 degrees C for 28 h. Cyanide concentrations ranged from 0.83 to 1.0 CN mg l(-1). The disappearance of cyanide from the aqueous solution was analyzed spectrophotometrically. The fastest cyanide removal was by Chinese elder, Sambucus chinensis, with a removal capacity of 8.8 mg CN kg(-1) h(-1), followed by upright hedge-parsley (Torilis japonica) with a value of 7.5 mg CN kg(-1) h(-1). The lowest removal capacity had the snow-pine tree (Credrus deodara (Roxb.) Loud). Results from this investigation indicated that a wide range of plant species is able to efficiently metabolize cyanide. Therefore, cyanide elimination with plants seems to be a feasible option for cleaning soils and water contaminated by cyanide from gold and silver mines or from other sources.  相似文献   

Removal of cyanide by woody plants   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Hydrogen cyanide is a high volume production chemical that causes severe environmental problems. The toxicity of potassium cyanide (KCN) to basket willow trees (Salix viminalis) was tested. In aqueous solution, 2 mg CN l(-1) as KCN depressed the transpiration after 72 h about 50%. Trees exposed to 0.4 mg CN l(-1) in aqueous solution showed initially a depression of transpiration, but recovered. Doses of 8 and 20 mg CN l(-1) in aqueous solution were quickly mortal to the trees. At the end of the test, almost all cyanide had disappeared from the solutions. Levels of cyanide in plants were related to the toxicity, with no elevated levels of cyanide in plants exposed to 0.4 mg CN l(-1). Willows grown in sand survived 423.5 h irrigation with 20 mg CN l(-1). Willows grown in sand irrigated with 50 mg CN l(-1) died within a few days. The roots of the surviving willows were able to consume about 10 mg CN kg fresh weight(-1)h(-1). Vascular plants possess the enzymes beta-cyanoalanine synthase and beta-cyanoalanine hydrolase, which convert free cyanide to the amino acid asparagine. The in vivo capacity of woody plants (willow, poplar, elder, rose, birch) to remove cyanide was evaluated. Tests were performed with detached leaves and roots in KCN solutions of different concentrations. The highest removal capacity was obtained for basket willow hybrids (Salix viminalis x schwerinii). The Michaelis-Menten kinetics was determined. Realistic values of the half-saturation constant, K(M), were between 0.6 and 1.7 mg CN l(-1); the maximum metabolic capacity, v(max), was around 9.3 mg CN kg fresh weight(-1)h(-1). The removal of cyanide by plants might be useful in phytoremediation and treatment of wastewater from gold mining.  相似文献   

利用TG-FTIR对红霉素药渣、烟煤及共热解过程及热解产物进行分析,研究了添加药渣对烟煤热解过程的影响。在40种固相反应机制函数中,采用Freeman-Carroll积分法推断药渣、烟煤单独热解及共热解过程的最佳反应机理函数,结果显示,药渣单独热解及共热解过程符合Avrami-Erofeev方程(n=4)模型,而烟煤的3个热解阶段分别符合反Jander方程、Avrami-Erofeev方程(n=4)、Jander方程三维扩散(n=2)模型;对共热解lnA与E分析,表明共热解过程存在动力学补偿效应。对共热解逸出气的红外分析表明:药渣单独热解及共热解过程除CO2、CO气体逸出外,还有部分醛类、酮类、羧酸类、酯类等小分子物质逸出,而烟煤单独热解气体主要成分为CO2、CO和CH4;药渣的添加使可燃气体逸出增多,有利于热解气溢出到燃烧后期燃烧室的预混燃烧,扩散混合条件大大改善。  相似文献   

铜氰溶液的电子束辐照降解   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究了铜氰溶液中总氰初始浓度、pH、铜浓度等对总氰降解效率的影响,比较了KCN溶液和铜氰溶液的总氰降解率,初步推断了铜氰溶液在辐照过程中的降解机制.实验结果表明,在同样的辐照剂量下,随着总氰初始浓度的增加,总氰降解率降低,相应的总氰降解G值增大;铜浓度越低,总氰降解率越高;pH越小的铜氰溶液总氰降解率越高.电子束辐照KCN溶液和铜氰溶液的总氰降解反应属于表观一级反应.在相同的辐照剂量下,KCN溶液的总氰降解率比铜氰溶液要高得多.铜氰溶液的电子束辐照降解过程非常复杂,主要是铜氰络合离子逐步离解出的CN-与·OH的反应.  相似文献   

氰化物在民用工业中用途十分广泛,但它是高毒物质,一旦发生泄漏,就会给人类的生存环境造成严重的后果,因此对环境中的氰化物进行监测具有非常重要的意义。对环境中氰化物测定的容量法、光度法(分光光度法、荧光法和原子吸收光度法)、电化学法(离子选择电极法、极谱法和安培法)、色谱法、放射化学法、流动注射分析法的原理、特点及监测效果作了详细的讨论,希望能够为相关研究者和企业提供有益的参考。  相似文献   

IMPLICATIONS: During the production of penicillin, a mass of waste bacterial residue is generated. In the past, the bacterial residues have been used for food additives. Unfortunately, doubts of their suitability as a feedstock have been raised because of the small amount of antibiotics and the degradation products remaining in the bacterial residues. So, penicillin bacterial residue is one of the hazardous wastes. Therefore, penicillin bacterial residue should be managed in accordance with the hazardous waste. To get a right method, the penicillin bacterial residue was characterized.  相似文献   

A hybrid selective noncatalytic reduction/selective catalytic reduction (SNCR/SCR) system that uses two types of technology, low-temperature SCR process and SNCR process, was designed to develop nitrogen oxide (NOx) reduction technology. SCR was conducted with space velocity (SV) = 2400 hr?1 and hybrid SNCR/SCR with SV = 6000 hr?1, since the study focused on reducing the amount of catalyst and both achieved 98% NOx reduction efficiency. Characteristics of NOx reduction by NH3 were studied for low-temperature SCR system at 150 °C using Mn-V2O5/TiO2 catalyst. Mn-added V2O5/TiO2 catalyst was produced, and selective catalyst reduction of NOx by NH3 was experimented. NOx reduction rate according to added Mn content in Mn-V2O5/TiO2 catalyst was studied with varying conditions of reaction temperature, normalized stoichiometric ratio (NSR), SV, and O2 concentration. In the catalyst experiment according to V2O5 concentration, 1 wt.% V2O5 catalyst showed the highest NOx reduction rate: 98% reduction at temperature window of 200~250 °C. As a promoter of the V2O5 catalyst, 5 wt.% Mn was added, and the catalyst showed 47~90% higher efficiency even with low temperatures, 100~200 °C. Mn-V2O5/TiO2 catalyst, prepared by adding 5 wt.% Mn in V2O5/TiO2 catalyst, showed increments of catalyst activation at 150 °C as well as NOx reduction. Mn-V2O5/TiO2 catalyst showed 8% higher rate for NOx reduction compared with V2O5/TiO2 catalyst in 150 °C SCR. Thus, (5 wt.%)Mn-(1 wt.%)V2O5/TiO2 catalyst was applied in SCR of hybrid SNCR/SCR system of low temperature at 150 °C. Low-temperature SCR hybrid SNCR/SCR (150 °C) system and hybrid SNCR/SCR (350 °C) showed 91~95% total reduction rate with conditions of SV = 2400~6000 hr?1 SCR and 850~1050 °C SNCR, NSR = 1.5~2.0, and 5% O2. Hybrid SNCR/SCR (150 °C) system proved to be more effective than the hybrid SNCR/SCR (350 °C) system at low temperature.

Implications:?NOx control is very important, since they are the part of greenhouse gases as well as the cause of acid rain and ozone hole. A technology, so-called hybrid SNCR/SCR process, was tested using Mn-V2O5/TiO2 monolithic catalyst for NOx reduction, and the method is promising. The results of this study would provide some ideas to parties such as policy makers, environmental engineers, and so on.  相似文献   

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