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基于资源最优化回收的再制造工程   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
从对寿命末端产品的处理选择分析出发,建立了末端产品回收梯级模型,提出基于最优化产品末端回收选择的再制造工程回收的附加值最大,环境污染最小,综合效益最高,并分析了再制造在产品全寿命周期各阶段所发挥的重要作用。  相似文献   

探讨了汽车产品回收利用技术实现的方案。实现汽车的全生命周期,需要经过汽车整车拆解、汽车零部件分类以及汽车零部件再制造或资源化回收这三大步骤,并对这三项内容加以具体阐述。结合现行报废汽车产业政策,提出了一种实现汽车产品回收的商业循环模式。说明了汽车产品回收再制造信息管理系统的重要性,并介绍了其六项功能。  相似文献   

循环经济的概念界定 由十届全国人大常委会第二十九次会议审议的《循环经济法(草案)》规定:本法所称循环经济,是指在生产、流通和消费等过程中进行的减量化、再利用、资源化活动的总称。所谓减量化,是指在生产、流通和消费等过程中减少资源消耗和废物产生;所谓再利用,是指将废物直接作为产品或者经修复、翻新、再制造后继续作为产品使用,或者将废物的全部或部分作为其他产品的部件予以使用;所谓资源化,是指直接将废物作为原料进行利用或者对废物进行再生利用。  相似文献   

廖虹云 《环境保护》2021,49(7):57-61
当前,我国城市废弃物存在数量迅速增长,资源化利用短板明显等问题,我国城市废弃物循环和资源化水平仍存在提升空间。为落实党的十九届四中和五中全会精神,进一步加强城市废弃物循环和资源化利用水平,从城市废弃物源头减量、完善分类回收利用体系、提升再利用和末端处理水平及加强低值废弃物资源化利用水平四个方面提出了加强城市废弃物循环和资源化利用的思路建议,努力促进构建绿色生产生活方式。  相似文献   

资源优化和环境污染问题已经引起了广泛的重视,目前全球的产业结构调整正呈现出新的绿色战略趋势,产品的环保性将成为企业竞争力的重要因素之一。再制造技术是先进制造技术21世纪发展的一个重要组成部分和发展方向,再制造产业已成为一种极具潜力的新型产业,通过对回收的产品进行再制造,会大大减少对环境不利的影响,例如,可以减少废弃物,而且可以更合理地利用资源,减少制造中能源和资源的消耗,再制造生产是指对回收的废旧产器进行拆卸和清洗,对某些零件采用高新表面工程技术及其它加工技术进行翻新和再装配,使零部件的尺寸、形状和性能等得以恢复和重新利用的过程,再制造生产统筹考虑产品全寿命周期内的再制造策略,以资源和环境为核心概念,优先考虑产品的可回收性、可拆卸性、可再制造性等环境属性的同时,保证产品的基本目标(优质、高效、节能、节材等),从而使退役产品在对环境的负面影响最小、资源利用率最高的情况下重新达到最佳的性能,并实现企业经济效益和社会效益协调优化,再制造产业实现重新利用资源、节约能源和材料、减少环境污染的目的,无疑昌实现资源优化配置和资源再生的一种有效保证,从环境角度来估计,再制造一产品所需能源是生产一新产品所需能源的1/5至1/4[1]。  相似文献   

河道淤泥的有效利用方式及其物性探讨   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15       下载免费PDF全文
对河道淤泥再生资源化利用的可能性及方式进行了探讨。在室内试验的基础上,评价了处理后的河道淤泥作为填上材料使用时的基本工程性质,为促进河道淤泥的再生资源化利用和保护环境提供了必要的依据。  相似文献   

第一章总则第一条 为了促进循环经济发展,提高资源利用效率,保护和改善环境,实现可持续发展,制定本法。第:条本法所称循环经济,是指在生产、流通和消费等过程中进行的减量化、再利用、资源化活动的总称。本法所称减量化,是指在生产、流通和消费等过程中减少资源消耗和废物产生。本法所称再利用,是指将废物直接作为产品或者经修复、翻新、再制造后继续作为产品使用,或者将废物的全部或者部分作为其他产品的部件予以使用。  相似文献   

城市生活垃圾资源化利用探讨   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
分析了生活垃圾资源化利用的潜力,阐述了分类收集、科学技术和再生产品市场在城市生活垃圾资源化利用中的作用。  相似文献   

对国内外生活垃圾废塑料分选技术和资源化工艺进行了简单介绍,列举并分析了生活垃圾组分特征、废塑料分选技术和资源化利用方法,以及阐述了废塑料分选技术和资源化利用的联系性。提出了三种垃圾废塑料资源化与分选技术的优化组合工艺。建议环保企业需综合国内生活垃圾特点,合理组织生活垃圾废塑料资源化利用分选工艺和设备的组合方式得出最佳产品和最大资源化。且需考虑国情、国家环保政策、生产投资成本、市场需求、工艺组合、设备选型等因素合理组织实施。  相似文献   

清淤底泥、芦苇秸秆以及藻类物质是水源地水库生态建设和运行过程中产生的三类废弃物,对其进行高效资源化处理处置是水库实现生态循环的重要保证,对提升水库水质及可持续发展具有重要意义。本文首先综述了清淤底泥在农田、林地、园林绿化等方面进行土地利用和制作建筑材料、填方材料等方面进行建材利用的资源化技术现状,总结了芦苇秸秆在农业、养殖业、能源、工业原料等方向进行资源化利用以及打捞蓝藻在厌氧消化、有用物质提取、饲料应用、好氧堆肥等资源化技术的发展现状;进而分析了上述资源化技术在水源地水库废弃物资源化过程中应用的适用性,指出土地利用是清淤底泥资源化利用的最佳方式,好氧堆肥是芦苇秸秆和蓝藻废弃物资源化处理处置的主流技术;最后针对水库废弃物资源化利用提出了展望和建议。  相似文献   

Remanufacturing, in contrast to material recycling and disposal, can reduce environmental impacts by retaining the geometrical form of the product, thereby regarded as a more eco-efficient approach. In this paper, an end-of-life (EOL) decision model for remanufacturing options is presented to facilitate remanufacturing. The proposed model, in order to maximize the economic value of remanufacturing options while meeting environmental regulations, takes an integrative approach to EOL-option decision-making. Also presented in this paper is a hierarchical approach that represents both the overall hierarchical structure of a product and the interconnections among components. Illustrative examples are provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the model.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2006,14(15-16):1333-1345
The mass of products at end of life becomes a real problem for the environment. Thus, industrials are turning their attention to strategies for the management of products at the end-of-life. The remanufacturing is an end-of-life strategy that reduces the use of raw materials and saves energy while preserving the value added during the design and manufacturing processes. But, in most of the cases, remanufacturing processes must be adapted to existing products because products have not been designed to be remanufacturable. However, the process adaptations increase costs and this can lead the overall benefits obtained with the remanufacturing process to be reconsidered.The aim of our research was to propose an approach for the designers to integrate remanufacturing constraints throughout the design process; mainly in the earliest phases. The eco-methodology assists designers in two steps. They are first helped in improving the reliability of a remanufacturing end-of-life strategy for that product on the bases of the analysis of the project context. Then they are guided towards a product whose properties are adapted to remanufacturing. Our approach is built upon remanufacturable product profiles (RPP) encapsulating the knowledge on both remanufacturing contexts and remanufactured product properties.For the product profile definition, eight categories of design criteria were identified based on a survey of about 30 products successfully remanufactured. A statistical analysis was made to identify clusters of products. Then, product profiles were extracted while examining the links between internal and external criteria for each group.This methodology is supported by the tool REPRO2 (REmanufacturig with PROduct PROfiles) that we have developed, which should lead to a real integrated design of remanufacturable products. Indeed, designers assisted with this tool, made early design by product profiling. It gives specific information to improve the internal technical definition of the product under study from a remanufacturing point of view.  相似文献   

For remanufacturing to be successful, there is a need to gain information on future market needs of remanufactured products, and match this to information on the magnitude of return flows. One of the major issues impacting remanufacturing is in the difficulty of obtaining used products (cores) that are suitable for remanufacturing. The timing and quantity of product returns is dependent on the type of product. Factors such as the mean product lifetime, rate of technical innovation, and failure rate of components all influence the return rate of products from end-of-use and end-of-life. The balance between product returns and demand for remanufactured products is a function of many variables, where the rate of technological innovation and the expected life of a product are the major influencing characteristics. The main contribution of this paper is the support that is provided in different supply and demand situations. By using a product life-cycle perspective, the supply and demand situations can be foreseen, and support given regarding possible strategies in these situations.  相似文献   

Achieving eco-efficient production and consumption systems requires ‘closing the loop’ to create cyclic systems. Product systems based on remanufacturing, where used products or components are restored to ‘as new’ condition for reuse, offer the potential to create such cyclic systems. For some existing manufacturers, the economic efficiency of remanufacturing is clear and it has become a widely held assumption that such systems would also be more eco-efficient. However, this assumption has not been systematically tested. This research attempted to quantify the life cycle environmental benefits achieved by incorporating remanufacturing into a product system, based on a study of Xerox photocopiers in Australia. The study found that remanufacturing can reduce resource consumption and waste generation over the life cycle of a photocopier by up to a factor of 3, with greatest reductions if a product is designed for disassembly and remanufacturing. This research represents a first-level assessment, limited by certain estimates and assumptions. It is intended that this research will form the basis of a larger, more detailed study of Xerox remanufacturing, worldwide.  相似文献   

Understanding the product's ‘end-of-life’ is important to reduce the environmental impact of the products' final disposal. When the initial stages of product development consider end-of-life aspects, which can be established by ecodesign (a proactive approach of environmental management that aims to reduce the total environmental impact of products), it becomes easier to close the loop of materials. The ‘end-of-life’ ecodesign methods generally include more than one ‘end-of-life’ strategy. Since product complexity varies substantially, some components, systems or sub-systems are easier to be recycled, reused or remanufactured than others. Remanufacture is an effective way to maintain products in a closed-loop, reducing both environmental impacts and costs of the manufacturing processes. This paper presents some ecodesign methods focused on the integration of different ‘end-of-life’ strategies, with special attention to remanufacturing, given its increasing importance in the international scenario to reduce the life cycle impacts of products.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing end-of-life products requires setting up an economically and environmentally viable reverse logistics channel for supplying reusable used modules to the production chain. This paper introduces a framework to allow generating and assessing different reverse logistics channel structures. The framework is then applied to a product remanufacturing case. We analyze the current reverse logistics channel structure and propose alternative structures with less environmental impact and higher economic benefits.  相似文献   

Remanufacturing represents a business opportunity and in many cases a means to promote environmental sustainability. To help enterprises economically and effectively implement remanufacturing, a multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) model for selecting remanufacturing technology is developed. The model considers remanufacturing technology portfolios. The enterprise benefits associated with each portfolio, including economic and environmental benefits, are evaluated using six main criteria: cost, quality, time, service, resource consumption, and environmental impact. In addition, the synergies among the different types of technologies for each remanufacturing technology portfolio are also considered. The pair-wise comparison approach of Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) is employed for remanufacturing technology portfolio selection. An illustrative example is provided to lend insights into the application of this methodology.  相似文献   

《Journal of Cleaner Production》2007,15(11-12):1147-1157
Over the past decade, there has been an increasing interest in product take-back, product recovery and the (re-)distribution of these products. The automotive sector, in particular, has a strong history of product recovery operations, such as remanufacturing. Alongside this development, an academic interest in the management of re-use, recycling or remanufacturing has evolved and developed into the field of closed-loop supply chain management. Closed-loop supply chain management, however, is only characterised by a short research history, the earliest contributions can be found on reverse logistics and were published in the early 1990s. Due to the novelty of the field there are still a large number of unsolved research problems. One of these is the question for the rationale behind product recovery operations. This research is based on in-depth case studies within the remanufacturing facilities of a major European Vehicle Manufacturer. The article examines whether the ‘classic’ motives for product recovery are applicable to automotive remanufacturing. It concludes with a summary of the contributions this research makes to theory, to industry and to future research in the field.  相似文献   

With the rapid growth of vehicle population in China and subsequent environmental problems, remanufacturing has become the development direction of the vehicle industry for its huge environmental benefit. However, the current vehicle remanufacturing industry is still in its infancy, which makes the introduction of extended producer responsibility inevitable. This paper describes the development of China’s remanufacturing policies based on EPR and discusses the recycling system in line with the country’s actual conditions. This then can provide some ideas on EPR application to other developing countries.  相似文献   

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