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温家宝总理日前签署的国务院令《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》(国务院令第551号)于2009年3月5目正式发布。该条例将于2011年1月1日起施行。全文如下。  相似文献   

金声琅  曹利江 《资源开发与市场》2007,23(12):1131-1133,1142
随着黄山市旅游业的快速发展,酒店、宾馆等服务业产生的环境污染已越来越不容忽视。如何评价酒店服务业产生的环境影响,并提出有意义的改善措施,是目前亟待解决的问题。很多酒店在进行环境绩效考核时往往从定性的角度去评价,在很大程度上不是很客观。针对酒店服务业的现状,建立了一套较为简单可行的环境绩效评价体系,构建了基于层次分析法(AHP)的模糊综合评判模型。实证研究表明,该模型评价结果能较客观地反映酒店的环境绩效现状。  相似文献   

石油石化行业生产工艺复杂,容易发生各种环境事件。建立突发事件环境应急体系,对于提高企业综合处置能力,预防和控制次生灾害,促进油田企业全面、协调、可持续发展具有重要意义。文中给出了油田企业应急预案的基本框架及注意事项,阐述了应从哪几个方面进行环境风险的识别与评价以及削减环境风险的措施,并对环境应急体系长效机制的建立进行了探讨。  相似文献   

DDT废弃处理与环境修复技术综述   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
DDT是首批列入《关于持久性有机污染物的斯德哥尔摩公约》中的12种持久性有机污染物之一,我国在20世纪60~80年代曾大量生产和使用。本文阐述了国内外有关DDT的废弃处理技术与环境修复技术,并按原理将其概括为物理法、高温热解法、化学还原脱氯法、化学氧化法、机械化学法、生物法等几类,介绍每项技术的机理及应用情况。本文还对DDT的废弃处理技术和环境修复技术目前需要研究的问题及发展前景进行了展望。  相似文献   

近年来,随着人民生活水平的提高和公众环保意识的逐步增强,废电池中的汞对环境污染和对人体的危害已越来越引起人们的重视。为了彻底解决电池中的汞对环境的污染,实现电池产品的低汞和无汞化,1997年,国家经贸委等九部委联合发布了《关于限制电池产品汞含量的规定》的通知,规定对量大面广的锌锰电池汞含量的限制分两步走:第一步,普通锌锰电池和碱性锌锰电池达到低汞要求。规定“自2001年1月1日起,禁止在国内生产各类汞含量大于电池重量0.025%的电池”;“2002年1月1日起,禁止在国内经销汞含量大于电池重量的…  相似文献   

为了大力宣传贯彻《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),由中国物资再生协会进口再生资源工作委员会和中国电子企业协会信息化委员会主办,法国芦荟基金管理公司协办的宣传贯彻《条例》研讨会于2010年12月16-17日在北京召开。国家环保部污防司副司长李新民、科技部原中小企业司办公室主任孟繁森、国家发改委环资司处长马维晨、工信部原软件服务业司副巡视员徐耀明、  相似文献   

##正##2010年3月30日,由中国环境保护产业协会循环经济委员会主办,湖南省环保产业协会、湖南万容科技有限公司承办的全国废弃电器电子产品回收处理技术现场会在湖南长沙召开,会议主要是贯彻落实国务院《废弃电器电子产品回收处理管理条例》以及国家环境保护部颁布的《废弃电器  相似文献   

初中环境教育评价模式的实践和研究初探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
罗定 《环境教育》2002,(4):18-19
教学评价具有反馈、检测、导向等多种功能,正确地理解和掌握评价的目的和方法,对改进教学,促进学生学习、提高教学质量、培养学生的创新精神和实践能力有重要意义。2001年以来,笔者在进行初中《环境教育》(江苏教育出版社2001年5月重版)教学的过程中,结合学校教改的实际,进行了初中环境教育评价模式的初步研究和实践。确立评价指标环境教育涉及自然科学、社会科学及其相关的各个领域,是一门综合性较强的课程,在初中单独设课的学校不多。笔者所在学校承担了扬州市“十五”立项课题——《农村初级中学开展环境教育的研究》,其中评…  相似文献   

武剑  黄瑛  洪锋 《四川环境》2013,(6):122-128
伴随着我国电子产业的蓬勃发展,电子产品生产及其废弃产生的金属资源浪费问题也日趋严重,国家在“十二五”规划中提出了新型液晶显示屏(LCD)的开发及其资源化回收处理,可见LCD的处理和从其废弃物中提取铟的技术亟待深入研究。本文介绍了LCD显示屏和主要含铟部件ITO材料之间的关系、生产和使用状况,重点详述了LCD和ITO材料资源化处理的研究现状,系统地总结了铟的回收方法,并展望了未来电子废弃物的处理方向。  相似文献   

企业环境风险浅议   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文探讨了企业面临的各种内部环境风险和外部环境风险,企业的风险主要有自身经济、技术管理水平不佳带来的风险;区域环境污染和生态破坏带来的风险;环境法律方面的风险;资源乏带来的风险以及绿色消费需求带来的风险。针对这些风险,提出了规避的对策。  相似文献   

政府绩效评估作为一项行之有效的政府管理工具,在提高政府的管理效能和公共服务能力方面具有重要的促进作用。政府绩效评估随着政府改革的推进而不断完善。在不同的阶段,随着政府改革的主题与目标的变化,评估的侧重点、目标和形式等也相应地发生变化。在我国,服务型政府作为一种新的政府治理模式已成为政府改革的主题和目标。服务型政府建设对行政管理体的改进、政府行政理念的拓展、政府角色的合理定位等,都为改善政府绩效评估提供了新的基础和目标导向。同时,也对完善政府绩效评估提出了新的要求。服务型政府的治理模式和治理理念,在我国环境保护方面也应当起到它应有的作用,建立起政府环境保护绩效评价制度。  相似文献   

一个国家的环境政策是国家保护环境的大致方针,直接关系到这个国家的环境立法和环境管理,更直接影响到这个国家的整体环境状况,不同类型的环境政策对企业也产生了各方面的影响。本文研究环境政策的不同形式、内容、具体执行手段及其对企业的环境、经济绩效产生的影响。通过研究西方发达国家的成功环境政策,探讨我国环境政策中存在的不足与缺陷。最后根据不同管理手段的可行性,有效性及最终效果,联系我国具体国情,在符合可持续发展原则的同时,提出更为有效,对企业绩效具有正面刺激的环境政策建议。  相似文献   

In this article a GIS method is presented for riparian environmental buffer generation. It integrates a scientifically tested buffer width delineation model into a GIS framework. Using the generally available data sets, it determines buffer widths in terms of local physical conditions and expected effectiveness. Technical burdens of data management, computation, and result presentation are handled by the GIS. The case study in which the method was used to evaluate the stream buffer regulations in a North Carolina county demonstrates its capability as a decision support tool to facilitate environmental policy formulation and evaluation, and environmental dispute resolution.  相似文献   

The link between environmental and economic performance has been widely debated in the literature for the last ten to fifteen years. One view is that improved environmental performance mainly causes extra costs for the firm and thus reduces profitability. However, also the opposite has been argued for: improved environmental performance would induce cost savings and increase sales and thus improve economic performance. Theoretical and empirical research have provided arguments for both positions and have not been conclusive so far. This article discusses reasons for the different views and the differences in empirical research and presents a theoretical framework to explain the coexistence of the conflicting views. It is argued that not merely the level of environmental performance, but mainly the kind of environmental management with which a certain level is achieved, influences the economic outcome. The model presented provides implications for both empirical research and company management in practice. Research and business practice should focus less on general correlations and more on causal relationships of eco-efficiency, i.e. the effect of different environmental management approaches on economic performance.  相似文献   

The debate concerning the environmental effectiveness of environmental management systems (EMS) based on ISO 14001 is still open and scholars have called for further studies that can explain the contrasting evidence in previous research. As a response, this study aims to contribute knowledge about the effects of ISO 14001-based EMS by presenting fact-based environmental data. The study focuses on changes in performance over a period of 12 years and includes both firms with an EMS (66 firms) and firms without one (50 firms). Consideration is given to the improvement efforts in the firms before EMS adoption making it possible to neutralize any selection effects where better environmental performance precedes ISO 14001 adoption. Analysis has been carried out using statistical methods for six different environmental areas. No statistically significant differences between certified and non-certified firms concerning the change in the rate of improvement could be found in any of the six areas. However, it can be suspected that EMS adoption has positive effects on energy use and waste production whereas the non-adopting firms seem to perform better concerning air emissions. These mixed results mirrors previous research, which is rather worrying considering the worldwide popularity of EMS based on ISO 14001 in industry.  相似文献   

企业环境责任评价体系及成果应用分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着环境保护部近年来众多环保举措的提出,企业的环境责任研究引起了学者和相关政府机构的重视。企业环境责任评价有利于提高企业环保意识和规范企业的环境行为,但目前仍缺乏相关机构对企业环境责任评价体系的独立研究和实践。本文通过对国内外企业环境责任的研究现状进行分析,引入了企业环境责任评价的必要性;在相关概念界定的基础上构建了企业环境责任评价指标体系,最后对评价成果的应用进行了探讨和研究。  相似文献   

论述了胜利电厂大气环境影响回顾评价的方法和内容。回顾评价采用现场调查,利用有关资料及现场试验等方法进行。重点验证和分析了污染源、污染治理措施和预测模式参数。  相似文献   

传统的会计理论由于缺乏环境意识,使人们在衡量社会经济发展与环境资源的利用与破坏之间存在片面认识,一方面是经济的飞速发展,另一方面是环境的不断恶化。当今,人类提出了并在努力实现经济可持续发展这一宏伟目标。在人们经济生活中引入环境会计制度,将有利于改变人们的传统片面认识,并有助于经济可持续发展这一目标的实现。  相似文献   

This paper provides additional empirical knowledge of injustice embedded in the urban governance of informal-sector electronic waste (e-waste) recycling in Ghana. It uses Urban Political Ecology and Environmental Justice perspectives to explain how divergent interest and power among diverse actors in the e-waste sector engender social and environmental (in)justice in Accra. Using the case study approach, this paper reveals that the persistent struggles over interest and power which characterise the governance and management of informal e-waste recycling generate inequity, false accusations, misrecognition, disrespect, devaluation, neglect, exclusion, and abuse of freedom and rights. Inclusive of the finding is the development of local resistance and social movement in defence of interests and against state aggression, oppression, domination and neglect. The study concludes to suggest that the governance of urban socio-economic and ecological space of Accra should involve coordination, participation, holistic inclusion of diverse interest, so as to minimise trade-offs and reap synergies.  相似文献   

Evaluation in spatial planning aims to raise effectiveness of plans as well as efficiency in planning processes. Given that research regarding evaluation of performance and especially plan implementation is sparse, this study presents a minimal set of indicators for a task-sheet based performance evaluation approach for Swiss cantonal comprehensive plans. Thematic task-sheets are a promising characteristic of cantonal comprehensive plans. They translate the comprehensive planning strategy into concrete evaluable tasks. The presented indicators allow assessing procedural efficiency of coordination and implementation of planning tasks (performance). We argue that if task-sheets comply with certain plan quality characteristics, a task-sheet based performance evaluation approach can support the effectiveness of plans and promote the objectives of the planning strategy. We point out plan content and characteristics necessary for effective execution of our approach. As a result, our findings can serve as a framework for designing evaluation processes for comprehensive planning documents beyond Switzerland.  相似文献   

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