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The Guanabara Bay basin, SE Brazil, is shown as an experimental site to evaluate development and sustainability in coastal areas. We developed a Driver–Pressure–State–Impact–Response (DPSIR) framework in a practical context to integrate natural and socio-economic indicators. Sustainability reflects public policies towards the utilization of natural resources. Cost-benefit analysis (CBA) included in DPSIR evaluates losses and benefits resulting from such policies. CBA has some limitations due to the difficulty of valuating environmental goods and services. Instead of valuating them we propose to combine sustainability indicators and defensive expenditures for the implementation of public policies. This approach agrees with the environmental conservation paradigm implicit in sustainable development. It allows an estimation of the physical natural capital depreciation (PNCD), by using it to correct the gross domestic product (GDP) of the study area, and demonstrating the present non-sustainable characteristics of the current policies applied to the area.  相似文献   

Ribeira Bay is located approximately 130 km south of the city of Rio de Janeiro and receives discharges of liquid effluent from the Angra dos Reis nuclear power plant (NPP) site, where two pressurized water reactors are located. To test whether the presence of anthropogenic radionuclides in sediments in Ribeira Bay could be correlated to the NPP operations, we sampled seven sediment cores and determined accumulation rates and chronologies. Only one sediment core did not exhibit a superficial mixing layer; this sample was used for dating purposes. Cesium-137 and 207Bi were observed in this sediment profile, but their presence was associated with atmospheric fall-out rather than the nearby NPP. The exponential decay of 210Pb concentration with sediment layer depth was verified below a superficial mixing layer for all other sediment cores. Calculated accumulation rates ranged from 1.2 mm y−1 in the inner bay to 6.2 mm y−1 close to its entrance.  相似文献   

Environmental changes in Sepetiba Bay,SE Brazil   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sepetiba Bay is an example of an aquatic environment that has been severely impacted by human occupation and industrial activities in its basin. Some 400 industries including metallurgical, petrochemical and pyrometallurgical smelters, which emitted pollutants to air, soil and water, were established in Sepetiba Basin during the past 30 years. Apart from these point sources, changes in land use have also resulted in a large remobilization of pollutant deposition on Sepetiba Bay Basin. Studies have pointed out significant changes in sedimentation rates, concentrations of inorganic pollutants (Zn, Cd, Pb and Hg) and more recently, eutrophication, pointing to this area as an example of an impacted coastal zone. Notwithstanding local sources, Sepetiba Bay also suffers environmental impacts caused by diversion of river waters from adjacent basins, with some 30% of the total Hg flux to Sepetiba Bay and a 10-fold increase in water and sediment fluxes resulting from this. Decreasing environmental quality compromises both the large biodiversity and the potential economic uses of Sepetiba Bay, including fisheries and tourism. Monitoring of heavy metal levels in organisms (algae, mollusks, crustaceans and oysters) often shows concentrations well above the limits allowed following Brazilian legislation for food quality. Historical evolution of these concentrations suggests a worsening of the situation. Failure to monitor the effect of land-based activities, including those from other basins artificially associated with Sepetiba Bay has resulted in poor scenario construction and proper management planning.  相似文献   

Environment, Development and Sustainability - In state of Rio de Janeiro, the Southeast Region of Brazil, 97.91% of the reforested areas contain exclusively species of Pinus and Eucalyptus. Due to...  相似文献   

Water quality criteria, as a means of distinguishing "good" water from "bad" water, have been employed for over 150 years. During the 1940s and 1950s, the formulation of water quality criteria and their role in water quality management were hotly debated in the United States as each state formulated its own approach to water pollution control. In 1965, when the federal government assumed control of water quality management in the US, a single, national approach to the formulation and use of criteria had to be selected and implemented nationwide. The purpose of this paper is to briefly review the history of criteria as a basis for water quality management in the US; note the different water quality management philosophies used by states prior to 1965; and summarize the relationship of criteria to monitoring over the past 30 years. Standards, as legal instruments, are developed for a specific water body by designating a use of the water (society value) and the criteria necessary to protect the use (a scientific finding). Standard violation, as a concept, tends to remain as a single-sample exercise (i.e., the sample measurement is either above or below the standard). Increasingly, however, there is a demand to classify large bodies of water (e.g., lake, river segment, or aquifer), over a set time period, such as a day, year, or decade, as either in compliance or in violation of water quality standards. No peer-reviewed, standardized method for computing standard "violations" has been widely accepted for this purpose. The paper ends with a call to develop such methods, if water quality managers must produce standard violation information (infer sample results) over time and space. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

This paper illustrates an innovative approach to characterize the metabolic pattern of informal urban settlements or slums with the aim to better understand the factors that affect the material standard of living of slum residents, the dynamics of slum development and the interaction of the slum with its wider socioeconomic context. The proposed system of accounting, multi-scale integrated analysis of societal and ecosystem metabolism (MuSIASEM), integrates socioeconomic and spatial data and studies energy and monetary flows in relation to the pattern of human activities and land uses. The theoretical basis of the approach is illustrated with data from Vidigal favela in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. In particular, we show how to construct taxonomies of accounting categories to characterize: (1) the set of activities carried out by the slum dwellers, to which to link assessments of flow rates per hour; (2) the set of land uses or spatial elements making up the slum, to which to link assessments of flow densities per hectare. The analysis of the interaction of Vidigal with its wider socioeconomic context focuses on monetary flows and transport (job commuting).  相似文献   

2012年是巴西里约联合国环境与发展大会20周年,回顾20年来世界各国发展所走过的路程,总结可持续发展战略的成功与不足,是制定未来世界健康发展路线图的历史要求。人们对可持续发展理论的内涵认知,经过了从生存到发展,再从发展到可持续发展的漫长过程。可持续发展被视作是一个自然—社会—经济复杂系统中的行为矢量,该矢量将导致国家或地区的发展朝向日趋合理、更为和谐的方向进化。可持续发展特别强调"整体的"、"内生的"和"综合的"内涵认知。可持续发展理论的"外部响应",是处理好"人与自然"之间的关系,这是可持续能力的"硬支撑";可持续发展战略的"内部响应",是处理好"人与人"之间的关系,这是可持续能力的"软支撑"。只有"当人类向自然的索取能够被人类向自然的回馈相平衡",只有"当人类对于当代的努力能够同对后代的贡献相平衡",只有"当人类为本区域发展的思考能够同时考虑到其它区域乃至全球利益时",可持续发展的实现才具备了坚实的基础。可持续发展揭示了"发展、协调、持续"的系统本质;可持续发展反映了"动力、质量、公平"的有机统一;可持续发展创建了"和谐、稳定、安全"的人文环境;可持续发展体现了"速度、数量、质量"的绿色运行。中国在未来不到10年的时间内,要全面实现小康社会的战略目标,达到经济更加发展、民主更加健全、科教更加发达、文化更加繁荣、生态更加良好、社会更加进步、精神更加富足,全民的生活质量更加提升,这就必然要求实现全面发展、协调发展、可持续发展,充分体现以人为本,促进人的自身完善,努力走出一条生产发展、生活富裕、生态良好的文明发展道路。论文提出了中国可持续发展战略的七大主题:始终保持经济的理性增长;全力提高经济增长的质量;满足"以人为本"的基本生存需求;调控人口的数量增长、提高人口素质;维持、扩大和保护自然的资源基础与生态容量;集中关注科技进步对于发展瓶颈的突破;始终调控环境与发展的平衡。  相似文献   

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